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Properties and Performance of Concrete Made

with Recycled Low-Quality Crushed Brick

Jafar Bolouri Bazaz1 and Mahmood Khayati2

Abstract: During the past decades, in most industrialized countries, a large number of old buildings have been demolished and millions of
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tons of construction debris have been produced. Demolition wastes around cities have become a serious environmental issue and a threat to
underground water quality and result in unpleasant views. Today, less than 5% of clay bricks taken from demolition sites are being separated
and recycled, whereas the proportion of concrete waste being recycled is above 90%. This low rate of brick recycling is due to a lack of
understanding about the performance of crushed brick material as aggregate in concrete or road base. In the case of concrete, the high water
absorption of crushed brick and its relatively low compression strength in comparison with natural aggregate makes it difficult to meet
traditional concrete specifications. The present research is an effort to investigate the properties of crushed clay bricks taken from demolition
sites and experimentally evaluate the strength and durability characteristics of the concrete prepared using the crushed clay bricks. The
experimental data reveal that, in spite of high porosity and absorption of recycled crushed brick, using this material as aggregate results
in a semilightweight, durable, and low-permeability concrete. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000385. © 2012 American Society of
Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Recycling; Bricks; Aggregates; Concrete; Durability; Freeze and thaw; Permeability.
Author keywords: Recycle; Crushed brick; Aggregate; Concrete; Durability; Freezing and thawing; Permeability.

Introduction The disposal of this huge quantity of construction and demoli-

tion waste has become a severe social and environmental problem
In most developing countries, the process of replacing old struc- all around the world (Jang and Townsend 2001; Wahlstrom et al.
tures with new urban fabrications is the most sophisticated charac- 2000). The possibility of recycling waste from the construction
teristic of urbanization and modernization. This pattern of industry is thus of increasing importance (Robinson et al. 2004).
urbanization in these countries is more evident in the central parts According to the current practice, most of the construction waste
of large and developing cities. Iran, similar to developing countries, is buried in landfills, especially around rivers and roads. This not
has been facing rapid population growth during recent decades, re- only creates unpleasant views around cities but also causes under-
sulting in more housing demands and new industrialization. The ground water pollution and occasional destructive floods. There-
modern urbanization causes environmental degradation and pollu- fore, proper recycling of demolition wastes is important to have
tion in large cities (Hadizadeh and Afchangi 2005). In addition, an alternative material for utilization in concrete (structural or non-
urbanization demands the renovation of the old structures, resulting structural) production (Poon et al. 2002; Rao et al. 2007; Topcu and
Sengel 2004), in paving blocks (Poon and Chan 2006), in road
in a huge amount of construction and demolition debris annually,
construction (Wahlstrom et al. 2000), and even for agricultural pur-
which is a serious threat to the environment. In most large cities in
poses. A huge amount of CDW is generated annually in large cities.
Iran, more than 1 million tons of construction and demolition waste
CDW is a mixture of different building materials. Its composition
(CDW) are generated annually (Municipality of Mashhad 2007). depends on the type of building, the age, the region in which the
This reaches up to 5 million tons in Tehran, the capital of Iran. building is located, the technique of demolition, and so forth. The
Approximately 50% of demolition waste consists of recyclable main components of CDW are generally soil, brick, concrete,
clay brick or cement block (Municipality of Mashhad 2007). Even wood, and ceramic tile. Except for soil and fine aggregates, the
in developed countries, such as the United Kingdom and Finland, predominant materials, especially in buildings from the last cen-
the annual amount of construction debris reaches 12 million tury, are brick and cement block.
and 7 million tons, respectively (Johnson et al. 1998; Wahlstrom At present, approximately 10% of bricks, which are unbroken
et al. 2000). and roughly in original form, taken from demolition sites are being
reused for new masonry buildings. It is also reported that approx-
1 imately 5% of bricks taken from demolition sites are being sepa-
Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Dept., Ferdowsi Univ. of
Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran (corresponding author). E-mail: bolouri@um rated and recycled. Although the proportion of concrete being
.ac.ir recycled is up to approximately 90% around the world, only a
Former Graduate Student, Civil Engineering Dept., Ferdowsi Univ. of few percent of the brick waste is being recycled (Municipality
Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. of Mashhad 2007). This low rate of brick recycling is due to a lack
Note. This manuscript was submitted on February 7, 2010; approved on
of research related to the performance of crushed brick material in
September 14, 2011; published online on September 16, 2011. Discussion
period open until September 1, 2012; separate discussions must be sub- some applications such as road base material. It is also worth men-
mitted for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials tioning that the masonry brick in most developing countries is
in Civil Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 4, April 1, 2012. ©ASCE, ISSN 0899- produced in small, nonautomated factories without quality control.
1561/2012/4-330–338/$25.00. This type of brick, therefore, is not high quality and may be


