The Wall Street Journal - 27.02.2024

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* * * * TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2024 ~ VOL. CCLXXXIII NO. 47 HHHH $5.

DJIA 39069.23 g 62.30 0.16% NASDAQ 15976.25 g 0.1% STOXX 600 495.43 g 0.4% 10-YR. TREAS. g 10/32 , yield 4.298% OIL $77.58 À $1.09 GOLD $2,028.50 g $10.10 EURO $1.0854 YEN 150.70

Sweden Clears Last Hurdle to Joining NATO FTC Sues

News To Block
Business & Finance
 The FTC sued to block
Of Kroger,
Kroger’s $25 billion bid for
rival Albertsons, throwing
into uncertainty the fate of
one of the largest supermar-
ket deals in history. A1 Supermarket chains’
 U.S. stocks slipped ahead of $25 billion tie-up
fresh readings on the economy would lead to higher
this week, with the S&P 500,
Dow and Nasdaq falling 0.4%, prices, agency says
0.2% and 0.1%, respectively. B11
 Chevron warned investors BY PATRICK THOMAS
that Exxon and Cnooc are AND DAVE MICHAELS
asserting they have a right to
pre-empt the company’s bid for The Federal Trade Commis-
a stake in an oil project off Guy- sion sued to block Kroger’s
ana, something that could derail $25 billion bid for rival Albert-
Chevron’s megadeal for Hess. B1 sons, throwing into uncer-
tainty the fate of the largest
 Citigroup named JPMor-
supermarket deal in history.
gan’s Viswas Raghavan as
In a lawsuit filed in federal
head of banking, turning to
court in Oregon on Monday, the

an old rival to fill a key se-

FTC said the deal would lead to
nior role at the bank. B10
higher food prices and harm
 Boeing’s push to improve its union workers’ bargaining
safety culture after two 737 power, and asked a court to
MAX crashes is falling short, ac- block the companies from clos-
cording to a panel tasked with ing their deal on antitrust
reviewing the plane maker’s FORGING AHEAD: A U.K. soldier storms an enemy position in a simulated attack during NATO exercises Monday in Drawsko grounds. The companies’ plan
practices after the accidents. B6 Pomorskie, Poland. Sweden is set to become the alliance’s 32nd member after Hungary’s parliament approved its accession. A7 to address the government’s
concerns by selling hundreds of
 Participation is dwindling
stores in Washington, Colorado

Justices Question State Efforts

in the Fed’s reverse repo fa-
and other states won’t solve the
cility, a program that has
problem, the FTC said.
helped the U.S. government
“Kroger’s acquisition of
limit its borrowing costs. B1
Albertsons would lead to addi-

To Regulate Social Media Posts

 KKR said it agreed to buy tional grocery price hikes for
Broadcom’s end-user comput- everyday goods, further exac-
ing division for about $4 billion erbating the financial strain
in a deal the investment firm consumers across the country
expects to close this year. B3 face today,” said Henry Liu,
director of the FTC’s bureau
 Expedia is reducing its
BY JESS BRAVIN prevent online platforms from ern Union. It’s like a telegraph with judges reaching conflict- of competition.
global head count by 1,500
moderating users’ posts. By company” that just delivers ing conclusions on whether A Kroger spokeswoman said
employees, or roughly 9%, as
WASHINGTON—The Su- the end, it seemed clear the messages, he said. the state regulations were law- the FTC’s decision makes it
part of the online travel com-
preme Court appeared dubious court was unwilling to accept “I look at this and I say it’s ful. Together, the two cases more likely that U.S. consumers
pany’s organizational and tech-
Monday of state laws requiring either side’s conception of really not like either of those,” could set important ground will see higher food prices and
nological transformation. B2
online platforms such as Face- what social media is: an edited Alito said. rules for free-speech protec- fewer grocery stores, while
 Paris-based startup Mistral book and YouTube to publish publication entitled to full In 2021, when Donald tions online. strengthening nonunionized re-
is challenging the conventional nearly all user content, al- First Amendment freedoms, or Trump was banned from Twit- Trade groups representing tailers. An Albertsons spokes-
wisdom that the winners of though several justices sug- a common carrier like a phone ter after the Capitol riot and Meta Platforms, Google and X, man said the combined com-
the artificial-intelligence race gested that the ability to re- company that must transmit conservative activists asserted the new name of Twitter, sued pany would be a stronger
will emerge from among the move noxious social-media information without discrimi- their views were being sup- the states, saying such require- competitor against Amazon,
tech industry’s U.S. giants. B1 posts should not mean tech nating among its users. pressed by social media sites, ments infringe on their First Walmart and Costco.
companies are free to block “So you say this is just like Florida and Texas passed laws Amendment rights to decide The FTC’s challenge comes
World-Wide personal communications such a newspaper, basically. It’s like requiring the platforms to what is said on their websites. as the portion of U.S. consum-
as Gmail or chat messages. the Miami Herald,” Justice post nearly all user content To require viewpoint neutrality ers’ income spent on food has
The court heard nearly four Samuel Alito told Paul Clem- without regard to the view- meant that “if we have suicide reached a three-decade high,
 The Supreme Court ap- hours of argument to deter- ent, the lawyer representing points expressed. prevention [content], we have despite inflation easing for
peared dubious of state laws mine the constitutionality of a the tech industry. “And the The moves set off hotly con- to have suicide promotion,” many other goods. President Bi-
requiring online platforms to pair of state laws that seek to states say no, this is like West- tested battles in lower courts, Please turn to page A2 Please turn to page A2
publish nearly all user con-
tent, although several justices

Palestinian INSIDE Nvidia’s Ascent

suggested that the ability to
remove noxious social-media
posts should not mean tech
companies are free to block
personal communications. A1
 The Palestinian Authority’s
Cabinet Makes It a Target
government resigned, an early
step toward the overhauls
the U.S. and Middle Eastern
powers see as a condition
for the body to take charge
of Gaza after the war. A1
But Abbas The chip maker’s own customers look
to move in on its booming AI business
 Biden called congressional
leaders to the White House
Stays On BY ASA FITCH has earned a fortune esti-
mated at more than $68 bil-
as the clock ticks toward a Jensen Huang likes to say lion.
partial government shutdown RAMALLAH, West Bank— he doesn’t have a long-term It has been a stunning as-
Friday night and a Ukraine aid The Palestinian Authority’s plan. He doesn’t wear a cent for the Taiwanese-born
package remains stuck. A5 government resigned on Mon- watch, he says, because “now immigrant who famously
day, an early step toward the is the most important time.” mapped out plans for his
 Lawyers for Trump ap-
overhauls the U.S. and Middle For the Nvidia CEO, now is company at a Denny’s restau-
pealed a New York judge’s or-
der requiring the former pres-
Eastern powers see as a con- PERSONAL JOURNAL JASON GAY a moment of enormous tri- rant more than 30 years ago.
dition for the body to take Employers want to At spring training, all umph—and more than a little He now hobnobs with world
ident to pay $355 million plus
charge of Gaza after the war. peril. leaders, holds court with fel-
interest in a civil-fraud case. A3 start early, but workers the chatter is about After an AI-driven busi- low billionaires who are
 Alexei Navalny’s death in By Summer Said, are pushing back over MLB’s see-through ness bonanza that has sent hooked on his chips and
prison followed a proposal to Omar Abdel-Baqui and 8 a.m. meetings. A9 pants problem. A12 Nvidia’s valuation to the $2 holds forth for hours on his
trade the Russian opposition Fatima AbdulKarim trillion stratosphere, Huang is AI views at Nvidia’s annual
leader and two unnamed the king of the tech universe. conference, wearing his sig-
U.S. citizens held by Moscow The move falls short of He has managed to adapt his nature black jacket, black
for a Russian hit man im-
prisoned in Germany, Na-
changes Western and Arab gov-
ernments have pressured the
Argentina’s New President Loves company’s semiconductor de-
signs from computer graphics
jeans and black sneakers.
Please turn to page A8
valny’s foundation said. A6 Palestinian Authority to make,
including replacing longtime
His Cloned Dogs. People, Less So. to training artificial-intelli-
gence systems, making his  Nvidia is Silicon Valley’s
 Iran reduced its stockpile
career politicians with a tech- i i i chips essential for tech com- hot employer........................ B1
of near-weapons-grade nu-
nocratic team and for Mah- panies from Microsoft to  Heard on the Street: China
clear material even as it con-
tinued expanding its overall
moud Abbas, the authority’s Opposition focuses on Javier Milei’s mastiffs Tesla. In the process Huang readies for chip wars.... B12
unpopular, 88-year-old presi-
nuclear program, the U.N.
atomic watchdog said. A16
dent, to step aside and invest a as he tackles world’s highest inflation
 The Albert Einstein Col-
new prime minister with some
of the president’s powers. BY RYAN DUBÉ pound dogs carved into his sil- Biotech Number of U.S. IPOs in biotechnology
lege of Medicine will become
tuition-free for all students,
U.S. and Arab negotiators
are working to broker a cease- BUENOS AIRES—A few years
ver-and-gold presidential baton.
While other politicians hold Heats Up 80
thanks to a $1 billion gift
from a former faculty mem-
fire to avoid more civilian ca-
sualties and prevent the con-
ago, Argentina’s up-and-coming babies and press the flesh with
political rabble-rouser, Javier human voters, Milei makes a
Again 70
ber and board chair. A3 flict from further spreading Milei, didn’t hesitate when beeline for dogs, even stopping
across the region. asked on television whether he his inauguration-day parade to About a half-dozen 60
 Died: Jacob Rothschild, 87,
In New York on Monday, liked people or dogs more. pat a tail-wagging golden re- biotechnology
financier and philanthropist. B2
President Biden said he hopes “Dogs,” Milei said. triever. companies have 50
a cease-fire can take effect by Now president, the And when a bus gone public since
CONTENTS Markets Digest...... B7 early next week. “My national- self-described anar- driver recently ran over the start of the 40
Arts in Review..... A11 Opinion................ A13-15
Banking & Finance B10 Personal Journal A9-10
security adviser tells me that cho-capitalist waited a dog in the working year, with some
Business News.. B3,6 Sports.......................... A12 we’re close, we’re close, we’re a month to move into class outskirts of Buenos raising hundreds 30
Crossword................. A11 Technology................ B4 not done yet. My hope is by the Olivos presiden- Aires, Milei ordered his of millions of
Heard on Street.. B12 U.S. News.............. A2-5 next Monday we’ll have a tial residence as he justice minister to find dollars. It is a 20
Markets...................... B11 World News... A6-7,16
cease-fire.’’ built kennels for his Man’s the man. “An excellent welcome change
In a sign of escalating ten- “four-legged children,” job,” he said on X after for the industry 10
best clone
> sions, Israel said it had struck as he calls his five the driver was detained after two tough
aerial defense systems operated cloned English mastiffs—four the next day. years plagued by
Please turn to page A7 named after free-market econo- Global leaders often show af- layoffs, scientific 2012 ’15 ’20 ’24
mists. For his December inaugu- fection for man’s best friend, hurdles and rising Note: For venture-capital-backed companies;
s 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
 Lawlessness hampers ration, he broke with tradition from French President Emman- interest rates, 2024 data as of Feb. 20
All Rights Reserved Gaza aid efforts................. A7 by having images of the 200- Please turn to page A8 investors say. B1 Source: PitchBook
A2 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Mission Is Expected Man Dies After
Handling of Austin
To Be Cut Short Self-Immolation Illness Defended
A private U.S. lunar lander An active-duty U.S. Air The Pentagon found it did
is expected to stop working Force member who set himself nothing wrong in deciding to
Tuesday, its mission cut short on fire outside the Israeli em- not immediately inform Presi-
after landing sideways near bassy in Washington, D.C., on dent Biden or legislators of
the south pole of the moon. Sunday has died, officials said. Defense Secretary Lloyd Aus-
Intuitive Machines, the The man repeatedly said tin’s whereabouts when he
Houston company that built “Free Palestine” and ap- was hospitalized earlier this
and flew the spacecraft, said peared to livestream the pro- year, finding in an internal re-
Monday it would continue to test Sunday afternoon on the view that staff followed ex-
collect data until sunlight no platform Twitch, which has isting guidelines and sought
longer shines on the solar pan- since removed the video. The to protect the defense chief’s
els. Based on the position of Metropolitan Police Depart- privacy.
Earth and the moon, officials ment identified him as Aaron The handling of Austin’s
expect that to happen Tuesday Bushnell, a 25-year-old from hospitalization and illness
morning. That is two to three San Antonio. caused a political headache
days short of the week or so Bushnell died in a hospital for the White House and
that NASA and other custom- on Sunday night, the police raised concerns on Capitol
ers had been counting on. and the Air Force said. Hill about the secretary’s de-
The lander, named Odys- Bushnell appeared to say cision to wait several days
seus, is the first U.S. space- during the episode that he before sharing with Biden
craft to land on the moon in didn’t want to be complicit in that he had been hospitalized
over 50 years, carrying experi- genocide and wanted to en- following a prostate-cancer
ments for NASA, the main gage in an extreme act of pro- diagnosis. Austin’s unwilling-
sponsor. But it came in too test. He was likely referring to ness to tell the president or
fast last Thursday and the the Israel-Hamas War and the top military commanders
foot of one of its six legs humanitarian crisis in Gaza. raised questions about his
caught on the surface, causing On Oct. 7, Hamas militants judgment amid heightened
it to tumble over, according to stormed the Israeli border, tensions in the Middle East,
company officials. Based on killing over 1,200 people and Europe and Asia.
photos from NASA’s Lunar Re- abducting over 240 civilians At the time, there were
connaissance Orbiter flying and soldiers, according to Is- imprecise guidelines about
overhead, Odysseus landed raeli authorities. Since the at- how to inform other defense
within a mile or so of its in- tacks, Israel has responded officials or the White House
tended target near the Mala- with a military campaign that when the secretary can’t per-
pert A crater, just 185 miles or it has said is aimed at de- form the job, according to the

so from the moon’s south pole. stroying Hamas and recover- three-page summary of the
According to NASA, the ing the hostages. More than Pentagon’s 30-day review.
lander ended up in a small, de- 29,000 Palestinians have The Pentagon said it
graded crater with a 12-degree been killed since Israel began shared a classified version of
slope. That is the closest a its offensive, according to the report with Congress.
spacecraft has ever come to Palestinian health authorities, Austin is scheduled to appear
the south pole, an area of in- most of them women and Thursday on Capitol Hill to
terest because of suspected children. The numbers don’t answer questions about his
frozen water in the perma- distinguish between civilians handling of his hospitaliza-
The Odysseus lunar lander captured this image about 35 seconds after pitching over during nently shadowed craters there. and combatants. tion.
its approach to its landing site near the south pole of the moon Thursday. —Associated Press —Alyssa Lukpat —Nancy A. Youssef

FTC Sues including the chain Safeway.

The two companies operate
in many of the same areas, in-
soft and Meta Platforms but
prevailed in a lawsuit that
blocked gene-sequencing com-
nearly $2 billion deal to sell 413
stores to C&S Wholesale Gro-
cers, one of the largest U.S. gro-
tions for consumers. The FTC
is likely to argue Kroger and
Albertsons compete in a nar-
A judge in Oregon will de-
cide whether to grant the FTC’s
request for a preliminary in-

To Block cluding Colorado, Southern Cal-

ifornia, Washington, Texas and
Chicago. The deal, which in-
pany Illumina from buying
cancer-blood-test maker Grail.
The deal would be the sec-
cery-supply companies, which
owns some stores under the
Grand Union and Piggly Wiggly
rower segment of traditional
supermarkets, while the com-
panies will say they fight for
junction that would suspend
the deal from closing. That pro-
cess normally takes several

Merger cludes the assumption of about

$4.7 billion of Albertsons’ net
debt, would be the grocery sec-
ond time Albertsons combined
with a big rival, after it joined
forces with Safeway in 2015.
brands. In January, the compa-
nies told regional union leaders
the divestiture plan was upped
customers with discounters
and warehouse clubs such as
Costco and Walmart, said Da-
months. Attorneys general in
Washington and Colorado sued
to stop the merger. Nine states
tor’s largest ever, Dealogic said. The FTC al- to 510 stores. vid Olson, a professor at Bos- including California joined the
Continued from Page One The suit sets up another bat- lowed that deal The FTC said ton College Law School. “There FTC’s case on Monday.
den, a Democrat who is running tle for U.S. antitrust enforcers. to close but re- Kroger and is good evidence that the de- The tie-up aims to bolster
for re-election, took aim at Under the Biden administra- quired Albert- The deal would Albertsons pro- fendants here can cite to say the grocers’ scale, technology,
large grocery chains in January tion, the FTC and the Justice sons to sell 168 be the second posed to sell off the market should be broader, and leverage in negotiations
over high food prices, saying Department have challenged stores to a lit- “a hodgepodge and there is also evidence that with suppliers, according to
stores are gouging shoppers megadeals ranging from Micro- tle-known gro- time Albertsons of unconnected online shopping for groceries industry executives. The com-
and bringing in excess profits. soft’s bid for Activision Bliz- cery chain that stores, banners, has expanded,” he said. panies have said that Wal-
It signals a high-water mark zard to JetBlue’s attempted later went
combined with a brands and Analysts at investment re- mart’s grocery market share is
for the role of labor in antitrust takeover of Spirit Airlines. bankrupt. The major rival. other assets that search firm Capstone said the twice the size of a combined
analysis, said William Kovacic, The FTC and the Justice De- outcome em- Kroger’s anti- companies face slim odds of Kroger and Albertsons.
a former FTC chairman now at partment have a mixed record barrassed the trust lawyers prevailing in court and would Regional leaders for The
George Washington University. fighting mergers. DOJ won a FTC and led have cobbled to- likely need to divest more than United Food and Commercial
The FTC and Justice Depart- string of recent cases, includ- consumer advocates and gether.” C&S currently operates 650 stores to secure approval. Workers International Union,
ment, which share antitrust en- ing getting a judge to block unions to repeatedly highlight 23 supermarkets and one retail If the deal is terminated, the biggest U.S. union repre-
forcement duties, now probe JetBlue’s purchase of Spirit, the risk posed by a suggested pharmacy, the FTC said. Kroger will have to pay Albert- senting grocery workers, op-
whether mergers will lead to and before that, JetBlue’s pro- fix by Kroger and Albertsons. A court will have to decide sons $600 million. Shares of posed Kroger’s deal for Albert-
bigger employers with exces- posed alliance with American To try to alleviate antitrust how much competition is lost Kroger finished nearly 2% lower sons, saying it would hurt
sive leverage over workers. Airlines. The FTC lost merger concerns, Kroger and Albert- to the merger—and that will on Monday, while Albertsons workers, shoppers and the
The FTC’s claim that Kroger- litigation contests with Micro- sons announced in September a turn on how it defines the op- gained about 0.6%. food-supply chain. Some union
Albertsons would have more leaders expressed concerns
power to neutralize the threat Share of U.S. grocery sales, 2023 about the viability of stores
of a union boycott or strike is the companies divest.
Walmart* 28.3%
uncommon, Kovacic said. The FTC said Kroger and
“Showcasing it directly [in an Kroger 10.1
Albertsons would have more
antitrust case] is new,” he said. Identical store sales, leverage to impose subpar
The White House, which Costco 9.2 change from a year earlier terms on union workers that

didn’t comment on the lawsuit, slow wage increases, worsen

said Biden is committed to low- Albertsons 6.4 Albertsons‡ benefits and potentially de-
ering grocery costs using every 6 grade working conditions. The
tool at his disposal. Publix 4.8 companies have said the only
Kroger and Albertsons are parties that would benefit if
Ahold Delhaize 4.6
the largest and second-largest 0 the deal is blocked would be
U.S. supermarket operators in Aldi 3.0 -3 Kroger** large, nonunion retailers.
terms of sales. Based in Cin- This month, a regional UFCW
cinnati, Kroger operates more Amazon† 3.0 -6 chapter for several West Coast
than 2,700 grocery stores, in- -9 states said it supported the
cluding its namesake loca- Target 2.7 deal. The union said it figures
tions and regional chains such –12 Albertsons eventually would be
as Fred Meyer and Ralph’s. HEB 2.0 FY2021 ’22 ’23 acquired by another company,
Albertsons runs nearly 2,300 Kroger, based in Cincinnati, operates more than 2,700 grocery *Includes Sam’s Club †Includes Whole Foods ‡Latest quarter ended Dec. 2 and the deal with Kroger would
supermarkets across the U.S., stores, including its namesake locations and regional chains. **Latest quarter ended Nov. 4 Sources: Numerator (share); the companies (sales) be the best outcome.

