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UNIT 1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS, AND THEIR APPLICATIONS 1.1. Ethical, Legal, Social, Environmental and Health Issues in the Use of Information Systems Health sues athe ase of technologies including information systems, has a weeuman behavior and our dil activities including cand lea. Increased consequences have been | user's awareness about raising issues and tion systems help students to become responsible wy who can navigate a knowledge based and of new cant impact ae Ethics is al afanniea dictionary, ethics defined as, the discipline cones wiht me Fe cel Foam eat The of isn nrmaon tens fs fecomerre 9 esut of technology, Questions related to ethics and legality are essen [nmany industries. Many professionals including medial and education professionals, government oficial, and business people have lez ant ethical oversight to control how their professions Function Privacy today's digitized environment, information privacy rates Persoral dat stored on the computer system, as become a prime concer fa everbody Most people have ther data spread throughout the digital systems, and private information should be accessed using personal passwords Towever, personal accounts such as email, social eda, and private bank accounts, can be accessed by unauthorized sources which ereate both ethical and legal concerns. tis morally wrong and unethical to view an individual's private information in anyways which may also end up being legal issue Digital Ownership iis ability to access andor use and protect dat, formation, and Knowledge about ourselves or things we awa. The expansion of digital mediums has allowed information to flow more ice han before which makes content ass copied. online is makes digital ownership hard to control inthe digital word tis unethical to use somebody else's digital works without geting permission from the ewner first sinee it ignores the right ofthe creator ion Gatherings Many iaformation sym fat Gaia Sn apo Gas and crentas as part oftheir operations. Such eaheing ends can lead to many ethical and leg information a eer nieerse eras encncarr aes Ths issue raises a question of consent which prota ia temps to steal information Pott individuals sun: =a Scary and Linh Growing amount of pata [nromatin Seaton are beng Warstered ard sted one and buses depend mor and moon seni da ezanzanstwrks cry out hei daily Operations fund wher en emma ssiry happens, this MEM exon ranma snc pontiac Habit a i hops, goverment and private organizations hold eran be security breaches oF atch othe designated er a unt that responsible or protein ou coun etn and information nso om harm 12 Social Tesues in Information System The expansion of accessible information system technologies has led to everl significant changes in how society functions. With personal ‘omputes and the Internet offering unrestricted access to al of the nowedge ever ereated and discovered by humans, the majority ofthese anges have improvements to society. Those social advantages cluding access to technology which Fills the digital divide gaps within, he pobal citizens, use of advanced technotogies like Amificil ntellgence and Augmented Reality in public which changes how ples act and react and widespread use of digital platforms , social dias and computer games for business and entertainment acvitis [HHowever, other less uplifting social problems have been directly caused by technical advancements of the technologies. Henee, itis cracial to Jsxamine and assess the impacts they have to take actions to better Junderstand and mitigate their negative impacts while maximizing the benefits. The following are some negative sovial issues to consider while using technological services and Internet-based applications. }A. Socializations Gaps Socializing within a family unit has always been important, as it strengthens the bonds among family members 0¢ fiends and ensures cohesion within the group. However, with more tnd more households owning several computers and numerous portable devices granting access to information and entertainment ‘some argue that this is leading to a lack of family socialization and natural interactions in the present moment It isalso become common to see friends who are out ina cafe and still staring at a touchscreen rather than taking to one another, Increase Your |sigital wellbeing by allowing technology to improve you life and not Joccome a distraction from your life and others. 2 formation etna apenas ing whe SES CA ieract with, or exchange aM, oF ean also happen trough text and other messagipe oe ith thy poten terms of online gender-based violence ee [fecal abuse which is one of serious issues pac tess to = community to live a healthy ie style 55 to protect our and Gaming Addiction ~ According to addiction emir ia and gaming addition is behavioral addiction sre emer angst mach mee elo 0c meat apn tan ve ming a common which eo Ped Internet gaming disorders finds that intensive online go fone ena ath Scns min Soa erie Oo a i eo live a safe and healthy life. Such practices have direct links and [b. Plgarism ~ Computers and information systems ae Frown fre educational benefits, which ae praised, but having acetal Jknowedge hs drawbacks ofits own. According to university of exo Plagiarism is presenting wark or teas from another sure as your own si or without consent ofthe original author, by incorporating into sour work without fll acknowledgement IE Cyterenme «Computers have contributed positively othe [development of both individual actions and large-scale global movements, The other side ofthe coin is orgunized eybercrime which i as ofa computers an instrument to further Mega ends, suchas commiting fraud, stealing identities, or violating privacy and inlets property rights as stated in Britannica dictionary. Cybercrime, especially through the Item, has grown in importance as the computer bas become central to education, commerce, entertainment, and goverment According t Official reports fom Ethiopian Information Network Security Agency (INSA) officials Ethiopia is also experiencing different Jeyber-attacks which shows increasing trend fom tune to time that needs 8 serious atention and a collaborative effort from all citizens and professionals. This clearly shows that students need to prepare themselves for the 21st-century patriotism mission to protect personal, organizational and national digital resources by being mindful system users to protect against crime and terrorism attempts to ensuite the country’s digital sovereignty Sob Opportunities and Challenges The Jand emerging technologies like artifici ae ewtomate routine tasks which lead wr app Jother hand, such expansion of aut: id eee On ii ‘omatted systems leads F [suse same op oa ke cashes ea a }workers can be managed by automated. systems ey Automation often creates ay ‘automaton NE, help to with low educational backer market needs SE he Me a arse should also consider their negative effects on eee ee a ee te ip ecates addtional imps on ou mineral osm ee eet