Chap 3 - Pytel Solution Manual

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C26 Mathcad worksheet ag = 65.10 = (ue) ba (ey~apar Be iyi y= 1010p y= 9108 pt yp = 3810p Ploting range and nremen FS (oy a4) AT- at r 34 280 _ 165 19 faa = sl « To _ (05x 1) 408) (912) (200 Gi” Ori aR ) ara « 32 ws “L/(G8)Yocomes aaa 183109 Ba) 140mm 15412 18) (010% = 3x10 Ps a3 MeN 33 I= 5 0t-) = Zo" e)98]= 78x10) 0" oe pe oo 1h 02).7/ (osteo) or = (eda puanwre, D = sarin TL, _ owing) 00-56 ~ Fam t0-A sm tex = 2008. 10" rat = LAE 34 om T= rule 6 that the ato of be sm onda be cried by Os low an aid sass geet Tam Soe Tet” “Tae ao 43 35 Ferd), = Be To- eI0"73 ax _ Bm Gorin im > (amu) 36 pooing spo er, ae it aida Ox ORF man "The macimum Alorale fers e P = 2 N, goveed by the angio wie The ago of wis of tho eat Is paar anit rt "Th tga ha produc ths it Bd 12x WOT 6 4) w 622 -i 75 ) sasth Td _ 200.29) sg r0 pei « tou = Ff SER 15 10 3.8 oom = $0109" 009 = 740010 wt da At ae 13 _ (x1). Wr rat = CAMO oc Hm so a oJ (x1 035760) srg ro. ames 2 Nm dng of tie 28 = 26/80 ak Ty Ga an s fe > wae (nat aw) T= dio Nm 39 seé'r _ x (0120)8 100 « 08) " 72 BE TOO sc He 1-506 2 Uaie_ (us, ss yw wena (we Tati) 0 = iar 3:0 a. ‘The mandy sf torque for 7 ~ 14 GPA is deri’ by ‘he ear dante: re _ (0.080 12 10) 16 gl of it 2(5)-a@)*(3) =4(6/180) 04, r = 509 Nm Comparing te above 0 ls, Tie = 0 8 a 3.11 Dusan Tyo = 200 Non Tie = 1200 — 10 = 480 Nm ‘maximus ss ore (45) fee)” angle ofotstion governs: J = nd80 = DL (GA) which Comparing the above rns, equ dame is 00519 510mm Ju = Zio =o817 10 at So = Soe Z 0079 a6 104 at 5 Aa Ty — Tg = 15 (0 Ane ran ott cp ose, eo) Sie in atc ira = CHO 9g Sires inane 22 COMO oa ya Ange of tations 80) m 6- La a ap rex) iat 7 “Tax ey ccsr) * Teo TAIT T= 1750 bm Comparing th above three vals Tus = 4070 tin. Bld 226 5 Baa owl ke ew aL agike ‘The orga shown show ren No, andthe gare in spetam Usog the gh hand rl, ie trgs are Tog -B00N3, Tes = 300 N20, Tag = C00 Ne to = BE (Fn 30 +4092) (ON) = 00 nd = 0102) =-030-« “The oat sgn intimate that the raion cade ‘Hie vowel fom D towns oy = TL de "= Gin sah Wis roar = 2200009 on s00) = nett ead = 3.56" aay (00460) ~ 00607 ra = 350" 45 3.16 ‘exge praia Taf ‘Txgoe at dstanoe ea een: T= T/L hi: ox = (1/6 de =O, ee [nse [ rule) ron tte 2) a vn 1600), _ 22.6% 1 MPa + von ME = I a 3.8 Using 7 = tu the ange of twist of «sha ean be expres foe sig this xprmson, th compat conto, yy = Bu, Ce), - C2), cay” tempat Saas ~ GRAD one = OAT ete govers, (Fag ~ OATH (ry = 047480) = {45 MPa <6) MPs. Therefore