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Nola Pender • Health

Background of the theory The actualization of inherent and acquired

• The Health Promotion Model (HPM) human through goal-directed behavior,
proposed by Nola J Pender competent self-care, and satisfying
(1982;revised, 1996) was designed to be relationships with others, while
a "complementary counterpart to adjustments are made as needed to
models of health promotion." maintain structural integrity and harmony
• It defines health as " a positive dynamic with relevant environments. Health is an
state not merely the absence of evolving life experience.
disease". Major concepts of Health Promotion Model
• Health promotion is directed at Pender recognized that there are
increasing a client's level of well being. particular behaviors that promote individual
Assumptions of the model ownership of prevention of illness and
1. Individuals seek to actively regulate continued awareness of personal health. The
their own behavior. Health Promotion Model focuses on prior
2. Individuals in all their biopsychosocial behavior and personal factors that contributed
complexity interact with the to the outcome.
environment, progressively 1. Individual Characteristics and
transforming the environment and Experiences
being transformed over time. (Individual Factors and Experiences)
3. Health professionals constitute a part of • Prior related behavior- frequency of the same
the interpersonal environment, which or similar health behavior in the past
exerts influence on persons throughout • Personal factors
their life span. -Biological
4. Self-initiated reconfiguration of person- Inner self
environment interactive patterns is -Sociocultural
essential to behavior change. Social and Cultural Aspect
Metaparadigm -Psychological
Mind (Self esteem, seld motivation, & perceived
2. Behavior- Specific Cognitions and Affect
❖ Perceived barriers to action -
perceptions of the blocks,hurdles,
and personal costs of
understanding a health behavior.
❖ Perceived self-efficacy - judgment of
personal capability to organize and
execute à particular health
Key Concepts in Nursing Defined as a Basis for
behavior: self confidence in
the Health Promotion Model
performing the health behavior
• Person
❖ Activity-related affect – subjective
A biopsychosocial organism that is partially
feeling states or emotions occurring
shaped by the environment but also seeks
prior to, during and following a
to create an environment in which inherent
specific health behavior.
and acquired human potential can be fully
❖ Interpersonal influences (family,
expressed. Thus, the relationship between
peers, providers): norms, social
person and environment is reciprocal.
support, role models, perceptions
Individual characteristics as well as life
concerning the behaviors, beliefs,
experiences shape behaviors including
or attitudes of relevant others in
health behaviors.
regard to engaging in a specific
• Environment
health behavior.
The social, cultural and physical context in
❖ Situational influences (options,
which the life course unfolds. The
demand characteristics, aesthetics)
environment can be manipulated by the
perceptions of the compatibility of
individual to create a positive context of
life context or the environment
cues and facilitators for health enhancing
with engaging in a specific health
• Nursing
❖ Commitment to a plan of action --
Collaboration with individuals, families, and
intention to carry out a particular
communities to create the most favorable
health behavior including the
conditions for the expression of optimal
identification of specific strategies
health and high-level well-being.
to do so successfully.
❖ Immediate competing demands and Madeleine Leininger'S
preferences – alternative behaviors
that intrude into consciousness as
possible courses of action just prior • The founder of the theory of
to the intended occurrence of a Transcultural Nursing / Culture
planned health behavior. Care Theory
❖ Health promoting behavior - the
desired behavioral end point or • Her theory has now developed
outcome of health decision-making as a discipline in nursing.
and preparation for action. • Evolution of her theory can be
understood from her books:
-Culture Care Diversity and
Universality (1991)
-Transcultural Nursing (1995)
-Transcultural Nursing (2002)
• Theoretical framework is
depicted in her model called
the Sunrise Model (1997).
• In 1950's Medeleine M.
Leininger, known as the
foundress of Transcultural
Nursing, noted cultural
differences between patients
and nurses while working with
emotionally disturbed children.
Application of theory to Practice Education • This experience led to study
• The HM provides a counterpart to
clinical difference in perception
models based on illness-prevention. of the care.
• Enhances individuals' functional ability • She recognized that health and
and improves their quality of life. illness states are strongly
• Benefits society as a whole which
include economic prosperity,
influenced by culture and
interpersonal harmony, decreased formulated the theory of
social violence, suicide, sexually Transcultural Nursing.
transmitted disease, and reduced
• In 1991, she published Culture
health care costs.
• Useful in many different settings such Care Diversity And Universality:
as workplaces, homes and health ATheory Of Nursing'
centers. • Her theory has now developed
• Research using the HPM: smoking
cessation, weight management,
into a discipline in nursing.
exercise and stress management. • In 1988 Transcultural Nursing
• The HPM allows for personalized Society initiated certification
nursing interventions with care plans examinations: certified
designed with patient-specific goals.
• Can be used for conducting studies that
Transcultural Nurse (CTN)
predict effective factors/barriers in Theoretical Sources
health-promotion behaviors, detect Derived from the THEORETICAL
impacts of intervention program for SOURCES discipline of anthropology;
improving health promotion behaviors,
test this model, and identify quality conceptualized the theory to be
of life. relevant to nursing.
comparative study of cultures to
understand similarities (culture
universal) and difference(culture-
specific) across human groups ETHNIC GROUPS - share a common
(Leininger, 1991). social and cultural heritage that is
2. Culture passed on to successive generations.
-Set of values, beliefs and traditions, ETHNIC IDENTITY- refers to a
that are held by a specific group of subjective perspective of the person's
people and handed down from heritage and to a sense of belonging
generation to generation. to a group that is distinguishable
-also beliefs, habits, likes, dislikes, rom other groups.
customs and rituals learn from one's RACE - the classification of people
family. according to shared biologic
- the learned. shared and transmitted characteristics, genetic markers, or
values, beliefs, norms and life way features. Not all people of the same
practices of a particular group that race have the same culture.
