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How innovation in Artificial Intelligence is threatening workers' jobs from labor-intensive




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This dissertation examined the significant effects of AI development on labor-intensive

businesses and the issues it may cause regarding job loss. It is a secondary descriptive research

study that explores the subject by using previously published materials. The report evaluated the

perspectives of numerous experts, authors, and researchers who have contributed substantial

information and advancements in AI-related technologies over the previous few decades through

a thorough literature analysis. The study looked into the strategies used by various economic

sectors to identify and mitigate the potential impact of AI on their business practices and

workforce. Because it depended on quantifiable and measurable data gathered in the past through

research projects, the research adopted a quantitative descriptive research approach to

accomplish this. Due to its desktop research design, the report did not use qualitative data

collection techniques like interviews, questionnaires, focus groups, etc. Instead, its quantitative

components involved gathering information and examining pertinent economic models from

prior research. As a result, certain findings have industry issues with the application of AI, such

as ethical questions and job displacement, which are given intentional thought. The inquiry also

looked at the methods various industries use to gain from AI while limiting potential drawbacks.

The findings showed how companies have adopted AI technology to increase productivity,

customer interactions, and efficiency, leading to job transformation rather than outright job

replacement. The dissertation looked at how consumer attitudes and expectations affected the

adoption and implementation of AI across several businesses. According to the report, consumer

expectations for tailored experiences, simplicity, and efficiency have pushed them to accept and

rely more on AI-powered products and services. However, consumer attitudes and expectations

have also been influenced by worries about privacy, data security, and the ethical application of

AI. The dissertation makes numerous recommendations in light of the findings. These include

encouraging interdisciplinary research, ethical AI practices, investing in workforce adaptation

and reskilling, addressing ethical and regulatory issues, engaging in continuous monitoring and

evaluation, and fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing between industries.

Key Words: Artificial Intelligence, Labor market dynamics, Socioeconomic implications,

Industry response, Job displacement.


Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................4
BACKGROUND INFORMATION.......................................................................................................7
RESEARCH QUESTIONS.................................................................................................................8
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................................9
LITERATURE REVIEW...........................................................................................................10
TECHNOLOGICAL DETERMINISM.............................................................................................10
LABOR MARKET DYNAMICS......................................................................................................13
SEARCH STRATEGY:...................................................................................................................18
INCLUSION AND EXCLUSION CRITERIA:.....................................................................................19
SAMPLE AND SAMPLING:............................................................................................................20
DATA COLLECTION:...................................................................................................................21
DATA ANALYSIS:........................................................................................................................22
QUALITY ASSESSMENT:..............................................................................................................23
RESULT AND FINDINGS.........................................................................................................24
KEY MILESTONES AND ADVANCEMENTS IN AI TECHNOLOGY.............................................26
EVOLUTION OF PERCEPTION AND CONCERNS ABOUT AI......................................................26
INDUSTRY RECOGNITION AND RESPONSE TO AI....................................................................27
CONSUMER ATTITUDES AND EXPECTATIONS..........................................................................29
DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS..........................................................................................29
KEY MILESTONES AND ADVANCEMENTS IN AI TECHNOLOGY.............................................29
EVOLUTION OF PERCEPTION AND CONCERNS ABOUT AI......................................................31
INDUSTRY RECOGNITION AND RESPONSE TO AI....................................................................32
INDUSTRY CONCERNS REGARDING AI IMPLEMENTATION....................................................34
CONSUMER ATTITUDES AND EXPECTATIONS..........................................................................37
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................39

List of Tables
Table 1: sources used in the study......................................................................................23
Table 2: The Industries most impacted by AI....................................................................24
Table 3: Strategies to Leverage AI Benefits and Mitigate Negative Consequences..........26

List of figures
Figure 1: Affected industries...........................................................................................25


Background Information

Artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted many industries, particularly labor-

intensive firms, because of its rapid growth. Robotics, automation, and other AI-based

technologies are transforming work processes by boosting productivity and efficiency. It is

unclear whether this technological revolution threatens the jobs held by workers in labor-

intensive industries. Manufacturing, agriculture, and customer service are labor-intensive

industries that heavily rely on human labor (Kim et al., 2022). These industries usually demand

laborious, physically demanding, repetitive, and human error-prone jobs. Because of AI,

businesses are using more tools that can automate some tasks and do away with the need for

human labor. Analysis of the skill-biased technological transition theory and its impacts on

employment polarization heavily relies on the labor market dynamics. The socioeconomic effects

of AI on labor-intensive businesses are the main topic of this research, which focuses on its

financial outcomes. The huge job displacement caused by AI in the past has necessitated

workforce adaptation, retraining, and consultation to address socioeconomic imbalances.

Manufacturing is a good illustration of how robotics is overcoming obstacles with the aid of AI.

Complex operations that previously required only human expertise are now efficiently carried

out by robots coupled with AI systems. These highly developed robots assemble goods,

guarantee product quality, and simplify logistics, lowering costs and increasing organizational

productivity. However, the potential displacement of many workers due to job automation is also

a concern. Another component of AI that poses a danger to jobs in labor-intensive sectors is

machine learning algorithms. These algorithms can independently analyze vast amounts of data,

spot patterns, and make predictions or conclusions. For example, AI-powered chatbots in

customer care can respond to questions from customers, give them information, and even help

them solve problems (Singh et al., 2022). Although this automation streamlines customer

assistance procedures, it also increases the likelihood that human customer service professionals

may lose their jobs.

On the one hand, automation and robotics have started replacing jobs traditionally filled by

people, which is cause for alarm. This causes people to worry about the welfare of employees

who might find themselves suddenly without a job or facing a bleak future in their fields of

work. On the other hand, new employment possibilities related to the development, upkeep, and

oversight of artificial intelligence (AI) may result from the advancement of AI technology.

However, these complex tasks frequently call for high-tech skills that may be outside the scope

of workers in labor-intensive sectors.

Together, AI advancements pose a double-edged sword with enormous risks and possible

benefits for people in labor-intensive industries. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the full

scale of the situation and consider potential ways for reducing the negative effects of AI and

laying the groundwork for a smooth transition for impacted workers. By examining the

relationship between AI-driven industrialisation and labor-intensive industries, this dissertation

seeks to explain the potential effects and advise decision-makers, businesses, and workers.

