Practical Work 1 Scincetific Method

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Name: Edward Date: 6/8/2021 Class: 7A

Question (what you want to know):

Does the type of medium the plant is planted on affect how the plant grows?

Observations/research (what do you know, and theory from sources):

What I know
Know that green bean can only grow on cotton and soil but not sand and walls. What is unique
about the green bean seed is that it could grow on cotton and only a limited varieties of plant
could do. Another thing I know is that the quality of the soil affects the plant because if the
soil does not have enough nutrients, then the plant would not grow as healthy as the plants
which live on a soil with various nutrients. What I want to know is the difference of the
growth of a green bean on cotton and the growth of a green bean on soil, which is the main
point in this experiment.

Hypothesis (what do predict will happen): Variable:

The growth of the green bean on the soil will be 1. Independent: Medium, cotton, and other
much better/healthier rather than how the green types of plant base.
bean planted on the cotton will grow. 2. Dependent: Shape, size, and the height of
the plant.
3. Controlled: Medium, green bean seed,
water, and the place where to put the plant.

Materials: Procedures (explain what you do):

1.Five or six green beans (three planted in each 1. Prepare water, soil, cotton, two containers
container). and six green bean seeds.
2. Two containers to place the green beans. 2. Place the cotton into one jar and the soil
3. Few cottons and diverse types of medium into the other jar.
to plant the green beans. 3. Put three green bean seeds in to one jar
4. Water and the other three into the other jar.
4. Pour water to jar daily (spraying is
5. Please observe the growth of the bean
detailly while filling the scientific method.

Endah Lestari/Biology/Grade 7/2021-2022

No Day Plant Grown on Cotton Plant Grown on Soil
Plant Color & Count of Describe Plant Color & Count of Describe on Roots
Height Leaf on Roots Height Leave
(cm) (cm)

There were no leaves, but Roots became to There were no leaves, and
1 Day 0 cm the seed turned into yellow grow from the 0 cm the seed remained the same
No roots spotted
and became larger. seed and the as it planted before growing from the
One color was white. (referring to the color and
size). green bean seed.

Different from day one, the A very tiny, The color of the green bean Roots that were larger than the
2 Day 0 cm seeds had brown parts on white-colored 0 cm became a total white seed green been grown on cotton’s root
the old green skin of the root came out but as always, it has not came out from the seed. More than
Two seed. No leaves were of the seed, and grown leaves because the five millimeters if I am not
spotted growing. it was not large, seed of the green bean is mistaken.
so it was about too young.
less than a

Endah Lestari/Biology/Grade 7/2021-2022

As I saw, there were three colors The roots were No brown color was seen on I am 100% sure that there is roots
3 Day 1 cm that the green bean seed plant much larger 1.5 cm the green bean seed unlike growing but sadly I couldn’t see
had and that was brown (the
than before, and the plant grown on cotton, them because they were located
Three skin), green (the seed), and lastly
white (the roots). No leaf was it is estimated there were only two colors under the soil. Nevertheless, I could
spotted. that its length which are green (the bean spot the root on the bottom of the
1-2 centimeter and branch) and white) the jar container and saw it was white
horizontally. inner part of the seed). and thin unlike the green bean seed
grown on cotton.

Yet another day without a leaf There were many My green bean grew its first There where roots on the bottom of
4 Day 4.3 cm spotted growing on the green white roots growing 6.9 cm leaves, there was two leaves the jar/container that were colored
bean seed grown on cotton and around and through
on one plant but the other white. They looked very thin
Four some bottom parts of the plant
are white and the top of the
the cotton and
some over the one only had one leaf. Both compared to the roots growing on
plant which is the seed is still cotton. When I plants had only two colors; the plant that is planted on cotton.
green and brown. looked at it the dark green leaves and light
roots where
green branch (green), and
white roots.

No leaves were spotted Fascinatingly, the Both plants have grown each As I said before the roots where
5 Day 12 cm growing on the plant again roots of the plant 13.1 cm two leaves facing the still white and is much tinner rather
grown on cotton has
and the color of the plant opposite direction from each than the roots of the plant grown on
Five was still green and brown
thicker roots
rather than the one other and they are colored cotton.
(upper part), and white for grown on soil; the dark green.
the roots. roots remained

The plant had a bit brown Roots were The plant grown on cotton I saw and there were dozens of thin,
6 Day 6 18.3cm on the bottom part of it and thick and white, 17.8 cm has surpass the height of white roots all over the container. It
white for the branch and there was some this plant by 0.5 gave me the prediction that the
roots & green for the brown roots too centimeters. Today the plant will stop growing some day
leaves. around the branch has become white because it does not have more space
bottom part of and the leaves and branch on to grow it roots, so I will just move
the plant. the top was green. it to another pot tomorrow!

