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Lakshay Panwar

Test ID: 432004798465750 7668646660

Test Date: May 4, 2024

Computer Programming English Comprehension Quantitative Ability Computer Science


22 /100 51 /100 26 /100 24 /100

Logical Ability WriteX - Essay Writing Automata Automata Fix

56 /100 41 /100 0 /100 0 /100



Computer Programming 22 / 100

Basic Programming Data Structures OOP and Complexity Theory

14 / 100 24 / 100 27 / 100

English Comprehension 51 / 100 CEFR: B1

Grammar Vocabulary Comprehension

53 / 100 56 / 100 45 / 100

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Quantitative Ability (Advanced) 26 / 100

Basic Mathematics Advanced Mathematics Applied Mathematics

24 / 100 29 / 100 26 / 100

Computer Science 24 / 100

OS and Computer Architecture DBMS Computer Networks

22 / 100 0 / 100 60 / 100

Logical Ability 56 / 100

Inductive Reasoning Deductive Reasoning Abductive Reasoning

62 / 100 52 / 100 55 / 100

WriteX - Essay Writing 41 / 100 CEFR: A2

Content Score Grammar Score

39 / 100 44 / 100

Automata 0 / 100

Programming Ability Programming Practices Functional Correctness

0 / 100 0 / 100 0 / 100

Automata Fix 0 / 100

Code Reuse Syntactical Error Logical Error

0 / 100 0 / 100 0 / 100

© 2024 SHL and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.. 2/31

Personality Completed

98 96 94
84 People Interaction


60 Self-Drive


20 11

Repetitive Job Suitability
Conscientiousness Openness to Experience Polychronicity

Extraversion Agreeableness Emotional Stability

Competencies Work attributes

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1 Introduction

About the Report

This report provides a detailed analysis of the candidate's performance on different assessments. The tests for this
job role were decided based on job analysis, O*Net taxonomy mapping and/or criterion validity studies. The
candidate’s responses to these tests help construct a profile that reflects her/his likely performance level and
achievement potential in the job role

This report has the following sections:

The Summary section provides an overall snapshot of the candidate’s performance. It includes a graphical
representation of the test scores and the subsection scores.

The Insights section provides detailed feedback on the candidate’s performance in each of the tests. The descriptive
feedback includes the competency definitions, the topics covered in the test, and a note on the level of the
candidate’s performance.

The Response section captures the response provided by the candidate. This section includes only those tests that
require a subjective input from the candidate and are scored based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The Learning Resources section provides online and offline resources to improve the candidate's knowledge, abilities,
and skills in the different areas on which s/he was evaluated.

Score Interpretation

All the test scores are on a scale of 0-100. All the tests except personality and behavioural evaluation provide
absolute scores. The personality and behavioural tests provide a norm-referenced score and hence, are percentile
scores. Throughout the report, the colour codes used are as follows:

Scores between 67 and 100

Scores between 33 and 67

Scores between 0 and 33

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2 Insights

English Comprehension 51 / 100 CEFR: B1

This test aims to measure your vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension skills.

You are able to construct short sentences and understand simple text. The ability to read and comprehend is
important for most jobs. However, it is of utmost importance for jobs that involve research, content development,
editing, teaching, etc.

Logical Ability 56 / 100

Inductive Reasoning 62 / 100

This competency aims to measure the your ability to synthesize information and derive conclusions.

It is commendable that you have excellent inductive reasoning skills. You are able to make specific
observations to generalize situations and also formulate new generic rules from variable data.

Deductive Reasoning 52 / 100

This competency aims to measure the your ability to synthesize information and derive conclusions.

You are able to work out rules based on specific information and solve general work problems using
these rules. This skill is required in data-driven research jobs where one needs to formulate new rules
based on variable trends.

Abductive Reasoning 55 / 100

Quantitative Ability (Advanced) 26 / 100

This test aims to measure your ability to solve problems on basic arithmetic operations, probability, permutations and
combinations, and other advanced concepts.

You are able to perform simple arithmetic operations. Apart from their relevance in monetary transactions, these
operations are used in other situations, such as dividing up tasks with one's colleagues, managing one's time at
work, and planning the resources required to complete a task.


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Reserved Sociable

Extraversion refers to a person's inclination to prefer social interaction over spending time alone.
Individuals with high levels of extraversion are perceived to be outgoing, warm and socially confident.

• You are outgoing and seek out opportunities to meet new people.
• You tend to enjoy social gatherings and feels comfortable amongst strangers and friends
• You display high energy levels and like to indulge in thrilling and exciting activities.
• You may tend to be assertive about your opinions and prefer action over contemplation.
• You take initiative and are more inclined to take charge than to wait for others to lead the way.
• Your personality is well suited for jobs demanding frequent interaction with people.