Research Questions

1. What significant technological developments and milestones contributed to the

creation of artificial intelligence as we know it today?

2. What are the main worries society has voiced about the effects of artificial

intelligence, and how have these concerns changed over time?


3. How have various sectors acknowledged and addressed the possible effects of AI

on their business practices and workforce?

4. What specific issues, such as job loss, privacy concerns, or ethical issues, have

businesses raised concerning the application of artificial intelligence?

5. What methods and techniques have businesses used to maximize the positive

effects of AI while minimizing any potential drawbacks?

6. How have consumer attitudes and expectations shaped the adoption and

implementation of Artificial Intelligence across different industries?

Aims and Objectives

1. To explore the history and evolution of technology and Artificial Intelligence.

2. To explore the concerns about the impact of Artificial Intelligence.

3. To explore how various industries have reacted to Artificial Intelligence.



This literature review tries to summarize and discuss the numerous perspectives that experts,

commentators, and academics have taken on the subject of AI and its impact on employment. It

uses a multidimensional theoretical framework to examine how artificial intelligence (AI) will

affect many businesses, particularly those that depend heavily on labor. The framework takes

into account the dynamics of the labor market, technological determinism, and socioeconomic

effects. This review strives to fully comprehend the complicated relationship between AI-driven

innovation and employment in labor-intensive industries by examining the interaction between

different views.

Technological Determinism

A viewpoint called technological determinism examines the revolutionary potential of AI

technologies and how they will affect labor-intensive industries. One study by Kaul, Enslin, and

Gross (2020) examined the possibility of task and job automation, which shed light on the

possible disruption that AI may bring. Frey and Osborne (2017) researched to identify which

professions were vulnerable to automation and how many jobs would be lost to comprehend the

implications of automation. They evaluated the degree of automation that may be achieved with

current technology by analyzing the work composition of various occupations using a machine

learning approach.

Based on the likelihood that they will be automated, Frey and Osborne (2017) divided

employment into low-risk, medium, and high-risk categories. Based on their research, 47% of

American employees were highly vulnerable to automation. This emphasizes how large job

transfers across industries and sectors are possible. Further highlighting the susceptibility of

typical physical tasks in labor-intensive industries like industry and agriculture to automation

powered by AI technologies was Lakshmi and Corbett (2020).

This study is relevant because it highlights the possible employment market disruption that

artificial intelligence automation can cause. Frey and Osborne (2017) recognized many

professions as high-risk vocations. A viewpoint known as technological determinism emphasizes

the revolutionary potential of AI technology and how it will affect labor-intensive industries. To

gain insight into the disruptive aspect of AI, Kaul, Enslin, and Gross (2020) undertook a study

that analyzed the possibility of automation of employment and tasks. They expanded on Frey and

Osborne's (2017) analysis of the degree of job losses and the susceptibility of certain professions

to automation. Frey and Osborne classified employment into low-, medium, and high-risk

degrees of automation using machine learning techniques.

These studies' findings indicate that a sizeable fraction of American occupations face a high risk

of automation, pointing to potential changes in the labor market across industries and sectors

(Kaul et al., 2020). This idea is further supported by the study of Lakshmi and Corbett (2020),

which emphasizes how routine physical tasks are particularly susceptible to AI-driven

automation in labor-intensive industries like manufacturing and agriculture.

Frey and Osborne's classification of high-risk professions includes many jobs involving routine

duties, repeated motions, and predictable physical work. As a result, as AI technology develops,

people in labor-intensive industries may face substantial hurdles in the future (Kaul et al., 2020).

Discussions and debates on the future of work, job displacement, and the requirement for

retraining and upskilling in response to AI automation were spurred by Kulkov's study (2021).

Decision-makers, companies, and employees were reminded to think about the possible effects

of AI-driven automation and fully prepare for its opportunities and challenges.

A thorough investigation into the possibilities for workplace automation in labor-intensive

industries was done in 2016 by Arntz, Gregory, and Zierahn. Researchers examined data from

various nations and industries to determine the industries and sectors most likely to experience

significant change due to AI automation. Their study showed that sectors with a firm reliance on

routine and repetitive tasks, like manufacturing and agriculture, are more likely to be automated.

Kulkov (2021) expanded on this research by creating a cutting-edge method for determining the

likelihood of job automation. Kulkov widened the investigation to cover 21 more OECD nations

by considering the technical requirements for each job and assessing their susceptibility to

automation. The effects of AI automation on labor-intensive industries can be fully understood

thanks to this global perspective. This research results are consistent with technological

determinism, which postulates that technological changes influence social and economic

developments. The research implies that employment requiring manual labor, repetitive data

processing, and predictable physical tasks are more vulnerable to automation in labor-intensive

industries and AI.

Legislators, business owners, and employees must understand how different industries are

susceptible to the job disruption AI technology brings. Kim et al. (2022) stressed the significance

of this knowledge to foresee probable outcomes and create strategies to manage the advantages

and challenges AI technology brings. Insights from their study, primarily focused on labor-

intensive industries, can help influence legislation and encourage the adoption of preventative

measures to help affected workers and ensure a seamless transition.


Collectively, these studies offer empirical proof in favor of technological determinism in the

context of labor-intensive industries and AI. They underline the dangers of massive job

displacement by AI technologies' automation of routine manual tasks. These results underline the

necessity of aggressive policies and actions to curb AI's detrimental effects on employment and

ease affected employees' transitions. In conclusion, people in labor-intensive industries face a

danger to their jobs from advances in artificial intelligence. According to technological

determinism, routine and repetitive tasks in specific industries are more likely to be automated.

Studies have offered empirical support for this idea and emphasize the necessity for preventative

actions to lessen the negative effects of AI on jobs and help affected workers transition smoothly.

Labor Market Dynamics

The potential for AI automation to disproportionately hurt low-skilled workers is one recurring

worry raised in the literature about the dynamics of the labor market. The skill-biased

technological change argument, which contends that AI technologies often displace regular tasks

performed by low-skilled employees while enhancing high-skilled workers, is emphasized by

Lakshmi and Corbett (2020). Income disparity and polarization of the labor market may follow

from this. The authors emphasize the necessity for laws and procedures to address any disparities

brought on by automation powered by AI.

Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2014) and Acemoglu and Restrepo (2020) provide an alternative

viewpoint on these worries. They contend that although automation brought on by AI may

displace mundane, middle-skill occupations, it also opens up new career prospects that demand

higher skill levels. The term "job polarization" was first used by Brynjolfsson and McAfee

(2014) to describe how demand for high- and low-skilled workers rises while it falls for ordinary,

middle-skilled employment. They contend that artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can

supplement human labor and empower workers to complete more complicated tasks, reshaping

the labor market in favor of positions requiring innovation, problem-solving, and social

intelligence. The theory of employment polarization is supported by evidence found by

Acemoglu and Restrepo (2020), who claim that automation would eliminate middle-skilled jobs

while opening up chances for both high- and low-skilled employees.

The research shows that AI innovation can also establish new firms and employment categories

despite concerns about potential job displacements. According to Acemoglu and Restrepo

(2020), AI automation may negatively influence employment and boost productivity. This

suggests that there may be both job replacements and new employment prospects in fields that

gain from AI technologies.

The research points to a complex connection between artificial intelligence innovation and labor-

intensive industries. While there are worries that low-skilled people may be replaced, automation

brought on by AI may also open up opportunities for higher-level positions. The idea of "job

polarization" emphasizes how crucial it is to promote skill development and ensure that

employees are equipped to adjust to the shifting needs of the labor market. More studies and

policy talks are required to address the possible injustices and disruptions by AI-driven

automation in labor-intensive industries.

Numerous studies have been conducted on the socioeconomic effects of AI advancement and

how it will affect industries that depend on labor. An examination of the potential financial

effects of AI and associated difficulties was done by Liang et al. in 2021. To ensure that workers

can successfully interact with AI systems and profit from developing technology, they

underlined the necessity for workforce adaptation and retraining. Similarly, Chui, Manyika, and

Miremadi (2016) extensively studied the economic implications of AI adoption and highlighted

the technology's potential to increase productivity and economic growth, particularly in

industries with a high labor intensiveness.

The possible socioeconomic inequality that could develop as a result of job displacement brought

on by automation brought on by AI is one of the issues identified by Frey and Osborne (2019).

They contend that even if AI technologies have the potential to increase productivity and

efficiency, income inequality could get worse if the benefits are not distributed fairly. In 2020,

Lakshmi and Corbett emphasized the importance of addressing these disparities to ensure that

everyone may benefit from AI technologies. They suggest implementing policies and practices to

support displaced employees, encourage inclusive growth, and invest in education and training

programs to provide individuals with the skills they need to compete in a changing labor market.

The significance of proactive governmental steps to reduce the possible adverse effects of AI

automation, such as income inequality and employment polarization, is also emphasized by Frey

and Osborne (2019). Governments and stakeholders are encouraged to work together to develop

policies that support entrepreneurship, inclusive growth, and worker access to the resources they

need and support systems. A proactive approach is also recommended by Chui, Manyika, and

Miremadi (2016) to address the socioeconomic implications of AI automation and promote

equitable growth. Their research strongly emphasizes considering potential obstacles and

developing laws that help communities and employees.

Bessen (2019) looks at historical data from many industries and concludes that implementing AI

technologies can significantly impact productivity. However, he also draws attention to the

possibility of employment polarization, which can exacerbate income disparity by decreasing the

number of middle-skilled jobs and raising the demand for low- and high-skilled workers. By

offering a cross-country analysis, Arntz, Gregory, and Zierahn (2017) expand our understanding

of the socioeconomic implications of AI. According to their research, automation may cause

income distribution to alter and job displacement across a range of sectors and nations, including

manufacturing, agriculture, and customer service.

The conflicting nature of AI's socioeconomic effects on labor-intensive businesses is highlighted

by Ahmed, Jeon, and Piccialli (2022). While there is potential for increased productivity and

economic progress, job migration also carries the risk of social inequality. Their findings

highlight the significance of proactive policies and measures to support inclusive growth, lower

income inequality, and ease workforce adaptation and retraining to utilize AI technologies'

advantages efficiently.

To address the possible socioeconomic effects of AI on labor-intensive firms, the literature

continually highlights the need for proactive regulations, education and training initiatives, and

inclusive growth methods. To ensure the responsible and fair deployment of AI technologies and

to reduce any negative consequences on workers and communities, stakeholders, governments,

and society should work together.



The desk-based research was conducted after thoroughly evaluating all the relevant papers,

studies, and literature published on the subject. Sources, including trustworthy news articles,

industry reports, and scholarly journals, were evaluated to acquire pertinent data. The study

aimed to comprehend how developments in artificial intelligence are being incorporated into

labor-intensive businesses. The primary focus areas were manufacturing, agriculture,

construction, and customer service sectors.

The literature review sheds light on the state of AI technology and its possible effects on various

employment roles in labor-intensive industries. It also looked at case studies and instances of

businesses using AI to automate particular operations or procedures. Industry publications and

professional perspectives were also examined to learn more about the possible effects of AI on

the workforce. These sources assisted in determining the industries that are anticipated to be

most impacted and the employment roles that are most at risk of being replaced by AI


The study also looked into the possibility of human-AI collaboration, the degree of task

automation, the capabilities of AI systems, and the threat of job loss. It also considered the

potential advantages AI could offer labor-intensive organizations, such as higher productivity

and efficiency. This study attempts to provide a thorough understanding of the possible threat

posed by AI advancement to workers in labor-intensive industries by examining and integrating

the information from multiple sources. The findings of this study can help policymakers,

business executives, and employees navigate the opportunities and problems posed by AI

technology in the labor market.


Search Strategy:

A thorough search was done using various academic research sources, including IEEE Xplore,

ACM Digital Library, Google Scholar, and Scopus, to find pertinent and complete data. Industry

studies and publications were also included to compile a more comprehensive perspective. The

keywords "Artificial Intelligence," "AI," "innovation," "labor-intensive industries," "job threat,"

and others were used in the search.

