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1.4 Define the notation (symbol) and purpose (e.g. what, why, when to use it) of the
Num Abstract Notation Purpose
(a) Sequence Purpose of sequence diagram is
diagram model high-level interaction
between active objects in a system.
Model the interaction between
object instances within a
collaboration that realizes a use
case. Model the interaction between
objects within a collaboration that
realizes an operation.

(b) Object The purpose of objects in a

sequence diagram is to represent
instances of classes or entities that
participate in the interaction. Each
object typically corresponds to a
specific instance of a class or
component within the system.
Objects are depicted as vertical lines
called "lifelines," which show the
lifespan of the object during the
execution of the scenario. Objects
interact with each other by
exchanging messages along their
lifelines, illustrating the sequence of
interactions and the flow of control
between objects. In summary,
objects in a sequence diagram help
visualize the dynamic behavior and
interactions between different
instances within the system.

(c) Lifeline The purpose of a lifeline in a

sequence diagram is to visually
represent the lifespan of an object or
entity participating in an interaction.
It shows when the object exists and
when it is actively engaged in
processing or responding to
(d) Class The purpose of class in sequence
diagram is a class represents a type
of object that participates in the
interaction. The purpose of
including classes in a sequence
diagram is to show how objects of
those classes interact with each
other over time to accomplish a
particular scenario or behavior. By
including classes, the diagram
provides a high-level overview of
the interactions between different
types of objects in the system,
helping to illustrate the flow of
control and data during the
execution of the scenario.
(e) Message Messages in a sequence diagram
serve the purpose of representing
communication or interaction
between objects or components
within a system. They depict the
flow of information or control from
one object to another during the
execution of a scenario. Messages
can convey various types of
interactions, such as method calls,
signals, or asynchronous
communication. Overall, messages
in a sequence diagram help visualize
the sequence of actions and the
exchange of data between objects,
aiding in understanding the behavior
and interactions within the system.

1.5 Show the relationship between the use case diagram in Lab sheet 5) and sequence
diagrams (Error! Reference source not found., Error! Reference source not found.
andError! Reference source not found.).

1. Use case diagram:

Purpose: Use case diagrams depict the interactions between external actors (users, systems,
etc.) and the system being developed. They focus on the functionalities or features the system
provides from an external perspective.
Representation: Use case diagrams show the high-level functionality of the system,
including actors, use cases, and their relationships. They provide a broad overview of the
system's behaviour and the interactions between users and the system.
Abstraction Level: Use case diagrams are more abstract and focus on the system's
functionalities in terms of user goals and tasks.

2. Sequence Diagrams:
Purpose: Sequence diagrams illustrate how objects interact in a particular scenario or
sequence of operations. They focus on the dynamic behaviour of objects within the system.
Representation: Sequence diagrams show the sequence of messages exchanged between
objects to accomplish a specific task or scenario. They provide a detailed view of the
interactions and communication flow between objects.
Abstraction Level: Sequence diagrams are more detailed and concrete, showing the specific
interactions and message flows between objects during a particular scenario.

Complementarity: Use case diagrams and sequence diagrams complement each other in the
software development process. While use case diagrams provide a high-level view of the
system's functionalities and user interactions, sequence diagrams offer a detailed view of how
these functionalities are implemented through object interactions.
Traceability: Sequence diagrams can be derived from specific use cases identified in the use
case diagram. Each use case typically corresponds to one or more sequence diagrams that
detail the interactions necessary to fulfill the use case.
Validation: Sequence diagrams help validate the behavior specified in the use cases by
illustrating how objects collaborate to achieve the desired functionality. They provide a more
concrete representation of the system's dynamic behavior.
3.Sequence Diagram

I. Sequence diagram for Maintain Personal Planner

II. Sequence diagram for Search For A Home

III. Sequence diagram for Apply For Loan

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