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Benefit: This bag helps in achieving power, money, authority and progress in business and you can

achieve your set target with ease.

How to use: After purifying with clean water or the water of Ganges (if available). Place the above-
mentioned Yantras at your place of Pooja in the North East Direction of your house and wear the
eleven faced Rudraksha in your neck. Light incense and do the Pooja ceremony (worshipping) of these
Yantras everyday. Chant the below mentioned Mantras on the beads of crystal everyday.

By doing this your business develops and you attain several sources for the inflow of money you will
attain the desired power, authority and favours from various areas favourable for your business.


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"Om Shreeng Hreeng Shreeng Kamley Kamlalaye Praseed Praseed Shreeng Hreeng Shreeng Om
Mahalaxmyai Namah"



Introduction : In this bag crystal Shree Yantra, Vastu Yantra, Matangi Yantra, one crystal ball,
Dakshinvarti conch and Gauri Shanker Rudraksha locket with silver chain is included.

Benefit: It brings happiness for family. It brings health, wealth, peace and positive energy at your
home /work place. Removes the negative energy and misunderstanding between you and your partner
or children.

How to Use: Purify this whole material on any Thursday or Monday with clean water or the water of
holy Ganges. After that place the Yantras in North East direction of your house. Perform the worshipping
ceremony everyday by offering incense, light and flowers everyday. The head of the family shall wear
Gauri Shanker Rudraksha. Hang crystal ball in children's room and offer water to Sun by Dakshinvarti

By doing this good news would pour in from every direction. Pleasure, peace, prosperity and happiness
would be attained by the whole family. One member of the family shall chant the below mentioned
Mantra regularly to get the above mentioned results.

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"Sarvamangalmangalye Shive Sarvaarth Sadhikey Sharamye Tryambke Gauri Naraayani Namostutey."

Spiritual Products 201


Propitiation Through Colours

The Rainbow which is formed by the rays of the Sun passing through the drops of water in the sky
exhibits all natural colours together. These beautiful colours of extremely beautiful rainbow are called
VIBGYOR where V stands for violet, I for Indigo, B for Blue, G for Green, Y for Yellow, 0 for Orange and
R for Red. These can be distinguished very clearly through a prism. All other colours are by- products
of these colours. The use of colours for propitiating planets is called Colour Therapy and has been
accepted world wide.
The abundance of colour determines the quality and value of gems. Gems are more expensive than
other objects because the colour in these gems is in concentrated state, and is therefore, in abundance.
The more an object is full of colour, the more it will express its quality.
If we are able to concentrate colour in any manner, we can use that concentrated colour as a gem. This
is how the system of colour therapy functions. Colour and coloured water can be used for removing evil
effects of a planet.
Colours are another ways of propitiations and have remarkable effects on environments, mood and
health of the native. Selection of favorable colours of clothes, bedrooms, bed sheets, curtains and
jewellery should be chosen according to one's luckiest planet which is a must. Gems should also be
of proper colours.
Colour therapy aims to balance and enhance our body's Energy Chakras and also to help stimulate
our body's own healing process. Colour therapy uses colour to re-balance the Chakras (on energy
centres) that have become depleted of energy.
"I am green with envy", "I saw red", "I am feeling blue", "He turned purple with rage", "She was pink with
embarrassment"? You may not have noticed but we often use colours to describe our moods and
emotions. but according to practitioners of colour therapy, the link between colours and our moods and
emotions goes deeper than that. They believe that not only do colours affect our emotions but they
have healing properties too.
What is the phenomenon which works behind this colour therapy to heal us, to understand this we
must know that each colour is associated with a specific planet. If one planet is badly afflicted in our
horoscope we should use the colour of that particular planet specially if that planet is ascendant Lord
of destiny lord to propitiate that specific planet so that we get benefited by the positive influence of that
planet completely. Coloured light bulls and coloured glass windows can be used as part of the therapy.
Some therapists ask their chients to visualize colours under the effect of hypnosis.
Other experts mark suggestions about the colour of the good a person should eat, the colour of his
clothes and even the colour of his surroundings. Solarized water can be used as a healing tonic. In this
method, purified water is filled in a clean container of the prescribed colour and left out in the sun for a
couple of hours. The sun's says filter through the coloured glass container and energise the water with
the vibration of the prescribed colour.

202 Spiritual Products

It is commonly said that people whose favourite colour is white (Moon) are even tempered and of a well
balanced outlook. The persons who have Blue colour of their choice are generally lazy (Venus) and
fond of all comforts and are sexy. Green colour (Mercury) is liked by moody optimistic and opportunist
persons. Red colour stands for rashness, sash temperament and passionate disposition. Red colour
is protector of Ladies (Because Mars is signification of husband in case of ladies).


This colour represents vitality, energy, creativity, power, restlessness, rashness and revolution. It is the
chosen colour of the revolutionist and anarchist. This colour has greatest vibratory force and most
powerful of all colours. It is chosen colour of revolutionist and anarchist. It is assigned to Mars.

People who like this colour are usually those who like to be in the forefront where they can attract a lot
of attention. They are often quick to react and overemotional.