The search was conducted in two stages: the first stage attempted to determine the current status

of AI innovation and its impact on labor-intensive industries, while the second stage sought to

investigate the potential difficulties and opportunities for employees and employers in these

areas. The following requirements had to be met by the sources that were chosen for inclusion:

(1) they had to be available online or through the university library; (2) they had to be peer-

reviewed or credible; (3) they had to be related to the study question and aims.

Many results from the initial search were obtained and filtered by title and abstract to remove

redundant or irrelevant sources. The remaining sources were further evaluated for quality and

applicability for the study by full-text reading. The final sample included 45 materials, including

three books, ten industry reports, and 32 journal articles. The sources were divided into four

major themes: (1) the innovation of AI and its drivers; (2) the acceptance and proliferation of AI

in labor-intensive industries; (3) the influence of AI on the supply, demand, and quality of labor;

and (4) the implications of AI for skill development, education, and policy.

Thematic analysis was used to identify, code, and understand the main patterns and concepts

included in the data taken from the sources. The study's theoretical framework, research

question, and objectives served as the basis for the analysis. The conclusions were combined and

backed with pertinent data from the sources in a narrative format. Along with discussing the

implications for subsequent research and practice, the data and analysis limitations were also


Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria:

For inclusion, studies and writings from credible sources published in English between 2010 and

2021 were considered. Only studies, conference papers, reports, and professional comments

addressing how AI advancement affects labor-intensive industries and jobs were included.

Studies concentrating on non-labor-intensive industries or unrelated aspects of AI innovation

were excluded.

The inclusion criteria ensured the evidence base was appropriate and high-quality for the

research topic. The study examined the impact of AI innovation on labor-intensive industries and

professions such as manufacturing, agriculture, retail, hospitality, and the healthcare industry.

These industries are characterized by high amounts of human labor input, low levels of

automation, and low salaries. The disruptive repercussions of AI innovation, such as job

displacement, skill mismatch, income disparity, and societal discontent, may affect them more


The exclusion criteria were created to prevent confounding variables and extraneous data from

tainting the research. Finance, education, entertainment, or ethics are examples of non-labor-

intensive industries or unrelated aspects of AI innovation that were not intended to be included in

the research topic. These industries are distinguished by high degrees of automation, low levels

of human labor input, and high salaries. As a result, they may be less impacted by the disruptive

consequences of AI innovation, or they may experience distinct difficulties and possibilities.


The period from 2010 to 2021 was chosen to include the most current innovations in AI and

trends and their effects on labor-intensive industries and occupations. Deep learning, cloud

computing, big data, and breakthroughs in natural language processing propelled a new wave of

AI innovation that started in 2010. The data gathering time for this research study concluded in

2021. The goal of the literature review was to give a thorough and current summary of what is

currently known and being discussed regarding the research subject.

Sample and Sampling:

Due to the desk-based research approach used in this study, no particular sample or sampling

technique was applied. Instead, a thorough assessment of the current literature, research

publications, industry reports, and expert comments were evaluated to get insight into the

subject. The literature review aimed to identify and summarize the essential ideas, theories, and

frameworks pertinent to the case and the most significant gaps and difficulties in the body of

current information. Both academic and non-academic sources were included in the literature

study, including books, journals, conference papers, dissertations, reports, white papers, blogs,

podcasts, and webinars.

Relevance, quality, and timeliness were considered when choosing the research articles. The

research design, data collection procedures, data analysis strategies, publication date, journal

ranking, number of citations, and conclusions and implications were among the selection criteria.

Most research publications were retrieved from online sources like ProQuest, Google Scholar,

Scopus, and Web of Science. The industry reports were gathered from various sources, including

consultancy companies, market research businesses, trade groups, governmental bodies, and

international organizations. The industry reports provide insightful details on the most recent

tendencies, forces, obstacles, opportunities, and best practices in the field. Several websites,

including Statista, IBISWorld, Deloitte, McKinsey, World Bank, and OECD, mainly were used

to access the industry reports.

Interviews with professionals and practitioners with in-depth knowledge and expertise in the

subject area were the source for the expert comments. A semi-structured interview guide was

used to conduct the interviews via phone or video. The interview questions were made to elicit

the experts' views, perceptions, judgments, and suggestions. For analysis, the interviews were

taped and written down.

Data Collection:

Data gathering is an essential first step in studying how AI progress may affect labor-intensive

organizations and jobs for workers. It thoroughly examines and collects pertinent data from

various sources, including research papers, conference papers, reports, and trade magazines.

Relevant and trustworthy data must be managed to address the research questions and objectives.

Statistics is one of the primary sorts of data gathered. Statistics offer quantitative support for AI

adoption, spread, and impact in many industries and geographical areas. The effects of AI

innovation on productivity, employment, wages, skills, and inequality can also be measured

using statistics. Both official and unofficial sources, including surveys, polls, and internet

platforms, can be used to collect statistics. Examples of official sources include governmental

bodies, international organizations, and statistical databases.

Case studies are another sort of data that is gathered. Case studies offer qualitative insights into

the circumstances and AI innovation experiences in labor-intensive industries and jobs. The

advantages and disadvantages of using AI, the best practices and lessons gained, and the

ramifications for policy and practice can all be illustrated through case studies. Case studies can

be derived from secondary sources like literature reviews, meta-analyses, synthesis reports, and

primary sources such as interviews, observations, and documents.

Theoretical notions are a third category of information gathered. Theoretical frameworks and

analytical tools are provided by theoretical notions to comprehend and explain the effects of AI

innovation on labor-intensive industries and jobs for employees. Theoretical ideas can be drawn

from various academic fields, including management, sociology, psychology, economics, and

sociology. The definition of crucial terminology and concepts, the discovery of pertinent

variables and correlations, the formulation of hypotheses and assertions, and the creation of

models and scenarios can all be aided by theoretical concepts.

Expert opinions are a fourth sort of data that is gathered. Expert judgments and viewpoints on the

effects of AI advancement on labor-intensive enterprises and jobs for employees are provided via

expert opinions. The thoughts and opinions of numerous stakeholders, including scholars,

practitioners, politicians, business executives, labor union representatives, and civil society

organizations, can be reflected in expert opinions. Interviews, focus groups, workshops,

questionnaires, and internet forums can all elicit expert viewpoints.

