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【 2024 年 2 月 24 日 预 测 】


教 研: 【鸭圈教研组】

学 科: 【雅思小作文】

预测范围: 【2024 年 2 月 24 日场次】

2024 年 1 月 24 日制作
2024 年 2 月 24 日小作文真题小范围预测

本预测是基于 2023 年真题,针对 2024 年 2 月 24 日的小范围预测。涵盖所有小作文题型,














分数提升上来是比大作文要容易很多的,如果小作文分数提升 1.5 分,会直接带动整体写作

分数上升 0.5 分。本预测最大的意义其实是让考生知道,过去 1 年在雅思考场上都考了哪



2022.1.22 六个国家带薪休假的天数

The table below shows the minimum numbers of public holidays that companies
are required to give their full-time workers in six countries in 2016. Summarise
the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


如果进行分组建议按照假期类型进行分组,主体段可以用 2-3 段分别描述有偿假期,有偿公
共假日和总有偿假期数。在这里说明一下,paid vacation 相当于年假,paid public holidays


开头段: 改写题目
综述段: 六个国家工作者的有偿假期各不相同,其中芬兰的工作者有偿假期最多,而日本
主体段一: 六个国家有偿年假的总结和数据对比
主体段二: 六个国家有偿公共假日和总假日的总结和数据对比

The table illustrates the minimum number of paid holidays comprising two categories for
full-time employees in six different countries in 2016.

Overall, workers in each country were entitled to varying numbers of paid holidays
throughout the year. Finland had the highest number of total paid holidays, while Japan
had the fewest.

With regard to paid vacation, the table shows that employees in Sweden and Finland
enjoyed the most paid vacation days among the six countries at 25, while employees in
China were only given five days, which was the least among the six countries. Australia
had a relatively high number of paid holidays at 20, twice as many as Japan or the USA.

In terms of paid public holidays, employees except Sweden and Japan are allowed for
similar days at 10 (Australia and the United States) and 11 (China and Finland). In total,
Finland had the highest figures for paid holidays at 36, followed closely by Australia at 30.
It is interesting to note that Japan had the fewest paid holidays at only 10. China,
Sweden, and the United States had 16, 25, and 20 days respectively.


be entitled to 有权获得
varying numbers of 不同数量的
with regard to 关于
twice as many as 两倍于
in terms of 对…而言
be allowed for 被允许…
followed closely by 紧随其后的是…
It is interesting to note that… 值得注意的是…

2022.2.19 校园内设施的满意度调查

The table below shows percentages of students with different attitudes for
facilities in the university in the UK in 2008. Summarise the information by
selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where
Write at least 150 words.





总结:大学生和研究生在各方面的数据整体区别不是很明显;对于 study facility 最为满意,
而较低比例的人对 cafeteria 满意。


The table compares the level of satisfaction with three categories of facilities in a UK
university in 2008, which was measured in two groups of students: undergraduates and

Overall, it can be seen that there was no significant difference in the attitudes towards
the facilities between the two groups of students; both undergraduates and
postgraduates were most satisfied with the study facility, while the cafeteria was liked by
the lowest percentage of students.

For the study facility, almost all students expressed satisfaction, with 85% of
undergraduates and 90% of postgraduate very satisfied. Those who were not satisfied
only accounted for around 5%.
This pattern also applied to social facility but the figure for students feeling very satisfied
was slightly lower, with 75% for undergraduates and 65% for postgraduates. Additionally,
although the proportion of postgraduates not content with social facility was twice that of
undergraduates, the figures were still insignificant (10% and 5% respectively).

Regarding cafeteria, only half of the undergraduates were very satisfied, followed by
35% for those quite satisfied and 15% for those dissatisfied. By contrast, more
postgraduates had negative feelings towards it (35%) and only 40% were very satisfied.
(192 words)

2022.2.26 英国三个地方房屋类型的百分比
The percentage of housing types in three areas

The table below shows the percentage of population living in different types of
housing in three areas of one city in the UK. Summarise the information by
selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where
Write at least 150 words.



组可以 1)按区域分,主体共三段,2)按房屋种类分,主体共四段,但是,笔者认为第二


Para 1 = 题目改写+概述(Flat-Central Area 人口最多,Terraced-South Boxberg Area 人

口最多,Semi-detached 和 Detached-Green Park Area 人口最多)
Para 2 = 描写 Green Park Area 的数据
Para 3 = 描写 Central Area 的数据
Para 4 = 描写 South Boxberg Area 的数据

The table illustrates how many people live in four types of housing in three regions in a
city in Britain. Overall, although the three areas have almost the same population,
residents in the Central Area like flats the most, terraced houses are by far the most
popular among people in the South Boxberg Area, and the Green Park Area has the most
people favouring semi-detached and detached houses.

In the Green Park Area whose population is 32,100, 10% choose flats, but this figure is
5% lower than that for those in terraced houses, at 15%. A similar percentage of people
reside in semi-detached houses and detached houses, at 37% and 38%, respectively.

Regarding the Central Area with 31,700 dwellers, by far the largest percentage prefer
apartments, at 46%, around 10% higher than the proportion of people living in
semi-detached houses, at 35%. While there are 14% of residents living in terraced
houses, detached ones attract merely 5%.

For the South Boxberg Area where there are 32,000 residents, over a quarter choose
flats (35%) and terraced houses (36%). Those who move into semi-detached houses and
detached houses account for 15% and 14% separately.


region (n.) 地区
resident (n.) 居民
favour (v.) 喜爱
dweller (n.) 居民
prefer (v.) 喜爱
attract (v.) 吸引
quarter (n.) 四分之一
account for (v.) 占据

2022.3.19 好莱坞电影女性雇佣职位和变化
The table shows Hollywood female employment positions and changes in 1994
and 2003.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


这个表格描述了 1994 年和 2003 年好莱坞女性在不同职业中的人数占比和变化情况。通过





The table shows the percentage changes of women with different employment positions
in Hollywood between 1994 and 2003.

In general, the percentages of women working in different jobs changed to varying

degrees. Fashion designers, editors and writers experienced an increase in percentage
change, while producers and directors witnessed a considerable decrease.
The proportion of women working as fashion designers accounted for the highest among
the five positions, climbing from 74.2% in 1994 to 76.1% in 2003 (a 2.5% percentage
increase). By comparison, there was a slight increment from 11.4% to 14% in editorial
jobs toward the end of the period, while the share of writers rose from 10% to 12%. Both
jobs saw similar percentage increases over the decade, at 22.8% and 20% respectively.

