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Ryan International Group of Institutions

ICSE Syllabus 2023 -2024

3rd- Assessment
Subject: English
Book - English Brook - 7 Course work topic
Publisher: Macmillan
Month Chp.No Topic
December 13 Beautiful Bengal
December 24 The Golden Boat(Poem) Write your own short story in about 250
January 15 The Necklace words with a twist in a tale
January 16 The Telephone Call(Poem)
February 17 Wind on the Haunted Hill
February 18 A Strange Meeting

Subject: English Grammar

Book -The Grammar Caravan
Publisher: S.Chand
Month Chp No. Topic
December 11 Direct and indirect speech
12 Prepositions
13 Conjuctions
16 Simple, Complex, Compound
17 Subject Verb Agreement Make a poster about the cutural function
19 Comprehesion organized by school.
January 20 Message Writing
21 Dialogue Writing
7 The Future
26 Summary
February 28 Poster Making
29 Data Interpretation
30 Listen and Speak (Pg.204-205: Ex.H,I&J )
Subject: English
Book - Oxford Mini School Dictionary & Thesaurus
Publisher: Oxford
Month Chp No. Topic
Jan-Feb 25 words every week
Subject : ह िंदी
Book Name: Palash Hindi textbook 7
Publisher: Rachna Sagar
Month Chp No. Topic
12 म ाँ : जीवन संच लिक (pg no 5-9)
December भ रत क गौरव-Story Narration (pg no 10-11)
ु नो की ओर-् Poem(Orals)(pg no 17)
तफ़ स हस' य 'वीरत ' पर कोई कलवत लिखो।
13 बढू ी क की(pg no 33-41)
January 14 लफ़जी : भ रत से दरू एक छोट भ रत (pg no 46-52)
15 चिन हम र क म है(pg no71-75)
16 ऐसे थे ब िकृ ष्ण भट्ट(pg no 81-84)
आगे बढे चिेगे -Poem(Orals)(pg no 53) अपने लवषय में ज नक री देते हुए आत्मकथ लिलखए।
श्र वण वचन कौशि-1(Self-Rading) (pg no31-32)
प्रोत्स हन (नन्ही किम से)-Self Reading(pg no 117)
व्य करण
लविोम शब्दः (pg no 12-13)
पययव ची शब्दः (pg no 14-16)
श्रलु तसमलभन्न थयक शब्दः (pg no 18-23)
एक थयक प्रतीत होने व िे शब्दः (pg no 24-30)
क ि (pg no42-45)
संबन्धबोधक (pg 60-62)
लवस्मैयबोध क (pg no 67-70)
अपलित गद् ंश(pg no 85-106)
अव्यय : (क) लिय लवशेषण(pg no 54-59)
लवर म लचन्ह (pg no 76-80)
Subject: मर िी
Book Name: सि ु भभ रती - ८
Publisher: मह र ष्र र ज्य म ध्यलमक लशक्षण मडं ळ
Month Chp No. Topic
December ७ संतव णी
December ९ व चन चे वेड
January ११ िेक (कलवत )
January/Fe १३ अदि बदि
व्य करण
उभय न्वयी अव्यय
के विप्रयोगी
व क्यप्रच र
अप लित गद् श ं
पत्र िेखन (अनौपच ररक)
Subject: Marathi
Book Name: Perfect Practice Series - 7
Publisher: Jeevandeep
Month Chp.No Topic
१० पलं डत रम ब ई
११ िेक (कलवत )
l आपिी समस्य आपिे उप य - २
१२ रोजलनशी
१३ अदि बदि
14 संतव णी
Subject: Mathematics
Book Name: Foundation Mathematics - 7 R.S. Agarwal
1. Calculate the amount and simple interest
Publisher: Goyal Brothers
on Rs. 2,75,000 for 5 years period and
Month Chp.No Topic
enquire the interest percent rate of the bank
6 Sets from your parents.
Dec 11 Simple Interest
12 Speed, Distance & Time
14 Linear Equation
15 Inequalties
January 2. Calculate the average speed of your road
21 Congruence
trip during the winter vacation.
22 Construction
23 Mensuration
25 Probability
Subject: Physics
Book Name: Frank New Certificate Physics-7
Publisher: Macmillan
Month Chp No. Topic

Make music with a straw pan flute: Need 9 to 10

Dec 6 Sound
straws, clear gift wrap tape and a pair of scissors.

