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3, AUGUST 1990


V. Glamocanin, Member IEEE

U n i v e r s i t y of S k o p j e , E l e k t r o t e h n i c k i fakultet
91000 Skopje, Yugoslavia

Abstract - A new algorithm for network recon- weakly meshed network to open the switch with
figuration of power distribution systems is lowest current for the optimal flow pattern.
presented. An optimal loss reduction is Planning of the feeders for a new substation
accomplished to maintain acceptable voltage and the relocation of s o m e loads /?/ is based
at customer loads as well a s to assure suffi- also on some heuristic rules for minimum-loss
cient conductor and substation current capac- design .
ity to handle load requirements. The suc-
cess of the algorithm depends directly upon The generalized approach to determine
the straightforward and highly-efficient the optimal network reconf iguration i 5 based
solution of quadratic cost transshipment on branch exchange procedure o r by moving
problem. The new'algorithm, described in sectionalizing positions. To evaluate each
this paper, completely eliminates the need loss-reduction move radial power flow method
for matrix operations and executes all opera- has to be carried out for feeder pair. The
tions directly on graph of the distribution existing algorithms, however,do not guarantee
system. global optimum of power losses. Namely,
open switch position can not occasionally be
moved due to:
Keywords: distribution automation ,distribu-
tion system planning,power loss reduction, - increase of power losses
power flow method,transshipment problem.
- voltage-drop constraints

- current capacity constraints

INTRODUCTION - no switch-moving options.

In this paper, the problem of optimal

The optimal network reconfiguration in network reconfiguration in power distribution
distribution systems on the basis of minimal systems is formulated as transshipment prob-
power losses, can be done fulfilling several lem with quadratic costs. Based on a direct
operating constraints: line (transformer) ca- solution of the transshipment problem, the
pacity limit, voltage-drop limit, radiality proposed algorithm efficiently deals with any
condition etc. of the constraints that the distribution
system is subjected to. The described algo-
There are a number of methods for rithm has the following features :
solving power loss minimization problem. An
heuristic algorithm based on the branch ex- 1. Optimal solution is obtained by
change procedure is presented in / l / . An direct procedure of "creating" the
approximate solution algorithm based on quad- optimal solution. The known algo-
ratic programming method / 2 / moves an open rithms for linear transshipment
sectionalizing point to th9 other end of the problem /8/ and for quadratic
feeder section in order to minimize power simplex problem /9/ use the proce-
losses. Losses of each feeder pair /3/ are dure of "improving" the current
reduced by moving the open switch position. basic solution. They change the
A criterion for reducing the number of load network configuration during the
flow based candidate options is developed in procedure searching for the optimal
/4/. Two loss-minimization algorithms are soluti on.
developed in / 5 / using an approximate power
flow to check the operating constraints. An 2. Procedure of "creating" the optimal
efficient heuristic method / 6 / starts repeat- solution easily deals with any of
edly with AC power flow solution for the the requirements that the distribu-
tion system is subjected to.

3. Radial solution is reached by a

unique technique of the proposed
algorithm. The known algorithms
90 WM 017-4 FWRS A paper recommended and approved for any simplex problem do not
by the IEEE Power System Engineering Committee of always generate radial network and
the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation an attempt must be made to open the
a t t h e IEEE/PES 1990 Winter Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, loops up.
February 4 8 , 1990. Manuscript submitted
August 23, 1989; made available for printing 4. Good starting configuration of the
November 17, 1989. distribution system is not
i mper at i ve.

0885-8950/90/0800-0774$01.00 0 1990 IEEE


LINEARIZATION OF THE POWER LOSSES Jmax G-M) - current capacity of the

s e c t i o n G-M
The power l o s s e s o f substation trans- RG-M J,,(G-M? -
transportation cost
f o r m e r s and feeder s e c t i o n s a r e second order f o r u n i t c u r r e n t o f s e c t i o n G-M
f u n c t i o n o f loading. However, i t i s neces- CM(N - t o t a l transportation cost of
s a r y t o approximate t h e n o n l i n e a r l o s s e s by a s e c t i o n s , s t a r t i n g f r o m source
linearized transportation cost t o illuminate node G ,
p a s s i n g t h r o u g h sink::
node N , t o 5inl:: node M ( d u r i n g

t h e proposed programming technique.
t h e f i r s t step NaG)
Power l o s s e s as a f u n c t i o n o f t h e c u r - CM - minimal total transportation
rent J and conductor ( t r a n s f o r m e r ) s i z e s , c o s t o f s e c t i o n s , s t a r t i n g from
a r e shown on Fig.1: source node G t o s i n k node M.