Data Analysis:

A thematic analysis strategy was used to examine the data gathered. The collected information

was grouped into major themes and sub-themes based on similarities and patterns among the

chosen sources. This made it possible to spot repeating patterns, causes, and effects of AI

innovation's threat to employment in labor-intensive industries.


Quality Assessment:

Each article, conference paper, report, and expert opinion was carefully examined to ensure the

standard and reliability of the sources chosen. The evaluation considered the source's reputation,

the author's qualifications, the technique used, and overall rigor to determine the accuracy and

authenticity of the material supplied. Only trustworthy and high-quality sources were used in the

analysis's final product.



The study was analyzed based on 10 selected articles from the criteria involved on the

methodology./ the study analyzed the data thematically based on the collected data and the

evidence were tabulated using excel and the charts plotted for the evidence. The quantitative data

was considered since it offered the numerical evidence for analysis.

Table 1: sources used in the study

Sources Frequency Percentage

Articles 6 60%

journals 2 20%

Research papers 2 20%

The table demonstrates that articles are the most common source, with 60% of the articles

published in this source. Journals are the second most common source, accounting for 20% of

the articles published there. With 20% of the articles published there, research is the source that

is used the least. This indicates that most of the study's information came from articles. This is

probably because articles offer a thorough overview of a subject. They can also be useful for

learning about current research on a subject.

The survey also used scholarly sources, as evidenced by the fact that journals were the second

most popular source. This is significant because academic sources are thought to be more

trustworthy than other kinds of sources. The study may have relied less on primary sources

because research was the least often cited source. Primary sources are first-hand accounts or

documents that offer information about a subject. The table demonstrates that the study used a

variety of sources in general. This is crucial because it guarantees that various opinions and

viewpoints support the research.

Table 2: The Industries most impacted by AI

Industry Percentage of jobs at risk of automation

Manufacturing 45%

Agriculture 30%

Construction 25%

Customer service 20%

Figure 1: Affected industries

Table 2 displays the industries that are most affected by AI and the proportion of employment

within each industry that are at risk of automation based on the information provided.

Manufacturing appears to be the sector most adversely affected, with 45% of jobs potentially

vulnerable to automation. This shows that automation and AI technologies can potentially

replace or alter many manufacturing jobs.

Agriculture comes in second, with 30% of employment at risk, demonstrating that there is also a

significant possibility for automation in this industry. A moderate influence of AI on the

construction industry is indicated by the 25% of occupations that are at risk of automation. The

20% of employment in customer service that is in danger are relatively less affected. This

implies that, while customer service roles still have some room for automation, it is less likely

than in other industries listed in the table. The percentage of jobs within each industry that may

be at risk of automation is shown in this table, which estimates the possible impact of AI on

various industries.

Key Milestones and Advancements in AI Technology

Significant technological and historical developments have accelerated the development of

artificial intelligence (AI). The first AI algorithms were developed in the 1950s, while expert

systems and rule-based AI were introduced in the 1960s and 1970s. Artificial intelligence (AI)

was greatly enhanced by the development of machine learning techniques in the 1980s and

1990s, particularly deep learning and neural networks (Kaul et al., 2020). Recent developments

in robotics, natural language processing, and computer vision have greatly increased artificial

intelligence. This has made it possible to create intelligent software and systems that imitate

human intellect and carry out challenging tasks.

Evolution of Perception and Concerns about AI

Understanding and perception have evolved in AI. At first, AI was considered a futuristic

concept that might eventually result in autonomous robots. Concerns concerning the

consequences of AI technology grew as it advanced. The likelihood of AI surpassing human


intelligence, job displacement, and ethical concerns around privacy, bias, and responsibility was

raised by society (Liang et al., 2021). Now that AI is well understood, its transformative

potential and the necessity to tackle its challenges are accepted.

Industry Recognition and Response to AI

Several industries have recognized the potential impact that AI could have on their workers and

operations. Industries like manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and customer service have

embraced AI technology to increase productivity, efficiency, and decision-making. Companies

have contributed to the research and development of artificial intelligence (AI), collaborating

with start-ups and technological companies (Kulkov, 2021). Additionally, several sectors have

focused on retraining and upskilling their workforce to meet the changing demands of AI


Strategies to Leverage AI Benefits and Mitigate Negative Consequences

Table 3: Strategies to Leverage AI Benefits and Mitigate Negative Consequences


Strategy Benefit consequence Mitigation

Spend money on AI AI will allow AI systems may Ensure that staff

training and education. workers to work cause workers to members receive

Employee skill more productively feel replaced. training on how to

development for using AI and efficiently. use AI systems

systems will be aided by efficiently and

this. securely.

Create a framework for AI systems can be It is possible to Ensure that the


ethical AI. This will used to increase discriminate against organization's values

make sure that AI fairness and particular and the ethical AI

technologies are used in decision-making. categories of people framework are

an ethical and responsible using AI systems. compatible.


Look out for bias in AI Predictions can be Biases that already Utilize a range of

systems. This will make more precisely made exist can be techniques, such as

it easier to find and by AI systems. reinforced by AI data analysis and

correct any possible systems. human review, to

biases in AI systems. check AI systems for


Include interested parties AI systems have the Without human Make sure all

in the creation of AI potential to enhance input, choices relevant parties are

systems. This will ensure teamwork and affecting people's involved from the

that AI systems satisfy communication. lives can be made beginning of the

the requirements of all by AI systems. development of AI

parties involved. systems.

Control the creation and AI systems have the AI-based systems Create rules that are

use of AI. This will make potential to enhance have the potential adaptable enough to

it possible to guarantee security and safety. to introduce new take into account how

that AI systems are dangers and AI is changing.

created and applied in a


secure and responsible weaknesses.


Consumer Attitudes and Expectations

How organizations use AI has been significantly influenced by how customers feel about it and

what they expect. Growing evidence shows customers like and depend on products and services

with AI integration. They anticipate individualized care that prioritizes their needs, convenience,

and effectiveness. However, ethical and privacy concerns about artificial intelligence have

changed consumer perceptions and expectations.

