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I went to visit my family.

I ate my mother's food,

yes, I recently travelled(travellet) to Nasca.

I travelled alone because my brother didn't have time because of his work.

I am currently(carrenly) studying Physics III and chemical(kemical) processes.

Physics iii class is on Mondays at 8am and Chemical(kemical) Processes is on Fridays at 10am.

no, I'm not getting good grades because I don't understand the subjects.
Delicious ( tasty)
Flavor ( sabor)

Anticuchos are the best street food in the world, that's why it's my favourite food.

Its taste(teest) is salty(solty) and oily

They are prepared(preperd) on the grill


To compare(comper) two restaurants I chose(chos) the MAIDO restaurant and the RIco pollo

the maido restaurant is more elegant than the rico pollo restaurant.

The maido restaurant has better customer service than ricopollo restaurant.

rico pollo restaurant is cheaper than maido restaurant.

maido restaurant is bigger than rico pollo restaurant.

the maido restaurant is the most expensive restaurant in peru.

The maido restaurant has the best chefs in peru

1 I am more of a person who goes by the facts, but when I am not sure, I rely on
my intuition.

2-I know the reliable monkey's paw. I don't have a lucky item.
3-I think luck is made, so a smart person can be very lucky.



By chance

On purpose
Good luck

I don't have either(ider) because I don't believe much in luck.

2.I prefer to follow the facts because it gives(givs) me more security, but if I'm not sure I follow
my intuition(intuishon).

3.I want to pass all my university subjects and I promised to visit my grandparents.

4. this weekend I'm going to see my partners to go to the cinema.

I am looking at the animals.

I look with my eyes.

we have a nice car

My brother is having a shower at the moment.

I think he is irritating

I'm thinking about what to eat at night.

I smell with my nose

the child is smelling bad

I see how to solve the problem

I see myself travelling

seeing how to put the cube together

A: Hi junior, can you help me? I have a job interview tomorrow and I don't know what to wear.

B: Hi, ariana. Sure, you could wear a white shirt or a white blouse. Also, most people wear a
jacket, so you should wear a blouse and a jacket. But, you shouldn't wear long
necklaces(nicleses), because it would not look good in that situation, a long necklace(nicleses)
is more for a dinner or party.

A: Thanks a lot, you advice is very helpful.

B: No problem. Now, can you help me, too? I have a casual party
at night with some friends. What should I wear?

A: you could wear ____ or _____. Also, a lot of the people wear a
____________, so you should wear a ______ and a ______. But, you
shouldn't wear _______ because.....

Oh good thanks you, see you.

Dear Sam, I can help you with your style. Firstly, I think you should stop smiling, it's a bit scary.

Secondly. Sam to find a good job you need to look presentable so I will advise you on what to

You could wear a formal suit or a more relaxed style of trousers with a shirt and tie.

A lot of companies like men to dress like this, it gives them a bit more poise.

Wear a watch too, it will give you more presence.

Finally, you'd better wear a good perfume, as scent is important to make a good impression.
EF, EL, OU, AR , I ,ES


Woud (wooud)
his name is yuri renato flores.

he is my cousin but i consider him almost like a brother since he was with me since i was a

he is 27 years old and he is a nurse,

At the moment he works in the regional hospital of ayacucho, right now he is studying a
speciality in intensive care.

In 2023 he managed to get a permanent position in the hospital in Ayacucho, as he used to be

transferred to different places in Peru.

His second goal is that he managed to start a family, he had his first child.

His favourite street food is picarones, which has a sweet and oily taste. It is prepared with
frying oil. His favourite restaurant is “RICO POLLO”

For my cousin Rico Pollo is the best restaurant in Nasca. But for me the best restaurant is
"Rocoto Arequipeño".

If we compare the 2 restaurants, the differences are as follows

the RICO POLLO restaurant is more elegant than the ROCOTO AREQUIPEÑO restaurant.

The ROCOTO AREQUIPEÑO restaurant has better customer service than ricopollo restaurant.

rico pollo restaurant is cheaper than ROCOTO AREQUIPEÑO restaurant.

Rico pollo restaurant is bigger than ROCOTO AREQUIPEÑO restaurant.

Finally, comparisons aside, I will talk a bit about my cousin's future goals.

He will finish his speciality and try to move up in his field.

He will travel to the USA to visit Disney Land.

He is also going to buy a car.

And finally he is going to try to be the best father he can be.

Where will you go next weekend?

Will you buy a dog next month?

Are you going to finish school?

jean, are you going to end up travelling to another country?

I don't know, maybe I'll buy a new mobile if I get paid(peid) at work.

I don't know, maybe I'll dance at the party, I'm bad at dancing.

I am going to travel to huaraz with my family.

I'm not going to buy a new car because I don't have the money.

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