sel goes ula gives: T= Ty Ty wc ps plete E fora (or95 w+ (0080 (60% 0) Bown esnuen« 3.19 ‘As nthe solution for Pro 3.18, th cmpaibty ent ‘ions =a, bares Setting te wal fe msi sme ss, a ro (200) war 5} Saag the ro Bf gis (60)0) wes Seas hn gee T= Tu + fom wh he resi eee [loos (60 10) + (0050 (10) SON 650K « 3.20 Shear sre: ru = 26T/ (rd) can be emit ae rau Ty = SHE rage, 0) ry = 20008 reset, @) Compt y= ny) | ( @). - @), (2748.94) (4) _ (1963.528,} (6) ware) 7 ete) ic gine e218, 6) rine Ta $= (16000 12} thin Subttting gs (1}() into g(t) gives « me. + 1968.5 2148)° = W200 = 2057 4 = 2168/2087) 46 3.21 Ral upp at A. Lat 8, be the angle f rotten eases Ft and ety be the angle eation eon by tts sneer 6 = (s2i) 1OS0SE — m199(b. 2 ome « Compatiiity: dg =0 a0 eon = 28k Cnening common forge (targa in Ibs) Tal9) , (Pa— 500) (8), o~750,(0) _ wet om 7 aC Saving gi Ty = 824 16-8 ula: Ty ~ 130 Ty = 760 — 9824 = So I Thy = To=B2AIb-f Ty = Te—M00=—11T 618-8 Ty = Te=9rOb-k 16924719 yop « =O 16017832) =a 18681819 _ ago pt « 70} so pe 3.23, oie . egy 6 — @.-@. 06° edhe aquating Bay (2) an (2): i) dye = 001m = 40mm 3.24 Gada ~ (60 10") £089" 20.110 Nw Gale = (0% 10) % (009) 0.010] 47 ten BE. 0), a iss at tact vie 6g FE ODE, oasis Basan: Ta = Ta =) % Compatsilty Ge +84 = % OR TET anton ~ * s oop) 00 *(putaw+ mate) “08 Sohing et P= y= y= 251 Nom Jit ey] = 63st Cp: = fy Bee “(O)(6381) | ty = Oia, aioe goes, re = Tal OI tipi Ta = 94629 Ty ~ 0.4020 (825) = 2094 iin “i eta pov, osc.) to) ‘cate 21.0 kp. eet 20.9 ip in, brome goes. sawp Tun Equlitrian T= Ty +Ty= 2542098 = BSS pin. = 5:29 ip STO = (= 8] ~0asnit Compt = he ee _ Tit Gute = Gale, _ 018709 Gade ™ = @y(oasi) Ty = 0257 (1) guia: Ty + Tie = D000 b= 215108 bin.) ‘Subetating (1) ito (2) 04008 + Te he 210 Bin, 16082 bin, ead v= ), ito yuan re = (Fe), = ENED sap « 3.27 equiva ‘om the FDS ofthe gears Bit = 0 T-omr~0 TM; = 0 spo +A) =0 TM = 9 T-000F=0 nating and Fils ae ‘ ar + $n, = 50 @ Compatibiity When gor rts throug one 8, the conrerpondng rotation fgets A atl C re Oy gpa A, D we ich ide eam Boe ‘Sica endo reprent the ang of wi nalts 1 nd 2, the lst quatiow euilent fo TL fe 4 in Sohtion of Bes, (e) and (8) w T=MLN-m Tansasema 48 3.28 Beaten: PD of gar Be Ey T-1-FR=0 (1) FBD of garD: My = mr(®) s(t) and (2) yl wy ° S ‘Compasiity: The ditance si geen = Rly = (RI: © 2) 7 r nett «9 @ Tek a Sr Dar natn © Subtitling % om Ba) 0 Ba) 3.29 3 ——— * = FAO A srs int =0407 in 2 Bquirium: 5 = 75 (=) Compatbiiy (rine Fgh support). 