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2012.24:330-338.

Table 1. Analysis of CDW Shape and Texture
Brick Cement Gypsum Asphalt The crushed clay brick aggregate had well-defined edges and was
10–42% 8–49% 0–7% 0–5% angular in shape, which resulted in a high surface-to-volume ratio.
The surface of the crushed brick aggregate was rough and highly
porous due to the mineral structure of the brick. No physical testing
thought of as inappropriate for concrete aggregate or road layer was performed to quantify the angularity of the material; however,
it was visually classified as having 100% crushed face.
Considering the possibility of recycling this type of material, a Porosity and Water Absorption
study was conducted on the feasibility of recycled crushed clay
brick as coarse and fine aggregate in the production of concrete. The water absorption (W abs ) and dry roded unit weight (γdry ) of
The major objective of this experimental study was to provide a brick in original and crushed forms and also rock and natural
aggregate were measured in accordance with ASTM C128
concrete that is durable and resistant to abrasion. To achieve this
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(2007b). The results are summarized in Table 2.

aim, the mechanical properties of recycled crushed brick, such
The significant difference in water absorption for crushed brick
as specific gravity, water absorption, soundness, freezing-and-
and natural aggregate (average of 28% and 1.5%, respectively) is
thawing resistance, and Los Angeles abrasion, were determined. thought to be the main reason of reduction in strength and durabil-
In the next step, the application of recycled crushed brick as ity of concrete made with crushed brick. The low dry roded unit
aggregate in a durable concrete was studied by the evaluation of weight (γdry ) of clay brick in comparison with natural aggregate
the compressive strength, freezing-and-thawing resistance, and resulted in the concrete made with crushed bricks being lighter than
permeability. The first step in the present research was to identify traditional concrete and potentially being classified as lightweight
the components of CDW. To achieve this aim, 50 samples were concrete. This will be discussed subsequently.
taken from three different sites in which CDW is deposited. The
weight of each sample was approximately 25 kg. The samples were Soundness
sieved over a 1″ sieve (25.4 mm opening diameters) to separate To determine the soundness of aggregate when subjected to weath-
soils and fine particles. The predominant composition of material ering, a standard test method is recommended by ASTM C88
< 25:4 mm was soil, which is not suitable for concrete. Different (2005) or AASHTO T104 (1999). The test is accomplished by re-
components of sieved samples were then separated and weighted. peated immersion of specimens in saturated solution of sodium or
Table 1 shows the percentage of different materials in the analyzed magnesium sulfate followed by oven drying to dehydrate the salt
samples. The percentages of different materials vary by location precipitated in permeable pore spaces. This test is designed for all
and time of sampling. The amount of recyclable materials including materials used as road construction material, including recycled
brick and concrete, however, is noticeable. concrete and brick. However, for many materials for which chemi-
cal attack and abrasion are anticipated, the results may be mislead-
ing. The crushed brick was subjected to five cycles of immersion of
Mechanical Properties of Clay Bricks samples in sodium sulfate solution followed by drying in the oven.

