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Making a Strong Case for Prioritizing Muscular

Fitness in Youth Physical Activity Guidelines
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Avery D. Faigenbaum, EdD, FACSM;1 James P. MacDonald, MD, FACSM;2

Andrea Stracciolini, MD, FAAP, FACSM;3 and Tamara Rial Rebullido, PhD 4

physical activity could yield billions of

Abstract dollars in medical cost savings and have
Although evidence indicates that muscular fitness is foundational for ongo- far-reaching positive effects on adult-
ing participation in active play, exercise and sport, current national and hood earnings (3,4).
international youth physical activity guidelines underplay the critical impor- Despite the well-established benefits
tance of strength-building activities during this developmental phase of life. of physical activity, global levels of
In view of troubling trends in muscular fitness in today's youth, specific youth physical inactivity remain high
recommendations to address neuromuscular deficiencies are required. An (5,6). Data from 1.6 million students aged
understanding of the multidimensional development of youth physical inac- 11 to 17 years from 146 countries re-
tivity and the importance of muscular fitness are needed to have the most vealed that more than 80% were insuffi-
significant impact on youth physical activity at the population level. The ciently active (5). These findings are
mounting evidence of the detrimental effects of physical inactivity on youth consistent with the 2018 Global Matrix
warrant a review of existing physical activity recommendations and guide- 3.0 Physical Activity Report Card con-
lines. The proposed pediatric activity pyramid recognizes the shared impor- firming very high levels of physical in-
tance of strength, skill, and aerobic activities required for the successful activity among youth in the 5- to
implementation of sustainable youth physical activity interventions. 17-year age range (6). Despite ongoing
efforts over the past few decades to ad-
dress this phenomenon, participation in
Introduction physical activity among children and adolescents remains per-
Since the publication of the landmark report on physical sistently low in the context of school, home, and community
activity and health by the United States Surgeon General in settings. Since the decline in physical activity appears to emerge
1996, regular participation in physical activity has increasingly very early in life (7), and physical activity behavior tends to
been recognized as a passport to good health and well-being track from childhood to adolescence (8), the current and future
(1). It is widely recognized that all types of physical activity — health of many contemporary youth is compromised. Invest-
from active transportation to competitive sport — can improve ment at all levels is needed to combat physical inactivity in chil-
the physical and mental health of participants (2). Regular dren and adolescents and encourage uptake and maintenance
physical activity can reduce the risk of noncommunicable dis- of physical activity throughout the life course.
eases, including heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer, Public health guidelines constitute a key information resource
and can help to prevent hypertension, overweight, and obesity for parents, policymakers, and health care professionals. It is
(2). Physical activity also offers social and economic benefits. important to regularly assess the efficacy and practicality of
It has been estimated that even modest increases in youth these guidelines to guide policy development and goal setting
for physical activity promotion. The most common recom-
mendation in these documents is that all youth accumulate
Department of Health and Exercise Science, The College of New Jersey, at least 60 min of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily
Ewing, NJ; 2Division of Sports Medicine, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, (MVPA), with the majority of the daily discretionary activity
Ohio State University College of Medicine, Columbus, OH; 3Division of classified as aerobic (9,10). Although evidence indicates that
Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopaedics, Boston Children’s Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; and 4Tamara Rial Exercise & Women’s
muscular fitness activities are foundational for ongoing partic-
Health, Newtown, PA. ipation in active play, exercise, and sport (11–13), current na-
tional and international youth physical activity guidelines
Address for correspondence: Avery D. Faigenbaum, EdD, FACSM, FNSCA, underplay the critical importance of strength-building activi-
Department of Health and Exercise Science, The College of New Jersey, ties throughout childhood and adolescence (9,10). To this
2000 Pennington Road, Ewing, NJ, 08628; Email:
point, global declines in youth MVPA have coincided with
Current Sports Medicine Reports temporal declines in measures of muscular fitness in children
Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine and adolescents (14–17).

