History 3 Ideologies

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Competing social ideologies:

Communism – A social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each
person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.

Democracy – A system of where the whole population votes for eligible members to represent them
as he government.

Dictatorship – When a single person rules over the people of the country.

In the year 507 BCE, the Athens leader Cleisthenes introduced a system he called “demokratia”
which translates to the “rule be the people”. This was known as the first known democracy in the
world. The ideology of democracy has the characteristics of freedom of election and being elected,
freedom of speech, expression and religious beliefs and other basic human rights. The countries that
strongly follow this ideology are Canada, England, Australia, and many more.

Communism was founded by Karl Marx (German political critic and philosopher) and Friedrich during
the 19th century. The few characteristics of communism are that there are no differences between
the rich and poor, the whole society owns everything, there is no private properties and lastly there
is no discrimination of the different lifestyles. The communist countries are Vietnam, along with
Cuba and Laos.

Dictatorship has been introduced since 44 BCE in Rome by Julius Caesar. Dictatorship is when one
person has absolute power and can do as they would like to and limit freedom and rights of the
people to the minimum. Though dictatorship has originated so long ago there are still countries till
this day that have dictators like North Korea, China, Russia, and many more like Cambodia.

The ideology of India being democracy is extremely successful as the people of the country get to
vote for their government. The transparency of the government and the responsibility and the
legitimacy are only a few of the factors that make India an immensely successful democratic country.
Another reason being the inclusion of the minority which means all religious and caste groups get
equal opportunity in the making of the policies. The democratic system they put together has
multiple social campaign which are efforts they make for the success of the government. They have
campaigns like health care, women empowerment, and environmental cleanliness. India’s
government highly values and respects the different cultures that make up their country. The
constitution is secular in that it prohibits the persecution of individuals for their religious beliefs, but
it does not specifically separate church and state in the fashion of the United States constitution.

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