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Definition of Beauty:

Size 6: The Western Women’s Harem


The definition of beauty differs considerably among different people under different

geographical and social settings. Size and complexion are two aspects that many women take as

the threshold for measuring beauty. However, it is interesting that cultures of the world

appreciate beauty in different ways, sometimes in contrasting manners. For instance, proper size

in the west equates to slim and petite frames while, in the Middle Eastern or cultures, it equates

to fuller and curvier bodies. Human beings determine beauty from ideas, objects, nature, and

works of art and other people (Kirwan 26). The determination of beauty comes from the

qualities all these factors. A society’s definition of beauty can cause adverse effects on women

concerning reactions hence many falls into a mental trap of striving to be meeting the artificial

beauty criteria. This research paper bases on Fatema Mernissi’s personal experience on the

definition of beauty both in America and in the Middle Eastern settings. By this, the focus is to

determine the definition of beauty and societal understanding on its meaning by discussing the

threshold of size and physical outlook.

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The definition of beauty has undergone numerous changes over the years due to

individual perception and the societal norms. Because of the differences in understanding of the

definition of beauty, numerous versions of explanations that attempt to define beauty exist (Kivy

345). The definition of beauty relates to the quality reference to other things such as art, people

and other forms of the normal daily life activities and the general human surroundings. Beauty is

meant to trigger appreciation and happiness in a person. Many regions have their definition and

understanding of beauty. As Fatema reflects in her observation, men back in the Medina could

flatter her because of her curvy size. However, in the American setting, she could not find the

right skirt because clothes boutiques could not stock her size. Because of modern societal

influence on the understanding of beauty, these definitions have changed over time. Therefore,

the definition of beauty has an influence on the evolving history,, especially in the American

setting. A continuous change in the definition of beauty attributes to the ever changing beauty

practices and activities by the human beings over the time (Jackson 90).

Broad Definition of Beauty

The definition of beauty is in into two parts namely the inner beauty in regards to

personality and the outside appearance of a person. The inner beauty thrives on the people’s

feeling about themselves, and it mirrors on the individual’s personality. Therefore, based on the

definition of inner beauty, beauty reflects on the feeling an individual develops as he or she

interacts with their surroundings. The outward definition of beauty is on the things that people

see which intrigues the feeling of deep satisfaction. The visual definition of beauty, according to

the media and contemporary society bases it on specific physical characteristics of a person. The
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physical appearances include shape, size, color and height. However, what an individual can

contemplate to be beautiful, may be opposite of another’s perception of beauty.

Literature Review

The confusion interpretation of beauty involves the moral values that the human race

embraces in the society. According to the Confucian teaching, the definition of beauty refers to

the moral values (Taylor 38). In investigating the human being’s nature and character, the

understanding of beauty is through the principles and norms that govern the societal setup.

According to Gaut, the definition of beauty is on the experience of visual and interaction with

any form of the object in the individual’s surrounding. Therefore, their perception of beauty is

based on the person’s feelings towards an object or another human being. It is the experience of

pleasure derived from the aesthetic virtues of beauty (Gaut and Lopes 92).

The definition of beauty started in the early years of artwork (Brouwer et al. 76). In the

traditional understanding of beauty, people felt that beauty was any object or article that could

derive pleasurable feelings due to mere contemplation of its outward appearances (Brouwer et

al...76). In his book, Elder has explained the definition of beauty corresponding to the logical

form of the relation of beauty. The relation here is about the relevance of a person’s perception

towards an individual or an object (Elder 83). This perception and definition of beauty illustrates

that beauty involves the sensation of the peaceful interrelation of the observed or experienced

events that have triggered a positive feeling.

When a person observes another, they can experience the strong recognition of the

feeling of beauty. The experienced sensation is the “purpose of the particular whole” (Elder 44).

In this illustration, the definition of beauty is clear as a derived feeling from the frequent
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interaction of the surrounding. According to the Psychological understanding of the definition of

beauty, Puffer illustrates that the definition of beauty is an objectified pleasure. These forms of

pleasurable feelings emanate from the aesthetic experience (Puffer 50). According to some

definitions of beauty, it involves the objectification of pleasure. The experience of pleasure

comes from form and others based on an expression. However, the pleasure individual feels

generates from the source of feelings of beauty.

In his book, Scruton states that the aesthetic way of life where individuals seek and derive

pleasers related to beauty have overcome the virtue of life (Scruton). In the modern way of life,

the position of beauty in the human perception is questionable in the way that the position of

truth and goodness. Therefore, the concept or definition of beauty involves the perception of

moral values appreciated by man (Taylor 246).

