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OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT /aare a wefert ‘CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL SECURITY FORCE / a she}Pre ya eh (MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS) / (re HT) (CIS UNIT BIOM BACHELI NOE-13019/CISPrBIOM(BYFWi2022- 4°15 Dated: 102022 To, - fil, aire ep _/ THE! GENERAL MANAGER (PRODUCTION) ser ‘ nue, BloMSactELt ool Sub TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF FIRE BOUIPMENTS: : RES Kindly refer to enclosed letter NO PR-42099/CISF/CZ/PROV/FIRE /2021 -20597-(E) dated 24.09.22. On the above subject It is submitted that in view of enhance the operational requirement of field fire wing units by integrating the latest technological advancement made in the field of Fire safety management, technical specifcation of the fire fighting equipments have been formulated/ reviewed at FHQrs by an expert committee constituted for the purpose. (Copies attached) Hence, I have been directed by the competent authority to request you to circulate these specifications for procurement of the subject items depending upon its suitability and operational requirement of this unit. Im view of above it is requested that kindly provide the feedback on procurement possibilities of these fire fighting equipments so that same could be communicated to CISF FHQr New Delhi Hence, submitted in favour of action at your end please Enclosed: As above CiSF UNIT BIoM BACHELI we Copy to: a 1 The DOM Ming (TSA For kind information please. 4 yy sv Ss Tetons FN. Stalag ann) (eA ‘Anurag Tiwari ‘Sr. Mgr. (Min.) Wore oar ‘este stents Beer zat yee) ‘NoPR-42099IC1SF/CZ/ PROV/FIRE/2021-20597-48) "All FIRE WING UNIT COMMANDER UNDER CZ HORS, BHILAT Subject TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF FIRE EQUIPMENTS: REG, Pease confi receipt of AIGiFite, CIS FHlQrs, New Deli lsetNo. (31) dated 22.09.2022 and CS HQ, Bila Teter No, E3701 S/CISFICSFIREMETT TECH SPECS/X20-10235(8) ded DOD SG ne oe shove subject for kind information and take nsesary ation secondly plan 02. Fart, tis directed to all re inducted units for ing apposite ston as directed vide FH eter under referees, and further consolidated management feedback repo of Fite induced wns on procoeeen ossbiies may be submited CS HQ Bhisi by 28.10.2033 please Enc: As above, Digitally signed by RAVIKUMAR SHURLA, DEPUTY COMMANDANTICZ, CENTRAL ZONE BHILAT 24-08-2023 Cony ‘The Dy. CommandanvFie,CISF C$ HQrs Bila fr kind information pase. WEAR MASK, SANITIZE HANDS AND MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCING Ga ‘oa ears Ge ae Te HT) ‘ohare er Feng No-37O1SICISFICSIFIREVETT TECH SPECS/2020-10228.8) Dated: 23.09.2002 t, sarees hye, srr poe Pe Subjst “TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF FIRE EQUIPMENTS REG Please find cnlosed herewith a copy of Fre Dee, AIG/Fite New Dei Leto, (931) dated 2209.20 ide which technical specicasoas of various Fire fightg eyuipmenis hg bos conveyed to this HQ in order © suenpien the opertionl prepredne of Selle cused ee ty adopting these new technolgiealyadvanccedequpmens evolved inte fd of Fi and oe 2 Jn ight of the foregoing, Fire Die has reverted occult these speificalions to al Fed fee inducted nits under this HQ, and iat the procurement feasibly ef he sible ine te pore in contain with the concemed management, bared onthe operational nee and requirement of each fed ire indocted nit, depending on is subi in det sagen ‘opuaional preprednes 3 nhs regard ii requested ise necessary dieton ol fire ieduted units er aking ‘sppropriate ston as directed vide FHQ later under eerncend fares coslisied mangoeree [Redhck reports of Fie induced wits on procurement poses my bess one SO 28.10.2022 for onwards submission othe Fire Dic, FHO New Den pews Digital signed by PBALAKRISHNA, DEPUTY COMMANDANTIDC FIRE, ‘CS NOs BHA, 2-09-2023 copy t= All Fie induced Unit Commander under CS : For kind information and cesar action, please rear DIRECTORATE GENERAL, ‘feta aha Gre We CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL SECURITY FORCE (0K ara" MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS) ‘ls 19.1.3 TECH! BLOCK-13, CGO COMPLEX, ‘ah ts, feet -08/ LODHI ROAD, NEW DELHI No -37015/F REINEW TECHNOLOGY(FIRE EQUIPY2020.