Women working as directors remained the lowest proportion of the decade, falling from
5% in 1994 to 3% in 2003. Meanwhile, the figure for female directors followed the same
trend, decreasing from 15.6% to 10.3%. It is obvious that the percentage decreases for
both positions over the decade were similar, contributing to 40% and 34% respectively.
(180 words)


percentage change 百分比变化

experience an increase 经历了…的增长
witness a considerable decrease 经历了…减少
account for 占比…
climbed slightly 略有上涨
there was a small increment 小幅增长
similar percentage increases 类似的比例增加
remained the lowest proportion 保持最小占比
followed the same trend 延续同样的趋势
percentage decreases 比例减少

2022.5.7 四个国家的年牛奶产量

The table below shows the production of milk annually in four countries in 1990,
2000 and 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

主体段 1:介绍产量大国的数据;
主体段 2:介绍产量小国的数据。


主体段 1:更具体地说,最大生产国是荷兰和澳大利亚。这两个国家 1990 年的牛奶产量略
高于 1120 万升,在随后的十年中分别下降了 10.7 万升和 14.1 万升。到 2010 年,前者已
反弹至历史最高水平(1146.6 万升),而后者则有 200 万升的降幅。
主体段 2:其余两个国家虽然经历大幅增长,产量跟荷兰和澳大利亚相比要小得多。尽管坦
桑尼亚的产能翻了一番,但在 2010 年只收集了 15.5 万升,略高于荷兰数字的百分之一。
危地马拉报告的数字更小,1990 年奶牛只产出了 2.6 万升。即使增长了三倍,该国 2010
年的产量(8.4 万升)仍然维持最低位置。


The table compares milk production volumes of four countries over three decades.

In general, there was a decrease in the total output over the period surveyed, despite
growth recorded for most of the countries.

More specifically, the top contributors were the Netherlands and Australia. Both
countries recorded slightly over 11.2 million litres of milk yield in 1990, which declined by
107,000 litres and 141,000 litres, respectively, over the subsequent decade. By 2010, the
former had bounced back to a record high (11,466,000 litres), while a 2-million-litre drop
was documented in the latter.

Production volumes in the remaining two countries were much smaller despite
substantial growth there. Despite having doubled its production capacity, Tanzania
merely collected 155,000 litres, a little over one percent of the Dutch figure, in 2010.
Smaller numbers were reported for Guatemala, where cows only generated 26,000 litres
in 1990. Even after a threefold increase, milk yield here (84,000 litres) remained by far the
lowest in 2010.
(160 words)

production volumes 产量
top contributors 最大生产国
milk yield 牛奶产量
bounce back (数量)反弹
record high 最高纪录
double its production capacity 产能翻倍
a threefold increase 三倍增长
by far the lowest 远落后其他国家的最低水平

2022.7.16 学生喜爱的科目课程评价

The table below shows the information about the percentage of the first-year
university students’ rating at ‘very good’ about five aspects of their courses.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


这个表格提供了 2003 年三个专业的大一新生对其课程的五个方面有“非常好”评价的数据。

这个题目最好按照专业分段,即主体共 3 段,能更清楚地对图表数据进行描写。从图中可
以清楚地看到:比起其他两个专业的学生,Commerce 学生对着几个方面的评价很高。


Para 1 = 题目改写+概述
Para 2 = 描写 Economics
Para 3 = 描写 Law
Para 4 = 描写 Commerce


The table illustrates university freshmen’s one particular opinion towards five aspects of
three courses. Overall, compared with economics and law students, those studying
commerce were much more satisfied with these five aspects.
In terms of economics, 95% of students feel very good about the teaching quality and
90% like the support from their tutors very much. While the percentage of students who
favour printing resources was 81%, those who are content with pre-course information
and other resources account for a similar percentage, at 59% and 60% respectively.

Regarding law, 80% of the students rate other resources as “very good”, but only 62%
have the same feedback on the teaching quality. The proportion of law students who
appreciate printing resources, pre-course information, and tutor support ranges between
70% and 76%.

Turning to commerce, students who speak highly of pre-course information and teaching
quality constitute the same percentage, at 95%, which is only 1% higher than the figure
for printing resources. Tutor support and other resources are welcomed by 93% and
91% of students separately.


freshman (v.) 新生
opinion towards 对…的观点
aspect (n.) 方面
be satisfied with 对…满意
favour (v.) 喜欢
be content with 对…满意
account for 占据
rate (v.) 给…打分
feedback on 对…评价
appreciate (v.) 喜欢
speak highly of (v.) 喜欢
constitute 占据
be welcomed by 受…喜欢

2022.8.20 英国三个年份的人口性别年龄占比
The table below shows the total population and the proportion of males and
females aged 15 and aged 75 in the UK from 1911 to 2011. Summarise the
information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


这个题目描述了 1911 年,1961 年和 2011 年英国的总人口以及 15 岁和 75 岁人口的比例

和男女人口数据。总的来说英国总人口上升;15 岁人口比例下降,但是 15 岁男性人口上升,
女性人口下降;75 岁人口比例上升,同时两个性别的人口数也在上升。这个题目乍一看比
较复杂,但是可以很简单地分为三组,1)总人口,2)15 岁人口,3)75 岁人口。这个题


Para 1 = 题目改写+概述
Para 2 = 描写英国总人口
Para 3 = 描写 15 岁人口数据
Para 4 = 描写 75 岁人口数据


The table illustrates the total number of residents as well as the percentage of young and
old people in Britain between 1911 and 2011. Overall, the total population in the UK rose
noticeably; meanwhile, while the percentage of people aged 15 experienced a decline,
that of elderly people saw the opposite trend; also, the change in the number of
15-year-old males and females was marginal, but that for senior citizens was significant.
In terms of the total population, it was 36.1 million in 1911. After that, the figure increased
markedly to 46.1 million in 1961 before continuing the trend to 56.1 million in 2011.

Regarding people aged 15, this group accounted for 1.86% in 1911, with 334,200 males
and 335,700 females respectively. During the following century, although the percentage
decreased considerably to 1.23%, the number of males rose to 354,400 while that of
females declined to 333,700.

