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Prof Dr G. K. Dash
10th April 2014 (Thursday)
11 a.m.- 1 p.m.
This lecture introduces to the students:

• Principle of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

• Instrumentation
• Application of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Learning objectives

After completing the background reading and

attending the lecture, the student should be able to:

1. Explain the definition of AAS

2. List the main components of AAS
3. Explain the operational procedure of AAS
4. List the application of AAS
5. List the advantages and disadvantages of AAS
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) deals with the

absorption of specific wavelength of radiation by neutral atoms
in the ground state.

• Neutral atoms are obtained by spraying the sample solution of

element using a burner.

• Specific wavelength of radiation is generated by using a hollow

cathode lamp.

• For determination of every element, separate hollow cathode

lamp is required.
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS)
• AAS is used for qualitative and quantitative detection.
• It’s used for the determination of the presence and concentrations
of metals in liquid samples.
• Metals that can be detected include Fe, Cu, Al, Pb, Ca, Zn, Cd
and many more.
• Concentrations range is in the low mg/L (ppm) range.
Elements that are highlighted in pink are
detectable by AAS
Principle of AAS

• When a solution of metallic salt is sprayed on to a flame, fine

droplets are produced and evaporated leaving a fine residue; which
are converted to neutral atoms.

• These neutral atoms absorb radiation of specific wavelength emitted

by hollow cathode lamp (HCL), is filled with the vapour of the
element, which gives specific wavelength of radiation.

• For determination of every element, the HCL is selected that

contains the vapour of the same element.
Principle of AAS (Contd.)

• The intensity of radiation absorbed by the neutral atoms is directly

proportional to the concentration of the element (and obeys Beer’s
law over a wide range).

• The intensity of radiation absorbed by the neutral atoms is

measured using photometric detectors (photomultiplier tube).
Schematic Diagram of AAS
Principle of AAS
During combustion, atoms of the element of interest in the
sample are reduced to free, unexcited ground state atoms, which
absorb light at characteristic wavelengths.
The simple diagram for the AAS

4. The element in the sample

will absorb some of the light,
thus reducing its intensity

5. The
3. A beam of UV light monochromator
will be focused on the isolates the line of
sample interest

1. We set the
instrument at certain
wavelength suitable 2. The element
for a certain element in the sample
6. The detector
will be atomized
measures the change
by heat
in intensity

7. A computer data
system converts the
change in intensity into an
AAS instrument
Components of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
1. Hollow Cathode Lamp (HCL):
• Cathode is covered with the element of interest.
• When current is applied, metal atoms emerge and colloid with
filler gas (neon or argon).
• Due to collision, metal atoms are excited and emit characteristic
• This radiation is absorbed by neutral atoms of the same element
in ground state, which occur in the flame, when the sample
solution is sprayed.
Components of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

2. Burner with fuel and oxidant:

3. Chopper:
Allows alternatively radiation from flame
alone or from HCL and flame. This helps in
producing pulsating current (signal) which is
used to measure the intensity of radiation
absorbed by the element, with out interference
by radiation from the flame itself.

4. Monochromator:
Selects spectral line for absorption.
Components of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
5. Detectors:
Detect the components based on their
physicochemical properties.
– Photomultiplier tube
Calibration curve method:
• Various concentrations of
standard solutions are
prepared and absorbance
values noted.
• A calibration curve of
absorbance vs. concentration
is prepared.
• From the absorbance value of
the sample, the concentration
can be determined by
interpolation method.
Beer’s Law
Many compounds absorb radiation. The diagram below shows a beam
of monochromatic radiation of radiant power P0 directed at a sample

Absorption takes place and the beam of radiation leaving the sample
has radiant power P.

The amount of radiation absorbed may

be measured in a number of ways:

Transmittance, T = P / P0
% Transmittance, %T = 100 T

A = log10 P0 / P
A = log10 1 / T
• The relationship between absorbance and transmittance is
illustrated in the following diagram:
• The equation representing the Beer’s law:
• Where
– A is absorbance (no units, A = log10 P0 / P ).

– ε is the molar absorbtivity (is a measure of the amount of

light absorbed per unit concentration) with units of
-1 -1
L mol cm .

– btheiscuvette
the path length of the sample that is, the path length of
in which the sample is contained (1 cm).

–c is the concentration of the compound in solution,

expressed in mol L-1.
• Beer’s law tells us that absorbance depends on the
concentration of the absorbing compound in the light path
through the cuvette. If we plot absorbance against
concentration, we get a straight line passing through the
origin (0,0).

The working curves are used to

1. Determine the concentration of an unknown sample.

2. To calibrate the linearity of an analytical instrument.

Applications of AAS

• Estimation of trace elements (metals) in biological fluids such as

urine and blood

• Estimation of elements like Copper, Nickle and Zinc in food


• Estimation of Mg, Zn in blood

• Estimation of gold in minerals

• Estimation of Mercury in thiomersal solution

• Estimation of of Lead in petrol

Advantages and Disadvantages of AAS

• More sensitive (able to detect small quantity of metal)

• Can be applied to all metals


• Each metal needs characteristic HCL

Thank you

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