°¢1), Dated 27 09 2022 Te. Al Sector sG including DwectorNisa Subject -TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF FIRE EQUIPNENTS:REG {Apat from the mandated duties being perormed and considering the technical ‘sports involved inthe day fo day duties with respect o Fre preventon and protection of Indusinal underiakngslestablahments, CISF Fre services sve: hs bee hoon ise abreast ofthe modem advancement and developments taking Blac rational oea intemationay in the fel of Fue feting technology ahd techeigucs 02 Accordingly, tis Directorate takes every ofl to assess the suitabity of such stale of heat Five fighng equipments/apances for use by our cto oigeneahons considering the operational raqurement ofthe tespecive PSU's! otter satiate 03, In tne with the above requtement and also consieting the request fm the Various PSU's management authorities where CISF has been ertsied si Fire sate management responsibiites, it should be out endeavor fo explore the posebany of inducing the modern sate of at Fie fighingfResaue equipments inthe od unity ie ‘tde to strengthen the operational preparedness of the unis Accorsngly 1 aop the latest technological advancement made in the feld of Fite salehy monescrane {schnial specticatons of the folowing Fire tghlinglescue equipments hace boos formulatedieviewed al FHOrs by anexper commitee constiied for the porsene (Copies ataches) 1 Ue Jacket NUtebuy Specticatons for Remote Contol Operated Life boy for Rescue ‘operations. IV. Technical speciicavon for Robotic Remote Conta Fiteighing Machine, Floating Pump VL Set-Oseiating Monitor Vil. Prereng Nozzle Vil, Foam Tube’ Foam Making Branch (5X) 1X Foam Tube! Foam Making ranch (10X) X. Mutipurpese Nozzle 500 LPM Xi Life Detector (04. As such Keeping in viow of the uty of hese new technological advances {equipments evolved nthe fed of Fite and rescue servces, the competent suhanty has ested to explore the feasdity of using those Frefightingirescos equipments fo futher strengthen the operstonal preparedness of field Fre unis. Hence 'have been draced by the competent authoty to request you to ceulate these spectcations to all CISF Feld unts including Fire inducted unts under your junediton wth a rection to personally lase wih the concemed and accordingly take necessary. action fot Procurement of the subject tems depending upon’ ts suai and’ operational Fequrement of the und in consultation wh the respective management authorities afer ‘obtaining necessary administrative approval tom CIS Pre. Orestorte. as per the prevailing SOP. 05, This issues with the approval of he competent author, Enc! As above (Wren) se c/s Copy to ‘All Fire inducted units: For kina information and necesary ation please Se 1a) Max a ow 1H LPM or me (Mo. pesuce star (61 Dine Head ese than oe 1 (6) Man esta Ss stan (As per Me reir (6) HPstatabetes tnd 4 Pomp aie pcitcatins ar et dv ge sap emi (6) Ramp hay alte Almira (8) Schism shal (©) Thepump salle seleyming ye 10 atv hale sal be ram wh ek eke pe epg (8 Sar eaters mb esta SE FOAM TUBEY FOAM MAKING BRANCH (108) 1 Genera: Foam making branches provide one of the means for he prodiction of ‘mechanical foam. which i wed for Fighting es in flammable lauds Siar ‘mechanical fam i also used a cover fame lu spills tapes pition, 2 Teena requirement (Flos ofthe foam ube 440 LPM 7 bartowstant oe (®) Foam expansion 10X minim) {©} Hand bell psa rip tp fr easy pert and Bl (8) Shutoff or come fo Weight = othemone han 20g (1. Pek gp abe wit the ste tbe ®)_nstouid be of AkrowPOK/AWGTEIMAAA/TET Mabe > tne ‘3. (Male) (OL Suitable or AFFF compound, Protin hase foam and AR foam, @. The Foun Tube PMB shall eet he operational requiem per EN Warranty: Warany 1 years Service wamansy sears Pre Dispate tnspeton: Pre dite Inspection shal be cid ou a vende'OEM site where sl esting faces