Spontaneous Diligent

Conscientiousness is the tendency to be organized, hard working and responsible in one's approach to
your work. Individuals with high levels of this personality trait are more likely to be ambitious and
tend to be goal-oriented and focused.

• You value order and self discipline and tends to pursue ambitious endeavours.
• You believe in the importance of structure and is very well-organized.
• You carefully review facts before arriving at conclusions or making decisions based on them.
• You strictly adhere to rules and carefully consider the situation before making decisions.
• You tend to have a high level of self confidence and do not doubt your abilities.
• You generally set and work toward goals, try to exceed expectations and are likely to excel in
most jobs, especially those which require careful or meticulous approach.



Competitive Cooperative

Agreeableness refers to an individual's tendency to be cooperative with others and it defines your
approach to interpersonal relationships. People with high levels of this personality trait tend to be
more considerate of people around them and are more likely to work effectively in a team.

• You are considerate and sensitive to the needs of others.

• You tend to put the needs of others ahead of your own.
• You are likely to trust others easily without doubting their intentions.
• You are compassionate and may be strongly affected by the plight of both friends and
• You are humble and modest and prefer not to talk about personal accomplishments.
• Your personality is more suitable for jobs demanding cooperation among employees.

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Openness to Experience
Conventional Inquisitive

Openness to experience refers to a person's inclination to explore beyond conventional boundaries in

different aspects of life. Individuals with high levels of this personality trait tend to be more curious,
creative and innovative in nature.

• You tend to be curious in nature and is generally open to trying new things outside your comfort
• You may have a different approach to solving conventional problems and tend to experiment
with those solutions.
• You are creative and tends to appreciate different forms of art.
• You are likely to be in touch with your emotions and is quite expressive.
• Your personality is more suited for jobs requiring creativity and an innovative approach to
problem solving.

Emotional Stability

Sensitive Resilient

Emotional stability refers to the ability to withstand stress, handle adversity, and remain calm and
composed when working through challenging situations. People with high levels of this personality trait
tend to be more in control of their emotions and are likely to perform consistently despite difficult or
unfavourable conditions.

• You are likely to be sensitive, emotional and may tend to worry about situations.
• You may react to everyday events with greater intensity and may become emotional.
• You may hesitate to face certain stressful situations and might feel anxious about your ability to
handle them.
• You may find it hard to elicit self restraint and may tend to make impulsive decisions.
• Your personality is more suited for less stressful jobs.



Focused Multitasking

Polychronicity refers to a person's inclination to multitask. It is the extent to which the person prefers
to engage in more than one task at a time and believes that such an approach is highly productive.
While this trait describes the personality disposition of a person to multitask, it does not gauge their
ability to do so successfully.

• You prefer to work on one task at a time, complete it and then move on to the next.
• You prefer orderliness and likes to concentrate on the task at hand without any distractions.
• You can find it difficult to be placed in a work environment where there is a need to multitask or
where expected to engage in multiple projects simultaneously.

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3 Response

Automata 0 / 100 Code Replay

Question 1 (Language: C)

A cold storage company has N storage units for various products. The company has received N orders that must be
preserved at respective N temperatures inside the storage units. The company manager wishes to identify which
products must be preserved at negative temperatures.

Write an algorithm to help the manager find the number of products that have negative temperature storage


Programming Ability Programming Practices

0 / 100 0 / 100
NA Programming practices score cannot be generated. This is
because source code has syntax/runtime errors and is
unparseable or the source code does not meet the minimum
code-length specifications.

Functional Correctness

0 / 100

Final Code Submitted Compilation Status: Pass Code Analysis

1 //Header Files Average-case Time Complexity

2 #include<stdio.h>
3 #include<stdlib.h>
4 #include<string.h> Candidate code: Complexity is reported only when the code
is correct and it passes all the basic and advanced test
5 #include<stdbool.h> cases.
7 /* only used in string related operations */ Best case code: O(N)

8 typedef struct String string;

9 struct String *N represents number of products.

10 {
11 char *str; Errors/Warnings
12 }; There are no errors in the candidate's code.

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14 char *input(FILE *fp, int size, int has_space) Structural Vulnerabilites and Errors

15 {
16 int actual_size = 0; There are no errors in the candidate's code.

