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Agrarian Law and Social Legislation

Final Examination


GROUPS AND TOPICS GROUP 1 – The Social Security Law 1. Cris Lloyd Alferez 2.
Charlie Dechos 3. Zyrus A. Hermoso 4. Ramza Rey Jary Jomoc 5. Johannah Louise

GROUP 2 - The GSIS Law ( RA 8291, as amended ) 1. Daniel Lindley Alvar 2. Jun Ian
Facundo 3. Darylle Kane Occida 4. Adrian Kier Soria 5. Ailene Suson

GROUP 3 – Employees’ Compensation and State Insurance Fund (EC Law) / The
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law (CARL, RA 6675, as amended) 1. Sharlene Cueva 2.
Rodyard Gamarin 3. Samantha Japos 4. Jan Christpher Gamotin 5. Yeramae Vasquez

GROUP 4 – The Anti Sexual Harassment Act ( RA 7877 ) 1. Maiko Joseph Panis 2. Reynan
Sulapas 3. Aia Faith Hingco 4. Alexander Rain Pag-ong 5. Nichael Madria

GROUP 5 – The Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000 (RA 8972)

Employees Compensation and State Insurance Fund

1. Who are subject to coverage under the employees’ compensation program?
Art 168

ART. 168. Compulsory coverage. - Coverage in the State Insur- ance Fund shall be compulsory upon all
employers and their employees not over sixty years of age; Provided, That an employee who is over sixty
years of age and paying contributions to qualify for the retire- ment or life insurance benefit administered
by the System shall be sub- ject to compulsory coverage. (As amended by Sec. 16, P.D. 850).

2. When shall EC claims be filed? And, on what grounds may a claim be made for benefits
under the employees’ compensation program?
3. May an illness not listed by the Employees Compensation Commission as an
occupational disease be compensable? If so, cite an example.

4. What government employees are subject to coverage under the Government Service
Insurance System?
5. Who are excluded from the coverage of the GSIS Act?
6. When is retirement compulsory?
7. Is the pension of a public servant a gratuity? Explain.

8. What is the policy of the State under the Social Security Law?
9. Cite instances of a voluntary coverage under the SSS law.
10. What is a “self-employed” individual?
11. After working for five (5) years in a private insurance company, Jose was fired without
cause. His dismissal affected him so much that two months after his dismissal he
suffered a stroke resulting in the paralysis of left arm and legs. Considering that Jose was
no longer working at the time he incurred disability, is he nevertheless entitled to
disability benefits under the SSS Law? Why?

Anti-Sexual Harassment Act

12. Who can be victims of sexual harassment?
13. What constitutes sexual harassment?
14. Discuss the penalty for violation of the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act.

Solo Parent Welfare Act and Paternity Leave Act

15. Discuss the qualification of a Solo Parent.
16. What are the benefits of solo parents under the Solo Parent Welfare Act?
17. What is paternity leave?

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