High Court distinction between social-me-
dia sites focused on expression
and those that were more akin
The platforms could say any-
thing they want, even criticize
user posts, he said. Users were
they must or can’t say, Rob-
erts said.
Among other provisions, the

Considers to a service.
Different rules could apply
to different functions a com-
free to block unwanted con-
tent, he said.
“All that’s left is voluntary
Texas law prohibits platforms
from discriminating against us-
ers based on their viewpoints.
In some editions Monday,
a U.S. Watch article from the
Associated Press about a New
A Nov. 4 Off Duty article
about bird-watching in Colom-
bia incorrectly identified a

Free Speech pany performs, said Prelogar,

representing the Biden admin-
istration. A railroad such as
communications between peo-
ple who want to speak and peo-
ple who want to listen,” he said.
Justice Elena Kagan asked if
the platforms claim to have the
categorical right to ban users
York City fire was incorrectly
credited to “Associated Fire.”
flowerpiercer as a flower-

Amtrak is a common carrier Nielson said the Texas law for what they believe—to de- Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by
Continued from Page One and can’t discriminate among simply recognized the public cide, for instance, that when it emailing or by calling 888-410-2667.
Clement said. “That should be passengers. But if Amtrak pub- function social media plays. comes to antisemites, “we’re
a nonstarter.” lishes a magazine that passen- “Today, millions of Ameri- not even going to let them post
Several justices expressed gers can read during their cans don’t visit friends or fam- cat videos.” THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
sympathy with that argument travel, it would be entitled to ily or even go to work in per- Clement said yes. If “you (USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
but observed that ruling First Amendment protection son. Everybody is online. The are a notorious antisemite, we (Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
against the states might also for the editorial decisions the modern public square,” he do not want you to participate Editorial and publication headquarters:
entitle the internet giants to company makes over what to said. But if platforms that in this conversation,” he said. 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
police what messages are include, she said. “passively host the speech of The cases, Moody v. Net- Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays.
transmitted via other services Arguing in the Texas case, billions of people are them- Choice and NetChoice v. Pax- Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.
they provide, such as individ- Prelogar agreed that social me- selves the speakers and can ton, are the latest in a series Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal,
ual email accounts or direct dia didn’t fit neatly into Su- discriminate, there will be no that the court has used to 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020.
messaging. preme Court precedents. public square to speak of.” project the First Amendment All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable
Justice Amy Coney Barrett “It’s not necessary here to Chief Justice John Roberts, into the online world. rate card, copies of which are available from the Advertising Services
Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y.
asked Clement how the court try to figure out how the First disputing the idea that the Recent years have seen the
10036. The Journal reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order. Only
could write an opinion saying Amendment applies to new platforms hold a monopoly court strike down a North Car- publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the
state restrictions were uncon- technology in general or to ev- over public discourse, said olina law that barred sex of- advertiser’s order.
stitutional regarding news ery possible website or the in- Texas had gotten the First fenders from much of social Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
feeds on Facebook and You- ternet in particular,” she said. Amendment backward. media, finding it unconstitu-
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Tube, but not when it came to She recommended the court “What the government’s tional to banish them from By web:; By email:
services such as the shopping rule narrowly against what she doing here is saying, You must “the modern public square,” By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625)
platform Facebook Market- said was a singular defect in do this, you must carry these and throw out a cyberstalking Reprints & licensing:
place “or Gmail or DMs.” the Texas law: the state’s aim people; you’ve got to explain if conviction because prosecutors By email:
Clement didn’t want to give of amplifying some voices on you don’t. That’s not the First hadn’t proved the defendant By phone: 1-800-843-0008
ground on that point, but U.S. the platforms “by suppressing Amendment,” he said. Rather intended his posts to be WSJ back issues and framed pages:
Solicitor General Elizabeth the platform’s own protected than impose requirements on threatening or knew the victim Our newspapers are 100% sourced from sustainably certified mills.
Prelogar, who also argued speech.” private parties, the First would see them that way.
against the state laws, sug- Not so, said the Texas solic- Amendment bars the govern- Decisions in Monday’s cases GOT A TIP FOR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS
gested there was a legitimate itor general, Aaron Nielson. ment from telling them what are expected before July.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | A3


New York
Lawyers for Donald Trump
on Monday appealed a New
York judge’s order requiring the
former president to pay $355
million plus interest in a civil-
fraud case that puts his real-es-
tate business at risk.

By Jacob Gershman,
Corinne Ramey and
James Fanelli

Justice Arthur Engoron im-


posed the financial penalties
this month after finding that
the Republican presidential
front-runner inflated the value
Bombing Victims Remembered
of his real-estate empire to se- New York City on Monday
cure low-interest financing. marked 31 years since the
Trump already owes about World Trade Center bombing
$100 million in interest on the in 1993, an act of terror that
financial gains the judge found killed six people and injured
to be improper, putting his total more than 1,000. Above, Jill
bill as of last week at roughly Gilkeson remembers her
$454 million. Engoron also friend Stephen Knapp, one of
banned Trump’s eldest sons, those killed when a truck
Eric Trump and Donald Trump bomb exploded in a
Jr., from running the Trump basement parking garage
Organization for two years, re- under the North Tower. The
stricted the company’s ability crater resulting from the
to obtain loans and subjected it explosion is shown in a
to extended financial oversight. photo taken Feb. 27, 1993, a
Trump’s lawyers said in a fil- day after the bombing.
ing Monday that they would ask
a state appeals court to deter-

Informant Charged With Lying Giuliani

mine whether Engoron commit-
ted errors of law, abused his
discretion or acted in excess of
his jurisdiction.
About Bidens Will Stay in Jail Not Shield,
“We trust that the Appellate
Division will overturn this egre-
gious fine and take the neces-
sary steps to restore the public
faith in New York’s legal sys-
tem,” said Trump lawyer Alina
Trump’s notice of appeal
but in Los Angeles, where a
grand jury indicted Smirnov.
doesn’t stop New York Attorney
General Letitia James from
seeking to enforce the judgment
against Alexander Smirnov, the
During the detention hear-
ing Monday, Smirnov’s lawyers
and prosecutors gave dueling
Victims Say
and its penalties. Trump is ex- former FBI informant accused portrayals of the former FBI in-
pected to ask a higher court to of peddling false bribery allega- formant and his trustworthi- BY BECKY YERAK
suspend enforcement of En- tions against President Biden ness. A prosecutor, Leo Wise,
goron’s ruling while he pursues and his son Hunter, gets said Smirnov has access to Two Georgia election work-
his appeal. Without a stay, he stranger by the day. bank accounts storing millions ers who won a nearly $150

will have to post a bond worth On Monday, a federal judge of dollars, had firearms in his million defamation case
upward of around half a billion in Los Angeles ordered home and has continued mak- against Rudy Giuliani say the
dollars to prevent James from Smirnov, 43, to remain behind ing misstatements. former lawyer for Donald
moving to collect. bars while he awaits trial on Smirnov’s lawyer David Trump shouldn’t be able to es-
James, a Democrat, sued charges he lied to the FBI. The Chesnoff described his client as cape the judgment because he
Trump in 2022, alleging that he decision from Judge Otis D. a financial professional with no filed for personal bankruptcy.
and his finance team systemati- Wright II overruled a magis- criminal record, loyal to the Ruby Freeman and her
cally exaggerated the value of trate judge in Nevada, who al- U.S. government through his daughter, Shaye Moss, said in
his marquee Manhattan sky- lowed Smirnov to be released work as a confidential infor- a complaint filed on Friday in
scrapers, luxury estates and last week with conditions. Alexander Smirnov has pleaded not guilty to the charges. mant. He pointed to Smirnov’s the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in
other assets. Trump’s lawyers With the ruling, Wright romantic partner of two de- the Southern District of New
have blasted the case as politi- sided with federal prosecutors risma. According to prosecu- rival aboard an international cades and a cousin in the York that a debt for “willful
cally motivated. who had argued that Smirnov’s tors, Smirnov falsely claimed to flight. Over the objections of courtroom and said they were and malicious injury” can’t be
It is unclear how Trump claimed foreign-intelligence his FBI handler that years ear- federal prosecutors, he was willing to vouch for him. If a evaded under bankruptcy law.
would pay the judgment—and contacts and access to millions lier, during the elder Biden’s freed by a federal magistrate government-issued ankle brace- Giuliani sought protection
the roughly $100,000 daily in- of dollars made him a flight vice presidency, Burisma execu- judge in Nevada last week on let didn’t give the judge enough from creditors in December
terest being added to it. His net risk. Smirnov has pleaded not tives had admitted to paying $5 the condition that he submit to comfort, Chesnoff said Smirnov after a court ordered him to
worth has been estimated at guilty to the charges. million to each of the Bidens to electronic monitoring and could pay for private security. immediately pay the pair,
around $3 billion, but the “There is nothing garden-va- protect the company from an travel restrictions. But Wright was unper- whom the former New York
amount of liquid assets he has riety about this case,” Wright investigation by the country’s But his liberty was short- suaded by Chesnoff’s assur- mayor falsely accused of med-
isn’t clear. In a deposition last said Monday, dismissing pleas then-prosecutor general. lived. Within days, Smirnov ances, saying there were too dling in the 2020 presidential
year, he testified that he had from Smirnov’s lawyer to keep The allegations were memo- was sitting in his lawyer’s of- many unresolved issues bother- election results.
$400 million in cash. him free until his trial. Federal rialized in an internal FBI re- fice in Las Vegas when U.S. ing him. Bankruptcy typically allows
The attorney general has marshals led away Smirnov, port that Republicans seized on Marshals entered to take him The Smirnov case has deliv- filers to pause many creditor
said that if necessary, she will clad in a beige jumpsuit with last year as a central part of back into custody. ered Hunter Biden an unex- actions. Last month, Giuliani
look to Trump’s properties to hands and feet shackled. their push to impeach Presi- Smirnov’s lawyers re- pected public-relations coup, won the bankruptcy court’s
satisfy the financial pen- Smirnov’s case has provided dent Biden and accuse his fam- sponded to his second arrest undermining corruption allega- limited permission to chal-
alty. Typically a party seeking a rare glimpse into the shad- ily of corruption. Since with a request for an emer- tions that Republicans have lenge the defamation verdict.
to enforce a judgment provides owy world of spycraft and un- Smirnov’s indictment, Republi- gency hearing in Nevada. In long leveled against him. That judgment is Giuliani’s
a 30-day grace period before dercut a central part of the Re- cans have removed the FBI re- Los Angeles, Wright issued a That boost came from an largest liability in his chapter
seeking to collect, lawyers said. publicans’ push to impeach port containing those allega- brief order saying that their bid unlikely source. The Smirnov 11 case. Court filings last
Engoron’s ban on borrowing President Biden. tions from a “Key Evidence” for his release was “likely to fa- case was brought by David month showed that he has
by the Trumps could affect the Prosecutors allege that section of a House webpage de- cilitate his absconding from the Weiss, the special counsel who more than $10.6 million in as-
company’s development plans Smirnov lied to the FBI in 2020 voted to the investigation into United States.” is separately prosecuting sets. He ended the month of
globally, as most large U.S. when he claimed to have the Biden family. The judge also asserted do- Hunter Biden on gun and tax January with roughly $69,000
banks are registered or have knowledge of corruption by Joe Smirnov was arrested twice minion over the case and said charges. The younger Biden has in cash, according to another
charters with New York. Trump Biden and his son related to this month, the first time at a next steps in the proceedings pleaded not guilty to those court filing Friday.
could get loans elsewhere, but Ukrainian energy company Bu- Las Vegas airport upon his ar- should unfold not in Nevada charges. Freeman and Moss sued
the process would be more bur- Giuliani in 2021. The pair said
densome and likely involve in their complaint Friday that
smaller institutions.
Trump separately owes an
$83 million defamation judg-
ment to the advice columnist E.
Medical School Is Tuition-Free After Gift Giuliani and his team person-
ally spread, or encouraged
others to spread, a “false nar-
rative” that generated hun-
Jean Carroll. His lawyers in that dreds of millions of impres-
case asked U.S. District Judge BY MELISSA KORN whom the price tag of medical A wave of medical schools sions online, and plastered
Lewis Kaplan to put the judg- school can be prohibitive. launched similar tuition- their identities and faces all
ment on hold for now. Kaplan The Albert Einstein College The median debt load na- scholarship programs in re- over the internet. That falsely
has asked both sides to submit of Medicine in New York City tionwide for medical students cent years, using the financial caused their names to become
briefs before he rules. will now be tuition-free for all who took out loans was aid as a recruiting tool for “synonymous with election
Without a stay, Trump likely students, thanks to a historic $200,000 in 2023, according their classes and as part of an fraud and treason,” subjecting
would need to pay the judg- $1 billion gift from a former to the Association of Ameri- effort to help fill shortages in them to an onslaught of
ment or secure a bond by early faculty member and board can Medical Colleges. Eighty- lower-paying fields like pedi- threats and harassment, they
March. chair. four percent of those students atrics and internal medicine. said in their complaint.

Separately on Monday, Man- The donation comes from borrowed at least $100,000. The medical school at New “Mr. Giuliani cannot use
hattan District Attorney Alvin Ruth Gottesman, who after Einstein’s tuition this year is York University also covers bankruptcy to escape account-
Bragg asked the judge oversee- joining the faculty at the nearly $60,000, and the school full tuition for all students, ability for his actions,” Free-
ing Trump’s criminal hush- Bronx school in 1968 devel- recommends students budget while Columbia University man and Moss said.
money trial to limit what the oped widely used tools to at least another $35,000 a year covers the full cost of atten- Gary Fischoff, a lawyer rep-
former president can say pub- screen children for learning for living expenses, books and dance for medical students resenting Giuliani, said Mon-
licly about the witnesses, jurors problems and launched an other incidentals. The program with financial need. day that “just because an alle-
and prosecutors. The filing adult literacy program. Got- Ruth Gottesman donated lasts four years. Einstein said fourth-year gation is stated in a complaint
cited several social-media posts tesman, 93 years old, and her $1 billion to the Albert “This donation radically students will be reimbursed does not make it true.”
Trump has made about Bragg, husband, the late billionaire- Einstein College of Medicine. revolutionizes our ability to for their spring-semester tu- “That is why we have
including one with an image of investor David “Sandy” Got- continue attracting students ition, and beginning in Au- judges,” Fischoff said in a
the former president wielding a tesman, were longtime donors Warren Buffett’s. Ruth Gottes- who are committed to our gust, all students will get free statement to The Wall Street
bat at the back of the district to the medical school, and man said the funds for the bil- mission, not just those who tuition. Journal.
attorney’s head. Ruth Gottesman serves as lion-dollar donation came can afford it,” said Dr. Yaron Students assembled Mon- “Causing willful and mali-
A spokesman for the Trump chair of its board of trustees. from her husband. Tomer, the medical school’s day to hear Gottesman an- cious injury to others has con-
campaign called the proposed Sandy Gottesman, who died Einstein said the gift is in- dean. Einstein is connected to nounce the gift hugged, sequences,” Moss and Freeman
gag order unconstitutional and in 2022 at age 96, was an tended to bring healthcare ca- the 10-hospital Montefiore cheered and grew tearful said. “Mr. Giuliani cannot hide
“election interference pure and early Berkshire Hathaway reers within reach for more Health System; Gottesman sits upon learning their new fi- behind bankruptcy to escape
simple.” shareholder and friend of prospective students, for on that board as well. nancial fate. those consequences.”
A4 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K R F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Haley Pushes On, Even Without a Path

Trump’s last GOP spent the campaign’s early
months mostly avoiding the
challenger is losing subject.
primaries but still When Trump’s first indict-
ment came down last March,
draws fans, money she said it seemed to be “more
about revenge than it is about
BY MOLLY BALL justice.” In the first GOP de-
bate, she criticized Trump for
What is Nikki Haley doing? increasing spending but raised
The answer is clear enough: her hand when the candidates
demonstrating the inconve- were asked if they would sup-
nient fact that a sizable portion port him after he was con-
of the Republican primary elec- victed of a crime. Later she
torate isn’t on board with an- said that as president, she
other Donald Trump nomina- would pardon him.
tion, no matter how inevitable But something changed af-
it seems. ter the Jan. 23 New Hampshire
She did it again in Satur- primary. Despite being beaten
day’s South Carolina primary, by 11 points, Haley emerged de-
which saw the former United fiant. In the weeks since, she
Nations ambassador trounced has been more aggressive in
by 20 points in her home her attacks on Trump’s facul-
state—yet still notching 40% of ties, positions, record and po-
the vote, a remarkable showing litical potential. On Saturday,
for a candidate with no plausi- she called his recent comments
ble path to victory. Forty per- to a group of Black voters “dis-
cent “is not some tiny group,” gusting” and “unhinged.”