Turning to citizens aged 75, 0.23% of the British population in 1911 were from this group
and then the proportion had more than tripled to 0.7% by 2011. While the number of
males was 34,100 initially, jumping to 181,300 in 2011, the figure for females was 47,400
in 1911, soaring to 210,100 in the end.


resident (n.) 居民
noticeably (n.) 明显地
experience a growth 上升
marginal (adj.) 轻微的
significant (adj.) 剧烈的
markedly (adv.) 明显地
account for 占据
considerably (adv.) 明显地
jump (v.) 剧烈上升
soar (v.) 剧烈上升

2022.12.3 五个国家健康花费

The table below shows the percentage of GDP occupied by health spending in
five different counties in 2022. Summarise the information by selecting and
reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

图中说明的是五个国家在健康方面的开销占 GDP 的比例,分为总花费所占 GDP 以及公共


主体段 1: 对美国的具体数据进行说明【总比例最高,私人花费占其一半】。
主体段 2: 对日本和意大利的情况进行说明【各项都比较低】
主体段 3: 对德国和法国的情况进行说明【二者比较接近】


The table illustrates the health expenditure (% of GDP) in five countries (Japan, Italy,
France, Germany and the USA) in 2022.

It is clear from the table that the USA has the largest percentage of GDP on healthcare
among all the countries and it is also the only country where the private spending
exceeds the public one.
To be specific, 40% of America’s GDP is used for health care, half of which is private
spending (20%), slightly higher than its public expense and also the highest among the
five countries.

By contrast, Japan and Italy respectively had 20% and 25% of their GDP spent on
healthcare in total, a much lower level than the US. Correspondingly, the percentages of
their public and private spending were not significant as well, all at about 10%.

As for Germany and France, they share similar percentages in each item with the total
health spending accounting for 35% and 30%, and the figures for both public and private
health cost range from 12% to 18%.
(167 words)


exceed v. 超过 【其他替换词:outnumber,overtake,surpass】
to be specific 具体来看
correspondingly adv. 相应地
range from …to … 范围介于…到…之间

2022.1.15 度假者三年中对住宿的不同选择
The charts below show the proportion of holidaymakers using four different
types of accommodations in three different years. Summarise the information by
selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where
Write at least 150 words.

3 个饼图给出了度假的人对 4 种住宿方式的选择比例,并有 3 年的对比。3 个饼图有时间的

连续性,可以把 4 种住宿方式作为变量写出比例变化;或将 3 年的数据分别描写后,再做


主体段:按 3 年的顺序描写几种住宿方式的比例变化;


The pie charts compare the choices of accommodation when people took holidays in
three separate years - 1988, 1998 and 2008.

In 1988, more than half (52%) of travelers chose to stay at their friends’ or family’s place,
which was twice as many as the proportion of those who decided to camp outside, at
26%. The third preferable choice of accommodation turned out to be hotels which held
15% of tourists in this year. Only a small proportion (7%) of holiday makers tended to
rent an apartment.

10 years later, staying with acquaintance remained as the main choice, whereas hotels
and rented apartments attracted a higher proportion of travelers than in 1988, at 22%
and 11% respectively. The percentage of campers had reduced by half.

This situation had obviously changed in 2008, when 22% of tourists accommodated
themselves in a rented apartment, twice as much as the proportion of this group in 1998,
while 44% lived with family members and friends, 10% lower than in 1998. Hotels and
camping sites did not see any increase in their market share.

Overall, although a large percentage of travelers still preferred to stay with people they
know, the choice of renting an apartment had attracted more holidaymakers over the two
(203 words)


the third preferable choice 第三受欢迎的选择

turn out to be 被证明是…
acquaintance n. 熟人
remain as 保持是…
reduce by half 减半
market share 市场份额

2022.6.25 广告公司职员学历背景

The charts below show the qualifications of staff in an advertising company in
1990 and 2010. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


两个饼图分别给出了在 1990 年和 2010 年该公司员工的学历情况。可以看出,在 1990 和

2010 年,拥有硕士学位的员工百分比都是最高的(29%+21%和 29%+23%),并且数据
的变化并不明显。拥有博士学位的员工在 1990 年只有 13%(science)和 2%(art),但
是 2010 年出现 Ph.D.-Science 的百分比显著增加,Ph.D.-Art 的百分比少量增加。这也说明
肯定会出现 First Degree 拥有者比例的下降。

本题可以按照 Master,Ph.D., First Degree 这样三组进行描写,也可以按照先写 1990 年的

情况,再写 2010 年的情况。


总结段:不管在哪一个学历水平,都是理科比例比文科比例更高(science 与 art 之间的比
较)。此外,在这 20 年间最主要的变化是 Ph.D.员工的比例增加,伴随着 First Degree 员
主体段(3 个):按照不同学位等级分成了三段,先写 Master,特点是始终占比都最大,
并且基本保持稳定。第二个主体段写 First Degree,之前排名第二高,但是后来出现显著下
降。第三个主体段写 Ph.D.持有者,起初数据较小,后来出现理科博士比例的急剧上升。


The given pie charts illustrate the percentages of employees with different academic
qualifications in an advertising company in 1990 and 2010.

Overall, it is clear that despite the level of degrees, the proportion of workers majoring in
science was higher than that in arts, and the primary change in these years was the
increase in the staff with doctorate degrees and a corresponding drop in those with a first

Specifically, in both years, employees with a master’s degree constituted the largest
share and the figures basically leveled off at about 30% (MSc) and 20%(MA)

As for those who had a first degree, their sum was the second highest in 1990 at 35% yet
it plunged by 22% in 2010, especially the workers with an undergraduate degree of arts,
whose proportion dropped from 15% to only 2%.

By contrast, Ph.D. holders accounted for an insignificant part at first with only 13% (Ph.D.
of science) and 2% (Ph.D. of arts). However, the figure for the former rose sharply to 30%
while that for the latter slightly to 5%, making them altogether rank the second position in
(187 words)

2022.9.17 世界 6 个地区森林和木材产量比例

The pie charts give information about the world forests and timber production in
five different regions. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the
main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.




开头段: 改写题目
综述段: 描述两个饼图中的主要趋势和特征
主体段一: 描述五个地区森林占有率的具体情况
主体段二: 描述五个地区木材生产量的具体情况


The pie charts give information about the distribution of world forests on five continents
and how much timber they produce.