I 1 step - According t o (3) ,

between a l l
s i n k nodgs n o t b e l o n g i n g t o s u b t r e e ES, s i n k
node M i s s e l e c t e d as t h e n e x t node t o
e n t e r s u b t r e e ES.
CM* = min € C M ( N ) , N E ES ,M e ES 3 (3)
Jmaxl Jmax2 M
F i g . 1 Power l o s s e s

The p a r a b o l i c c u r v e can be approximated I11 step - Network s u b t r e e E;S has t o be

by a s t c a i g h t l i n e , which passes t h r o u g h t h e usdated by feeder s e c t i o n N-M (sink node
origin. The power l o s s e s R JL can be M e n t e r s t h e s u b t r e e ES ) :
t r e a t e d a p p r o x i m a t e l y as a c o s t o f " t r a n s p o r -
t a t i o n o f cuprent J " : (R Jma,) J . ES = ES U < N - M * ~ (4)

Where If t h e number o f t h e s i n k nodes i n t h e

network s u b t r e e i s equal t o t h e t o t a l number
R Jmax- c o s t of transportation of u n i t of load points ,
go t o t h e fifth step.
current Otherwise, go t o t h e f o u r t h step.
R -conductor r e s i s t a n c e
Jmas - c u r r e n t c a p a c i t y o f conductor.
IV step - The new change i n power l o s s e s f o r
sink: nodes W; ( K ?k ES ) can be e s t i m a t e d
The problem o f f i n d i n g o p t i m a l network APLp; (M*) =C<Ri C (ZFi PK+PK') + (2Qi Q K + I & ~ ) 3 / V i 23 +
retonfiguration for loss r e d u c t i o n can be i
f o r m u l a t e d as a q u a d r a t i c c o s t transshipment
problem f o r a network w i t h d i s t r i b u t i o n sub-
s t a t i o n as a source node and t h e l o a d p o i n t s
as s i n k nodes. The s o l u t i o n o f above prob-
lem, (see APPENDIX A ) , can be c r e a t e d i f
following optimality conditions are s a t i s f i e d

- t o t a l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n c o s t i>f
f r o m t h e s o u r c e node t o any

aPLK =

i f APL~.;(M*) < A P L K ( ~ )

if APLK(M*) 2. APLK(,)

n o d e , m u s t be m i n i m a l APLK(M*) - e s t i m a t e o f change i n power

l o s s e s due t o c o n n e c t i o n o f
any s i n k node can b e c o n n e c t e d to s i n k node K t o s u b t r e e ES by
existent network s u b t r e e o n l y by t h e branch branch M*-K
f a r which t h e change i n t o t a l power lasses AFLK(,) - o r i g i n a l e s t i m a t e o f change
(due t o t h e load o f connected sink node) is i n power l o s s e s due t o connec-
minimal . t i o n o f s i n k nods K t o sub-
tree: ES / (N-M 3
The f o l l o w i n g a l g o r i t h m , for network AFLK - new e s t i m a t e o f change in
w i t h one source node, i s developed t o meet power l o s s e s due t o c o n n e c t i o n
t h e above c o n d i t i o n s : o f s i n k node K t o s u b t r e e ES
M*-K - f e e d e r s e c t i o n which connects
I step - L e t e x i s t e n t s u b t r e e ES o f t h e s i n k node K t o s u b t r e e ES
d i s t r i b u t i o n network c o n s i s t o f a source node i - denotes f e e d e r s e c t i o n s which
(indexed w i t h G ) as a s t a r t i n g node. The connect s i n k node K t o source
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n c o s t o f u n i t c u r r e n t of feeder node G
s e c t i o n s which connect t h e source node w i t h R i - r e s i s t a n c e of f e e d e r s e c t i o n i
n e i g h b o r i n g s i n k nodes (indexed as M ) is : Vi - v o l t a g e a t t h e r e c e i v i n g end o f
feeder s e c t i o n i
CM =cM(G)=RG-M Jmax ' W if R G - M ~ ~ (1) P i , Q i - power f l o w i n f e e d e r s e c t i o n i
o b t a i n e d by r a d i a l power flow
CM = m WI i f R G - M = ~ (2) method (see APPENDIX B) f o r
s u b t r e e ES
Where :
PK,Qtc- power o f s i n k node K
RG-M - resistance of section G-M
(RG-M 7 m if s e c t i o n G-M does
Now, t h e new minimal t o t a l c o s t f o r s i n k
not e x i s t )
nodes W; ( K E ES ) can be estimated:

If APLK(M*) < APLK:(,) ,see ( 6 ) ,than: - An artificial node, representing

transmission network, is used as a
CK = Ck;:(M*) = CM* -t RM*-K Jmax (M*-K) (7) source node.
- Distribution substation is treated
Go to the second step. as a branch of the network with
capacity of its transformer.