guide thinking, decisions, and actions CULTURAL AWARENESS - an in-depth
in patterned ways. self-examination of one's own
RELIGION - Is a set of belief in a background, recognizing biases and
divine or super human power (or prejudices and assumptions about
powers) to be obeyed and other people.
worshipped as the creator and ruler CULTURALLY CONGRUENT CARE-
of the universe. Care that fits the people's valued life
ETHNIC - refers to a group of people patterns and set of meanings -which
who share a common and distinctive is generated from the people
culture and who are members of a themselves, rather than
specific group. based on predetermined criteria.
belonging to a group. ability of the practitioner to bridge
CULTURAL IDENTITY - the sense of cultural gaps, in caring, work with
being part of an ethnic group or cultural differences and enable
culture. clients and families to there/their
CULTURE-UNIVERSALS- meaningful and supportive caring.
commonalities of values,norms of ETHNONURSING- This the study of
behavior, and life patterns that are nursing care beliefs, values and
similar among different cultures. practices as cognitively perceived and
CULTURE-SPECIFICS - values, beliefs, known by a designated culture
and patterns of behavior that tend to through their direct experience,
be unique to a designate culture. beliefs and value system (Leinenger,
MATERIAL CULTURE - refers to 1979)
objects (dress, art, religious artifacts) NURSING- Nursing is defined as a
NON-MATERIAL CULTURE - refers to learned humanistic and scientific
beliefs customs, languages, social profession and discipline which is
institutions. focused on human care phenomena
CULTURAL SHOCK - the state of being and activities in order to assist,
disoriented or unable to respond support, facilitate or enable
to a different cultural environment individuals or groups to maintain or
because of its sudden strangeness, regain their well being in culturally
unfamiliarity, and incompatibility to meaningful and beneficial ways, or to
the stranger's perceptions and help people face handicaps or deaths.
expectations as it is differentiated HEALTH- It is a state of well-being
from others by symbolic markers that is culturally defined, valued, and
(cultures, biology, territory, religion). practiced and which reflects the
ability of individuals or groups to treatment, and cure including
perform their daily role activities in folk and Western medical
culturally expressed, beneficial and interventions.
patterned lifeways. • The use of traditional or
HUMAN BEINGS- Such as believed to alternate models of health care
be caring and capable of being delivery is widely varied and
concerned about needs and well may come into conflict with
being and survival of others. Western models of health care
Society and Environment- These term practice.
are not defined by Leininger. (Any • Culture guides behavior into
country/place that involve culture) acceptable ways for the people
NURSING DECISIONS in a specific group as such
1. Cultural preservation or culture originates and develops
maintenance. within the social structure
2. Cultural care accommodation through interpersonal
or negotiation. interactions.
3. Cultural care repatterning or • For a nurse to successfully
restructuring. provide care for a client of a
MAJOR ASSUMPTIONS different cultural or ethnic
• Illness and wellness are shaped background, effective
by various factors including intercultural communication
perception and coping skills, as must take place.
well as the social level of the APPLICATION TO NURSING
patient. -To develop understanding, respect
• Cultural competence is an and appreciation for the individuality
important component of and diversity of patients beliefs,
nursing. values, spirituality and culture
• Culture influences all spheres regarding illness, its meaning, cause,
of human life. It defines health, treatment, and outcome.
illness,and the search for relief -To encourage in developing and
from disease or distress. maintaining a program of physical,
• Religious and Cultural emotional and spiritual self- care
knowledge is an important introduce therapies such as
ingredient in health care. ayurveda and pancha karma.
• The health concepts held by GOAL OF TRANSCULTURAL NURSING
many cultural groups may "to give culturally congruent nursing
result in people choosing not care, and to provide culture specific
to seek modern medical and universal nursing care practices
treatment procedures. for the health and well-being of
• Health care provider need to people or to aid them in facing
be flexible in the design of adverse human conditions, illness or
programs, policies, and death in culturally meaningful ways."
services to meet the needs and
concerns of the culturally
diverse population, groups that
are likely to be encountered.
• Most cases of lay illness have
multiple causalities and may
require several different
approaches to diagnosis,
" We have to embrace a new vision
of health. Our caring must be linked
with a concept of health that
encompasses and goes beyond
disease. The theory of health
as expanding consciousness provides
that perspective.
-(Newman, 2008, p. 2).


-born on October 10, 1933, in
Memphis, Tennessee.
-She earned a bachelor's degree in
home economics and English from
Baylor University in Waco, Texas, and
a second bachelor's degree in nursing
from the University of Tennessee in
NURSING curriculum vitae, 1996).
PRACTICE -Her master's degree in medical
Communities are becoming more surgical nursing and teaching is from
multicultural, and health personnel the University of California, San
are being expected to respond to Francisco.
client's diverse cultural needs. -She earned her PhD in nursing
Immigrants and people from science and rehabilitation nursing in
unfamiliar cultures are generally 1971 from New York University.
expecting nurses to respect their -Professor at the University of
cultüral values, beliefs, and lifeways. Minnesota Minneapolis until her
Education retirement in 1996, where she is
Since 1980, An increasing number of Professor Emeritus.
nursing curricula emphasize -Director of Nursing for the Clinical
transcultural nursing and care. Research Center at the University of
RESEARCH Tennessee
Several research nurses are testing -Acting Director of the PhD Program
transcultural nursing in US and other in the Division of Nursing at New York
countries. Many cultures have been University, and -Professor- in-Charge
studied utilizing this theory. of the Graduate Program and
"Care is the heart of nursing; Care is Research in Nursing at Pennsylvania
power; Care is essential to healing (or State University (M. Newman,
well-being); Care is curing; and Care is curriculum vitae, 2000).
