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The 1st Gulf Physics Olympiad — Theoretical Competition

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia — Monday, March 21st 2016

• The examination lasts for 5 hours. There are 3 problems boxes of the Answer Sheets. There are also Draft pa-
worth in total 30 points. Please note that the point pers; use these for writing things which you don’t want
values of the three theoretical problems are not to be graded. If you have written something that you
equal. don’t want to be graded onto the Solution Sheets (such
as initial and incorrect solutions), cross these out.
• You must not open the envelope with the prob-
lems before the signal of the beginning of compet- • If you need more paper for a certain problem, please raise
ition. your hand and tell an organizer the problem number; you

• You are not allowed to leave your working place are given two Solution sheets (you can do this more than
without permission. If you need any assistance once).

(broken calculator, need to visit a restroom, etc), please • You should use as little text as possible: try to
raise your hand until an organizer arrives. explain your solution mainly with equations, numbers,
• Use only the front side of the sheets of paper. symbols and diagrams. Though in some places textual
explanation may be unavoidable.
• For each problem, there are dedicated Solution Sheets
(see header for the number and pictogram). Write your • After the signal signifying the end of examination
solutions onto the appropriate Solution Sheets. For each you must stop writing immediately. Put all the pa-
Problem, the Solution Sheets are numbered; use the pers into the envelope at your desk. You are not al-
sheets according to the enumeration. Always mark lowed to take any sheet of paper out of the room.
which Problem Part and Question you are deal- If you have finished solving before the final sound signal,
ing with. Copy the final answers into the appropriate please raise your hand.

— page 1 of 5 —
Problem T1. Stabilizing unstable states bicyclist, the characteristic falling time is the same as for a
(11 points) rod of length L = 2 m; the distance between the centres of the
Part A. Stabilization via feedback (3.5 points) wheels d = 1 m.
Let us study, how an initially unstable equi- Part B. Tightrope walker (3.5 points)
librium position can be stabilized. First we A tightrope walker cannot move the support point in the dir-
consider a reversed pendulum: a thin long ection perpendicular to the rope. His equilibrium is kept by
rod of homogeneous mass distribution and displacing the centre of gravity, instead. Let us make a simple
length l is fixed at its lowest point to a hinge model of a man balancing on a rope.
so that it can freely rotate around the hinge. Lower half of the body is modelled
We describe the position of the rod via the by a point mass m at height H,
angle φ between the rod and a vertical line. and the upper half of the body
We shall assume that φ ≪ 1 (φ is much — by an equal point mass m at
smaller than 1). The free fall acceleration the height 1.4H. The mutual pos-
g = 9.8 m/s2 . ition of these point masses can be
i. (1.5 pts) Express the angular acceleration of the rod φ̈ changed by bowing right or left;
in terms of φ, and the parameters l and g. Show that the for the sake of simplicity, let us
inclination angle φ as a function of time t is expressed as assume that the distance of the
φ(t) = Aet/τ + Be−t/τ , where A and B are constants which point masses from the rope will re-
depend on the initial position and initial angular speed of the main unchanged, i.e. these behave
rod, and τ is a characteristic time. Express τ in terms of l and as if being fixed to the endpoints
g. (You may use dimensional analysis, but then you’ll lose 0.5 of two thin rods of lengths H and
pts.) Hint: for a rod of length l and mass m, the moment of 1.4H respectively, see figure. Let
inertia with respect to its endpoint is 13 ml2 . the rods form angles α1 and α2
ii. (0.5 pts) Now, a boy tries to keep a long thin rod standing with the vertical line (positive angles correspond to clock-wise
vertically on his palm. For instance, as soon as the rod starts rotation), so that the angle between the rods is β = α1 − α2 . A
falling leftwards, he moves his palm to an even greater distance tightrope walker can control the value of the angle β by bowing.
leftwards so that the rod’s centre of gravity would be positioned i. (1 pt) Let us assume that initially, the tightrope walker
rightwards from the rod’s support point. Then, the torque of was standing in an almost perfect equilibrium (α1 = α2 = 0).
the gravity force would rotate the rod rightwards, decreasing Due to instability of this equilibrium, he starts slowly falling
the previously observed leftwards angular speed. Estimate, for clock-wise, which he notices at t = t0 when α1 = α2 = α0 > 0.
which rod lengths the boy can keep the rod vertically if his He bows rapidly to stop falling: assume that the angle β takes
reaction time is estimated as τr = 0.2 s. (The reaction time is almost instantaneously a new value β0 . Express the new
the time lag between the command sent by brain to hands, and values of the angles α1 and α2 in terms of β and α0 .
the corresponding motion of the hands.) ii. (0.5 pts) So, the tightrope walker is now bowing and keeps
iii. (0.5 pts) Humans and birds keep their standing position this body shape (β = β0 ) for the time period Tb , upon which he
similarly and move the support centre (the point at the bottom straightens himself almost instantaneously and makes thereby
of their feet where the total normal force is applied), e.g. by β = 0. His aim is to resume the motionless standing position
adjusting the angle between a leg and the foot, so as to oppose with α1 = α2 = 0. Should he have bowed clock-wise (β0 > 0)
the falling motion of the upper part of their body. A small bird or counter-clock-wise? Motivate your answer.
of length lb = 6 cm can stand on its feet; estimate the upper iii. (1 pt) From now on, we assume that α0 ≪ β0 . Imme-
bound for its reaction time. diately after he has straightened himself, neither his angular
iv. (1 pt) Equilibrium on a bike is also kept by displacing speed α̇1 = α̇2 nor angle α1 are zero: zero values will be
the support centre which lies on the line connecting the wheel- achived much later. Which value (expressed in terms of H
ground contact points; that line can be conveniently displaced and g) should the ratio α̇1 /α1 take at that moment?
by turning the handlebar while driving forth. Estimate the iv. (1 pt) Express the required duration Tb in terms of α0 , β0 ,
minimal driving speed vm of a bicyclist by which the equilib- H, and g assuming that α0 ≪ β0 .
rium can be maintained in such a way. Assume that for the
— page 2 of 5 —
Part C. Kapitza’s pendulum (4 points) pension point (keep in mind: reference frame’s acceleration ⃗a
In 1908 Andrew Stephenson found that the upper position of gives rise to an inertial force −M⃗a acting on a body of mass
a pendulum can be stable, if its suspension point oscillates M ).
with a high frequency. The explanation of this phenomenon
was provided in 1951 by Russian physicist Pyotr Kapitza. In
what follows we’ll find the stability criterion of such a pendu-
lum. Apart from being just a nice toy, the Kapitza’s pendulum
demonstrates the method of separating fast and slow processes
which plays an important role in physics. High frequency os-
cillations can drive a slow motion in various systems, e.g. high i. (1.5 pts) Suppose that at t = T /2, the pendulum was mo-
frequency electric fields act on charges with an effective average tionless and inclined by a small angle φ0 . Sketch the graph of
force known as the ponderomotive force. the inclination angle φ as a function of time, and determine
We consider a pendulum of length l, similar the angular displacement of the pendulum ∆φ for the moment
to that of Part-A-Question-i, but now the t = T , i.e. ∆φ = φ(T ) − φ(T /2). You may assume in your
rod is massless, with a point mass at its end, calculations that ∆φ ≪ φ0 (this is valid because T ≪ l/v0 ).
and the suspension point oscillates vertically ii. (1.5 pts) Since we still neglect gravity, only inertial force
(see the figure). Let the velocity v of the exerts a torque on the pendulum. Determine the average value
suspension point depend on time t as shown of this torque (with respect to the suspension point, averaged
in the graph below (v > 0 corresponds to over the full period 2T ).
upward motion); the oscillations’ half-period iii. (1 pt) Now, let us take into account that there is also the
T ≪ l/v0 . We also assume that v0 /T ≫ g gravity field of the Earth. Determine, which inequality must be
so that for questions i–ii you may ignore the satisfied for g, T , l and v0 in order to ensure the stability of the
free fall acceleration. In order to simplify calculations, you’ll vertical position of such a pendulum (some of these parameters
need to study this process in the frame of reference of the sus- may not be needed for your inequality).