V step - End of the algorithm. To use the artificial node means to

involve :
- the power losses of radial subtrans-
- the power losses of distribution
substation transformer.
The basic algorithm does not take into
consideration the distribution system with The optimization is subject also to
several substations and the optimal solution above mentioned capacity and voltage-drop
is not subject to the line and transformer constraints.
current capacities, as well as to the voltage
drops limits. T o fulfill the mentioned con-
straints several modifications must be EXAMPLE SYSTEM
implemented in the basic algorithm.
To i 1 lustrate the performance of the
algorithm developed in the previous sections,
The line and transformer capacity limit the 1 0 k V three phase hypothetical distribu-
tion network is considered as first example.
If the line and transformer current The power losses minimization is performed
capacities have to be satisfied, and the on a 10 node network; with 13 feeder sec-
solution to remain as a radial network:, the tions. The series impedance of the feeder
fol.lowing check must be performed: sections is (0.391 + jO.106) in ohms/km per
phase at 50 cycles, and the current capacity
The connection of sink node K to node is J m a x = 1 9 4 FI .
The voltage-drop limit on
M* is followed by increase of the power flow the study is 5.0 percent .
The used data
'through feeder sections, starting from source are given in following table:
node td node t:: .
The increment is equal
approximately to the load at node C: If . T,able I. Data of example system
this increase of power flow in feeder sec-
tions, as well as in substation transformer, Section Length Load at receiving node
is less than current capacity limit, then the (km) (MW) (MVAR)
new minimal total cost o f feeder sections to
node K can be calculated , using (7). 1 - 2 2.0 0.60 0.40
Otherwise, the feeder section M*-t;: should 1 - 3 2 0 . 0.50 0.30
not be considered. 1 - 4 4.0 0.10 0.09
3 - 5 3.0 0.60 0.40
2 - 6 3.0 1.30 1.10
The voltdqe-drop criterion 3 - 7 5.5 1.30 1.00
4 - 8 3.0 0.10 0.99
To fulfill the voltage-drop constraint 8 - 9 3. 0 0.80 0.60
further modification should be made during 2 -10 3. 0 0.30 0.10
the fourth step of the algorithm. The con- 2 - 5 2 .

nection of sink: node K to node M* must be 3 - 9 2. (3

checked for the changed voltage conditions: 6 - 9 2.0
4 -10 3.0
- I s the voltage-drop at the customer
load at node t:: allowed ?
The optimal solution is shown on Fig.2
- Is the voltage-drop at customer and optimal succeeding set ES is presented
loads (fed by feeder sections from in Table I 1 -
source node to sink node K )
allowed'? The mentioned feeder sec- 1
tions are the ones with changed
power flows, as a result of connec-
tion of node K to subtree ES.

If the checked voltage-drop at the cus-

tomer l o a d s does not cause voltage constraint
violation, the new minimal total cost to node
I.;: cbuld be computgd using (7). Otherwise,
feeder section M -C: should not be consid-

More than one substation

If the distribution system consists of Fig. 2 Optimal solution

more than one substation, then some defini-
tions must be implemented:

Table 11. Optimal succeeding s e t ES 5. C a p a b i l i t y t o determine network

c o n f i g u r a t i o n which s p e c i f i e s the
node M* 2 3 9 5 4 power-loss minimum f o r d i s t r i b u t i o n
branch N-M 1- '2 1- 3 3- 9 2- 5 1- 4 systems where branch-exchange pro-
APLM* ( KW) 4.1 2.7 25.4 16.5 0.3 cedure i s non-productive.
CM* (RA) 132.9 132.9 265.9 265.9 265.9
I f t h e scope o f t h e network r e c o n f i g u -
node M* 6 7 10 8 r a t i o n i s l i m i t e d t o t h e power-losses reduc-
branch N-M 2- 6 3- 7 4-10 4- 8 t i o n t h e numerical r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e t h a t the
APLM* ( KW) 97.6 101.5 4.0 2.3 a l g o r i t h m i s v a l i d and e f f e c t i v e f o r practi-
CM* (RA)332.4 365.6 465.3 465.3 c a l use.