(or should be) the central and HONORS AND AWARDS
dominant focus of nursing and -Outstanding Alumnus Award from
transcultural nursing decisions and the University of Tennessee College
actions." of Nursing in Memphis in 1975 and
-Leininger 2002;
-Distinguished Alumnus Award, is an ongoing process of expanding
Division of Nursing, from New York consciousness (Newman, 1986).
University in 1984; -"a transformative process to more
-Admission to the Hall of Fame at the inclusive consciousness"(Newman,
University of Mississippi School of 2008, p. 16).Health and the evolving
Nursing in 1988; pattern of consciousness are the
-Latin-American teaching fellow in same.
1976 and 1977; and -the essence of the emerging
-American Journal of Nursing paradigm of health is recognition of
scholar in 1979. pattern. Newman (1994) sees the life
-E. Louise Grant Award for Nursing process as progression toward higher
Excellence from the University of levels of consciousness.
Minnesota in 1996;
-Nursing Theorists, Portraits of PATTERN
Excellence, vol. 1, 1990 videotape -information that depicts the whole
series sponsored by the Helene Fuld and understanding of the meaning of
Health Trust (M. Newman, all of the relationships at once (M.
Curriculum vitae, 2000; personal Newman, personal communication,
communication, 2004). 2004).
-Sigma Theta Tau Founders Elizabeth -a fundamental attribute of all there
McWilliams Miller Award for is, and it gives unity in diversity
Excellence in Research in 1993; and (Newman,
received the Nurse Scholar Award at 1986).
Saint Xavier University School of
Nursing in 1994 (M. Newman, Characteristics of pattern include
curriculum vitae, 2000). movement, diversity, and rhythm.
CONSCIOUSNESS Pattern is conceptualized as being
THEORETICAL SOURCES somehow intimately involved in
• Martha Rogers: Science of energy exchange
Unitary Human Beings and transformation (Newman, 1994).
• Hegel' Fusion of Opposites
• Bento's explication of life as CONSCIOUSNESS
the process of expanding Consciousness is both the
consciousness informational capacity of the system
• Young's Theory of Human and the ability of the system to
Evolution interact with its environment
• Moss's experience of love as (Newman,1994).
the highest level of
consciousness Consciousness includes not only
• Bohm’s Theory of Implicate cognitive and affective awareness,
Order but also the "interconnectedness of
MAJOR CONCEPTS & DEFINITIONS the entire living system which
includes physicochemical
HEALTH maintenance and growth processes
-the "pattern of the whole" of a as well as the immune system"
person and includes disease as a (Newman, 1990a, p. 38).
manifestation of the pattern of the
whole, based on the premise that life
MOVEMENT-SPACE-TIME the processes of recognition, insight,
Newman emphasizes the importance and transformation
of examining movement- space-time -Nurses are seen as partners in the
together as dimensions of emerging process of expanding consciousness,
patterns of consciousness rather than and are transformed and have their
as separate concepts of the theory lives enhanced in the dialogical
(M. Newman, personal process (Newman, 2008).
communication, 2004).

1.Health encompasses conditions
heretofore described as illness or, in
medical terms pathology...
2. These "pathological" conditions
can be considered a manifestation of
the total pattern of the individual...
3. The pattern of the individual that
eventually manifests itself as Within the theory, the role of the
pathology is primary and exists prior nurse in nurse-client
to structural or functional changes... interactions is seen as a "caring,
4.Removal of the pathology in itself pattern-recognizing presence"
will not change the pattern of the (Newman, 2008, p. 16).
5.If becoming "ill" is the only way an PERSON
individual's pattern can manifest Throughout Newman's work, the
itself then that is health for that terms client, patient, person,
person.… individual, and human being are used
interchangeably. Clients
METAPARADIGMS OF NURSING are viewed as participants in the
NURSING transformative process.
Newman emphasizes the primacy
Of relationships as a focus of nursing, -Persons as individuals are identified
both nurse-client relationships and by their individual patterns
relationships within clients' lives of consciousness (Newman, 1986)
(Newman, 2008). and defined as "centers of
consciousness within
"The emphasis of this process an overall pattern
Is on knowing/caring through pattern of expanding consciousness"
recognition" (Newman, 2008, p. 10). (Newman, 1986, p. 31).

-The nurse-client relationship is ENVIRONMENT

characterized by "a rhythmic coming Although environment is not
together and moving apart as clients explicitly defined, it is described as
encounter disruption of their being the larger whole, which
organized, predictable state" contains the consciousness of the
(Newman, individual. The pattern of person
1999, p. 228). consciousness interacts within the
-Newman has diagrammed this pattern of family consciousness and
nurse-client interaction of coming within the pattern of community
together and moving apart through interactions (Newman, 1986).
Client and environment are viewed Newman (1986) illustrated the
as a unitary evolving pattern centrality of space-time in the
(Newman, following example:
2008). Mrs. V. made repeated attempts to
move away from her husband and to
The assumption is that all matter in move into an educational program to
the universe-environment possesses become more independent. She felt
consciousness, but at different levels. she had no space for herself, and she
Interpretation of Newman's view tried to distance herself (space) from
clarifiesthat health is the interaction her husband. She felt she had no time
pattern of a person with the for leisure (self), was over-worked,
environment. Disease in a human and was constantly meeting other
energy field is a manifestation of a people's needs. She was submissive
unique pattern of person to the demands and criticism of her
environment interaction. husband (p. 56).