— page 3 of 5 —
Problem T2. Gravitational waves (10 points) iii. (0.8 pts) The effect of gravitational waves is measured by
Part A. Dipole radiation (2.4 points) strain h = ∆l/l; here l is a distance between two points in
Static electric and gravity fields are described by identical set of space, and ∆l is the change of that distance due to the wave.
equations — as long as we are far from black holes. However, As usual for waves, the energy flux density S (radiation energy
if we add terms describing time variations of the fields, the per unit time and unit area) is proportional to the squared wave
equations become different. Therefore, expressions for electro- amplitude: S = Kh20 (h0 denotes the wave amplitude). Based
magnetic waves cannot be directly carried over to gravitational on dimensional arguments, express the factor K in terms of
waves. Still, for expressions given below, the difference will be constants and the angular frequency of the wave ω.
only in the value of numerical prefactors. iv. (1 pt) The dipole radiation is distributed over propagation
Charges moving with acceleration lose kinetic energy by ra- directions anisotropically, but let us ignore this: for the sake of
diating electromagnetic waves; this radiation is known as the simplicity, assume isotropic radiation. Express the amplitude
dipole radiation. The total radiation power is expressed as h0 of gravitational waves at distance L in terms of M , R, and
¨2 physical constants.
Ped = , (1) The energy of the binary star decreases in time due to the
6πε0 c3
¨ emission of gravitational waves. So, the distance R between the
where d⃗ is the second time derivative of the dipole moment, c
two stars decreases. This process will continue until the stars
is the speed of light, and ε0 — vacuum permittivity. Dipole
∑ collide and merge (R becomes of the order of the radius of a
moment for a system of charges qi is defined as d⃗ = i ⃗ri qi ,
star). In LIGO experiment (reported on 11th February 2016),
where ⃗ri is vector pointing from the origin to the position of
gravitational waves emitted right before a merger of two black
i-th charge. For harmonically oscillating dipoles, the radiated
holes were observed. For the radius of a black hole, we’ll use
wave frequency equals to the frequency of oscillations.
the Schwarzschild radius Rs which is defined as such a critical
i. (1.4 pts) Consider an electron of charge −e and mass m, cir-
distance from a point mass M that light cannot escape due to
culating around an atomic nucleus of charge +Ze at distance r;
gravitational pull from distances r < Rs . To derive properly
neglect quantum mechanical effects. Express the total radiated
an expression for Rs , theory of general relativity is needed.
power, and the wavelength λ of the radiated waves in terms of
e, Z, m, r, and physical constants. v. (1 pt) Express Rs in terms of M and physical constants.
ii. (1 pt) Let us try to carry over Eq. (1) to gravitational Use the following fact: if we neglect general relativity and use
waves; then, the total radiation power Pgd would be propor- special relativity together with Newtonian gravitation law, we
¨2 obtain a result which is exactly half of the correct one.
tional to d⃗g , where d⃗g is the gravitational dipole moment,
vi. (1.5 pts) In LIGO experiment, using a 4-km-long laser
and two dots denote the second time-derivative. Analogously
interferometer, the strain h (see question iii) was measured as
to the electrical dipole, gravitational dipole moment for a sys-
∑ a function of time; the result is given in the graph below. Us-
tem of point masses mi is defined as d⃗g = i ⃗ri mi . Show that
ing this graph and assuming that the masses of the two black
always Pgd = 0.
holes were equal, estimate the mass of each of them numer-
Part B. Quadrupole radiation (7.6 points)
ically. Gravitational constant G = 6.67 × 10−11 m3 s−2 kg−1 ;
Let us consider a binary star consisting of two stars of equal
c = 3.00 × 108 m/s.
mass M which rotate around a circular orbit of radius R with
angular speed ω.
i. (1 pt) Express ω in terms of M , R, and constants.
ii. (0.8 pts) While there is no gravitational dipole radiation,
there is a quadrupole one. In analogy with the dipole radi-
ation, it should be proportional to squared time-derivatives of
the quadrupole moment. For this problem, it is enough to know
that for our binary star, the gravitational quadrupole moment
components are of the order of M R2 . So, we expect the total
radiation power to have a form Pqg = AM 2 R4 , where the factor
A may depend on ω and physical constants (here ω is an inde-
pendent parameter, though for a binary star it depends on M vii. (1.5 pts) Using the same data as for question vi, estimate
and R). Find expression for Pqg using dimensional analysis. the distance to these black holes.
— page 4 of 5 —
Problem T3. Magnetars (9 points) netic field lines as depicted above? The neutron star density
Magnetic fields are everywhere around us. Some typical mag- ρn = 5 × 1017 kg/m3 .
netic B-field values: Earth’s magnetic field: 25 − 60 µT; at iii. (1 pt) In reality, magnetic fields of neutron stars are gen-
Sunspots: 0.3 T; strong permanent magnets: around 1 T; con- erated differently. Let us consider a very simplified model. In-
tinuously maintained magnetic fields in laboratory: up to 45 T; terior part of the star has collapsed to a neutron star’s size and
neutron stars and magnetars: up to 1011 T. In what follows we density, but the exterior parts remains of the same size. As-
study few aspects of strong magnetic fields. sume that before the collapse, the star was rotating as a solid
Magnetic field energy density body with angular speed ωs . Express the new angular speed
w = B 2µµ0 , where µ0 ≈ 1.3 × 10 N/A2
2 1
of the interior part of the star ωn in terms of ωs , ρs and ρn .
is the vacuum permeability, and µ — the iv. (1.5 pts) Rotation speeds of the inner- and outer parts are
relative permeability of the medium. Sys- different, hence the field lines will be stretched, see figure.
tem tries to move towards a lower energy
state and so ferromagnetic materials with
µ ≫ 1 are pulled towards regions with strong magnetic fields,
and diamagnetic materials with µ < 1 are pushed out. For
diamagnetic materials, the magnetic suspectibility χ = µ − 1
is small, |χ| ≪ 1, and so the effect is small unless the field
is strong. Water is a diamagnetic with χ = −9 × 10−6 and For the sake of simplicity: (a) we use 2-dimensional geometry,
animals are mostly made of water. So, a frog can levitate in a i.e. consider stars as being cylindrical; (b) while the initial field
magnetic field if the field is strong enough, see the photo. was a dipole field, we assume that it was cylindrically symmet-
i. (1.5 pts) Let the frog height hf ric as shown in figure; (c) endpoints of field lines are attached
be not more than h0 = 10 mm, and to the inner cylinder (the neutron star) and to the outer cyl-
let us assume simplifyingly that the indrical shell (the remnant of the original star). Let the initial
squared magnetic field depends lin- magnetic field at the outer shell be B0 . Express the magnetic
early on height z, see figure. Find field B as a function of time t in the region where field lines
how strong magnetic field B0 (in are being stretched for t ≫ 1/ωn in terms of B0 and ωn .
Teslas) is needed to keep this frog in levitation. Assume that v. (1 pt) So, the energy is converted during the star collapse as
the frog is made entirely of water (density ρ = 1000 kg/m3 ); follows: gravitational energy is converted into kinetic one (let
free fall acceleration g = 9.8 m/s2 . Hint: for |χ| ≪ 1, we can us neglect thermal energy), which is later on converted into
write w ≈ B 2 1−χ
2µ0 ; hence, the energy density associated with the magnetic one. Based on this scenario, estimate the max-

2µ0 − B 2µ0 = −B 2µ0 .

the presence of water is ∆w = B 2 1−χ 2 1 2 χ
imal strength of the magnetic field Bmax for a neutron star of
Stars are made of a plasma which is mass Mn = 4 × 1030 kg and radius Rn = 13 km. Recall that
a good electrical conductor. Because of G = 6.67 × 10−11 m3 s−2 kg−1 .
that, magnetic field lines behave as if be- vi. (1 pt) Very strong magnetic fields affect chemical proper-
ing “frozen” into the moving plasma (this ties of matter by changing the shape of electron orbits. This
follows from the Faraday’s induction law happens when the Lorenz force acting on an orbital electron be-
and Kirchoff’s voltage law: due to the ab- comes stronger than the Coulomb force due to the atomic nuc-
sence of electrical resistance, the voltage drop along a closed leus. Estimate the strength of the magnetic field B needed
fictitious contour inside the plasma must be zero, hence the to distort the electron orbit of an hydrogen atom which has
magnetic flux cannot change). If a star were to collapse into radius R = 5 × 10−11 m. Note that 1 = 9 × 109 m/F ,
H 4πε0
a neutron star, this effect would lead to an instantaneous in- e = 1.6 × 10−19 C, and electron mass m = 9.1 × 10−31 kg.
crease of the magnetic field, see the sketch of the magnetic vii. (2 pts) In very strong magnetic fields, atomic electron
field lines before and after the collapse (recall that magnetic clouds take cylindrical shape. Estimate the length-to-diameter
field strength is proportional to the density of field lines). ratio κ = l/d of such electron clouds for hydrogen atoms near
ii. (1 pt) Assuming that the polar magnetic field of a star a neutron star, in magnetic field B = 108 T. Note that the
is Bs = 100 µT and its average density ρs = 1400 kg/m3 , Planck’s constant h = 6.6 × 10−34 J · s. Hint: the radius of the
what would be its polar magnetic field strength Bc after its cyclotron orbit for an electron in quantum-mechanical ground
collapse into a neutron star due to the compression of mag- state can be estimated using uncertainty principle.
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The 1st Gulf Physics Olympiad — Experimental Competition
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia — Tuesday, March 22nd 2016

• The examination lasts for 5 hours. There are 2 problems to be graded. If you have written something that you
worth in total 20 points. don’t want to be graded onto the Solution Sheets (such
as initial and incorrect solutions), cross these out.
• Initially the experimental equipment on table is covered.
You must neither remove the cover nor open the • If you need more paper for a certain problem, please raise
envelope with the problems before the sound sig- your hand and tell an organizer the problem number; you
nal of the beginning of competition. are given two Solution sheets (you can do this more than
• You are not allowed to leave your working place
without permission. If you need any assistance (mal- • You need to estimate uncertainties only in those
functioning equipment, broken calculator, need to cases where you are specifically asked to do so.
visit a restroom, etc), please raise and keep your hand • You should use as little text as possible: try to
raised until an organizer arrives. explain your solution mainly with equations, numbers,
symbols and diagrams. Though in some places textual
• Use only the front side of the sheets of paper.
explanation may be unavoidable.
• For each problem, there are dedicated Solution Sheets
• Do not look into the laser beam or its reflections!
(see header for the number and pictogramme). Write
It may permanently damage your eyes.
your solutions onto the appropriate Solution Sheets. For
each Problem, the Solution Sheets are numbered; use • After the signal signifying the end of examination
the sheets according to the enumeration. Always mark you must stop writing immediately. Put all the pa-
which Problem Part and Question you are deal- pers into the envelope at your desk. You are not al-
ing with. Copy the final answers into the appropriate lowed to take any sheet of paper out of the room.
boxes of the Answer Sheets. There are also Draft pa- If you have finished solving before the final sound signal,
pers; use these for writing things which you don’t want please raise your hand.