she told her supporters. “There Yet while both Haley and
are huge numbers of voters in Trump have said she isn’t in
our Republican primaries who contention to be his running
are saying they want an alter- mate, she hasn’t ruled out sup-
native.” porting him in the end, telling
Unfortunately for Haley, NPR last week that she consid-
many of the voters backing her ered Biden “more dangerous,”
haven’t been Republicans, and Nikki Haley held an event in Troy, Mich., on Sunday, above and below, ahead of the state’s primary contest on Tuesday. and saying in her South Caro-
her support among GOP voters lina concession speech, “We
is nowhere near enough to de- ers Alyssa Farah Griffin, Heath Mayo, said he appreci- need to beat President Biden in
rail Trump. There might not be Cassidy Hutchinson and Sarah ated Haley’s determination. November.”
an endgame for her, but there Matthews appeared on a panel “There are a lot of theories, but As much as the anti-
is a market. Donors have together, where they agreed I think she genuinely cares,” he Trumpers at the Principles
proved willing to continue that another Trump term said. “She sees the threat, and First gathering applauded Ha-
throwing money away: Her would be, in Hutchinson’s she sees there’s no benefit in ley for lending an assist to
campaign last month outraised words, “the greatest step to- bending the knee.” Haley, he their cause, some of them
Trump’s, powered by large do- ward fascism that we have argued, is making a “long-term worry that she could eventu-
nations from wealthy capital- taken in this country.” strategic calculation that this ally do more harm than good if
ists. (The conservative Ameri- Haley wasn’t on the pro- is the last hurrah” for Trump, she ends up supporting Trump
cans for Prosperity Action gram, but the confab, which and demonstrating Trump’s in November. Such an endorse-
network, however, told its staff drew more than 500 attendees, weakness as a general election ment, the thinking goes, could
Sunday it would stop funding might as well have been a candidate. be a powerful signal to reluc-
efforts on her behalf.) meeting of her fan club. Many attendees said they tant conservatives and inde-
And there is an audience: Maureen Hosey, a 59-year- would have liked to see this pendents trying to decide
Haley has a vocal cheering sec- old accountant from Brewster, feisty side of Haley sooner. “I which of two unpalatable can-
tion in the GOP’s Never Trump N.Y., wore a Haley campaign T- liked her a lot more before she didates represents the lesser
faction, which includes a swath shirt bearing the words kissed Trump’s feet,” said evil.
of former officeholders who “Barred. Permanently”—an al- third of Republicans cannot be tendees theorized she might be Stephanie Sharp, a former Re- For now, though, they are
say they no longer recognize lusion to Trump’s recent warn- with” Trump. positioning herself as a fallback publican state legislator from content to enjoy Haley’s quix-
their party. ing that he would blacklist Ha- The Trump campaign argues for the party this cycle if Kansas. “It is important for otic crusade. “I did have the
These were the people who ley’s donors. “I’m a lifelong that Haley is damaging her Trump—who faces 91 charges someone to be speaking up to concern that she could serve as
gathered in Washington over Republican. She is saying the party’s prospects by preventing across multiple cases—is con- him, but it’s really convenient an on-ramp” funneling reluc-
the weekend for the Principles things I remember Republican the GOP from unifying behind victed of a crime or in case of for her to be vocal and specific tant voters to the GOP, “but I
First summit, a conference of politicians saying,” Hosey ex- its all-but-certain nominee. what one called “an errant now when she has no chance don’t buy it now,” said the
anti-Trump conservatives. plained. “I still think she And Democrats seem to agree: cheeseburger.” Others hoped to win.” anti-Trump conservative writer
Sessions at Principles First doesn’t stand a chance.” President Biden’s campaign has she might join a third-party Indeed, at the outset of the Bill Kristol, who spoke on a
featured luminaries from yes- Farah Griffin, the former eagerly amplified Haley’s criti- ticket or lead the party forward campaign, Haley’s tortured panel. Kristol has been urging
terday’s GOP: former Attorney White House communications cisms of the front-runner. “I after a loss in this year’s elec- nonposition on the front-run- Haley to stay in the race and
General Alberto Gonzales, for- director who broke with Trump think she’s one of our better tion. “I think it’s important ner’s many outrages was her doesn’t think she will endorse
mer federal judge J. Michael after Jan. 6, 2021, and now surrogates,” California Gov. that there’s somebody there as calling card. Having worked for Trump in the end. “The criti-
Luttig, former Rep. Adam Kinz- serves as a co-host of “The Gavin Newsom said on CNN on an alternative for the future,” him, left his administration cism is strong enough and res-
inger, as well as former presi- View,” argued onstage that Ha- Friday. said Barbara Comstock, a for- without incident, denounced onant enough that even if she
dential candidate and ex-Ar- ley is “proving something re- Speculation abounds about mer Republican congress- him after Jan. 6, insisted she supports him, it’ll be grudg-
kansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson. ally important in this historic Haley’s real motives for staying woman from Virginia. wouldn’t run against him and ing,” he added. “I don’t think
The Trump White House staff- moment, which is that about a in. Some Principles First at- Principles First’s founder, then reversed herself, she it’s going to make a difference.”

Biden’s Worrisome Michigan Opponent: ‘Uncommitted’

An Uncrowded Ballot
WA S H I N G T O N — D e m o -
crats are warning President President Biden didn’t community in the state.
Biden to take Tuesday’s Michi- campaign in Michigan in The Democratic primary
gan primary results seriously, the days leading up to the ballot also includes Rep.
as activists push him to primary, but on Saturday Dean Phillips (D., Minn.),
change course on the war be- he taped local radio inter- mounting a long-shot bid
tween Israel and Hamas. views and joined an orga- against Biden, and Marianne
The election is shaping up nizing call with Gov. Williamson, who recently
as Biden’s most significant vot- Gretchen Whitmer. suspended her campaign.
ing test yet, as Arab-American He has made regular The last time Demo-
and young voters attempt to visits to the state while in crats had a sitting presi-
use the primary as a vehicle to office, including visiting dent seeking re-election

protest the president’s policies. this month with the was in 2012, when Barack
While Biden is all but assured United Auto Workers Obama ran for a second
victory, the outcome could au- union, which has endorsed term. Out of fewer than
gur general-election troubles him. While aides have trav- 200,000 votes cast in that
in a state where polls show he eled to the state to meet year’s Michigan Demo-
is trailing former President with Arab-American lead- cratic primary, more than
Donald Trump, his expected ers, Biden himself hasn’t 20,000 were for the un-
Republican challenger. specifically met with the committed slate.
“I do believe that no matter Above, President Biden at a UAW phone bank in Michigan this month. Below, Abbas Alawieh
what the results of Michigan, of Listen to Michigan, a group urging a protest vote against Biden’s Middle East policies.
the takeaway should not be,
‘Oh, everything’s good,’” said votes, noting that Trump took have a challenge to be met in free hostages held by Hamas, party. We are going to con-
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore in Michigan in 2016 by about that community.” though Biden hasn’t called for tinue to campaign and work
an interview. Moore, who has that margin. (Four years later, The pressure on Biden in a permanent cease-fire. for every vote,” said Rep. Ha-
supported the Biden campaign Biden won the state by more Michigan comes as the 81- Listen to Michigan esti- ley Stevens (D., Mich.). “I have
as a top surrogate, predicted than 150,000 votes.) The orga- year-old president navigates a mates that it has reached tens seen enthusiasm and energy
the primary is “going to feel nizers argue that their votes rocky stretch. He has faced of thousands of Democratic around another four years for

like a scrimmage where the could make the difference in a scrutiny since a special-coun- voters through phone-banking Joe Biden.”
win is going to be less impor- tight general-election race and sel report raised questions and mailers. The group The White House earlier this
tant than the lesson.” are pushing Biden to change about his memory. But leading doesn’t oppose Biden’s re-elec- month dispatched a delegation
A network of grassroots or- his policies on Gaza—namely Democrats and donors have tion in November but hopes led by deputy national-security
ganizations, led by Listen to to bring forth a permanent publicly remained supportive its actions in the primary will adviser Jon Finer to discuss
Michigan, has urged the public cease-fire—to earn their sup- of his bid, and Trump has had lead to a course correction. administration policies and
to vote “uncommitted” as a port in November. a string of controversies and Abbas Alawieh, a former push for a temporary cease-fire
way of registering opposition The pivotal question is legal troubles. congressional aide who serves in Gaza. That followed a visit
to the president’s Middle East whether voters who choose Since the Oct. 7 Hamas as- as the group’s spokesman, by Biden campaign manager
policies. The push has been en- “uncommitted” as a protest sault, Biden has staunchly said Biden needed to differen- Julie Chávez Rodriguez, who
dorsed by Rep. Rashida Tlaib Tuesday will decide in Novem- supported Israel’s right to de- tiate himself from Netanyahu’s was boycotted by Hammoud
(D., Mich.), Dearborn Mayor ber to stay home, back Trump a Biden supporter, met last fend itself. He has come under policies. “If he doesn’t do it, and other officials.
Abdullah Hammoud, as well as or—as some Democrats pri- week with Michigan Arab- criticism from progressive the political consequences are Michigan State Sen. Mal-
state and local leaders around vately believe—grudgingly American leaders and resi- Democrats who condemn Is- grave for the Democratic lory McMorrow, a Democrat,
Dearborn, which is home to come back to Biden. dents during a town hall. rael’s bombardment of Gaza Party and for him,” he said. said that sending campaign
the largest Muslim population “It’s going to be very hard Khanna said he was surprised and soaring civilian casualties. Biden’s campaign advisers staffers out first was a mis-
in the U.S. and is roughly 54% or even impossible to beat by the depth of loss and hurt The frustration goes far be- said they are working to step, but stressed that the ad-
Arab-American, according to Donald Trump in Michigan if that residents expressed about yond Michigan, with protest- strengthen relationships with ministration “is already taking
census figures. Voters in Dear- President Biden doesn’t the conflict. ers targeting him at his cam- the Arab-American community. this community seriously.”
born and Dearborn Heights change course,” said former “This is not something that paign events. They also argued that some of McMorrow, whose district
heavily backed Biden in 2020, Rep. Andy Levin (D., Mich.), can be fixed by messaging. The administration has in- the backers of the uncommit- overlaps with Tlaib’s, said
when the state helped him who has endorsed the uncom- What we need is a change in creasingly clashed with Israeli ted effort still oppose Trump “people are looking for ways
capture the White House. mitted effort. He added: “It policy,” he said. Asked about Prime Minister Benjamin Ne- and stressed a broad array of to signal to the Democratic
The groups, which have seems very hard or impossible the potential “uncommitted” tanyahu over the conduct of support from key groups such Party: We’re on your side and
been holding rallies and con- to win the electoral college if vote, he said: “I don’t think it the war. And the White House as union workers, Black voters because we’re on your side,
ducting phone-banking, have we don’t win Michigan.” really matters what that num- has been working to broker a and suburban women. we want to push you to be a
set a goal of capturing 10,000 Rep. Ro Khanna (D., Calif.), ber is. I can tell you that we deal to pause the fighting and “Certainly we’re a big-tent little bit better.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | A5


Biden Calls in Leaders

In Bid to End Standoffs
Talks at White House Along with keeping the surance that Johnson will be
government open, Biden has able to secure such wins, given
come as government made it a priority to get bil- that any negotiated bills will
shutdown looms and lions of dollars in fresh aid to need to be passed by the Dem-
Ukraine as its war against ocratic-controlled Senate and
aid for Ukraine stalls Russia enters a third year. signed by Biden.
Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national If the spending bills aren’t
BY KATY STECH FEREK security adviser, said on conservative enough for some
“Meet the Press” Sunday that Republican members, Johnson
WASHINGTON—President if Congress doesn’t approve will need votes from the
Biden is calling congressional the aid, it would yield “an out- House’s 212 Democrats for
leaders to the White House as come that Vladimir Putin them to pass. Republicans

the clock ticks toward a par- would love to see, which is the control the House with 219
tial government shutdown Fri- United States not stepping up members, a thin margin that
day night and a Ukraine aid to its responsibility.” allows Johnson to lose only
package remains stuck. But with many conserva- three votes before the mea-
The president has called tives backing him, Johnson sure fails. And if only a hand-
the meeting for Tuesday, seek- has so far refused to bring up ful of Republicans decide he House Speaker Mike Johnson, right, could need votes from Democrats.
ing to break a logjam. House for a vote a Senate-passed hasn’t done enough to ad-
and Senate leaders have been package including money for vance the conservative
working to negotiate the de- Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. agenda, he could lose his job—
tails of 12 funding bills total- Democrats and some Republi- as McCarthy did—via a motion Some in GOP Open to Long-Term Temporary Spending Bill
ing $1.6 trillion cans are con- on the House floor.
for federal sidering fall- Johnson has already faced Some House Republi- which called for such cuts funding.
agencies, which back options, scrutiny from Republicans cans have said they are if the government was op- Democrats said such cuts
have been oper- Funding for including a dis- who said they were disap- open to another option: erating under a continuing are unacceptable, and they
ating on tempo- several U.S. charge petition, pointed that he wasn’t able to passing a long-term tempo- resolution on that date. have pledged to avoid that
rary extensions to pass the aid negotiate deep spending cuts rary spending measure that The Congressional Bud- scenario.
since Sept. 30. agencies is due without John- to the federal budget. He has would keep federal money get Office has estimated The idea would also likely
Funding for son’s support. also faced criticism from more
the Transporta-
to expire after Biden will centrist and pragmatic Repub-
flowing until Sept. 30.
Automatic spending cuts
such a scenario would lead
to federal agency budget
draw opposition from pro-
defense Republicans who
tion Depart- Friday. travel to the licans, such as Rep. Patrick would then kick in on April cuts from 5% to 9% for say spending cuts should
ment and sev- southern bor- McHenry of North Carolina, 30 under the terms of a nondefense funding and not cripple the U.S. military
eral other der Thursday, who say he is indecisive and debt deal reached last year, from zero to 1% for defense in a time of foreign conflict.
agencies ex- according to a hasn’t laid out a clear strategy
pires after Friday, which White House official, as his to lead the party.
would affect some housing, administration continues to When congressional leaders
food and veterans’ programs; face bipartisan pressure to struck a deal in January set- there are going to be some cans were aiming “to rein in cans, but that’s not the case.
the rest expires after curb illegal crossings. Biden is ting the overall federal bud- things we can’t get,” he said. Democrats’ overspending and We’re doing our job,” she said.
March 8. set to visit Brownsville, Texas, get, Johnson defended his Senate Majority Leader policies that are harming the Congressional leaders could
House Speaker Mike John- and meet with border and support for the agreement. He Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) on economy.” decide to abandon their plan
son (R., La.) told Republican law-enforcement officials. said that while it doesn’t “cut Sunday criticized House Re- White House press secre- to finalize the spending bills
colleagues Friday night that On the spending front, the as much spending as many of publicans for not yet releasing tary Karine Jean-Pierre said and instead propose a fourth
lawmakers should expect to House Freedom Caucus, a us would like,” he was able to the text of the four appropria- Friday that the administration temporary extension of a week
vote to finalize spending lev- group of roughly three dozen squeeze in some concessions tions bills that lawmakers are has stressed to Congress “the or longer.
els for federal agencies whose Republican members who such as the cancellation of un- expected to vote on this week. need to keep the government Even if lawmakers pass the
funding expires this week. But push for the most conserva- spent pandemic aid. “Unless Republicans get seri- open.” first round of spending bills
Republican infighting in the tive policies, has been pres- Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart (R., ous, the extreme Republican “We’ve always been very this week, they will quickly
House—which doesn’t return suring Johnson to fight to in- Fla.), who leads a subcommit- shutdown will endanger our clear: House Republicans have face another deadline to final-
to session until Wednesday— clude some of its wish-list tee handling the appropria- economy, raise costs, lower a job to do,” she told report- ize the eight remaining bills.
raises the prospect that a policy items—such as blocking tions bill that funds the State safety, and exact untold pain ers. “Their basic duty is to Money is scheduled to run out
temporary shutdown may be funding for expanding elec- Department, said he expects on the American people,” he keep the government open.” for the Environmental Protec-
unavoidable. Like his prede- tric-vehicle use and for back- the compromise bills to ad- said in a letter to his Senate Rep. Nancy Mace (R., S.C.) tion Agency, Justice Depart-
cessor as speaker, Republican ground checks for gun sales— vance the conservative agenda colleagues. said on “Fox News Sunday” ment, Defense Department
Kevin McCarthy, Johnson has in bills that he is negotiating in small but meaningful ways Johnson fired back in a that the Senate should take up and remaining agencies after
to decide whether to cut a with Senate leaders and House compared with existing law. statement, saying the House some of the spending bills March 8.
government funding deal with Minority Leader Hakeem Jef- “There are going to be was working nonstop and in passed by the House. “They —Lindsay Wise
Democrats that risks costing fries (D., N.Y.). some Republican wins, but good faith to complete the ne- want to blame everything—all and Tarini Parti
him his job. They have gotten little as- like with any negotiation, gotiations, and that Republi- of our failures—on Republi- contributed to this article.

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A6 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Navalny’s Death Followed Proposed Swap
Opposition leader’s ple, then I just need to get rid
of the bargaining chip. Then
team says he and offer someone else when the
two Americans were time comes.”
Pevchikh said possible deals
set to be traded were being discussed since last
year, and referenced a report in
BY THOMAS GROVE the Journal that said Navalny
could be part of hostage-ex-
Russian opposition leader change talks with the Kremlin.
Alexei Navalny’s death in an Pevchikh said she had informa-
Arctic penal colony followed a tion that on Feb. 15, talks were
proposal to trade him and two in “their final stage.”
unnamed American citizens The next day, Russia’s prison
held by Moscow for a Russian service said Navalny lost con-
hit man imprisoned in Ger- sciousness and later died after
many, Navalny’s foundation he had been let out of his cell.
said Monday. On Monday, Navalny
In a video posted on the of- spokeswoman Kira Yarmysh
ficial YouTube channel of Na- said they were in the process
valny’s Anti-Corruption Foun- of arranging a public memo-
dation, Maria Pevchikh, the rial event for the politician.
group’s head of investigations, After Navalny’s body was re-
said Navalny was killed after turned to his mother over the
Russian President Vladimir weekend, the question re-
Putin became aware of the po- mains whether the Kremlin
tential swap and acted to pre- will allow a public outpouring
vent it. of sentiment over his death.
Pevchikh said the founda- Navalny’s foundation said

tion had been involved in ef- the proposal to swap the oppo-
forts to win Navalny’s freedom sition leader for Krasikov was
but didn’t provide evidence to taken to Putin by Roman Abra-
back her assertions in her movich, a sanctioned Russian
seven-minute statement. oligarch who has acted as a
Among the U.S. citizens be- A woman places a portrait of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny on his memorial in Barcelona. middleman in other prisoner
ing held in Russia are Wall exchanges between Russia and
Street Journal reporter Evan Peskov didn’t respond to a re- either internal deliberations ment on what Navalny’s foun- Gershkovich, who was ac- Ukraine. A representative for
Gershkovich and former U.S. quest for comment about the or our work to secure the re- dation had said. credited as a foreign corre- Abramovich didn’t respond to a
Marine Paul Whelan, both of Anti-Corruption Foundation lease of people held overseas... spondent by Russia’s Foreign request for comment.
whom have been designated statement. Peskov told the Fi- We have long called for Alexei Ministry at the time he was de- U.S. officials expressed op-
as wrongfully detained by the nancial Times that he wasn’t Navalny’s release.” Swap for ‘patriot’ tained, has been held for nearly timism about possible deals
U.S. government, which has aware of any swap agreement. “I’m just not going to speak In an interview with former a year on an FSB allegation after Putin spoke in detail for
said it is working to negotiate A White House spokesman to our conversations with any Fox News host Tucker Carlson that he was engaged in espio- a full minute about Krasikov
their release. didn’t respond to a request for of our diplomatic partners earlier this month, Putin indi- nage—an accusation the Jour- after Carlson asked him to
Pevchikh said Putin comment and a spokesman for about the work that we do to cated that he was seeking a nal, the U.S. government and free Gershkovich.
couldn’t “tolerate Navalny be- the German government de- try to secure the release of swap deal that would allow his family vehemently deny. Weeks earlier, when a New
ing free.” clined to comment. Privately, wrongfully detained Ameri- the repatriation of Vadim Whelan, a corporate secu- York Times reporter asked Pu-
Navalny, who died on Feb. U.S. and German officials said cans or others held around the Krasikov, an agent of Russia’s rity executive from Novi, tin about Gershkovich at a
16, was Putin’s most ardent they made no offer to Putin. world,” he said. Federal Security Service, or Mich., has been held in Russia news conference, the presi-
critic and spent years investi- Matthew Miller, a State De- “Our work to try to secure FSB, who was convicted in since late 2018 on espionage dent sighed audibly and said
gating and exposing alleged partment spokesperson, on the release of Evan Gersh- 2021 of killing a Chechen dis- charges that he, his family and he was eager to reach a deal
corruption by the Kremlin Monday declined to comment kovich and Paul Whelan con- sident in Berlin. the U.S. government also ve- for his release.
elite. He had a large following on the assessment that Na- tinues. It’s something we are After Carlson asked about hemently deny. He was con- —Louise Radnofsky
across Russia. valny was killed because he working on every day.” the possible return of the Jour- victed of the charges in 2020 contributed to this article.
was close to being freed in a The Journal said in a state- nal’s Gershkovich, who was de- and sentenced to serve 16
prisoner exchange. ment: “We know the U.S. Gov- tained by FSB officers last year, years in a penal colony.
Wrongfully detained “As we have said, we be- ernment is taking the efforts Putin said he would consider a “Putin was clearly told that Watch a Video
President Biden has said lieve that Vladimir Putin and to free Evan seriously, and swap for an unnamed “patriot” the only way to get Krasikov is Scan this code
Putin is responsible for Na- the Russian government are we cannot comment further.” who had killed “a bandit” in a to exchange him for Navalny,” for a video on
valny’s death, but the Kremlin responsible for his death,” A Whelan family spokes- European capital, a statement Pevchikh said. She said Putin the proposed
has denied state involvement. said Miller. man said he didn’t have widely seen as describing decided: “Since they are will- prisoner swap
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry “I’m not going to speak to enough information to com- Krasikov. ing to offer Krasikov in princi- for Navalny.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | A7