17 char *str = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(size+actual_size));

18 char ch;
19 if(has_space == 1)
20 {
21 while(EOF != (ch=fgetc(fp)) && ch != '\n')
22 {
23 str[actual_size] = ch;
24 actual_size++;
25 if(actual_size >= size)
26 {
27 str = realloc(str,sizeof(char)*actual_size);
28 }
29 }
30 }
31 else
32 {
33 while(EOF != (ch=fgetc(fp)) && ch != '\n' && ch != ' ')
34 {
35 str[actual_size] = ch;
36 actual_size++;
37 if(actual_size >= size)
38 {
39 str = realloc(str,sizeof(char)*actual_size);
40 }
41 }
42 }
43 actual_size++;
44 str = realloc(str,sizeof(char)*actual_size);
45 str[actual_size-1] = '\0';
46 return str;
47 }
48 /* only used in string related operations */
50 typedef struct array_single_int array_single_int;
51 struct array_single_int
52 {
53 int *data;
54 int size;
55 };
58 /*
59 * "temperature" representing the temperatures at which the prod
ucts must be preserved in the storage units.
60 */
61 int productsAtNegativeTemp(array_single_int temparature)

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62 {
63 int answer;
64 // Write your code here
67 return answer;
68 }
70 int main()
71 {
72 array_single_int temparature;
74 //input for temparature
75 scanf("%d", &temparature.size);
76 = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * temparature.size);
77 for ( int idx = 0; idx < temparature.size; idx++ )
78 {
79 scanf("%d", &[idx]);
80 }
83 int result = productsAtNegativeTemp(temparature);
84 printf("%d", result);
86 return 0;
87 }
Test Case Execution Passed TC: 0%

Total score
0% 0% 0%
0/13 Basic(0/8) Advance(0/4) Edge(0/1)

Compilation Statistics

0 0 0 0 0 0

Total attempts Successful Compilation errors Sample failed Timed out Runtime errors

Response time: 00:00:01

Average time taken between two compile attempts: 00:00:00

Average test case pass percentage per compile: 0%

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Average-case Time Complexity

Average Case Time Complexity is the order of performance of the algorithm given a random set of inputs. This complexity is measured
here using the Big-O asymptotic notation. This is the complexity detected by empirically fitting a curve to the run-time for different input
sizes to the given code. It has been benchmarked across problems.

Test Case Execution

There are three types of test-cases for every coding problem:

Basic: The basic test-cases demonstrate the primary logic of the problem. They include the most common and obvious cases that an
average candidate would consider while coding. They do not include those cases that need extra checks to be placed in the logic.

Advanced: The advanced test-cases contain pathological input conditions that would attempt to break the codes which have
incorrect/semi-correct implementations of the correct logic or incorrect/semi-correct formulation of the logic.

Edge: The edge test-cases specifically confirm whether the code runs successfully even under extreme conditions of the domain of
inputs and that all possible cases are covered by the code

Question 2 (Language: C)

Given a route in a straight line. N buses operate between various bus stations. There is a workstation at the start of
the route. The distances of the bus stations from the workstation are calculated. The transportation authority wishes
to decrease the number of buses that it operates in the city. If any buses are found to have overlapping routes, then
these buses will be replaced by a single bus. The authority wishes to determine how many buses will remain after the
buses with overlapping routes have been eliminated.

Write an algorithm to find how many buses will remain after the buses with overlapping routes have been eliminated.

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Programming Ability Programming Practices

0 / 100 0 / 100
NA Programming practices score cannot be generated. This is
because source code has syntax/runtime errors and is
unparseable or the source code does not meet the minimum
code-length specifications.

Functional Correctness

0 / 100

Final Code Submitted Compilation Status: Pass Code Analysis

1 //Header Files Average-case Time Complexity

2 #include<stdio.h>
3 #include<stdlib.h>
4 #include<string.h> Candidate code: Complexity is reported only when the code
is correct and it passes all the basic and advanced test
5 #include<stdbool.h> cases.
7 /* only used in string related operations */ Best case code: O(N)

8 typedef struct String string;

9 struct String *N represents number of intervals

10 {
11 char *str; Errors/Warnings
12 };
13 There are no errors in the candidate's code.

14 char *input(FILE *fp, int size, int has_space)

15 { Structural Vulnerabilites and Errors

16 int actual_size = 0; There are no errors in the candidate's code.

17 char *str = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(size+actual_size));
18 char ch;
19 if(has_space == 1)
20 {
21 while(EOF != (ch=fgetc(fp)) && ch != '\n')
22 {
23 str[actual_size] = ch;
24 actual_size++;
25 if(actual_size >= size)
26 {
27 str = realloc(str,sizeof(char)*actual_size);
28 }
29 }
30 }
31 else

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32 {
33 while(EOF != (ch=fgetc(fp)) && ch != '\n' && ch != ' ')
34 {
35 str[actual_size] = ch;
36 actual_size++;
37 if(actual_size >= size)
38 {
39 str = realloc(str,sizeof(char)*actual_size);
40 }
41 }
42 }
43 actual_size++;
44 str = realloc(str,sizeof(char)*actual_size);
45 str[actual_size-1] = '\0';
46 return str;
47 }
48 /* only used in string related operations */
50 typedef struct array_double_int array_double_int;
51 struct array_double_int
52 {
53 int **data;
54 int row;
55 int col;
56 };
59 /*
60 *
61 */
62 int busRemaining(array_double_int busStation)
63 {
64 int answer;
65 // Write your code here
68 return answer;
69 }
71 int main()
72 {
73 array_double_int busStation;
75 //input for busStation
76 scanf("%d", &busStation.row);
77 scanf("%d", &busStation.col);
78 = (int **)malloc(sizeof(int *) * busStation.row);
79 for ( int idx = 0; idx < busStation.row; idx++ )
80 {
81[idx] = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * busStation.col);