— page 1 of 3 —
Problem E1. Rolling cylinder (7 points) A, if the inclination angle α (the angle between the surface
normal and the vertical direction) is very small, α ≤ α0 , it will
The setup comprises of 1 a wooden board with holes drilled remain in a resting position.
into its one end (the highlighted numbers correspond to the B, for moderately small inclination angles, α0 < α < α1 , the
numbers in the fig.), 2 two sticks which can be put through cylinder will roll down with an almost constant speed (if the
the board’s holes; this way one end of the board can be kept angle α is very close to the critical value α0 , the motion may
in an elevated position, 3 two clamps which can be mounted be slightly uneven: the cylinder almost stops, but shortly after,
onto the sticks and will support the board beneath it, 4 meas- resumes again rolling motion).
uring tape, 5 stopwatch (press “go” to start measuring, “stop” C, for α1 < α < α2 , once the cylinder (lying on the surface)
to record time, and “clear” to reset screen to zero), and 6 a is released, it first obtains an almost constant rolling speed;
cylindrical bottle with an unknown amount of unknown liquid. this speed is achieved very fast, upon rolling to the distance of
You are not allowed to open the bottle (the bottle is secured the order of the cylinder’s diameter. However, that speed will
with a sticker which, once removed, cannot be fixed back). slowly increase during the course of subsequent rolling. The
rolling speed grows slowly because the liquid inside the bottle
will be smeared around the walls of the bottle (smearing will
not take place for α < α1 ).
D, for α > α2 , bottle rolls from the beginning to end with an
acceleration (rolling with an almost constant speed can never
be observed).
Part A. Critical slopes (1 points)
Make measurements to determine the critical slopes α0 and α2 .
State the values of α0 and α2 (in degrees) together with un-
certainties. Note that the measurement of α2 will not be very
precise because the crossover from regime C to regime D is not
very sharply defined.
Part B. Rolling speed (3 points)
Fix the board to a certain angle α with α0 < α < α2 and put
the cylinder onto the board near the upper edge of the board;
you will be releasing the cylinder from this position during the
forthcoming measurements (the cylinder will be rolling down-
wards). From this position, measure 4 cm downards, and with
a pencil, make a mark onto the boards. Make a next mark to
a distance l = 10 cm downwards from the first mark. These
two marks define the first = 10 cm-long-segment. When the
cylinder starts rolling from the edge of the board, it will obtain
a constant speed once reaching the segment. Mark a similar
segment close to the lower edge of the board. Release the cyl-
inder from a point near the upper edge of the board; measure
and tabulate the data for calculating the rolling speed on both
segments, as well as for the average rolling speed over the long
segment from the beginning of the upper segment to the end of
the lower segment. Based on your measurement data, determ-
ine the critical angle α1 .
Part C. Friction force (2.3 points)
In order to keep the cylinder rolling with a constant speed v, a
force F needs to be applied. This force depends on the rolling
speed v, and on the time t elapsed from the moment when
Numerical values for your calculations: Mass of the bottle
rolling started. So, F = F (v, t). The dependence of F on t is
(together with the liquid inside) M = 50 g. Free fall accel-
such that at very small values of t, F grows, achieves then a
eration g = 9.81 m/s2 .
maximal value Fm (v), and may slowly decrease later. Based on
The properties of the liquid inside the bottle de- the measurements of the previous task, calculate and tabulate
pend on temperature. To avoid heating it, keep it in Fm (v) for different values of v. Plot this dependence on a graph,
your hands as briefly as possible. and suggest a formula which describes such a dependence.
Part D. Mass of liquid (0.7 points) Based on your measure-
When the cylinder is put onto an inclined surface, there are ment data for the previous tasks, estimate the mass of liquid
four possibilities what can happen. inside the bottle.

— page 2 of 3 —
Problem E2. Tungsten filament (13 points) the laser beam onto the filament by twisting the cap of the
WARNINGS: laser housing (the laser spot on the screen will be defocused).
If you were unable to determine the diameter, use in what
⋄ Do not look into the laser beam or its reflections! follows d = 40 µm (which might not be the correct value).
⋄ Do not connect the electrolytic capacitor in a circuit that Part B. Filament’s resistance (2 points) Measure the res-
can result in reverse polarity on the capacitor! The grey istance R of the filament at the room temperature as accur-
ribbon on it denotes the “minus” side. ately as possible. Document the circuit used. Calculate the
filament’s length l. Estimate the uncertainty. You can neglect
⋄ Do not short the electrolytic capacitor with the multi- the resistance of the bulb housing and of the wires supporting
meter (in ammeter mode or with the “10 A” connector)! the filament. When the multimeter is used for voltage meas-
⋄ Use safety goggles while using the electrolytic capacitor urements, it can be considered as an ideal voltmeter. When
(connecting capacitor in reverse polarity may result in an used as an ammeter, its internal resistance cannot be
outburst of hot electrolyte)! neglected. Note that you can use the power supply which
provides ≈ 12 V, but if necessary, you can also use the laser bat-
tery holder as a 3 V supply or as a 1.5 V supply as shown in the
image (while you use it as a 3 V supply, the laser will operate).

The setup comprises of 1a three incandescent bulbs with a

tungsten filament which you can consider identical for the pur- Part C. Current–voltage curve (2.5 points) Plot the current
poses of the experiment, 1b one broken bulb without glass, its through the bulb as a function of voltage from 0 V until the fila-
broken filament is exposed to air (if you need few more bulbs, ment breaks. Document your circuit. What was the maximum
ask an organizer), 2 power adapter, 3 rheostat, 4 multi- temperature T of the filament when it broke?
meter, 5 measuring tape, 6 electrolytic capacitor, 7 laser Note that you can use multimeter in 10 A-range for current
with a 3 V battery pack attached, 8 stand, 9 screen (mul- measurements; if you do so, you do not have to rebuild the cir-
timeter box with a white paper attached), 10 leads (2 tester cuit for measuring the voltage: when the multimeter’s selector
leads, 3 banana plug – crocodile clamp leads, 2 crocodile clamp knob is turned between 10 A and voltage measurement posi-
– crocodile clamp leads) tions, the ”10A” and COM terminals remain connected inside
Numerical values for your calculations: Wavelength of the the multimeter through a resistor of few ohms, and the resist-
laser λ = 650 nm. Density of tungsten D = 19.25 g/cm3 ance between the COM and multi-purpose terminals remains
Specific resistance of tungsten at room temperature ρ25 = very large.
5.65 × 10−8 Ω · m. Function that approximates the temperat- Part D. Emissivity (3.5 points) Assuming that (a) all of the
ure of tungsten as a function of its specific resistance fairly heat from the filament is dissipated with thermal radiation,
well for temperatures between 400 K and tungsten’s melting and (b) the tungsten filament is a grey body, i.e. its emissivity
temperature Tm = 3695 K: does not depend on temperature T , the Stefan-Boltzmann law
( ) ( )2 predicts that the power dissipation P = AkσT 4 , where A is
T ρρ25 = 104 K + 216 K · ρρ25 − 2.46 K · ρρ25 . the surface area of the filament and k is the emissivity. Build
Stefan-Boltzmann constant σ = 5.67 × 10−8 W/(m2 K4 ). Capa- a graph to verify this prediction. Indicate, for which range of
citance of the electrolytic capacitor C = 47 mF. Multimeter’s temperatures this prediction holds, and find emissivity of the
uncertainty: as ohmmeter 0.8% + 5 times the last significant tungsten filament for that range. At which temperatures the
digit (LSD), as ammeter (10A) 2% + 5× LSD, as voltmeter prediction does not hold? Why the prediction fails for these
0.5% + 4× LSD. temperatures?
Part A. Filament’s diameter (1.5 points) Measure the dia- Part E. Specific heat capacity of tungsten (3.5 points) Meas-
meter d of the tungsten filament using diffraction. Use the in- ure the quantity of heat Q required to raise the temperature
candescent bulb with exposed filament (the filament has been of the filament from the room temperature to its breaking tem-
straightened from its regular coil shape). Sketch the measure- perature, and calculate average specific heat of tungsten c over
ment setup. Hint: the diffraction pattern from a wire is the this range of temperatures. Document the circuit used. Estim-
same as from a single slit of equal diameter. In order to in- ate the magnitude of the main source of error. Hint: if you
crease the intensity of the diffraction pattern on screen, focus need a voltage higher than 12 V, you can use the power supply
and battery pack in series to achieve voltages up to ca 15 V.
— page 3 of 3 —
Problem T1. Stabilizing unstable states (11 points)