Overall, it is readily apparent that North America accounts for a large proportion of world
forests and timber production. While Africa possesses the largest share in world forests,
its timber production is the most unproductive among the five regions despite its large

In terms of world forests, Africa constitutes the largest proportion (27%), followed by
North America which amounts to a quarter of the world’s green zone. By contrast, Asia
has the most modest forest coverage, constituting only 14% of the global total. The
figure is marginally lower at 16% for South America and moderately higher at 18% for

Regarding timber production, North America stands out as having far more timber than
the other four regions, representing 30%. On the other hand, the lowest share of timber
output is assigned to Africa (9%), which is half of the figure in Asia. It is clear that South
America and Europe generate nearly the same proportion of timber, at 23% and 20%
(181 words)


distribution n. 分布
most unproductive 最低产的
constitute 构成
amount to 相当于,总计为
forest coverage 森林覆盖
marginally lower 略低
moderately higher 略高
stand out as 作为…最明显
is assigned to 归属于
generate v. 生产,制造

2022.3.12 电影院观众比例

The line graph below gives information on cinema attendance in the UK.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


这个线图描写了 2000 年-2016 年英国电影院上座率。图表中横坐标为时间,纵坐标为百分

文章主体段可以分为两段,7-14 和 15-24 为一组(段),25-35 和 35 and over 为一组(段)。


Para 1 = 题目改写 + 概述
Para 2 = 描写 7-14 和 15-24 的数据
Para 3 = 描写 25-35 和 35 and over 的数据


The line graph illustrates changes in the proportions of people from various age groups
who visited the cinema between 2000 and 2016 in the UK. Overall, cinemas attracted a
rising percentage of the audience regardless of age, and the gap between these age
groups had widened considerably by the end of this period.

In terms of 25-35-year-old people and those above 35, going to the movies was not
popular in 2000, at around less than 3%. However, while the percentage of the former
had climbed significantly to over 30% by 2016, that of the latter saw a steady climb,
reaching some 12% in 2016.

Regarding the other two age groups, people between the ages of 15 and 24 had by far
the highest attendance rate in 2000, starting at about 17%. However, the figure more
than tripled to approximately 52% throughout the given stint, albeit a gradual increase
over the first five years and wild fluctuations thereafter. Similarly, the percentage of
young people from 7 to 14 also experienced a threefold rise, from 10% to over 30%, with
slight and uneven changes before 2007 but a much more rapid growth after that.
(192 words)


various (adj.) 各种各样的

visit the cinema 看电影
attract (v.) 吸引
regardless of 不管
go to the movies 看电影
popular (adj.) 受欢迎的
climb significantly 剧烈上升
see a steady climb 逐渐上升
some (adv.) 大约
attendance rate 上座率

2022.4.30 世界范围内四种鱼的数量
The chart below shows the number of four different species of fish between 1982
and 2007.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


这是一篇典型的折线图,描述了从 1982 年到 2007 年四种不同种类的鱼的数量变化。从图

中可以看到四条线段的特征都非常明显,Atlantic Cod 和 Yellowfin Tuna 的数量最开始都在
150000 以上,而且在这 25 年时间里呈现下降趋势,然而 Haddock 和 Swordfish 却都低于
100000,其中 Swordfish 的量一直都处于非常少的状态。


开头段: 改写题目
综述段: Atlantic Cod 和 Yellowfin Tuna 呈现下降趋势,然而 Haddock 和 Swordfish 保持
不变。Swordfish 在这一段时间里都是最小值。
主体段一: 描述 Atlantic Cod 的变化趋势
主体段二: 描述 Yellowfin Tuna 和 Haddock 和 Swordfish 的变化趋势


The line graph illustrates how the number of four different types of fish worldwide
changed from 1982 to 2007.

Overall, the Atlantic Cod and Yellowfin Tuna witnessed a declining trend toward the end
of the period, while Haddock and Swordfish remained unchanged. It is evident that the
number of Swordfish was at the minimum in numbers throughout the 25 years.

In 1982, Atlantic Cod held the largest proportion among four species, accounting for
nearly 230,000. However, it dropped sharply in the next ten years, reaching 150,000 by
1992. Afterwards, this figure picked up again and climbed slightly to appropriately
170,000 in 2002, but decreasing to less than 150,000 in 2007.

Yellowfin Tuna, serving as the second largest number of fish species, started at 150,000
in 1982. In the next ten years, it experienced an opposing tendency to Atlantic Cod, rising
to a peak of 200,000 in 1992. Following this, there was a sharp fall of around 4000 for
every five years and finally went down to 100,000 in 2007. Haddock and Swordfish
demonstrated a similar trend, leveling off at nearly 70,000 and 10,000 in numbers
throughout the given period.
(189 words)


a declining trend 下降趋势

remain unchanged 保持不变
at the minimum 最少
account for 占
drop sharply 急剧下降
pick up 增加
climbed slightly 略有上涨
an opposing tendency 一个相反的趋势
rising to a peak of 上升到…的顶点
a sharp fall 急剧下降
demonstrate a similar trend 展示相似的趋势
level off 呈平稳状态

2022.9.24 英国不同年龄群女性生育率
The graph below shows the changes in UK’s birth rate for women in 6 different
age groups from 1973 to 2008. Summarise the information by selecting and
reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


图表给出的是生育率的变化,也叫作 fertility rates,是统计每一千个女性中会生育多少个孩

20-25 以及 35-39 总体是下降的,而 25-30 以及 under 20 是上升的,40 and above 则是基
本稳定。从数据大小来看,35-39 的数据始终是最高的,而 40 and above 则始终是最低的


总结:在 35-39,25-30 和 20 以下的女性在 2008 年相比于其他组有更高的生育率,尤其
是 25-30 和 20 以下这两个组,是唯二数值上升的组。
主体段 1: 35-39 的女性有最高的生育率,数值从 80 每 1000 下降到 70。30-35 和 20-25 岁
主体段 2:25-30 和 20 以下的女性在 1973 年的生育大概是 58 和 35 每 1000,排名第三和第
五,但是都快速上升成为第二和第三名。40 岁以上的女性最不太可能生育,数值始终最低
并且稳定在 10%


The line graph illustrates how the fertility rates changed by age groups during 35 years
from 1973 to 2008.
Overall, compared with other age groups, women ages 35-39, 25-30 and under 20 had
higher fertility rates in 2008, and the latter two were also the only groups that
experienced a rising trend in their figures.