Health is the major concept of ROSEMARIE RIZZO PARSE
Newman's theory of expanding (Man-living-theory)
consciousness. 4:24 PM
A fusion of disease and non-disease • The Parse theory of human
creates a synthesis regarded as becoming guides nurses.In
health(Newman, 1979, 1991, 1992). their practice to focus on
Newman (1999) further elaborated quality of life as it is described
her view of health by stating that and lived (Karen &
"health isthe pattern of the whole, Melnechenko, 1995).
and wholeness is" (p. 228). • Rosemarie Rizzo Parse first
published the theory in 1981 as
"Manifest health, encompassing the "Man-living-health" theory
disease and non-disease, can be (ICPS)
regarded as the explication of the • The name was officially
underlying pattern of person- changed to "the human
environment" (Newman, 1994, p. becoming theory" in 1992 to
11). remove the term "man," after
the change in the dictionary
definition of the word from its
former meaning of
- Educated at Duquesne University,
- MSN and Ph.D. from University of
- Published her theory of nursing,
Man-Living-Health in 1981
- Name changed to Theory of Human
Becoming in 1992
- Editor and Founder, Nursing Science
- Has published eight books and Three Major Assumptions of Human
hundreds of articles about Human Becoming
Becoming Theory Transcendence- being beyond the
- Professor and Niehoff Chair at limit
Loyola University, Chicago -Powering
-The human becoming theory was -Transforming
developed as a human Rhythmcity(rhythmicity)- rhythmical
science nursing theory in the quality or character
tradition of Dilthey, Heidegger, -Revealing-Concealing
Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Gadamer -Enabling-Limiting
and Science of Unitary Human Beings -Connecting-Separating
by Martha Rogers . Meaning-being meant
-The assumptions underpinning the -Imaging
theory were synthesized -Valuing
from works by the European -Languaging
philosophers, Heidegger, Parse's Theory of Humanbecoming
Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty, along Structuring
with works by the pioneer Meaning
American nurse theorist, Martha Imaging
Rogers. valuing
-The theory is structured around Reality
three abiding themes: body language
meaning, rhythmicity, and Languaging
transcendence. Personal realms of
About man Reflective
-The human is coexisting while Confirming
coconstituting rhythmical patterns Not confirming
with the universe. Speaking
-The human is open, freely choosing Silence
meaning in situation, bearing Moving
responsibility for decisions. Stillness
-The human is unitary, continuously
coconstituting patterns of relating. Configuring
-The human is transcending Rhythmical Patterns
multidimensionally with the possibles of Relating
About Becoming Revealing
-Becoming is unitary human-living- Concealing
health. Enabling
-Becoming is a rhythmically Limiting
coconstituting human-universe Connecting
process. Separating
-Becoming is the human's patterns of Living in Rhythm
relating value priorities. Patterns of Relating
-Becoming is an intersubjective Aid Sisciosing
process of transcending with the
-Becoming is unitary human's
Cotranscending with SUMMARY OF THE THEORY
Possibles - Human Becoming Theory includes
Powering Totality Paradigm
Transforming o Man is a combination of
Familiar biological, psychological,
Unfamiliar sociological and spiritual
Unique Paths factors
Shifting Perspectives -Simultaneity Paradigm
Pushing o Man is a unitary being in
Resisting continuous, mutual interaction
Affirming with environment
Not Affirming -Originally Man-Living-Health Theory
Certainty Person
Uncertainty - Open being who is more than and
Confirming different from the sum of
Not Confirming the parts
Principle 1: Structuring - Everything in the person and his
meaning is the imaging experiences
and valuing of - Inseparable, complimentary to and
languaging. evolving with
Principle 2: Configuring Health
rhythmical patterns is the -Open process of being and
revealing-concealingand becoming. Involves synthesis of
enabling-limiting of values
connecting-separating. Nursing
Principle 3: - A human science and art that uses
Cotranscending with an abstract body of
possibles is the powering knowledge to serve people.
and originating of
Black and white - opposite paradox
significant to ontology of human
becomingand green is hope
Centerjoined -co created mutual
-Concepts in the squares: Powering human uníverse process at the
emerges with the revealing- ontological level & nurse person
concealing of imaging. process
-Concepts in the ovals: Originating Green and black swirls intertwining
emerges with the enabling-limiting of human-universe co creation as an
valuing. ongoing process of becoming
-Concepts in the triangles:
Transforming emerges with the
languaging of connecting-separating.
a Differs from the traditional nursing
particularly in that it does not seek to
"fix" problems
- Ability to see patients perspective
allows nurse to
"'be with" patient and guide them
toward desired
health outcomes
- Nurse-person relationship cocreates
changing health

• Congruence with personal
STRENGTHS -Nurse must subscribe to this world
* Differentiates nursing from other view to truly use it
disciplines • Congruence with other
- Practice - Provides guidelines of care professional values
and useful - Complements and competes with
administration other health care professionals values
- Useful in Education -Exoteric foundations
- Provides research methodologies - Esoteric utility
Provides framework to guide inquiry • Congruence with social values
of other -Fulfills society's expectations of
theories (grief, hope, laughter, etc.) nursing role
• Social Significance
WEAKNESSES -Makes a substantial difference in the
- Research considered to be in a lives of clients and nurses
"closed circle"
- Rarely quantifiable results - Difficult IDA JEAN ORLANDO
to compare to (Nursing Process Discipline)
other research studies, no control
group, standardized Nursing Process Discipline Theory
questions, etc.
- Does not utilized the nursing
- Negates the idea that each person
engages in a unique
lived experience
- Not accessible to the novice nurse
- Not applicable to acute, emergent
care Definitions
Distress is the experience of a patient
APPLICATION whose need has not been
- Nursing Practice met.
- A transformative approach to all
levels of nursing Nursing role is to discover and meet
the patient's immediate need
for help. • Body language
-Patient's behavior may not represent • Facial Expression
the true need.