Part A. Stabilization via feedback (3.5 points)

i. (1.5 pts)
φ̈ =

Proof that φ(t) = Aet/τ + Be−t/τ


ii. (0.5 pts) Inequality for the rod length (symbolically and value in meters):

iii. (0.5 pts) Upper bound for the bird reaction time (symbolically and value in seconds):

τrb <

iv. (1 pt) Minimal driving speed (symbolically and value in meters per second):

vb =

Part B. Tightrope walker (3.5 points)

i. (1 pt)
α1 =

α2 =

ii. (0.5 pts) State wether β0 > 0 or β0 < 0:


— page 1 of 4 —
iii. (1 pt)

α̇1 /α1 =

iv. (1 pt)

Tb =

Part C. Kapitza’s pendulum (4 points)

i. (1.5 pts)
Sketch here the graph:

∆φ = φ(T ) − φ(T /2) =

ii. (1.5 pts) Average torque:

⟨M ⟩ =

iii. (1 pt) Kapitza’s pendulum is stable if (state the inequality):

— page 2 of 4 —
Problem T2. Gravitational waves (10 points)
Part A. Dipole radiation (2.4 points)
i. (1.4 pts)
P =


ii. (1 pt) Proof that Pgd = 0:

Part B. Quadrupole radiation (7.6 points)

i. (1 pt)

ii. (0.8 pts)

Pqg =

iii. (0.8 pts)

S = Kh20 , where K =

iv. (1 pt)
h0 =

v. (1 pt)
Rs =

vi. (1.5 pts)


vii. (1.5 pts)


— page 3 of 4 —
Problem T3. Magnetars (9 points)
i. (1.5 pts)
B0 =

ii. (1 pt)
B(t) =

iii. (1 pt)
ωn =

iv. (1.5 pts)

B(t) =

v. (1 pt)

vi. (1 pt)
BH =

vii. (2 pts)

— page 4 of 4 —
Problem T1. Stabilizing unstable states (11 iv. (1 pt) The cyclist is able to balance himself by turning
points) the handlebar so that the line connecting the wheels will move
Part A. Stabilization via feedback (3.5 points) to the desire direction. For that line to move, the bike must
i. (1.5 pts) The moment of inertia of the rod is move forward to a distance which is of the order of inter-wheel
I = ml3 . The torque is mg φl
2 . (0.4 pts) separation. So we can require vm τ ≈ d, where τ is bike’s char-
so that the Newton’s 2nd law is written as acteristic falling time. (0.5 pts)
φl Note that with this equation we neglect the cyclists’ reaction
I φ̈ = mg
2 time (which makes balancing more difficult) but on the other
3g hand the line connecting the wheels moves slightly already at
φ̈ = φ. (1)
2l a twice smaller forward-displacement of the bike (which makes
(0.4 pts) balancing easier). Anyway, we are only making an estimate, so
If we take φ = Ae τ + Be− τ , then
t t
a mistake by a factor of 2 is perfectly OK.
φ̈ = τA2 e τ + τB2 e− τ = τφ2 .
t t
(0.3 pts) Then we get √
Substituting this into the equation of motion (1) we get 2L
d = vm τ = vm
φ 3g 3g
= φ
τ 2l (0.2 pts)

2l √
τ= . 3g
3g vm = d = 2.7 m/s
(0.4 pts) (0.3 pts)
− τt
This means that φ = Ae + Be τ is the solution for the equa- Part B. Tightrope walker (3.5 points)
tion of motion. i. (1 pt) From the conservation of angular momentum
ii. (0.5 pts) The boy has to react before the rod falls over the
dα1 dα2
angle π2 . Boy notices that the rod is falling, and tries to react. m(1.4H)2 + mH 2 = Const.
dt dt
If the rod falls faster than his reaction time, he cannot keep it
(0.3 pts)
in balance. In the expression φ = Ae τ + Be− τ , the dominat-
t t

Partial credit 0.2 pts if the conservation is mentioned without

ing term is the first one (the second one decays in time), so we
t writing equation. This process is instantaneous, i.e. dα dt and
can put φ = Ae τ , where A is the angle at t = 0. Hence, the dα
are very large, much large than that constant at the right-
falling time t = τ ln(π/2A) depends on the initial angle A, but dt
hand-side (which is defined by the initial falling speed), hence
logarithmic dependence is very slow — the logarithm remains
we can put Const= 0.
always of the order of unity. So we can estimate the falling time
(0.2 pts)
just as the characteristic time of the rod. This means that
√ This simplifies into
2 lr
τr ≈ 1.96∆α1 = −∆α2 (2)

(0.3 pts) (0.1 pts)

We also have
lr = τr2 = 0.59 m
2 β = α1 − α2 = (α0 + ∆α1 ) − (α0 + ∆α2 ) = ∆α1 − ∆α2 (3)
(0.2 pts)
(0.2 pts)
iii. (0.5 pts) The bird won’t be able to rebalance itself when
Solving the equations (1) and (2) we get
it has fallen over π2 . Similarly to the previous question, we can
say that the bird’s reaction time must be equal to the charac- β
α1 = α0 +
teristic time τb . (0.3 pts) 2.96
Then we get (0.1 pts)
√ 1.96
2 lb α2 = α0 − β
τb ≈ = 0.065 s 2.96
3g (0.1 pts)
(0.2 pts) ii. (0.5 pts) In order to be able to straighten himself, the
walker’s centre of mass has to move leftwards, by a negative
— page 1 of 7 —
angle. (0.1 pts) 1.96 1.96
α2 = α0 − β0 ≈ β0
2.96 2.96
The torque can be expressed as
By changing the upper body’s angle by ∆α1 , the lower
body’s angle will change by ∆α2 = −1.96∆α1 . The centre M = 1.4mgHα1 + mgHα2 =
of mass will then move by
1.4 1.96 0.56
β0 mgH − β0 mgH = − β0 mgH
1.4H∆α1 + H∆α2 = 1.4H∆α1 − 1.96H∆α1 = −0.56H∆α1 2.96 2.96 2.96
(0.3 pts)
(0.3 pts) Writing out ∆L = M Tb we get

α0 0.56
Because the centre of mass will have to move by a negative −5.92mH 2 =− β0 mgHTb
τ 2.96
angle, ∆α1 needs to be positive, which means that the walker √ √
has to bow clockwise. (0.1 pts) α0 H α0 H 2.4 g α0 H
Tb = 31.29 = 31.29 = 28.18
β0 τ g β0 g 2.96 H β0 g
iii. (1 pt) We can write the equation of motion (0.1 pts)
Part C. Kapitza’s pendulum (4 points)
2.96α¨1 H = 2.4gα1
Throughout the entire problem, we use the system of refer-
this dif- ence of the suspension point.
Similarly to the question i. in part A, the solution for√
ferential equation is α1 (t) = Ae τ + Be− τ , where τ = 2.96
t t H
2.4 g .
i. (1.5 pts) During these periods of time when the suspension
(0.2 pts) point accelerates upwards (and force of inertia is downwards),
Because the time it takes to get to the vertical position is the equation of motion of the pendulum can be written as
infinite, the component Ae τ needs to be 0, meaning that d2 φ a0
α1 (t) = Be− τ .
(0.3 pts) = φ,
dt2 l
By taking time derivative, we obtain
where a0 = 2v0 /T is the frame’s acceleration. (0.4 pts)
α̇1 = − τ1 Be− τ .
(0.3 pts)
Incomplete attempts at writing Newton second law will be par-
For the instance when the boy straightened himself, t = 0, the
tially credited (0.2 pts).
equations take form α1 = B and α̇1 = − B τ . So, α̇1 = − τ , The relative change of φ is assumed to be small, so we can

which can be rewritten as

√ approximate φ ≈ φ0 to obtain
α̇1 1 2.4 g
=− =− d2 φ 2v0
α1 τ 2.96 H 2
= φ0 .
dt Tl
(0.2 pts)
(0.2 pts)
iv. (1 pt) After the walker has straightened himself, the angle
During the rest of the time, the same equation can be used if
which he is at is still α0 , because during stage where he is bow-
a0 is changed to −a0 . (0.2 pts)
ing, the torque is much larger than when he is straightened,
Therefore, the graph consists of parabolic segments, as depic-
meaning that the change in angular speed is much larger than
ted in the Figure. (0.4 pts)
the change in the angle. (0.1 pts)
The amplitude is found as
As found in the previous subquestion, the speed before and
after the bowing are ατ0 and − ατ0 respectively. Then the change 1 v0 T
∆φ = φ0 .
4 l
in the angular momentum is
α0 (0.3 pts)
∆L = −5.92mH 2
(0.3 pts)
Because during the falling stage the change in angle is minus-
cule, we can express the change in angular momentum as
∆L = M Tb , where M is the torque during bowing stage.
ii. (1.5 pts)
(0.2 pts)
The average torque ⟨M ⟩ = ⟨mla(t)φ(t)⟩ . (0.3 pts)
During the bowing stage, the angles of the body segments are
Let us note that ⟨a(t) ⟨φ⟩⟩ = ⟨a(t)⟩ ⟨φ⟩ = 0. (0.3 pts)
β0 β0
α1 = α0 + ≈ Therefore we can rewrite the average torque as
2.96 2.96
— page 2 of 7 —
2v0 (0.2 pts)
⟨M ⟩ = ⟨mla(t)[φ(t) − ⟨φ⟩]⟩ = −ml ⟨|φ(t) − ⟨φ⟩ |⟩