New NATO Member

Touts ‘Total Defense’
Hungary’s approval membership by a 188-6 vote, that choice, followed by its in-
ending a protracted process vasion of Ukraine, prompted
clears the way for that had been delayed by ob- Helsinki’s quick shift to apply
Sweden to become jections from Turkish Presi- for membership. Sweden fol-
dent Recep Tayyip Erdogan lowed suit. Finland joined
bloc’s 32nd country and Hungarian Prime Minister NATO last April.
Viktor Orban. “It’s a step-change for
BY DANIEL MICHAELS Hungary’s approval must NATO deterrence and de-
still be signed into law and fense,” said Oana Lungescu, a
When Sweden joins NATO then deposited in Washington, distinguished fellow at British


as its 32nd member, the alli- where the State Department think tank the Royal United
ance will gain a solidly anti- administers NATO’s founding Services Institute and a for-
Russian member with a robust treaty. Once that is done, Swe- mer NATO spokeswoman, of
military that provides critical den will officially be a mem- the Nordic duo joining. “It’s a
defense of Europe’s northern ber and its flag will be raised strategic surprise and totally
flank. at NATO’s headquarters in against what Russia had in
It also brings a country Brussels, where a flagpole was mind.”
whose approach to national installed late last year. Inside NATO, the new Nor-
security—engaging teenagers, The decision in May 2022 dic members bring a whole
retirees, teachers and police by Sweden and neighbor Fin- new mindset, European offi-
officers in the country’s de- land to abandon decades of cials say. Sweden modeled
fense—offers a model for nonalignment and join the al- much of its approach on Fin- Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson visited a naval base near Stockholm this month.
other European countries liance was prompted by chill- land’s readiness plans, and af-
fearing Russian aggression. ing proposals from Russia in ter Russia seized Crimea from due to growing threats from Jourova, the European Union’s water and radios that don’t
“Everyone between the December 2021—two months Ukraine in 2014, Stockholm Russia, China and other adver- commissioner for values and need batteries.
ages of 16 and 70 living in before it attacked Kyiv—that dusted off its playbook, saries. transparency. Sweden’s Civil Contingen-
Sweden is part of Sweden’s to- the North Atlantic Treaty Or- dubbed “Total Defense.” “This whole-of-society ap- She heads to Helsinki this cies Agency, which promotes
tal defense,” states the gov- ganization roll back its post- A 20-page government bro- proach is something we’re all week to meet Finland’s defense preparation for natural disas-
ernment emergency informa- Cold War expansion and chure, titled “If Crisis Or War talking about,” said Dutch De- minister and visit the Euro- ters, terrorist or cyberattacks,
tion website. pledge to accept no more Comes,” admonishes citizens fense Minister Kajsa Ollongren, pean Center of Excellence for and war, works closely with its
By conveying to ordinary members. that, “If Sweden is attacked, whose mother is Swedish. “In Countering Hybrid Threats, an military, Jonson said.
people the need for security, Both countries had long in- resistance is required.” the Netherlands, people think autonomous international or- “The Swedish armed forces
Sweden also wins broad sup- vested heavily in defense and Sweden’s all-of-society ap- security is something the mili- ganization linked to NATO and are very dependent on civil so-
port for its military industry, devoted resources to prepar- proach is notable because, like tary can take care of,” and now the EU. ciety” in areas ranging from
which ranks among the ing for a potential Russian at- most of Europe, it shares no the government is trying to “It comes down to creating transportation to healthcare,
world’s top in technology and tack, offering them security land border with Russia and spark a wider debate, she said. awareness in your society that he said.
exports. through the Cold War and af- long sought to engage with Finland, which Swedes con- the security environment has
“This is an area where I ter. But Finland, which fought Moscow through business sider the leader in total de- deteriorated dramatically in
think Sweden punches above wars against the Soviet Union deals and diplomacy. Military fense, “is very creative and recent years,” said Jonson, Watch a Video
its weight,” said Defense Min- and shares an 800-mile border leaders and top officials in does a good job educating the Sweden’s defense minister. The Scan this code
ister Pal Jonson. with Russia, had long main- Britain, Denmark and NATO’s public about disinformation” country is beefing up civil de- for a video on
Sweden is set to join the tained for itself the option of headquarters have recently and other threats, such as by fenses and urges private citi- how NATO will
bloc after Hungary’s parlia- joining NATO. urged other members to act reaching older people through zens to keep two weeks of sup- benefit from
ment on Monday approved its Russia’s threat to deny it more like Finland and Sweden public libraries, said Vera plies at home, including food, the expansion.

Palestinian resigning ministers temporar-

ily continue working until a
new government is formed.

Government The authority’s president

hasn’t faced a presidential bal-
lot since he was elected in

Steps Down 2005. Perceived by Palestinians

as ineffective, corrupt and too
dependent on the goodwill of
the U.S. and Israel’s govern-
Continued from Page One ment, Abbas and the authority
by the Lebanese militia Hezbol- have seen their popular sup-
lah 50 miles inside Lebanon af- port plummet in the West Bank
ter an Israeli drone was downed and Gaza, according to polls,
by a surface-to-air missile with around 90% of Palestin-
there. Two Hezbollah members ians now calling for his resig-
were killed in the Israeli strike nation. “This is a half step to-
in Lebanon, the group said. ward a government change,”
Beyond discussions about said an official from the Pales-
an immediate cease-fire, tine Liberation Organization.
Gaza’s future status is among The official said the proposed
the most contentious issues changes didn’t involve Abbas.
facing the international com- Another PLO official ques-
munity as Israel’s military of- tioned what a future techno-
fensive in the enclave ap- cratic government for the Pal-
proaches its fifth month, and estinian Authority could
is key to ending the conflict. achieve in rebuilding and gov-
Israel’s government said on erning Gaza without fresh fund-
Monday its military presented ing and a long-term political
a plan to increase aid flow and perspective for the territory.
evacuate civilians from the city Abbas has told Arab and
of Rafah in southern Gaza, as U.S. officials that he is work-
pressure mounts on Israel to ing on forming a new govern-
share its strategy for protect- ment with Mohammad Mus-
ing the more than one million tafa, a former Palestinian

Palestinians sheltering there as economy minister and World

Israel plans to begin an opera- Bank executive, as the likely
tion in the city. Meanwhile, Is- candidate for prime minister,
rael said it had discovered a 6- senior Arab officials said.
mile tunnel network used by Abbas has also tasked a
Hamas, which would make it number of Palestinian officials
one of the longest tunnels Is- to prepare a plan for the recon-
rael has found in the enclave. struction of Gaza, which would
Packages are air-dropped over Gaza. Deliveries of humanitarian aid to Gaza have plunged this month. The U.S. has called for a re- include establishing a recon-
formed Palestinian Authority— struction authority, operating

Lawlessness Hampers Gaza Aid Efforts

which currently governs Pales- under the supervision of the
tinian population centers in World Bank and subject to an
the Israel-occupied West Bank international accounting firm.
semiautonomously—to admin- One plan for postwar Gaza
ister Gaza postwar. Prime Min- being formulated by five Arab
BY DAVID S. CLOUD lution under which the police Philippe Lazzarini, head of declined to talk about whether ister Benjamin Netanyahu of states could see the Islamist
AND CARRIE KELLER-LYNN would return to work but not Unrwa, said on Monday that the absence of the Gaza police Israel has resisted any role for Hamas movement being folded
in uniform and carrying only aid entering Gaza had dropped was affecting aid shipments. the authority in Gaza. into the widely secular PLO,
TEL AVIV—Israel’s drive to batons in return for a promise by half in February, compared Ismail Haniyeh, head of “The next phase and its ending the yearslong split be-
eliminate Hamas from power from Israel that they wouldn’t with the month before. That Hamas’s political bureau, said challenges require new political tween Palestinian factions.
in Gaza is proving increasingly be attacked if they are guard- brought a sharp response from on Monday after meeting the and governmental arrange- A question mark hanging
at odds with another objective ing aid convoys, a U.N. official Cogat, the Israeli military Emir of Qatar that Israel was ments that take into consider- over the future of Gaza is
it is under international pres- and a senior Egyptian official agency responsible for facili- conducting a “starvation cam- ation the new reality in Gaza, what role, if any, Hamas would
sure to pursue: Ensuring de- familiar with the talks said. tating assistance to Gaza. “If paign…against the resilient and the national unity talks, and be able to play in a future ad-
livery of humanitarian aid to But neither Israel nor the UNRWA wasn’t such a failure patient Palestinian people, re- the urgency of reaching inter- ministration, something Israel
Gazans struggling to find food police have agreed to the deal, logistically…more aid would sulting in an unprecedented nal Palestinian reconciliation categorically opposes.
and safety as the war in the the officials said. Spokesmen reach the people of Gaza,” it humanitarian disaster.” based on national interest,” the Hamas said its political
south intensifies around them. for the Israeli military and the said on X. Without police, truck driv- Palestinian Authority’s prime leader, Ismail Haniyeh, met
Blue-uniformed Gazan po- U.S. State De- The decline ers have little protection from minister, Mohammad Shtayyeh, with Qatari Emir Tamim bin
lice vanished from the streets partment re- in aid comes as criminal gangs and desperate said in a speech on Monday Hamad al-Thani in Doha on
of southern Gaza this month fused to com- Gazans are al- Gazans who halt and ransack morning as he tendered his and Monday to discuss routes to
after as many as nine officers ment on the The police’s ready facing the convoys, sometimes only his government’s resignation. end the war in Gaza and the or-
were killed in Israeli air- talks. disappearance widespread minutes after they leave distri- The proposed cabinet resig- ganization of Palestinian affairs.
strikes, according to U.S. and The chal- hunger. bution facilities at Kerem Sha- nation was approved by Ab- —Carrie Keller-Lynn
United Nations officials. lenges sur- has left convoys No U.N. lom in southern Israel and the bas, who requested that the contributed to this article.
To Israel, the police are a rounding aid de- trucks entered Egyptian side of the Rafah
pillar of Hamas rule over livery come at a
vulnerable to Gaza from Feb. gate, the two border crossings
Gaza, and it has accused them low point in the looters. 19 to 21, and where humanitarian aid enters
of stealing aid shipments in- long tense his- though on Feb. Gaza, U.N. and U.S. officials
tended for ordinary Gazans. tory between Is- 22, 170 went in, said.
“We are at war with rael and the U.N. according to the Before the convoys even en-
Hamas,” a spokesman for the Israel has accused at least a U.N., it was still below the U.N. ter Gaza, they travel along a 2-
Israeli military said. “We are dozen employees at United Na- goal of 200 a day. On at least mile corridor that the police
killing all Hamas operatives tions Relief and Works Agency four days in the past two had been guarding. Now that
we can find that pose a threat of participating in the Oct. 7 weeks, fewer than 10 aid trucks they are gone, local Bedouins

to our forces and civilians.” Hamas-led attack on Israel. entered the enclave, U.N. offi- have grown more aggressive
But the police’s disappear- Deliveries of humanitarian cials said. about stopping the trucks and
ance has disrupted aid deliv- aid to Gaza have plunged this Col. Moshe Tetro, Cogat’s taking the contents, forcing the
eries, leaving convoys they month after Palestinian police coordinator for aid to Gaza, U.N. to suspend most convoys,
once guarded more vulnerable the U.N. counted on to protect said deliveries had increased said Scott Anderson, deputy di-
to looters, U.N. officials say. convoys stopped showing up over the weekend. About 135 rector of Unrwa in Gaza.
To get the aid flowing, U.S. for work, fearing attacks from trucks crossed on Sunday, in- —Summer Said
and Egyptian officials have Israel and gangs of looters, cluding 17 vehicles that went and Abeer Ayyoub
been discussing a possible so- U.S. and U.N. officials say. to north Gaza, he said, but he contributed to this article. Palestinians carry a body after an Israeli airstrike in Rafah.
A8 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


AI Rivals ary. In all, it invested in some

three dozen startups in 2023,
according to Dealogic figures,

Go After more than tripling its activity

from the previous year.
Umesh Padval, a managing

Nvidia director at venture-capital firm

Thomvest Ventures who has
known Huang for decades, said
the Nvidia investment strategy
Continued from Page One fits with its co-founder’s ten-
It has also made Nvidia a gi- dency to make bets based on a
ant target for a host of compa- vision 10 years into the future.
nies that want to diminish its Thomvest participated with
dominance—including both ri- Nvidia in a funding round last
vals and some of the customers year for Cohere, a Canadian AI


that are forking over billions of company.
dollars a year for the must- “He started aggressively
have chips. saying, look, what do I need to
Intel and Advanced Micro do to get the ecosystem built
Devices have accelerated their such that I can sell more of my
AI chip offerings., chips and systems?” he said.
Google and Microsoft—huge Another Nvidia investment
buyers of Nvidia’s AI-training was in a cloud-computing com-
chips—all have or are develop- pany called CoreWeave. It oper-
ing their own in-house designs. ates large data centers filled
On Wednesday, the same day with Nvidia’s AI chips and
Nvidia unveiled its latest block- rents out their computing
buster quarterly results, Micro- power, putting it in competi-
soft and Intel announced a deal tion with giants like Amazon
for the software giant to build and Microsoft.
custom chips using Intel’s man- CoreWeave, unlike its larger
ufacturing operation. rivals, isn’t working to develop
To secure his company’s fu- its own chips and has acquired
ture, Huang is developing uses Above, Jensen Huang, chief executive of Nvidia, spoke at a Taiwan expo last year while holding a superchip. Below, an a large fleet of Nvidia’s most
for Nvidia chips in other indus- attendee held a processor signed by Huang at the expo. Nvidia’s stock is up sixfold in 16 months. advanced chips. Those chips
tries, investing in startups are such a valuable asset that
building their businesses first couple of decades, cater- CoreWeave used them as col-
around his technology, and ing to PC gamers who prized lateral in a $2.3 billion financ-
pitching it to governments sharper resolution and faster- ing deal last year.
worldwide to build their own refreshing screens. So valuable is access to
AI infrastructure. In 2006, after noticing that Nvidia’s chips that some cus-
medical researchers were start- tomers are fearful of being
ing to use Nvidia graphics punished for dealing with the
Hard problems cards, Huang opened up the company’s competitors. Jona-
A fan of “Only The Paranoid GPUs for anyone. than Ross, CEO of chip-startup
Survive,” a book by legendary Several years later, research- Groq, said that fear was palpa-
Intel CEO Andy Grove about ers outside the company dis- ble among customers who
converting near-failure into covered that Nvidia’s GPUs wanted alternatives but were
lasting success, the 61-year-old were excellent for AI computa- wary of poking the beast.
Huang encourages a startup- tion. The math needed to build “A lot of people that we
like culture where his 30,000 complex AI systems dovetails meet with say that if Nvidia
employees act as though with the way graphics chips were to hear that we were
they’re a month away from go- work—by doing a multitude of meeting, they would disavow
ing out of business. He has said calculations at once. it,” he said. “The problem is
he searches for hard problems, The AI systems behind the you have to pay Nvidia a year
solves them, then tries to for- current boom in generative in advance, and you may get
get how difficult it all was. AI—language models like the your hardware in a year or it
“It must be the feeling that ones that power OpenAI’s may take longer, and it’s, ‘Aw
marathoners go through,” he ChatGPT—are especially de- shucks, you’re buying from
told an audience of Indian pendent on Nvidia’s GPUs. Edu- someone else and I guess it’s
technology graduates in Santa cating these systems involves this year for his growing AI am- Nvidia had sales of more and Intel also are touting their going to take a little longer.’”
Clara in September. “I used to crunching data on a scale with bitions. “By the end of this year, than $9.2 billion from cloud- chips for AI, and shifts in the
use this phrase—I use it less little precedent. ChatGPT was we’re going to have 350,000 computing companies like market could play to their
now—but the entertainment built using tens of thousands of Nvidia H100s,” he said. Google, Microsoft and Amazon strengths. While Nvidia’s chips The next frontier
value of pain and suffering Nvidia’s GPUs. The shortage of Nvidia’s in its latest quarter alone— are unmatched at training AI Huang’s life has changed
can’t be understated.” OpenAI’s release of ChatGPT chips has given Huang im- more than a quarter of those models, other chips from Intel, along with Nvidia’s growth. He
That Nvidia has stayed in late 2022 launched a tech-in- mense power. How Nvidia allo- three companies’ roughly $35 AMD and a raft of AI chip is driven around in a black
ahead in the AI race has sur- dustry arms race. Production of cates its limited supplies could billion in capital spending in startups are in some cases Mercedes EQS electric car—he
prised many of Huang’s com- Nvidia GPUs couldn’t keep up influence who wins or loses in the same period. equally adept for deploying AI doesn’t drive himself any more,
petitors and detractors. with demand. The company on the AI race. Nvidia has said lit- Microsoft said in a state- systems after they are trained. he says, for security reasons.
Nvidia’s revenue in the latest Wednesday said its supply re- tle about how it decides. Asked ment that its custom chips One of his long-term focuses
quarter was more than 3.5 mained constrained, though by an analyst on Wednesday were complementary to outside of AI is the notion that
times the level a year earlier. the situation is improving. about how he does that, Huang Nvidia’s, not replacements, and Growth quest his chips could help in drug
Profit rose nearly ninefold. Its said the company tries to allo- allow customers to choose the To build future business, discovery and computational
stock is up sixfold in 16 cate fairly but avoids selling optimal price and performance. Huang has recently been court- biology. He usually brings it up
months. Expectations are high. Shaping the world chips to people who won’t im- Google offers its own chips ing potential government cus- when asked what he’s most ex-
Huang has been Nvidia’s Suddenly, Nvidia became the mediately use them. alongside Nvidia’s to give cus- tomers. He has urged officials cited about in the future.
chief executive since starting it gravitational center of the tech Huang added that Nvidia of- tomers a wide menu of chips around the world to keep their Nvidia has invested in it, too,
more than three decades ago, a universe. Tech industry leaders ten brings customers to cloud- based on their budget and data and computing infrastruc- including a $50 million stake in
tenure almost unheard of in bemoaned the difficulty finding computing companies and ties technical needs, according to a ture local, instead of farming drug-discovery startup Recur-
fast-moving Silicon Valley. He H100s—Nvidia’s advanced in an allocation of chips to sup- person familiar with the com- out AI development to outsid- sion last year.
and his co-founders, fellow en- GPUs. port them. Huang cast those pany’s chip strategy. Even as it ers—to build “sovereign AI,” as To many of the chip-indus-
gineers Chris Malachowsky and “GPUs at this point are con- moves as beneficial for the develops homegrown options, he called it at a conference in try people he interacts with, it’s
Curtis Priem, formulated their siderably harder to get than cloud companies. Amazon pointed to its long- Dubai this month. much like AI might have been a
plan at a Denny’s in San Jose. drugs,” Elon Musk quipped last More than a year into the AI term partnership with Nvidia, With Nvidia’s dominant decade ago: a far-off possibility
The booth where they talked May, as he was developing AI craze, Nvidia is estimated to expanded last year, and said it market position, competition with a limited market for now,
got a plaque last September— capabilities at Tesla and build- account for more than 80% of offered the widest array of the regulators in China, the U.K., one of what Huang dubs his
now outdated—after Nvidia hit ing a separate company called the market for AI chips. company’s chips in its cloud France and the European Union “zero-billion dollar markets.”
a $1 trillion valuation. xAI. Customers’ efforts to de- service. have launched probes into In January, he had a discus-
Nvidia’s foundational idea Larry Ellison, founder and velop their own chips for AI Nvidia’s gross profit mar- Nvidia’s business practices, al- sion at a J.P. Morgan healthcare
was to target so-called acceler- chairman of business-software could endanger billions of dol- gins, meanwhile, are expected though none of them have re- conference with the chairman
ated computing. The chips at giant Oracle, at a company con- lars of Nvidia’s revenue if to be about 76% in its current sulted in sanctions against the of Recursion in which he dis-
the heart of every computer— ference in September re- they’re successful. Google and quarter, the company said company. cussed cryo-electron micros-
central processing units, or counted a dinner that he and Amazon are improving in- Wednesday—what amounts to Huang has feverishly in- copy, X-ray crystallography and
CPUs—are digital jacks-of-all- Musk had with Huang at the house AI chips that they a juicy target for customers vested in startups as the com- structure prediction—all arcane
trades, capable of doing a vari- luxe Japanese restaurant Nobu started making years ago. Mi- and competitors. Analyst Srini pany rises to prominence, fo- industry terms. “I don’t mean
ety of calculations reasonably in Palo Alto, Calif. “Elon and I crosoft and Meta have more re- Pajjuri of Raymond James esti- cusing on generative AI, to show off, but what other
well. Accelerated computing were begging, I guess is the cently entered the fray. mated that it costs Nvidia just robotics, automation and chip CEO would talk like that?”
was the notion that specialist best way to describe it,” Ellison Nvidia is hugely dependent over $3,000 to make one of its healthcare companies develop- he said. “Along the entire pipe-
chips could do better at some recalled. “An hour of sushi and on the biggest buyers of its advanced H100 chips, which ing technology around Nvidia’s line of the discovery of drugs
tasks. Nvidia focused on im- begging.” chips. Just one of them, which sells for about $25,000. chips. The company grew the and medicine, we have algo-
proving computer graphics. Meta Platforms CEO Mark it didn’t name, accounted for Advanced Micro Devices is value of its holdings in other rithms and we have mathemat-
The company made billions Zuckerberg last month talked nearly a fifth of its sales in its already selling chips that aim companies more than fivefold ics and we have expertise that
of dollars selling graphics pro- up plans to spend what will last fiscal year, or more than to compete with Nvidia. British in its last fiscal year, to about we can be a partner to you, so
cessing units, or GPUs, in its amount to billions more dollars $11 billion. chip designer Arm Holdings $1.55 billion at the end of Janu- please do reach out to us.”

