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All my life I’ve lived inside a book

Travelling into multiple worlds

often imagining myself in one
Maybe even as one of the characters

I’ve read the classics and the basics

Rom coms to angst and yet every single day
I wake up in a world filled with dismay

But in that world of dismay,

I found myself dreaming on and on,
What a dream it could be to live inside a movie
Where it usually ends as happily ever after

Him chasing after her while raining,

The fake dating then slowly falling in love,
And all those “sappy” love ideas.

But it wasn't real

It could never be real
It was all fictional
All made up of paper and pixels

I knew it couldn't come true

Yet, I prayed and, I wished on every shooting star I could find
Wish denied

Books are an escape,

Movies are a fantasy,
But music,
Music is and was always there

Music understood my joys and my pains

My stresses and my gains
During my highs and my lows, it was there

It was there when it felt as if I was falling just like how the girls in the books do
Playing All Of The Girls You Loved Before
It was there when I needed to dance and sing my troubles away
Playing Dancing Queen

But music wasn’t just there for my happy and giddy moments
It was there at my lows and when I was hurting
When I couldn't take myself to talk to anybody

It was there during every breakdown

Playing Are You Satisfied?
It was there when it felt like I lost somebody
Playing Cardigan
Music made it seem like it was my closest friend
Something that could understand me more than I ever could
Something unique and special and irreplaceable

Sure the movies and the books showed everything we dreamt of

Or everything we wanted to avoid
Movies might’ve given us memories
While books gave us an escape

But music?
Music was our world
Our little Picasso

Ours to shape and create

Our to harness and enjoy
It was ours

It is ours.

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