(0.3 pts; if wrong sign 0.2 pts) iii. (1 pt) Gravity field does not affect the expression for the
It is easy to see that the average of |φ − ⟨φ⟩ | over the entire average torque of the force of inertia. So, we can use the result
period equals to the average over the time interval 0 < t < τ . of the previous question. However, it gives rise to an additional
Straightforward integration yields contribution to the average torque, equal to glmφ0 . (0.4 pts)
∫ ( ) Therefore, the equation of motion can be written as
2 T /2 4t2 2 1 v0 T ( )
⟨|φ − ⟨φ⟩ |⟩ = ∆φ 1 − 2 dt = ∆φ = φ0 . d2 φ0 1
T 0 T 3 6 l l2 2 = gl − v02 T 2 φ0 .
dt 3
(0.4 pts)
(0.4 pts)
Upon substituting this result into the previous expression we
The stability is ensured if the factor at the right-hand-side is
negative, i.e. if 3gl < v02 . (0.2 pts)
⟨M ⟩ = − mv0 φ0 .

— page 3 of 7 —
Problem T2. Gravitational waves (10 points) ii. (0.8 pts) The dimensions for A need to be
Part A. Dipole radiation (2.4 points) 1 kgm2 1 1
For the sake of convenience, let us denote k = 1 W = = 3 2
4πϵ0 kg2 m4 s3 kg2 m4 s m kg
i. (1.4 pts) The total dipole moment can be expressed as
(0.2 pts)
d⃗ = −⃗r1 e + ⃗r2 Ze, (0.2 pts)
A can only consist of the gravitational constant G, speed of
where ⃗r1 and ⃗r2 are the position vectors of the electron and
¨ ⃗ ⃗
light c and angular velocity ω. (0.2 pts)
nucleus respectively. Then d⃗ = −r⃗¨1 e + r⃗¨2 Ze = − m
e − mF1 Ze,
We can write a system of equations for every unit, m, s and kg.
(0.1 pts)
If we take the power of G, c and ω to be a, b and c respectively,
but because the mass of the nucleus m1 is much larger than m,
we can write out for metres
we can neglect the second term. Then
3a + b = −2,
¨ F⃗ kZe3
d⃗ = − e =
m mr2 (0.1 pts)
(0.3 pts) for seconds
−2a − b − c = −3,
¨2 ( )2
d⃗ kZe 3
1 (0.1 pts)
Ped = =
4πϵ0 c3 mr2 6πϵ0 c3 and finally for kilograms
(0.2 pts)
We can express λ as λ = c
= 2πrc −a = −1.
f v . √
(0.2 pts)
mv 2 2
We get v from the relation r = k Ze
r 2 , then v = e
mr .
(0.1 pts)
(0.3 pts) Solving the equations we get a = 1, b = −5 and c = 6, which
Finally √ means that
2πrc 2πrc mr ω6
λ= = A=G 5
v e kZ c
(0.1 pts)
(0.1 pts)
⃗ ∑
ii. (1 pt) We know that dg = i ⃗ri mi . Let us recall that the
iii. (0.8 pts) The solution for this subquestion is the same as
distance to centre of mass is ∑
⃗ri mi for the previous one. The units for K are
⃗rcm = ∑i .
i mi W kg
= 3
Then (0.3 pts) m2 s
∑ ∑ (0.2 pts)
d⃗g = ⃗ri mi = ⃗rcm mi
i i
K can only depend on G, c and ω, (0.2 pts)
(0.2 pts) if we take their powers to be a, b and c respectively, we can
⃗˙ ∑
(Equivalently one can notice that dg = vi mi the net mo- write out for metres
mentum.) ⃗rcm is constant because there aren’t any external 3a + b = 0
forces acting on the system. (0.3 pts) (0.1 pts)

This means that dg = 0 and Pgd = 0. (0.2 pts) for seconds
−2a − b − c = −3
Part B. Quadrupole radiation (7.6 points)
(0.1 pts)
i. (1 pt) The force acting on one of the stars is
M2 M v2 and finally for kilograms
F =G 2 =
4R R −a = 1
(0.6 pts)
From here we can express the star’s speed v. We can express (0.1 pts)
the star’s angular speed from the relation ω = R. (0.2 pts) Solving the equations we get a = −1, b = 3 and c = 2, which
√ means that
v 1 GM c3 ω 2
ω= = K=
R 2 R3 G
(0.2 pts) (0.1 pts)

— page 4 of 7 —

iv. (1 pt) The flux at distance L is S = 4πL 2, (0.4 pts) 1 GM
2 ω= ;
on the other hand we can express flux as S = Kh0 . This means 2 Rs3
Pqg AM 2 R4 (0.2 pts)
Kh20 = =
4πL2 4πL2 substituting Rs we obtain
(0.4 pts) √
1 c6 c3
and finally ω= GM = √
2 8G3 M 3 2 2GM
√ √
AM 2 R4 Gω 6 G M 2 R4 Gω 2 M R2 G2 M 2 (0.2 pts)
h0 = = = √ = √
K4πL2 c5 c3 ω 2 4πL2 2 πc4 L 8 πc4 LR The mass of a black hole is

(0.2 pts) c3
M= √ = 1.45 × 1032 kg = 72 M⊙
2 2ωG
v. (1 pt) At distance Rs from the black hole, it takes all (0.2 pts)
the energy mc2 for an object to overcome the potential energy In reality the masses of the black holes were 36 M⊙ and 29 M⊙ ,
−G MRms
. This means that where M⊙ is the mass of Sun.
vii. (1.5 pts) As mentioned previously the maximal strain is
2 Mm
mc = G . when the black hole’s orbital radius is Rs , reading from the
graph we get that the strain is h0 ≈ 0.9 × 10−21 . (0.4 pts)
(0.7 pts) Then, using the result of question iv,
(If non-relativistic energy mc /2 is used, deduct 0.3 pts.) From
G2 M 2
here we can express Rs h0 = √ 4 ;
8 πc LRs
Rs = 2
c (0.4 pts)
Substituting Rs we obtain
(0.1 pts)
This answer is 2 times smaller than the correct one, which G2 M 2 c2 GM
h0 = √ 4 = √ 2
means that 2GM 8 πc L 2GM 16 πc L
Rs =
c2 (0.3 pts)
(0.2 pts) The distance to the black hole is

vi. (1.5 pts) We can estimate the mass of the black holes by L= √ ;
16 πc2 h0
finding the orbital frequency and then using the expression we
(0.2 pts)
found in the first subquestion (Kepler’s III law). (0.3 pts)
The strain is maximal when the orbital radius for the black
L = 4.21 × 1024 m.
holes is Rs . (0.3 pts)
Reading from the graph, we get that the orbital period is (0.2 pts)
T ≈ 0.006 s (0.3 pts) This can be also expressed in megaparsecs, L = 136 Mpc. In
and frequency ω = 2π
T = 1000 rad/s. Then reality, the distance was L = 410 Mpc ± 170 Mpc.

— page 5 of 7 —
Problem T3. Magnetars (11 points) iii. (1 pt) During the collapse there is no torque on the
i. (1.5 pts) If we change the frog’s height by ∆h, the change star, this means that the angular momentum remains constant.
in potential energy needs to be smaller than the change in mag- Thus
netic energy. (0.2 pts) 2 2
M Rs2 ωs = M Rn2 ωn
5 5
Note that for every point in frog, the change in magnetic energy
is the same, thus we can express it as (0.6 pts)
Recall that Rs is inversely proportional to ρs . (0.2 pts)
∆(B 2 )χ B 2 χ∆h
∆E = −V =V 0 Now we can express ωn
2µ0 2h0 µ0 ( ) 23
R2 ρn
(0.6 pts) ωn = ωs 2s = ωs
The change in potential energy is Rn ρs

∆Π = V ρg∆h (0.2 pts)

iv. (1.5 pts) After time t, the neutron star has turned by an
(0.3 pts) angle β = ωn t. (0.2 pts)
∆E + ∆Π < 0
The magnetic fields pass any radial line from the centre of the
B 2 χ∆h β
V 0 + V ρg∆h < 0 neutron star on average N = 2π = ω2π
times. (0.3 pts)
2h0 µ0
The total magnetic flux entering the outer shell remains con-
(0.2 pts)
stant, and thus is always equal to Φ = 2πR0 B0 , (0.3 pts)
This means that √ where R0 is the radius of the outer shell. This means that the
2h0 µ0 ρg
B0 > − flux through any radial line is ΦN . (0.4 pts)
(0.1 pts) BR0 = 2πR0 B0 N = R0 B0 ωn t
and numerically
(0.2 pts)
B0 = 5.32 T.
And finally
(0.1 pts) B = B0 ωn t