Milei’s Dogs They aren’t people.”

Jimena Villalobos, 30, said
Milei’s love for dogs makes him
went months eating only pizza
so he could pay for Conan’s
food. “It’s difficult to under-
Last year, Milei publicly
thanked the dogs for his politi-
cal rise. “Even though the filthy

Are Fodder more relatable to regular Argen-

tines. “I’m like him, my dogs
come first.”
stand,” said Juan Luis González,
the author of the biography,
“but it’s a father-and-son type
journalists don’t like it, I want
to say thanks to my four-legged
children,” he said after winning

For Politics Most presidents are happy to

be photographed with their
dogs—playing fetch or taking
of relationship.”
The dog’s 2017 death trau-
matized Milei, said González. He
a primary vote in August.
The dogs are now political
fodder. In Congress, lawmakers
walks—to show they’re not so decided to clone Conan at a U.S. point to the peculiar relation-
Continued from Page One different from voters. Not laboratory. The procedure costs ship to explain why Milei
uel Macron, who adopted a lab- Milei. about $50,000. shouldn’t be trusted with spe-
rador-griffon cross called Nemo, Few people have glimpsed Milei later claimed to spiritu- cial powers to enact legislation.
to Russia’s Vladimir Putin, to his dogs since 2018, when he ally communicate with the ani- “Stop squeezing us, Conan,”
whom Japan once gave an Akita appeared on a television pro- mal, telling friends they first read a sign at a recent protest
puppy. gram with his clones when they met in another life 2,000 years against Milei’s tough austerity
Some presidential pups were still pups. “I have photos ago in a Roman coliseum when package. That poked fun at the

cause trouble. Theodore Roose- of them,” Milei recently told he was a gladiator and the dog widely reported claim Milei has
velt’s dog, Pete, killed four The Wall Street Journal. “But I Argentine President Javier Milei with his cloned dogs in was a lion, according to “El sought political counsel from
squirrels and chased down a don’t usually share them.” 2018. He calls them his ‘four-legged children.’ Loco.” Instead of fighting, the his dogs, an assertion Milei
French ambassador. Dwight D. During the interview last pair teamed up with the mis- hasn’t publicly denied.
Eisenhower sent his dog for month, Milei said he doesn’t see Milei’s dogs are a prickly never married or had children sion to one day rule Argentina. A Clarin newspaper colum-
training after it urinated on a a contradiction of having a lion topic. He appeared irritated of his own, used to spend Four of his current, cloned nist teased that Argentines
rug worth $20,000. President as his political symbol when when asked by the Journal how Christmas and New Year’s alone dogs are named after econo- should try to communicate with
Biden’s nippy German shepherd, he’s clearly a dog person. In cin- he plans to tend to five dogs with Conan, both sipping Cham- mists—Milton for Milton Fried- Milei’s dead dog, the first Co-
Commander, got banished from ema’s early days, he said, movie that weigh as much as minia- pagne, according to a popular man, Robert and Lucas for Rob- nan, considered a top adviser.
the White House. crews put wigs on English mas- ture horses while trying to fix biography on the Argentine ert Lucas and Murray for “If we really want to help
But Milei’s canine infatuation tiffs to make them resemble li- Argentina’s worst economic cri- leader called “El Loco.” Murray Rothbard. The fifth is him so that his government suc-
has raised eyebrows as people ons instead of using wild fe- sis in a generation. “What’s that In the 2018 television inter- named Conan. cessfully defeats inflation and
try to figure out what makes lines. got to do with anything?” he re- view, Milei said Conan was the Fitting all five into his small, lowers poverty, we have no
the fiery political outsider tick— “I have English mastiffs and plied. “What’s the problem with only one not to betray him dur- Buenos Aires apartment wasn’t choice but to try to speak with
as he attempts to tackle the clearly if I put a wig on each of me taking care of my dogs?” ing a difficult spell, along with easy. To make room, Milei his dog,” wrote humorist Ale-
world’s highest inflation. them I would have five lions,” Milei’s first dog was an Eng- his younger sister Karina Milei, knocked down his kitchen wall. jandro Borensztein. “Obviously,
“It’s weird,” said David said Milei, also known to Argen- lish mastiff named for “Conan now secretary-general of the The pups tore up his furniture. speaking with Conan won’t be
González, a 29-year-old in tines as “The Wig” because of the Barbarian.” “The love of my president’s office. One bit his arm while he was easy.”
Buenos Aires. “I treat my dogs his exuberant hair. “Five lions life,” he once said. After being fired from a job, trying to break up a fight with —Silvina Frydlewsky
well, but they sleep outside. of pure love.” Milei, a 53-year-old who has Milei, an economist, said he another clone. contributed to this article.
© 2024 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | A9

Is It Ever OK to Have
BY ANN-MARIE ALCÁNTARA time. And if employees do end up

taking a meeting outside of work-
our calendar is full of ing hours, she tells them to leave
meetings. There are early or arrive later the next day.

An 8 a.m. Meeting?
weekly check-ins, one- Joey Hodges, a chief executive
on-ones, hybrid plan- of a marketing and communica-
ning calls, the meeting tions agency, normally takes 8
before the meeting and a.m. meetings at least three days a
the meeting after the meeting. One week. Hodges, who is based in San
gathering inflames passions like no Francisco, sees it as a reality of
other: the 8 a.m. meeting.
Employees want flexibility; employers focus on the business needs working with global cli-
Whether an early-morn- ents while living on the
ing meeting is a must-do West Coast.
or sign of management “I developed the early-
overreach depends on your riser mentality, because
feelings about work-life so much had already hap-
boundaries, and some- pened by the time I woke
times, your rung on the up” out West, Hodges
corporate ladder. says. While he makes him-
Early-morning work self available at 8 a.m., he
hours are a hallmark of the doesn’t expect everyone
finance and healthcare in- on his team to log on
dustries as well as educa- early.
tion, and a standby of Hodges’s company lets
high-powered executives. staff work remotely, so an
Proponents of 8 a.m. con- 8 a.m. meeting doesn’t al-
fabs say they’re useful for ways mean showing up at
coordinating global teams the office.
across time zones. Others “I think if we were still
say they disrupt personal living in a world where
time and school drop-offs, you were required to get
and can throw off the rest on public transit and
of the day by upsetting travel an hour to get to
their normal routines. work and spend eight or
The reshaping of work nine hours at work and
and life wrought by the then an hour home,” he
pandemic—plus a rising says, “we’d probably have
generation of professionals a little bit less flexibility
who are more comfortable from the team.”
than previous generations
voicing their boundaries—
has intensified the debate. ‘It’s just
Jake Rudy, a human-re- about respect’
sources specialist in Min- Making an 8 a.m. meeting
neapolis, says 8 a.m. meet- can mean finding backup
ings give him sleep stress. options for school drop-
Rudy, whose workdays nor- offs, or rescheduling a
mally begin at 9 a.m., finds workout.
he doesn’t sleep as well Natalie Marshall—who
when he knows he has to is known online as Corpo-
get up earlier than usual. rate Natalie and is the co-
“If I have to push my- host of the podcast that
self to an 8 o’clock meet- inadvertently started this
ing, I really had better debate—says she some-
have a good reason for be- times had to take early
ing there,” says Rudy, 36 meetings when she
years old. worked at the consulting
A clip from the busi- firm Deloitte and the cy-
ness comedy podcast “De- bersecurity firm Palo Alto
moted” that recently made Networks. Now 26, she
the rounds on TikTok has owns her own content and
unleashed a wave of com- business-strategy com-
mentary about meeting pany. She and her employ-
times. One of the ees take 8 a.m. meetings if
hosts read a lis- clients require them and
tener email about then end their days early

a Gen Z em-  Chris Lenhart meetings outside his normal work- Philadelphia designates the same when they can.
ployee missing blocks time on his ing hours. It usually works. working hours for all employees—9 “The corporate world is shift-
an 8 a.m. meet- calendar so Lenhart, 38, says he doesn’t a.m. to 5:30 p.m.—and discourages ing—employers have to offer more
ing because of a colleagues don’t mind the occasional off-hours them from sending nonurgent flexibility,” she says, adding that
workout class. schedule meetings meeting, though he’ll sometimes emails between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m., ultimately, the debate is about
The conversa- outside his regular ask for a new time if the meeting says Laura Emanuel, the firm’s whether employees and employers
tion went viral, working hours. is too early or late. managing director. Most employees have shared expectations.
with various tweets “People have always been un- are in the same time zone, but Brie Burnham says companies
sharing the clip reach- derstanding about that because their clients might not be. shouldn’t get unrestricted access
ing more than 29 million an early meeting has to hap- they in turn have their own life,” If there’s ever a need to have to workers’ days. For the 38-year-
views. On TikTok, those sharing pen, managers should notify peo- he says. an early or late meeting, old freelance graphic designer
and debating the now-deleted ple well in advance, she says, and Last year, 43% of Emanuel asks ahead of based in Bend, Ore., those bound-
video led to more than 250,000 acknowledge that it’s an unavoid- meetings logged by aries can be particularly vital:
likes, and subsequent discussion able necessity. the scheduling au- Anything that spills over its allot-
garnered millions of views. “Companies have to be very in- tomation com-  Natalie Marshall ted time can encroach on another
“If the norm has been set that tentional about what conditions pany Calendly believes the early- client’s schedule, not just her per-
the workday is 9 to 5, then I don’t they set,” Hagen adds. occurred be- meeting debate sonal life.
think you can all of a sudden say, tween 2 p.m. boils down to “It’s about communication and
‘But on this day we’re going to do ‘Early-riser mentality’ and 6 p.m. Just whether the it’s about it being a mutual agree-
an 8 o’clock meeting,’” says Lorna Chris Lenhart, a senior user-expe- 3% of meetings employee and ment and it’s just about respect,”
Hagen, a managing partner of Cul- rience designer in Chicago, blocks occurred between employer have the Burnham says. “That allows us to
ture Playbook Partners, a busi- time on his calendar to prevent 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. same shared have a better conversation about
ness-process improvement firm. If colleagues from adding him to Red Thread PR in expectations. ‘Hey when are you available?’”

Why Cashiers, Economists Hate $100 Bills Earlier this month, he withdrew
100 $100s to purchase a car through
Facebook Marketplace.
The bank teller was
shocked at why he needed
BY OYIN ADEDOYIN $100 bill,” said Sage Handley, 23. the cash and asked what
Handley, who works as a market- he did for a living, said

ayza Sison went to a flea mar- ing and research assistant in College Jenkins, who works in
ket in New York this month Station, Texas, found a $100 bill in leadership development.
with five $100 bills. One by an old makeup bag earlier this Cash is typically re-
one, vendors refused to take her month. She posted on TikTok about served for smaller pur-
money, saying they couldn’t make the embarrassment of spending it, chases. Customers spent
change or accepted only digital pay- one of many social-media posts $39 on average when
ments through Venmo or Zelle. mocking the awkwardness of paying paying with cash, com-
Determined to break the bills, the for a small item with a $100 bill. pared with $95 when
26-year-old senior program coordi- paying with credit cards,
nator tried using them at coffee No sale according to payment
shops and then her local fruit stand. In Midtown Manhattan, cashiers data from the Fed.
She was refused again. The bills are were on alert when a Wall Street The ease of hoarding
still in her wallet. Journal reporter tried to use $100 and hiding larger bills
“I had hoped cash would be more bills to pay for small items. Some suits them to criminal ac-
convenient, particularly at a flea held the bill up to the light to spot tivity, such as tax evasion,
market,” Sison said. “USA 100” embedded in it to confirm Rogoff said. He has advo-
The $100 bill is far and away the its authenticity. Others used a coun- cated that the govern-
most common U.S. paper currency, terfeit pen, which has ink that turns ment stop printing the
dwarfing even the $1 black when in contact high-denomination note.
bill. The number of with fake currency.
bills bearing Benjamin At a bookstore, a Benjamins
Franklin’s mug more Not everyone cashier yelled “check, with benefits
than doubled be- loves Benjamin. please” and an em-  The $100 bill is far and away University economics professor. The annoyance of using the $100
tween 2012 and 2022, ployee appeared from the most common U.S. paper The Fed’s most recent order for bill can make people spend less,
faster growth than Fake bills and behind a tall stack of currency, dwarfing even the $1 bill. note printing follows the same trend said Helen Colby, an assistant pro-
any other denomina-
tion, according to the
ties to crime are books to run a $100
bill through a coun- bills, a staffer said.
as before the pandemic, the central
bank has said. The notes were or-
fessor of marketing at Indiana Uni-
versity’s Kelley School of Business.
most recent Federal concerns. terfeit bill detector Some 60% of all payments are dered primarily to replace those de- Research shows that college stu-
Reserve data. before completing a made with debit or credit cards, ac- stroyed in normal processing. dents are less willing to purchase

For all its preva- transaction for $3 of cording to Federal Reserve data. One reason they have become so items when they are given a $100
lence, the $100 bill is children’s books. The Cash use dropped sharply during prevalent is that they enter circula- bill compared with five $20s.
more effective for storing money store had recently caught a cus- the pandemic in 2020, and it hasn’t tion far quicker than they leave. This phenomenon has been
than spending it. Even when cashiers tomer trying to use a fake $100. fully recovered. Today, cash is the They can last over a decade longer coined “the denomination effect,”
do accept the bills, they hold up At a nearby vegan restaurant, a third-most used payment method in than $1s and $5s, partly because where the form that money comes
checkout lines to verify they aren’t $100 bill was rejected as payment the U.S. by number of transactions. people are more likely to hold than in has an impact on a person’s de-
counterfeits. Economists have called for a $4.95 bottle of kombucha. While more than half of $100s are spend them. sire to spend it.
for slowing down the printing press, The store didn’t have enough cash held abroad, there were enough in The $100 bill still holds a cultural If you spend money on a credit
due to their use in illicit activity. in the register. Another customer the U.S. for every living American to cachet. Kelvin Jenkins, 34, who lives card, you get that same card back af-
“Everyone almost questions you had walked out that day because have 55 in 2022, according to calcu- in Benicia, Calif., said big bills “feel ter the transaction. Spending a $100
and your legitimacy for using a the restaurant wouldn’t accept the lations by Kenneth Rogoff, a Harvard like status symbols.” bill essentially destroys it, she said.
A10 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Imagine Yearly Reviews, but Constantly

