11.2 Movement: Movement: Muscle Contracts & Relaxes Func3ons of Bones

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2 Movement
Movement: Muscle contracts & relaxes
Func3ons 1. Levers of muscles
of bones 2. Amplify the force exerted by muscles when the contract & relax
3. Structural support for organisms
4. Covers vital organs for protecBon

- Lump of muscle which is aDached to bones

- Ex: biceps & triceps
- Composed of several muscle fibers
Muscle - MulBnucleated single cell (fusion of several dif
fibers ferent cells)
- Structure:
1. Sarcolemma: membrane
2. Myofibrils: longitudinally in the muscle fibe
3. Mitochondria: between myofibrils
Myofibrils - Long tube-like structures of muscle fibers
- Composed of many repeaBng sarcomeres
- Structure
1. Sarcoplasmic reBculum
• Stores Ca2+ ions
• Connected to motor neurons
2. Sarcomeres
• Ends: Z discs with aDached a
cBn filaments
• M line with aDached myosin
filaments between 2 Z-discs
• Myosin & acBn: proteins
• Myosin thicker than acBn
• Light appearance, I band: acBn
• Dark band, A band: myosin
Muscle 1. Motor neuron conducts electrical sBmulus
contrac3on 2. SBmulus sBmulates the sarcoplasmic reBculum à releases Ca2+ ions (needed to
iniBate muscle contracBon)
3. Tropomyosin-troponin complex covers the myosin head binding site, Ca2+ binds
To troponin à binding site
4. Ca2+ leads to the exposure of the myosin head binding sites on acBn
5. ATP binds to myosin head à cross bridge broken
6. ATP à ATP + Pi: release in energy changes shape of myosin head & binds to
new myosin head closer to Z line
7. Cross bridge formed, pull the acBn towards M line
The sliding - Describes how muscle contracBon occurs
filament - Sarcomere contracts: Z lines move inwards to the M line
theory - AcBn filaments slide across myosin filaments, M-line (acBn
contracts, myosin no change)
- Light band decreases & dark band remains the same
Bicep & - AntagonisBc

Biceps ADached to radius, via tendon

Tendon ADach muscles to bones
Triceps ADached to ulna, via tendon
Ligament ADaches bone to bone
CarBlage Covers the ends of bones (protecBon fricBon)
Synovial Synovial fluid in the joint space
joint - Provide nutrients
- Reduce fricBon between bones

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