as per relevant stands re availabe FOAM TUBE) FOAM MAKING BRANCH (3X) 1 Genera: Foam aking branches provide one of the mans fr the production of Iectanial foam, whichis used for fighting fies in Nammable as, Sitar mechanical fam is also used to user Manable hed spl wo preven ignition 2 Techoial requirements (2) Flow of the foam tute 200 LPM a7 bar (cosa flo) () Foam expansion 5X (minim) (6) and held pistol gp pe fr easy operation sa bol, (a) Shit of fr con fe) Weight ot be more tan 20g (0. Pick op tke with the stele 4g). shouldbe of AcowPOK/AWGERharv TFT Make (by Inlet ‘63m (Male). (Stable or AFF compound, Prin based oun a AR. foam, (0) The Foam TubeFMB shall meet th operational eure as por EN Service waranty Sear 4 PreDispath inspection (0) Pre dsptch Inspection shal be cid ut at vendor'OEM site where al esting faites 2 per rovan sundae vale Lik sackET ‘Used to protect the wearer in open water bodies, these type ie jackets Provide safety in rough seas and are well in mintining the bay inthe opm Psion to prevent dn Techaieal requirement (@)__ Isl! be made up of high vsilty nylon orange core cath ied ‘vt high density sf polytee founso povie hip Nowa, (6) Jacket shall be provided with suite plastic Quik Lack Buckle and Veleo for tightening, (6) TRS approve water activate! Mf jacket Fight should be prided wth (6) Whistle shall he atached wih Jacket and SOLAS approved Retr Reflective tape stiched at visible ications governg i are tke than tm (©) Ht shal be suitable for major appliction is oud and sca / sve rishi. (Lie jake shal have size mt es than 689424 (2) Hotty shal thoes than 1 SR. (6) Weight o jake shalt te mor tha 7m (00: 3 Approvals: (2) Lijacket shall be IRS apres (©) Lifgjucer shall conforms to SOLAS 78 as amended Rep {H14107.1022.40034.Stoersonal code of safety for Tigh Specd Craft 1994 2000 ehapee 8 4. Pre Dispatch (2) Pre dsc inspection shal be citi ou a vendorsDEM sie where LrERUOY hanya dco owning The iin asa vig ov hance aged pera! tte perl bead hve bis wate at hve he depth tet odo 2. Techni equiremes (2) heey sa Be RS approved ited wih high dena polyurethane (H) am wbich pes gh eat (6). Titcy salle prone witha ga ine tcl a ar el Spaced post 12) Litebuy Sal ave So Ret Reletinc pe suk at or equ sacl poes. {h)-Lihy sale misread ver tammabie (i) titer ball eater SOLAS 78 amended Reg HAH (3) Wart period yet (6). Serve Lie waranty ice ent 55cm 5. re Dispateh Inapection (2) Pre disgach Inspection shall be cari outa sendor SOEM sie wher all Testing leis pe ceva stand ue sve SE MULTIPURPOSE NOZZLE S00 LPM Teebacal requirements: (2) Flow eae etetae) 150.280.550.800 LIM (6) Lightin weight and cas to hance (2) Weight of te mace 2ske (4) The caliteated flow ates are easily selectable tough an indexed ing nd ‘th maximum rte inated by bed Ia. 2) The stem pattems ae also changed fy stating the dis bead rng with tie ching (Sri Speay an Fn) (Nozze should fave Fish feature fr fshing any fvcgn items ike swoodstone ee (8) Nove should ls have tal ptions nse wo est nity of Freign Purl bigger si (0) Nozze shoul be ving ps grip shat ball ae opening and made fain allay Novae shall meet the operational eeuienien sper EN wander (The ead is protected with polyurethane buyer guar The clsaes of twumper guard doesnot melt under Ret The eth of nee should he (4) Ieshoud fe of PORJELKHART:AKRON Ronen Mate (0) Novae shoul have 3 steam pater (aight Jet, Hash ver and wide angle Foe) (rm) Fog angle should be 130 degre | (0) Inlet of he Nove sould Suis Ie ea any Kating of Hane Pre Dispatch Inspection: (2) Pre dispatch tngection shal be cari oat Yendo SIEM site where esting fies spo leva standae ava PIERCING NOZZLE A piercing moze cane we to ic wale in ontned pce Kom a9 sac osm en the ie i ron edie wo cessor heat Tengo the door wil be time consuming. The tps of pceng nol ae meu htdened steel and peetate enti pas ining a spins head othe fi. 1. Technica requirement: (a) Plteng Nozle should he made of igh lass Stainless Steel SS 316 (©) The ipo Nozze should able to pire ough a wall of Fiks a ip bowl have the