Sticky notes in meetings, colleagues’ input, AI evaluations will keep workers constantly informed of their performance


orget the annual perfor-
mance review. Get ready
for constant, never-end-
ing feedback.
For now, many em-
ployees have to wait a
year for feedback, often given in a
stiff and rushed meeting. Workers
aren’t always able to respond to
the evaluation or offer their own to
their boss. Even though many em-
ployers agree there are more effec-
tive ways to deliver feedback, the
system has largely stayed the same
while companies focus on bigger
priorities like growing revenue and
reducing costs, executives say.
But in the future, firms may
change their approach to get more
efficiency from their workers,
spearheaded by a new generation
of leaders who are already trying At a meeting in San Francisco,
to make their workplaces more teams at Fountain evaluate each
transparent. Companies are start- other, ranking for helpfulness.
ing to train employees on how to
give feedback to their peers and
managers. They are pausing meet- talent development at HubSpot, a
ings to share real-time critiques. marketing software company.
Increasingly, artificial intelligence To encourage “upward feed-
could evaluate workers’ emails back,” HubSpot offers an annual
and videoconference meetings to When Fountain’s engineering survey for direct reports to evalu-
give performance assessments. and customer success team re- ate their managers, McCullough
These leaders predict candid, cently scored each other, the suc- says. Bosses are encouraged to dis-
real-time assessments could be- cess team was rated an average of cuss their results with the team
come more relevant. This kind of six while the engineers received a and share what they plan to work
feedback could allow workers to four, Behr says. The success team, on going forward. That has allowed
lose the fear of retribution for which works with the company’s managers to grow as leaders.
speaking up about their peers’ clients, said the engineers were ne- McCullough herself also asks
work, and hear the good and the glecting to fix some small bugs in for regular feedback from her
bad more often, in turn giving ev- favor of more sweeping changes. team, saying, “what is one thing I
erybody the opportunity to make Now the engineers plan to dedicate could do better or differently to
changes year-round and become five days a month to nothing but support you?” She solicits this cri-
more productive. smaller bug fixes, Behr says. tique to model how she wants
them to ask for feedback, some-
Peer-to-peer Everyday feedback thing she predicts more bosses
At the startup Fountain, the com- Personalized feedback is a part of will do one day.
pany often hands out sticky notes the culture at e.l.f. Beauty. Employ- At San-Francisco based soft-
in the middle of meetings involving ees on their first day take the My- ware-maker Atlassian, an internal
two teams. Each group evaluates ers-Briggs Type Indicator, a person- tool built by the company helps
the other by scoring them from one ality test, so their co-workers know employees share feedback to their
to 10, ranking how helpful the other how they process information, says peers, bosses and direct reports.
team has been during their collabo- Tarang Amin, chairman and chief Each person’s name is attached to
ration, says Sean Behr, chief execu- executive. The makeup company the feedback so workers can fol-
tive of Fountain, which creates expects workers to regularly give criticism. Teams are expected to nated that conversation 70%.’” low up with them, says Erika
software to hire and manage retail, each other feedback, but discovered train each new hire on the com- Ferrazzi said he is also working Fisher, chief administrative and
grocery and delivery workers. they initially didn’t always feel pany’s constant-feedback model. with companies developing another legal officer at Atlassian.
A facilitator collects the scores comfortable doing so, he says. Amin says he’s noticed younger similar technology: AI that analyzes The tool forces them to get to
and shares them aloud before lead- “Often what we find is it is be- employees are more comfortable workers’ emails and prompts work- the point within a 500-character
ing a discussion about each team’s cause the people didn’t know each sharing feedback online through ers to pitch an idea they have re- limit, because feedback is most ef-
overall effectiveness, other well enough,” direct messages, but the company peatedly written down. fective when it is specific and ac-
Behr says. He added Amin says. “Before also encourages face-to-face At executive education com- tionable, Fisher says.
that teams are some- you do any work at feedback. pany Radical Candor, AI is being
times surprised to Younger leaders e.l.f., you have to get used in the form of a chatbot that Navigating the flood
get a low average aim to make to know your peers Tech advances helps workers rehearse giving dif- With the trend toward constant
score when they be- extremely well. I As companies shift away from tra- ficult feedback to each other. feedback, employees will need to
lieved they were do- workplaces want you to know ditional performance assessments, “There is less feeling of shame learn to maintain professionalism
ing a good job. their kids’ names. I artificial intelligence could have a of getting it wrong with a chatbot,” during honest conversations and
“It is a very eye-
more want you to know big role in candid feedback. says Kim Scott, executive coach interpret feedback with a dose of
opening process,” he transparent. what’s important to Some tech companies are al- and co-founder of Radical Candor. skepticism, say company leaders.
says. “When you them.” ready experimenting with AI soft- Workers might find out from the People will have to decide
show them five ver- Amin says he ware built into virtual meeting chatbot if the feedback they gave which critiques they agree with,
sus eight, immediate wanted to create a systems and videoconferencing, was constructive or biased, Scott says David Rogier, co-founder and
changes happen.” After the sticky- more transparent company culture says Keith Ferrazzi, chairman and added. Radical Candor is also using chief executive of MasterClass, an
note break, the meeting agenda of- when he first began leading the chief executive of Ferrazzi Green- the chatbot to train workers at online education platform. “Just

ten shifts based on what they just company in 2014 and prepared to light, which coaches teams and is other companies on feedback, and because somebody gives it to you
discussed. take it public. Oakland-based e.l.f. working with companies develop- help people at workshops role play doesn’t mean that you have to
The past decade’s environment trains its more than 300 employ- ing the software. how to offer critiques to a defen- take that as the truth or being
of lavish corporate growth and ees on how to give feedback by Such technology can offer pow- sive employee, says Scott. right,” he says.
hiring sprees is gone, says Behr. hosting workshops and offering erful insights to employees and At e.l.f. Beauty, chief executive
That means feedback will need to sessions with a performance coach managers on what they could do Amin says continuous feedback
help companies squeeze more effi- on retainer, he says. better during meetings and other Managers on makes his workers more engaged.
ciency out of their existing work- The company doesn’t conduct interactions, says Ferrazzi. the receiving end No employee has ever cited e.l.f.’s
force, he says. Fountain worked annual performance reviews but “I want my videoconferencing Managers are already starting to feedback culture as a reason for
with an executive coach to retool instead wants people to receive system to tell me at the end of that get feedback from their direct re- leaving the company, he says.
its feedback systems and improve feedback every day, so it hires meeting, ‘Keith, you cut off Jane ports, says Becky McCullough, vice “Over time,” he says, “it gets
employee productivity. workers that will be receptive to twice,’ ” he says, “or, ‘You domi- president of global recruiting and more and more natural.”

Canadian cooking dramedy, “The Bear.” He

even had a scene-stealing turn as
Matheson said he was wearing the
same Carhartt jeans for the past

Chef Has
Neil Fak, a hammy handyman on three weeks and a cheap thermal
the series. That show has become “that I’ve been wearing for a week
one of the most-honored TV pro- and it smells like a hockey player.”

Some Stylish grams at this year’s award ceremo-

nies. In the past few months, it has
In addition to his restaurants and
YouTube cooking channel, Matheson

racked up Emmys and Golden is the co-founder of Rosa Rugosa, a
Globes. Now it’s up for even more brand of Canadian-made workwear
trophies at this weekend’s Screen that includes $265 chore jackets
Actors Guild Awards. and $145 work pants. To accommo-
“I’m sitting at a table and, like, date men of his prodigious stature,
Meryl Streep is sitting in front of the brand’s sizes go up to 4XL for
ON TREND me, Emma Stone is sitting next to jacket and 52-inch waists for pants.
JACOB me and Quinta Brunson is coming When “The Bear” started pulling
GALLAGHER up and says hi,” Matheson, who in nominations, Matheson visited
lives in Fort Erie, Ontario, said of his Harry Rosen, a Toronto department
experience at the Golden Globes. store where he had several suits
“It’s crazy. I’m such a normal person. do the work and go back to my Matty Matheson, executive made. He didn’t work with a stylist.

atty Matheson will tell any- I ain’t trying to live in LA, I ain’t try- farm and live with my family.” producer on ’The Bear,’ is a fashion He trusted his instincts and occa-
one who asks that he’s far ing to live in New York. I like to go He may get to the red carpet standout on the awards circuit. sionally turned to his wife, Trish
more at home behind a sim- early, before all the real stars arrive, Spencer, for an outside opinion.
mering range than on a red carpet. but Matheson has made the most swerves. “A funky little shoe is my His zestiest purchase was an ox-
But this chef turned self-de- of his time in front of the cameras. biggest move,” he said in his bubbly blood double-breasted Harry Rosen
scribed “D-rate” star has become an To some, it’s not Ryan Gosling or Canadian lilt. That black tux at the suit that he wore to the Golden
improbable suit-wearing standout even Matheson’s Calvin-Klein-ad- Globes was accompanied by a pair Globes with patent leather Gucci
of this year’s awards circuit. starring co-star Jeremy Allen White of fisherman sandals, like some- Chelsea boots. Matheson had never
There he was at the Emmys look- who deserves the title of best thing a wrinkly paisano would wear before worn a double-breasted suit

ing like a tuxedoed Colonel Sanders dressed in Hollywood right now. It’s on the Amalfi coast. At the VF and was concerned it might not
with a string tie tucked under his this tattooed-to-the-fingernails, party, he skittered across the carpet work on him. “I was, like, am I
collar. To a Vanity Fair party in Janu- would-rather-sear-a-steak-than-sit- in snakeskin boots. gonna look like a flag wrapped
ary, he threw on a pinstriped suit through-an-acting-class chef. He has long had a potent taste for around a f–ing basketball?” The
with fat peak lapels that made him To put it in cooking terms, fashion, even if most of the industry look earned him mentions on best-
look like a jaunty hitman. At this Matheson’s fashion sense is a per- isn’t catering to men of his size. “As dressed lists days after.
weekend’s SAG Awards, televised on fectly-seasoned pot roast—nothing a 300-pound man, I only got a couple Matheson claimed to be tech-in-
Netflix, he plans to wear a crisp tux. too crazy, never dry, with a smidge options,” Matheson, who described ept, but did say when he looks on
“It’s never not humbling being in of spice. “I’m just looking for, like, his build as “like a baked potato with TikTok now, he finds that most vid-
rooms like that,” said Matheson, 42, what’s Jack Nicholson wearing in some toothpicks stuck in it.” eos about him now are about his
a Canadian chef, actor and former ’78,” said Matheson. “I always just Off the crimson carpets, clothes, not cooking. “I’m so proud
travel show host, who lately has look at all those old photos of ’70s Matheson is primarily a uniform to represent my little chubby chub-
had an only-in-Hollywood pivot to De Niro and Pacino on red carpets, I dresser. He favors Vans sneakers, bys out there,” said Matheson. “I am
fame thanks to his status as execu- think they are just phenomenal.” Carhartt pants and hole-sprung vin- straight up the best-dressed 300-
tive producer of FX’s high-pressure Shoes are where Matheson tage T-shirts. During our interview, pound man on the planet.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | A11


A Spellbinding,
Sly Sound
Faye Webster distills her music to its essence
on her clever, expertly played fifth album

or the past five years or You” begins the set with a loping
so, the most notable and groove built around piano and Ms.
commercially successful Webster’s gently strummed guitar,
singer-songwriters in the and immediately establishes a
indie-rock realm have feeling of sturdiness and ease as it
generally been women. stretches on for over six minutes.
These artists, from the trio Boyge- The track’s length almost dares
nius to Mitski to Adrianne Lenker the audience to stick with it—the
of the band Big Thief, have the repetition of the chord progres-
sort of relatability that translates sion compounded by the brevity of
well to social-media fandom and her words, just a few lines re-
the compositional rigor to impress peated over and over—but the
older listeners, including Grammy music is earthy, effortless and
voters. Atlanta-based Faye Web- easy to get lost in.
ster writes and sings rootsy rock
tunes and comes from the same
generation as these artists, but the
more one listens to her music, the
more distinctive it seems.
Ms. Webster self-released her
first album in 2013, when she was
just 16 years old. She grew up in a
musical family steeped in folk and The Atlanta-based ery and processed to sound like it “I get lost in a song / Take a walk,
country, and her early work, based singer-songwriter’s new comes from a cyborg. His tone is a call my mom,” she sings, conveying
in those idioms, was accomplished album is ‘Underdressed delightful contrast to Ms. Web- just how much music-making dom-
but forgettable. With each new re- at the Symphony.’ ster’s voice, which throughout her inates her thoughts.
lease, her songwriting became work comes across as a kind of The sheer charm of that last
sharper. She absorbed phrasing weary pout, half-whispered and track gets to the heart of Ms.
and sly humor from hip-hop and ing a light and jazzy without vibrato. Here and there, Webster’s talent: She excels at
R&B—for a time, she was signed feel rich with ambiance. as on the brief “Feeling Good To- constructing compact hooks that
to the label Awful, founded by the This quality is en- day,” she processes it into a flut- tickle the brain’s pleasure centers,
rapper Father, who contributed a hanced by a lyrical solo tering warble, but it still keeps its which she repeats until the frag-
guest verse to her third LP, 2019’s from Wilco guitarist essential conversational character. ments lodge themselves in the lis-
“Atlanta Millionaires Club.” Her Nels Cline, who plays Ms. Webster writes wry and tener’s consciousness. Her ear for
songs covered familiar topics like during a false ending clever lines and her songs unfold in hypnotic miniatures has helped
heartbreak and self-doubt, but Ms. and then returns for a unusual ways, but her lyrics aren’t her music to become a sensation
Webster delivered these senti- The following “But Not Kiss” proper coda. “I used to be self con- necessarily meant to be scrutinized on TikTok, where a memorable 10-
ments with levity and never took adds gorgeous clouds of pedal- scious / Well really I still am / I’m on the page. Their meaning comes second fragment can become a
herself too seriously, unlike some steel guitar to the mix—a recur- just better at figuring out why,” in how she sings them and how driving force for mimetic expres-
of her peers. Her fifth album, “Un- ring element through all of Ms. Ms. Webster sings, as if she’s dis- they fit with the arrangements. On sion. But with “Underdressed at
derdressed at the Symphony” (Se- Webster’s music—as she sings covering what the song is about at the hypnotic cocktail-lounge ballad the Symphony,” an expertly played
cretly Canadian), out Friday, dis- from the perspective of someone the instant we’re listening to it. “eBay Purchase History,” she sug- and smartly arranged collection of
tills her music to its heady timid, afraid of wanting too much: “Lego Ring,” a slower cut with gests a glance at her online shop- songs that seems to fly by, Ms.

essence. “I hope you’re okay but I won’t comparatively heavy guitar, fea- ping would help us know her bet- Webster has also mastered the
A major part of the record’s ap- ask / If you’re in a good place I tures guest vocals from superstar ter, while the closing “Tttttime” larger canvas.
peal is the locked-in sound of Ms. won’t mess with that.” rapper Lil Yachty. His most recent adopts a novel spelling to convey
Webster’s band, which slides eas- On “Wanna Quit All the Time,” work has veered in the direction the percussive consonants she adds Mr. Richardson is the Journal’s
ily among country rock, jazz, and the sigh of pedal steel frames a of bright, psychedelic rock, and his to the word on the song’s relent- rock and pop music critic. Follow
chamber pop. “Thinking About dancing Fender Rhodes line, lend- singing here is in that vein, quiv- lessly catchy earworm of a chorus. him on X @MarkRichardson.

The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

ARTS CALENDAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 24 Mayo
25 Drinks
17 18 19
BY WSJ ARTS IN REVIEW STAFF stuff of legend. Hugh Bonne- Art noisily
ville plays his nemesis, the “Carmen Herrera: I’m No- 20 21 22 29 Scent
Film lawman Jonathan Wilde, and body! Who Are You?” (Site
30 Writer
“Dune: Part Two” (March 1) the rest of the cast includes Santa Fe, March 1-Sept. 16) 23 24 25 26
Fear is the mind killer . . . Tamsin Greig, Mark Heap, The Cuban-born artist,
or at least fear of missing Asim Chaudhry and Dolly who created minimal geo- 27 28 29 30 31 33 Weapon
one of the spring’s most Wells. metric abstractions, was wielded by
anticipated films. Frank overshadowed for much of 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Tolkien’s
Herbert’s space epic “Spaceman” her life by her male counter- dwarf Gimli
continues with a quest for (Netflix, March 1) parts, but recent history has 39 40 41
revenge and redemption that Adam Sandler plays an as- finally begun giving her
34 Had a bawl
sees Paul Atreides allied tronaut on a solitary mission rightful attention. This solo 42 43 44 36 Clothing
with Chani and the Fremen. who is frustrated with the show focuses on the works retailer
The cast, as might be state of his crumbling rela- made toward the end of her 45 46 47 48 Eddie ___
expected, is again tionship with his lightyears- lengthy career—from age 95
49 50 51 52 53 54 37 ___nous
otherworldly and includes away wife (Carey Mulligan) to 102.
Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca until discovering an extrater- 38 Did nothing
Ferguson, Josh Brolin, Dave restrial creature (voiced by Frieze Los Angeles 55 56 57
41 Table that
Bautista, Florence Pugh, Paul Dano) who helps him (Santa Monica Airport, Feb.
58 59 60 61 62 63 hangs in
Christopher Walken, Stephen work on his marital problems. 29-March 3)
Returning for its fifth
64 65 66 classrooms
outing, this fair has quickly
established itself as an im- 43 Sawbuck
portant stop on the interna- 67 68 69
44 Chin-ups
tional art-market circuit.
More than 95 galleries de-
scend on California to offer HIT PARADE | By Eric Berman & Jeff Chen them
a snapshot of the global Across 35 Second son 60 Dame who’s 6 University 46 Shared by us
contemporary-art scene. played Queen of Georgia 49 Bundle of
1 Consecrate 39 Seaweed,
e.g. Victoria twice collegian papers
Videogames 6 Twofold and Queen
“Final Fantasy VII Rebirth” 40 Minecraft 7 River 50 Chicken, in
10 Skyline Elizabeth I through
(PlayStation 5, Feb. 29) material Chichén Itzá
obscurer once Russia and
One of the most eagerly 51 Glowing
awaited games of the year, 14 Famous 41 Starter 64 “A Clockwork Kazakhstan
course? coal
this is the second install- fabulist Orange” 8 Broadcast
ment of a planned three re- 42 Tilt protagonist 52 Plains tribe
15 “Nessun 9 Parody
makes of the hit 1997 “Final 54 Foe
dorma,” for 43 Donald 65 Tot’s boo-boo
Fantasy VII.” Fans of the 10 Unexpected
example Jackson 66 Permeate 56 Naturalist
Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya in ‘Dune: Part Two.’ original will be excited to deficit
take control of Cloud Strife 16 “Take this” was first to nicknamed
land it in 67 Ship’s front 11 Euripides “John of the
and his compatriots as they 17 Become
McKinley Henderson, Music do battle against a corpora- international 68 Cover for a tragedy Mountains”
chronic, say competition
Zendaya, Charlotte Rampling Schoolboy Q, “Blue Lips” tion bent on environmental rain delay 12 Circular 57 Get ready,
and Javier Bardem. (March 1) destruction—and to find out 18 Affectionate 45 Shoe front gasket
69 What hitting informally
Unlike many rappers to- what happens to the hero- 19 Valhalla figure 47 Arcturus, the starts of 13 Blokes 61 “Meet the
“Asleep in My Palm” day, Quincy Matthew Hanley, ine Aerith this time around. 20-, 32-, 43-
(March 1) aka Schoolboy Q, doesn’t 20 One leading a Altair or 21 Less than a Press”
household? Antares and 55-Across
Tim Blake Nelson stars in rush to put out new music. Last Call comprises, in
little network
this directorial debut from His latest release, the first in Frick Madison (New York, 23 Where Tara 48 Prior to, 62 ___-de-sac
baseball lingo 22 In the past
Henry Nelson (the actor’s five years, embraces this through March 3) Lipinski won poetically
son), which focuses on a measured pace with a record Temporarily relocated to Olympic gold Down 23 Tennis champ 63 Bray
49 Explore from Majorca beginning
more chaotic parent-child spanning love, loss, grati- Marcel Breuer’s iconic build- 1 Common joke
26 Military wear underground
relationship as it tells the tude, pride and more. ing while renovations to its setting Previous Puzzle’s Solution
story of a man and his gilded age mansion were frequently 53 Like stadiums
daughter living off the grid Opera completed, the New York in- paired 2 “To Kill a C L A P L E T B A D P R
55 Herb P E L E A P E A L L U R E
in rural Ohio. “La Forza del Destino” stitution is set to return to 27 Be troubled Mockingbird” L I O N S D E N T E S L A S
(The Metropolitan Opera, its home. The temporary author S E C E D E C I S L I E
28 Etch A Sketch half-brother,
TV New York, through March 29) venue has been, in the
part of animated 3 PC key
“The Completely Made-Up Verdi’s story of love and words of our critic, “a de-
31 Punch line? TV 4 “The
Adventures of Dick Turpin” revenge gets a new staging light: intelligent, informative, A N I M A L H O U S E
58 Island off Gladiator

