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Topic 1 – Group 5

1. The Law and the Nurse-Practitioner

1.1. Concept of Law
1.2. Sources and Classification of Law

1.3. The Nursing Law (RA 9173) and Senate Bill No. 2720 known as
Comprehensive Nursing Law of 2015

1.9. RA 8504 The Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998

1.10. RA 7170 An Act Authorizing the Legacy or Donation of all or part of a

Human Body after Death for specified purpose

1.11. RA 8353 An Act Expanding the Definition of the Crime of Rape

1.12. RA 9994 Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010

1.13. RA 7610 Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, and

Discrimination Act

1.14. RA 6675 Generics Act of 1988

1.15. Birth Registration (PD. 651)

1.16. RA 8344 An Act Prohibiting the Demand of Deposits or Advance

Payments for the Confinement or Treatment of Patients in Hospital s and
Medical Clinics in Certain Cases
1.17. PD 169, EO 212 Requiring Doctors, Hospital, Clinic, ETC. to
Report Treatment for Physical Injuries

1.18. RA 7877 Anti-Sexual Harassment Law

Topic 2 – Group 3

The Nurse as in Employee

2.1 . Concept of a Professional Employer-Employee Relationship

The Role of the DOLE and the PRC vis-à-vis the Nursing Profession Other
Laws Related to Nursing And Health Care Services
New Labor Code (PD 442)

Magna Carta (RA 7305)

Employee Compensation and Insurance (PD 626)

Standardization of Salaries (RA 6758)

2.2 . The Tests for Determining the Existence of an Employer-Employee

2.3 . Rights and Responsibilities of a Nurse

2.4 . Rights of Nurse-Practioners vis-à-vis Rights of Clients / Patients

3. Overview of the Legal Liabilities of a

Nurse-Practitioner 3.1 . Administrative

3.2 . Civil

3.3 . Criminal

Topic 3 – Group 2

The Different Civil Liabilities of a Nurse-Practitioner

4.1 . Torts and Malpractice, in General

4.2 . Contractual and Extra-Contractual Liability

4.3 . Negligence, its Concept

4.4 . Legal Tests for Determining the Existence of Negligence

4.5 . Invasion of Patient’s Privacy and Breach of Confidentiality

4.6 . Defenses or Doctrines Available to Counter Civil Liability

1. The Different Criminal Liabilities of a Nurse-Practitioner

5.1 . Felonies and Offenses under the Revised Penal Code (Act 3815) and
Special Penal Laws, their Concepts

5.2 . Parricide, Murder, and Homicide

5.3 . Infanticide and Abortion

5.4 . Physical Injuries / Battery / Assault

5.5 . Illegal Detention / False Imprisonment

5.6 . Kidnapping of Minors

5.7 . Slavery

5.8 . Robbery

5.9 . Theft

5.10 . Estafa

Topic 4 – Group 4
5.11 . Malicious Mischief

5.12 . Adultery and Concubinage

5.13 . Rape and Acts of Lasciviousness

5.14 . Seduction

5.15 . Abduction

5.16 . Simulation of Births, Substitution of one Child for another and

Concealment or Abandonment of a Legitimate Child

5.17 . Libel and Slander (Defamation)

5.18 . Criminal Negligence

2. Circumstances which affect Criminal

Liability 6.1 . Justifying Circumstances

6.2 . Exempting Circumstances

6.3 . Mitigating Circumstances

6.4 . Aggravating Circumstances

6.5 . Alternative Circumstances

3. Administrative Liabilities of a Nurse-Practitioner; Disciplinary Actions

Therefore 7.1 . Warning / Reprimand / Suspension from Work/ Dismissal

7.2 . Suspension from the Practice of Nursing

7.3 . Revocation /Cancellation of the Professional License

7.4 . Re-Issuance of Revoked Professional Licenses

Topic 5 – Group 1

4. Institutions that Handle / Resolve Legal Liabilities of Nurses / Controversies

Involving Nurses
8.1 . Private Sector

8.2.1 . Philippine Nurses Association (PNA)

8.2.2 . Grievance Machineries in private institutions

8.2 . Public Sector

8.2.1 . PRC

8.2.2 . DOLE

8.2.3 . Barangay Justice System

8.2.4 . Labor- Management Councils

8.2.5 . Courts of Law

5. The Major Steps / Procedures and the Requisite Evidence before Administrative
(Quasi-Judicial) and Judicial Bodies
9.1 . Administrative – Administrative Due Process; Substantial Evidence, its

9.2 . Judicial – Judicial Due Process (including Small Claims Procedure);

9.3 . Preponderance of Evidence (Civil Cases) and Proof Beyond Reasonable

Doubt (Criminal Cases)

6. Basic concept of Alternative Modes of Dispute Resolution (ADR)

6.1 Kinds of ADR: Mediation, Arbitration, Early Neutral Evaluation, Mini-trial,

Mediation-Arbitration, other ADR Forms

1. Research papers

2. Reporting

3. Case studies/Case Digest


1. Recitation and class participation

2. Oral and written report

3. Midterm long examination: analysis paper

4. Integration and synthesis paper (final long exam equivalent)

5. CD portfolio


The student will be graded according to the following breakdown:





SBLC uses the following academic grading system


Marcinko. D.E. (2013). Financial Management Strategies for Hospitals and

Healthcare Organizations: Tools, Techniques, Checklist and Case Studies,
CBC Press. USA.
Finkler S.A., Jones C. J., (2013). Financial Management for Nurse Managers
and Executives, 4th edition, Elsevier, USA.

Kulkami G.R. (2009). Financial Management for Hospital Administration. JAYPEE

Nowicki. M. (2007). The Financial Management of Hospitals and Healthcare
Organizations (4th ed) AUPHA Press, Washington D.C.

Suggested Readings/Journals:

EBSCOhost – Moving Toward Performance-Based, Managed Care

Contracting in Child Welfare: Perspectives on Staffing, Financial
Management and
Information Technology. Detail Only Available By: MEEZAN,

Administration in Social Work, Apr/May 2011, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p 180-206, 27p;

DOI: 10.1080 /

Friedman, M., Cooper, A.H., Click, E., & Fitzpatrick, J.J. (2011). Specialized New
Graduate RN Critical Care
Orientation: Retention and Financial Impact. Nursing Economics. 26(1), 7-14.
Kumar, J., Chambers, R., Mawby, Y., Leese, C., Iqbal, Z., Picariello, L., &

Richardson, D. (2011). Delivering

More or Less? Making the NHS Health Check Work in Financially Hard Times: Real
Time Learning from

Stoke-on-Trent. Quality in Primary Care, 19(3), 193-199

Lunn, E. (2011). Bank on Success. Nursing Standards, 25(36), 61

McKenna, E., Clement, K., Thompson, E., Haas, K., Weber W., Wallace, M., &
Roda, P. (2011). Management /

Administration. Using a Nursing Productivity Committee to Achieve Cost Savings

and Improve Staffing Levels and Staff Satisfaction. Critical Care Nurse. 31(6),
55-65. doi: 10.4037/ccn2011826
Rueda, S., Chambers, L., Wilson, M., Mustard, C., Rourke, S.B., Bayoumi, A., &
Lavis, J. (2012). Association of

Returning to Work with Better Health in Working-Aged Adults: A Systematic Review.

American Journal of Public Health, 102(3), 541-556.
doi:2105/AJPH.2011.300401 - Financial Management Association

Financial Management for Hospital Administration Bondoc, V. P. et al (2014).
Action research made easy. A practical guide to the

preparation of action research in education.Manila:LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.


Chair, Graduate Dean, Graduate School Director

Faculty Studies

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