ae ah er ee Eee ee ee cece ye overook Wr coponsibly is essential inorder not to create problems while arly and vantages. Because electronic devices contain hazardous materials ie odegradable materials, heavy metals, and toxie materials ootsnene ‘and mercury which can leak into the ground, where tend re eos en [This clearly shows that is our responsibility to protect the environment while we use and dispose of any information system comporients. To this end, advanced electronic waste (e - waste) management techniques shal be applied to minimize the damage e-waste management refers to 4 systematic procedure for gathering e-waste, recovering and reeycling material ina safe manner, and disposing of e-waste ina way that minimizes negative environmental effects. Negative impact of information systems on the environment have also led to the development of new environmentally friendly technology est enviconmental solutions aiming to help solve some of the big [concerns that we face as a society through a shift towards a more sustainable, low-carbon economy. This includes green or clean technologies which refers to environmentally friendly technology, which monitor, and or reduce the negative impact of technology on the environment, Example of green technologies includes but not limited to Solar Panel, Electric Vehicles. smart meters, natural gas, wind Turbines cic. Technological 1.1.4 Health Issues caused by information systems The widespread use of information systems and access to mobile device in healthcare can make it easier to offer care, improve care delivery, empower patients through personalized messaging, and collect real-time data to loptimize resources and decision-making. However, we must also pay attention to health related challenges that caused by unmanaged use of information system services and products on users. Some of the challenges include, sleeping disorders and lack of productivity, loss of attentio and stress. At the same time, the current widely used mobile devices to access health information systems and Jother online services also creating computer related health problems that needs a serious attention by all users fframples of such problems incudes but not imi frscuostletal problems on our body such nek |chest, arms, shoulders and feet, Vision Problems oe cae trains, Headaches, Obesity due to long hour of siting et his implies users should be aware ofthe proper ways when cai Prone ee its refers toa range of intangible rights of sare pow or esr yc Sets see different methods for protecting, i rowne eh topo olice Estab tn 0 {intellectual property ray rights provides rarpased on their ype. As stated by Ethiopian ea and copyright leet ant of intellectual property rights that are vat ‘system industry Trade secrets "Wade secrets ae intellectual Property rights on confidential information which may be sold or licensed. The Unauthorized acquisition, use or disclosure of such secret information in ‘3 manner contrary to honest commercial practices by others is regarded 3s an unfair practice and a violation of the trade secret protection” Examples of trade secrets include customer lists, source code, recipes for certain food items and beverages including Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and Sprite), software processes, and more > Patent" patent i an exclusive right sranted for an invention Generally speaking, a patent provides the patent owner with the right to decide how -or whether - the invention can be used by others. In exchange for this right, the patent owner makes technical information about the invention publicly available inthe published patent document 3. Copyrights: Copyrights and patents are not the same although people are often confused. A copyright is a type of intellectual property protection that protects original works of authorship, which might include terary works, music, art, and more. Nowadays, copyrights also protect computer software and architecture. Copyright protections are automatic; once you create. 4 Trademarks: “A trademark i a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises” Ti Digital enity Management As stated by, “dial identty i a collection of information about a person that exists online”. Ths data canbe used to Create a digal image of a person when itis collected. Such information Can be used by businesses to eu theca 8 gal dent ‘of information about an individual, organization or electronic device that exists online. Every individual should have the right to a trusted and secured italy to aces undae tal seve he ee mobile connectivity, heath, education, and other Fra Golaboration Trough Digital Technologies gta colboration means working wth other indus reams i cing things done using digtal devices and technology ri can nla diferet 00, opps software, procedures and ye res ital colaboraton uses technology tolmprove workplace recperatin, communication, document management, content eo aerment, and information flow across the organization whch in ras to improved employee productivity and eficency. Dial ephoration has becorne important ands rlerant to mest tanztons, groups, ommunites, Schools and ceaive groups and in the current digital world 4 components of Digital Collaboration People: People ae at the heat of collaboration. Developing reothows and established practices ensure they can stayin touch, cally when working remotely due to work schedule preferences or pandemic restrictions like COVID 19, Calaborative tools There are many tools and systems avaiable that ester colaboration, but not every solution will be @ good fit due tos Heatures, prices, usage polices and ease of use. The choice of technology, along with how well employees use it wil determine effectiveness of the collaboration. Digital Collaboration tools includes many types * Commurncation tools: Communication tools include optns [or Integrated messaging, co-working services, Privacy and acces setnes Conference caling, Video chats with screen sharing et Documentation and fie sharing tools: This tool includes features He Support for different fe types, Comments, and notes attached tis trackchanges and versioning, editing permissions and acess com} folder sharing, and more. Project Management tools: It has underlying project and task management capabilities at their core. Data Visualization tools: These tools should supp styles, be easy and quick to use, and be able to handle 318 amount of data rt a range of visual ifeant Tote taking tool These tools help to quickly capture and organize Your ote, ideas, web page content and more. Device: Devices are aso key players. Devices such as smartphones, rablts, and laptops are often an afterthought, but they are important components of digital collaboration. They are the physical media we use to connect TS Engaging in Citizenship through Digital Technologies According to aeseducation com, digital eitizenship refers to the responsible se of technology by anyone who uses computer, the Intern, and digital devices to engage with society am any level

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