Question of Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

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(1) Fusion of male gamete with nucleus of egg cell is called-

(I) Apomixis
(II) Syngamy
(III) Triple fusion
(IV) Polyembryony

(2) Water pollinated flower are neither colourful nor produce nectar because-
(I) Plant use colourful flowers and nector to attract insect for pollination
(II) Colour and nector are destroyed in flower due to water
(III) They do not get sufficient ligt
(IV) Pollen grain of hydrophilous flower are toxic and animal get sick.

(3) Which of the following use in the form of tablets as a food supplements.
(I) Pollens
(II) Sepals
(III) Pistils
(IV) Petals

(4) Which of the following statements are correct development of embryosac in majority of
(a) Occurrence of asymetric meiotic divisions.
(b) Organisation of three nuclei to form egg apparatus.
(c)Organisation of diploid antipodal cell at chalazal ends.
(d) Occurrence of free nuclear division to form 8-nucleated stage.
(I) a & b
(II) b & c
(III) a & c
(IV) b & d

(5) Which of the following play guiding the pollen tube in embryo sac-
(I)Synergid cell
(II)Antipodal cell
(III) Central cell
(IV) Egg cell

(6) Pollen grains are well preserve as fossil due to-

(I) Absence of sporopollenin in germ pores
(II) Pecto-cellulose intine
(III) Presence of sporopollenin in exine
(IV) Long viability and spherical shape
(7) Perisperm is-
(I) present in all dicot plants
(II) Persistent nucellus
(III) Rudimentary endosperm
(IV) Present only in dicot plants

(8) How apomixis can beneficial to hybrid seed industry.

(I) Seed will become to expensive for the farmer.
(II) Progeny plant will not able to maintain hybrid characters
(III) There will be no segregation of character in hybrid progeny
(IV) Hybrid seed cultivation will decrease productivity

(9) In angiosperm which is not haploid.

(I) Egg cell
(II) Synergid cell
(IV) Antipodal cell

(I0) Which of the following plants the mature seed have endosperm.
(I) Pea
(II) Groundnut
(III) Castor
(IV) Bean

(11) All the following feature of flower pollinated by insect except-

(I) large size
(II) Presence of nectar
(III) Colourful petals
(IV) Nonsticky pollen grain

(I2) Triple fusion required formation of-

(I) Embryo
(II) Seed coat
(III) Fruit wall
(IV) Endosperm

(13) Large number of pollen grain stored in-

(I) Liquid nitrogen (-1960 C)
(II)Liquid oxygen (-1960 C)
(III) Gaseous oxygen (-1970 C)
(IV) Gaseous nitrogen (-1970 C)
(14) Which of the following statement correct about dormancy.
(I) The embryo may enter in activity state
(II) The embryo may enter in inactivity state
(III) General metabolic activity fast
(IV) All of these

(I5) A typical angiosperm female gametophyte at maturity

(I) has egg apparatus in large central cell
(II) is 7-celled and 8-nucleated
(III) Show three cell at micropyle end called antipodal cells
(IV) Is two celled structure one called vegetative cell and other generative cell

(16) An aquatic plant is not pollinated by water.

(I) Vallisneria
(II) Hydrilla
(III) Zostera
(IV) Water lily

(17) Chasmogamous and cleistogamous both type of flower are produce by.
(I) Commelina
(II) Hibiscus
(III) Maize
(IV) Papaya

(18) Seed of Black paper and Beet

(I) Lack seed coat
(II) Have persistent nucellus
(III) Lack embryo
(IV) Are not covered within fruit wall

(19) A typical mature anther in angiosperm is-

(I) Dithecous
(II) Bisporangiate structure
(III) Open vascular bundle
(IV) Wrapped around by filaments

(20) Vegetative cell of pollen grain

(I) has large irregular shaped nucleus
(II) Spindle shape nucleus with dense cytoplasm
(III)Float in cytoplasm of generative cell
(IV) Divide in two male gamete
(21) Male gametophyte in angiosperm represent by
(I) Pollen grain
(II) Male gamete
(III) Microsporangium
(IV) Stamen

(22) Hilum represent he junction between-

(I) Funicle and ovary wall
(II) Ovule and funicle
(III) Chalaza and integument
(IV) Funicle and micropyle

(23) Apomixis is-

(I) Fruits formation without fertilisation
(II) Seed formation without fertilisation
(III) A type of sexual reproduction
(IV) An important step of double fertilisation