Strength and durability of concrete depend on various factors, Table 2. Water Absorption and Specific Gravity of Materials
among which the most important are the quality and properties
Material W abs (%) (γdry ) (kN∕m3 )
of aggregate, such as porosity, water absorption, specific gravity,
soundness, freezing-and-thawing resistance, and compressive Brick 25–28 14–17
strength. The following sections describe the necessary tests and Crushed brick 26–30 11.0–12.0
the pertinent results for better identification of clay brick properties. Natural rock 0.5–2.0 23–26
Natural aggregate 1.0–3.0 16–18
Compressive Strength
The importance of using good-quality aggregate cannot be overem-
phasized, because the fine and coarse aggregates generally occupy
60% to 75% of the concrete volume and strongly influence the
physical and mechanical properties of concrete (Debieb and Kenai
2008). Among these, the compressive strength of hardened con-
crete is relatively dependent on the strength of rocks, which are
the main source of sand and gravel. The compressive strength
of concrete made with crushed brick as aggregate is mainly due
to the strength of brick in its original form. To examine this matter,
different bricks in their original form were randomly selected and
loaded to failure at a prescribed rate of 0:3 MPa∕s, using a
load-control-testing machine (ASTM E74 2007a). The compres-
sive strength and the specific gravity of 30 samples were in the
range of 3–7 N∕mm2 and 1.9–2.0, respectively. However, the
compressive strength and specific gravity of natural rocks, as
the main source of aggregate for traditional concrete, are in the
range of 70–280 N∕mm2 and 2.6–2.8, respectively. This is the main
Fig. 1. The effect of five cycles of immersion of brick in sodium sulfate
reason that the compressive strength of concrete made with crushed
solution followed by drying in the oven (image by Mahmood Khayati)
clay brick is much lower than traditional concrete.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2012.24:330-338.

Fig. 1 shows a piece of brick after five cycles of immersion in freezes, it produces osmotic and hydraulic pressures in the capil-
sodium sulfate solution followed by drying. The cracks that laries and pores of aggregates, causing the cavities to dilate and
appeared in the sample indicate relatively low resistance of brick rupture. Considering the test results, it is anticipated that the
to weathering action, but better performance than recycled concrete durability of concrete made with crushed brick shows better per-
and cement mortar. formance when subjected to freezing weather in comparison with
Regarding the size, according to ASTM C33 (2008b), aggregates concrete made with crushed cement blocks.
are divided into coarse (9.5 mm to 50 mm) and fine (0.3 mm to
9.5 mm) aggregates (Fig. 2). After the completion of the final cycle Degradation of Aggregates in the Los Angeles Test
and washing and drying, the samples were sieved over the same sieve
The Los Angeles test is designed to determine the ability of coarse
on which they were retained. The percentage of the weight loss for
aggregates smaller than 37.5 mm to resist abrasion, using the Los
coarse and fine crushed brick aggregates in proportion of the initial
Angeles Testing Machine in accordance with ASTM C131 (2006b)
weight, known as aggregate soundness, is shown in Table 3.
(or AASHTO T96 2002). Abrasion resistance is essential when ag-
The soundness test results indicate that cement mortar or
gregates, to be used in concrete or base and subbase of pavement,
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concrete specimens should not be tested with this method because