The approximate e s t i m a t i o n o f power-loss

increase APLM* (due t o c o n n e c t i o n o f new APPENDIX A
l o a d ) produces l e s s t h a n 7% e r r o r .
I t i s i n t e r e s t i n g t o be noted t h a t the
branch exchange procedure can n o t be a p p l i e d The mathematical formulation can be
t o t h e base c o n f i g u r a t i o n o f example system, s t a t e d as f o l l o w s :
d e s c r i b e d by f i r s t 9 feeder s e c t i o n s o f
Table I . The f a i l u r e of the branch minim iz e the o b j e c t i v e function:
exchange procedure f o r t h e base c o n f i g u r a t i o n
i s caused by: z = c x , (al)

- any s i n g l e branch exchange can not subject to:

be performed due t o i n c r e a s e o f the
power l o s s e s A x = b , (a2)

- branch exchange o f t h e sections:2-10 x 20 (a3)

w i t h 4-10; 8-9 w i t h 3-9; 2-6 w i t h
9-6 and 8-9 w i t h 6-9 v i o l a t e s Where
v o l t a g e drop l i m i t z - objective function,
m -
t o t a l number o f s i n k nodes,
- branch exchange o f t h e s e c t i o n s : 3-5 n - t o t a l number o f branches fn>m),
with 2-5; 8-9 w i t h 3-9 and 8-9 c -
matrix ( l x n ) of transportation
with 6-9 violates l i n e capacity c o s t ( f o r u n i t f l o w ) o f branches,
limit. x - m a t r i x ( n x l ) o f branch f l o w s ,
b - matrix ( m x l ) of node varia-
To check t h e performance o f t h e p r e s e n t - ble (+bM f o r source node M, -bM
ed a l g o r i t h m i n t h i s paper t h e p a r t o f down- f o r s i n k node M ) ,
town a r e a of t h e c i t y o f Skopje was t h e n e x t t m a t r i x ( mxn ) :
example system . The 10 kV d i s t r i b u t i o n -1 branch j i s oriented
system c o n s i s t s o f 239 nodes, 285 l i n e sec- towards node I,
tions, 3 d i s t r i b u t i o n substations (two o f 1 branch j i s oriented
them a r e 110/10 k V and one i s 35/10 KV sub- f r o m node I,
s t a t i o n ) and 5 conductor s i z e s . 0 branch j and node I a r e
not incident.
The o b t a i n e d o p t i m a l s o l u t i o n has 7%
power loss reduction with decent voltage The o p t i m a l s o l u t i o n o f t h e above l i n e a r
profile improvement i n comparison with the problem would be a r a d i a l s o l u t i o n , i f the
base o p e r a t i n g c o n f i g u r a t i o n . constraints (a2) a r e associated with the
s i n k nodes.

For a g i v e n b a s i c f e a s i b l e s o l u t i o n l e &
CONCLUSIONS x be p a r t i t i o n e d t o b a s i c variables x
( m x l ) and nonbasic v a r i a b l e s x" ( (n-m)xl )
: x"=0 . Let matrix B ( mxm ) , det(B)fO
An a l g o r i t h m f o r o p t i m a l network recon- and N ( mu(n-m) ) be o b t a i n e d by a r r a n g i n g
f i g u r a t i o n o f d i s t r i b u t i o n systems i s pre- columns o f A t o match t h e elements o f
sented. The s i m p l i c i t y of t h e proposed ieeand xn :
methodology makes i t s u i t a b l e f o r use on
p e r s o n a l computer p r o v i d i n g t h e o p e r a t i o n and A = B N . (a4)
p l a n n i n g e n g i n e e r s w i t h u s e f u l and e f f i c i e n t
tool. The main a l g o r i t h m advantages are: By r e a r r a n g i n g m a t r i x c i n terms o f
b a s i c and nonbasic v a r i a b l e s , t h e above prob-
1 . Conceptually, i t i s s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d lem can be p u t i n t o t h e f o l l o w i n g form:
procedure o f " c r e a t i n g " t h e o p t i m a l
s o l u t i on. m i n i m i ze tpe objective function:

2. R a d i a l network i s h e l d d u r i n g the z = cb xb + C" xn ,

ent ir e procedure.
subject to:
3. The a l g o r i t h m e a s i l y d e a l s w i t h t h e
c a p a c i t y and voltage-drop criteria. B x b + N x " = b , (ab)

4. No s t a r t i n g s o l u t i o n i s needed. x b r O , (a-?)
x n = O . (a8) of 1 inear problem. This assumption suggests
that the fol 1 owing requirement must be met:
The basic variables xb can be found
from (ab) :
xb = B-l b - B-l N xn (a9) From (a3) follows that:

The new definition of the linear prob-b

lem can be achieved by substitution for x
from (a9) into (as) ,(ab) and (a7) : Finally, if the basic feasible solution
is the optimal one, then:
mini mi z e the objecti ve function:
c' 2 (3 . (a19)

