Grade 6 G&C

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1 Human Growth By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners know changes Explaining Guidance and work cards
and Development lesson learners that occur on their bodies as they grow up. Identifying Counselling flash cards
Male and female should be able Introduction: The facilitator explains key Describing Strengthening Life charts
reproductive to:--identify the words skills, sexually,
anatomy emotional, physical 2 .The facilitator explains on the meaning of HIV and Aids
and psychological adolescent Teacher’s manual
-Adolescence changes in 3Learners in groups identify the emotional, page 10
adolescence physical and psychological changes in
adolescents while facilitator assists them. 4
Learners give feedback from their groups while
the facilitator assists them.
5 Individual written work
Conclusion : Revision and recap of concepts.
2 Human Growth By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners know causes of Explaining Guidance and work cards
and Development lesson learners HIV infection Identifying Counselling flash cards
Male and female should be able to:- Introduction: Recap of previous lesson Describing Strengthening Life charts
reproductive Show how the 2The facilitator explains on reproductive organs. skills, sexually,
anatomy change influences 3Learners draw and label reproductive organs HIV and Aids
-Adolescence their behaviour and while the facilitator assists them4 Class Teacher’s manual
their risk to HIV discussion on changes that occur on adolescence page10
infection. that can influence their behaviour while the
facilitator assists them.
Con. Oral review of the lesson.
3 Human growth By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners know duties of Explaining Guidance and work cards
and development lesson learners males and females Identifying Counselling flash cards
Sex and sexuality should be able to:- Introduction: Learners state different roles of Describing Strengthening Life charts
identify and discuss males and females. skills, sexually,
gender roles .The facilitator explains on gender roles and HIV and Aids
learners listen. 2 Learners identify gender roles in Teacher’s manual
groups as the facilitator assists.3 Learners give page 10
feedback from their groups while the facilitator
assists them. 4. Individual written work.
Conclusion : . Oral review of the lesson.
4 Human growth By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners know changes Explaining Guidance and work cards
and development lesson learners By the end of puberty Identifying Counselling flash cards
Puberty should be able to:- Introduction: Recap of the previous lesson Describing Strengthening Life charts
identify Learners state changes which take place By the skills, sexually,

developmental end of puberty in boys and girls. HIV and Aids

changes By the end Learners in groups discuss the changes which Teacher’s manual
of adolescence take place in boys and girls By the end of page 10
-state the effects of adolescence
puberty Feedback and class discussion on the effects of
Individual written work
Conclusion : Oral question and answer
5 Human growth By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners the effects of Explaining Guidance and work cards
and development lesson learners early pregnancy Identifying Counselling flash cards
Abstinence should be able to:- Introduction: Recap of the previous lesson Describing Strengthening Life charts
-benefits of state the benefits of Explanation from the fc on what is abstinence and skills, sexually,
delayed sexual delayed sexual learners listen. HIV and Aids
activity activity Learners a a class discuss the benefits of delayed Teacher’s manual
-managing sexual -state the effects of sexual activity and the facilitator assists page 10
pressure early sexual activity Group discussion on the effects of early sexual
Feedback from groups and discussion on how to
manage sexual pressures.
Individual written work
Conclusion : Oral question and answer
6 Human growth By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners know what is Explaining Guidance and work cards
and development lesson learners HIV/AIDS Identifying Counselling flash cards
HIV/AIDS should be able to:- Introduction: Recap of the previous lesson Describing Strengthening Life charts
Modes of identify the modes Learners state the methods in which HIV/AIDS is skills, sexually,
transmission of HIV/AIDS transmitted and the fc assists. HIV and Aids
-prevention transmission Learners as a class discuss the methods of Teacher’s manual
-state the methods HIV/AIDS transmission page 11
of preventing Group discussion on the methods of prevention
HIV/AIDS Feedback from groups.
Individual written work
Conclusion : Oral question and answer
7 Human growth By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners are aware of how Explaining Guidance and work cards
and development lesson learners HIV/AIDS is transmitted Identifying Counselling flash cards
HIV/AIDS should be able to:- Introduction: Recap of the previous lesson explaining Strengthening Life charts
-stigma and state the effects of Explanation from the facilitator on what is stigma skills, sexually,
discrimination stigma and and discrimination. HIV and Aids
-living positively discrimination Learners as a class discuss the effects of stigma Teacher’s manual

