Rishon Rejish - Mock Test TEE 2 - 6618723

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MOCK TEST 1 GR VII 2023-24


Total Marks: 50 Time: 2 hours

General Instructions:
The question paper is divided into four parts:
● Section A (Unseen comprehension) and
● Section B (Grammar)
● Section C (Writing and Vocabulary)
● Section D (Opinion based/ open ended questions).
● You will be provided an answer script to write, in addition to the question paper.
● Ensure that you have added the correct question number against the answers and
mentioned the details of the section you are attempting.
Time allotted - 2 hours + -15 minutes reading time
● Read the instructions to each question carefully.


Q 1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:-

In the enchanting realm of Eldoria, a land shrouded in mystery and magic, there existed a
figure of unmatched courage and honor, known far and wide as Arion the Brave. Tales spun
by bards and whispered by elders recounted his legendary deeds, each more daring than
the last. At the heart of these chronicles lay the account of Arion's possession of a weapon
unlike any other – a sword said to be infused with the very essence of divine power,
bestowed upon him by the gods themselves as a token of their favor.

Eldoria, with its majestic peaks piercing the heavens and its lush forests teeming with life,
served as the backdrop for Arion's adventures. Within this breathtaking landscape stood
the ancient city of Astoria, a bastion of civilization nestled amidst nature's splendor. Here,
amidst the winding streets and towering spires, Arion made his home, ever vigilant against
the looming shadows that threatened to engulf the land.

One fateful night, as the moon cast its silvery glow upon the land, a darkness unlike any
other descended upon Astoria. From the depths of the unknown, a horde of malevolent
creatures emerged, their eyes gleaming with malice as they advanced upon the city. It was
in this moment of peril that Arion's true mettle would be tested, his resolve standing as the
last bastion against the encroaching tide of chaos.

As the clash of steel echoed through the streets and the air crackled with magic, Arion
stood firm, his blade flashing with otherworldly light as he faced the horde head-on. With
each swing of his sword, he struck down the encroaching darkness, his courage a beacon
of hope amidst the encroaching despair. And though the battle raged on through the night,
Arion remained unyielding, his determination unwavering until the very last foe lay
vanquished at his feet.

A. What is Arion known for in the land of Eldoria? (1)

a) His wisdom
b) His bravery
c) His wealth
d) His magic abilities

B. Where is the city of Astoria located? (1)

a) At the heart of the mountains
b) Within the whispering forests
c) In the mystical land of Eldoria
d) On the shores of a vast ocean

C. Describe the significance of Arion's sword in the passage. (1)

D. How does the setting contribute to the atmosphere of the story? (1)

E. What role does Arion play in protecting the city of Astoria? (1)

F. Explain the importance of Arion's courage in the face of danger. (1)

G. ​ Fill in the Blanks: (2)

1. Arion's sword was said to be infused with the essence of ________ power.
2. The city of Astoria served as a bastion of civilization amidst the wonders of
________ Eldoria.
3. The city of Astoria was threatened by a horde of ________ creatures.
4. Arion possessed a ________ sword.

H. ​ Find a synonym for the word "courage" from the passage. (2)
​ Find an antonym for the word "ancient" from the passage.


Q 2. Fill in the blanks with correct phrasal/prepositional verbs from the brackets: (1x5=5)
a) He ___________ the idea of going on a road trip this summer. (came up with / suggested)

b) The manager asked the team to ___________ their presentation before the meeting. (go over /
look into)

c) Sarah decided to ___________ her old clothes to charity. (give away / hand out)

d) The professor wanted the students to ___________ the main points of the lecture. (summarize /
catch up on)

e) We need to ___________ the issue before making any decisions. (sort out / put off)
Q3. Correct the punctuation or omission of punctuation in the following sentences: (1x5=5)
a) The sky was painted in hues of orange purple and pink.
b) I have three favorite hobbies gardening cooking and painting.
c) After a long day of work I just want to relax with a good book a cup of tea and some soothing
d) Wow that was an incredible performance I'm still speechless.
e) She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the breathtaking view from the mountaintop.

Q 4. Convert the speech in the following sentences:- (1X

1. "I am going to the store," she said.
2. "We won the game!" they exclaimed.
3. "Please don't leave me," he begged.
4. She whispered that she loved that song.
5. He observed that it was raining heavily.
6. "I'll call you later," she promised.
7. "I can't attend the meeting," he apologized.
8. "I haven't finished my homework," she confessed.


Q 7. Write an Argumentative essay on any one of the following topic in 150 - 200 words:- (8)
Should Cell Phones Be Allowed in Schools?

● Rapid technological advancement.

● Cell Phones as Educational Tools
● Access to information, apps, e-books.
● Facilitate innovative teaching methods.
● Connectivity for safety.
● Opponents: Distractions and Risks
● Notifications, social media, games.
● Cyberbullying, cheating during exams.
● Inequality due to differing phone capabilities.
● Need for balance between technology and learning.
● Proposal: Structured policies for usage.
● Examples: Limited usage to specific times/purposes.
● Emphasize a balanced approach.
● Importance of structured policies.
● Potential for cell phones to enhance education responsibly.


Should Animal Testing Be Allowed for Cosmetics?

● Animal testing in cosmetics: Balancing human safety and animal welfare

● Necessary for ensuring product safety and efficacy.
● Some tests cannot yet be fully replicated without animals
● Inhumane and unethical for cosmetic purposes.
● Alternative testing methods available, such as in vitro and computer models.
● Growing consumer demand for cruelty-free products
● Safety of cosmetics important, but ethical implications of animal testing
● Industry urged to invest in and adopt alternative testing methods respecting
animal welfare.

Q.8 Use any 5 of the following words in sentences:- (5)

● Correlation
● Diagnosis
● Haphazard
● Frivolous
● Phenomenon
● Nostalgia
● vertigo

Q.9 Use any 5 of the following words to write a 60 - 80 word paragraph:- (5)
● Sacrificial
● Propeller
● Optimistic
● Malignant
● Mesmerize
● Parachute


Q.10 ​ In your opinion, what role does social media play in shaping the narrative of (4)
the Syrian conflict, as portrayed in "Dear World"?
​ OR
​ Do you believe that "Dear World" has the potential to inspire action and
empathy towards the plight of Syrian refugees?

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