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82 for ( int jdx = 0; jdx < busStation.col; jdx++ )
83 {
84 scanf("%d", &[idx][jdx]);
85 }
86 }
89 int result = busRemaining(busStation);
90 printf("%d", result);
92 return 0;
93 }
Test Case Execution Passed TC: 0%

Total score
0% 0% 0%
0/22 Basic(0/12) Advance(0/7) Edge(0/3)

Compilation Statistics

0 0 0 0 0 0

Total attempts Successful Compilation errors Sample failed Timed out Runtime errors

Response time: 00:00:03

Average time taken between two compile attempts: 00:00:00

Average test case pass percentage per compile: 0%

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Average-case Time Complexity

Average Case Time Complexity is the order of performance of the algorithm given a random set of inputs. This complexity is measured
here using the Big-O asymptotic notation. This is the complexity detected by empirically fitting a curve to the run-time for different input
sizes to the given code. It has been benchmarked across problems.

Test Case Execution

There are three types of test-cases for every coding problem:

Basic: The basic test-cases demonstrate the primary logic of the problem. They include the most common and obvious cases that an
average candidate would consider while coding. They do not include those cases that need extra checks to be placed in the logic.

Advanced: The advanced test-cases contain pathological input conditions that would attempt to break the codes which have
incorrect/semi-correct implementations of the correct logic or incorrect/semi-correct formulation of the logic.

Edge: The edge test-cases specifically confirm whether the code runs successfully even under extreme conditions of the domain of
inputs and that all possible cases are covered by the code

Automata Fix 0 / 100 Code Replay

Question 1 (Language: C)

You are given a predefined structure Point and also a collection of related functions/methods that can be used to
perform some basic operations on the structure.

You must implement the function/method isTriangle which accepts three points P1, P2, P3 as inputs and checks
whether the given three points form a triangle.

If they form a triangle, the function/method returns an integer 1. Otherwise, it returns an integer 0.

Helper Description
The following structure is used to represent point and is already implemented in the default code (Do not write these
definitions again in your code):

struct point;

typedef struct point

int X;

int Y;


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double Point_calculateDistance(Point *point1, Point *point2)

/* Return the distance between point1 and point2;

This can be called as -

* If P1 and P2 are two points then -

* Point_calculateDistance(P1, P2);*/


Final Code Submitted Compilation Status: Fail Code Analysis

1 // You can print the values to stdout for debugging Average-case Time Complexity
2 int isTriangle(Point *P1, Point *P2, Point *P3)
4 // write your code here Candidate code: Complexity is reported only when the code
is correct and it passes all the basic and advanced test
5} cases.
7 Best case code:

*N represents


In file included from main_25.c:5:

source_25.c: In function 'isTriangle':
source_25.c:5:1: error: control reaches end of non-
void function [-Werror=return-type]
cc1: some warnings being treated as errors

Structural Vulnerabilites and Errors

There are no errors in the candidate's code.

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Compilation Statistics

0 0 0 0 0 0

Total attempts Successful Compilation errors Sample failed Timed out Runtime errors

Response time: 00:00:02

Average time taken between two compile attempts: 00:00:00

Average test case pass percentage per compile: 0%

Average-case Time Complexity

Average Case Time Complexity is the order of performance of the algorithm given a random set of inputs. This complexity is measured
here using the Big-O asymptotic notation. This is the complexity detected by empirically fitting a curve to the run-time for different input
sizes to the given code. It has been benchmarked across problems.

Test Case Execution

There are three types of test-cases for every coding problem:

Basic: The basic test-cases demonstrate the primary logic of the problem. They include the most common and obvious cases that an
average candidate would consider while coding. They do not include those cases that need extra checks to be placed in the logic.

Advanced: The advanced test-cases contain pathological input conditions that would attempt to break the codes which have
incorrect/semi-correct implementations of the correct logic or incorrect/semi-correct formulation of the logic.

Edge: The edge test-cases specifically confirm whether the code runs successfully even under extreme conditions of the domain of
inputs and that all possible cases are covered by the code

Question 2 (Language: C)

The function/method matrixSum returns an integer representing the sum of elements of the input matrix. The
function/method matrixSum accepts three arguments - rows, an integer representing the number of rows of the input
matrix, columns, an integer representing the number of columns of the input matrix and matrix, a two-dimensional
array representing the input matrix.

