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Test 1 Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous

1. Write the forms of the verbs according to the indications (3p=5x0,60)

2sg/int/PaPS/to blow
3pl/ neg/PaPC/to write
3sg.f /aff./PaPS/to fly
1sg /int/PaPC/ to picnic
2pl/neg/PaPS/ to thrive
2. Write sentences to illustrate the following uses of the tenses

A. A past action that happened another past action;

B. An action with “no sooner”
C. A past action that happened in the past before another past action, but the
emphasis is on duration;
D. An action with “hardly”

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in Past Perfect
Simple or Past Perfect Continuous ( 3p=5x0,60)

By the time they got to the theatre the play….. . (ALREADY START)
When he got to the finish line he …. for three hours (RUN)
After they ….. the door they saw that the room was a complete mess (OPEN)
We …… in the garden for a long time when we found the hole. (WORK)
After the storm …… we could finally leave the house. (STOP)
Test 2 Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous

1.Write the forms of the verbs according to the indications (3p=5x0,60)

2pl/aff/PaPS/to teach
1pl/neg/PaPC/to frolic
3 sg.m/aff/PaPC/to drive
3pl/int/PaPS/to fall
1sg/neg/PaPS/to show
2.Write sentences to illustrate the following uses of the tenses
a. A past action that happened another past action;
b. An action with “no sooner”
c. A past action that happened in the past before another past action, but the
emphasis is on duration;
d. An action with “hardly”

3.Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the verbs in Past Perfect
Simple or Past Perfect Continuous ( 3p=5x0,60)
The football fans …… trouble for some time before the police arrived. (MAKE)
By the time they left town the mechanic …… the car. (REPAIR)
When the teacher finally came in the boys ….. for ten minutes (FIGHT)
After they ….. the good news they burst into laughter. (HEAR)
When the teacher finally came in the boys …… for ten minutes (FIGHT)

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