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IEEE MELECON 2004, May 12-15,2004, Dubrovnik, Croatia

Ant-Colony Search-Based Minimum Losses

Reconfiguration of Distribution Systems
Enrico Carpaneto and Gianfranco Chicco
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica Industriale, Politecnico di Torino
corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy
E-mail: enrico.carpaneto@,,
- gianfranco.chicco@,

Abstract-This paper presents a new application of the Ant

Colony Search method to the minimum losses 11. DISTRIBUTION
reconfiguration of distribution systems. The optimization OBJECTIVE FUNCTION
problem is formulated by taking into account the
operational constraints of the distribution systems. The For a distribution system with K nodes, B branches and
results of the proposed approach are compared to the ones S supply substations, let’s define the following sets:
obtained from other deterministic and heuristic methods K set of nodes
(iterative improvement, tabu search and simulated B set of branches
annealing) on two test systems.
S set of supply substations
Keywords - ant colony search, distribution systems, S“) set of the nodes belonging to the tree having as root
minimum losses, optimal reconfiguration, heuristic methods. the ’z supply substation;
FJ)set of nodes contained in the path from node j to the
I. INTRODUCTION supply substation z. The path FJ) is empty if n o d e j
is not connected to the supply substation z through a
The Ant Colony Search (ACS) optimization was first
succession of closed branches;
introduced in 1991 [ l ] and has proven to be a powerful
tool for solving a large number of problems in different Bo) set of the branches directly connected to node j
(excluding the branch whose ending node belongs to
fields [2]. The ACS is based on the behavior of the ants P’ZJ’);
while searching for food. Each ant leaves a pheromone
trail on the path from nest to food. The pheromone FJ)set of the branches whose sending and ending nodes
belong to P”J)).
evaporates with time, so that the other ants can reach the
food by following the “shortest” paths marked with
strong pheromone quantities. Some ACS applications Each configuration of the distribution system is defined
recently proposed in the distribution system area concern by the states (open/closed) of the branches. Let’s call X
feeder restoration and optimum switch adjustments for the set of the radial system configurations. The reference
distribution system planning [3-51. configuration E X corresponds to the standards of
This paper proposes a new application of the Ant operation of the distribution system.
Colony Search algorithm to the optimal reconfiguration The distribution systems operation is constrained by
of distribution systems, with the objective of minimising structural and operating limits [6]. The first constraint
the distribution system losses in the presence of refers to maintaining the system configuration radial, i.e.,
operational constraints. The distribution systems are X E X. In addition, let’s consider the following limits, for
structurally weakly meshed, but are operated in radial
configuration by keeping a number of branches open. The
choice of the branches to open in order to minimise losses
node k E K
max node voltage magnitude v k - vkMAx _< o (1)
min node voltage magnitude Vk““ - vk I o
is a combinatorial problem with high degree of
complexity and several local minima. This problem has .
max phase-earth fault current I f - <0
been addressed by using various methods and heuristics,
such as iterative improvement, tabu search, genetic
. max 3-phase short-circuit current I F - ITMM
I O (4)
algorithms and simulated annealing [6-131. However, by and the thermal current rating limit for branch b E B:
definition no method guarantees to find the global 8 1;’ - I f , M A x 2 0 (5)
optimum in finite time or number of iterations, so that
searching efficient alternative heuristics is still a The objective function is given by the total power
challenging task. losses PToT(X)in the distribution system:
Section I1 of the paper illustrates the characteristics of
the distribution systems and formulates the objective
function. Section I11 deals with the application of the where Rb is the branch resistance and l b is the magnitude
ACS algorithm to the minimum losses reconfiguration of of the current flowing through the branch b E B. The
distribution systems. Section IV compares the results of
the ACS method to those obtained from other methods. constrained minimisation, with f ( X ) = P7” ( X ) , is:

0-7803-8271-4/04/$20.00 02004 IEEE 97 1

min f(X) (7) W maximum number of cycles without loss
xex reductions
subject to (1)-(5). a exponent for pheromone update (local rule)
Alternatively, it is possible to introduce the penalty
factors pv, pefi pScand plh for each constraint (1)-(5). Each p exponent for the branch-related term (local rule)
penalty factor is null if the corresponding constraint is not p pheromone evaporation rate
violated and positive if it is violated. The resulting 6 pheromone amplification factor
penalised objectivefunction is: CO initial pheromone quantity
The global structure of the algorithm is the following:
input data
o set cycle counter h = 0;
o set counter of cycles without loss reductions w = 0;
set Xhe.vt = (0) = X ( 0 ) ;
o set initial pheromone Ch(O) = CO,b E B
and the optimisation problem becomes
external cycle (while w < W)
xex T(X) (9)
{ update cycle counter, h = h + 1

A. Overall structure of the proposed ACS algorithm send ants cycle, v = 1 , .. .,N
The proposed implementation of the ACS algorithm { build network cycle, i = 1, . .., K-S
adopts a constructive procedure that intrinsically ensures
that the configurations obtained during the construction { create the list of candidate nodes L'h*""'
process are radial. The algorithm is based on multiple add branch (see Section 1II.B)
cycles. Initially all branches are associated to the same } loop (build network cycle)
quantity of pheromone. During each cycle, several ants
are sent to build a radial configuration (one for each ant) compute the objective function T ( X ( h , " ) ) ;
starting from the S supply substations. The objective
function (8) is computed for each configuration. At the
end of each cycle, part of the pheromone evaporates. } loop (send ants cycle)
However, if a configuration improving the best objective
function found so far is detected during the cycle, the
if ?(Xbe.y/( h ) < -
f(Xbest then
closed branches of this configuration are marked by 0 update Xbest= X h e(hs 1[
increasing the quantity of pheromone associated to them
by using a pheromone amplification factor. The cycles o set =( for all the branches b closed in
continue until no improvement of the objective function the configuration X,,,;
(8) is detected for a specified number of cycles. In order to
prevent early stop of the procedure, a pre-defined number o ifh>Hosetw=w+1
of cycles is performed in any case. update pheromone for each branch b E 6:
In order to detail the algorithm, let's consider the
following parameters:
Ho number of the cycle for the stop criterion
activation } loop (external cycle)
N number of ants best configuration output
+cumulative values
B. The "add branch" procedure
The core of the proposed ACS algorithm is the procedure
used by each ant to build a radial system. This procedure
calls the function k = @ ( M ,V ) to implement the random
r extraction of the position k from a set of M positions, each
--- of which is associated to a value included in the set V =
{vm,rn = 1,...,M } . A step-wise cumulative curve is built,
position in which the width of each step is
1 2 3 4 m' M
Fig. 1. Random extraction of a position from a set of positions
associated to real values.

so that the values assumed by the curve lie inside the
range (0,l). A random number r is then extracted from a
uniform probability distribution in the interval (O,l),
resulting in the output position. A scheme of the
cumulative curve construction and of the selection
%. 6
.7 7 <..........

mechanism is shown in Fig. 1, where the random number r _...........
*..- .... .........
extracted corresponds to the position #4, so that the output *..a. 1x
of the procedure is k = 4.
Let's consider the h' cycle of the algorithm. When the
vth ant is building a radial system, the initial list L@,",l)
candidate nodes is formed, containin only the sup ly
substation nodes. Then, at the generic itFstep the list L("'*')
is updated to contain the nodes to which it is possible to
add a new branch, until the radial configuration has been Fig. 2. Progressive construction of the radial network during the
completed (after K-S steps). The details are now illustrated evolution of the constructive algorithm
by dropping the superscript (h,v,i) for the sake of clarity.
The first branch is added to the initial list of candidate selection of the supply substation node. In fact, the node to
nodes by choosing at random the supply substation k = which the next branch will be connected is randomly
@(S,{l, ...,l}). A local rule is then used to select the chosen by using the function m =

branch to add in the case of multiple branches connected

to the selected supply substation. Assuming that the , in which the width of each
extracted supply substation k is connected to J =
dim @ k ) ] branches, the choice of the branch to add to the step of the cumulative curve is inversely proportional to
radial structure is performed by using the function j = the sum of the resistance along the path from a candidate