The function/method matrixSum compiles unsuccessfully due to syntactical error. Your task is to debug the program so
that it passes all test cases.


Final Code Submitted Compilation Status: Fail Code Analysis

1 // You can print the values to stdout for debugging

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2 int matrixSum(int rows, int columns, int **matrix) Average-case Time Complexity
4 int i, j, sum=0;
5 for(i=0;i<rows;i++) Candidate code: Complexity is reported only when the code
is correct and it passes all the basic and advanced test
6 { cases.
7 for(j=0;j<columns;j++)
8 sum + = matrix(i)(j); Best case code:

9 }
10 return sum; *N represents

11 }

In file included from main_32.c:4:

source_32.c: In function 'matrixSum':
source_32.c:8:15: error: expected expression before
'=' token
sum + = matrix(i)(j);
source_32.c:8:17: error: called object 'matrix' is not a
function or function pointer
sum + = matrix(i)(j);
source_32.c:2:44: note: declared here
int matrixSum(int rows, int columns, int **matrix)

Structural Vulnerabilites and Errors

There are no errors in the candidate's code.

Compilation Statistics

0 0 0 0 0 0

Total attempts Successful Compilation errors Sample failed Timed out Runtime errors

Response time: 00:00:01

Average time taken between two compile attempts: 00:00:00

Average test case pass percentage per compile: 0%

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Average-case Time Complexity

Average Case Time Complexity is the order of performance of the algorithm given a random set of inputs. This complexity is measured
here using the Big-O asymptotic notation. This is the complexity detected by empirically fitting a curve to the run-time for different input
sizes to the given code. It has been benchmarked across problems.

Test Case Execution

There are three types of test-cases for every coding problem:

Basic: The basic test-cases demonstrate the primary logic of the problem. They include the most common and obvious cases that an
average candidate would consider while coding. They do not include those cases that need extra checks to be placed in the logic.

Advanced: The advanced test-cases contain pathological input conditions that would attempt to break the codes which have
incorrect/semi-correct implementations of the correct logic or incorrect/semi-correct formulation of the logic.

Edge: The edge test-cases specifically confirm whether the code runs successfully even under extreme conditions of the domain of
inputs and that all possible cases are covered by the code

Question 3 (Language: C)

The function/method selectionSortArray performs an in-place selection sort on the given input list which will be sorted
in ascending order.
The function/method selectionSortArray accepts two arguments - len, an integer representing the length of the input
list and arr, a list of integers representing the input list, respectively.

The function/method selectionSortArray compiles successfully but fails to get the desired result for some test cases
due to logical errors. Your task is to fix the code so that it passes all the test cases.

In this particular implementation of selection sort, the smallest element in the list is swapped with the element at first
index, the next smallest element is swapped with the element at the next index and so on.


Final Code Submitted Compilation Status: Pass Code Analysis

1 // You can print the values to stdout for debugging Average-case Time Complexity
2 void selectionSortArray(int len, int* arr)
4 int x=0, y =0; Candidate code: Complexity is reported only when the code
is correct and it passes all the basic and advanced test
5 for(x=0; x<len; x++){ cases.
6 int index_of_min = x;
7 for(y=x; y<len; y++){ Best case code:

8 if(arr[index_of_min]>arr[x]){
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9 index_of_min = y; *N represents

10 }
11 } Errors/Warnings
12 int temp = arr[x];
13 arr[x] = arr[index_of_min]; There are no errors in the candidate's code.
14 arr[index_of_min] = temp;
15 } Structural Vulnerabilites and Errors

16 }
17 There are no errors in the candidate's code.

Test Case Execution Passed TC: 22.22%

Total score
50% 0% 0%
2/9 Basic(2/4) Advance(0/5) Edge(0/0)

Compilation Statistics

0 0 0 1 0 0

Total attempts Successful Compilation errors Sample failed Timed out Runtime errors

Response time: 00:00:00

Average time taken between two compile attempts: 00:00:00

Average test case pass percentage per compile: 22.2%

Average-case Time Complexity

Average Case Time Complexity is the order of performance of the algorithm given a random set of inputs. This complexity is measured
here using the Big-O asymptotic notation. This is the complexity detected by empirically fitting a curve to the run-time for different input
sizes to the given code. It has been benchmarked across problems.

Test Case Execution

There are three types of test-cases for every coding problem:

Basic: The basic test-cases demonstrate the primary logic of the problem. They include the most common and obvious cases that an
average candidate would consider while coding. They do not include those cases that need extra checks to be placed in the logic.

Advanced: The advanced test-cases contain pathological input conditions that would attempt to break the codes which have
incorrect/semi-correct implementations of the correct logic or incorrect/semi-correct formulation of the logic.