are subject to abrasion. In this test, a specified quantity of aggre-
of the destructive effect of sulfate on cement mortar and concrete.
gates is placed in a steel drum containing steel balls, the drum is
Perhaps for evaluation of cement mortar or concrete durability, the
rotated, and the percentage of material worn away is measured.
freezing-and-thawing test, described in the following section, could
Specifications often set an upper limit on this weight loss. Table 3
lead to more realistic results.
gives the test results for crushed brick and concrete/cement mortar.
The test results reveal that the resistance of recycled crushed
Freezing-and-Thawing Resistance
brick to abrasion is relatively low in comparison with natural
Durability of concrete is defined as its ability to resist weathering, aggregate, which is approximately 5–10% (Khaloo 1994), possibly
chemical attack, abrasion, or any other process of deterioration. reducing the compressive strength of concrete made with such low-
Among these factors, the resistance of aggregate to cycles of quality aggregates.
freezing and thawing has a noticeable effect. This test covers the
procedure for determining the weight loss of aggregate produced
by repeated freezing and thawing (AASHTO T103 2008). After sat- Mechanical Properties of Concrete Made with
uration, the sample must be fully immersed in water and placed in a Crushed Brick
freezer having a constant temperature of −23°C for 24 h, after which
it is removed and placed in a moist room having a constant temper- Successful use of recycled concrete as aggregate in concrete has
ature of 21°C for 24 h. This procedure constitutes one cycle. After been reported in some European and American countries, as re-
completion of 10 cycles and rinsing and drying of samples, the viewed by Desmyster and Vyncke (2000). Although recycled con-
weight loss of samples may be determined in the same manner crete as aggregate has been used extensively, the use of low-quality
as described previouslys for the soundness test. The results of the crushed brick is very limited. It should be noted that the clay bricks
freezing-and-thawing test are summarized in Table 3. that are used in the construction industry in developing countries
It is shown that the weight loss of recyclable materials is rela- are produced in small and nonautomated factories. Therefore, most
tively high. This clearly indicates that these materials possess high clay bricks do not meet standard specifications. This fact can be
porosity, causing water to fill the voids more easily. When water well understood when the mechanical properties of brick aggregate
are compared with natural aggregate (see Tables 2 and 3). Little
research has been devoted to studying the properties of crushed
bricks as aggregate, and only a few cases have been reported on
the use of brick aggregate in concrete (Khaloo 1994). Khaloo used
crushed hard-burned brick as concrete aggregate. This type of
brick, with a distorted or bloated shape, has much higher strength
in comparison with normal brick (which has been used in the
present study).

Test Procedure and Materials

In this paper, the properties of concrete made with fine and coarse
brick aggregates are studied. The following sections describe the
properties of concrete made with three types of crushed brick
aggregate in terms of size and material.
Both fine and coarse aggregates consist of only crushed clay
Fig. 2. Gradation curve for coarse and fine natural and recycled brick
brick: the first- and second-series samples, and also samples
aggregate with ASTM specifications
BBN, HBB, BBF, BBS, and BBFS of the third series.

Table 3. Soundness, Freezing-and-Thawing, and Los Angeles Test Results

Type of test Soundness (weight loss, %) Freezing and thawing (weight loss, %) Los Angeles abrasion (%)
Aggregate type Coarse Fine Coarse Fine Smaller than 37.5 mm
Crushed brick 10.9 4.1 2.3 12.6 49.6
Cement mortar/concrete 65.9 38.5 35.3 44.3 46.5


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2012.24:330-338.

(kN∕m3 )
The coarse and fine aggregates consist of crushed clay brick and



natural sand, respectively: this includes samples BNN, BGN, BNS,
and BNFS of the third series.
Both fine and coarse aggregates consist of only granite: this in-
< No.
cludes sample GGN of the third series, and it is just for comparison.


No additive is used for both first- and second-series samples,
and therefore no abbreviation was assigned for these two series.
No. 100

The objective of the first- and second-series samples was to inves-

The weight of aggregate retained on each sieve (kg∕m3 )


tigate the effect of the cement content and water–cement ratio
(w/c), respectively, on the compressive strength of concrete. The
third-series samples, with or without additives, aim to evaluate
No. 50





the durability. Depending on the type of the sample, a unique code
is assigned to each sample of the third series (see Table 4).
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No. 30

Gradation of Aggregate

Bricks taken from building demolition waste were crushed using a
laboratory jaw crusher. The grading of all types of aggregates fell
No. 16

215 within the allowable limits for the respective aggregate as specified
in ASTM C33 and shown Fig. 2. Coarse aggregate was size-
screened to a maximum 19 mm. The fineness modulus of fine ag-
No. 8


gregate, calculated on the basis of ASTM C125 (2009), was 3.7.