8, + 84 = Be = (80) rat Ph The ih YG ~ T [is alata] - he oo °° TH+ a ib 10 0) (180) Gears fas TOD] toa), = PP 98D) — aay a = (rom = 5 ay, ME Ea (mda = BE 14900 yl = 1680 (20 x10) Pb Fr 7 = (ox (2) =m {tar ses ovr (ar Seas (30) Mont of tat governs 0 = 9/180) = x/20 ra T% a ft _ (oso) 0x29 > (aay) st Comping the above vas, the small ele ders 22010 « SS 3.31 [ot (19) fo2= 7488 nt Toi = (oon) Pte 7 = (ax) ( rane - 050048) s wy 9x Ze (0800) (6% 12) 10 Wenge, tae trasy CP) 3.32 bo) Tres) = (0) (2) _ sini? tae = Be SEI at Ne or apm (AB rae = EF = SEED 26 "Pa BC ry, = MF — LEB) 106 10? Pa it~ Foes" Comparing the above val the maiz sa sre is SLEMPs (cau in sngment A} t) ee = Lyte Oe = byt = ay Be waorran [eos * ooss| = 01089 rad = 600" “4 3.35 7 Posi) = (20x10) PO eben Tae = (6x00) 2 Te = (60010) 2H te =o 840410 in Cs = 20000 pi 50 rag = ME a AH Comparing the above wales, Ue masimam shar ses is 108 is (oven seeene AB) fos = . )__ ssa), (810.48) = exert ot eat = 00620 ad = 300 « 3.36 (o) Approczate re ofthe tobe SUS Sort and datacom fom ater Thar, the par spprocinated by Je (versa 20r% Gan, (©) hom Bq, (886), 2 = 7/2Ao, wine ro Tae sing Ea (2), Ths | TEM | Teal ieGry 3.37 Ayar a n(6% = 25rin? $= der = 2n(8) = 10 in 1 aeer ros governs fn Ba (08): moxie = m2 ii, {fale of ui governs (om Ba (8.9): Tus _ (920x104) (100) GAA ~ 401109 25eF OB) ‘Comparing the above vlc the nimi thickness i fan O78 01789 in 50 3.38 Crlndiol tbe iene r= 108, R= 1, (@) Vang Ea, 59) nse aie, cr Fane =a = (500 10)7 (0) Using Bs. Gab) = 2/24) fee = Zig eA ee ST ey =~ eGR] = erence 3.39 T= 500 Nem Ay ~ (3080) = 2400 ‘ain Ea (8b) = 7/ (2A) ox = 0 MPa som = 6/87/24) Tareas ~ TOD XII OTP 1852 107 = 1852 min 3.40 Ming Ra (8) fo 77 (2A rae alt ~ TY (24s) Tm rant (02(F x6%3) 01) 1 = 30min = eri 3.41 T= 00 Nant =2 min = 210" m p= 20(20) —#(10)8=2858 mat = 2858 104 $= 300) +2r(00) = 122.69 mm ~ 12.810" (@) Using Ba. (880) (¢=7/ 242): ot oo 2 ai” TEE Pome ~ $2481" P= 8248 MPL () From Ha (3.9) _ 7s oat cozy cio) Tae) (858 <0 FR) 1410 sao = 808 deem 3.42 Gace Ay 27, $= 200 Seared (rah =erya (2A. Banas, S(or/2) = 250 eee Clee neo is ip Beam 5, 40, ante cae trae [en 0" 8 aay Cane lawl AF 3.43 TaWkipin, Oath 7 ae . ths [ie mat yoxs ee fF ee fee hens 3 dy _ S43, Gn/42 Af > Gat em (9) Fm aft =) et) Fe Pa, oe = 1/80 a pe Mg = 1890 wi re" Gat () Aa of it pe fot of int a D7 aL TA Te as08F = 5:49 x 1 nf, (AMO 10-4) cad Dn, 10 deg : rr = 0978 deg) 4 3.44 ‘he re cosit of 6 equlatral trian of bse 15 a sd bap Sein Ay = 60/2) (15)(1 860") = 58857 in? Aart = 2(58487 (700) (0080) = OTH Win. Ss! () Uaag 258, mus (6738) (25 12100) 199 io Taio) @aasrs (0s) 3.45 ‘Aron cosa of sect radia. a einby 8a retanle son tet +48) mo7astin? ie a f=} Aa) ges T= 2Aert = 24671881000) (0.04) = 4570 bin. 3.46 i. ia) §=10i ieee P= autre Si0nyon(a00)- 008-0. 