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1842 4 [This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]

'ffi d{ qql q{6'ai <lftd + srqm* * r{Gc +rT q{q Your lloll N o...............

o"€ i" r 2qr1 frfrri r Sr. 'No. of Question Paper : 1842 F

Unique Paper Code 6967000016

Name of the Paper and Emotional Leaming

Name of the Course : VAC
Semester II

Duration :I Hour Maxirnum Marks : 30

I nstruction s for Candidates

I Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt

of this question paper.

2. This question paper has ony four questions.

3. Question No. I is compulsory.

4. From the rest of the three questions write any two


5 Answers may be written either in English or Hindi;

but the same medium should be used throughout the

(3000) P,T.O,
1842 2 1842 3

Errr + Rq fr{sr (b) Lifestyle chbices

1. EtT vs;t-c'{ + ftfi A sc( frs rrs frufk lqr+ qt srqnr ffi& qq+
irdfi{rfifrfrq I

2 gs vs{ E{ t 5-a urc rr+ i r (c) Qualities of a gender sensitive youth

s. cr< {@I r erFrqrd I r

fui sffim qer * fu
a. iqft<vr'+ntffi 4**sttftRs r

2. Discuss the ways of enhancing self-awareness

5 Err ]Tr{- cz{ r5r 3rR sr}S qr Eff ffi vo qrqr t Afrq, tfu{
qr qftac \qi A +{r ( l0)
{rt sat rGs r

3rfFr - qFrsiFitr s-dr+ + ]IId qt qd qt r

I Write short notes on any two of the following: 3 Suggest the ways in which individuals deal with
(s+s= 10) stress. ( l0)

ffiF{d t t ffi *.n tfl*q ftsM ftG: ({l-{ q{ 6FI .n} * qrtrq qt qqt qt r

(a) ldentity formation 4 "Adolescents and young adults like to conform to peer
expectations". Comment. ( l0)
o{kfl FmiqT


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