Consider oriented nonbasic branches M-N

subject to: (XM-N E x") and N-M (XN-M E x " ) :

Let the matrix c' be created as:

Fig.A Nonbasic branches M-N and N-M

Where Let form the set of basic branches

c' - matrix ( l:.:(n-m) ) of loop TN=(T-U,... ,O-N> and the set of basic
costs. The loop is obtained by branches TM=<T-Y, W-M) ..., .
The total loop
entering of nonbasic variable cost must not be negative as stated in (a19):
(branch) into basic feasible
solution. A loop is always
formed by entering of nonbasi c
branch into radial basic feasible
solution. The loop cost con-
sists of the transportation costs
(for unit flow) of branches which
belong to the loop. The orien- The transportation cost (for unit flow)
tation of the loop is achieved by of each branch is same in both directions
the orientation of the entering CM-N'CN-M , which yields:
nonbasic branch.
V - incident matrix ( m:.:(n-m) 1 of
basic branches and loops:

-1 the flow of basic
branch j is oriented
opposite to loop i ,
Yj,i= 1 the flow of basic
branch j is oriented as Eq. (a221 shows that for an optimal
loop i is, solution the total transportation cost of the
(3 basic branch j and loop branches (for unit flow) from the source node
i are not incident, to sink node N is minimal if the path is
Y' - incident matrix ( nx(n-m) ) of formed of the basic branches of set TN.
all branches (basic and nonbasic) The same conclusion could be stated for sink
and loops, node M , as well as for any sink node.
I - unit matrix ( (n-m)x(n-m) ) .
The following optimality condition is a
The basic variables (flows in the basic direct consequence of the above property:
branches) and the objective function for the
basic feasible solution are: The t o t a l t r a n s p o r t a t i o n cost (far unit
fli.>w.) o f t h e branches f r o m t h e s o u r c e node t o
(xb)* = B-l b , (a14) any s i n k node must h e minimal.

* = c
b B-l
b . (alJ) The desired result can be achieved by
gradually adding branches one by one to the
Using (a15) and (a13), the objective network subtree, always satisfying the above
function can be written as : condition as well as the radiality condition.
min z = z* + c#x" . (al6) The derived optimality condition
as the mathematical foundation of the trans-
shipment problem with quadratic costs to be
Interpretation o+ t h e optimal soluti on presented in the next section. It is also
noteworthy that transportation cost for unit
flow (established on Fig.1) R Jmax is a
Let the baijic feasible solution, similar base as the one obtained in /6/ for
described with ( x ) be the optimal solution optimal flow pattern.
Transshipment problem w i t h q u a d r a t i c costs Where:

Since t h e power 1osses a r e q u a d r a t i c * - complex c o n j u g a t e o p e r a t o r

function of t h e branch c u r r e n t , a rigid
linear a p p r o x i m a t i o n does n o t guarantee t h e SK = PK + jQK l o a d a t s i n k node K
g l o b a l optimum. To e l i m i n a t e t h e e f f e c t s of
VK(~-') = complex v o l t a g e a t s i n k node
the approximated costs the
c r i t e r i o n f o r p o t e n t i a l connection o f
f o l 1owing
each K during i t e r a t i o n (i-1) .
sink node t o e x i s t e n t s u b t r e e has t o be
f u l f i1l e d : Let t h e c u r r e n t i n each branch k ,
d u r i n g i t e r a t i o n ( i ) has t h e s t a r t i n g value:
Any s i n k n u d e c a n be c o n n e c t e d t o e x i s -
tent n e t w o r k s u b t r e e o n l y b y t h e b r a n c h far Jk(i) = 0 (b2)
w h i c h t h e c h a n g e i n t o t a l p o w e r loS5es (due
t u t h e load o f connected s i n k node) i s a i n i - S t a r t i n g f r o m each l a s t node T and
mal. moving towards s u b s t a t i o n , c u r r e n t i n each
branch k i s updated as f o l l o w s :
The change i n power l o s s e s o f entire Jt(i) = It(i)
s u b t r e e due t o t h e l o a d o f connected s i n k (b3)
node can be estimated: (i) (i) (i)
Jkfi) = Jk + Jm + IK (b4)
- p r e c i s e l y , by r a d i a l power f l o w method
- or approximately , by t h e f o r m u l a de- IK(i)
E 0 (b5)
r i v e d i n QPPENDIX B.
To o b t a i n t h e path from l a s t node t o
substation, f o r each s i n k node M i s s u f f i -
c i e n t t o know:

CIPPENDIX B - branch m ( M is receiving node of

branch m )
- sending node K o f branch m .
The r a d i a l power f l o w method used i n
this paper i s based on application of
Kirchoff's c u r r e n t and v o l t a g e lows d u r i n g
t h e backward and f o r w a r d t r a c e procedure. Forward update
Power f l o w method i s d e s c r i b e d i n /10,11,12/.
The voltages at nodes a r e updated
The method used i n t h i s paper does n o t employing a f o r w a r d t r a c e procedure based on
need any numbering scheme and i t i s a p p l i c a - t h e knowledge o f f o l l o w i n g data:
b l e t o t h e a l g o r i t h m f o r power l o s s r e d u c t i o n
devel oped i n t h i s paper. - the voltage a t substation node is
N o t a t i on5
U- s u b s t a t i o n transformer - t h e p a t h f r o m each l a s t node t o t h e
0 - s i n k node s u b s t a t i o n i s found d u r i n g t h e back-
0 - l a s t ( s i n k ) node ward update.
m - branch ( l i n e section)
M - r e c e i v i n g node o f branch m S t a r t i n g from t h e s u b s t a t i o n node, or
k - i s a branch which f o l l o w s t h e branch from t h e l a s t node w i t h e s t i m a t e d v o l t a g e , on
m on t h e way f r o m t h e l a s t node T each p a t h f r o m t h e s u b s t a t i o n t o t h e last
t o the substation node , and moving towards each l a s t node ,
K - sending node o f branch m and , the voltage a t nodes on t h e p a t h are
r e c e i v i n g node o f branch k e s t i m a t e d as f o l l o w s :
T - l a s t node and r e c e i v i n g node of = vK(i) (i)
branch t - *m Jm (b6)
Q - substation
Where :

Zm - i s t h e s e r i e s impedance o f branch
m .

Note t h a t (see Fi9.B) t h e p a t h o f last

node T c o n s i s t o f nodes Q,K,M and T, and
the p a t h o f l a s t node U c o n s i s t o f nodes
A,K,M,N and U.

Fig.B D i s t r i b u t i o n network I f v o l t a g e s a t t h e nodes o f t h e p a t h o f

t h e l a s t node T a r e e s t i m a t e d a t f i r s t , then
the above r e c u r s i v e e q u a t i o n i s a p p l i e d on
Backward update t h e nodes K, M and T s u c c e s s i v e l y .

Load c u r r e n t i n j e c t i o n 1 ~ ' ~a t) each Ift h e v o l t a g e s a t nodes o f t h e p a t h o f

node K , ,
d u r i n g i t e r a t i o n (i) i s c a l c u l a t - the l a s t node U a r e n e x t t o be e s t i m a t e d ,
ed as f o l l o w s : t h e n t h e backward t r a c e procedure s t a r t s f r o m
t h e node M as t h e l a s t node w i t h e s t i m a t e d
(bl) v o l t a g e on t h e p a t h Q,K,M,N and U.

Radial power f l o w method when a branch i s REFERENCES

added to network s u b t r e e

When a branch is added to the existent

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Let branch w be added to the subtree
shown on Fi9.B .
Starting with original / 2 / K.Aoki, T. Ichimori and M.Kanezashi:"Normal
values for node voltages of the syBfreetO)and State Optimal Load Allocation in Distribu-
assuming the initial estimate Vw =VT 9 tion Systems",IEEE Tran on Power Delivery,
new voltages can be found using the radial Vol.PWRD-2,No.l,pp. 147-155,Jan.1987.
power flow procedure described in previous
section. The procedure is applied only for / 3 / C.C.Liu,S. J.Lee and S. S. Venkata, "An Ex-
the feeder the? new sink node W is connected pert System Operational Aid for Hestora-
to. It is interesting to be noted that the tion and Loss Reduction of Distribution
procedure converges only in one iteration as Systems" , IEEE Trans. on Power Systems ,
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Consider a feeder of subtree ES (see
Fi9.B) with known set of voltages V=CVA, Vy,, / 5 / C.C.Liu,S. J.Lee and K. Vu, "Loss Minimiza-
VM,VT> and set of power flows S = C S k , S,, St). tion of Distribution Feeders : Optimality
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jaw is added to the feeder, the changes in Delivery,Vol.4, No.2, April 1989,pp.1281-
voltages, in power flows as well as in power 1289.
losses will be produced.
New power losses PLn for feeder with
/6/ D.Shirmohammadi , H. W.Hong"Reconfiguration
of Electric Distribution Networks for
added load SW approximately can be estimated Hesi st i ve Line Losses Reduc t i on "E
as follows: Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 4, No. 2,
April 1989, pp.1492-1498.
PLn = Rk[(Pk+p~)~+ fak+a~)~]/Vy,' +