[ (<T:
CD J , L , q E B ( k ) ] ] , where
r4 is the quantity of
node and the corresponding supply substation. For the
extracted node m, the choice of the branch to add to the
radial structure (e.g., branch h) is performed by using

pheromone associated to the branch q E 6 ( kand ) ay is a again the function h = CD

value representing the branch q E B ( k )for the purpose of
branch selection (e.g., branch resistance). The importance
of the terms and a can be customised by varying the At each cycle, the constructive procedure is
conditioned by the results of the previous cycles. In fact,
values of the corresponding exponents a and p. the quantity of pheromone marking each branch depends
An intermediate step of the system construction is on the pheromone added to the branches forming the
shown in Fig.2, in which the continuous lines represent radial structures improving the objective function and on
branches already closed, while the dashed lines represent the pheromone evaporation rate applied to each branch at
branches that are physically connected to the nodes the end of the cycle.
already selected. At this point, the list L of candidate
nodes for continuing the construction of the network is IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS
updated to include the nodes to which it is possible to
The Ant Colony Search (ACS) has been compared to
connect a new branch, i.e., nodes number 6, 7, 8, 11, 12,
other methods typically used for the minimum losses
14, 15 and 18. The other nodes shown are not included in
reconfiguration of distribution systems, such as
the list L for various reasons:
deterministic Iterative Improvement (IT), Simulated
(i) terminal nodes (e.g., node #9 and node #IO); Annealing (SA) and Tabu Search (TS). The solution
(ii) all branches derived from the node have already been provided by these methods depends on setting up the
connected (e.g., the supply substation nodes #1 to #4, corresponding parameters (for IT and TS) and also on the
as well as nodes #5 and #17); randomness introduced during the solution process (for
(iii) pairs of nodes only connected through a branch that SA and ACS). The IT and TS methods use the objective
cannot be closed without forming a loop (e.g., node function as in (7) and reject all solutions leading to
#13 and node #16); in this case, the connecting constraint violations, while the SA and ACS methods use
branch will remain open until the end of the network the penalised objective function as in (9). Two test
construction. systems have been used (Table I). Data and parameters of
the test systems are available in [ 14,151.
For every node j included in the list L of candidate
nodes and supplied from the supply substation node z in TABLEI
the current structure of the system, the quantity TESTSYSTEMSDATA
h, = T a n , is computed. If a supply substation is not Test System
me Y 2.1)

connected to any node, a default low value is assumed for total number of buses
the corresponding h in order to represent the supply total number of branches
substation for the purpose of the current selection (e.g., h number of open branches (radial configuration)
= 10.'). This low value increases the probability of base case losses (MW) 0.1764 0.1 193

Every method was able to find the same value of
Ant Simulated
minimum losses (0,1274 MW for the Test System A and Colonv
0.1 155 MW for the Test System B). The cycle evolution of
the ACS method w i t h N = 100, Ho= 10, W = 5, a = p = 1,
p = 0.1, Go = 10 and 5 = 2 is shown in Fig.3 for the Test
System A . Starting from the base case (not shown in the 01 10 100
figure), the objective function was improved at iterations computation time (5)

#1, 2 and 11. The corresponding pheromone Fig. 5. CDF of the computation time (Test System A).
reinforcement is shown in Fig.4, in which the maximum
pheromone quantity (located at branches closed in the best V. CONCLUSIONS
configurations progressively found) increases at these A new ACS algorithm for minimum losses
iterations, while the minimum pheromone quantity, reconfiguration of distribution systems has been proposed.
located at branches never closed in the improving The tests showed its superior performance w.r.t. the
configurations, always follows the decay imposed by the commonly used SA algorithm. Testing the ACS algorithm
pheromone evaporation rate. on large real distribution systems is in progress, as well as
further developments aimed at increasing the
computational speed by testing alternative
o’i321 I
2 0.130 objective function during cycles
implementations of the local rule. The related results will
be reported in the next future.
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