mult-sectioadiffision hea or wer GL How rt 400 LPM or more (Gy Nozze shut tae so which te sha oT & it shoul hammering and shoul ein Y or T diet of moze. Shut « puletylene cover for tr grin (Shao should He made yp of ahaa ape the ‘ul have (Weigh ot be more an 12 Ki (2) Removable hal an shat of Treas trae rd maintenance (Length 00-1000 sn (Make AWGIAKRONPOK/IFI (Phe Perwing Nozee shall meet the ope onal equiemeat as per EN 2 Warramy Waren 1 year. 3. Pre Dispatch tnspectio (0) Pre sate taspestion sal he cared ul at veno'SHEM site where ll testing cites ay por reo stand eae ee SPECIFICATIONS FOR REMOTE CONTROL OPERATED LIFE BUOY FOR RESCUE OPERATIONS 1. Genera roiremen: "he remote contol operated life hoy sal he designed svesifcally forthe Purpose of recie enable wo Most with the lp of female comtel won Inervention of any perso a as eapaciy ol caving ane pone Lime. The Lifetoy shouldbe propel hy twin wate et peoples are cena Speed of 18 Knvi. Remote contol should be tsted a pr CE dneinny 2018/8314 for Rado ad telecomms. In ease te {febuny Lae og ‘ae surface an upside doen potion, cull be Dipped mol The remote como operate Ie hy shld have peta to mou tro camera wo record Teseueepeion or an ineyatad teen Wo al ey sccesorie Tike torch Tight 2 Main operating quirements & dimensions (ay Moser PE plane (hy Weigh ot one than 3 (Power lective propulsion @)Lteime ‘notes han 3) minutes as et user's eguzemon (2 Buoyancy Dot ese han 1 Ag (Fabry fot se han 150 (®) Max Speod ot ess han IS kh (93 ile. (6) Communication Range S00 mio more i) Operations AAs pecENSOSEI 2012 (0) Bakery and Motors I (Baer (Rem cont) BY Alain cal imum § brary autonomy 0) Banery oF buoy 6, 284h ihm Tow th ‘wi 20 ater Sinn unde normal wage (om) Leo banery Mini 0 cycles, (8) Propulsion through tin mrs 1800 Remote Control Frequency 24Gth (oy Remote Conta Dipy LCD. 28m ¥64mm 3 Constrsction (6) The fe ny should be of rig orange and mount with high ‘ettraton Mashing fg hight, uhich make the bay Highly web {ve long sane ad in bad eater (©) The propeller should be wrapped by # metal sel rte the we fiw injury and keep the propelcs om etanslng sv wae (c) The Hituoy should ave stun Mp ek function which shay ute the psition athe en. etre popu I as the wae surace upd down (2) “The remove ‘contol ofered ike oy. shuld he robust in 1) The batty shouldbe stoned in am indepen cain sha the Life yea Keep lungs even ithe al damaged The Life iy fas tn prove a ounaney thttscauvaent wo 2 regular buoy, llwing tt cay pope oa me (a) The Life Bony sould have imtyrted high mens LED warning Tights to provide vst resco sinal 1 the itn lata the rescue eve in ow ight contin eth warning Tigh supp esc ‘rettons in ll weater coin (0) The Lifebuoy should Be designed in such way that wold provide sveantchest spo tothe sic le the vt being rc. The tify should have a rabber lined. bumper eae mpl protection fom ating debris (a) "The communication range of remote contol shoud not be less thanst0 meter 1b) Kents contol shld be eked CF distve 20145V/EU for Rao ‘nd wekcor {e) Rene con! sul he usr tly ad say to hare (8) The emote conmol must Rave an TCD spay wil nds for tater evel ofthe wit nd the remot, sgl stent, thot eel (6) Tsou equipped witha sa whee contol sp The wnat of Hf by a reat cna abe Fr | year fn he hte of emisining 6 Compliance: (ay The ifebuny should have CE mark and sould cenply with CE Directive 2014331 (6) The product ast conform tthe following snare ETSI EN 300, sae VIS. 200i-12) TSU EN 300 3282 V1 2.1@2001-12) FPESLEN 301 489-1 V9.2 2aNL-O9) VISHEN 101 889.3 V1.6. QUI308, (e) The product me comps 0 EN S01 2012. {8} The prot ms son to ANSIC43.4.2014 {6} Cortese oral heave oe sabi shag withthe er 2. Pre spate Inspection (2) Pre dispuch Inspection shal be cared at at vendor OEM ste wheal esting fais spr relevant andar re llabe SELF OSCILLATING MONITOR 1. Technica requirement; (©), _Themoitr shoul be portale, sitesilaing, ma of alumi alo. (8) Monitor should e polyester colour coating hat aniston punted (2. Water tow = Not testa 2000 LPM (> Monitor shoul have 4 odin es with ais piter for Bee tb. (©. Monitor should hove satery device which actnate when nortor become unstable oso ing feat (9. Monitor shout! hase ON/OFF fr the oscilla (@)_Verca Mosement (nal tom 85 degre 30 degre (Hexion sings $8 Degree (0. Morir stu havea handle eas cams 4G) Throw of the monitor 20 Meter 7 Bar (©) Mositorshould have a presse gauge, | (0. Diftserof the monitor should be variable type yp M1000. 