Survey Questions

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1. Agrinfo back. (

2. Agriculture Marketing information service (
3. Pakissan (

Survey Questions:
Awareness of Information Systems:
a. Have you heard about the following agriculture information systems in Pakistan?
b. If yes, please indicate how familiar you are with each of the systems (select one option for
Not familiar
Somewhat familiar
Moderately familiar
Very familiar
Usage of Information Systems:
a. Have you ever used any of the following agriculture information systems?
b. If yes, please indicate the frequency of usage for each system (select one option for each):
Rarely (once a month or less)
Occasionally (2-3 times a month)
Regularly (once a week or more)
Satisfaction with Information Systems:
a. For each information system that you have used, please rate your satisfaction level based on
the following criteria (scale: 1-5, with 1 being very dissatisfied and 5 being very satisfied):
i. User-friendliness
ii. Quality and accuracy of information
iii. Relevance to your farming needs
iv. Timeliness of updates and notifications
v. Overall usefulness

Preferred Information System:

a. Among the three information systems (,,, which one do
you prefer the most? Why?

Suggestions for Improvement:

a. Based on your experience with the information systems, what improvements or additional
features would you like to see in these platforms?

Future Usage:
a. Do you intend to continue using any of these information systems in the future? Why or why

Additional Comments:
a. Please provide any additional comments or feedback you have regarding agriculture
information systems in Pakistan.

Thank you for participating in this survey! Your feedback will be valuable in assessing the
effectiveness and usability of these information systems.

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