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Paper Name: Soil Mechanics I

Paper Code: BCEC 403
Stream: B Tech in Civil
Semester- IV
Time:80minutes FullMarks:40

Candidates are required to write the answers in their own words as far as
A. Answer any FIVE of the following: 1X5= 5

1.What will be the porosity of a soil sample whose void ratio is 0.35?
a)19.5%b)40.65%c)25.9%d) 30%

2.______ is independent of the total volume of the soil mass. a) Bulk unit weight b) Dry unit
weight c) Submerged unit weight d) Unit weight of solids

3. Void ratio is the ratio of _____ a) volume of voids to total volume b) volume of voids to
volume of solids c) volume of solids to volume of voids d) volume of soil mass to volume of

4.If the porosity of a soil sample is 22%, then what will be its void ratio? a) 0.3 b) 0.27 c)
0.28 d) 0.25

5.For a fully saturated soil sample, the degree of saturation is ______ a) 0 b) 0.5 c) 0.8 d) 1

6. The percentage void ratio is defined as the ratio of _____ a) volume of air voids to total
volume of the soil mass b) volume of air voids to volume of total voids c) volume of air
voids to volume of water d) volume of voids to total volume of the soil mass

7.If air content and degree of saturation are represented as ac and S respectively, then the
relationship between them is ________ a) ac= 1/S b) ac=1-S c) S=1+ac d) S=ac

B. Answer any SEVEN of the following: 7X5= 35

1) Draw the phase diagram of completely saturated soil.

2) How hygroscopic water is different from capillary water? Explain.
3) Prove that γ =9.81 ρ .
4) Prove that wG=Se
5) Differentiate between Residual and Transported soil.
6) Write short notes on Montmorilonite mineral.
7) Explain Octahedral unit in clay mineralogy.
8) What do you mean by submerged density and submerged unit weight?
9) A Soil sample has a porosity of 40%. The specific gravity of solids is 2.7.Calculate a)
Void Ratio b) Dry unit weight of sample c) unit weight of the sample at 60 %

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