Specifically, women ages 35-39 always had the highest rates, yet declining from about
80 to 70 per 1000 women despite some fluctuation in the period. The decreasing trend
could also be seen in the groups of 30-35 and 20-25, with a significant and a slight drop
respectively to 40‰ and 30‰.

However, for women ages 25-30 and under 20, there were approximately 58 and 35
births per 1000 women in 1973, ranking the third and fifth position. After a slight drop, the
figures went up sharply to 65‰ and 60‰, becoming the second and third highest in the
end. It is notable that women over 40 years old were least likely to give birth, with the
lowest rate stabilizing at 10‰ over the 35 years.
(180 words)


fertility rate n. 生育率

women ages 35-39 此处 ages 是较为常见的表示某年龄段女性的说法
give birth 生孩子
despite 尽管
rank 排名

2022.1.8 澳大利亚一个地区从事五种工作人数
The chart below shows the number of people employed in five types of work in
one region of Australia in 2001 and 2008. Summarise the information by selecting
and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


题目大意:图表展示了 2001 年-2008 年在澳大利亚某一个地方从事五个领域工作的人数变

化情况。这个题目有两个时间,同时也只有两种趋势,上升(sales,computing 和 nursing)
和下降(accounting 和 farming);考生可以采用两种分组(分段)方式,1)2001(按照
静态图方式描写 2001 年数据)+2008(描写上升/下降两种趋势),2)按照趋势(上升/


Para 1 = 题目改写+概述
Para 2 = sales,computing 和 nursing 的数据
Para 3 = accounting 和 farming 的数据


The bar chart illustrates how many people worked in different sectors in a particular
Australian area in two separate years: 2001 and 2008. Overall, by far the most individuals
were employees in the sales industry while the fewest worked in the farming area.
In terms of sales, approximately 155,000 and around 165,000 people worked as a sales
representative in 2001 and 2008 respectively. Although the numbers of those employed
in the computing and nursing industries were similar initially, at roughly 55,000, yet while
the figure for those employed in the computing sector saw a moderate growth to about
57,500 in 2008, that for those with a nursing position rose significantly, reaching just
under 80,000 in the end.

Regarding the other two types of work, there were more than 60,000 accountants in 2001,
and the number was considerately higher than that of farmers, at about 25,000. However,
fewer people had been recruited in these two areas by 2008, and the figure was nearly
60,000 for accounting and almost 20,000 for farming.


sector (n.) 领域
by far 用于修饰形容词最高级,表示强调
employee (n.) 雇员
industry (n.) 领域
area (n.) 领域
sales representative 销售代表
roughly (adv.) 大约
a moderate growth 轻微增长
accountant (n.) 会计
recruit (v.) 雇佣

2022.2.12 对比 6 个国家出口到欧洲的衣物价格
The chart below shows the average price per kilo of clothing imported into the
European Union from seven major countries of origin in 1997 and 2003.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


柱状图分别描述了 1997 年以及 2003 年欧盟进口的来自七个国家的服装平均价格变化。题




主体第一段:由 Tunisia、Turkey 出口到欧盟的服装平均价格有所上升,其中 2003 年 Tunisia
出口的服装平均价格最高;而由 Morocco 出口到欧盟的服装平均价格保持不变
主体第二段:由 India、Indonesia、China、Bangladesh 出口到欧盟的服装平均价格有所下
降,其中 2003 年 Bangladesh 出口的服装平均价格最低
总结:强调由 Tunisia 出口到欧盟的服装价格上升幅度最大


The bar chart compares the change of the average price per kilo of clothing exported
from seven nations to the European Union during the period from 1997 to 2003.

According to the bar chart, the average price of clothing imported from Tunisia into the
European Union was the highest among seven major countries of origin in 2003, with a
dramatic surge from 17 euros per kilo to 24 euros per kilo between 1997 and 2003. The
period also witnessed a slight increase in the figure for Turkey, with the average price
reaching 19 euros in 2003, while that for Morocco leveled off at 18 euros.

By contrast, as can be seen from the bar chart, the data for China and India experienced
a decreasing trend over the six years, at 16 euros and 14 euros in contrast to 11 euros
and 10 euros respectively. It is worth noting that the average price of clothing imported
from India and Bangladesh showed a similarly downward tendency, among which there
existed a significantly lower number in Bangladesh, dipping by 3 euros.

Overall, the average price of imported clothing from Tunisia to the European Union
became increasingly higher.
(194 words)


export (v.) 出口
surge (n.) 激增
witness (v.) 目睹
level off 持平
significantly (adv.) 显著地
dip (v.) 下降

2022.3.3 澳大利亚周末和工作日照顾孩子时间
The charts below give information about the amount of time children spend with
their parents. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


2 个柱状图对比了小孩子跟父母在一起的时间,分为周中和周末。



The bar charts compare how much time children below the age of 9 spend with their

During weekdays, all these children enjoy less than 10 hours’ parental companionship,
with those aged between 4 and 5 spending just above 8 hrs with parents. It is also
evident that, for a large part of this time - about 4 to 6 hrs, only mothers keep these
children company. For 1 to 2 hrs during the weekdays, children only have their dads
around. Children aged from 6 to 9 are fortunate to have both parents with them for more
than 2 hrs, whereas those below 6 years old only spend no more than 1 hour with both
mom and dad.

On weekends, by contrast, at least 5 hrs are spent with both parents, particularly
4–5-year-olds who have 6 hrs with both parents’ companionship. Mothers still contribute
3 to 4 hrs of child-care on their own, while dads only spend an insignificant amount of
time with their children alone, although 4–5-year-olds have up to 2 hrs with just their

To sum up, though most of the time children are accompanied by mothers, they spend
more time with parents on weekends, with fathers being more available.
(204 words)


parental companionship 父母陪伴

it is evident that … 很明显…
a large part of 很大一部分
keep sb company 陪伴某人
have sb around 有某人陪伴
on one’s own 独自
an insignificant amount of 极其少量的

2022.3.26 比较中国印度美国不同粮食的产量
The chart below shows information about the crop yields of three nations in
2011. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,
and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


主体段 1:介绍产量最大的类别(水稻);
主体段 2:介绍产量较小的类别(油籽和小麦)。
主体段 3:介绍差异最大的类别(其他)。


开头段:该图比较了三个国家在 2011 年的农业产量。

主体段 1:无论在哪个国家,最常见的作物都是水稻。这一类别在美国和中国分别贡献了
1000 万和 900 万公斤的产量,是所有类别中最高水平,也是印度录得数量的两倍。
主体段 2:油籽产量排名第二,从印度的 300 万公斤到美国的 500 万公斤。小麦产量更小
(不超过 200 万公斤),印度的产量最低——仅有 100 万公斤。
主体段 3:其他谷物类型的产量差异最大。具体而言,中美各产出 600 万公斤,是印度数字
(150 万公斤)的四倍。

The chart compares agricultural production volumes of three different countries in 2011.