. ..+ fit[ (Pt+PW)' + (at+PW)21/VT2 +

/7/ J.L.Chen and Y.Y.Hsu , "An Expert System
? - I
for Load Allocation in Distribution
2 (b7) Expansion Planning",IEEE Trans,. on Power
Rw CPwL+QwL3 /VT
Delivery,Vol. 4,No. 3, July 1989,pp. 1910-
Power lass increase APLw due to load 1918.
of added sink node W to the feeder, can be
/8/ A. Orden : "The Transshipment Problem",
estimated as follows:
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/lZ/D. Shi rmohammadi ,H.W. Hong ,A. Seml yen,G. LUO:

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w - node which is added to the 762.
existent subtree
w - branch which connects the node W
to the existent subtree
T - sending node of branch w
i - denotes each feeder section on the
way from substation to added node
Vi voltage at the receiving node of
section i

Discussion node 1. Following the algorithm, either line section 1-2 or 1-3
can be added to the tree: adding 1-2 increases losses by 0.25 kW;
Ross Baldick, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. AS adding 1-3 increases losses by 2 kW, so line section 1-2 is added,
noted in [A], the search technique suggested in this paper is ba- increasing losses by 0.25 kW. Next, either sections 2 4 or 1-3
sically a ‘greedy algorithm.’ For the linearized loss model ini- can be added: adding 2 4 increases losses by 5 kW; adding 1-3
tially treated, the objective will be minimized by the greedy algo- increases losses by 2 kW, so line section 1-3 is added. Finally,
rithm [B]; however, there is no guarantee that the more accurate either 2-4 or 3 4 can be added: adding 2 4 will increase losses
quadratic approximation nor the actual losses will be minimized by 5 kW; adding 3 4 will increase losses by 4 kW, so line section
by a greedy procedure. Although greedy algorithms often perform 3 4 is added, for a total of 6.25 kW losses for the network created
well in practice, in general they are not optimal. The addition of by the algorithm. However, consider the configuration with line
voltage constraints exacerbates this problem. I therefore contest sections 1-2,24, and 3 4 closed and 1-3 open: the total losses are
point 1 made in the introduction to this paper. 5.25 kW, which is lower than obtained with the algorithm. The
To reinforce this theoretical observation, consider the exam- algorithm is clearly suboptimal in this case, although in practice
ple systems in the paper. The stated approximation error in power it might often give reasonably good results; the claims for the
loss in the first system is given as 7%, presumably as a proportion algorithm should be adjusted accordingly.
of the total losses; I assume that the author believes that this loss
estimate applies generally. In the second system, the improve- References
ment in losses is quoted as 7%, presumably as a proportion of [A] Hsiao-Dong Chiang and Rent5 Jean-Jumeau. Optimal Network
total initial losses: the error estimate is so large that we cannot Reconfigurations in Distribution Systems, Part 1: A New Formu-
be confident that the optimum has been achieved by the algo- lation and A Solution Methodology. Paper 90 WM 164-4 PWRD
rithm. Without checking the result against an algorithm, such as presented at the IEEE Power Engineering Society 1990 Summer
explicit search or branch-and-bound, that is guaranteed to find Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, February 4-8, 1990.
the minimum, no claim of optimality is possible. [B] Eugene L. Lawler. Combinatorial Optimization: Networks
The following example demonstrates that the algorithm can and Matroids. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976.
produce suboptimal results if there are compensating elements
such as shunt capacitors in the system. Consider the elementary
distribution network shown in figure 1, which has resistive lines,
a resistive and a resistive-inductive load, and a shunt capacitor.
For ease of calculation the loads are specified as current sinks,
although the same qualitative results could be obtained using
the equations in appendix B of the paper with loads specified
as power and reactive power. Furthermore, we assume that the
voltage constraints are not binding.


l 7

Figure 1: Elementary distribution system.