7s ur 0 = oa mF Made isso = 3.47 Clad tube AB: Median ni ie fri 20 ma Squire tbe BC: Median ine ex 0 mm man gare olan = 2007 = 4784 a? Sat (04mm typ =2 am (lee = (07? = 0400 unt (Sige = 4(07) = 388mm tae =3m Tease, - es eee pirion: Ty+ Te =P (1) Compa: gy = a bases (a) ." (ea) Cncaing common feat solving fr To ie San CAs)pl te. To = Ssolldedacl tse 7, SrclCAe) ga to To = sorry (3) “os (ema) Sabie (an (2) ee THAT (8) snd Pe 1aTeET, (4) Tate san res n AB gone: Ty = (Aya Tq = 2(e7784.10°9) (60% 1h) (0902) = 1488 Nm T= A673 (1188) ~SI00N- ee the show te ia BC goa Te = 2A ae My = 2(9400% 10-4) (60% 109) (0000) = 30672 N-m Comparing tho above we sles, che mom torque is 410'Nm Rom FigP&A7, the tongoe T= 03 Wn, From whch the gest al of Pi 2 _ 0 Pau G= 88 wuss N= veariw « 3.48 : fe (_GE Os zt a= dylt 42/20) Sram rdglt + 2/2) Acaad)d= [r(€0 (4) +2) 20) Moding Ea. (96): 18 de = east ee Petal 2/00) de alee a+ QE © caaage at) ee wap (+a) ~ ara PL Ora)" s] = aap) EC ware [0+ ) | 25 [uty -o K ronan? aL oti 3.49 ‘The ape ello of the ees ston aaa os “The creaming ves of and Ce can be determin thon Tate 3 by nwa nterpattin: af sam] cc 0” [02s os 282-0287 “0-30 ost — 0.50 7-30 Cre = 027200) (0087(120 > 1) 2 awn « o T 2330408) ‘Feabes ~ Bem TT a0 RO] = bane sed = 1150" 3.50 ‘The pect eto of te co section fete The cormmponding vlan fC cn be detained roe Table 3 by ina epic a 2 21 ened 21a-20 0300-0209 Te 1. cae 3.51 “ ye ener fo aaa mos = Gat os? ole ayeioan) =0707 « freak ee » erence ear ” = Gi” Gerda Ge eal = Cia” Tia i = 202s) - 0888 3.52 ar (a) Wehavea/8 = 25 fr which Tale 3.1 gives C= 0758 ond C= 0208, fed toe * Gall ~ a8 EF = Th (0x 1218 = Gaba DATHPU = Dua 10° rd =276" 10 which yes Cy = 0.32 ard Ca = on 12 asa (000 1218 1) > Gata ~ TSIATOVEOP IF) = Ds rad 881° 3.53 ‘e.mail a 187 _ son ran = 2B = sok ‘The elt of the hereon bars ends? = otha he mex shae sre to tg T ib sth mn Wanye 53 avatng Fu fhe to ba, we gt sooo = smn soa - ere oe Te preg ct BR y 100 BY 100% = 420% « TE yams (1-2) xt - 20 3.54 ov /h= Tle 8 yl, = 028 sl = 0281 7 tae = Gig 27 =O b= TE _ Giornale | Crt * Goh ~~ Gao G8 2 Bay, smieonse 5 7 Gira!” OmmaUisOx 1e}2 ~ 5 ‘Te nvr and outer potions of tsa (Snot by ant 2} have the sue ale few, Hence TL ay Be a ating T= 7, meet m n= firostin « aaa Mite 3.56 (6) The tou inthe sagmants of ho sat aro Tay = 40001 -in. Tyo = 4000 ~ 240 = 1600 in Top = 1600+ 1600 = 320 Ibi, Note hat ll ergot have tho sae ess 38,4000) . Eb Toy ~ 1881? = 00m) + ean +2045) (oI V0 Fwy = euros 233" 4 3.7 Conulam = Calan WD lr Woes ~ re oe = 8 1-(5)-(@) =° ‘The soon w 4 = nase = Tam ase = Jose a ratte Angie of rotation ee = : pers some a se in we ae aT 2- Gina 0) = aronr() 5 avon (souecosit) P= asset Woa MW fe 3.59) 4, = 100, = 80 mm, = 0 MP B= Oo, =r E fa (0s = 570610 at U eear sve gover pa TE O21 6.798210) | ig, + 0s Laat Ae go: = TL) ot r= ait T= (x1) (670109 09( 7 Comparing abo valves Tu = 60 Nan = 3.98 WN 0 3.60 21a, f= 20 in, a Pn)=(onee) 72 Sutetting 7 ~ ni+/16 give: 3.61 Aion: Ty =T, d= 40am, 2 = 60 eu, 7 = 85 MPA, Ga2scPs Sta, Ty = 37, d= 50 sm, = 900 mn + = 8 MPa, ons Gao ae 210.040 _api9 10" mt Ja = TORO oasis (0050) eis6 10° at Je = 100" Sos <1 (02618 10° a) 001m (e304 (06106 10-4) Aft =) #- Do5-(6),+(@), ws ~ (ae) (ws) (corm * rata) Saving yishie T'=707N-m Comparing the above thee woe, Trae = 679 Km 3.62 aah 70k! zo) ~Sehw Tl ee afl aa 5 c oe Pea a alleeellin ‘The spin torque at B is oppastly ected fm he ap tod urgua a4 C. and f=? He Pag _ 20108 Ta = ep a ae = Pa OP = B=, Top = 22S sary m (2) The mario shar es (00 MPa) pera hy the tengo in halt BC. aR () Sha diameter d= 100 msn, C= 83 GPO. 00064 m= 694 mam 8175 x10" at toy = Eh = qyare cn 0) +2 1.9) ~ (15 2) (380 ton = Toe (F) Syn = 0.48" gee Ange eee D) 4 3.63 Asi: d= 80 su, (Copper d= 0 mm, Gu = 47 GP, 0 mm, Oy = 26 GPa Lim oe 4 [loan = 4054 104 wt = Sooo = sora at SF Compa: ls = 6a eve (TL /(G.NL, = (TE) (Dy (Gg (47 (0387) Toe (Gaya ™ ~ yoy ™ 108837 iim Toe + Ty = 2008-0 Tu(h+10883) = 2000 Ty = STERN Jog = 148889188) ~ 1021.2 8-0 Mazina sor sri: n= ( cu = 10700 Pa =1079 MPs => G)- ae S010 Ps = 1515 Ps 3.64 (emer fe a i b 2 Guang Te = §% () & no is str Sibaeting (1) ito (2) go Ton ty azo. bro (@) Toe rss of Pas (0) woul or ehange fhe sat ‘er hallow beeae J caus oti he arly, 3.65, 05 bri/im fee ast = Pe wih gs loa) 010) 18 b= eatin (b) Apply #= 7) (Gd) to de sd eegrate oe eo) = 08 Ii, o 2 [Tad ese - fer Tease () 3.66 oe the dtbtedtngue: 7 Mys/bind se < 1/2 3.67 Sua tae: ain by io (Ao T= 40 8, = 60 pe a2) = 010 Vaing Ba. (880) = 7) 24s): ta = ft = TY (DAS). whi ges (aon 1) OIG 56 3.68 os scone gull tinge with sds b= 1.5 in oe wal tikes = 1/16 eB /L=E fe (2/10) fla, C= 87 10 pi y= (1/0) (1.8 (250in60") = 09783? san ats)= 45 1 sear tress goers + =} (2A! is 42 hein dart = 2(097 600) (118 ong of is gone 0 = 2S} 46 (40) sunt (0) ior

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