Quotes For Buddhism 2

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Quotes for Buddhism ‘Now this, is the noble truth of suffering.

Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness

Chapter 1: Beliefs and Teachings
is suffering and death is suffering.’
Birth of the Buddha
‘The ignorant person says, I’m suffering. I
‘I was delicately nurtured at my father’s don’t want to suffer. The first noble truth
residence. Lotus ponds were made just for is not, I am suffering and I want to end it.
my enjoyment.’ It is there is suffering.’

The Buddha’s ascetic life ‘The second noble truth is the origin of
suffering. It is craving which leads to
‘And the Bodhisattva himself, who was
renewed existence, accompanied by
determined to practise austerities in their
delight and lust.’
most extreme began to subsist on one
grain of rice a day.’ ‘There is no fear for one whose thought is
untroubled, whose thought is unagitated,
The Buddha’s Enlightenment
who is free from good and evil.’
‘Let only my sin, sinews and bone remain
‘The truth of the cessation of suffering, it
and let the flesh and blood in my body dry
is the remainder-less fading away and
up until I attain Enlightenment.’
cessation of that same craving.’
The Dhamma
‘But if anyone goes to the Buddha, the
‘My teaching is not a philosophy. It is the doctrine and the order as a refuge, he
result of direct experience.’ perceives with proper knowledge the four
noble truths.’
‘To the Buddha for refuge I go. To the
Dhamma for refuge I go.’ ‘Mental phenomena are preceded by
mind, have mind as their leader, and are
The Concept of Depending arising
made by mind.’
‘All events and incidents in life are so
intimately linked with the fate of others
that a single person cannot begin to act.’ ‘I have no teacher and no one like me, I
am the teacher supreme.’
Dukkha (suffering)
‘However innumerable sentient beings
‘What I teach is suffering and the
are, I vow to save them.’
cessation of suffering.’
Pure land Buddhism
Anatta (no fixed self – the soul is not fixed
or permanent) ‘Even a bad man will be received in
Buddha’s land, how much more a good
‘If all the harm, fear and suffering in the
world occur due to grasping on to the self,
what use is that great demon to me?’
The Four Noble Truths
Chapter 2: Practices
Places of worship
‘The time and effort required to keep the
shrine clean and replenish is considered a
skilful activity to focus ones mind.’
‘Even the Gods envy those awakened and
mindful ones who are intent on
‘Breath is the bridge which connects life to
consciousness which unties your body to
your thoughts.’
Death and Mourning
‘At the hour of death, the king and the
beggar are exactly equal in that no
amount of possessions can affect or
prevent death.’
Karuna (compassion)
‘I believe that at every level of society, the
key to a happier and more successful
world is the growth of compassion.’
Metta (loving kindness)
‘Just as a mother would protect with her
life her own son, so should one cultivate
an unbound mind towards all beings.’
‘Just as compassion is the wish that tall
sentient beings be free of suffering,
loving-kindness is the wish that all may
enjoy happiness.’
The five moral precepts
‘Whoever destroys a living create, and
speaks untruth, takes what is not given in
the world.’
‘We just keep on working, we are patient
with ourselves and on and on it goes.’

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