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What is Software Testing

Software testing is a process of identifying the correctness of software by
considering its all attributes (Reliability, Scalability, Portability, Re-
usability, Usability) and evaluating the execution of software components to find
the software bugs or errors or defects.

Testing - The main intent of testing is to detect failures of the application so

that failures can be discovered and corrected.

1-Requirement phase- During this phase, the client states requirements,
specifications, expectations, and any other special requirement related to the
product or software.
2-Design phase- The design phase includes a detailed analysis of new software
according to the requirement phase.
3-Developmemt phase- After the successful completion of the requirement and design
phase, the next step is to implement the design into the development of a software
system. In this phase, work is divided into small units, and coding starts by the
team of developers according to the design discussed in the previous phase and
according to the requirements of the client discussed in requirement phase to
produce the desired result.
4-Testing phase - Testing is the last step of completing a software system. In this
phase, after getting the developed GUI and back-end combination, it is tested
against the requirements stated in the requirement phase.
5-Deployment/Deliver phase - When software testing is completed with a satisfying
result, and there are no remaining issues in the working of the software, it is
delivered to the customer for their use.
6-Maintenance- The maintenance phase is the last and long-lasting phase of SDLC
because it is the process which continues until the software's life cycle comes to
an end
Manual Testing
Manual testing is a software testing process in which test cases are executed
manually without using any automated tool. Manual testing is mandatory for every
newly developed software before automated testing. This testing requires great
efforts and time, but it gives the surety of bug-free software.
"Automation testing refers to the automatic testing of the software in which
developer or tester write the test script once with the help of testing tools and
framework and run it on the software. The test script automatically test the
software without human intervention and shows the result (either error, bugs are
present or software is free from them)."
White Box testing - It tests internal coding and infrastructure of a software
focus on checking of predefined inputs against expected and desired outputs. It is
based on inner workings of an application and revolves around internal structure
testing. In this type of testing programming skills are required to design test
Black Box Testing - It examines the functionality of software without peering into
its internal structure or coding. In this method, tester selects a function and
gives input value to examine its functionality, and checks whether the function is
giving expected output or not. If the function produces correct output, then it is
passed in testing, otherwise failed.
Greybox Testing - Greybox testing is a software testing method to test the software
application with partial knowledge of the internal working structure. It is a
combination of black box and white box testing because it involves access to
internal coding to design test cases as white box testing and testing practices are
done at functionality level as black box testing.
Selenium - Selenium is one of the most widely used open source Web UI (User
Interface) automation testing suite.

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