Initially we envisage all feeder sections, 1-2, 1-3, 2 4 , and 3-

4, to be disconnected. The subtree consists of just the substation,

f?ptIlllal!ty C!OIldltlf?ll ( 6 ) ! i l i O l l l ( j bQ G a t i f l f l O d
i n o r d e r t o o b t a i n an o p t i i n a l : ~ o l u t l o i i .
VLRSTIMIR GLAMOCANIN. T t i e ilLlti)<.,r w o u l d 1 I k ( 7
For completeness, tlie propouod a l y u i l ~ I I I I I
to thank Mr. Raldick for his discussion of the will he applied to tho e l e i n n n t a r y distribution
paper. network wlth t h o cnnctraiiitt: and the d a t a
provided by the discussor.
1. Mr. Baldick points out the question I step: Tritlally the s u b t r e e ES consists of
of approximation error of 7 % a s a portion of node 1 a s a souree node: ES = [ 1-11. Using
the total losses in the first system presented ( 1 ) and (2) the transportation cost of unit
in the paper. That is incorrect because, the current of line sections can be estimated:
use of (5) in estimation of the change in c =R J =R =O. 1 . Because the
power losses, acc,ording to the paper, produces 2 1-2 max( 1-2) 1-2
less than 7% error,in comparison with the current capacity of line sections J is not
change in power losses obtained by exact provided by the discussor i t is assumed that
radial powpr flow method. the same conductor is used for each line
However, one may question whether or not segment: c =R =O. 2 ; c = x i .
an approximated load flow algorithm, in this 3 1-3 4
case ( 5 ) , should be used. To answer, let us I1 step: To satisfy first optimality
consider a sink node which does not belong to condition the selection of the node which will
the current network subtree: enter the subtree is performed using (3) :
- If there is not any branch which could c = min [ c = 0 . 1 ; c =0.2 i c4='? i
2 2 3
connect the sink node to the subtree - that is I11 step:Network subtree ES has to be updated
a trivial case. by section 1-2 : ES = ES (-1 1 1 - 2 1 = [ 1 - 1 ; 1 - 2 1 .
- If there is only one branch which connects Because there is only o n e section which
the sink node to the subtree - that is also a connects node 4 with s u b t r e e ES , second
trivial case: second optimality condition ( 6 ) optimality condition ( 6 ) is not applied.
does not need to be fulfilled. Therefore, the minimal total cost of node 4
- If there are two or more branches which could be calculated using ( 7 ) :c =c t R
connect the sink node with subtree - the 4 2 2-4
change in power losses should be estimated =O.ltO.l =0.2 . The value of minimal total
preliminary by ( 5 ) . If the estimates have the cost of node 3 remains as before.
values which are not separable (with respect I1 step: c = min I c = 0 . 2 ; c = 0 . 2 1
4 3 4
of the expected error approximation), the 111 step: ES = ES 'U (2-41 = 1 1 - 1 ; 5 - 2 ; 2 - 4 1 .
exact estimation of the change in power losses The obtained network is the optimal
should be performed by radial flow method configuration of the network with removed
given in Appendix B . The purpose in pointing shunt capacitor (node 3 is treated as a
out the value of error tolerance is to provide transshipment node).
an information - when ( 5 ) could be used. However, the author does not see any
problems in applying the proposed algorithm on
2. Question has been raised regarding the network with shunt capacitor at node 3 :
the validity of the proposed algorithm applied IV step: Node 3 could be connected to the
to the networks with compensating elements. current subtree with two sections 1-3 and 4-3.
The discussor's observations contain two Applying second optimality condition to node
improper premises: 3 the following approximated change in power
The discussor's sugestion to solve the
losses is obtained: L P L 3 ( 1 ) = 2 k W ; dPL3(4)=OkW.
problem of optimal network reconfiguration and
the problem of capacitor placement is 111 step: Because APL , node 3
3(4) < "L 3 ( 1 )
understandable, but i t Is the author's opinion
a s the last node of the network should be
that he would n o t recomend to solve them
connected by line section 4-3:
simultaneously. An earlier work t 1 A l has
ES =ES (-1 ( 4 - 3 1 = [ 1 - 1 ; 1 - 2 ; 2 - 4 ; 4 - 3 1
shown that to avoid biasing the solution, the
The obtained solution is exactly the
capacitors should be removed during the
same as the one advocated by the discussor.
process of optimal network reconfiguration.
In fact, i t is realized fully by the proposed
The additional loss and voltage profile
algorithm ( hPL =OkW 1 that the additional
improvement could be obtained by applying 3(4)
capacitors (determining their number and savings could not be obtained by applying the
locations) to the reconfigured network . shunt capacitor at node 3 .
Mr. Baldick in his discussion shows References
that i f only second optimality condition ClAl R.E.Lee and C.L.Brooks, "A Method and its
(6) is used, the suboptimal result would be Application to Evaluate Automated Distribution
obtained. In this regard the discussor is Control", I A E E Trans. on P o w e r Delivery, Vol.
reffered to the basic model of the paper which 3 , No. 3 , July 1 9 8 8 , pp. 1 2 3 2 - 1 2 3 0 .
explicitly states that b.~
- oth first
optimality condition (3) and second

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