Control Systems Assignment 7

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Name: Syeda Rumesa Ali

Reg No.: 220101053

Submitted to: Dr. Jamshed Riaz
Section: Aero 21-A
Automatic Control Systems Assignment 7
Question 6.31

Reading from the bode plot, the phase margin of this transfer function is 180˚-132˚=48˚
Since we need K at a phase margin of 45˚, we need to increase the gain. Using sisotool, the value
of K=1.1219 for a phase margin of 45˚.
Gain margin = 14.9 dB
KV = K
Putting K = 1.1219
KV = 1.1219

The roots are -1.03+4.78i, -1.03-4.78i, -0.473+0.969i, -0.473-0.969i

Question 6.32

Gain Margin = 𝐾𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑦
Gain Margin = 6.34

Gain Margin = 12.9 dB

GM when PM = 65˚
ζ = 100
ζ= 100

ζ = 0.652

root locus for 6.92(a)

root locus for 6.92(b)
• Root locus in part a does not have a zero, hence no asymptotes
• Root locus in part b has a zero, hence presence of asymptotes

Step response for system (a)

step response for system (b)

• System in part b would give more overshoot due to the presence of a zero
Question 6.43
Bode plot for the system,
From the bode plot, the bandwidth for a phase margin of 30˚, Mag= -34.2dB
logK= 20
K=10 20
K= 51.286
Obtaining a bode plot for this value of K,

The PM is still less than 30˚, we will increase the gain, (doubling it in this case)
New value of K = 102.572. Obtaining a bode plot for the new gain,
To obtain the closed-loop bandwidth, converting the oltf to cltf. Hence the cltf is,
Cltf=𝑠2 (𝑠+10)2+102.572(𝑠+1), plotting a bode plot for this cltf to find the closed-loop bandwidth.

The closed-loop bandwidth = 2.1682 rad/sec for a gain of 102.572

Question 6.45
PM ≥ 50˚ for wb ≥ 20rad/sec
α = 1+𝑠𝑖𝑛50˚

α = 0.13 ≈ 0.1
1 |𝑧|
α = 10 = |𝑝|

wc = 28.5 rad/sec

|z| = wmax√α

|z| = 28.5√10
|z| = 9.01 ≈ 9
α = |𝑝|
0.1 = |𝑝|

|p| = 90

In the bode plot, at PM = 50˚, the Magnitude = 22.3 dB, we can find the gain using the formula
Mag = 20logK.
Mag = 20logK
22.3 = 20logK
K = 10− 20
K = 0.076
Entering this into sistool,
A PM of 79.1˚ is obtained which satisfies the conditions.
Question 6.49
Bode plot of the uncompensated system,
wc = 0.981 rad/sec, PM = 77.8˚. For ess ˂ 0.01, the value of K is,
ess = 𝐾 (for a unit ramp reference input)

ess ˂ 0.01
˂ 0.01

K ˃ 100, taking K to be 110, the new bode plot is,

Here, PM = -11.2˚,
Allowing for 10˚ extra margin,
φm = 40˚ + 10˚ - (-11.2˚)
φm = 61.2˚ , take PM to be 65˚
α = 1+𝑠𝑖𝑛65

α = 0.049 ≈ 0.05
wc = 0.981rad/sec ≈ 1 rad/sec
location of the zero should be one decade behind the cross-over frequency, hence |z| = 0.1
therefore, |p| = 0.005. The compensator would be,
A PM of 43.9˚ is obtained, which satisfies the requirements.
Question 6.56
The uncompensated bode plot for the system is,
PM = -19.9˚, wc = 3rad/sec
Allowing for 10˚ extra margin,
φm = 35˚ + 10˚ - (-19.9˚)
φm = 64.9˚ , take PM to be 65˚
α = 1+𝑠𝑖𝑛65

α = 0.049 ≈ 0.05
location of the zero should be one decade behind the cross-over frequency, hence |z| = 0.3
therefore, |p| = 0.015. The compensator would be,
These values of |z| and |p| do not satisfy the design requirements, so after performing iterations
for different values of |z| and |p|, the compensator is,
PM = 36.1˚, wc = 0.684rad/sec, which meets the design requirements.
The approximate bandwidth = 2wc = 2(0.684) ≈ 1.4 rad/sec.
Question 6.58
|𝑧| 20
|z| = 20, |p| = = 1 = 100
For the wc = 31.6rad/sec, we need to increase the gain. Hence by trial and error, K=30.3 for wc ≈
31.6 rad/sec.

For a type 1 system, K=Kv

Kv = 30.3
The uncompensated wc with the lead compensator in place is 1 rad/sec. The corner frequency
(location of zero) would be one decade behind the cross-over frequency. |z| = 0.1
There is no specific phase margin requirement, so we place the pole one decade behind the zero.
|p| = 0.01.

The existing gain of the system is 15.15, we need an additional gain of 6.6 to make Kv = 100. So
the value of K for a lag compensator is 6.6.
|p| = 3.16 rad/sec, wc = 31.6 rad/s, the zero should be between pole and cross-over frequency.
By trial and error,

wc = 31.6 rad/sec at |z| = 27.6 rad/sec.

PM of the compensated design = 26.9˚ at wc = 31.6 rad/sec.

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