Jane Eyre Red Room - Passage For EOY Exam

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Year 8 English

End of Year Examination 2024


Set: _________________________________________________________________

Key information:
Length of paper: 1 hour
Total marks on the paper: 30

First, read the text through once to get an overall sense of its meaning.
Read the questions for each section before you read the text again.
Make sure you leave enough time to answer the final question (Question 5) – it is
worth 12 marks and could take about 30 minutes.

Use blue or black ink to write your answers.
Write your answers for questions 1-4 on the paper and use lined paper to answer
question 5.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
In this extract, a young girl called Jane is looking around a bedroom known as the ‘red room.’
Earlier, two servants (called Bessie and Miss Abbot), were instructed to take Jane there to punish her for
being naughty.
QUESTION 1: Paragraph 1 (lines 1-12)

True or false? Tick the correct column:

True False
Th red room is always occupied

It is named after the colour of the furniture and fittings

The most noticeable piece of furniture is the bed


QUESTION 2: Paragraph 2 (lines 13-19)

Identifying information - give brief answers, but write in full sentences:

Why is the room cold?________________________________________________________________


Which two people enter the room on a regular basis? ______________________________________



Why does no-one visit the room that much? _____________________________________________



QUESTION 3: Paragraph 3 & 4 (lines 20-28)

Inference - select the best (brief) quotations to support the following points:

Point Quotation
previously died
in the room

The narrator is

QUESTION 4: Paragraph 4 (lines 28-34)

Brief analysis:

Returning, I had to cross before the looking-glass; my fascinated glance involuntarily

explored the depth it revealed. All looked colder and darker in that visionary hollow
than in reality: and the strange little figure there gazing at me, with a white face and
arms specking the gloom, and glittering eyes of fear moving where all else was still,
had the effect of a real spirit: I thought it like one of the tiny phantoms, half fairy, half

Select two words or short phrases from this quotation which you find effective and explain why (write
your explanations in full sentences):

Word/s selected Effect


QUESTION 5: Whole text - Analytical paragraphs (short essay)

Considering the whole text, how does the writer create intrigue and mystery?
Pick three examples (quotations) from the text and explain the way the writer uses language techniques for
effect. You might want to consider:

1. The strange and striking way the room is decorated;

2. The history of the room;
3. How Jane feels in the room, especially when she sees herself in the mirror.

You should plan your ideas first. Try to write a short paragraph with at least three sentences for each point
that you make:
 State your main idea clearly;
 Support this point with a clear quotation (introduce or embed the quotation);
 Follow each quotation with an explanation, exploring how the language of the quotation is
interesting and creates intrigue and mystery.

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