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LEVEL 2 - A1+ > A2 du CECRL

54, rue de Clichy - 75009 Paris - Tel. 01 45 22 90 70

B Vocabulary
4 .............. is my favourite colour.
MARDI 15 MAI 2018 - Durée 45 minutes A. Grey B. Violin C. Read D. Write

5 John is in the bathroom. He’s having a .............. .

● L’épreuve est individuelle. Les livres et dictionnaires sont interdits. A. sweater B. painting C. shower D. water
● Les 45 questions sont regroupées par compétence. Il n’y a qu’une 6 The opposite of “stupid” is “.....................”.
seule bonne réponse par question. A. bad B. funny C. clever D. short
● Avec un stylo noir ou un feutre noir, coche dans la GRILLE DE 7 Please ............ up, Tom. You’re late for school!
REPONSES, pour chaque question, la case correspondant à la bonne
réponse. A. find B. hurry C. run D. work

8 Complete this “family” of words: beans, carrots, potatoes, ....... .

● Les questions (couleur claire) rapportent 5 points, les questions
(couleur intermédiaire) rapportent 6 points et les questions A. peas B. pears C. bears D. streets
(couleur foncée) 7 points.
● Une mauvaise réponse fait perdre un quart de sa valeur en points. Si
aucune réponse n’est donnée à une question, elle rapporte 0 point. Si C An email
plusieurs réponses sont données à une question, elle rapporte 0 point.
From Mandy Tomlin
To Carole Tomlin
Subject My phone

Hello Carole,
Inscris ici

Thank you for dinner this evening. It was lovely to see you and your new
le login à 7 chiffres situé en haut à droite de
ta grille réponses. Ce login te sera indispensable baby – my nephew! And you’re a be�er cook than I am! I’m wri�ng this
pour accéder à tes résultats sur internet. email on my computer because I le� my phone on your kitchen table.
Can I come and get it tomorrow before you go to the office – about
8.15? Your house is on my way to school. Thanks a lot.
>>> Jeudi 17 mai 2018 <<< Love, Mandy
Les corrigés des questions seront disponibles sur le site.
9 Mandy is writing this email ................ .
>>> Lundi 11 juin 2018 <<< A. in the morning C. in the evening
Les résultats seront intégralement disponibles et chaque participant B. in the afternoon D. at lunchtime
pourra imprimer son propre CERTIFICAT OFFICIEL sur son compte. 10 Mandy and Carole had dinner at ............... .
A. a restaurant B. Mandy’s house C. Carole’s house D. a hotel
11 What is Mandy’s problem?
A London
A. She phoned Carole but there was no answer. C. Her computer doesn’t work.
B. Her phone is in Carole’s house. D. Carole hasn’t got a phone.
12 Find the true sentence.
A. Mandy and Carole are students at the same school.
B. Carole is probably Mandy’s older sister.
C. Mandy is a better cook than Carole.
D. Carole is coming to Mandy’s house tomorrow.

D Grammar
13 Peter, .............. your brother at school today?
A. is B. am C. are D. he

14 I often ............ lunch in the school cafeteria.

1 This is a picture of ............... . A. eats B. have C. drink D. is having

A. a woman at home in London C. a young man in a London street 15 We’re ............ to visit London in the summer.
B. a tourist in London D. a London shop A. going B. want C. went D. can
2 The woman is ............ .
16 A lion is ............... a mouse.
A. looking at her phone B. lost C. asking for help D. very happy A. as big as B. more dangerous C. bigger than D. faster
3 The woman is wearing .............. . 17 I was frightened because I ............... a spider in the bath.
A. a brown jacket B. a map C. a problem D. a bag A. can see B. see C. sent D. saw
LEVEL 2 5ème - MARDI 15 MAI 2018
E Delicious! H Sounds
32 The letter “K” rhymes with “................”.
A. car B. way C. key D. her
33 Which pair of words doesn’t rhyme?