(24) Water pollination commonly seen in some genera of

(I) Dicotyledons plant
(II) Monocotyledons plant
(III) Pteridophyta
(IV) Gymnosperm

(25) Majority of flowering plants the entry of pollen tube in ovule take place through-
(I) Chalaza
(II) Integuments
(III) Hilum
(IV) Micropyle

(26) Atypical embryo sac at maturity is

(I) 8-nucleated and 8-celled
(II) 8-nucleated and 7-celled
(III) 7-nucleated and 8-celled
(IV) 7-nucleated and 7-celled

(27) The event unique to flowering plants-

(I) Embryo formation
(II) Seed formation
(III) Syngamy
(IV)Triple fusion
(28) Which of following most important advantage that seed provide to angiosperm-
(I) being product of sexual reproduction they generate new genetic recombination leading to variation.
(II) Seed is the basis of our agriculture.
(III) They can be stored and use as food throught year.
(IV) They stop the dispersal of angiosperm to new habitats.

(29) After how much year of dormancy Lupinus arcticus seed germinate and flowered.
(I) 500 year
(II) 2000 year
(III) 10000 year
(IV) 100000 year

(30) Parthenocarpic fruits are-

(I) contain thousand numbers of tiny seed
(II) Develop from fertilized ovary
(III) Seedless fruits
(IV)Develop from thalamus

(31) Non essential whorl of flower-

(I) Androecium and calyx
(II) Gynoecium and corolla
(III) Androecium and gynoecium
(IV) Calyx and corolla

(32) Pollen grain of cerals such as wheat loose viability-

(I) after several month
(II) In 20 hour
(III) After 60 minute
(IV) Within 30 minute

(33) During megasporogenesis in angiosperm megaspore mother cell

(I) Undergoes mitosis to form four megaspore
(II) Form linear tetrad of four haploid megaspore
(III) Form dyad of diploid megaspore
(IV) Undergoes meiosis to form four egg cells

(34) The outer wall of pollen grain –

(I) made up of sporopollenin which is not resistant to enzyme action
(II) Exhibit a fascinating array of pattern and design which is taxonomic significance
(III) Has germ pore where sporopollenin is present
(IV) Made up of pectin and hemicellulose
(35) The coconut water from tender coconut represents-
(I)Free nuclear endosperm
(II) Endocarp
(III) Fleshy Mesocarp
(IV) Free nuclear proembryo

(36) Nucellus of ovule made up of-

(I) Bast fiber
(II) Parenchymatous cell
(III) Dead cell
(IV) Multinucleated cell

(37) The product of microsporogenesis in angiosperm leads to formation of

(I) Embryo sac
(II) Egg cell
(III) Pollen grain
(IV) Central cell

(38) Which of the following is not characterstics wind pollinated flower

(I) Absence of nectar
(II) Flower packed in inflorescence
(III) Feathery stigma
(IV) Sticky pollen grain

(39) Embryo of grass remains of second cotyledon is called

(I) Coleoptiles
(II) Coleorhiza
(III) Scutellum
(IV) Epiblast

(40) Filiform apparatus is characteristic feature of-

(I) Synergid cell
(II) Generative cell
(III) Nucellar embryo
(IV) Aleuron cell

(41) The innermost wall of anther characterized all the following feature except-
(I) dense cytoplasm
(II) Multinucleated
(III) High DNA content
(IV) Haploid
(42) Triple fusion involves-
(I) Syngamy and double fertilisation
(II) Fusion of male gamete with one egg
(III) Fusion of male gamete with two polar nuclei
(IV) Fusion of two male gamete with central cell

(43) How many male gametes are formed by generative cell of pollen grain.
(I) Three
(II) Four
(III) Two
(IV) Seven

(44) Out breeding device promote-

(I) inbreeding depression
(II) Loss of genetic material
(III) Self pollination
(IV) Xenogamy

(45) Seed formation without fertlisation in flowering plants involve the process of-
(I) Apomixis
(II) Sporulation
(III) Budding
(IV) Somatic hybridisation

(46) The number of chromosome in secondary nucleus of Zea mays is 20 what is the number of
chromosome in PEC, Polar nuclei, Coleorhiza and Aleuron layer.
(I) 60, 20, 60 and 40
(II) 30, 10, 10 and 30
(III) 30, 10, 20 and 20
(IV) 30, 10, 20 and 30

(47) Geitonogamy involve

(I) Transfer of pollen grain occur within the same flower
(II) Transfer of pollen grain occurs from the anther of flower to stigma of another flower of same plant.
(III) No agent required for pollination
(IV) Always genetically dissimilar type of offspring are produced.