In general, the US and China were the largest producers, with largely comparable
amounts of crops harvested.

The most common crop harvested, regardless of country, was rice. This single category
contributed 10 and 9 million kilograms of output in America and China, respectively, the
highest levels among all the categories and twice as large as the amount recorded in
Second in rank were oilseed yields, from 3 million kilograms in India to 5 million kilograms
in America. Even smaller volumes (no more than 2 million kilograms in any of the
countries) were documented for wheat, with India contributing the smallest productivity
figure, at merely 1 million kilograms.

Production of other grain types featured the most drastic differences. More specifically,
China and the US each output 6 million kilograms of these, four times as large as the
Indian figure (1.5 million kilograms).
(154 words)


agricultural production volumes 农业产量

amounts of crops harvested 作物收割量
twice as large as the amount recorded in … 是……录得数量的两倍
second in rank 排名第二
yields 产量
document 记录(动词)
productivity figure 产量
feature 具有……特征(动词)
the most drastic differences 差距最为悬殊
output 产出(动词)

2022.4.16 1951 到 2011 年小镇人口变化

The bar charts below show the information about the population in a particular
town in the UK from 1951 to 2011. Summarise the information by selecting and
reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


题目大意:第一幅图展示了一个英国小镇 1951-2011 年人口变化,第二幅图展示了该小镇

第一幅图,总体趋势“先上升后下降”,描写简单;第二幅图 0-14, 15-29 和 65+三个年龄
组是上升趋势,10-39 以及 40-64 称下降趋势,故主体第二段分为两个部分。


Para 1 = 题目改写 + 概述
Para 2 = 描写第一幅图
Para 3 = 描写第二幅图

The first bar chart illustrates how many people lived in a certain British town between
1951 and 2011, while the second depicts how the proportion of residents from five
various age groups changed during the same period. Overall, there was an increase in
the total population of this place, despite a downward trend in the percentage of

In terms of the total population, the number was 100,000 in 1951. After that, it doubled,
reaching 200,000 in 1991 before dropping slightly to approximately 175,000 in 2011.

Turning to the percentage of people of different ages, those under 15 and those between
15 and 29 accounted for 15% each. Following this, the figures grew gradually to roughly
22% and 20% in 2011 respectively. Likewise, the proportion of senior citizens aged 65
and over also increased, but rapidly from 10% in 1951 to 25% in 2011. In contrast,
30-39-year-old people represented around 18% in 1951 and some 19% in 1971.
However, the figure had almost halved to 12% by 2011. Although the percentage of
40-64-year-olds was by far the highest, at 45%, it dropped to just over 30% in 1991 and
20% in 2011.
(192 words)


resident (n.) 居民
double (v.) 翻倍
account for 占据
roughly (adv.) 大约
senior citizens 老年人
represent (v.) 占据
halve (v.) 减半

2022.4.23 欧洲国家人均消费苹果和橘子对比
The chart below shows the consumption of apples and oranges per person in
kilograms in five countries in 2013. Summarise the information by selecting and
reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


题目大意:柱状图描写了欧洲五个国家 2013 年每人消耗苹果和橘子的量。

总的来说,Austria,Turkey 和 Spain 每人消耗橘子的量大于苹果的量,而在 Italy,情况相
反;Denmark 两种水果的量相同。


Para 1 = 题目改写 + 概述
Para 2 = 描写苹果的数据
Para 3 = 描写橘子的数据


The bar chart illustrates how many apples and oranges each individual in five nations in
Europe consumed in 2013. Overall, while the consumption of oranges per person was
higher than that of apples in Austria, Turkey, and Spain, every Italian loved apples more
than oranges; meanwhile, people in Denmark had the same preference for the two fruits.

Regarding apples, the consumption per capita in Denmark was by far the largest, at
slightly over 30 kilograms whereas the quantity in Spain was the least, at about 7
kilograms. In Italy, everyone ate 25 kilograms, and this figure was nearly twice higher
than that in Austria and Turkey, at roughly 13 kilograms and 12 kilograms respectively.

Turning to oranges, Turkish people ate considerably more than those in any other
country, at 37 kilograms. Residents in Denmark consumed approximately 31 kilograms,
followed by some 37 kilograms in Spain, 20 kilograms in Italy, and around 17 kilograms in
(155 words)


each individual 每个人

nations in Europe 欧洲的国家
consume (v.) 消耗
preference for 对…的偏爱
per capita 每个人
slightly over 刚超过
considerably more 多得多
any other country 任何一个国家

2022.7.9 男女生在大学中全日制和半日制比例
The charts below show the percentage of male and female students of different
age groups who studied in Australia for full-time and part-time education in 2006.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


这个题目展示了 2006 年不同年龄的在澳大利亚兼职和全职学习的男女性比例。

part-time 和 full-time 分组,2)按照年龄分组。

Para 1 = 题目改写 + 概述
Para 2 = 描写第一幅图内容
Para 3 = 描写第二幅图内容


The bar charts illustrate the proportion of males and females of various ages who
received part-time and full-time education in Australia in 2016. Overall, regardless of
gender, more students from 15-29 years old studied part-time while those aged 30 and
over favoured full-time learning more, except for 25-29-year-old females who had an
equal preference for the two modes.