-Explain how to and discrimination. page 11

live positive Group discussion on how to live positively as the
facilitator assists.
Feedback from groups.
Individual written work
Conclusion : Learners dramatise stigmatisation
and discrimination
8 Human growth By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners are aware of the Explaining Guidance and work cards
and development lesson learners stages of child development Identifying Counselling flash cards
Myths and should be able to:- Introduction: Recap of the previous lesson explaining Strengthening Life charts
Misconceptions explain the effects Explanation from the facilitator on the myths and skills, sexually,
-child growth of myths and misconceptions on child growth and development. HIV and Aids
and development misconception child Learners as a class discuss the effects of myths Teacher’s manual
growth and and misconceptions on child growth and page 11
development development.
Group discussion on the effects of myths and
misconceptions on child growth and development.
Feedback from groups.
Individual written work
Conclusion : Learners dramatise stigmatisation
and discrimination
9 Health By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners know the Explaining Guidance and work cards
Hygiene (Personal lesson learners importance of hygiene Identifying Counselling flash cards
and should be able to:- Introduction: Learners are asked to pick up explaining Strengthening Life charts
Environmental) explain how to keep litter in the school environment skills, sexually,
Home the school, home Learners state how to keep their homes, school HIV and Aids
School and the community and the community clean. Teacher’s manual
Community clean Learners as a class discuss the importance of page 12
-personal keeping the home, school and community clean
hygiene and the facilitator assists.
Group discussion on how learners can practice
personal hygiene.
Feedback from groups.
Individual written work
Conclusion : Question and answer
10 Health By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners know what a Explaining Guidance and work cards
Nutrition in lesson learners balanced diet is. Identifying Counselling flash cards
relation to should be able to:- Introduction: Learners state the nutrients explaining Strengthening Life charts

HIV/AIDS state the importance which makes up a balanced diet skills, sexually,
Importance of a of a balanced diet Learners state what a balanced diet is and the HIV and Aids
balanced diet facilitator assists. Teacher’s manual
Learners discuss the importance of eating a page 12
balanced diet.
Group discussion on the importance of having a
nutritional garden and the facilitator assists.
Feedback from groups.
Individual written work
Conclusion : Question and answer
11 Health By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners are aware of Explaining Guidance and work cards
Communicable lesson learners different types of diseases. Identifying Counselling flash cards
and non should be able to:- Introduction: Learners name diseases they are explaining Strengthening Life charts
communicable state examples of aware of. skills, sexually,
diseases communicable and Explanation from the facilitator on what are HIV and Aids
-communicable non-communicable communicable and non communicable diseases. Teacher’s manual
diseases diseases Learners as a class group diseases as page 12
-non- –explain how to communicable and non communicable and the
communicable prevent facilitator assists.
diseases communicable and Group discussion on how to prevent
-prevention non-communicable communicable and non-communicable diseases
diseases Feedback from groups.
Individual written work
Conclusion : Question and answer
12 Human growth By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners are aware of the Explaining Guidance and work cards
and development lesson learners stages of child development Identifying Counselling flash cards
Myths and should be able to:- Introduction: Recap of the previous lesson explaining Strengthening Life charts
Misconceptions explain the effects Explanation from the facilitator on the myths and skills, sexually,
-child growth of myths and misconceptions on child growth and development. HIV and Aids
and development misconception child Learners as a class discuss the effects of myths Teacher’s manual
growth and and misconceptions on child growth and page 11
development development.
Group discussion on the effects of myths and
misconceptions on child growth and development.
Feedback from groups.
Individual written work
Conclusion : Learners dramatise stigmatisation
and discrimination

13 REVISION By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners have written a Explaining Guidance and work cards
lesson learners revision exercise Identifying Counselling flash cards
All topics covered should be able to:- Introduction: Recap of the covered during the Describing Strengthening Life charts
By the end of the Answer correctly at term. skills, sexually,
term least half of the 1 Class discussion on the covered concepts HIV and Aids
given revision during the term. 2. The facilitator asks oral Teacher’s manual
questions questions on the covered concepts and learners
respond. 3. Individual written work on the
revision test.
Conclusion: Recap and revision of the written
14 REVISION By the end of the Assumed knowledge. Learners have written a Explaining Guidance and work cards
lesson learners revision exercise Identifying Counselling flash cards
All topics covered should be able to:- Introduction: Recap of the covered during the Describing Strengthening Life charts
By the end of the Answer correctly at term. skills, sexually,
term least half of the 1 Class discussion on the covered concepts HIV and Aids
given revision during the term. 2. The facilitator asks oral Teacher’s manual
questions questions on the covered concepts and learners
respond. 3. Individual written work on the
revision test.
Conclusion: Recap and revision of the written

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