(48) Which of the following events of post fertilisation-

(I) Transfer of pollen grain
(II) Formation of pollen tube
(III) Embyo development
(IV) Embryo sac development
(49) A typical Angiospermic flower consist of-
(I) Four sterile whorls
(II) One non essential sterile and three essential fertile whorls
(III) Two non essential sterile and two essential fertile whorls
(IV) Three essential sterile and one non essential fertile whorl

(50) Which of the following fruits is parthenocarpic fruits-

(I) Banana
(II) Brinjal
(III) Apple
(IV) Jackfruits

(51) In dicot embryo the portion of embryonal axis below the level of cotyledon is called-
(I) Hypocotyle
(II) Epicotyle
(III) Coleoptiles
(IV) Radicle

(52) Which of the following is most common pollinating agents-

(I) Wasps
(II) Bees
(III) Moths
(IV) Butterfly

(53) In embryo sac largest cell is

(I) Synergid cell
(II) Antipodal cell
(III) Central cell
(IV) Egg cell

(54) Shedding of pollen grain in 60% of angiosperm occur at

(I) one celled stage
(II) Two celled stage
(III) Three celled stage
(IV) Four celled stage

(55) Three celled egg apparatus in embryo sac consist of-

(I) One egg cell and two polar nuclei
(II) One egg cell and two synergid cell
(III) Two synergid cell and one central cell
(IV) Diploid secondary nucleus and egg cell
(56) Feathery stigma and versatile anther are characterstics of-
(I) Wind pollinated flower
(II) Insect pollinated flower
(III) Water pollinated flower
(IV) Bat pollinated flower

(57) An Angiospermic plant having 24 chromosomes in leaf cells.

The number of chromosome present in synergid, pollen grain, nucellus and endosperm respectively
(I) 12,12,12,72
(II) 8, 8, 12, 36
(III) 12,12,24,36
(III) 12,12,12,36

(58) The central cell after triple fusion is called-

(I) PEC (Primary endospermic cell)
(II) PEN (Primary endospermic nucleus
(III) Zygote
(IV) Endosperm

(59) Nucellar polyembryony reported in species of-

(I) Brassica
(II) Citrus
(III) Triticum
(IV) Pisum sativum

(60) Which of the following set of families the pollen grains are viable for months.
(I) Rosaceae, Liliaceae and Poaceae
(II) Leguminosae, Solanaceae and Rosaceae
(III) Solanaceae, Poaceae and Liliaceae
(IV) Brassicaceae, Liliaceae and Poaceae

(61) Embryo sac represent-

(I) Megaspore
(II) Mega gametophyte
(III) Megasporophylls
(IV) Mega gamete

(62) The ovule of angiosperm technically equivalent to-

(I) Megasporangium
(II) Megasporophylls
(III) Mega spore mother cell
(IV) Megaspore
(63) In angiosperm functional megaspore develop in to-
(I) Endosperm
(II) Embryo sac
(III) Pollen sac
(IV) Ovule

(64) Which of the following most resistant to enzyme action-

(I) Leaf cuticle
(II) Cork
(III) Wood fibre
(IV) Pollen exine

(65) IN Angiosperm which cell degenerate after fertilisation-

(I) Egg cell and central only
(II) Synergid cell and antipodal cell
(III) Antipodal cell and central cell
(IV) Antipodal cell, Synergid cell and central cell

(66) The arrangement of nuclei in normal embryo sac in dicot plant-

(I) 2+4+2
(II) 3+2+3
(III) 2+3+3
(IV) 3+3+2

(67) Double fertilisation is characteristic feature of-

(I) Algae
(II) Bryophyta
(III) Gymnosperm
(IV) Angiosperm

(68) In angiosperm pollen tube librate male gamete in to

(I) Central cell
(II) Antipodal cell
(III) Egg cell
(IV) Synergid cell

(69) Which of following plant cause pollen allergy

(I) Parthenium
(II) Amaranthous
(III) Chenopodium
(IV) All of these
(70) Which of the following incorrect about artificial hybridisation-
(I) Emasculation
(II) Bagging
(III) In vitro pollen germination
(IV) Mature pollen grain spread on stigma of female plants

(71) In angiosperm microsporogenesis, megasporogenesis-

(I) occur in ovule
(II) Occur in anther
(III) Form gamete without further division
(IV) Involve meiosis