Saturation of Aggregate
No. 4


One of the main concerns of crushed brick is its porosity and high
water absorption. To prepare concrete for laboratory samples, all
fine and coarse crushed brick aggregates were immersed in water


for 24 h. The fully saturated aggregates were then taken out of the
water, and after surface drying, they were mixed with cement and


water in a mixer. This means that the aggregates were in saturated

surface dry (SSD) condition and no additional water (for absorption
compensation) was required.
(mL∕m3 )


In practice, however, it is not necessary to saturate the crushed

brick aggregates before mixing. The crushed brick aggregate can be


used in dry condition, and the amount of the water that is needed for
full saturation of aggregates can be added to the required water for
Silica fume

absorption compensation. Different absorption tests conducted by

(kg∕m3 )


the authors revealed that just after 5 min moisture content in the




brick sample or crushed brick aggregate reaches 80–90% of its

Table 4. Specifications, Mix Design, and Unit Weight of the Third-Series Samples

maximum capacity, and after approximately 20 min, it reaches

97% of its maximum capacity. This clearly indicates that all addi-
(kg∕m3 )

tional water will be absorbed during mixing and transportation (by



truck mixer), and the required water–cement ratio will remain

(kg∕m3 )




Cubic casting concrete molds, 100 mm in dimension, were used for

strength and durability testing, whereas cylindrical molds, 100 mm


in diameter and height, were used for permeability testing. All

specimens were kept in their molds for 24 h, after which they were
removed from the molds. The samples were then cured by storage
Natural sand

Natural sand
Natural sand

in lime-saturated water at 20°C. The saturated water prevents leach-




ing of calcium hydroxide from the samples (ASTM C511-09

Type of aggregate

2006a). After 28 days of curing, the samples were taken out from
the storage tank and prepared for compression test or durability and
permeability test. For each test, three samples were selected and the

reported results are the average of three data.



Mixing and Mix Design

For preparing each concrete batch, coarse and fine aggregates
(in SSD condition) and cement were placed in the mixer and mixed
for approximately 1 min. Then water was added gradually for a
period of approximately 2 min, and the batch was mixed for


3 min to produce a uniform concrete mix. The mix design for




the third series is described in the relevant section.


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2012.24:330-338.

Cement and Additives could be a significant advantage in using recycled crushed brick
as aggregate.
Portland cement Type II was used in this research. No additive was
used for the first- and second-series samples. For the third-series Second Series (The Effect of Water–Cement Ratio)
samples, superplasticizer in liquid state and silica fume in solid
state were added to water and cement, respectively. Superplasti- The main objective of the second series was to evaluate the com-
cizers are high-range water reducers that are added to concrete with pressive strength of concrete in which fine and coarse recycled
a low to normal slump and water–cement ratio to make high-slump brick aggregates were used (similar to the first series). In this series,
concrete (ASTM C494 2008a). Silica fume as a pozzolanic admix- however, the cement content was held constant (350 kg∕m3 ), and
ture reduces permeability even when the cement content is rela- the water–cement ratio varied from 0.45 to 0.7, for which slump,
tively low. Concrete containing silica fume is generally reported unit weight, and compressive strength were measured. Fig. 4 shows
to have good freeze-thaw durability (Kosmatka and Panarese the variations of compressive strength, slump, and unit weight
2002). The amount of superplasticizer for samples with w∕c ¼ versus water–cement ratio.
0:35 was 5,250 mL/m3 of concrete. Silica fume was replaced with
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The workability for samples with slump of approximately

