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Format of the F.I.R.

Book No. ___________

FORM NO. 24.5 (1)


First Information of a Cognizable Crime Reported under Section 154, Criminal PenalCode

Police Station .................................... District .............................. No ..................

Date and hour of Occurrence .....................

1.Date and hour when reported

2.Name and residence of informer and complainant.

3.Brief description of offence (with section) and of property carried off, if any.

4.Place of occurence and distance and direction from the Police Station.

5.Name & Address of the Criminal.

6.Steps taken regarding investigation explanation of delay in regarding information.

7.Date and Time of despatch from Police Station.

Signature .......................

Designation ................................

Police Station: XYZ Police Station

FIR No: 123/2023

Date & Time of Report: June 16, 2023, at 15:00 hours

Complainant/Informant Details:

Name: John Doe

Address: 123 Park Avenue, Anytown, Anystate
Contact Number: (123) 456-7890
Date/Time of Incident: June 15, 2023, between 19:00 and 21:00 hours

Place of Incident: 456 Central Park, Anytown, Anystate

Description of the Incident:

On June 15, 2023, between 19:00 and 21:00 hours, while I was away from my home, an unknown
person(s) illegally entered my residence located at 456 Central Park, Anytown, Anystate. When I returned
home at around 21:30 hours, I found the front door of my house forced open, and my house was in a state
of disarray.

Upon further inspection, I found my laptop (a 2022 model Apple MacBook Pro), a gold necklace, and
approximately $500 in cash missing from my home. There were no eyewitnesses as far as I know, as I
have questioned my immediate neighbors and no one seems to have noticed any suspicious activity.

Details of Suspects and Witnesses:

Suspects: Unknown

Witnesses: None

Property Lost:

Apple MacBook Pro (2022 model) – $2000

Gold necklace – $1500
Cash – $500

Officer Recording FIR:

Name: Officer Jane Smith

Rank: Constable
Date: June 16, 2023
The SHO,
PS (Name of the police station )
Sub: Registration of FIR.
Please register a FIR in the facts narrated below
(Give in specific details the crime including the place of commission of crime, time, date, day and the nature of
crime with the details of the mode in which crime was committed, attach all the proof or documents if required)
Name of the person who has committed the crime
Address of the person who has committed the crime
Contact number of the person who has committed crime
Final paragraph:
You are requested to register a FIR in the facts stated above and take criminal action against the person
named above and to protect the complainant from the said person.
Thanking you
Contact Number


abc… (Applicant Name)
xyz …(your contact address)
120012…(your contact mobile number/Phone number)
Abc@your.mail...(your e-mail id.


The Police Officer In charge
Address ( Local Police station)

Respected Sir,

Sub. : Loss of my ORIGINAL _____________(mention your lost document name and Number)

While travelling from _______(place) to __________(place) by bus/ train/ walk I have lost my Original
__________ bearing No.____________ along with (name other documents if any) some where. (If you
have any idea or chance of loss at an approximate area, you can mention the same in your application).
Sir, to avoid any misuse of my above ___________ I seek your help and request you to kindly register my
F.I.R in the subject matter.

For your ready reference I enclose herewith

(a) copy of lost ____________
(b) copy of ______________ as I.D proof.

Hope you will do the needful favourably at the earliest.

Thanks and regards

Yours Sincerely

____________(your signature)
____________(your Name)

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