This colour stimulates the release of ad renalin in the bloodstream and causes hemoglobin to multiply.
Use of this colour is good for treating blood related diseases. With the use bf this colour you won't get
lethargic or depressed, rather, you shall be feeling warmer. It would increase sexual urge, anger and
aggressiveness. It is recommended to be used for people who have heart trouble or who have a nervous

Orange colour has been assigned to Sun. it is an energizing colour and has dynamic drive of red
colour. It indicates high ambitions, such people are proud, self contained, conceited and self centered.
They can influence others. They are high minded and fully self cantered. They are riot obsessed with
sexual affairs and are cool. It is useful in treating gall stones, digestive ailments, chest and kidney
diseases and arthritis. Excessive use of it can lead to agitation and restlessness like the red colour.


This colour has been assigned to planet Jupiter. People who like this colour have robust character,
they are generous, intelligent, gentle and genial. The colour is of saints, mystics, artists and craftsmans.
Such persons are wise, creative and of inventive mind.

It has been found to be useful in facilitating the digestive process and in curing skin problems. However,
like red and orange it is not recommended tor people experiencing great stress. Over stimulation could
result in exhaustion and depression.


This colour has been assigned to planet Mercury. It represents balance, harmony and hope. People
who favour this colour can adopt themselves according to the circumstances and conditions. This
colour helps to calm frazzled nerves and is good for people with heart conditions. It is recommended
for pregnant women to create a serene atmosphere.

It is the colour of the sky and sea. It is heaven's own colour, of chastity and loyalty. It can calm anger
and passions. This colour has been assigned to Venus. It is the colour of truth, nobility and serenity.
It has a cooling soothing and calming effect. It helps the people who are in fear.

Spiritual Products 203

It is useful to get rid of nightmares. Before sleeping one should meditate about blue colour to get rid of
nightmares. It helps to stop bleeding, is good for bums and can cure a sore throat. It is recommended
for people suffering from shock, inflammation, and nervous break downs. It is not advisable for people
with bad circulation.

This colour is ruled by Venus and Saturn. People who love this colour have artistic talent in them. It
shall give them general prosperity in life. People attracted to this colour usually look beyond the
surface of things. They are drawn to higher things, sometimes even the occult. Indigo stimulates the
intellect. It gives a person a sense of courage, authority and inner calmness.
At the physical level, Indigo purifies the blood and is useful in treating the diseases of the ear, nose and
eyes and for sinus problems. It is useful for curing boils and ulcers, diseases of the nervous system
and skin disorders. An excess of indigo can give you headache and make you feel sleepy.
It is controlled by Jupiter and Saturn. People who are under the influence of violet are patient, serious,
and reserved in manner. They are hard workers and get success late in life. This colour has story links
with creativity. It is said that leonardo da Vinci meditated upon it and that Beethoven had violet
custains. Those drawn to this colour are often shy. It is useful in treating people who are excessively
emotionally agitated. ltis not advisable for clinically depressed individuals.
We live in a colorful world so most of the time we dream of colors. Most of the colors have archetypal
feelings and emotions associated with them. When we come to know about the positive influence of a
colour we wish to get benefited from that. Majority of people dress themselves according to the color
of the day.
Before we suggest-you the color scheme for the ?day of the week it shall be interesting to introduce
you with the positive meaning of each color-

Blue Nobility, Tranquility

Black Power
Brown Earth/Nature
Green Fertility, Renewal, Wealth
Red Sacrifice, Sex
Orange Adventure, Change
Yellow Enlightenment
White Purity, Wholesomeness, Sacred ritual
Violet Creativity, Shyness
Indigo Mystery, Occult power, Artistic talent

204 Spiritual Products

Sunday : Pink, Orange color clothes with Pink stones or rose color stones, jewelleries like Ruby,
Gamets, blood stones etc. Pink color, necklace, bracelet should be used.
Monday :White clothes with white stone jewellery like Pearl jewellery etc.
Tuesday : Dress with red color and all shades of red and red stone jewellery or jewellery embedded
with Coral.
Wednesday: Green dress and Green stone jewellery like Emerald, Zade, Peridot.

Thursday: Yellow stone jewellery and Yellow and Golden dresses.

Friday :White, off white, snow-white, bright white, Silver white and blue dress. Opal, Aquamarine,
Diamond, Zircon jewellery.
Saturday : Blue, Indigo and Black dress with Blue stones like Blue Sapphire, Sodalite and Black
purple stones like Amethyst.
Different coloured rosaries also work according to colour therapy like:
White rosary for knowledge and peace of mind.
Orange rosary for quick results and to overcome enemies, protection from effects of poisonous articles.
Green rosary for the people related to mathematics, commerce, communication, law and medical.
Yellow rosary for honour and dignity, increase in morality and helps a student succeed in life.
Crystal rosary for improvements in love affair, married life, cooperation from opposite sex, luxuries etc.
Ught brown rosary for achieving success in matters related to foreign countries.
Gray rosary for problems related to death, debt, litigation, loss, bone, disease, arthritis etc.

1. Real Ruby Pendant & Ear Ring 2. Pendant and Ear Ring in
Sunday Emerald and Ruby
Wednesday & Sunday

Spiritual Products 205

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