cement (i.e., the amount of cement was reduced 28 kg/m3 of 100 mm was acceptable for practical purposes. The corresponding
concrete). strength and w∕c were approximately 18 N∕mm2 and 0.6, respec-
tively. This low strength is good enough only for nonstructural
Workability purposes, such as paving blocks. In addition, the test results indi-
cate no significant increase in strength is observed with reducing
The workability of all mixtures was measured in terms of slump
slump lower than 100 mm.
(ASTM C143 2008d). The mixtures containing recycled crushed
The unit weight reduced from 19:9 kN∕m3 (for w∕c ¼ 0:45) to
brick aggregate were observed to be coarser and stiffer, resulting
19:4 kN∕m3 (for w∕c ¼ 0:7). This is attributable to the increasing
in relatively lower slump in comparison with traditional concrete
voids in concrete after drying, which results from increasing w∕c
made with natural aggregate (with identical w∕c). The high friction
(i.e., increasing water). The relatively low unit weight indicates that
between brick particles (in comparison with natural aggregate) is
concrete made with recycled brick aggregate can be classified as
thought to be the main reason of low slump in comparison with
semilightweight concrete.
traditional concrete (with natural aggregate).
Third Series (Durability Evaluation)
First Series (The Effect of Cement Content)
The first series aims at evaluating the compressive strength of In the third series, complementary tests were conducted to evaluate
concrete in which fine and coarse recycled brick aggregates were durability of samples. These tests include freezing-and-thawing and
used. A w/c of 0.5 was held constant for different cement content
150–350 (kg∕m3 ). The observed slump for all samples was
20–50 mm, indicating low slump in comparison with traditional
concrete. Although the slump was low (which is thought to be be-
cause of the high friction between crushed brick particles), the
workability of concrete was satisfactory because it was easy to fill
the mold. The test results of compressive strength for different
amounts of cement are depicted in Fig. 3. The figure clearly shows
that increasing cement content causes an increase in strength up to a
certain value (approximately 225 kg∕m3 ), after which no signifi-
cant increase is observed. This is mainly due to the low strength
of brick aggregates. The maximum unit weight of fresh concrete
was 19:9 kN∕m3 for the sample with 350 kg∕m3 of cement content.
This clearly indicates that concrete produced with crushed brick
aggregates can be classified as semilightweight concrete. This

Fig. 3. Compressive strength of concrete samples made with crushed Fig. 4. Variations of compressive strength and slump of the second-
brick as aggregate (first series) series samples with constant cement content and different w∕c values


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2012.24:330-338.

