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After watching a couple of videos regarding the Soweto Uprising incident, I feel as

though I have been further informed of the sheer atrocities committed towards black people in
the late 1900’s. Even though I had been taught on subjects concerning segregation and
apartheid, I had not known that the hatred towards black people was expressed to that extent.
For law enforcement to shoot mere middle and high school students for commencing a peaceful
protest against the government that intended on further restricting their education can only be
justified as childishly impulsive behavior, which coming from adults, makes it even worse.

Something I wish to know more about is the whereabouts of Hector Pieterson. Where did
he go? I want to know his side of the story since he had witnessed all of the important events
that occurred during the uprising.

The most probable cause leading Tsietsi Mashinini and so many other students (approx.
10000) to participating in the protest was firstly due to oppression against the black people
which could easily have been felt, and secondly, the discrimination shown towards black
students by teaching them in Afrikaans rather than English. The students felt as though they
were being mistreated and wished for education that would provide better outcomes in the
future. And since English is an international language (the most spoken language in the world),
compared to Afrikaans which is rather old, they hoped to have access to education that would
provide more opportunities in their future, and stripping away that possibility from students will
obviously cause aggravation and annoyance. Yet they protested in a way that would seem both
respectable and peaceful, but unfortunately to no avail.

The reason for black students and adults continuing to face the government regarding
this issue is clear as day. Nobody wishes to be mistreated, everyone wants equal rights at birth,
and this remains no less accurate when talking about black people and how they feel. That is
why they tirelessly strive, regardless of the risks, to spare future generations from enduring
similar hardships and to create better lives.

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