(Apple TV+, March 1) from Mariusz Treliński, the elegantly lean and visually 32 Commit O N E R O OM Y M C A
British comedian Noel company’s first in almost rich.” even more the Tuscan March” F E T C H L U N A R P S I
composer S N A K E P I T O D E L L
Fielding stars in this rollick- three decades. Yannick resolutely to coast T A R R U T MA T U R E
ing series about the English Nézet-Séguin conducts and For additional Arts Calendar a strategy 59 Rain heavily 5 Rain lightly O B T A I N F I S H B OWL
outlaw whose horse-thieving soprano Lise Davidsen head- listings visit Write P L A N T S E S P A R I A
and riding abilities were the lines as the heroine Leonora. to ▶ Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at S E N D S D O S I S S O
A12 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

We need to talk about JASON GAY

MLB’s See-Through Pants Scare

the semi-naked base-
ball players.
Please know: These
are the arid doldrums
of the sports calendar,
after football ends and before At spring training in Florida and Arizona, the chatter has been about the league’s new uniforms
March Madness blooms and the
NBA and NHL playoffs crank up.
There’s not much critical news to Costanza, the cotton
discuss—unless you want to talk pinstripes shrinking
about college basketball court midgame and causing
storming (not great, please stop Don Mattingly to split
that), or the Belgian cyclist dy- his pants.
namo Wout van Aert winning Somehow, what’s
Kuurne-Brussel-Kuurne on Sunday happening in real life
from a three-man sprint. is worse. Baseball
I didn’t think so. should be in pre-
Semi-naked baseball players it season thrall—Shohei
is. Ohtani released from
To be clear: The semi-naked Anaheim Witness Pro-
baseball players are not literally tection and taking BP
semi-naked. They just feel a little for the Los Angeles
anxious, a little awkward, a little Dodgers; phenom
exposed, because of the uniforms Jackson Holliday
they have received at spring train- turning heads for the
ing. As the Journal’s Lindsey Adler Orioles; the New York
and Andrew Beaton chronicled the Mets still not mathe-
other day, baseball players are matically eliminated
worried that these lightweight, from contention.
breathable uniforms are too sheer Instead, all the
and revealing on the body: Spring Training chat-
For many players, a critical is- ter is about the
sue is that the tucked-in jersey Naughty Pants.
tails show through the pants, mak- I should say: form-
ing it look vaguely like they’re fitting, athletic-cut
wearing a diaper. clothing is a trend
At last it appears, like a raven across all sports. Ath-
from my childhood: a terrifying fu- letes everywhere are
sion of all my dreams and night- turning to light-
mares. I have finally ascended to weight, aerodynamic
the major leagues—only to dis- materials and nar-
cover that, yes, everyone can see rowly-cut styles that
me pitching in my un- bear no resemblance
derwear. to flabby outfits of
Except this is real. the past. Watch a clip
Baseball insists these Above, Philadelphia Phillies players wait to have their photo taken on of Andre Agassi vs. Pete Sam-
pants are unchanged media day. Left, Dodgers star Shohei Ohtani poses for a portrait. pras—they look like they’re wear-
from last year’s ing Hefty bags compared with the
pants—only the jer- threads Carlos Alcaraz and Jannik
seys have been up- Enough was enough, I I’ll assume weighs 60 pounds less Sinner put on today.
dated, MLB told Adler thought upon reading that. MLB than the scratchy potato sacks Baseball’s dilemma is not form-
and Beaton—but play- was pushing its modernization worn by Honus Wagner and Pie fitting attire, alas. This is about
ers sound rattled. Pro- campaign too far. Desperate to Traynor. embarrassment—to the point
motional team photos enliven a staid game and pull It all sounds good, but since baseball’s union is on the case,
are getting taken in more youngs into its aging audi- their arrival, these outfits have hoping it’s resolved before Open-
Florida and Arizona, and ence, they’d unveiled gimmicks been plagued by big league grous- ing Day.


some of these poor fellows do look like a pitch clock, chonky bases, ing about materials, lettering, and I find the clothing crisis to be
like they’re wearing Huggies un- and the extra-innings ghost run- an overall feeling of shabbiness. heartening, honestly—baseball re-
der their trousers. ner. One catty member of the Balti- turning to humbler form. This
One imagines all the sports Now they were windmilling an more Orioles—in a dagger straight grand but tormented sport, which
psychologists currently working arm at third base, sending the out of “Project Runway”—told the made a habit out of stepping on
overtime hours, beset by major once-puritanical national pastime Baltimore Banner that the shirt rakes for a decade or two, enjoyed
leaguers not undone by slumps or straight into Cinemax After Dark. looked like “a knockoff jersey from a rousing and deserved comeback
yips, but a panic that they’re go- Alas, this appears to be a de- T.J. Maxx.” in 2023. The pitch clock gimmick
ing to be shown batting au naturel sign issue, not an R-rated conspir- Meow! and other ideas worked. The mod-
on “SportsCenter.” acy. The current update, Adler and Fans quickly noted a similarity ernized game got quicker, sharper,
Adler and Beaton’s story con- Beaton reported, is the work of to a plotline from (of course) more enjoyable, to the point that
tinued: Nike, which has already dese- “Seinfeld,” in which hapless know-it-all whiners like myself
For one unfortunate big- crated the timeless style of a base- George Costanza, under the em- had no choice but to shout
leaguer…things took a more em- ball jersey by slapping its loud ploy of George Steinbrenner, gets “Bravo.”
barrassing turn when an image swoosh on the front. Now the the Yankees to start wearing cot- Baseball has shown it can get
from team photo day showed his company has delivered “Vapor ton uniforms instead of polyester better.
nether regions visible through his Premier,” a line with sweat-wick- blends. It goes well for a mo- Now it just has to figure out
uniform pants. ing tech and recycled yarn which ment—but then turns full pants.

AND LOUISE RADNOFSKY Golf’s Hottest Young Star Vanished. other surgery, this time to repair a
ruptured Achilles tendon.
He hasn’t competed profession-
since Anthony Kim disappeared
from professional golf.
Now He’s Finally Coming Back. ally since.
Over the following 12 years,
Kim became golf’s great enigma.
The former PGA Tour super- He made only rare public appear-
nova, who exploded into stardom ances, and whenever he was spot-
with his booming drives and a ted it invariably led to rampant
bunch of wins in his early 20s, speculation about a possible re-
hasn’t competed in a pro tourna- turn. In 2015, in his first interview
ment since 2012. And the longer in years, he said he’d had a half
he has been absent from golf, the dozen surgeries over the previous
more Kim has been mythologized. years and hadn’t played a full
His abrupt departure made him round of golf in 18 months.
the game’s enduring mystery, and Fans didn’t give up hope. When
created a new pastime for golf in- Kim appeared in an Instagram
siders: whispering about the possi- post with his longtime coach cap-
bility that he might one day return tioned “2021 is going to be spe-
to the game—or why he would cial,” it was another sign he could
never step into a tee box as a pro be on his way back.
again. The return didn’t materialize.
Now Kim is poised to make his But in Kim’s time away from
long-anticipated comeback, and he the game, the sport and its eco-
has picked somewhere far from nomics have changed radically.
the PGA Tour spotlight to emerge Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment
from the shadows: Saudi Arabia. Fund began pumping billions into
Kim, now 38 years old, is set to the game when it launched LIV in
compete this week in his first pro- 2022. Facing a new competitor,
fessional event since 2012 at LIV the Tour also had to up its prize
Golf Jeddah, according to people money and now has received an
familiar with the matter. That investment from a high-profile col-
makes him the latest splashy addi- lective of investors that promises
tion for the Saudi-backed circuit, to further line players’ pockets.
which wooed Masters champion In addition to the lucrative
Jon Rahm away from the PGA prize funds it offers to small, no-
Tour to bolster its lineup before cut fields, LIV has also offered
the season. many of its top players huge ap-
While Rahm and other A-list pearance fees. That means it may
golfers poached by LIV brought a be possible for Kim to cash in big
rush of prestige to the upstart cir- even if he struggles.
cuit, Kim brings something com- Anthony Kim is set to compete this week in his first professional event since 2012 at LIV Golf Jeddah. Regardless of where Kim has
pletely different, but perhaps chosen to play, his presence will
equally tantalizing: a guaranteed Fargo Championship, he was just 2008 season by tying for third in this day. The next April, he won be the biggest element of intrigue.
sighting of golf’s equivalent of the 22 years old and the youngest the Tour Championship, he shot his third PGA Tour event before In a way, Kim may ultimately re-
Yeti. winner on the Tour in years. His up to No. 6 in the world rankings the age of 25. semble other LIV additions whose
Fittingly, there’s a huge amount victory also set a new tournament and no longer looked like just an- But just as quickly as he as- name recognition often outpaces
of uncertainty about what exactly record by three shots—besting the other gifted up and comer. He cended, Kim started to fade their actual competitive strength
that will look like. After spending previous mark set by another looked like one of the best golfers away—almost before anyone real- at this point in their careers. Phil
so long away from the game, Kim’s young hotshot named Tiger on the planet. ized it. An operation on his thumb Mickelson, for instance, is one of
return will finally settle one of the Woods. caused him to miss a big chunk of the world’s most popular golfers,
sport’s most enduring questions: “I’m a little bit numb right the 2010 season. It was viewed at though at 53 years old he’s clearly
Is he still any good at golf? now, but that walk up 18 was the the time as a temporary fix to get past his prime.
There was a time when abso- best feeling in my entire life, and Kim’s abrupt departure him back for the Ryder Cup at the It’s now been 16 years since
lutely nobody would have doubted I’ll never forget that feeling. I had made him the game’s end of that year, but he didn’t end Mickelson and Kim were playing
the answer to that. Shortly after chills going up and down my up making the team. alongside one another as partners
the California-born golfer turned spine,” Kim said after the win. “I enduring mystery. The next year, his form only during the pairs events at the
pro in 2006, he emerged as one of want to re-create that as many got worse. In 2011, he made just 14 2008 Ryder Cup.
the brightest young talents in the times as possible now.” cuts in 26 appearances and wound “I love playing with this guy,”

sport. As a rookie, he notched four The world of golf expected that up with only two top-10 finishes. Mickelson said then. “It was fun
top-10s on the PGA Tour and fin- Kim would have no trouble doing Even though he didn’t continue To start 2012, he made only two for me to get that youthful exuber-
ished tied for 20th at his first ma- that. The kid who sported an over- winning at the same clip, Kim con- cuts in 10 starts. When he bowed ance.”
jor, the 2007 U.S. Open. sized belt buckle with his initials tinued to impress. In the second out early from the Wells Fargo, it Then, Mickelson was already
When he won his first profes- “AK” notched his second career round of the 2009 Masters, he set was the third straight tournament one of the older guys around at 38
sional event the next year, at victory just a couple months after a single-round record for the most at which he had been forced to years old. That happens to be the
what’s now known as the Wells his first. When he finished the birdies (11), which still stands to withdraw. He soon underwent an- same age Kim is right now.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | A13

Who’s the RINO Now? BOOKSHELF | By Ian Brunskill

At a campaign
rally this year,
wealthy resident of Manhat-
tan than an aspiring Republi-
ered for the American people.
From tax cuts to deregulation
commentators, who detest Mr.
Trump, miss this because they
War Crimes and
Donald Trump can nominee for president. to solid conservative appoin- can’t believe anyone who un-
attacked Nikki In 2016, his challenge was tees to the federal bench, it derstands the issue could vote
Haley with a to persuade conservative vot- was an agenda rooted in clas- for him. In today’s GOP, the
term that has ers he was a genuine Republi- sic Republicanism. The part voters aren’t so much looking
become a fea- can, and he worked hard at it. that was most unique to Mr. at the policies they want and
ture of his He became a pro-life cham- Trump—hostility to trade then choosing their candidate.
2024 cam- pion. He successfully courted deals, to multilateral security Because they trust Mr. Trump,
Out of the Darkness
By William
paign for evangelical Christians, by no agreements, to entitlement re- they defer to him on what Re- By Frank Trentmann
president. means a natural fit. He form—not so much. publican policy should be and Knopf, 816 pages, $50
“Here in changed his language on the who is a RINO.

New Hampshire,” he told the Second Amendment. Nikki Haley is the RINO of hen in 1957 the city of Nuremberg erected a
crowd, “Nikki Haley has made Most important was what Trump has redefined the moment, because of her memorial to the victims of Allied bombing in
an unholy alliance with RI- he did when rival Sen. Ted wealthy donors and the Dem- World War II, it was decided to incorporate some
NOs, Never Trumpers, [and] Cruz suggested that he’d the term to mean ocrats and independent voters stones from the rubble of the city’s main synagogue,
Americans for No Prosperity.” nominate his sister, Judge someone who isn’t who are crossing over in the destroyed not by enemy bombs but by the Nazis in 1938. A
Ms. Haley isn’t the only Maryanne Trump Barry, to primaries to vote for her. Yet plaque explaining this historical detail might have given
one the former president has the Supreme Court. Barry loyal enough to him. it’s hard to identify a policy the monument a double resonance. Instead, Frank
called a “Republican in Name was a Clinton appointee to she stands for that isn’t out of Trentmann recounts, “the information was put inside the
Only.” “The real Ron is a the Third U.S. Circuit Court the Republican playbook. foundation stone. The fate of the Jews was literally buried
RINO Globalist,” he said of Appeals whom Mr. Cruz It’s plain to all that most of Still, a Monmouth Univer- in a monument to German victims.”
about Florida Gov. Ron De- described as a “radical pro- President Trump’s greatest sity Poll before the primary “Out of the Darkness: The Germans, 1942–2022” teems
Santis. “I don’t need any ad- abortion extremist.” Mr. successes came from working found South Carolinians with telling vignettes. Its 800 scholarly pages are never
vice from RINO Kayleigh Trump responded by having with the party’s congressional trusted Mr. Trump more than dull. It examines how, in coming to terms with their Nazi
McEnany on Fox,” he said Leonard Leo of the Federalist leaders to push Republican Ms. Haley on immigration, the past, modern Germans defined themselves. In the words of
about his own former press Society come up with what priorities. Mr. Trump himself economy, foreign policy and the country’s former president Joachim Gauck: “There is
secretary. Right before Vice conservatives regarded as a has drawn the opposite con- abortion—and by wide mar- no German identity without Auschwitz.”
President Mike Pence certi- dream-team list of jurists. Mr. clusion. Not unlike Louis XIV, gins. Talk to anti-Haley Re- Mr. Trentmann, however,
fied the Electoral College Trump said he would pick his who supposedly looked at publicans and the most com- has little time for the popu-
vote count in January 2021, nominees from the list. France and said, “L’État, c’est mon reason they give is “I lar view that this reckoning
Mr. Trump warned him of In short, in 2016 Mr. Trump moi,” when Mr. Trump looks don’t trust her.” with history turned German
giving in to “the RINOs and understood that if he wasn’t at the Republican Party he So who’s the RINO now? In sinners steadily into saints, a
the stupid people.” to fizzle out like so many pop- sees himself. 2016, Mr. Trump had to prove nation of moral crusaders
The insult dates from the ulists before him, he would Take Ukraine, perhaps the he wasn’t a RINO by embrac- eager to make amends. As the
1990s, when it meant a Repub- have to tether his movement sharpest area of dispute be- ing the GOP agenda. In 2020, clumsy ambiguities of
lican who was squishy on con- to a recognizable Republican tween Mr. Trump and tradi- thanks to Mr. Trump, Republi- Nuremberg’s memorial sug-
servative issues. Now it is Party agenda. That was also tional Republicanism. Before can priorities now include po- gest, the moral remaking of
shorthand for any Republican behind his choice of Mr. Mr. Trump ran for office, Re- sitions that once would have Germany is a complicated tale.
the former president deems in- Pence, a GOP governor and publicans were pressuring been regarded as selling out. It’s a tale that Mr.
sufficiently loyal personally. former congressman with a President Obama to deliver le- These include protectionism Trentmann is well placed to
The irony is that many Re- sterling conservative reputa- thal aid to Kyiv. Now Mr. for preferred industries, a re- tell. Born in Hamburg, he has
publicans originally regarded tion that reassured many Trump says he’ll solve the treat from overseas alliances taught and studied history in
Mr. Trump as a RINO. He was skeptics. They were further Russian-Ukraine war in 24 and hands off entitlements. Britain and the U.S. for almost
from deep-blue New York, reassured when Maureen Sca- hours. His voters trust him, In the process, the word 40 years. He brings to his
had donated to and supported lia, widow of the late great even if they regard the 24- RINO has lost any link to Re- challenging subject both the sympathy of a native German
Democrats before settling on justice, placed a Trump sign hour bit as typical Trump ex- publican policy. All it really and the detachment of an outsider.
the GOP, and on issues from on her lawn. aggeration for effect, so they means today is someone Mr. He takes as his starting point not the familiar zero hour
abortion to guns expressed Once in office, the Trump- demand neither details nor a Trump doesn’t like. of 1945 but the dark days of 1942, when Germans, he says,
positions more typical of a Pence administration deliv- debate. Most mainstream Write to began the painful process of redefining themselves. With
military setbacks on the Eastern Front and relentless
Allied bombing raids at home, some Germans wondered