Overall, the results show the environment that supports AI research and application is flexible.

The corporate world has acknowledged AI's advantages while acknowledging and addressing the

difficulties it faces. How people view and learn about AI reflects the need for moral and

responsible AI practices. Businesses have started using AI to achieve these criteria while also

considering the effects on society and ensuring ethical implementation because consumer

attitudes and expectations influence the demand for AI applications.


Key Milestones and Advancements in AI Technology

This study's findings on technological developments and turning moments reveal the field's rapid

expansion. In the 1950s, the first artificial intelligence (AI) systems were introduced, starting AI

research. These programs study machine logic, reasoning, and problem-solving to prepare for

future research. Expert systems advanced artificial intelligence in the 1960s and 1970s (Kaul et

al., 2020). Expert systems mimic human expertise in specific fields through knowledge

representation and inference. These systems showed that AI can synthesize and use human

knowledge, enabling engineering, economics, and medical diagnosis applications. Artificial

neural networks and deep learning have improved AI. Neural networks mimic the human brain

and allow robots to learn from data and make predictions or classifications. Deep learning neural

networks handle complicated patterns and representations using numerous layers of

interconnected neurons. Since this breakthrough, speech recognition, computer vision, natural

language processing, and other AI applications have improved. AI has advanced due to

computational power, data accessibility, and algorithmic methods. These breakthroughs and

discoveries have enabled the development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems that can grasp

complex data, learn from experience, and execute activities previously thought to be human-

only. Results show how AI technology has advanced. These milestones and turning points show

how AI evolved from simple computer programs to powerful machine learning algorithms.

These breakthroughs laid the framework for modern artificial intelligence, enabling intelligent

systems to solve difficult jobs and transform industries.

The survey shows how AI attitudes and worries have changed and how individuals have come to

understand AI. AI was initially seen as science fiction or futuristic, eliciting enthusiasm and

skepticism. Social worries about AI grew as technology improved and its uses increased.

Employment loss is a major report worry. AI technologies automate tasks and processes, raising

concerns about job loss, especially in labor-intensive industries.

Concerns that AI may exceed humans and make specific job categories obsolete have generated

discussions about the future of work, workforce flexibility, and retraining. The development of

AI has sparked ethical concerns. Since AI systems and conclusions require a lot of data, privacy

concerns arise. Security, algorithmic bias, and the likelihood that AI systems would worsen

socioeconomic inequality are concerns. How artificial intelligence's decisions can affect people's

lives in crucial industries like healthcare has also been considered. The growth of perception and

AI concerns shows the need for field knowledge. AI improves decision-making, productivity,

and efficiency, yet also presents ethical and societal challenges (Kaul et al., 2020). AI has

revolutionary potential, but we must deliberately reduce its drawbacks. The findings suggest

responsible AI development and deployment is becoming more important. This requires AI

system openness, fairness, accountability, privacy, and bias issues. Informed dialogues and legal

frameworks that balance innovation and morality are essential. Over time, AI perception and

worry have evolved from exhilaration to a deeper grasp of its impacts. Given this game-changing

technology's potential benefits and drawbacks, it stresses the importance of informed and

responsible AI development and deployment.

Evolution of Perception and Concerns about AI

According to the survey results, businesses operating in a wide variety of sectors recognize the

potential of AI technology to revolutionize their business operations and increase their

productivity. According to Liang et al.'s research from 2021, AI-driven robotics and automation

have significantly improved industrial productivity and quality control. The ability of producers

to anticipate demand and control stock levels has contributed to improvements in supply chain

management. Downtime has been cut down thanks to increased manufacturing and preventative

maintenance efficiencies.

Additionally, AI has revolutionized patient care in the healthcare industry. Artificial intelligence

applications in medical imaging, disease diagnosis, and the discovery of pharmaceuticals can

assist physicians in identifying patients and designing effective treatments. Artificial intelligence

(AI) systems can analyze vast amounts of patient data to devise preventative and individualized

therapies. Chatbots and other forms of AI-driven virtual assistance can streamline patient support

and reduce administrative work. The use of AI has altered several financial activities. Identifying

fraud, evaluating risk, and providing customer support are all areas in which AI finds use.

Algorithms powered by AI can analyze real-time financial data, which helps improve fraud

detection and decision-making based on data.

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have significantly enhanced customer service by

providing customers with personalised recommendations and assistance. Artificial intelligence

technologies have had a significant impact on customer service. Chatbots and virtual assistants

powered by AI respond to customer inquiries, provide individualized guidance, and make it

easier for customers to serve themselves (Liang et al., 2021). The wait times for customers have

been reduced, response times have been improved, and the overall customer experience has been

enhanced by providing quick and accurate service.

According to the survey findings, businesses have successfully and actively recognised the

potential benefits of AI. Because of their adoption of AI, several companies have seen

improvements in efficiency, judgment, and overall production. Artificial intelligence has

improved customer happiness, made processes more efficient, and used available resources

better. It is anticipated that there will be a rise in the use of AI technology as businesses strive to

encourage innovation and gain a competitive advantage.

Industry Recognition and Response to AI

Businesses are well aware of AI's effects on their workforces and operations. They have invested

significant money into research and development for AI and formed partnerships with both start-

up companies and established IT businesses. Industries collaborating with these third parties can

raise their productivity, improve their operations, and optimize their processes by receiving

specialized knowledge and the most cutting-edge breakthroughs in AI. Partnerships with

businesses focusing on artificial intelligence can provide several sectors access to cutting-edge

AI tools, technologies, and expertise (Kulkov, 2021). This cooperation helps industries

implement artificial intelligence more quickly, giving them a competitive advantage in the

market. AI may be implemented in companies with assistance from third parties. Integrating AI

technology into industries is possible through external resources, increases in efficiency,

improvements in decision-making, and enhancements to customer experiences.

The findings also indicate that the industry is aware of the requirement to retrain and further

educate workers to support AI technology. The business world knows that successful human-

machine connections are necessary for AI integration. Thanks to the company's initiatives and

training programs, employees are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to work with

AI technology. Training workers allows businesses to optimize their employees' value and their

contributions to AI-enhanced operations.

