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Name: Louie S.



Crs/Yr/Sec: Date: BSSW - 1A


Instructions: Write your reflection on the space provided.

1. Why is responsibility important in leadership?

Answer : Responsibility is important in a leader because it demonstrates their commitment to their role and their ability to
handle the tasks and decisions that come with it. A responsible leader takes ownership of their actions and decisions,
holds themselves accountable for their mistakes, and ensures that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.

2. How do you ensure accountability as a leader?

Answer: To ensure accountability as a leader, you can establish clear expectations and goals, regularly communicate
them to your team, and track progress towards achieving them. Encourage open communication and provide support and
resources for your team members to meet their responsibilities. Hold regular check-ins and provide feedback to address
any issues or challenges. Lead by example and hold yourself accountable for your own actions and decisions.

3. If you were given the chance to organize students to participate in a 3 year strategic planning for a service
learning program, how would you lead your team?

Answer: To effectively lead my team in a three-year strategic planning process for a service learning program, I would
employ several strategies. Firstly, I would ensure clear communication by setting objectives and expectations, and
fostering open dialogue among team members. Secondly, I would encourage team members to think innovatively and
propose new ideas to enhance the program's effectiveness. Thirdly, I would cultivate partnerships with relevant
organizations and community members to leverage resources and expertise. Lastly, I would monitor and evaluate
progress regularly, making adjustments as necessary, and celebrate milestones and achievements to maintain team
motivation and enthusiasm throughout the planning process. Overall, my leadership approach would focus on
collaboration, creativity, and constant evaluation to create a successful and impactful service learning program.

Name: Score: Louie S. Andoyo

Crs/Yr/Sec: Date: BSSW 1-A


Instructions: Write your reflection on the space provided.
1. What is Command and Order?

Answer: Command refers to the act of issuing authoritative instructions or directives to others. It implies a hierarchical
relationship where one person has the authority to direct and control others. In a command-based leadership style,
decisions are made by the person in charge, and team members are expected to follow orders without question or input.

On the other hand, an order is a specific instruction or directive given by someone with authority. It is typically a clear and
direct statement that outlines what needs to be done, when, and by whom. Orders are often used in situations where
immediate action is required or when there is little room for discussion or debate.

2. What are the types of Command and Order?


* Direct Command and Order

* Indirect Command and Order

* Formal Command and Order

* Informal Command and Order

1. How do effective leaders establish and maintain command and order within their team?

Answer: Effective leaders establish and maintain command and order within their team through a combination of clear
communication, setting expectations, leading by example, building trust, providing support and resources, and continuous
monitoring and feedback.By employing these strategies, leaders create an environment that promotes productivity,
collaboration, and success.

1. How do different leadership styles influence the implementation of command and order?

Answer: Various leadership styles exert different influences on the implementation of command and order within a team
or organization. Autocratic leadership establishes command and order through authority, while democratic leadership
involves team members in decision-making. Laissez-faire leadership may lack command and order, while
transformational leadership inspires alignment. Transactional leadership focuses on compliance, and servant leadership
prioritizes support and collaboration. Effective leaders carefully consider the context and adapt their leadership style to
meet the needs of their team, ultimately fostering an environment that upholds command and order effectively.
1. How important is it for a leader to adapt their command style to different individuals and situations?
Answer: It is crucial for a leader to adapt their command style to different individuals and situations. Each
individual and situation is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not be effective in achieving the
desired outcomes. Adapting the command style allows leaders to cater to the needs, strengths, and
preferences of individuals, promoting engagement, motivation, and productivity. Furthermore, adjusting
the command style based on the situation enables leaders to respond appropriately to varying
circumstances, ensuring effective decision-making and problem-solving.

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