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Patients Refusal of Medication on Faith Grounds - Is It TB Joshuas Fault?

The true nature of Satan according to the Bible is summed up in deception, the Bible refers to him as the Devil that deceives the world, and leads them astray Revelation 12:9. It's not actually easy to picture the very intelligent beings that inhabit the earth being largely deceived to their own doom by this spiritual entity, yet its the reality, the indications of this is that the deception he uses is clearly not an obvious one, for instance when he told eve they would not surely die, which was a lie, he did tell them that they shall become like gods knowing good and evil which was true, what this implies is that he mixes lies with a bit of truth to deceive, a wise man once said that he tells us the truth in little things to deceive us in greater things, such deception is the tool employed by TB Joshuas critics on TB Joshua watch to deceive and mislead the unsuspecting public, we here expose the disingenuous note they made connecting TB Joshua with the Death of Anna whom they alleged was a victim of TB Joshuas bogus healing in their story. As well as the lies they purported from the sky news report that the SCOAN asks people Aids victims to quit medication.

Anna's Story by TB Joshua watch- THE HIDDEN TRUTH

The summary of their not so impressive post was that Anna, a cancer patient who went to scoan for spiritual healing, came back only to refuse chemotherapy entirely on her own decision, but allegedly because of faith teachings at scoan which ultimately led to her death. And so it is TB Joshuas fault. Now we have no method of verifying the facts of this story so our response here would only be assuming that all they said about Annas experience was true. It is pertinent to note that based on our findings about scoan, after prayer for recovery and healing the patients are made to go back for a thorough check with their doctors to find out whether they have been healed or otherwise. This has been the procedure and practice in SCOAN since its inception. Whilst The SCOAN believe in divine healing, they also make sure mandatory hospital checks are applied to find out the truth of healing. When the patient's symptoms are gone and the doctors certify them as medically cured, they stop taking their medication, not on the prophet's instruction but on their own accord as they no longer find the use for it. When the above mentioned Anna came back from Lagos, she did not go for verification by going back to the hospital for a re-examination, to know whether she had been healed or not, this is the standard practice in scoan, any testimony of healings of such terminal diseases like cancer must be verified with confirmatory medical certification. If SCOAN were faking their healings and make bogus claims of them as these critics suggest, why would they install medical certification of healings as a standing process for patients who are ministered to? That would automatically give them away wouldnt it? And If peradventure she had done so and discovered she wasnt healed she would have resumed medical treatment immediately. There would have been little or no time interval from the time of prayer and the resumption of medication.

Claire from whom the story was at first sourced says: I dont know exactly what TB Joshua advised them to do, but I know the whole teaching about not having chemo came from Nigeria. The answer to Claires uncertainty can be seen from Hatties published post on TB Joshua watch quoted above where she said . There was no command to stop medication.rather an insinuation that if you believe your declaration healing you could claim it by acting in faith, the leaders in scoan where however careful not to say it is up to the individual and I know some were actually told to go and see their doctor when they got home. Take note of her last statement: I know some were actually told to go and see their doctor when they got home.


Good thing Claire also claimed that the choice to not have chemotherapy was entirely Annas own; the advice was for her to go for a confirmatory medical check up. She failed to do so


TB Joshua watch listed others who they claim were not healed after scoan proclaimed healed in these words; Unfortunately, the story of Anne is not a unique case. Heres a short round-up of other people who have been proclaimed healed by TB Joshua and his disciples:

-Judith, who was healed of diabetes. -The women in the BBC article who died of AIDs after quitting their ARV medication. (They blatantly lied here; the women from the BBC article never had anything in common with scoan, TB Joshua or his disciples, serpentine deception as usual) -Ex-disciple Giles mother, who also refused chemotherapy after being told she was healed. -Our old pastor (mentioned in this post). -Maxime Claasen and John Rindel from South Africa (mentioned halfway down this post) All of them were proclaimed healed at SCOAN but none of them were healed Were not even going to dispense of these allegations now, well do TB Joshua watch a favor now by being as objective as necessary by assuming the worst case scenario here that what they state here is indeed true. The bible makes us clear on the fact that, in faith healing, belief plays a major role. Christ could not do many miracles in his home town because they had no faith mark 6: 1-6. that "he could not" suggests that he tried, but nothing happened, perhaps we should also hold Jesus guilty for the many that weren't healed, Under an atmosphere of unbelief it was difficult for even the messiah to be at his best, should his servant now be greater by performing healings even on those who have no faith? Where he perceived that the patient had faith, he proclaimed divine healing, the blind man in Luke 18; 42 was healed while he was still blind, Jesus said receive thy sight but also added, Thy faith has saved you not my power has saved you so it's very possible that there can be exceptions to healing, because it takes faith both in the person praying and in the person prayed for, it is not a one-sided issue. Here we've considered the exceptions there could be to healings, but they at TB Joshua watch never stopped to consider that many people have been healed, they also deceptively failed to acknowledge that people who had faith and were prayed for were healed, and cunningly dodged the thousands of cases of those who produced medical certificates before and after prayers, whom their doctors certified healed. Yet the one whom one of their stories was about admitted it. In Hatties story published by TB Joshua watch, Hattie said: I have known people healed, some stopped their medication as a result and some didnt. As is expected, TB Joshua watch are impervious to the truth, their cunning methods of mixing lies with a bit of truth is totally exasperating, the method of deception employed by that old serpent.

TB Joshua watch - BLIND GUIDES, LEADING WITH A RIGGED MAP (the sky report)

We at a time provided scriptural backing on this site for our remark about TB Joshua watch being Pharisees, of which another term Jesus used was "blind guides". Check out the related articles section of this post for the proof article, we had hoped that with that post they'll become more proficient at covering their Pharisaical footprints all over the internet, but are surprised that more evidence keeps popping up attesting to their lies, deceit and hypocrisy. and here's our reason for saying this; TB Joshua watch also stated in their article that: Sky News have conducted an undercover report which confirms the suspicions the BBC article raised, yes SCOAN does tell AIDS victims to quit their medication. This is a blatant lie, the sky news report was clearly unprofessional and lob-sided as one commenter on this site put it, all that they said about SCOAN in their report were not factual but rather a sheer product of inductive inference, why do we say this?, well take for instance, Mr. Emmanuel, a man they interviewed in their report who claimed he was still sick with HIV after prayer was never a member of SCOAN London, neither was he ever prayed for by the pastors at scoan, he even referred to the person who prayed for him as a priest, a title no minister's office in SCOAN goes by, yet as far as this man's story was from the SCOAN, sky news disingenuously linked him to SCOAN London in their report, a totally exasperating form of critique journalism. need more proof? well here's another, In their news report they made it seem that Mr Emmanuel was a member of Synagogue and in their printed media, they stated that Emmanuel was a member of a church in North London. Whereas the Synagogue as church has never operated in the North of London. It operated in the South East of London and now back to its former place of worship in London, now how's that for "objective journalism"? but that's not even all there is to it, what's worse here is that several blogs and news outlets have picked up on the story and calling TB Joshua and SCOAN all sorts of names including the TB Joshua watch blog who are ardent critics of SCOAN, not that it comes as a surprise though, with their long-standing history of prejudice against TB Joshua, they are not the best group to actually decode this misrepresentation, are they?, to them and other critics of TB Joshua, any report about scoan is welcome without verification as long as it is negative, any positive report about scoan however is highly resisted and fought to a standstill, that was how they tagged Emmanuel TV a propaganda channel, and the healings in SCOAN as fake and unverifiable even when many commenters on their site testified to the healings theyve received for themselves as well as for loved ones, theyre intolerant to any positive views about tb Joshua, such is a kind of cynicism that rots the bones. The Sunday after the sky news report, TB Joshua himself had to discuss the issue, and heres the video posted below. [youtube=] we would rather he didnt bother himself with the likes of them, inasmuch as their report was biased and annoyingly unprofessional, they're helping him sky-rocket toward fame, sort of giving him a free advert, seriously he would be thankful for it, considering what it would have

cost him to place an advert for this UK church chapter on sky and BBC news, like he said in the video, " it's a tonic to my anointing". Source:

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