-The nurse validates his/her Presenting behavior-problematic
understanding of the need with the situation
patient. • To find out the immediate
need for help the nurse
Nursing actions directly or indirectly must first recognize the situation as
provide for the patient's problematic
immediate need. • The presenting behavior of the
patient, regardless of the form
An outcome is a change in the in which it appears, may
behavior of the patient indicating represent a plea for help
either a relief from distress or an • The presenting behavior of the
unmet need, patient, the stimulus, causes an
Observable verbally and nonverbally. automatic internal response in
the nurse, and the nurses
3 Basic Elements behavior causes a response in
The Patient Behavior the patient
The Nurse Reaction Nurse Reaction
The Nurse's Actions " Stimulated by patient's behavior"
Sequential parts
CONCEPTS •Perception: perceives behavior
• Function of professional through senses
nursing -organizing principle • Thoughts about the perception
Presenting behavior – • Thoughts produces automatic
problematic situation feeling
• Immediate reaction - internal
response Nursing process Immediate reaction -
discipline investigation internal response
• Improvement – resolution • Person perceives with any one
of his five sense organs an
object or objects
• The perceptions stimulate
automatic thought
• Each thought stimulates an
automatic feeling
• Then the person acts
• The first three items taken
Patient Behavior together are defined as the
-" A plea for help" person's immediate reaction
Verbal Nurse's Actions
• Complaints " Actions are appropriate to meet the
• Requests need for help"
• Refusals The nurse can act in two ways:
• Demands • Automatic
Nonverbal • Deliberative
• Comments Function of professional nursing -
• Physiologic manifestation organizing principle
• Finding out and meeting the feelings that may not
patients immediate needs for be observable directly
help - Humans in need are
• “ responsive to the focus of nursing
individuals who suffer or practice
anticipate a sense of
helplessness, it is focused on Health
the process of care in an -sense of adequacy or
immediate experience, it is well being. Fulfilled
concerned with providing needs. Sense of
direct assistance toindividuals comfort.
in whatever setting they are - Health. Orlando
found for the purpose of focused on illness. She
avoiding, relieving, diminishing indicated that nursing
or curing the individuals sense deals with the
of helplessness.-Orlando individual whenever
• Nursing therapeutics - Direct there is a need for help.
function : initiates a process of A sense of helplessness
helping the patient express the replaces the concept of
specific meaning of his health or illness as the
behavior in ordee ascertain his initiator of a need for
distress and helps the patient nursing
explore the distress in order to
ascertain the help he requires Environment
so tyay his distress may be - not defined directly
relieved. but implicitly in the
• Indirect function - calling for immediate context for
help of others,whatever help a patient.
the patient may require for his -Society. Deals with
need to be met the interaction
• Nursing therapeutics- between the nurse
Disciplined and professional and a patient in an
activities - automatic activities immediate situation
plus matching of verbal
and nonverbal responses,
validation of perceptions,
matching of thoughts and
feelings with action
Automatic activities -
perception by five senses,
automatic thoughts, automatic
reeling, action

Nursing Metaparadigm
- developmental beings -Nurse Reaction (EXPLORED
with needs, WITH PATIENT)
individuals have their
own subjective DIAGNOSIS
perceptions and -NEED FOR HELP
PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION • Process recording - a tool to
COMPARISON facilitate self-evaluation of
NURSE ACTION whether or not the process
discipline was used.

• Enjoyed considerable
acceptance by the nursing
profession in the area of
research and has been applied
to a variety of research
Sister Carolina S. Agravante
Agravante's CASAGRA
Transformative Leadership Mode
Background of the Theorist
STRENGTHS - 1964 - BS Nursing degree in St.
• Use of her theory assures that Paul College, Manila
patient will be treated as - 1967 to 1969 - Master's Degree
individuals and that they will in Nursing Education at
have active and constant input Catholic University of America asa
into their own care full-fledged scholar.
• Prevents inaccurate diagnosis Maria Lourdes Agustin
or ineffective plans because - 2002 - Doctoral Degree in
the nurse has to constantly Philosophy at University of the
explore her reactions with the Philippines Manila - the sameyear
patient her theory was published
• Assertion of nursing's - Dean, College of Nursing, St. Paul
independence as a profession College, Manila (1978
and her belief that this 1981)
independence must be based - Director / Principal, St. Paul
on a sound theoretical frame College of Nursing (1970 - 1977)
work -At present, President of St. Paul
• Guides the nurse to evaluate College llocos Sur.
her care in terms of objectively
observable patient outcome WHAT PROMPTED SISTER
• Clearly applicable to nursing - The present day demands in the
practice. nursing profession challenge
nursing educators to revisit their
• Basis of practice in hospitals.
basic responsibility of educating
• Used at the patient care level,
professional nurses who are
managerial level, and nursing
responsive to technological,
division level.
educational and social
changes happening in the
• Orlando's process recording
Philippines society today.
has made a significant
- The reopening of the doors of
contribution to nursing
foreign market to Filipino nurses,
migration made
easy, attractive salaries and
benefits way beyond what
hospitals can afford to give.
- The formation of new nursing
leaders is urgently needed;
leaders with new vision who will
venture new traits and who have
gone through new formation in
order to serve the society as
professional nurse.

- The conceptual framework is logical

because the variables are very well
explained on how transformative-
leadership model be applicable
through care complex, transformative
teaching servant-leader spirituality,
and servant-leader behavior.
The Transformative Leadership -A person with dynamic care complex
Theory is the cornerstone of nursing
- The CASAGRA Transformative leadership. According to care
Leadership Model: Servant complex of Agravante, caring
Leader Formula & the Nursing personality rests on the possession of
Faculty's Transformative a care complex with in a person as an
Leadership Behavior CArolina S. energy source of caring.