permeability tests. In addition, the compressive strength of all sam- • Silica fume or superplasticizer has no significant effect on
ples was determined after 28 days and 90 days of curing and after compressive strength when used alone (sample BBF or
subjecting to cycles of freezing and thawing. Table 4 summarizes a BBS); however, when added together to the concrete mix,
brief description, specifications, mix design, and unit weight of all the compressive strength will be improved (sample BBFS). This
samples in this series. The main points of the third samples follow. is mainly due to the low strength and low unit weight of the
The cement content was held constant at 350 kg∕m3 and brick as the source of aggregate, which results in a lightweight
w∕c ¼ 0:45 for all samples except for those with superplasticizer and low-strength concrete. Reducing the water–cement ratio in-
admixture, in which the water–cement ratio was reduced to 0.35. creases the compressive strength up to a certain limit, after
The role of superplasticizer is to increase the slump. When constant which no strength increase will be observed. That is why the
slump is desired (e.g., w∕c ¼ 0:45), with adding plasticizer the strength of sample BBN (with w∕c ¼ 0:45) is a little lower than
w∕c must be reduced to hold slump constant. This enhances the sample BBS (with w∕c ¼ 0:35 and plasticizer). However, when
durability of concrete. silica fume and plasticizer are added to concrete together
The coarse aggregate of all samples, except samples GGN and (sample BBFS), their combination causes the crushed brick ag-
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HBB, is low-quality crushed brick. gregate to absorb cement paste better and increases compressive
The fine and coarse aggregates of sample HBB are recycled strength.
hard-burned brick (this type of brick with distorted or bloated shape • When natural sand was replaced with recycled crushed brick
has a relatively higher quality and more strength in comparison (as fine aggregate), no increase in compressive strength was
with normal brick). observed (compare samples BBN and BNN). This could be
The fine and coarse aggregates of sample GGN are crushed due to the low friction of natural sand in comparison with fine
granite (very high strength rock). Samples HBB and GGN were crushed brick. However replacement of fine granite with
merely prepared to compare with samples made with recycled crushed brick (sample BGN) will improve the strength com-
crushed brick as aggregate. pared with sample BBN. The reason is that the compressive
The fine aggregate of samples BNN, BNS, and BNFS is natural strength of granite rock is much higher than brick (in original
sand, and sample BGN is granite. form). In addition, fine crushed granite (which has been used as
The amounts of silica fume and superplasticizer were 28 kg∕m3 fine aggregate in sample BGN) is more frictional than crushed
and 5; 250 mL∕m3 , respectively. Silica fume was replaced with clay brick.
cement (i.e., cement content was reduced 28 kg∕m3 ).
Further details of specimens for the determination of compres- Durability
sive strength and durability tests are given subsequently, followed Freezing-and-thawing resistance of concrete made with recycled
by the main results for each mixture. aggregate is still questionable due to the great variations in quality
and composition of the demolished concretes (Gokce et al. 2004).
Compressive Strength The durability of concrete made with crushed brick was defined in
All samples listed in Table 4 were cured for 28 days and 90 days, terms of resistance of the samples to the repeated cycles of freezing
after which they were tested for compressive strength. For each test, and thawing and was determined from changes in mass and reduc-
three samples were selected, and the reported results are the average tion in compressive strength (ASTM C666 2008c). The test was
of these data. The test results are illustrated in Fig. 5 for the third performed by testing concrete prism in accordance with ASTM
series. C666, procedure B. The samples (three specimens for each sample)
The following points can be drawn from the test results: were cured for 28 days in a fully saturated condition, after which
• A comparison between 90-day strength of samples BBN, HBB, they were subjected to the freezing-and-thawing cycle. The
and GGN (21.5, 35.5, and 57 N∕mm2 ) shows the significant freezing-and-thawing cycles consisted of leaving samples in a
effect of aggregate strength on concrete strength. Although freezer with constant temperature of 18°C for 24 h, followed
the strength of the sample BBN (low-quality brick) is relatively by removal from the freezer and placement in water at 4°C for an-
low and cannot be used as structural concrete, it may be used for other 24 h. This is considered as one cycle. The results of durability
concrete products such as tiles and paving bricks. testing of the specimens may be divided in two groups: group A
and group B.
Group A: In this group, many cracks appeared in the specimens
in the first cycle of freezing, and after a few cycles (approximately
five), samples split off. These specimens were selected from the
second-series samples for which w∕c varied from 0.55 to 0.7. This
is obviously due to the destructive effect of the high water–cement
ratio. Fig. 6 shows cracks and split-off samples in this group.
Although in many samples (including BBF and BNN with
w∕c ¼ 0:45) no cracks were observed during the first 50 cycles,
they could not sustain 120 cycles and many cracks were observed.
This indicates that although silica fume improves durability but
has no proper effect on reducing permeability.
Group B: In the second group, the samples sustained 120 cycles
and no cracks were observed. In the following sections, compres-
sive strength, weight loss, and permeability of these samples are
Compressive Strength
Fig. 5. The 28-day and 90-day compressive strength of the third-series
The samples that sustained 120 cycles and for which no cracks
were observed were then subjected to the compression test. Fig. 7


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2012.24:330-338.

on samples (after 120 cycles of freezing and thawing) showed
that the compressive strength of these samples was equal to the
samples that were not subjected to cycles of freezing and thaw-
ing. This clearly indicates that the samples have both good
resistance to freezing and thawing and proper durability.
Weight Loss: The weight loss of samples (average of three spec-
imens for each sample) was measured after 10 cycles of freezing
and thawing. Due to the good resistance, no significant weight loss
was observed. This is a good reason for high performance and
durability of concrete products with recycled crushed bricks in
comparison with concrete made with natural aggregate. Recent re-
search also shows similar results (Esfahani and Hadizadeh 2008). It
was reported that the weight loss of concrete samples with natural
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aggregate after 108 cycles of freezing and thawing reaches to

