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Contribution of the seven scientists to

cell theory:

Zacharias Janssen: He was a Dutch spectacle maker who is credited

with the invention of the single-lens microscope and of many other
lenses which have been used for cell discovery in the future.

Anton van Leeuwenhoek: Antonie Phillips van Leeuwenhoek was a

Dutch microbiologist who is considered the father of microbiology and
is credited with the discovery of protists and bacteria, both of which he
called ‘animalcules’.

Robert Hooke: Robert Hooke FRS was a British polymath, who also
discovered cells, like Leeuwenhoek, and was also the first to look at
cells under a microscope but he looked at dead cells inside a cork.
Leeuwenhoek was the first person to look at a living cell under a

Matthias Jakob Schleiden: Although Leeuwenhoek and Hooke are

credited with the discovery of ‘cells’, his and Theodor Schwann’s
efforts led to the development of ‘cell theory’. A German botanist, he
proposed that all plants were made of living cells.

Theodor Schwann: A German Zoologist, he co-founded cell theory

with Schleiden. He proposed that all living animals were made of cells.

Rudolf Virchow: A Polish physician, he is also credited with the

development of cell theory, and also considered as one of the greatest
pathologists of all time. His observation was that when a human body
gets infected, the whole body does not get infected, only certain cells
or a group of cells get infected.

Louis Pasteur: Louis Pasteur ForMemRS was a French chemist,

pharmacist, and microbiologist. He is credited the most for the
development of cell theory, as he proposed that all living things are
made of cells, cells are the basic unit of function in living things, and
cells originate from other cells. His famous s-shaped flask experiment,
in which he filled an s-shaped flask with water. He discovered that
organisms did not grow when the flask was sealed, but when broken
open, organisms grew, proving that these organisms came from small
spores in the air. This led to the development of the germ theory, and
also abolished the age-old miasma theory, and that organisms like
flies grew from rotting meat. Other discoveries he is credited with is
pasteurization, which bears his name.

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