Edge: The edge test-cases specifically confirm whether the code runs successfully even under extreme conditions of the domain of
inputs and that all possible cases are covered by the code

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Question 4 (Language: C)

The function/method descendingSortArray performs an in-place sort on the given input list which will be sorted in
descending order.
The function/method descendingSortArray accepts two arguments - len, an integer representing the length of the
input list and arr, a list of integers representing the input list, respectively.
The function/method descendingSortArray compiles successfully but fails to get the desired result for some test cases
due to logical errors. Your task is to fix the code so that it passes all the test cases.


Final Code Submitted Compilation Status: Pass Code Analysis

1 // You can print the values to stdout for debugging Average-case Time Complexity
2 void descendingSortArray(int len, int* arr)
4 int small, pos, i, j, temp; Candidate code: Complexity is reported only when the code
is correct and it passes all the basic and advanced test
5 for(i=0; i<=len-1;i++){ cases.
6 for(j=i; j<len;j++){
7 temp = 0; Best case code:

8 if(arr[i]>arr[j]){
9 temp=arr[i]; *N represents

10 arr[i]=arr[j];
11 arr[j]=temp; Errors/Warnings
12 }
13 } There are no errors in the candidate's code.

14 }
15 } Structural Vulnerabilites and Errors

16 There are no errors in the candidate's code.

Test Case Execution Passed TC: 20%

Total score
33% 0% 0%
2/10 Basic(2/6) Advance(0/4) Edge(0/0)

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Compilation Statistics

0 0 0 1 0 0

Total attempts Successful Compilation errors Sample failed Timed out Runtime errors

Response time: 00:00:00

Average time taken between two compile attempts: 00:00:00

Average test case pass percentage per compile: 20%

Average-case Time Complexity

Average Case Time Complexity is the order of performance of the algorithm given a random set of inputs. This complexity is measured
here using the Big-O asymptotic notation. This is the complexity detected by empirically fitting a curve to the run-time for different input
sizes to the given code. It has been benchmarked across problems.

Test Case Execution

There are three types of test-cases for every coding problem:

Basic: The basic test-cases demonstrate the primary logic of the problem. They include the most common and obvious cases that an
average candidate would consider while coding. They do not include those cases that need extra checks to be placed in the logic.

Advanced: The advanced test-cases contain pathological input conditions that would attempt to break the codes which have
incorrect/semi-correct implementations of the correct logic or incorrect/semi-correct formulation of the logic.

Edge: The edge test-cases specifically confirm whether the code runs successfully even under extreme conditions of the domain of
inputs and that all possible cases are covered by the code

Question 5 (Language: C)

The function/method patternPrint accepts an argument num, an integer.

The function/method patternPrint prints num lines in the following pattern.

For example, num = 4, the pattern should be:


The function/method patternPrint compiles successfully but fails to print the desired result for some test cases due to
incorrect implementation of the function/method. Your task is to fix the code so that it passes all the test cases.

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Final Code Submitted Compilation Status: Pass Code Analysis

1 // You can print the values to stdout for debugging Average-case Time Complexity
2 void patternPrint(int num)
4 int print=1,i,j; Candidate code: Complexity is reported only when the code
is correct and it passes all the basic and advanced test
5 for(i=0;i<num;i++) cases.
6 {
7 for(j=0;j<=i;j++); Best case code:

8 {
9 printf("%d ",print);
*N represents

10 }
11 printf("\n"); Errors/Warnings
12 }
13 } There are no errors in the candidate's code.

15 Structural Vulnerabilites and Errors

There are no errors in the candidate's code.

Test Case Execution Passed TC: 25%

Total score
14% 0% 100%
2/8 Basic(1/7) Advance(0/0) Edge(1/1)

Compilation Statistics

0 0 0 1 0 0

Total attempts Successful Compilation errors Sample failed Timed out Runtime errors

Response time: 00:00:00

Average time taken between two compile attempts: 00:00:00

Average test case pass percentage per compile: 25%

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Average-case Time Complexity

Average Case Time Complexity is the order of performance of the algorithm given a random set of inputs. This complexity is measured
here using the Big-O asymptotic notation. This is the complexity detected by empirically fitting a curve to the run-time for different input
sizes to the given code. It has been benchmarked across problems.

Test Case Execution

There are three types of test-cases for every coding problem:

Basic: The basic test-cases demonstrate the primary logic of the problem. They include the most common and obvious cases that an
average candidate would consider while coding. They do not include those cases that need extra checks to be placed in the logic.

Advanced: The advanced test-cases contain pathological input conditions that would attempt to break the codes which have
incorrect/semi-correct implementations of the correct logic or incorrect/semi-correct formulation of the logic.

Edge: The edge test-cases specifically confirm whether the code runs successfully even under extreme conditions of the domain of
inputs and that all possible cases are covered by the code

Question 6 (Language: C)

Lisa always forgets her birthday which is on the 5th of July. So, develop a function/method which will be helpful to
remember her birthday.