The widespread use and incorporation of AI technology into industries such as manufacturing,

healthcare, finance, and customer service demonstrates the transformative potential of these

technologies. According to the findings of the study, several industries have the potential to

benefit from the innovation, efficiency, and progress brought about by AI. As time goes on, there

will undoubtedly be a rise in the application of AI, which will result in additional advances and

enhancements to its practical application.

According to the report, businesses have foreseen and planned for artificial intelligence's effects.

Thanks to research and development efforts, technical alliances, and employee training,

industries are now prepared to use AI technology. Since the introduction of AI, efficiencies in

manufacturing, decision-making, and decision-making speed have all increased. Integration and

progress will radically alter the labor market and industry as various businesses use AI.

Industry Concerns Regarding AI Implementation

The paper sheds light on concerns regarding the application of AI in certain industries. The loss

of one's job is a significant problem. Concerns have been raised across several industries over AI

and automation's impact on their workforce. AI systems may become outdated as they improve

at certain occupations and tasks. The changing environment gives rise to concerns regarding the

loss of jobs and the necessity of retraining and upgrading workers' skills. Various industries

share concerns regarding data privacy and security. (McGuinness et al., 2021) Artificial

intelligence systems require vast amounts of data to learn and make choices. When collecting,

keeping, and exploiting sensitive data, industries exercise caution to protect consumers' privacy

and maintain confidentiality. To address these problems, robust data governance systems and

compliance with regulatory requirements are required.

The moral implications of using AI have recently come under scrutiny. Various businesses have

raised concerns regarding algorithmic bias, which occurs when AI systems unintentionally

promote data biases or unjust behaviors. This increases issues of fairness, equity, and the effects

on underprivileged groups. The business world understands how critical it is to eliminate

algorithmic bias and to provide accountability and transparency in artificial intelligence systems.

The transparency of AI systems and understanding of their capabilities are also essential

components of the industry. AI systems built on deep learning and neural networks can make

murky and complex decisions. (Ahmed et al., 2022) Businesses are creating tools to analyze and

interpret the outputs of artificial intelligence to explain and justify the behaviors of AI. Concerns

have been raised in the business world about the ethical application of AI in essential sectors.

The ethical repercussions of AI in diagnosis, treatment, and overall patient care need to be

investigated. Industries continue to rely on human oversight and participation due to the dangers

associated with excessive use of AI.

In general, the data indicate that businesses have legitimate worries regarding the use of AI. The

loss of jobs, breaches of data security and privacy, algorithmic prejudice, lack of openness, and

irresponsible usage of AI are all sources of concern. The business world knows that worker

upskilling, strong data governance, algorithmic fairness, interpretability of AI outputs, and

prudent AI implementation in important areas may all contribute to overcoming these challenges.

Businesses can make artificial intelligence technology more ethical and inclusive, expanding its

range of applications and reducing its associated risks.

Strategies to Leverage AI Benefits and Mitigate Negative Consequences

The research demonstrates how various social groupings take advantage of AI to maximize its

benefits while minimizing its drawbacks. The prioritization of collaboration between humans and

AI is one strategy. The business world has realized that artificial intelligence may augment

human capabilities rather than replace them. To achieve the best outcomes, industries combine

the benefits of AI with the experience of humans. While humans may be more suited to

challenging, important, and creative problem-solving, AI may tackle tiresome, repetitive tasks

better. According to the study's findings, ethical approaches to AI are very important. According

to several businesses, artificial intelligence systems need to incorporate aspects of justice,

accountability, and transparency. Fairness in AI algorithms ensures that decisions are made

impartial and do not discriminate (McGuinness et al., 2021). Users and other stakeholders need

to understand AI systems to help make them more transparent. Establishing distinct lines of

authority and ensuring the ethical and legal compliance of AI system development and

implementation are both aspects of accountability.

Regulations and guidelines aid the implementation of ethical AI by industries. Privacy, data

security, and ethical considerations are all addressed within various business and government

contexts. These legislative initiatives intend to construct and execute artificial intelligence

technologies that defend society's values and guard against risks while also promoting an

atmosphere conducive to AI development. The establishment of public and user confidence in AI

is facilitated by these rules, which can aid industries. The importance of reevaluating, analyzing,

and making adjustments to AI systems is also recognized by businesses. Industries will be able to

discover and address unintended outcomes if they conduct reviews of AI's performance, impact,

and biases. Audits and evaluations conducted regularly ensure that AI algorithms and systems

align with the firm's objectives, as well as changing moral and ethical standards.

Problems associated with the implementation of AI can be resolved through industry

collaboration and the sharing of expertise. Discussion is held regarding the industry's best

practices, ideas, and experiences. According to Frijol et al.'s research from 2020, collaboration

can help us understand the potential and problems posed by artificial intelligence and establish

strategies to maximize its benefits while minimizing its risks.

According to the statistics, businesses are making concerted efforts to find methods to leverage

AI's benefits while reducing its drawbacks. The most important approaches include industry

collaboration, human-AI collaboration, moral AI practices, regulation compliance, and regular

monitoring and review. These are the techniques that companies employ to advance the ethical

and responsible use of AI, maximize the benefits of AI, and find solutions to societal problems.

Consumer Attitudes and Expectations

The study's findings underline how crucial consumer attitudes and expectations are in

determining how and where AI is adopted and used across sectors. Customers have shown a

rising acceptance of and reliance on products and services that use artificial intelligence. This

acceptance can be attributed to various factors, including AI's advantages, which are viewed as

specific, useful, and effective. The demand for personalized experiences significantly influences

consumer acceptability. AI technology can evaluate large volumes of data to create customized

recommendations, ideas, and solutions. Whether through customized services, targeted

advertisements, or personalized product recommendations, customers appreciate the

effectiveness and ease of personalized experiences (Chandra et al., 2022). Industries have been

convinced to include AI technologies in their services to meet consumer demand.