AGRAvante= CASAGRA - A person with dynamic care
- The theory "CASAGRA complex is the cornerstone of nursing
Transformative Leadership" is a leadership. According to care
psycho spiritual model. It is coined complex of Agravante, caring
after the name of the investigator: personality rests on the possession of
-"Focus on the type of leadership a care complex with in a person
in nursing that can challenge the as an energy source of caring.
values of the changing world… - The framework explains and
-The model is a Three-Fold predicts the continuous formation of
Transformation Leadership nursing leadership behavior in
Concept rolled into one, nursing faculty that will eventually
comprising of the following affect their teaching function.
elements: -Servant-leadership formula runs
- Servant-Leader Spirituality parallel to the generic elements of
- Self-Mastery expressed in a the transformative-leadership model.
vibrant care complex; -Transformative teaching is the guide
- Special Expertise level in the that desired for the modern
nursing field one is engaged in.
educative process designed to form educators who advocated the
the millennium professional CASAGRATransformative
nurse. Leadership model.
➢ Transformative teachers are
• The CASAGRA Transformative basically who looks into
Leadership Theory is classified herself, sees her assumptions
as a Practice Theory basing on and feelings in the light of the
the characteristics of a Practice nursing profession in the
Theory stated by McEwen modern days, how her own
(2007), which are the philosophy of life affects
following: professional life with her
A. Complexity / Abstractness, Scope students
- Focuses on a narrow view of reality, Sample research utilizing the
simple and straightforward; theory of Sr. Agravante
B. Generalizability/Specificity ➢ The study was conducted to
- Linked to a special populations or determine the effects of the
an identified field of practice; CASAGRA transformative
C. Characteristic of Scope leadership model for nursing
- Single, concrete concept that is faculty on the servant
operationalized; leadership behavior of the
D. Characteristic of Proposition nursing faculty.
- Propositions defined; ➢ The quasi-experimental two-
E. Testability group pre-test post-test design
- Goals or outcomes defined and was utilized in the study.
testable; ➢ The study population consisted
F. Source of Development of 30 nursing faculty , divided
- Derived from practice or deduced into control and study group
from middle range theory or grand randomly selected to
theory. participate in the Servant-
leader formula for nursing
Importance in Education, Practice faculty.
and Research CONCLUSION
➢ It is significant to the nurse • MEANING OF THE THEORY
educators. It will help them to -Based on the study, the effect of the
achieve the vision-mission as a CASAGRA Leadership model using the
network of innovative, servant leader model on the
competent empowered leadership behavior of the nursing
educators towards excellence faculty, the care complex in the
in national and global personality of the nursing faculty is
development. highly correlated to their
➢ " The theory could be the leadership behavior.
answer in the modern-world
challenges in nursing education DR. CARMELITA DIVINAGRACIA
that is centered on the (ADVANCE NURSE PRACTITIONER'S
teaching of Jesus, a paradigm COMPOSURE BEHAVIOR AND
➢ Nursing students will be
assured of similar leadership BACKGROUND OF THE THEORIST
formation that will be provided ▪ Association of the Deans
to them by the nursing Philippine Colleges of Nursing
(ADPCN) Former President- demonstrates to selected
Nursing- cardiac patients
▪ Dean of University of the East
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Composure Behaviors
Medical Center, Inc. • Are sets of behaviors of nursing
(UERMMMC) College of measures that the nurse
Nursing- demonstrates to selected
▪ Member of CHED 'Technical patients.
committee on Nursing • COMPOSURE is an acronym
Education which stands for COmpetence,
▪ Has been lauded for Presence and Prayer, Open-
developing the art and mindedness, Stimulation,
competency of teaching understanding, Respect
nursing. and Relaxation, Empathy.
Award • A condition of being in a state
✓ Recipient of the Anastacia of well- being, a coordinated
Giron Tupas Award given by and integrated living pattern
the Philippine that involves the dimension of
NursingAssociation (PNA) in wellness.
2008. Wellness status
ADVANCE NURSE PRACTICIONERS' • A condition of being in a state
COMPOSURE BEHAVIOR AN of well-being, coordinated and
PATIENT'S WELLNESS OUTCOME integrated living pattern that
Objective of the study involves the dimension of
✓ Determine the effects of wellness.
composure behavior of the
advance nurse practitioner on
the wellness outcome of the
selected cardiac patients.
Significance of the Study
✓ Nursing as a healthcare
profession would prove its
worth of being at par in quality
performance with other
healthcare professionals.
Study Population
✓ Adult Cardiac Patients
admitted and confined at the
Philippines Heart center,
Coronary CareUnit.
Definition of Terms
• Advance Nurse Practioners
✓ BSN graduate
✓ Licensed and has a clinical Based on several analysis, the
experience of at least 2 years in following conclusions are
the clinical area made:
✓ Has undergone special training • The socio-demographic
in critical area characteristics specifically
✓ Set of behaviors or nursing gender, and age are related to
measures that the nurse
wellnes outcome of adult Nursing Community is without
cardiac patients. a doubt, indisputable.
• A signifiant difference exists in Basic Assumptions and Concepts
the pretest postest scores of Physiological Age
the wellness outcome after the -Is the endurance of cells and
COMPOSURE BEHAVIOR tissues to withstand the wear-
intervention in the 3 groups. and-tear phenomenon of the
human body. Some individuals
At the Heart of WELLNESS CULTURE is are gifted with the strong
a Nurse genetic affinity to stay young
for a long time.