(0.1 pts)
ii. (1 pt) Let us observe a piece of the star with a volume V0
before the collapse and volume V1 after the collapse. The mass v. (1 pt) We can find the gravitational energy by integrating:
before and after are same. This means that we imagine removing the material layers of thickness dx one by
one, starting from the outermost one. The potential energy for
V0 ρs = V1 ρn
a hollow sphere with a thickness dx in the gravity field of the
(0.1 pts) matter inside it is
The radius of the star scales as V 1/3 , (0.1 pts) (4πx2 dxρn ) 34 πx3 ρn 16π 2 2 4
and the cross-sectional area as V 2/3 . (0.1 pts) dΠ = −G =− Gρn x dx
x 3
The total magnetic field through the volume is also the same
(0.2 pts)
before and after the collapse:
Integrating from x = 0 to x = Rn we get
2 2
Bs V0 = Bn V1
3 3
16π 2 2 5 3 GMn2
Π=− Gρn Rn = −
(0.4 pts) 15 5 Rn
Now we can express Bn (0.3 pts)
( ) 23 ( ) 23 A partial credit of 0.2 pts is given is if integration is substituted
V0 ρn
Bn = Bs = Bs by a simplifying product.
V1 ρs
This potential energy is equal to the magnetic energy
(0.2 pts)
and numerically 4 3 2 1 3 GMn2
Π= πR Bn =
Bn = 5.0 × 105 T 3 2µ0 5 Rn

(0.1 pts) (0.3 pts)

— page 6 of 7 —
Solving for Bn we get √ tainty principle. The uncertainty of the momentum is
M µ0 G
Bn = 3 2
R 10π ∆p = 2me v
(0.1 pts)
and numerically (0.3 pts)
Bn = 1.18 × 10 14
T and uncertainty of the coordinate

(0.1 pts) ∆x = 2R1

vi. (1 pt) The electron orbit will get distorted when the (0.2 pts)
Lorentz force becomes in the same order of magnitude as Cou- So we have
lomb force. (0.1 pts) 4me vR1 ≈ ~
The Coulomb force is
(0.2 pts)
1 e2 ~
F1 = 2 Substituting me v = 4R1 to the first equation we get
4πϵ0 RH
(0.2 pts) ~
= 4eBn
On the other hand, R12
me v 2
F1 = (0.1 pts)
(0.2 pts) Then √
We can express the velocity of electron R1 =
√ 4eBn
1 (0.1 pts)
4πϵ0 RH me
The length of the cylinder will still remain in the order of mag-
(0.1 pts)
nitude of RH because the Lorentz force doesn’t act on the
Then the Lorentz force is
electron in that axis (parallel to the magnetic field). (0.5 pts)
F2 ≈ evB Then the ratio of the length and diameter is approximately

(0.2 pts) RH eBn
κ= = 2RH
Upon substituting v we obtain R1 ~

F 2 = e2 (0.1 pts)
4πϵ0 RH me
and numerically
From the condition F1 ≈ F2 we can express the magnetic field
κ = 39 ≈ 40 .
strength √
me (0.1 pts)
B= 3
4πϵ0 RH Note that if we were to make calculations for magnetars with
(0.1 pts) B = 1 × 1011 T, the orbital electrons would be ultrarelativistic.
and numerically
B = 2.56 × 105 T
(0.1 pts)

vii. (2 pts) Perpendicularly to the magnetic field, the Lorentz

force is much larger than the Coulomb force since the magnetic
field Bn is much larger than the magnetic field found in the
previous question. This means that in the perpendicular plane,
the electrons move along a circular cyclotron orbit. (0.2 pts)
Then we can write
me v 2
= evBn ,
(0.2 pts)
where R1 = d/2 is the orbit’s radius. Now we apply the uncer-

— page 7 of 7 —
Problem E1. Rolling cylinder (7 points)
Part A. Critical slopes (1 points)

For critical slope α0 , directly measured quantities and calculations:

The critical slope α0 =

For critical slope α2 , directly measured quantities and calculations:

The critical slope α2 =

Part B. Rolling speed (3 points)

Rolling distance for average speed lt =

rolling height rolling time, 1st speed, 1st segm.: rolling time, 2nd speed, 2nd rolling time, average speed:
h (mm) segm.: t1 (s) v1 (mm/s) segm.: t2 (s) segm. (mm/s) long tl (s) vl (mm/s)

The critical slope α1 =

— page 1 of 9 —
Part C. Force as a function of speed (2.3 points)
Formula used to calculate the force:

Rolling height Rolling speed Force applied

h (mm) v (mm/s) (Fm ): (mN)

— page 2 of 9 —
Graph: Fm versus v

Suggested formula for the dependence Fm (v):

(Indicate the values of all the parameters of
this dependence.)

Part D. Mass of liquid (0.7 points)

Formula used to calculate the mass of liquid:

Mass of liquid m =

— page 3 of 9 —
Problem E2. Tungsten Filament (13 points)

Part A. Filament diameter (1.5 points)

Sketch the measurement setup:

For filament diameter d, directly measured quantities and calculations:

Filament diameter d and its uncertainty:

Part B. Filament’s resistance (2 points)

Draw measurement circuit(s):

For filament room temperature resistance R, directly measured quantities and calculations:

Filament resistance R and its uncertainty

Filament length l and its uncertainty:

— page 4 of 9 —
Part C. Current–voltage curve (2.5 points)

Draw measurement circuit(s):

Measurements (you don’t have to fill the entire table):

Filament temperature before it broke T :

— page 5 of 9 —
Graph: I versus U

— page 6 of 9 —
Part D. Emissivity (3.5 points)
Formulas used for the graph data:

Calculated data (you don’t have to fill the entire table):

— page 7 of 9 —

At which temperatures the prediction does hold:

What is the emissivity k in that range:

At which temperatures the prediction does not hold:

Why the prediction fails for these temperatures:

— page 8 of 9 —
Part E. Specific heat capacity of tungsten (3.5 points)
Draw measurement circuit(s):

For quantity of heat Q, directly measured quantities and calculations:

Quantity of heat Q For average specific heat c, measured quantities and calculations:

Average specific heat c

Estimate the magnitudes of the main sources error:

— page 9 of 9 —
Problem E1. Rolling cylinder ( points) h v1 v2 vl
t1 (s) (mm/s) t2 (s) (mm/s) tl (s) (mm/s)
Part A. Critical slopes (1 points) 2.6 64.8 1.54 64.5 1.55 388.2 1.55
We measure the board length L = 680 mm, (0.1 pts)
3 15.2 6.6 15.2 6.6 91.2 6.58
its uncertainty ∆L = 1 mm.
3.5 7.2 13.9 7.4 13.5 43.8 13.7
Further we determine the steepest position of the board 4 4.52 22.1 4.38 22.8 26.46 22.7
where the cylinder’s rolling stops when it is pushed down-
wards, and measure the difference H = hu − hl between the 4.5 3.41 29.3 3.53 28.3 20.7 29.0
heights hu and hl of the upper and lower edges of the upper 5 2.86 35.0 2.97 33.7 17.22 34.8
surface of the board. We find hl = 8 mm (0.1 pts)
5.5 2.27 44.1 2.31 43.3 13.56 44.2
and hu = 33 mm (0.1 pts)
so that H = 25 mm. Finally, we calculate angles according to 6 1.78 56.2 1.65 60.1 10.14 59.2
the formula α0 = arcsin H/L ≈ 2.1 ◦ ; the final result needs to
6.5 1.51 66.2 1.35 74.1 8.46 70.9
be within 2.1 ◦ ± 0.2 ◦ . (0.1 pts)
We repeat measurements: find the critical positions of the 7 1.35 74.1 1.02 98.0 7.02 85.5
slope and measure hu . Three or more measurements (0.1 pts) 7.5 1.31 76.3
8 1.21 82.6
We do the same for the second critical angle: if the result 8.5 1.09 91.2
is within hu = 170 mm, and α2 ≈ 14.5 ◦ ; the final result needs
9 0.98 102
to be within 14.5 ◦ ± 3 ◦ . (0.1 pts)
if three or more measurements were done. (0.1 pts) 9.5 0.92 109
10 0.84 119

Error estimates: hl and L uncertainties are estimated as 10.5 0.78 128

1 mm or 0.5 mm. (0.1 pts) 11 0.72 139
hu uncertainty when determining α0 is estimated in the range As we can see, the rolling time for the first and second segments
from 1 mm to 2 mm, and when determining α2 — in the range start departing at H = 65 mm, which gives us the critical slope
from 10 mm to 50 mm. (0.1 pts) α1 = 6.2 ◦ .
This estimation can be done based on the standard deviation
Grading: at least 10 plausible time values for the first seg-
of the repeated measurements.
ment; (0.8 pts)
If less than 10 time values are taken, no credit is given if the
For small angles, in radians α ≈ H/L so that
number of measurements is less than 3; each next plausible
time value earns a partial credit. (0.1 pts)
At least 10 speed values are correctly calculated; (0.5 pts)
√( )2 ( )2 If less than 10 time values are taken, no credit is given if the
∆H ∆L
∆α = + , number of measurements is less than 2; each next pair of cor-
rectly calculated speed value earns a partial credit. (0.1 pts)