The function/method checkBirthDay return an integer ‘1’ if it is her birthday else returns 0. The function/method
checkBirthDay accepts two arguments - month, a string representing the month of her birthday and day, an integer
representing the date of her birthday.

The function/method checkBirthDay compiles successfully but fails to return the desired result for some test cases.
Your task is to fix the code so that it passes all the test cases.


Final Code Submitted Compilation Status: Pass Code Analysis

1 // You can print the values to stdout for debugging Average-case Time Complexity
2 int checkBirthDay(char* month, int day)
4 if((strcmp(month,"July")) || (day==5)) Candidate code: Complexity is reported only when the code
is correct and it passes all the basic and advanced test
5 return 1; cases.
6 else
7 return 0; Best case code:

8 }
*N represents


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There are no errors in the candidate's code.

Structural Vulnerabilites and Errors

There are no errors in the candidate's code.

Test Case Execution Passed TC: 33.33%

Total score
0% 100% 0%
3/9 Basic(0/6) Advance(3/3) Edge(0/0)

Compilation Statistics

0 0 0 1 0 0

Total attempts Successful Compilation errors Sample failed Timed out Runtime errors

Response time: 00:00:00

Average time taken between two compile attempts: 00:00:00

Average test case pass percentage per compile: 33.3%

Average-case Time Complexity

Average Case Time Complexity is the order of performance of the algorithm given a random set of inputs. This complexity is measured
here using the Big-O asymptotic notation. This is the complexity detected by empirically fitting a curve to the run-time for different input
sizes to the given code. It has been benchmarked across problems.

Test Case Execution

There are three types of test-cases for every coding problem:

Basic: The basic test-cases demonstrate the primary logic of the problem. They include the most common and obvious cases that an
average candidate would consider while coding. They do not include those cases that need extra checks to be placed in the logic.

Advanced: The advanced test-cases contain pathological input conditions that would attempt to break the codes which have
incorrect/semi-correct implementations of the correct logic or incorrect/semi-correct formulation of the logic.

Edge: The edge test-cases specifically confirm whether the code runs successfully even under extreme conditions of the domain of
inputs and that all possible cases are covered by the code

Question 7 (Language: C)

The function/method allExponent returns a real number representing the result of exponentiation of base raised to
power exponent for all input values. The function/method allExponent accepts two arguments - baseValue, an integer

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p p p / p p g , g
representing the base and exponentValue, an integer representing the exponent.

The incomplete code in the function/method allExponent works only for positive values of the exponent. You must
complete the code and make it work for negative values of exponent as well.

Another function/method positiveExponent uses an efficient way for exponentiation but accepts only
positive exponent values. You are supposed to use this function/method to complete the code
in allExponent function/method.

Helper Description

The following function is used to represent a positiveExponent and is already implemented in the default code (Do not
write this definition again in your code):

int positiveExponent(int baseValue, int exponentValue)

/*It calculates the Exponent for the positive value of exponentValue

This can be called as -

int res = (float)positiveExponent(baseValue, exponentValue); */


Final Code Submitted Compilation Status: Pass Code Analysis

1 // You can print the values to stdout for debugging Average-case Time Complexity
2 float allExponent(int baseValue, int exponentValue)
4 float res =1; Candidate code: Complexity is reported only when the code
is correct and it passes all the basic and advanced test
5 if(exponentValue >=0) cases.
6 {
7 res = (float)positiveExponent(baseValue, exponentValue); Best case code:

8 }
9 else *N represents

10 {
11 // write your code here for negative value of exponentValue Errors/Warnings
12 }
13 return res; There are no errors in the candidate's code.

14 }
15 Structural Vulnerabilites and Errors

There are no errors in the candidate's code.

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Test Case Execution Passed TC: 66.67%

Total score
100% 33% 100%
4/6 Basic(2/2) Advance(1/3) Edge(1/1)

Compilation Statistics

0 0 0 1 0 0

Total attempts Successful Compilation errors Sample failed Timed out Runtime errors

Response time: 00:00:02

Average time taken between two compile attempts: 00:00:00

Average test case pass percentage per compile: 66.7%

Average-case Time Complexity

Average Case Time Complexity is the order of performance of the algorithm given a random set of inputs. This complexity is measured
here using the Big-O asymptotic notation. This is the complexity detected by empirically fitting a curve to the run-time for different input
sizes to the given code. It has been benchmarked across problems.

Test Case Execution

There are three types of test-cases for every coding problem:

Basic: The basic test-cases demonstrate the primary logic of the problem. They include the most common and obvious cases that an
average candidate would consider while coding. They do not include those cases that need extra checks to be placed in the logic.