530 Volume 19  Number 12  December 2020 Muscular Fitness in Youth

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It is time to reconsider the complexity and multifaceted na- strengthening” programs (34,44). Although the vast majority
ture of physical inactivity in youth and upgrade generic physical of national PA guidelines understate the critical importance
activity guidelines that fail to address the specific needs and enhancing muscular fitness early in life, recent youth physical
abilities of this population. While it is unlikely that one strategy activity guidelines from the United Kingdom recommend
will be the answer, the current approach for promoting physical MVPA in all forms to develop muscular fitness, movement
activity in children and adolescents is suboptimal, demonstra- skills, and bone strength (43).
bly lacking in effect. The global rise of noncommunicable dis- Given the impact of national physical activity guidelines
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eases in youth further supports the critical need to review and on policy development and program implementation, it is im-
revise youth physical activity guidelines that are consistent with portant to monitor and iteratively evaluate the influence and
the unique needs, abilities, and interests of children and adoles- relevance of these recommendations for increasing youth
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cents. We argue for prioritizing muscular fitness in youth phys- MVPA. Although efforts have been made to refine and clarify
ical activity guidelines and propose a new conceptual model for national guidelines with evidence of improved quality, basic
promoting MVPA in children and adolescents. For ease of dis- public health recommendations from 2005 for “school age”
cussion, the term youth refers to children and adolescents col- youth to accumulate 60 min or more of MVPA daily remain
lectively, and muscular fitness is defined as a global term that much the same today (46). The increasing prevalence of youth
represents muscular strength, muscular power, and local mus- physical inactivity calls for a paradigm change that both recognizes
cular endurance. and emphasizes the appropriate physical needs of modern-day
children and adolescents to effectively impact youth physical
What Are Physical Activity Guidelines for Youth? activity worldwide.
Alhough it is unclear whether public health recommendations,
in isolation, increase participation in MVPA, global efforts to es- Why Prioritize Muscular Fitness Development?
tablish national and international guidelines to increase physical Recent epidemiological reports indicate that today's youth
activity at all levels across the life span are supported by key World are not as active as they should be and the decline and disinter-
Health Organization (WHO) publications (2,9,18). Common est in MVPA increases steadily after 6 years of age (5–7). No
youth physical activity recommendations in these documents child is immune from contemporary lifestyles that often con-
include accumulating at least 60 min of MVPA daily, with sist of noneducational screen time, sedentary recreational pur-
the majority of the MVPA being aerobic (9). The WHO also suits, and limited exposure to physical activities that enhance
recommends muscle- and bone-strengthening activities at least muscular fitness. There is an urgent need to address physical
3 d·wk−1 (9). Other international physical activity guidelines from inactivity during childhood and adolescence before youth
the European Union (19) and the Nordic countries (Iceland, become resistant to exercise interventions later in life. This
Norway, and Sweden) (20) are consistent with WHO guide- approach emphasizes the importance of recognizing the mul-
lines that call for the accumulation of at least 60 min of MVPA tidimensional development of youth physical inactivity and
daily in forms that are developmentally appropriate, enjoyable, promoting strength-building activities for all youth regardless
and involve a variety of activities. The updated WHO Global of physical ability or body size.
Recommendations on Physical Activity in Youth, Adults, and As illustrated in Figure 1, low levels of muscular fitness neg-
Older Adults are expected to be published in 2020 (21). atively impact physical, psychosocial, emotional, and behav-
International youth physical activity guidelines sparked the ioral factors that drive physical inactivity in youth. Since a
development of national physical activity recommendations. certain amount of force-production and force-attenuation is
Information presented in the Table outlines 24 national youth needed to move proficiently on the playground as well as the
physical activity guidelines published since 2010 (the year the sports field, weaker youth who lack confidence and compe-
WHO global recommendations were released). Some national tence in their physical abilities (i.e., physical illiteracy) may
reports stem from evidence-based frameworks regarding the avoid nonessential MVPA to guard against embarrassment,
dose-response to physical activity and are high-profile docu- humiliation, and failure (47). Moreover, inactive youth may
ments, whereas others focus on the public health promotion be less willing to experience and tolerate sensations associated
of physical activity and exist only on national language web sites. with MVPA due to a feeling of vulnerability or discomfort
National guidelines provide specific guidance on physical activity (i.e., kinesiophobia) (48). These MVPA fear-avoidance factors
amounts and modalities for different age groups and may serve may lead to an increase in unhealthy behaviors and conse-
to inform key stakeholders involved with primary prevention quent risk of injury and illness.
and health promotion. While low levels of muscular strength and power are well-
National youth physical activity guidelines recommend at recognized risk factors for functional disability and mortality
least 60 min of MVPA daily with a primary focus on aerobic ex- in older adults (49), it appears that youth also are vulnerable
ercise and a secondary focus on muscle- and bone-strengthening to the inevitable consequences of dynapenia (48,50). The term
activities (10). Austria, France, Philippines, and Uruguay ad- dynapenia is defined as an identifiable and treatable condition
vise that youth older than 12 years perform strength exercises in youth characterized by low levels of muscular strength and
(24,28,36,45), and guidelines from South Africa and Switzerland power not caused by neurologic or muscular disease (48,51).
suggest that strength-building activities should be limited to body Pediatric dynapenia has been found to be associated with car-
weight exercises until adolescence (39,41). diometabolic risk (52), all-cause disability later in life (53),
Youth physical activity guidelines from New Zealand and and major cause of premature death (54). Since muscular fit-
the United States encourage children to participate in un- ness phenotypes appear to track from childhood to young
structured strength-building activities, such as jumping and adulthood (55), youth who are not exposed to progressively
climbing, but state that children do not need “formal muscle challenging strength-building activities early in life may be less Current Sports Medicine Reports 531

Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
National Physical Activity Guidelines for children and adolescents since 2010*.
Year F I T Primary Mode Other Modes
Argentina (22) 2013 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
Australia (23) 2019 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
≥60 min
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Austria (24) 2012 Daily MV Aerobic Strength, flexibility, skills

Canada (25) 2016 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
Chile (26) 2017 Daily MV ≥60–90 min Aerobic Strength, flexibility
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China (27) 2017 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength

France (28) 2018 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength, flexibility
Germany (29) 2016 Daily MV ≥90 min Aerobic Strength
Italy (30) 2018 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
Malaysia (31) 2017 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
Mexico (32) 2015 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
Netherlands (33) 2017 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
New Zealand (34) 2012 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength, flexibility
Paraguay (35) 2014 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
Philippines (36) 2010 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength, flexibility
Qatar (37) 2014 Daily MV 60 min Aerobic Strength
Singapore (38) 2013 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
South Africa (39) 2013 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
Spain (40) 2015 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
Switzerland (41) 2012 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength, flexibility, agility
Turkey (42) 2014 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
UK (43) 2019 Daily MV ≥60 min† All forms‡
USA (44) 2018 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
Uruguay (45) 2017 Daily MV ≥60 min Aerobic Strength
*Adapted from Parrish et al (10).
†An average of at least 60 min MVPA per day across the week.
‡A variety of physical activities including those that develop movement skills and muscle strength.
F, frequency; I, intensity; T, time; MV, moderate-vigorous.

likely to acquire the desired skills and behaviors that support muscular fitness early in life in order to provide a strong foun-
ongoing participation in MVPA (48,56,57). dation for ongoing participation in a variety of physical activ-
Research findings show that regular participation in youth ities. Indeed, meta-analytic findings underscore the importance
resistance training has a positive impact on fundamental move- of developing a foundation of muscular strength before per-
ment skills (e.g., jumping, throwing, and running) (57), and forming more advanced power training activities (62).
a positive association between muscular fitness and physical ac- Despite outdated concerns and misperceptions associated
tivity (particularly vigorous physical activity) in children and with youth resistance training, a compelling body of evidence
adolescents has been reported (56). Notably, researchers identi- indicates that regular participation in a well-designed resistance
fied a motor proficiency barrier for meeting physical activity training program can offer observable health and fitness value
guidelines in children (58). Almost 90% of children with for children and adolescents (12,13,63). A high level of muscu-
low actual motor competence did not meet the public health lar fitness in children and adolescents is associated with future
recommendations of at least 60 min of MVPA daily (58). health benefits (e.g., lower insulin resistance, higher bone min-
Meta-analytic findings provide additional support for a mod- eral density) (63) and the most effective youth injury-reducing
erate to large positive relationship between motor competence and performance-enhancing programs include strength-building
and physical fitness from early childhood to early adulthood activities (64–66). Notwithstanding the potential benefits of
(59). Collectively, these findings underscore a potential synergis- aerobic exercise, without integrative exercise interventions
tic adaptation whereby integrative physical activity interventions that target neuromuscular deficits early in life, contemporary
can complement naturally occurring adaptations throughout youth may be unable to overcome an acquired strength deficit.
childhood and adolescence (60,61). Since fundamental movement Absent the necessary intervention, they may never catch up to
skills are the basic building blocks for more advanced, complex their more active peers who possess average or better levels of
movements, there is an opportunity to develop a basal level of muscular fitness.

532 Volume 19  Number 12  December 2020 Muscular Fitness in Youth

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Figure 1: The multifactorial development of youth physical inactivity.