# Photos Description
Plant Grown on Cotton
Day 1 The seed didn’t grow larger, but it did show its white inner parts and a small white dot (probably
meaning the root will grow from it). Nevertheless, there was another seed I grew but it didn’t
change in sized or anything and remained the same as yesterday.
Plant Grown on Soil
My green bean seed that I planted on soil didn’t change and still remained the same as it was

Plant Grown on Cotton

Day 2 Different from day one, the seeds had sort of “opened” causing the inner white parts of the
seed to be exposed to air and could be seen. Another green bean seed I planted on cotton didn’t
grew any roots or transformed to the color white, it did grow greater but had the same green
color and brown outer skin.
Plant Grown on Soil
The green bean seed turned from a small sized green been seed to a peanut-sized, white colored
seed. As I observed I think the green bean grown on soil had a faster growth compared to the
green been growing on cotton because it looks it grow healthier and firmer.

Endah Lestari/Biology/Grade 7/2021-2022

Day 3 Plant grown on Cotton
Unfortunately, the plant grew horizontally because since
it has no medium to cover the roots properly. I looked and
saw a brown-colored outer skin of the seed protecting the
inner green part of the seed. It was probably like a
“peeled skin” of the seed that turned brown.
Plant grown on Soil
As you see in the picture, the young branch of the green
bean plant is standing straight, because the medium (the
soil) is covering the roots that stabilize the plant and
makes it stand straight. The plant is still three days old,
so the color of the plant is light green.

Day 4 Plant grown on Cotton

The green bean seed grown on cotton is like a mangrove
tree which has large roots that are sanding diagonally on
the bottom of the plant just like this one. One seed is
standing very tall while the other one is half the height of
the other seed. Unlike the plant grown on soil, the green
bean seed grown on cotton has its original seed on the top
of the plant
Plant grown on Soil
My green bean seed grown on soil had a much stronger
balance (clearly) and grew its first leaves. I saw at the
bottom of the jar; this plant had more roots rather than
the plant grown cotton’s roots. Plus, the seed of this plant
has opened and had a leaf growing from inside it.

Day 5 Plant grown on Cotton

Today the plant grown on cotton for the first time in
its life has grown passing the jar/container’s height
and slowly chasing its rivalry, the plant grown on soil.
It seems that one seed didn’t even grow tall and just
stayed in the half height of the jar/container. While
the other reached the skies!
Plant grown on Soil
The plant grown on soil has pass the height of the
glass jar/container about two centimeters. This
green bean seed grown on soil has clear, clean, and
firm branch & leaves.

Endah Lestari/Biology/Grade 7/2021-2022

Day 6 Plant grown on Cotton
On this day, the plant grown on cotton has precisely grown
8 centimeters taller rather than the top of the
jar/container for the plant to grow in. It is safe to say
that the growth of 1 in 3 beans that is planted and is
growing on cotton could successfully grow healthy and tall.
Plant grown on Soil
This is the final day of this scientific and biological
experiment, and as you see the green bean that grew on
soil has grown leaves, long-length roots, and has surpass
the jar by 8.5 centimeters. In addition, it is safe to say
this plant grew successfully.

Analyze (what happened, describe with your words):

What happened was:
 The growth of the green bean seed that was planted on the soil medium grew faster
compared rather than the green bean see planted on cotton. Some of the reasons could
be that the soil has richer nutrients rather than the cotton that didn’t have any
nutrients needed for a faster growth of the green bean. Secondly, the medium of the
green bean seed (the soil) could stabilize the plant by covering the roots so that the
plant could grow straightly, higher, and healthier.
 Even though the cotton does not have many nutrients like the soil, it could contain &
keep water for a long period of time. Cotton could be wet forever if not facing with
something that could evaporate or dry it. With the water stored for a long time, the
green bean seed can absorb the watery cotton for water and keep growing.
 A green bean seed that was grown on cotton didn’t even reach the top of the jar yet
and is still sort of like a mangrove tree with roots spreading out diagonally in every
 It is certain/positive that the green bean seed that was grown on soil had more
nutrients to absorb which causes it to grow healthier and faster.
 My green bean seed that was planted on soil had thinner roots rather than the roots of
the plant grown on cotton. The reason is simple, because soil was around the root then
it sorts of “pushes” the roots until it becomes thin. Roots of the green bean grown on
cotton didn’t have anything to compress the roots to become thinner.

Conclusion (Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why not):

My hypothesis was correct. I predicted that the plant grown on soil will have a better chance
of living greater rather than the green bean plant grown on cotton (clearly). As I said before
the cotton that acts as the medium of the plant doesn’t contain any nutrients for the green
bean to absorb and grow healthily. In conclusion, the experiment was a full & complete
success, and my hypothesis was correct.

Basic competence Score

Endah Lestari/Biology/Grade 7/2021-2022

Be able to design experiment with scientific method

Endah Lestari/Biology/Grade 7/2021-2022

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