DISCONTINUITIES) • Also called Physiological Age
"I have grown and sown and now I • Description of an individual's
can reap the reward and blessing of a development & maturation
life lived in joy and love, for I too have • Influenced by genetic,
made others grow.” environmental & lifestyle
• Dr. Letty G. Kuan is a nurse. factors; e.g. Nutrition, exercise,
Born on November 19, 1936 in smoking, sleeping habits etc
Katipunan-Dipolog, Zamboanga Chronological
del Norte. • Number of years since birth
• Master degree in Nursing and • I.e. Age based on calendar
Guidance and Counseling. She date on which you were born
also holds a Doctoral degree in dd/mm/yyyy)
Education. HAs a vast • Differs from Biological age as
contribution to theUniversity doesn't consider factors that
of the Philppines College of influence ageing
Nursing Faculty and Academic Role
achievements. • Refers to the set of shared
• She is now a Professor expectations focused upon a
Emeritus, a title awarded on to particular position.
a few who met the strict • These may include beliefs
criteria. about what goals or values the
• Has a Clinical Fellowship and position incumbent is to pursue
Specialization in and the norms that will govern
Neuropsychology in university his behavior.
of Paris, France (Salpetriere • It is also the set of shared
hospital). expectations from the retiree's
• Neurogerontology in socialization experiences and
Watertown, New York (Good the values internalized while
Samaritan Hospital) and preparing for the position as
Syracuse University, New York. well as the adaptations to the
• She authored several books expectations socially defined
giving her insights in the areas for the position itself.
of Gerontology, Care of Older • For every social role, there is
Persons and Bioethics and complementary set of roles in
Essence of Caring. As a former the social structure among
member of the Board of which interaction constantly
Nursing, her legacy to the occurs.
Change of Life • Family Constellation means the
• Is the period between near type of family composition
retirement and postretirement described either close knit or
years. extended family where three
• In medico-physiologic terms, or more generations of family
this equates with the members live under one roof;
climacteric period of or distanced family, whose
adjustment and readjustment members live in separate
to another tempo of life. dwelling units; or nuclear type
Retiree of family where only husband,
• Is an individual who has left the wife and children live together.
position occupied for the past • Self-Preparation (according to
years of productive life Webster' dictionary) it is
because he/she has reached preparing of self to the possible
the prescribed retirement age outcomes in life.
or has completed the required
years of service.
Role Discontinuity
• Is the interruption in the line of
status enjoyed or role
performed. The interruption
may be brought about by an
accident, emergency, and
change of position or
Coping Approaches
• Refer to the interventions or
❖ Retirement is an inevitable
measured applied to solve a
change in one's life. It is
problematic situation or state
evident in the increasing
in order to restore or maintain
statistics of aging population
equilibrium and normal
accompanied by related
disabilities and increased
Determinants of positive
perceptions in retirement and
❖ This developmental stage, even
positive reactions toward role
at the later part of life, must be
considered desirable and
• Health Status refer to
satisfying through the
physiological and mental state
determination of factors that
of the respondents, classified
will help the person enjoy his
as either sickly or healthy.
remaining years of life.
• Income (economic level) refers ❖ It is of primary importance to
to the financial affluence of the prepare early in life by
respondent which can be cultivating other role options at
classified as poor, moderate or age 50 or 60 in order to have a
rich rewarding retirement period
• Work status (According to even amidst the presence of
Webster' dictionary) status of role discontinuities by this age
an individual according to group.
his/her work.
❖ Family constellation is a conceptualized as a period of
positive index regarding no work because capabilities to
retirement positively and also function get sharpened and
reacting to role discontinuities. refined as they practice it on a
• In the Philippines, the regular basis.
family undoubtedly o Work enhances the aspects of
stands as the security or self-esteem and contributes to
trusting bank where all the feeling of wellness even
members, young and old and old age.
can always run and get What to do?
help. o To cope with the changes
• When one retires, the brought by retirement, one
shock of the role must cultivate interest in
discontinuities is recreational activities to
softened because the channel feelings of depression
family not only cushions or isolation and facing realities
the impact, but also through confrontation with
offers gainful some issues.
substitutes, as in o To perceive retirement
o providing monetary support, positively, it requires early
o absorbing emotional strains socialization of the various
o that often times with roles we take in life. The best
o discontinuities and other forms place to start is at home
of surrogating. extending to schools,
❖ Income has a high neighborhoods, the community
correlation with both the and society in general
perception of retirement
and reactions towards role o In retirement, their fellow
discontinuities. retirees are their own best
o Since income is one of the advocates. To facilitate this,
factors that secure the outlook barriers to full participation in
of individual, efforts must be the areas where important
exerted to save and spend decisions are rich should be
money wisely while still eliminated in order to give
actively earning in order to recognition and appreciation
have some reserved when one of knowledge, wisdom,
grows old. experience and values which
o It implies that retirement are the social assets that make
pensions should be adjusted to the retired age and the
meet demands of the elderly. custodians' folk wisdom.
o This should be done in order to
have a more relevant and o Government agency to
realistic pension and benefits construct holistic
adjustment. preretirement preparation
❖ Work status goes hand in program which will take care of
hand with economic the retiree's finances,
security that generated psychological, emotional, and
decent compensation. social needs.
o For the retired, it implies that o Retirement should be
retirement should be recognized as the fulfillment of
every individual's birthright multidimensional problems
and must be lived of cancer patients that can
meaningtully. be given in any setting
where patients choose to be
• This program emphasizes a
holistic approach to nursing
care. PREPARE ME has the
following components;
➢ Presence
-Being with another
person during the
times of need. This
includes therapeutic
Carmencita M Abaquin communication,
(PREPARE ME Holistic Nursing active listening, and
Interventions) touch.