At least 6 plausible time values for the second segm.; (0.4 pts)

and ∆H = ∆h2u + ∆2l , numerically ∆α1 ≈ 0.1 ◦ – 0.3 ◦ and If less than 6 time values are taken, no credit is given if the
∆α2 ≈ 1 ◦ – 5 ◦ . If both calculations are made reasonably (it is number of measurements is less than 3; each next plausible
also OK to apply addition of errors by modulus, instead of the time value earns a partial credit. (0.1 pts)
Pythagorean rule, or upper-lower bound method) and without At least 6 speed values are correctly calculated; (0.2 pts)
mistakes (0.1 pts) If less than 6 time values are taken, no credit is given if the
number of measurements is less than 2; each next pair of cor-
rectly calculated speed value earns a partial credit. (0.1 pts)
Part B. Rolling speed (3 points)
We take first segment close to the upper edge of the board, and At least 6 plausible time values for the long segment; (0.4 pts)
second segment close to the lower end of the board, so that If less than 6 time values are taken, no credit is given if the
lt = 60 mm. Then the data will be as follows number of measurements is less than 3; each next plausible
time value earns a partial credit. (0.1 pts)
— page 1 of 8 —
At least 6 speed values are correctly calculated; (0.2 pts) following law:
If less than 6 time values are taken, no credit is given if the F = kv + F0 ,
number of measurements is less than 2; each next pair of cor- where k = 390 g/s and F0 = 16.6 mN. Grading: At least 5
rectly calculated speed value earns a partial credit. (0.1 pts) correct data points in table for α ≤ α1 (0.6 pts)
(force calculated correctly, speeds copied from the vl column.
For the second segment, time values are taken for all those Partial credit: less than 3 data points — no credit; each next
values of H for which there is no significant time difference correctly copied speed value earns a partial credit; (0.1 pts)
between the first segment, and additionally, at time values for each next correctly calculated force value deserves a partial
at least two next values of H are measured. (0.2 pts) credit. (0.1 pts)
If speed values are copied from the column of v1 or v2 , 0.1 pts
For the long segment, speed values are calculated for all those if four or more values are copied.
values of H for which there is no significant time difference At least 5 correct data points in table for α > α1 (0.6 pts)
between the first segment. (0.2 pts) (force calculated correctly, speeds copied from the v 1 column.
Partial credit: less than 3 data points — no credit; each next
◦ ◦
Value α1 = 6.2 ± 0.4 is reported. (0.2 pts) correctly copied speed value earns a partial credit; (0.1 pts)
If the reported value does not fall into this range, but falls into each next correctly calculated force value deserves a partial
α1 = 6.2 ◦ ± 0.7 ◦ , partial credit is given. (0.1 pts) credit. (0.1 pts)
If speed values are copied from a wrong column — no credit.
Graph: axis marked and labelled correctly. (0.1 pts)
Part C. Force as a function of speed (2.3 points)
Scale on graph selected reasonably (the area of the smallest
What keeps the cylinder in motion is that component of gravity
rectangle wich covers all the data is at least one third of the
force which is parallel to the board surface, Fm = mg sin α. In
total graphical paper area. (0.1 pts)
those cases when the force depends significantly on time, we
need to take data of the first segment since at the beginning of
At least 5 correctly marked data points on graph for α ≤ α1 —
rolling, the friction force is maximal.
Rolling height Rolling speed Force applied full credit. (0.3 pts)
h (mm) v (mm/s) (Fm ): (mN) Partial credit: less than 3 data points — no credit; each next
correctly marked data point earns a partial credit; (0.1 pts)
2.6 1.55 16.3
At least 5 correctly marked data points on graph for α > α1 —
3 6.58 18.6 full credit. (0.3 pts)
Partial credit: less than 3 data points — no credit; each next
3.5 13.7 22.0
correctly marked data point earns a partial credit; (0.1 pts)
4 22.7 25.1
4.5 29.0 28.2 Correctly deduced functional dependence
F = kv + F0 ; (0.1 pts)
5 34.8 31.4 k = 390 ± 40 g/s; (0.1 pts)
5.5 44.2 34.6 F0 = 16.6 ± 1 mN. (0.1 pts)

6 56.2 37.7
Part D. Mass of liquid (0.7 points)
6.5 66.2 40.8 At the critical angle α2 , all the liquid will roll up
and provide strongest resistance against rolling
7 74.1 44.0
when the line conecting the middle point of
7.5 76.3 47.1 the liquid and the centre of the cylinder form
8 82.6 50.2 a vertical line, see figure. At larger angles,
this position does not provide enough torque
8.5 91.2 53.4 to stop downwards acceleration. Then, the centre of mass of
9 102 56.5 the whole system must lay directly above the point P , there-
fore ml b = (M − ml )a, where ml is the mass of liquid. Since
9.5 109 59.7
a = R sin α and b = R − a (we neglect the thickness of the
10 119 62.8 layer of liquid), we obtain ml (1 − sin α) = (M − ml ) sin α,
hence ml = M sin α ≈ 12.5 g. Grading: realizing that the
10.5 128 66.0
ratio ml /M is related to the critical angle α2 . (0.3 pts)
11 139 69.1 Obtaining quality ml = M sin α ≈ 12.5 g. (0.2 pts)
Based on these data, we build a graph, see next page. As Correct numerical calculation. (0.2 pts)
one can see, the data lie on a line, which is described by the
— page 2 of 8 —
Graph: Fm versus v

— page 3 of 8 —
Problem E2. Tungsten Filament (13 points) resistance is directly measured, no more than 0.5 points overall:
Part A. Filament diameter (1.5 points) 0.3 pts for the answer if it is within 0.8 ± 0.4 Ω, and 0.2 pts for
The sketch the measurement setup: the uncertainty if it is stated as either 0.5 Ω or 0.6 Ω.
Screen as far as possible Thus, we need to pass a current through the bulb and measure
the voltage. (0.1 pts)
Filament in focus
The current needs to be small, otherwise we shall heat the
filament. (0.2 pts)
To get the smallest possible current we use a single 1.5 V bat-
(0.2 pts) tery (0.1 pts)
in series with the rheostat. (0.1 pts)
We focus the laser to the filament, holding the screen close to
the filament during the adjustments helps focusing. For theWe can measure accurately the voltage on the bulb, but the
measurements we place the screen perpendicular to the beam problem is the current, because the ammeter is not ideal. If we
and reasonably far back (x ≥ 50 cm) to get the maxima spaced
use it in the “mA”-range, we cannot take account its internal
out. resistance, if we use it in 10A-range, the current measurement
(0.2 pts)
Partial credit if 30 cm ≤ x < 50 cm. error will be large. So, we need to use the multimeter as a
(0.1 pts)
voltmeter. (0.1 pts)
We measure the distance between two maxima or two minima. Thus, we use the circuit as shown below. (0.1 pts)
To get more accurate measurement we choose maxima that are
far apart (n ≥ 5). (0.2 pts) 2V range
Partial credit if 3 ≤ n < 5. (0.1 pts) V

Formula for calculating diameter d = y . (0.2 pts) 0.2V range

∼ 1.5V
Most of the uncertainty in this case is due to the fact the diffrac- V
tion pattern is fuzzy. To estimate the uncertainty we should
perform repeated measurements (three or more).
n x y d = nλx The resistance of the rheostat can be measured directly, or us-
ing current/voltage measurements, Rr = 25.3 Ω (0.1 pts)
10 909 mm 131 mm 45.1 µm
∆Rr = 0.7 Ω (0.1 pts)
7 905 mm 89 mm 46.3 µm
Here and in what follows only reasonable results are accepted.
7 907 mm 87 mm 47.4 µm
Measurement results: Ur = 1.483 V (0.1 pts)
(0.3 pts)
Ub = 45.0 mV (0.1 pts)
(Each line in table up to 3rd earns 0.1 pts.)
∆Ur = 0.012 V, and ∆Ub = 0.5 mV (0.1 pts)
Filament diameter d and its uncertainty:

d = 46.3 µm Formula for filament resistance R = Ub Rr /Ur (0.1 pts)