(72) What is direction of micropyle in anatropous ovule-

(I) Upward
(II) Down ward
(III) Right
(IV) Left

(73) Inner most layer of pollen grain made up of-

(I) Pectin and cellulose
(II) Sporopollenin
(III) Most resistant organic material
(IV) Lipid and sporopollenin

(74) Filiform apparatus is characterstics feature of-

(I) Zygote
(II) Suspensor
(III) Egg cell
(IV) Synergid cell

(75) What would be number of chromosome in Aleuron layer of plant cell with number of chromosome
in root tip cell 22.
(I) 22 (II) 33 (III) 44 (IV) 55

(76) Perisperm differ from endosperm is-

(I) having no reserve food
(II) Being a diploid tissue
(III) Formation of secondary nucleus with several sperm
(IV) Being a haploid tissue
(77) The binucleated cell in embryo sac of flowering plant is
(I) Antipodal cell
(II) Central cell
(III) Egg cell
(IV) Helper cell

(78) Through which cell of embryo sac does pollen tube enter in embryo sac-
(I) Egg cell
(II)) Central cell
(III) Persist synergid cell
(IV) Degenerated synergid cell

(79) An Angiospermic plant male plant is diploid and female plant tetraploid the ploidy level of
endosperm will be-
(I) Tetraploid
(II) Pentaploid
(III) Haploid
(IV) Triploid

(80) Eight nucleated embryo sac is-

(I) Only Monosporic
(II) Only Bisporic
(III) Only Tetrasporic
(IV) Any of these

(81) Apomictic embryo in citrus plant arise from

(I) Diploid egg
(II) Synergid cell
(III) Maternal sporophytic tissue in ovule
(IV) Antipodal cell

(82) Which of the following pair of plant structure has haploid number of chromosome.
(I) Egg nucleus and secondary nucleus
(II) Mega spore mother cell and antipodal cell
(III) Egg cell and antipodal cell
(III) Nucellus and antipodal cells
(83) An Angiospermic plant is 12 number of chromosome in leaf cell.
The number of chromosome in synergid cell, pollen grain, nucellus and endosperm will be respectively-
(I) 12,12,12,12,
(II) 8, 8, 12, 12
(III) 6, 6, 12, 18
(IV) 12,12,12,36

(84) Which of the following applicable for all flowering plants-

(I) Monosiphanous pollen tube
(II) Non motile and morphologically dissimilar gamete
(III) Presence of pollinium
(IV) Division of generative cell after pollination

(85) Wind pollination is common in

(I) Orchids
(II) Legumes
(III) Lilies
(IV) Grass

(86) The number of mitotic generation required to form mature embryo sac in most of flowering plants
(I) One
(II) Two
(III) Three
(IV) Four

(87) The type of flower always produces seed even in absence of pollinator
(I) Chasmogamous flower
(II) Cleistogamous flower
(III) Bisexual flower
(IV) Unisexual flower

(88) Which of the following plant both Autogamy and Geitonogamy are prevented-
(I) Maize
(II) Wheat
(III) Papaya
(IV) Castor

(89) In angiosperm the haploid, diploid and triploid structure of fertilised embryo sac sequentially are-
(I) Antipodal cell, Synergid cell and Primary endospermic nucleus
(II) Synergid cell, zygote and primary endospermic nucleus
(III) Synergid cell, antipodal cell and polar nuclei
(IV) Synergid cell primary endospermic nucleus and zygote
(90) Alpha cellulose fibrous thickening is present in
(I) Epidermis
(II) Tapetum
(III) Outer tangential wall of Endothecium
(IV) Inner tangential wall of Endothecium

(I) II (2) I (3) I (4) IV (5) I (6) III (7) II (8) III (9) III (I0) III (II) IV (I2) IV (I3) I
(14) II (15) II (16) IV (17) I (18) II (19) I (20) I (21) I (22) II (23) II (24) II (25) IV
(26) II (27) IV (28) I (29) III (30) III (31) IV (32) IV (33) II (34) II (35) I (36) II (37) III
(38) IV (39) IV (40) I (41) IV (42) III (43) III (44) IV (45) I (46) (IV) (47) II (48) III (49) III
(50) I (51) I (52) II (53) III (54) II (55) II (56) I (57) III (58) I (59) II (60) II (61) II (62) I
(63) II (64) IV (65) II (66) II (67) IV (68) IV (69) IV (70) III (71) IV (72) II (73) I (74) IV (75) II
(76) II (77) II (78) IV (79) II (80) IV (81) III (82) III (83) III (84) II (85) IV (86) III (87) II
(88) III (89) II (90) IV

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