To nursing…may be able to ➢ Reminisce Therapy
provide the care that our clients - Recall of past
need in maintaining their quality experiences, feelings
of life and being instrumental in and thoughts to
"birthing" them to external life. facilitate adaptation
• Carmencita M Abaquin is a circumstances.
nurse with MAster's Degree
in Nursing obtained from
the University of the
Philippnes College of
• An expert in Medical
Surgical Nursing with ➢ Prayer
subspecialty in Oncologic -praying
Nursing, which made her ➢ Relaxation-Breathing
known here and abroad. - Techniques to
She had served the encourage and
University of the Philippines elicit relaxation for
College of Nursing, as the purpose of
faculty and held the decreasing
position as Secretary of the undesirable signs and
College of Nursing. symptoms such as
• Her latest appointment as pain, muscle tension,
Chairman of the Board of and anxiety.
Nursing speaks of her ➢ Meditation
competence and integrity in -Encourages an elicit
the field she has chosen. form of relaxation for
Basic Assumptions and Concepts: the purpose of
• PREPARE ME (Holistic altering patient's level
Nursing Interventions) are of awareness by
the nursing interventions focusing on an image
provided to address the or thought to
facilitate inner sight or dimension integrated to the cancer
which helps establish patient. Her quality of life can also be
connection and assessed in this aspect thus it must be
relationship with given consideration in the
God. It may be done provision of care.
through the use of Health.
music and other -The concept of her theory revolves
relaxation around illness, particularly cancer and
techniques. the provision of holistic care to
➢ Values Clarification improve quality of life despite their
- Assisting another terminal cases.
individual to clarify -Quality of life is defined as a
his own values about multifaceted construct that
health and illness in encompasses the individuals
order to facilitate capabilities and abilities of
effective decision enriching life when it can no longer
making skills. be prolonged.
-Through this, the -This includes proper care and
patient develops an maintaining integrity of the
open mind that will body, mind and spirit despite the
facilitate acceptance limitations brought about
of disease state or by the present condition.
may help deepen or -The quality of life is seen through the
enhance values. patient's many dimensions.
-The process of values Nursing.
clarification helps one -The goal of nursing care is the
become internally improvement of quality of life for
consistent by advance stage cancer patients
achieving closer despite their current situation.
between what we do -Her concept of providing holistic
and what we nursing care in addressing the
feel. multidimensional problems that
Metaparadigms and Interventions cancer patients face is summarized
Person/Patient in the acronym PREPARE ME.
-Her theory is specific to patients in
advanced stages of cancer. They are
holistic being with physical,
psychological, social, religious, level
of independence, and environmental
-Patients who are terminally-ill or
those with incurable diseases as with
cancer must be approached in
multifaceted care to improve their -PREPARE ME theory provides a
quality of life. framework on non-pharmacologic,
Environment. non-surgical approach of care to
-Just like all the other paradigms, advanc cases of cancer patients.
environment was not defined -The focus is not on cure but on
accurately. Nevertheless we can assisting the patient to explore her
assume that environment is an aspect humanity and internal serenity as one
is faced with the challenge of life and with advanced progressive cancer,
death. their families and health team.
-Nurses must be seen not as mere -Supportive environment where
caregivers but facilitators of peaceful patients with advanced progressive
acceptance of condition. cancer and the terminally-ill patients
Findings and Recommendations can attain dignity of dying with peace
-Terminally ill patients require holistic while their families are given the
approach of nursing that necessary support they need to cope
encompasses the different aspects of up with.
man namely physical, psychological, -Thus, healthcare professionals and
social, religious, level of family members have to provide this
independence, environment, and kind of venue whether in the home of
spiritual. In this premise, patients hospital setting. This will maintain a
with incurable illness, specifically holistic-support for this special type
cancer patients, require a whole of clients
faceted care that will improve the
quality of life. Cecilia Laurente's Theory of
-PREPARE ME Interventions are said Nursing Practice and Career
to be effective in Background of the theorist
improving the quality of life of cancer • 1967- Graduate BSN at
patients. This can be Uniersity of the Philippines
further applied not only with • 1973- #asters of Nursing
terminally-ill patients but also • 1968-1969-Staff nurse
promisingly introduced to those • 1970-1972-(ead Nurse 1973-
patients with acute and 1976-Nursing Supervisor at
chronic diseases ad those with Philippine General Hospital
prolonged hospital stays. • 1977-1979-Metro!olitan
- The utilization of the intervention as Hos!ital in Michigan US)
a basic part of care given to cancer • 1979-Instructor at University of
patients is recommended, as well as the Philippines College of
the incorporation of the intervention Nursing
in the basic nursing curriculum in the • 1966--2002 ean of College of
care of these patients. Nursing in UP Manila
-The said components of PREPARE Background of the theory
ME must be introduced and focused -The theory was from her study, the
during training of nurses in the Categorization of Nursing Activities as
academe and practice to answer the Observes in Medical-Surgical Ward
needs of this special kind of clients. Units in selected Government and
-Development of training programs Private Hospitals in Metso Manila,
for care providers, as well as health which was conducted from January to
care professionals where intervention June year 1987.
is a part of treatment modalities, is -Communication is key when getting
also RECOMMENDED. nurses to engage patients and
- For patients, an honest view and families in their care.
feedback regarding their illness and -Research to develop the guide that
management, and obtaining their communication gaps between
perceptions can lead to improvement patients and caregivers can occur
of services and when hospitals do not address the
communicationbetween patients issues that patients think are most
important. ANother factor is the
available few
Nursing Theory:"Categorization of
Nursing Activities as Observed in
Medical-Surgical Ward Units
in Selected Government and
Private Hospitals in Metro
Concepts of the Theory
-A mental state of fear or
nervousness about what might
Nursing Caring Behavior that affect
patient Anxiety
-Person to person contact
between the client and the nurse.
-Development in the time through
mutual trust nurse and patient.
-Nurse stimulation through words
tops the powerful resources of
energy of person for

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