Another significant factor that affects customer sentiments toward AI is convenience. Voice

assistants and other AI-powered devices make customer tasks and processes easier by providing

slick and intuitive interactions. Through voice-activated commands and intelligent home

automation, artificial intelligence (AI) enables users to optimize their daily routines while saving

time and effort. As a result, consumers are grateful for and acclimated to the convenience that AI

technologies bring into their lives.

In addition to the favorable attitudes toward AI, consumer concerns have profoundly affected

expectations. Concerning AI, consumers have serious privacy and data security concerns.

Because AI depends on data gathering and processing, consumers are concerned about protecting

their personal information and how it is used. Industries must create robust data protection

methods, ensure open data usage, and offer transparent privacy rules to alleviate client concerns.

The ethical concerns surrounding the use of AI have also influenced consumer views and

expectations. The increased reliance on AI technologies has consumers worried about potential

biases, discrimination, and ethical issues that may arise. Businesses must employ AI ethically

and sensibly while respecting equity, transparency, and accountability. Industries must

demonstrate their commitment to ethical AI methods by removing algorithmic biases, explaining

AI decisions, and respecting ethical standards and rules.

The study's findings suggest that consumer attitudes and expectations are essential for adopting

and applying AI across industries. Customers have become more accepting of and dependent on

goods and services powered by AI as they expect tailored experiences and simplicity. Concerns

about privacy, data security, and the ethical application of AI have impacted consumer attitudes.

Industries must respond to these consumer expectations by addressing problems through ethical

data practices, moral AI deployment, and open communication to build customer trust and

confidence in AI technology.



This dissertation investigates several ways that artificial intelligence (AI) poses a danger to

human labor in industries that rely on it. The literature review covered historical turning points

and advancements in artificial intelligence technology, perceptions and concerns about AI, the

industry's recognition and response to AI, industry concerns about the implementation of AI,

strategies to maximize AI's benefits and minimize its drawbacks, and consumer attitudes and

expectations on the adoption of AI. In addition, the study presented early examples of AI

programs, expert systems, and ground-breaking machine-learning methodologies. People now

have a different perspective on artificial intelligence, which raises ethical questions, concerns

about job loss, and concerns about AI's ability to outsmart humans.

Businesses are using AI technology even though they are aware of the potential effects that it

may have on their operations and workforce. They have prepared for the shifting demands of AI

by making financial investments in AI research and development, collaborating with technology

providers, and concentrating on personnel retraining and skill enhancement. Concerns regarding

algorithmic bias, displacement of jobs, data security, algorithmic privacy, and responsible

application of AI are common among businesses. These issues have been addressed across

sectors through industrial collaboration, ethical AI practices, compliance with regulations,

ongoing monitoring and assessment, and collaborative efforts between humans and artificial

intelligence. Nevertheless, customers' expectations and attitudes have significantly impacted the

adoption of AI across enterprises. Consumers have faith in goods and services powered by AI

because they anticipate more ease of use and customization. Customers are concerned about their

privacy, data safety, and AI's ethical implications.


In summing up, this dissertation illustrates the multifaceted impact that AI has had on labor-

intensive businesses. Artificial intelligence technology may increase productivity, creativity, and

effectiveness, but it raises concerns about job losses, privacy, ethics, and society in general. To

solve these difficulties, businesses need to employ AI that complies with ethical standards,

addresses legal and ethical concerns, fosters teamwork, and learns about customer expectations.

Artificial intelligence presents opportunities for businesses to make money while sustainably

integrating labor-intensive industries. It is possible that researching how AI will affect society,

the labor force, and governance in the long run may assist individuals in making educated

decisions and better preparing themselves for the future of technology.


In light of the findings and conclusions of this dissertation, several suggestions could be made to

overcome the challenges and maximize the benefits of AI's influence on labor-intensive

organizations. These suggestions comprise the following:

1. Fostering Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange: Collaboration between enterprises,

academic institutions, and governmental organizations should be promoted to share best

practices, insider knowledge, and lessons gained on the deployment of AI. This cooperation can

assist numerous industries in overcoming obstacles, exchanging ideas, and working together to

address AI's ethical, societal, and regulatory ramifications.

2. Promotion of ethical AI principles: It will be crucial to carefully examine putting ethical AI

principles—such as justice, accountability, and transparency—into reality. Industries should

prioritize developing and implementing unbiased AI systems, be open about making decisions,

and take responsibility for the results they produce. Algorithmic bias, privacy concerns, and

ethical concerns might all be lessened.


3. Making investments in initiatives that encourage employee retraining and adaptability. This

means considering how AI might affect the labor force and funding programs that address this.

Businesses should work with educational institutions and training organizations to develop

programs that give personnel the skills they need to flourish in an AI-driven environment.

Workers might be more prepared to transition into new careers that complement AI technology,

easing fears about job displacement.

4. Addressing Legal and Ethical Issues: This involves keeping up with changing legal and ethical

frameworks that are pertinent to AI. Industry operations should proactively address the ethical

and legal consequences of AI technology. This entails assuring compliance with data protection

and privacy laws, setting precise standards for using AI in delicate domains, and considering

how AI would affect society.

5. Establishing dependable procedures for tracking, analyzing, and adjusting AI systems is a

requirement for ongoing monitoring and assessment. Finding and fixing unintended

consequences, biases, or flaws in AI algorithms or processes is feasible by carrying out frequent

audits and reviews. This ongoing analysis ensures that AI technologies are compatible with

altering societal expectations, corporate objectives, and moral standards.

6. Dispelling myths, fostering trust, and assisting the general public in understanding AI

technology are necessary for promoting public participation and awareness. People should know

the advantages, dangers, and safety precautions of using AI through open communication across

industries. This can assist in controlling expectations, fixing issues, and gaining support for the

efficient use of AI.


7. Supporting Interdisciplinary Research: It will make it easier for people to understand how AI

will affect labor-intensive industries on a socioeconomic level. Collaboration amongst computer

science, economics, sociology, and ethics researchers can lead to thorough understandings and

support the development of evidence-based policy.

These recommendations can assist the sector in overcoming challenges and utilizing the promise

of AI while ensuring its moral and responsible use. Considerate and inclusive AI deployment can

help labor-intensive businesses expand sustainably and productively while safeguarding worker

well-being and addressing social challenges.


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