Separate salt and pepper with a ' magic' spoon.

Jan 7 Electricity Use the concept of static electricity to explain it in
your scrap book.

The Earth's magnetic field pattern is composed of

lines that resemble the field line pattern for a bar
Feb 8 Magnetism
magnet. Draw a well-labelled diagram to show the
same in your scrap book.

Term 2 - Light
Subject: Chemistry

Book Name: Frank New Certificate Chemistry -7

Write the characteristics of the following
Publisher: Macmillan chemical reactions by performing the tasks
given. 1.By cutting an apple, 2.Adding Baking
Month Chp No. Topic soda in venigar in a cup., 3.Adding Apple slice
in Hydrogen peroxide
Dec 6 Language of Chemistry

Jan 7 Metals and Non-Metals Write about 5 metals , non metal and
metalloid and categorise them in proper
Feb 8 Air and Atmosphere order .

Subject: Biology
Book Name: Frank New Certificate Biology - 7
Publisher: Macmillan Draw a concept map or a. tree diagram to
show the features of respiration. Use colour -
Month Chp.No Topic code for important words.
Dec/Jan 5 Respiration in Plants
Jan/Feb 6 The Human Body - Excretory System
Make any one simple model of - Excretory
Feb 8 Allergy
Term2 - Nervous System
Subject: History / Civics
Book Name: Past and Present - 7
The Mughals came as invaders and then
Publisher: Ratna Sagar
established their rule in the subcontinent.
Find out and write in detail about similar
Month Chp No. Topic
invaders in world history.
Dec 8 The Coming of the Mughals

9 The Great Akbar- A Case Study

10 The Mughal Empire After Akbar Case study on Akbar : Conquests and
Achievements in a scrap book with related
February 11 The Bhakti and Sufi Movements pictures
CIVICS Term 1 - Our Constitution
Subject: Geography
Book Name: A textbook of Geography - 7
Prepare a project report on the rift valley of
Publisher: Goyal Brothers
AFRICA with locating map and pictures. (a)
location and extent (b) formation (c) lakes
Month Chp No. Topic
located in the valley
Africa- Location, Political Divisions and Physical
Dec 8
Australia- Location, Political Divisions and
Jan 9
Physical features
Prepare a project report on great Barrier reef
February 10 Antartica location, formation, advantages and
Term 2 - Weathering and soil formation
Subject: Computer
Book Name: Computer -O-Pedia
Publisher: Avartan
Month Chp No. Topic
Dec 7 An Introduction to Database
Jan 8 Tables and Queries in Access 2019
February 9 Advanced Features of HTML
Subject: Design Thinking
Book Name: STEAM - 7
Publisher: Saar
Month Chp No. Topic
Dec Unit 7 Disposing of Trash
January Unit 8 Tiny Houses
February Unit 9 Not Enough Classroom
Subject: Value Education
Book Name: Circle of Life
Publisher: Acevision
Month Chp No. Topic
11 Save or Spend
12 Finding Solutions
13 Everyone's See-Saw
14 Look Beyond
Feb 15 Blind Attack
Subject: Art & Craft
Book Name: Art Kit - 7
Publisher: Saar
Month Chp No. Topic
December 24 India Gate in Perspective
25 Rhythmic Gond Art
26 Art Appreciation(Victor Vasarely)
Drawing Illusions Creating Movement and
28 Paper Star Garland
29 Two Point Perspective
30 Balance with Perspective
31 Drawing Variety of Shapes in Perspective
32 3D Calligraphy
33 An Artwork in Movement
34 An Animated Walk

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