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1. (T) for True or (F) False statements. (10 marks)

(1) The wind circulating around the high pressure center in clockwise direction in the
northern hemisphere. This area is known as area of Anticyclone. (T)
(2) Advection fog, occur over the sea when warm and moist air or tropical maritime air is
cooled below its dew point by conduction from cold sea surface. (T)
(3) TRS usually cross the land and if they do so, they tend to fill up.(F)
(4) True wind direction and speed can be determined by ship’s course and speed and
apparent direction and speed. (T)
(5) Source region of air mass is a place where a front is originally formed. (F)
(6) Squall is sudden increased of wind force by at least three stages of Beaufort scale
upward. (T)
(7) TRS usually not form in latitudes more than 5° (F)
(8) The wind of 360 T is called when wind blows towards north. (F)
(9) Radiation fog occurs over the sea at night. (F)
(10) Over the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal tropical cyclones are: Occasionally
observed, in the average 22 per year. (F)

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable word(s). (10 marks)

a) frontal surface b) COD

c) ridge d) trough
e) pressure gradient force f) tropical maritime
g) Squall h) Gust

i) air mass j) Col

(1) The wedge shaped extension of high pressure which lies between two depressions is
called ----------------. (ridge)
(2) The wind blows due to ------------------ (pressure gradient force)
(3) -----------------is sudden increased of wind force by at least three stages of Beaufort
scale upward. (Squall)
(4) The air which has warm and moist condition is called --------------------air. (tropical
(5) --------------------is sudden increased of wind speed for short period of time caused
by the terrestrial obstruction to the flow of the wind. (Gust)
(6) Each -------------------has different characteristics to other air mass and they will not
mix one another. (air mass)
(7) Two anti-cyclonic systems and two cyclonic systems are dramatically opposed,
there is an area in the center of four systems which cannot be considered as a high
pressure or low pressure. This area is known as ---------------. (Col)
(8) ------------------ is V shape extension or elongated extension from low or depression.
(9) The furthest west longitude reached by the storm center when recurving take places is
called --------------------. (COD)
(10) The boundary of two air masses is generally well defined and above the ground is
known as --------------------. (frontal surface)

III. Select the correct word(s) given in the brackets.

(1) ------------ is formed by dust particles. (b)
(a) Fog (b) Haze (c) Mist

(2) When isobars are curved around the high pressure and low pressure centres, there will be
a force came into being acting outward from the high pressure and low pressure centres, this
force is called --------------- force. (c)
(a) corioils (b) pressure gradient (c) cyclostrophic (or) centrifugal

(3) The resultant of pressure gradient, geostrophic and cyclostrophic force is called
------------------------ wind. (c)
(a) geostrophic (b) trade (c) gradient

(4) When radiation fog mixed with smoke of chimney in industrial are-------------.

(a) Smog (b) Haze (c) Mist (a)

(5) ---------------- fog occurs over the land at night. (b)

(a) Smog (b) radiation (c) Advection

(6) Convergence with lifting is associated with the centre line of a------------------. (a)
(a) trough (b) ridge (c) col

(7) Air mass is large body of air whose -----------------and humidity are same in the
horizontal direction. (a)
(a) temperature (b) pressure (c) wind speed

(8) ----------------front is a transition zone on the earth’s surface where cold air replaces warm
air for a stationary observer. (a)
(a) Cold (b) warm (c) stationary

(9) On weather map --------------- line with triangles show direction of cold front. (b)
(a) red (b) blue (c) purple

(9) After a front passes over a place, if the temperature is lower than it was before, the front
is called ---------------front. (a)
(a) cold (b) stationary (c) warm

4. Match the items in List (A) with the appropriate items given in the List (B). (10 marks)

Sr List A Sr List B
1 The central part of the storm, where winds A usually fine weather.
are quite light and the sky is usually fairly
clear is
2 When there is very strong convergence at B and they will not mix one another.
3 Each air mass has different characteristics C It is called stationary or quasi-
to other air mass stationary.

4 Anti-cyclonic isobars have D called the eye or vortex.

5 The boundary of two air masses of polar E it is called waterspout.
air and tropical air is
6 TRS do not occur in the southeast Pacific F called polar front.
and the south Atlantic oceans

7 Secondary depressions may form where G because of the low water temperature.
8 The direction in which the storm is moving H purple, red and blue.
9 If a front is stationary or behavior as if it I where there is a kink or wave on the
will stationary, cold front.
10 The colour of occluded / warm / cold J is called path.
fronts on weather map are


1. D 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. F 6. G 7. I 8. J 9. C 10. H

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