approximately 0.3–1%. In addition, experimental research on resis-
tance of concretes produced with recycled concrete aggregate
showed proper durability against freezing and thawing (Salem et al.
Fig. 6. The effect of w∕c on freezing resistance (images by Mahmood 2003).
Khayati) Permeability: The degree of concrete permeability has a direct
effect on its durability. The more permeable the concrete, the less
durable it is against harsh environmental conditions. It is, therefore,
another method for durability evaluation. To measure the per-
meability of the concrete sample, a sophisticated apparatus in frus-
tum cone shape was designed. Fig. 8 illustrates the conical mold,
which is made from hard Teflon. The water pressure on the samples
was 200 kN∕m2 . After 28 days of curing, a waterproof adhesive
was applied to the lateral surface area of the fully saturated conical
samples [Fig. 8(a)], which were then placed in the mold [Fig. 8(b)].
The adhesive around the sample prevented water passage from the
boundary of the sample and mold.
Because the permeability of concrete is very low, it was neces-
sary to leave the samples under 2 bars of water pressure for at least
50 days. The water pressure that was applied to the sample during
this period caused enough water to be discharged from the samples,
and it was possible to measure the weight of discharged water. The
discharged water was collected in an airtight bottle to prevent water
evaporation. The samples BBF, BBS, BNS, and BNS were selected
for permeability testing. The test was terminated when the rate of
Fig. 7. The compressive strength of samples that sustained 120 cycles discharged water was constant during successive weeks. Table 5 is
of freezing and thawing a summary of the permeability test.
The test results shows that sample BBF, containing silica fume,
suffers from high permeability. This indicates that silica fume,
when added to the concrete in absence of superplasticizer, has
depicts the compressive strength of the samples (average of three no significant effect on reduction of the permeability.
specimens for each sample) after 28 days and 90 days of curing
(i.e., the data of Fig. 5) and also after being subjected to 120 cycles
of freezing and thawing.
The following points can be drawn from the durability test
• The effect of silica fume is generally to increase the resistance to
the freezing phenomena. Sample BBF, however, gave no appro-
priate response. This may be due to the low effect of this ad-
mixture on permeability (see next section).
• Replacement of natural sand with fine crushed brick (samples
BNN and BBN) has no significant effect on the 28-day and 90-
day compressive strength. Durability testing, however, revealed
that using natural sand instead of fine crushed recycled brick
reduces the resistance of samples to the cycles of freezing
and thawing.
• Samples BBN, HBB, BBS, and BBFS, for which both coarse
and fine aggregates are recycled crushed brick (the main objec-
Fig. 8. View of the permeability apparatus: (a) concrete sample and
tive of this research), showed the proper durability (i.e., after
mold; (b) samples subject to 2 bars water pressure during testing
being subjected to 120 cycles of freezing and thawing, no cracks
(images by Mahmood Khayati)
were observed in the samples). In addition, compression testing


J. Mater. Civ. Eng. 2012.24:330-338.

Table 5. Permeability of the Third-Series Samples is acceptable. If the cost of damage to the environment is consid-
Sample code Permeability (×109 mm∕s) ered, the recycling and reuse of crushed brick as concrete aggregate
is unavoidable.
BNN 3.98
BBF 21.63
BBS 0.632 Acknowledgments
BNS 6.67
The authors wish to acknowledge the financial support of the
Recycling and Transformation of Materials Organization,
Although both fine and coarse aggregates of sample BBS are Municipality of Mashhad through the research project “Recycling
prepared from recycled low-quality brick, due to the use of super- of construction debris,” for carrying out this work.
plasticizer and low w∕c, its permeability is very low. This will result
in durable concrete.
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Generally, the low water–cement ratio efficiently reduces the

concrete permeability. This results in durability increase, which
was outlined in the previous section. The following symbols are used in this paper:
W abs = water absorption;
w∕c = water–cement ratio; and
Concluding Remarks γdry = dry roded unit weight.

The present research was an attempt to review the possibility of

brick recycling and use as aggregate in concrete. The general find-
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