Formula√ for filament resistance uncertainty
( )2 ( )2 ( )2
For |d − 46.3 µm| ≤ 2 µm, (0.2 pts) ∆R = R ∆Ur
+ ∆Ub
+ ∆Rr
(0.1 pts)
Ur Ub Rr
partial credit if 2 µm < |d − 46.3 µm| ≤ 5 µm, (0.1 pts) 2
Formula for filament length l = Rd4ρ25
(0.1 pts)
Uncertainty is dominated by the uncertainty of y, ∆d ≈ d ∆x Formula√(for filament length uncertainty
x ≈ ) ( ∆d )2
∆R 2
1.2 µm. Reasonably estimated ∆y, (0.1 pts) ∆l = l R +2 d (0.1 pts)
correct calculation of ∆d (0.1 pts) Filament resistance R and its uncertainty:
R = 0.77 Ω (0.1 pts)
Part B. Filament’s resistance (2 points)
±0.03 Ω (0.1 pts)
The problem is that with this multimeter we cannot accurately
measure the resistance of the filament directly when the knob is Filament length l and its uncertainty:
turned to the resistance measurement position, the resistance l = 23 mm (0.1 pts)
is too small for that. There are two issues: first, the multimeter
is not accurate enough ±0.5% + 0.5Ω; second, the internal res- ±2 mm (0.1 pts)
istance can be in the same order of magnitude. If the filament’s
— page 4 of 8 —
Part C. Current–voltage curve (2.5 points) Partial credit if 2 measurements (0.05 pts)
Now we connect the bulb to the battery via rheostat as a po-
tentiometer, i.e. according to the diagram below. Only that Formula for filament temperature expressed in terms of the
way will we be able to cover the whole range of voltages from current Ilast and voltage Ulast at which the tungsten filament
0 V to 12 V. (0.2 pts) broke: ( )
If we connect the rheostat in series, we’ll miss low voltage val- Ulast
T =T
ues (unless we switch the power supply to a battery). Ilast R
(0.2 pts)
Multimeter Correctly calculated temperature T = 3190 K (0.1 pts)
Credit is given if the result remains between 3000 K to 3700 K.
V Graph is given at Pg. 7. Grading of the graph: axes marked
∼ 12V COM with scales and units, and labelled correctly. (0.1 pts)
10A range Scale is chosen appropriately (graph covers at least one third
of the graphical paper area). (0.1 pts)
10A Data correctly carried over to the graph. (0.3 pts)
Partial credit: one clear mistake: 0.2 points, two clear mis-
Usable correctly drawn circuit (even if the rheostat is connec-
takes: 0.1 points; if some points from the table are not copied,
ted in series) deserves credit. (0.2 pts)
as long as there are 4 data points in each of the four ranges
given above, no penalty. If this condition is not satisfied, sub-
If we leave ammeter connected during voltage measure-
tract 0.1 points for each point which was not copied until no
ments, the COM terminal must be connected to the bulb,
marks remains for the graph.
because voltage drop on the ammeter is not negligible. Credit
Curve connecting the points is drawn. (0.1 pts)
is given for any circuit which does not neglect the internal
The drawn curve goes through origin. (0.1 pts)
resistance of the ammeter. (0.3 pts)

Part D. Emissivity (3.5 points)


100 mV 100 mA 1000 mV 230 mA 5500 mV 540 mA To verify the prediction we should build a plot of k versus
T which should be constant. We could alternatively plot P
200 mV 140 mA 1500 mV 280 mA 6000 mV 560 mA
versus T 4 which would be linear or we could also plot P versus
300 mV 150 mA 2000 mV 320 mA 6500 mV 590 mA T in logarithmic scale and measure the slope, these are the cor-
400 mV 150 mA 2500 mV 360 mA 7000 mV 610 mA rect options (but second and third options make the follow-up
questions somewhat harder to answer). (0.5 pts)
500 mV 170 mA 3000 mV 390 mA 7500 mV 630 mA
600 mV 180 mA 3500 mV 430 mA 8000 mV 620 mA We can calculate temperature from T = T ( IR ) (0.2 pts)
We can calculate emissivity from k = πdlσT 4 (0.3 pts)
700 mV 200 mA 4000 mV 460 mA 8300 mV 600 mA
800 mV 200 mA 4500 mV 490 mA Calculated data (you don’t have to fill the entire table):
900 mV 220 mA 5000 mV 510 mA T k T k T k
At least 4 correct measurements below 1 V. (0.2 pts)
380 K 2.52 1245 K 0.50 2531 K 0.38
Partial credit if 3 measurements (0.1 pts)
Partial credit if 2 measurements (0.05 pts) 496 K 2.43 1488 K 0.45 2633 K 0.37
(Final score for this task is rounded up to a single decimal 648 K 1.34 1695 K 0.41 2691 K 0.39
At least 4 correct measurements for 1 V ≤ U < 3 V (0.2 pts) 823 K 0.69 1852 K 0.40 2777 K 0.38
Partial credit if 3 measurements (0.1 pts) 893 K 0.70 2016 K 0.37 2855 K 0.37
Partial credit if 2 measurements (0.05 pts)
993 K 0.59 2112 K 0.40 3033 K 0.31
At least 4 correct measurements for 3 V ≤ U ≤ 5 V (0.2 pts) 1035 K 0.64 2230 K 0.39 3191 K 0.25
Partial credit if 3 measurements (0.1 pts)
1160 K 0.47 2330 K 0.39
Partial credit if 2 measurements (0.05 pts)
1182 K 0.53 2455 K 0.37
At least 4 correct measurements above 5 V (0.2 pts) The full credit (0.6 pts) for the table breaks down as follows:
Partial credit if 3 measurements (0.1 pts) At least 4 correct data points below 1000 K. (0.2 pts)
— page 5 of 8 —
Partial credit if 3 data points (0.1 pts)
Partial credit if 2 data points (0.05 pts) Part E. Specific heat capacity of tungsten (3.5 points)
(Final score for this task is rounded up to a single decimal
digit.) We can measure how much energy it took to break the
At least 4 correctly calculated data points between 1000 K and filament by connecting the bulb to the capacitor charged to a
2000 K (0.2 pts) high voltage. By measuring the voltage on the capacitor before
Partial credit if 3 data points (0.1 pts) and after the process we can calculate the energy. (0.5 pts)
Partial credit if 2 data points (0.05 pts)
To get better accuracy we must make the radiated power
At least 4 correct data points above 2000 K (0.2 pts) as low as possible, that means we have to break the filament
Partial credit if 3 data points (0.1 pts) as fast as possible, that means we must charge the capacitor to
Partial credit if 2 data points (0.05 pts) highest possible voltage. For using the highest possible voltage
of 15 V. (0.3 pts)
Graph is given at Pg. 8. Grading of the graph: axes marked
with scales and units, and labelled correctly. (0.1 pts)
Scale is chosen appropriately (graph covers at least one third
of the graphical paper area). (0.1 pts)
Data correctly carried over to the graph. (0.3 pts) ∼ 3V
+ +
Partial credit: one clear mistake: 0.2 points, two clear mis-
takes: 0.1 points; if some points from the table are not copied,
∼ 12V V 20V range
as long as there are 4 data points in each of the four ranges
given above, no penalty. If this condition is not satisfied, sub-
tract 0.1 points for each point which was not copied until no
marks remains for the graph. (0.2 pts)
Curve connecting the points is drawn. (0.1 pts) (U 2 −U 2 )C
Range of constant k is shown. (0.1 pts) Formula for quantity of heat Q = 1 2 2 (0.1 pts)
At small temperatures, k is larger. (0.1 pts) U 1 = 15.00 V (0.1 pts)
U2 = 14.27 V (0.1 pts)
We can see that the emissivity in more or less constant in
the middle of the graph 1350 K < T < 3000 K The lower limit Quantity of heat Q = 0.5 J (0.3 pts)
of this range is 1350 ± 250 K (0.2 pts)
Partial credit for results within the extended range of We cannot perform (many) repeated measurements because
1350 ± 350 K. (0.1 pts) we have only few bulbs.
The upper limit is either the breaking temperature, or a value For average specific heat c, measured quantities and calcu-
larger than 2900 K. (0.1 pts) lations:
We use the breaking temperature T from previous part.
c = πd2 lD(T4−298.15 (0.3 pts)
The emissivity k in that range k = 0.4 Answers in the range K)
0.3 to 0.5 give full credit. (0.3 pts)
Partial credit for results from 0.25 to 0.55 (0.2 pts) c = 187 Kkg (0.2 pts)
and from 0.2 to 0.65. (0.1 pts) Results from 100 Kkg to 300 Kkg are accepted, results within
the extended range, from 60 Kkg to 500 Kkg give a partial
From the plot we can see that prediction fails when T < credit. (0.1 pts)
1350 K (the value stated above). Based on the graph on Pg. 8,
one can say that it fails also at very high temperatures when We know the amount of energy that was taken from the
T > 3000 K, but this is not always so and depends on how fast capacitor fairly accurately. (0.2 pts)
the measurements are taken. In this case the measurements Indeed, the magnitude of relative uncertainty that is caused
were taken quite slowly and the resistance of the filament grew by filament dimensions d is about 15% and the magnitude of
at the very end because tungsten deposited itself to the inside relative uncertainty that is caused from the measurement of
of the glass. breaking temperature T is around 10%.
We can see that in the low temperatures it appears as if The largest source of error is from the amount of heat radi-
that k > 1. That is because in these lower temperatures our ated Qr away before the filament breaks. (0.5 pts)
assumption that heat is transferred mainly by radiation fails We can estimate its value as follows. When we connect the
and we can’t neglect heat transfer by convection and conduc- bulb to the capacitor, the initial current is the largest, but it
tion. (0.5 pts) drops very fast as the filament heats up and its resistance grows.
— page 6 of 8 —
That means most of the time is spent so that the filament is (0.3 pts)
hot and has high resistance. Because the voltage drop on the Any reasonable estimation slightly departing from what is given
capacitor was small we can estimate discharge time from above gives full credit. Power radiated away during that time
is estimated as Qr ∼ tUlast Ilast . (0.3 pts)
C∆U C∆U Rlast C∆U Ulast which numerically gives Qr ≈ 0.15 J (0.1 pts)
t∼ ∼ ∼ ≈ 30 ms which is 30% of final result.
Ilast U2 U I
2 last

— page 7 of 8 —
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