A. try, high B. friend, send C. son, one D. would, food

34 “Hospital” = O o o. “Political” = .............. .
A. O o o o B. o O o o C. o o O o D. o o o O

I A web page

new tab


Frampton School
18 This is a picture of a table at ............... time. A trip to Warwick Castle
A. dinner B. lunch C. breakfast D. tea Last Saturday, 22 students from Year 10 went on a school trip to
Warwick Castle with Mrs Bell, the history teacher, and Mr Hope,
19 The bacon is ............. .
the geography teacher. Everyone brought picnic lunches and we all
A. on the right of the picture C. next to an egg had a great �me. In the morning we visited the castle, then, a�er
B. on the floor D. under the plate lunch, we took a boat trip on the Avon. We were very lucky – it only
20 What can you see in the picture? rained when we were in the castle! We’re looking for more photos
A. Sugar, oranges, a cup. C. Cornflakes, juice, a fork. of the trip to put on this website, so, if you took any, please send
them to me, Greg Parsons, at
B. Sausages, a glass, milk. D. Coffee, eggs, a spoon.
The summer holidays begin next week, so send them soon, please!
21 Would you ............. toast with your bacon and eggs? Greg Parsons, Year 10
A. have some pieces B. like a C. like some D. want a
35 This is a page from ............. website.
A. a school’s B. Warwick Castle’s C. a local newspaper’s D. Mrs Bell’s
F Britain
36 How many people went on the trip?
22 Scotland is in the ............ of Britain.
A. Twenty-two. B. Ten. C. Twenty-four. D. Thirty-three.
A. south B. north C. east D. west
37 What can you say about last Saturday?
23 Oxford and Cambridge have got famous ............... .
A. The weather was better in the morning than in the afternoon.
A. city walls B. palaces C. universities D. beaches B. No one enjoyed the trip.
24 A mile is .............. a kilometre. C. The students and the teachers spent the afternoon on the river.
D. Everyone visited the castle after lunch.
A. longer than B. shorter than C. the same as D. not as long as
38 Find the sentence that is definitely true.
25 The transport system under the streets of London is called the
Underground or the ............. . A. The trip was on a Saturday in April.
A. Submarine B. Tunnel C. Tube D. Metro B. Greg didn’t take any photos of the trip.
C. Greg is looking for people who can take photos.
D. Greg thinks there aren’t enough photos of the trip on the website.

G Situa�ons
J Sentences
26 Your friend is climbing a tree. It looks dangerous. What can you say?
39 If you look ............... this telescope, you can see the stars.
A. “Be careful.” C. “Don’t worry.”
B. “I’m very sorry.” D. “Enjoy your trip.” A. across B. through C. over D. out of

27 In the cinema, your friend says, “I think this film is awful.” You 40 If he takes his medicine every day, he .............. very quickly.
agree. What can you say? A. will get better C. going to feel better
A. “So do I.” B. “I am too.” C. “Yes, I think.” D. “I don’t.” B. is getting strong D. feels much better

28 You’re looking for the words “Way out”. Why? 41 I’m sorry, the next flight to Dublin is full. ......... seats left at all.

A. You’re shopping on the internet and you want to pay. A. You can only have the B. There are no C. All the D. The people in the
B. You’re in a railway station and you want to leave.
C. You’re in a town and you want to cross a street.
D. You want to go into a museum. K The Biggest Challenge
29 You are on a plane. You hear an announcement: “Please ........... 42 I ............. the piano when my phone rang, so I didn’t hear it.

your mobile phones.” A. played B. listened to C. was playing D. did play

A. switch off B. put out C. turn down D. close down 43 The “o” in “women” sounds like .............. .
30 Two boys are talking. One boy says, “It’s on tonight, isn’t it? A. the “o” in “other” C. the “i” in “machine”
I never miss it.” What are the boys talking about? B. the “e” in “women” D. the “a” in “made”
A. A television programme. C. A bus.
44 Find the word that is not associated with clothes.
B. The moon D. A friend’s 16th birthday party.
A. size B. tie C. sleeve D. comb
31 A mechanic is repairing Mrs Clark’s car. He says, “About an hour,
madam.” What question did Mrs Clark ask? 45 Who lived in the nineteenth century?

A. “How much time does it have?” C. “When did you finish?” A. Queen Victoria. C. King Arthur.
B. “How long is it going to take?” D. “What time are you coming?” B. William Shakespeare. D. William the Conqueror.

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