Regarding males, the percentage of part-timers aged 20-24 was 40%, and the figure was
over three times higher than that for their 15-19-year-old counterparts, at 12%. Students
aged 25-29 and those aged no younger than 30 who studied part-time accounted for the
same proportion, at 8%. In contrast, 12% of 20-24-year-old males studied full-time,
followed by 10%, 8% and 6% for those over 29, between 15 and 19, and from 25-29

Turning to females, 20-24-year-old part-timers represented the largest proportion, at

42%, which was significantly higher than that of teenagers, at 17%, and that of those
aged 30 and over, at 6%. By comparison, there were 13% female students from the
20-24 age group and 12% from the 30+ year group studying full-time, while the figure for
adolescents was 7%. Part-time and full-time students aged 25-29 constituted the same
percentage, at 8%.


receive education 接受教育

regardless of gender 不管性别
favour (v.) 喜欢
full-time learning 全职学习
an equal preference for 同样喜爱
mode (n.) 模式
part-timer (n.) 兼职者
counterpart (n.) 对应的人/物
account for (v.) 占据
represent (v.) 占据
adolescent (n.) 青少年
constitute (v.) 占据

2022.8.13 1992 和 2012 的大学科学类选科比例

The charts below show percentages of males and females choosing sciences
subjects and percentages of students choosing top three science subjects in
1992 and 2012. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


第一个柱状图给出了男女学生在 1992 年到 2012 年之间的比例变化。可以看到男生的比例

第二个柱状图表明,biology 学科的学生比例最高,趋势是下降的。而 physics 和 computer
science 学科则是上升,但数量仍然比较低。


主体段 1: 对第一个柱状图进行描述。
主体段 2: 对第二个柱状图进行描述


The bar charts illustrate the proportions of men and women who chose science subjects
in 1992 and 2012 as well as the data for the three most popular science disciplines in
these two years.

Overall, it is clear that despite an increase in the proportion of female students studying
science, it was still lower than the male counterparts. Additionally, most science students
opted for biology, while the least preferred physics.

Specifically, nearly 70% of male students chose to study science in 1992, followed by a
drop of 10% after two decades. By contrast, the percentage of females was much lower
than that of males at first (only a quarter), but with a considerable increase to 45%, the
gap has narrowed by 2012.

As for the three science subjects, biology ranked first position in both years, attracting
70% of students in 1992 and 50% in 2012. Physics and computer science, however,
both witnessed a rise in the percentage of students, with the former growing slightly to
15% and the latter more sharply to 25%. Still, their figures were significantly smaller than
that of biology.
(183 words)


discipline 科目
counterpart 对应的人或物
opt for 选择
considerable 显著的
rank 排名
former (二者中的)前者

2022.10.8 三年间 5 种杂志的销量百分比

The chart below shows the percentages of five kinds of magazines sold by a
company in the UK between 2001 and 2009. Summarise the information by
selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where
Write at least 150 words.




主体段 1:最畅销的是以经济题材杂志,在头五年中占了四分之一的市场份额。随后又攀升
了 10%,在 2009 年登上榜首。电影杂志的增长甚至更为可观,因为它们在头五年里销量
(5%)增加了四倍,然后在 2009 年又再添 5%。

主体段 2:与这种上升势头形成对的,是社会议题类杂志的迅速下降。尽管这类杂志在早期
发行量最大(40%),但十年后的销售量骤降至 5%,使该类杂志成为最不受欢迎类别。
主体段 3:其余两类杂志的读者群变化要小得多。尽管体育类杂志在 2005 年曾有短暂的 5%
增长,但销售额停留在 20%左右。音乐是最不受关注的主题,杂志销量也比较稳定(10%),
尽管 2005 年曾下降到 5%。


The chart provides information about how popular different types of magazines were
among British readers over a decade.

In general, sales figures were largely comparable across genres exception music, which
remained last in rank over the entire period surveyed.

The bestsellers were economics-themed, with a market share of a quarter over the first
five years. This was followed by a 10% rise, resulting in the top rank for this genre in 2009.
Even more substantial growth was recorded for film-related magazines because they
generated five times the original level of sales (5%) in the first five years before securing a
further 5% in 2009.

Such upward momentum can be contrasted with the rapid decline of magazines on
social issues. Although this was the by far the most widely distributed category early on
(40%), their sales plummeted to a mere 5% by the end of the decade, rendering the
genre the least sought-after.
There was much less change to the reader base of the remaining two categories. Around
20% of sales was attributable to sports despite a brief 5% increase in 2005. Similar
stability was recorded for music, the least popular topic (10%), although there was a
drop to 5% in 2005.
(201 words)


sales figures 销售额

the bestsellers 最畅销的商品/类型
market share 市场份额
top rank 排名第一
generated five times the original level of sales 产生原本销量的五倍
upward momentum 增长势头
be contrasted with 与……形成对比
plummet 大幅下降
the least sought-after 最不受欢迎
reader base 读者群体

2022.11.5 16-25 男生看电视和参加体育运动比例

The bar chart below shows the percentage of males in a particular country who
prefer watching sports to males who prefer participating in sports. Summarise
the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.




主体段 1:最畅销的是以经济题材杂志,在头五年中占了四分之一的市场份额。随后又攀升
了 10%,在 2009 年登上榜首。电影杂志的增长甚至更为可观,因为它们在头五年里销量
(5%)增加了四倍,然后在 2009 年又再添 5%。

主体段 2:与这种上升势头形成对的,是社会议题类杂志的迅速下降。尽管这类杂志在早期
发行量最大(40%),但十年后的销售量骤降至 5%,使该类杂志成为最不受欢迎类别。

主体段 3:其余两类杂志的读者群变化要小得多。尽管体育类杂志在 2005 年曾有短暂的 5%

增长,但销售额停留在 20%左右。音乐是最不受关注的主题,杂志销量也比较稳定(10%),
尽管 2005 年曾下降到 5%。


The chart provides information about how popular different types of magazines were
among British readers over a decade.
In general, sales figures were largely comparable across genres exception music, which
remained last in rank over the entire period surveyed.

The bestsellers were economics-themed, with a market share of a quarter over the first
five years. This was followed by a 10% rise, resulting in the top rank for this genre in 2009.
Even more substantial growth was recorded for film-related magazines because they
generated five times the original level of sales (5%) in the first five years before securing a
further 5% in 2009.

