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Climate change



Climate Change
Climate change refers to long-term alterations in weather patterns
and average temperatures on Earth, caused by both natural factors
and human activities. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels
and deforestation, increase the concentration of greenhouse gases
(like CO₂ and methane) in the atmosphere, intensifying the natural
greenhouse effect and causing global warming.
This results in significant
environmental impacts, such as
extreme weather events, rising
sea levels, and changes in
ecosystems. To address climate
change, it is necessary to
mitigate greenhouse gas
emissions and adapt to its
Climate Change: Piedras Negras
Global warming will affect rainfall and
the amount of water available;
Mexico occupies twelfth place in
Greenhouse Gas emissions.

In these climate conditions, where we

have an arid area like piedras negras
increase the probabilities of climatic
effects such as heat stroke and the
spread of diseases such as malaria.
Forest fires and droughts complete the panorama of catastrophes.
This panorama especially affects areas of high population density and
urbanization. Faced with this combination of circumstances, the state
has proven inefficient, with programs that work more at the level of
spontaneous emergencies than to treat structural problems,
The climatic change that exist in
Piedras Negras and Coahuila generate
loss of livestock and destruction of
crops. These extreme variations in
temperatures cause, in transmission
areas, pests and diseases to spread
rapidly with devastating consequences
in the agricultural sector.
The agricultural sector will be one of the most affected by
Climate Change, it is estimated that the area with good
conditions for crops will be reduced by up to 50%; this
clearly. will affect the possibility of feeding a growing and
resource-demanding population. Because the climate
determines the ecosystems and their type of vegetation,
the State's forest areas are at high risk of being altered by
a change in climate.
The outlook is not at all encouraging, data from the National
Institute of Ecology (INE) indicates that Mexico is one of the
countries with the greatest vulnerability to Climate Change, since
there is not a single entity that does not face at least a serious threat
due to its effects, however the policies to prevent and mitigate the
effects as well as the measures to protect and conserve the
environment in our country remain scarce and insufficient.
Current and future effects on Pierdas Negras
-The natural hazards that make the northern region vulnerable are
torrential rains and floods, which will cause more severe damage.

-Decreasing quantity and quality of water, overexploitation of aquifers,

low and poor agricultural and livestock production.

-Increase in pests and diseases.

-Change in land use, impact on agriculture.

-Loss of natural habitats and invasion of other species.

-Increased poverty rate, absenteeism from work and school, reduced

access to education.
Thank you!!!

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