Rethinking the Pediatric Physical Activity Pyramid the successful implementation of sustainable youth physical
The current global focus on accumulating at least 60 min of activity interventions.
MVPA daily has shifted the focus away from specific critical The concept of integrating both health- and skill-related fit-
components of health- and skill-related physical fitness that drive ness components into youth programs is not new. Throughout
ongoing participation in MVPA in youth. Health-related compo- the early 20th century, physical education classes incorporated
nents of physical fitness include cardiorespiratory endurance, mus- strength-building calisthenics into the physical conditioning les-
cular strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility; skill-related son plan and circuit training developed in the 1950s included
components of physical fitness include agility, balance, coor- different stations of aerobic and strength activities arranged con-
dination, speed, power, and reaction time (67). Persistent secutively. More recently, training that includes strength- and
levels of insufficient physical activity in youth over many years skill-building activities has been found to improve health, en-
call for intervention strategies that move past the question of hance performance, and reduce the risk of youth sports-related
“how much MVPA?” to “what type of MVPA?” to better un- injuries (61,70). Although there is not one optimal combination
derstand and develop interventions that produce desired out- of exercises, sets, and repetitions that will promote favorable ad-
comes (68). Because of the timing of brain development and aptations in all children and adolescents, technique-driven pro-
associated neuroplasticity for learning new skills, childhood gression and performance of more complex movement skills
and adolescence provide a unique opportunity to enhance over time will keep the training stimulus effective and enjoyable
both health- and skill-related components of physical fitness (70). Integrative training does not involve expensive exercise
in supportive settings (68). Pediatric researchers and clinicians equipment or heavy external loads. A circuit of exercises with
are beginning to consider both the quantity and the quality of elastic bands, fitness ropes, medicine balls, and one's own body
the MVPA experience to reinforce desired movement patterns weight may be used to enhance the ability to express muscular
which underlie sustainable participation in a range of physical force safely within a spectrum of movement competencies
activities (68,69). (71,72). Notably, integrative training has been found to pose a
The pediatric activity pyramid (PAP) illustrates the integra- moderate to vigorous cardiometabolic stimulus in children (73).
tive relationship among three interrelated activity components Although there is no minimum starting age, in general most
and the foundational importance of strength activities (designed 6- and 7-year olds are ready from some type of integrative train-
to enhance muscular fitness) and skill activities (designed to ing that includes variety, progression, and game-like activities.
enhance fundamental movement skills) in the promotion of For example, animal-like movements, such as “bunny jumps”
physical activity for all youth (Fig. 2). Unlike the hierarchical de- and “frog squats,” can capture the imagination of younger
sign of traditional youth physical activity pyramids with moder- children. Youth with training experience could advance to
ate intensity aerobic physical activities at the base (presumed to more complex exercises that target key movement patterns
be more important) and muscular fitness activities toward the that involve pulling, pushing, bracing, accelerating, and decel-
top (presumed to be less important), PAP recognizes the shared, erating (70,74). As such, training experience is an impor-
coequal importance of strength, skill, and aerobic activities for tant consideration since it impacts the ability of youth to Current Sports Medicine Reports 533

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Figure 2: The PAP consists of three interrelated components that influence participation in MVPA in youth.

perform simple and complex movements with competence of the detrimental effects of physical inactivity on youth warrant
and confidence. a review of existing national physical activity recommendations.
Interindividual differences in physical development and Generic recommendations to simply move more are not enough
fitness abilities between youth of the same age are important to activate this generation of girls and boys who are weaker and
considerations when designing exercise programs for children slower than previous generations. An understanding of the mul-
and adolescents. tidimensional development of youth physical inactivity and the
At a time when physical education is considered expendable importance of muscular fitness is needed to have the most signif-
in some communities and too many aspiring young athletes icant impact on youth physical activity at the population level.
appear ill-prepared for the physical demands of sports practice The activity-promoting and health-enhancing benefits of mus-
and competition, efforts are needed to inform relevant stake- cular fitness warrant a stronger emphasis on this issue and a
holders that, rather than having an isolated focus on aerobic new conceptual PAP model for promoting MVPA in all youth.
activities, youth physical activity interventions should con- In view of troubling trends in measures of muscular fitness
sider an integrative approach that includes strength- and in modern-day youth over the past few decades, specific rec-
skill-building activities (13,61,68). Integrative exercise interven- ommendations to address neuromuscular deficiencies early
tions that enhance both health- and skill-related components of in life are an important first step to support ongoing participa-
physical fitness are needed to prevent the accumulation of risk tion in MVPA. About 60 years ago Hans Krauss and Wilhelm
factors, functional limitations, and interrelated processes that Raab coauthored a seminal text entitled Hypokinetic Disease
drive physical inactivity throughout childhood and adolescence in which they stated it was incongruous for underexercised
(61,70). Although most youth will develop a minimal level of youth to spend countless hours performing therapeutic exer-
physical fitness with free play, the acquisition of necessary cise to restore the loss of muscular fitness that never should
strength is not automatic: structured movement experiences have been lost in the first place (78). These words are still rel-
with qualified instruction are needed to optimize gains in both evant today. It is, at last, time for a change.
health- and skill-related components of physical fitness (75).
Notably, quality based physical education programs have been
found to improve physical fitness outcomes and fundamental The authors declare no conflict of interest and do not have
movement skills in children and adolescents (76,77). any financial disclosures.

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536 Volume 19  Number 12  December 2020 Muscular Fitness in Youth

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