Such upward momentum can be contrasted with the rapid decline of magazines on
social issues. Although this was the by far the most widely distributed category early on
(40%), their sales plummeted to a mere 5% by the end of the decade, rendering the
genre the least sought-after.
There was much less change to the reader base of the remaining two categories. Around
20% of sales was attributable to sports despite a brief 5% increase in 2005. Similar
stability was recorded for music, the least popular topic (10%), although there was a
drop to 5% in 2005.
(201 words)


sales figures 销售额

the bestsellers 最畅销的商品/类型
market share 市场份额
top rank 排名第一
generated five times the original level of sales 产生原本销量的五倍
upward momentum 增长势头
be contrasted with 与……形成对比
plummet 大幅下降
the least sought-after 最不受欢迎
reader base 读者群体
2022.5.21 社区中心 10 年前和现在对比

The diagrams below show a community centre’s changes in the last ten years.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


这个题目中有两幅图,描述了一个社区中心在过去 10 年内的变化情况。图中有“指南针”,


Para 1 = 题目改写 + 概述
Para 2 = 描写第一幅图的内容
Para 3 = 描写第二幅图的内容


The two floor plans clearly illustrate the development of a community centre during the
last decade. Overall, only slight changes have been made to this venue although it has
improved its functionality.

In the past, a hall that could accommodate 100 people was in the middle, in the north of
which was a big office and in the south was a storage room. Meanwhile, a toilet and a
small office were situated in the south of the warehouse. In the west of the centre, there
was a garden and a parking lot but four small offices, another storage room, and a
kitchen were located in the east.

At present, the large office has been bisected into a storage room and a smaller office. A
new cafeteria has taken the place of the storage room in the south of the hall and the
office next to the toilet has been converted into a café. The garden has gone and is
replaced by a spot for indoor sports. The four offices have been combined into a large
one and other areas remain unchanged.


decade (n.) 十年
make changes to 对…做出改变
venue (n.) 地点
functionality (n.) 功能性
accommodate (v.) 容纳
be situated in 位于
warehouse (n.) 仓库
a parking lot 停车场
be located in 位于
bisect (v.) 分成两个部分
take the place 代替
convert (v.) 转换
replace (v.) 代替
combine (v.) 合并
remain unchanged 没有变化

2022.7.7 玻璃杯的回收循环过程
The diagram below shows the recycling process of wasted glass bottles.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


段,同时,也可以看出整个过程有 12 个步骤,考生可以将这 12 个步骤进行合理分段。笔


Para 1 = 题目改写 + 概述
Para 2 = 描写第一个阶段的内容
Para 3 = 描写第二个阶段的内容
Para 4 = 描写第三个阶段的内容


The flow chart clearly illustrates the way in which wasted glass bottles are recycled and
reused. Overall, there are three stages in total, starting from collecting old glass bottles
and culminating in delivering new products to supermarkets.
In the first stage, different types of glass bottles that are disposed of are initially gathered
and then sent to a collection point. After that, these bottles are transported by lorries.

Turning to the second stage, the bottles are cleaned with high-pressure water before
being classified by colours: clear, green, and brown. Following this, the categorised
bottles are processed in a glass factory where they are broken into pieces and burned in
a furnace at a temperature ranging from 600℃ to 800℃ to get liquid glass. Next, both
recycled and new liquid glass are poured into a glass mould, with which new bottles are
shaped and manufactured.

At the final stage, the newly made bottles are filled, after which they are transported to a
wide range of supermarkets. These are the destinations where they are displayed on
shelves and sold to customers.


reuse (v.) 再使用

culminate in 以…结束
be disposed of 被丢弃
gather (v.) 收集
lorry (n.) 货车
classify (v.) 分类
categorise (v.) 分类
pour (v.) 倾倒
transport (v.) 运输
destination (n.) 目的地
shelf (n.) 货架

The charts and graph give information about the number of students at
university in a European country from 1984 to 2009, government spending on
these students in the same period, and family economic background in 2009.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.


的变化,饼图则表明 2009 年学生的来自于何种家庭收入背景。
要达到最低 150 字的要求,同时关注寻找图之间的关系,例如线图与柱图之间存在明显的


具体来看,线图中显示学生数量整体上升,只有在中间 1999 年时出现少量下降;柱图中政


The line graph and bar chart depict how the number of students and government
expenditure for them changed between 1984 and 2009, while the pie chart provides
information on the economic background of these students.

Overall, with more students enrolled in university during this period, the spending
allocated to each person fell sharply; additionally, over half of the students were from
high-income families.
To be specific, there were 300,000 students in 1984, followed by a considerable growth
of 200,000 in the next decade. Despite a slight decrease in 1999, the number finally
peaked at 550,000 in 2009.

In stark contrast, government funding per student experienced a corresponding drop

from €14,500 to €13,000 over these 25 years. However, in the last five years it is
noticeable that the figures showed the same increasing trend as that of students.

With regard to their family income level, 52% of the students came from well-off families,
while the rest part was almost equally divided, with 22% from middle-income families
and 26% from a disadvantaged background.
(171 words)


depict v. 描述,描绘
expenditure/spending n. 支出,花销
funding n. 资金
enroll v. 加入,登记
allocate v. 分配
corresponding adj. 相应的
noticeable adj. 值得注意的
well-off adj. 富裕的
divide v. 分开
disadvantaged adj. 贫困的

The graphs below show the percentage of math graduates and all graduates who
got full-time job after graduating from a university in Australia, and also shows
the average salary of both grads, from 2004 to 2012. Summarise the information
by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where
Write at least 150 words.






The line graph compares the full-time employment rate of maths graduates and all
university graduates in Australia, while the table presents information about their average
annual salary from 2004 to 2012.
According to the line graph, 80% of maths graduates secured a full-time job in 2004,
exceeding that of all graduates by about 15%. In the next few years, both sets of figures
had slight increases, with the former reaching its peak at 90% in 2006 and the latter
peaking at 85% in 2008. Since then, the proportions had been declining, and in 2012,
both rates reached nearly the same level as in 2004.

In terms of average income, no difference was reported in the first two years, with both
maths graduates earning $41000 per year, same as their peers. After 2006, however, the
salary of university graduates with a math degree increased at a faster rate, going up to
$51000 in 2010 and almost rising by another 20% in 2012. In comparison, average
earnings of all graduates experienced a steady growth of about $2000 per year, reaching
$51000 in 2012 – almost $10000 lower than the yearly income of maths grads.

Overall, the performance of maths graduates in both the full-time employment rate and
annual income is above average.
(209 words)


full-time employment rate 全职雇佣比例

annual adj. 年度的 (同: yearly / per year)
secure v. 可以得到
exceed v. 超过
no difference was reported in … 在(某方面)没有体现差距
peer n. 同辈,同等的人
at a faster rate 以更快的速率/比例
rise by another … 进一步增长了…
earning n. 收入 (同: income)
above average 高于平均水平

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