Societal Judgment on Human beauty

Human beauty mostly involves the physical attraction according to societal standards.

The sales person in Fatema’s case quoted that “If they sold size 14 or 16, which is what you

need, they would go bankrupt.” It means that few designers and leaders of opinion determine

beauty in the societal standards. Apart from the physical appearances and attraction, human

beauty also involves the inner beauty of a person. The inner beauty mostly involves the

individual’s characteristics, behavior or personality (Alberti 96). The standards of beauty have

changed over time with the continuous change in people’s perception of beauty.

An individual’s environment causes the outward feeling of beauty. The outward feeling

of beauty relates to work of art whose value cannot be affected by the forms of admiration of

their beauty. The definition of beauty has been under long discussions. However, its importance
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in the study has reduced over the past years to the extent that it is just a mere word. Scholars

studying beauty attribute this aspect to loss of interest. Beauty in the present society refers to a

categorical identification and a form of merit attributed to impressive things and people


In the definition of beauty, the outside features are the basis for judgment. Human beauty

criteria have been a subject of debate on for a long period considering the different perception of

people. Most people have argued that beauty is always on the inside and others have always

claimed that beauty is always on the outside (Taylor, 153). In this regard, modern women always

seek alternative ways to meet the societal standards of beauty by going to the extent of seeking

surgery and other expensive procedures.

Based on the determination of human beauty, several controversies exist regarding the

definition of beauty. The definition causes some confusion regarding what extent individuals go

to appear beautiful based on their context of beauty. The human beauty is has an association with

the physical appearance of individuals in the present society. Different cultures have different

perceptions of human beauty. Based on the cultural background, each person in the world has his

or her perception of beauty. Some cultures consider human beauty regarding the moral principles

of the society. Others base their perception on the outward appearances of individuals or base

their consideration of the human beauty based on the personality of a person.

Natural beauty refers to physical appearances is perfect without any form of enhancement

to aid good appearance (Scruton 56).The natural beauty determines a person’s character or

behavior. Individuals can be naturally beautiful depending on their personality and a way of

interaction with their surroundings. The natural beauty can define the aesthetic value of a place.
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The natural beauty of the environment always refers to the serenity of the environment (Lopes

and Gaut 87).

The individuals most experience everyday beauty through the activities they engage. The

activities can be a certain form of ceremonies, everyday way of living, the daily appearance of an

object or an animal (Davies et al. 218).Everyday beauty determines a person’s personality and

character. It shows how an individual relates and behaves in his or her surroundings.

Artistic beauty refers to the artistic composition that does not violate the principles of

natural beauty. Artistic beauty adds value or form of beauty to a natural beauty through mental

creativity. Therefore, the perception of beauty is always through art. Also, artistic beauty refers

to as a well-coordinated interaction of color, shape, sound and size that is well pleasing to the

human senses (Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka 46). In artistic beauty, the human mind has a natural

appreciation for balance and rhythm that depicts as beauty. The aesthetics in appreciation involve

individuals considering any form of sound painting, taste and the general nature of art. The

aesthetic experience also involves the person’s capabilities to determine the common truth based

on the subjective judgment (Scruton 158).

Challenges of Defining Beauty Standards

There is normally a huge challenge in the description of beauty due to preset mechanism

from the media and fashion. Women, beauty, comes with the price tag based on the response

from the men folk. The definition of beauty regarding size is challenging because it sets

unrealistic standards for women sometimes to lethal points. Many cases of anorexia and other

eating disorders are on the increase in western society due to these misconceptions. True beauty

is artistic. The beauty in the art can change based on given context hence beauty is regarding art
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usually refers to the ability of artistic context pleasing the human mind (Brouwer et al. 73). The

human beings have two different aspects of life. That is the formal and the spiritual aspect. All

these aspects involve the engagement of human emotions, which makes them determine the

beauty in any form of artwork.

In conclusion, the definition of beauty refers to the features of a person by the mental

appreciation. This research paper has taken Fatema Mernissi’s personal experience on the

definition of beauty both in America and in the Middle Eastern settings. The focus has been

determining the definition of beauty and societal understanding on its meaning by discussing the

criteria for physical outlook. As illustrated above, the perception and determination of what is

beautiful differ among different people. The difference in beauty perception depends on factors

such as the environment that an individual lives (Puffer 345). Therefore, the definition of beauty

is the experience a person derives from the visual or direct feeling of attraction. The definition of

beauty has undergone several changes over time in line with the evolutions that human beings

have undergone regarding culture and the way of living.

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Works cited

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