800-2000 LPM compliance to ENCISIR2 pare. (0). niet ofthe monitor should ve instanansows coupling 63 (@)—Nacle should hare shutOff amd covered with polvthslene cover for beter (OL Weight of the monitor (0). Fong es should he clos only withthe plu hut () The seleosiaing unite shall mt the operational quirement a per £5 (4) Shall be of ISRON/POWELAIART 2 Trang The OFMauhrised shall provide opertinal taning W0 the Fie wing Warranty 4 Pre Dispatch tnpecton: 1a) Pre disp Inspection shall be cared ota vendor sM site where alles laces as pr relevant staan ne wale = TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR ROBOTIC REMOTE CONTROL, FIREFIGHTING MACHINE 2 GENERAL (@) Me ccm ani sl be designe, cman ace xn (ty Wut designed piel forthe pape Bre ishing (@)Thedevk shoul ed with the mmr ach hl Bop 9 ies emote cota (61 The deloyment of the female cote Fie fging mative stall ower the bic kenga very fo abe a uicher & sae spent (©) The tn sal erode and opted th he Renee Cea an ke fe 3. TRCHNICAL REQUIREMENT moi f 3000 LPM wth anomatie ity, The ifine al 6 ean ‘re es, mone sespod he ow fe 1b) Mine sal te made of sami fine aly Tt in wiht wth sie eaten of poet coating Kha apd semen nace an igh (o) Vinca! movement sal ke 3219 9 de. {a trian movement al be SOsepee or masimam sweep of horizontal & (©) Monto awhile oud he abe oops withthe Single wr fend wins rere contol 10) Remi of the wei and monitor should be single & with alle Kates the ‘movement ovina moveren and Uo sald he ne by ine owe ea emote sl have worhahe dstnce of approximatly SOOM a hl ron 3 ana sal opertoa ae we fe on (2) Mentor shuld tave eure opr nsna neo ede Teg of ut sme ane nea of center wih ews oe ey (0) Robo ld ave camera and rel ine pit an tem the Se at ispay| ‘i sl me tamer case and ean he che by fay cee ek etic The Pekan reuse ans ate ing bay nde eke ‘car and need tt ea Tn the spon eae she 30 ge “ 1) Meie sh hve to had wes with acl hander manny supe (0) Movement a the monte shuld appon 3? dee Sos (om) Dir should te Automate pe 3000 LPM. Daler shuld be mad olin aby and To angle hd be 10 deyree Thee he mashes {0} Operation duration shall not be hess thas 2 hoes with F batty & 4 hours with 2 4) Tring adios ot or ha 70, {Q)_Speedot whic shal eae shah (©) Wout have water estan car ra o S836 SOM) #6 SRE pach Camera bea TB ating high palo shor ptr fc ie ihe pea ako have ONOFF bution with Red LED. Trammiter shoul aso have batey (0) Cantal sem pay wi al be up the sty rsp case Proper owing asin case ana ad th (0). Tatton suid eae 6 mee. (0) The uit shui equipped wh he it A tain with pee Oy ime et : 12) Copies ne (Monitor +R) snd Nema by single OFM only and preferably OUARKONTORNTRHARYTFT mate Waray ofthe complete nit shal bt yar 5. QUALIFICATIONScRITEREA BIDDERS: (0) OEM or aap dsb sould peferay oir partite fr ene and ‘pila est Suef Rese Comtt Mtr anyone tis he The OF Mors shal pide peal ning o he Fe wing personel 2 PREDISPAT (a) Pre spate Inspection shal be cri ua vem sfOEM site where lltesting ates as pr relevant tnd ate wale 1 Me if Deel Provided 6 Wied sears sensorineronrabe: Seismic rnp impedanc> 6 Ohms nem rob inp psn = 1K Ot ene tp 1 ew 3000 ies Fined ie se) "Rae iy S160 Hei Low pss le pms 10 He PWR* Nach Signa dean {LED th gph ay 02 cham or sum ofa chao. ange SESMIC/ACOUS Tc INSENSITIVE) Frequency Range: e130 Sherk een 0, Baty peated, ow ate lot Alain ater pe Anpronate operating nea appoe 20 eg» 20s Fat DC tpt 108 288 of Wem Description on, s © Cito eagle tery sek k Cary bog fret wit ' Lingala 1 Conese abe cp pack of 1 Sensor connector oy 2 Opertiownainenstee mana i

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