Advanced: The advanced test-cases contain pathological input conditions that would attempt to break the codes which have
incorrect/semi-correct implementations of the correct logic or incorrect/semi-correct formulation of the logic.

Edge: The edge test-cases specifically confirm whether the code runs successfully even under extreme conditions of the domain of
inputs and that all possible cases are covered by the code

WriteX - Essay Writing 41 / 100 CEFR: A2


Nowadays, many youngsters constantly look for job opportunities abroad and in the long term want to settle
In your view, what are the reasons for the same? Do you wish to settle abroad or stay back in India? Substantiate
your response with reasons.

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Content Score Grammar Score

39 / 100 44 / 100

Response Error Summary

now a days youngesters are looking for job opportunities for their future settlement bu
Spelling 5
t they are not getting job easily because of high competitons in it sectors . and they ar
e working very hard but still they are not getting job . they have their future goals and
dome need which they want to fulfill . and they also have their dreams they want to fil White Space 5
fill them also . but without job they cant do that easily they are working hard but they
cant get achievement in this . they look for job opportunities abroad and in the long ter
Style 1
m want to settle here .

Grammar 11

Typographical 5

Essay Statistics

99 6 17 55 53
Average sentence
Total words Total sentences Total unique words Total stop words

Error Details


now a days youngesters are looking for job opportu... Did you mean "nowadays"?

now a days youngesters are looking for job opportunities f Possible spelling mistake found
or t...

... not getting job easily because of high competitons in it Possible spelling mistake found
sectors . and they are working ve...

...hey also have their dreams they want to filfill them also . Possible spelling mistake found
but without job they cant d...

...ilfill them also . but without job they cant do that easily t Did you mean "can't" or "cannot"?
hey are working hard bu...

...t easily they are working hard but they cant get achieve Did you mean "can't" or "cannot"?
ment in this . they look for...

White Space

...ecause of high competitons in it sectors . and they are w Don't put a space before the full stop
orking very hard but stil...

© 2024 SHL and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.. 28/31

...nd dome need which they want to fulfill . and they also h Don't put a space before the full stop
ave their dreams they wa... dreams they want to filfill them also . but without job t Don't put a space before the full stop
hey cant do that easil...

...rd but they cant get achievement in this . they look for j Don't put a space before the full stop
ob opportunities abroad ...

...and in the long term want to settle here . Don't put a space before the full stop


... their dreams they want to filfill them also . but without j 'Also' is not used at the end of the sentence. Use "as well"
ob they cant do that eas... instead.


now a days youngesters are looking for job opportunities f Possible grammar error found. Consider replacing it with
or their future settlement but they are not getting job easil "settlement,".
y because of high competitons in it sectors .

now a days youngesters are looking for job opportunities f Possible grammar error found. Consider replacing it with
or their future settlement but they are not getting job easil "jobs".
y because of high competitons in it sectors .

and they are working very hard but still they are not gettin Possible grammar error found. Consider inserting "a" over
g job . here.

and they also have their dreams they want to filfill them al Possible grammar error found. Consider replacing it with
so . "dreams.".

and they also have their dreams they want to filfill them al Possible grammar error found. Consider inserting "own"
so . over here.

but without job they cant do that easily they are working h Possible grammar error found. Consider replacing it with
ard but they cant get achievement in this . "job,".

but without job they cant do that easily they are working h Possible grammar error found. Consider inserting "a" over
ard but they cant get achievement in this . here.

but without job they cant do that easily they are working h Possible grammar error found. Consider replacing it with
ard but they cant get achievement in this . "work".

but without job they cant do that easily they are working h Possible grammar error found. Consider replacing it with
ard but they cant get achievement in this . "achieve".

they look for job opportunities abroad and in the long term Possible grammar error found. Consider replacing it with
want to settle here . "are looking".

they look for job opportunities abroad and in the long term Possible grammar error found. Consider replacing it with
want to settle here . "term,".


© 2024 SHL and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.. 29/31

...use of high competitons in it sectors . and they are worki Use a comma before 'and' if it connects two independent
ng very hard but still th... clauses (unless they are closely connected and short).

...rd but still they are not getting job . they have their futu This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
re goals and dome need w...

...dome need which they want to fulfill . and they also have Use a comma before 'and' if it connects two independent
their dreams they want t... clauses (unless they are closely connected and short).

...dreams they want to filfill them also . but without job the This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
y cant do that easily th...

...but they cant get achievement in this . they look for job This sentence does not start with an uppercase letter
opportunities abroad and i...

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4 Learning Resources

English Comprehension

Learn about written english comprehension

Learn about spoken english comprehension

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Logical Ability

Practice your Inductive Reasoning Skills!

Learn about generalizing unknown trends

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Quantitative Ability (Advanced)

Learn about real world mathematics

Learn about multiplication and division in the real world contexts

Learn about multiplication and division

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