Germany Should Have Listened to Trump for the first time what it was all for and where it might
end. To ask those questions was to confront their own
complicity. The Nazis ruled by consent as well as coercion.
The lower The news in manufacturing is It isn’t all doom and gloom. tive opposition parties have a For millions of Germans, the Third Reich “was not an
house of Ger- little better. This month the The outlook for the service blocking minority in Parlia- external stranglehold on their otherwise good selves. . . .
many’s Parlia- widely followed HCOB Ger- sector is brighter than for ment’s upper house. They were part of it.”
ment voted to man Flash Composite Pur- manufacturing, and as the This is not where Germans Mr. Trentmann shows how so many men and women
legalize the chasing Managers’ Index fell Journal reported last week, thought they would be. Six- became perpetrators or supporters of genocide by moral
recreational to 46.1, the eighth month in a the Ifo Institute’s business-cli- teen months ago, I visited sleight of hand, deluding themselves that they were acting
use of canna- row that the index has mate index improved slightly Berlin and heard from a ethically no matter what they did. Evidence comes from
bis last week. pointed to decreasing eco- this month. The best that can stream of government offi- the diaries and letters of ordinary Germans. Among them
It was a timely nomic activity. be said for the outlook? “The cials, think tankers and econo- is Reinhold Reichardt, who volunteered as an officer cadet
By Walter
move. Ger- Energy prices are a partic- German economy is stabilizing mists that everything was just before his 18th birthday in 1943.
Russell Mead
many’s leader- ular sore spot. The chemical at a low level,” according to working fine. Russia was fail- As he fought in Bosnia and Moravia, the young army
ship class is giant BASF announced €1 bil- Ifo’s president. ing in Ukraine. The energy officer knew that (as he wrote in his diary) he was
going to need all the mellow it lion in spending cuts in its transition would boost Ger- “surrounded by repulsive cruelty, badness, betrayal and
can find in a world that isn’t German operations, blaming a man competitiveness and em- cowardice.” He knew prisoners were shot and villages
going Germany’s way. mix of weak demand in the He was right about ployment. Germany’s Mittel- burned down. Yet, Mr. Trentmann shows, he “managed to
Russian advances in German market and “structur- stand would handle anything separate his own heroic war from the atrocities around
Ukraine and American paraly- ally higher energy prices.” Berlin’s self-defense China could throw at it. him.” In his educated mind, fed on a toxic diet of high
sis over the next aid package Enormous U.S. subsidies un- and risky energy Under the circumstances, German culture, romantic nationalism and heroic
are reinforcing the reality that der the so-called Inflation Re- it’s no surprise that antiestab- militarism, he was fighting a personal war of destiny,
Germany needs to defend it- duction Act are leading Ger- dependence on Russia. lishment parties are growing “leading men into the inferno but giving them a chance to
self but lacks the power to do man companies to look across in Germany. The far right Al- hold onto their moral justification.” He viewed himself,
so. So are developments in the the Atlantic. ternative for Germany (AfD) Mr. Trentmann says, as “a pure, noble knight.” The Nazis
Red Sea, where German manu- Chinese competition is an- Meanwhile, Germany’s dys- currently has more support were “marginal figures” in Reichardt’s war. “His moral
facturers must cope with ship- other massive worry. China functional three-party coali- than any of the governing par- vision was solipsistic.” He wasn’t alone in this.
ping delays as the Biden ad- long ago passed Germany as tion government is paralyzed ties, with one recent poll Solipsism survived the devastation of defeat. Many
ministration fails to keep the the world’s largest car pro- by internal struggles. The showing the AfD at 19%, the Germans saw themselves as victims; the other victims—
vital waterway clear. ducer. Increasingly, especially largest party in the coalition, Social Democrats at 14%, the their victims—could be overlooked. Division of the
Forget the 2% of gross do- in electric vehicles, it is chal- Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s So- Greens at 13%, and the Free country into communist East and capitalist West com-
mestic product that Germany lenging Germany as both a cial Democratic Party (SPD), Democrats at 4%. pounded the sense of victimhood.
has repeatedly promised and low-cost and high-quality man- is deeply divided over foreign The most bitter pill of all
failed to spend on defense. ufacturer. Beijing aims to mar- policy, with many nostalgic for Germany’s establishment
Defense Minister Boris Pisto- ginalize German capital goods for good relations with Russia may be the realization that The postwar reckoning in Germany focused on
rius shocked many observers and automobile companies in and allergic to military on the most important issues its own suffering and its own guilt. Pride in not
this month when he said that China while Chinese exporters spending. The SPD also wants facing Germany, Donald
in the new world situation, challenge German dominance Biden-like government spend- Trump was right where they being proud turned easily to self-satisfaction.
Germany may have to spend in world markets. ing initiatives to revive the were wrong. Getting in bed
as much as 3.5% of GDP for With the associations rep- German industrial machine with Vladimir Putin for
defense. resenting the small and me- and expand social benefits. cheap energy was both fool- The communist German Democratic Republic defined
The economic news is also dium-size Mittelstand firms The Greens, the next-largest ish and deeply disloyal to the itself as a new land built on the triumph of antifascism
grim. Last year Germany’s that make up the heart of the party, are by German stan- West. German defense policy over the Third Reich. Its founding citizens were Nazism’s
GDP shrank 0.3%, and last German economy warning in dards foreign-policy hawks was self-defeating and dan- enemies and victims, not responsible for crimes against
week the government slashed a rare joint open letter about but continue to press for a gerous. China wasn’t a reli- the Jews. The Federal Republic found its identity in
2024 growth estimates to a Germany’s loss of competi- rapid energy transition that able partner. continuity, as the legitimate democratic successor to the
pitiful 0.2%. Economists ex- tiveness, Economy Minister drives up costs for business “Ich bin ein Berliner,” was Reich. This status ultimately meant assuming the German
pect negative growth during Robert Habeck isn’t mincing and consumers. The third President John F. Kennedy’s nation’s guilt and paying for it. “Morality,” Mr.
the first quarter of 2024, words. The economy is in party in the coalition, the message to Germany. If Don- Trentmann argues, “took a major turn.” Private guilt gave
placing the country in reces- “rough waters.” The “compet- Free Democrats, wants to ald Trump returns to the way to public liability. The reckoning with past sins
sion. The outlook for housing itiveness of Germany as an hold the line on government White House, his message will became “a source of civic pride.”
is bleak, with business confi- industrial location” is in spending. As if this weren’t likely be “Das habe ich gleich Mr. Trentmann hails the Germans’ “moral renewal” but
dence reaching all-time lows. doubt. enough trouble, the conserva- gesagt,” or “I told you so.” notes that it was essentially introspective, whether it
focused on their own suffering or their own guilt.
Germans’ “pride in not being proud” turned easily to self-

The Day Our Tesla Deflated satisfaction. In this view, moral tensions and
contradictions—a complex interplay of idealism and self-
interest, guilt and liability, civic responsibility and
By Rikka Fountain a blown tire meant a brief de- car was still under warranty, brief side adventure. collective shame—have made Germany the nation it is
lay: Using the jack all cars had, but Tesla provided towing only, The supply chain had other today. Moral thinking—a desire to be good—has shaped

hen we planned our my father would quickly swap for which we had better cover- ideas. The next morning, a and colored not just German attitudes but German policy,
winter-break road the bad tire for the spare all age through our auto service. misinformed driver delivered from debt to immigration, from energy to defense.
trip, hoping to show cars had. Replacements were The tow truck’s arrival, three our tire to Medford, Ore., four As Germany thrived through five decades after the war,
our son colleges in Northern never a problem for our 1967 hours later, presented another hours away. the social, political and economic benefits of this focus on
California, we painstakingly Chevrolet Bel Air. problem: The cab couldn’t le- The tire store owner called moral reckoning seemed clear. Capture the moral high
penciled out the charging sta- gally hold all four of us. every shop he knew, then ones ground, and the heights of prosperity were within reach.
tions for our Tesla Model 3. Uber? I found no willing he didn’t. My husband found a It’s a tempting view. Four years ago, the veteran British
We left confident that we’d We mapped out all the drivers, and the spotty cell re- Tesla tire-swap program—un- journalist John Kampfner published an unlikely bestseller
averted the obvious pitfalls ception further thwarted my available until the following called “Why the Germans Do It Better.” He believed that
awaiting an electric car on re- charging stations, but hope. It was 9 miles to the week, after our kids’ classes Germany “has established a new paradigm for stability
mote highways. the car didn’t come nearest town, Weaverville, Calif. resumed. that equivalent countries, such as the US, France and the
It was a beautiful drive— “If we get pulled over, ask Just as I was perusing the UK, are for different reasons struggling to achieve. . . .
until the flat tire. with a spare tire. the highway patrol for a ride,” want ads and pricing local Germany is Europe’s best hope in this era of nationalism,
We’d considered using our the tow-truck driver directed, apartments, we scored. A spe- anti-enlightenment and fear.”
clunky, gasoline-powered SUV as my son eased his 170 cialty store 45 miles away in Today, with the German economy struggling, the far
for this rural trek. On a previ- But our high-performance pounds onto my lap. Redding could get the tire by right on the rise, and tough questions to answer on
ous trip, elevation gain unex- Tesla uses high-performance The tire wasn’t patchable. the next morning. foreign policy, asylum and energy supply, Mr. Trentmann
pectedly drained the Tesla’s tires. As we soon learned, those The only repair shop in town This time, it happened. We is more cautious, though not without hope. He concludes
battery, leaving me stranded tires can be days away outside had nothing that fit. After sev- had to skip the visit to Chico his vast, engrossing history with a caveat. Germany in the
for four hours at a remote a major population center. eral calls, the owner located State, but we made it back to past 80 years has mastered many challenges. It has, he
scout camp’s RV charger while Our car had neither a jack one for delivery the next Southern California in time for thinks, “accumulated formidable moral capital.” Now is
the car built enough power to nor a spare. We could have morning. school Monday morning. not the time to squander it. “Remembrance of the past
squeak to the nearest charging bought the car with a full-size We checked into a motel, We’ll try again over spring cannot avoid responsibility in the present. After decades
station. Yet this time, facing replacement, but that would then wandered down the break. This time, we’ll fly. of knowing what they are against—‘never again’ Hitler
mostly winding and wintry have left no room for luggage highway to a charming sa- and Auschwitz—Germans need to figure out what they
roads, we opted for the Tesla’s in the trunk. loon. Over pool, cocktails and Ms. Fountain is an attorney are for.”
superior maneuverability. My husband texted franti- excellent burgers, I reassured at Charlton Weeks LLP in
On my childhood road trips, cally with Tesla support. The my family that this was a Palmdale, Calif. Mr. Brunskill is a senior editor at the Times of London.
A14 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


House Backbenchers to Ukraine’s Rescue A Report to Our Readers

If you’re wondering what our priori- sions, economic uncertainty and the

he war in Ukraine has entered its third from U.S. arsenals. That would hamstring the
year, and the most crucial front for Kyiv U.S. effort to arm Ukraine with the urgency re- ties are at The Wall Street Journal, a rapid proliferation of generative AI, the
visit to our headquarters will take away Journal will persevere to cover the big-
may be in the U.S. House of Representa- quired by Russia’s advances.
any doubt: Facing our reception area is gest issues of our time—including many
tives. A bipartisan group of The bill also excludes bil- a huge collage of Journal front pages— stories and surprises yet to come our
lawmakers has rolled out a A bipartisan group lions in loans and grants for one for each day that our colleague Evan way—with the trusted and unbiased re-
fresh attempt at a compro- offers an alternative bill Ukraine, Israel and Pacific Gershkovich has been imprisoned un- porting you all expect from us, both here
mise bill to send military aid partners to purchase U.S. mili- justly by the cruel regime in Moscow. and abroad. Indeed, the Journal’s sweep-
to Ukraine, and Speaker Mike to force a floor vote. tary equipment. This is a mis- Above the collage there is one simple ing coverage of the wars in Ukraine and
Johnson can’t duck this test of take. Another provision worth message: I stand with Evan. Israel and Gaza continues unabated, in-
his leadership and beliefs. restoring is the Senate’s re- Turn to the left and down the hall- cluding a gripping story examining how
Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R., Pa.), Jared quirement that the Biden Administration artic- way, you’ll see a massive picture of Evan Kyiv’s forces have thwarted Russian of-
Golden (D., Maine), Don Bacon (R., Neb.) and ulate a strategy in Ukraine. House Republicans on a screen that previously was used to fensives and a detailed look at Israel’s
others have introduced the Defending Borders, have complained for two years that the Biden display key digital reader data to the struggles to destroy Hamas’s complex
newsroom below it. On your way down network of tunnels. Most recently, the
Defending Democracies Act that combines bor- Team has no plan. Here’s an opportunity to
that hallway, you’ll Journal has produced thoughtful cover-
der security with weapons to allies. Among force a change. pass our legal team age about the death of Alexei Navalny
other border-control measures, the bill stipu- But the House bill is far preferable to con- that has been work- and what it means for those who oppose
lates that migrants coming over the southern signing Ukraine to defeat, and Mr. Fitzpatrick ing around the clock Russia’s authoritarian regime.
border stay in Mexico while their asylum claims and his colleagues deserve credit for attempt- on Evan’s release. The Journal’s Opinion pages, mean-
are assessed. This is a version of Donald ing to overcome the blockade by the GOP’s iso- Turn to the right and while, warned against the dangers of iso-
Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy. lationist wing at the urging of Donald Trump. you’ll see a small lationism and advocated for free mar-
Those provisions will send some Democrats Most Members would support aid for Ukraine conference room kets, free speech and free press. “The
running from the bill, so lawmakers will need if it reaches the floor—our sources say perhaps that doubles as the world is more dangerous than it has been
substantial GOP support for its provisions pro- two-thirds. war room for pivotal in decades, since at least the 1970s and
team meetings fo- perhaps the 1930s, and the American po-
viding military aid for Ukraine. To that end the Speaker Johnson will have to reckon with
cused on Evan’s litical class isn’t meeting the challenge,”
drafters focused their bill on providing lethal this reality sooner or later, and bringing up this plight. said Opinion Editor Paul Gigot. “Our job
aid—weapons and ammo—to Ukraine, Israel bill or something else on his prerogative is bet- Almar Latour
Switch floors and is to inform readers about the risks, no
and the Pacific. ter than the alternatives. If he doesn’t, Republi- you’ll find signs for him everywhere— matter how unwelcome the message, and
The bill includes roughly $47 billion for cans may join Democrats in signing a discharge alongside countless colleagues up and offer solutions for restoring U.S. military
Ukraine priorities, down from about $60 billion petition, which allows 218 Members to go down the ranks at the Journal, Dow deterrence and broad-based economic
in the bill that passed the Senate this month. around a Speaker to bring a measure to the Jones, News Corp and beyond, each do- prosperity.”
The House lawmakers excluded the Senate’s floor. That would make Mr. Johnson look weak ing their part in fighting for his freedom We will also persevere as new technol-
$7.8 billion in government budget aid to Kyiv, and probably wouldn’t help him with his isola- until he returns home. ogy changes the world. Not only will we
which Ukraine’s critics portray as paying sala- tionist wing in any case. If there is one word that defines The cover how this profound moment affects
ries for bureaucrats. Europe has been picking Ukraine’s recent retreat from the city of Av- Wall Street Journal right now, it is your lives, but the Journal and Dow Jones
perseverance. Perseverance in our are also embracing generative AI—insist-
up more of this tab in any case. diivka shows that Kyiv is slowly losing territory,
fight for Evan, and perseverance to de- ing on our intellectual-property rights
The bill from the backbenchers includes such and don’t rule out a Russian military break- liver you, our readers, trusted news while simultaneously harnessing the
essential needs as refilling U.S. weapons arse- through as the House dawdles. Meanwhile, the and information. power of this new technology to help you
nals; expanding production of munitions; fund- murder of opposition politician Alexei Navalny In this annual report to readers, we access our news and information via new
ing U.S. military operations in the Red Sea; and in an arctic gulag is a reminder of the brutal na- want to express our gratitude to you for products in time to come. Just as we are
spending $3 billion to help America build more ture of Vladimir Putin’s regime. turning to the Journal during these in- committed to producing high-quality
submarines. The measure would spend $4 bil- The Ukraine vote is shaping up as the most creasingly complex times. You have shown journalism, we will also make certain the
lion refilling Israel’s stocks of air defense inter- consequential for U.S. interests and the defense that, despite the ever-evolving economics Journal is meeting you, our readers,
ceptors, a critical need if Iran orders Hezbollah of Europe since the decision to deploy interme- of our industry, the thirst for trusted, ac- wherever you are today—on the phone,
in Lebanon to launch its missiles. diate-range nuclear missiles in the 1980s. Mr. curate and nonpartisan journalism is tablet, desktop, in print—and wherever
One oddity is that the bill doesn’t appear to Johnson and House leaders owe the Members greater than ever. We are grateful to see you will be tomorrow. As ever, your feed-
this trend reflected in our own business as back is essential in this endeavor as we
increase what’s called Presidential Drawdown the chance to vote their conscience rather than
demand for the Journal, its sister publica- fashion the products of today and in the
Authority, which allows the Commander in using a procedural blockade. Credit to the back- tions and all of Dow Jones continues to go years ahead.
Chief to hand over weapons to Ukraine quickly benchers for keeping the pressure on. up. In addition, Dow Jones receives tre-
mendous ongoing support from News
As our reporter Evan
New York’s Gerrymander Hijacking Corp, including Executive Chairman
Lachlan Murdoch, Chairman Emeritus Ru-
pert Murdoch and Chief Executive Robert
Gershkovich perseveres
through his unjust
emocrats love to denounce gerryman- Unsatisfied with fairness, Democrats went to Thomson, which, among other factors, has
ders, but watch what they actually do. court again, saying the replacement map was allowed for further expansions through incarceration in Russia, we
The New York Legislature on Monday good for one election only. They won. acquisitions.
voted down a U.S. House map Back to the bipartisan com- Led by Editor in Chief Emma Tucker, will persevere to free him.
who celebrates her one-year anniversary
approved by the state’s inde- Albany kills a bipartisan mission. In a 9-1 vote recently, this month, the Journal’s reporting
pendent redistricting commis- map to try to wring out itratifiedapproved a map that largely stands in sharp contrast to what has be- Perseverance also marks the one story
sion. Be suspicious of what’s the status quo, with come a prevailing pattern in the face of everyone at the Journal and Dow Jones
coming next, since Democrats more political gains. some tweaks that made it shocking events: speculation, cynicism thinks about every single day: the fight to
hope another gerrymandering slightly more favorable to and half-facts, bolstered by incessant rep- bring Evan back to our newsroom and
cycle will help them seize the Democrats. “This vote is ulti- etition on dopamine-geared social media. back to his family, whose unimaginable
House Speaker’s gavel in November. mately a victory for the commission process Instead, the Journal is sharpening its fo- strength is an inspiration as we together
This is the second time in as many years that and for democratic—small ‘d’ democratic—par- cus and going deeper to serve the ulti- advocate for his release.
New York lawmakers have thumbed their noses ticipation in the state of New York,” said Ken mate business reader: you. It’s appalling to think that Evan has
at voters. In 2014 the electorate amended the Jenkins, the body’s Democratic chairman. “I am “In a year in which more than 4 bil- been imprisoned for nearly 11 months,
lion people will be heading to polls locked away for doing journalism that
state constitution to ban partisan gerrymander- very proud of my colleagues and their ability
across the globe—not least here in the sheds light on one of the world’s most-
ing and set up a bipartisan redistricting com- to come together in a spirit of compromise to U.S.—it’s more important than ever for isolated countries. As Evan perseveres
mission. In its debut two years ago, the commis- work to deliver this plan.” the Journal to deliver distinctive, through his unjust incarceration, we will
sion deadlocked and offered competing maps. But the Democratic leader in the House, New trusted, revelatory reporting that helps persevere to free him and we will con-
Instead the Legislature decided to draw its own York’s own Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, doesn’t want to make sense of the world,” said Ms. tinue onward in our mission, gathering,
plan, giving Democrats an advantage in 22 of compromise. He wants to evict GOP Speaker Tucker, whose superb newsroom leader- distilling and reporting the news fairly,
the state’s 26 seats, or 85%. Mike Johnson from that big Capitol office, so ship includes advocating night and day thoroughly and impartially.
This was a partisan gerrymander so obvious he can pass progressive legislation for all 50 for Evan’s release and galvanizing her After all, attaining a true understand-
that the state judiciary couldn’t ignore it, and states. Given the slender Republican House ma- team for the year ahead. “We will con- ing of facts takes perseverance. It also
the plan was struck down. The 2022 elections jority, flipping the House in November might tinue with our relentless coverage of the requires patience, resources, dedication
took place under a map drawn by a special mas- not take much. By our deadline we hadn’t seen corporate landscape and financial mar- and sufficient time to verify and trian-
kets with journalism that gives readers gulate disparate fragments of informa-
ter, and the result was competitive. Democrats Albany’s replacement map, but given how
the information and insights they need tion. This is essential work. And it can
won about 54% of the raw votes for House can- bloody-minded Democrats have been through- to cut through the clutter and make only happen with your support. For that,
didates, which translated into 15 seats, or 58%. out, expect the worst. sound decisions on business and in their we are filled with gratitude.
daily lives.” ALMAR LATOUR

The FTC’s Gift to Walmart As we face two wars, geopolitical ten- Publisher

.S. antitrust policy is a politicized mess, which represents workers at both companies.
and for the latest example look at the The union often plays the supermarkets against LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
Federal Trade Commission’s vote Mon- each other in collective-bargaining to obtain
day to challenge supermarket bigger wage and benefit in-
Kroger’s $24.6 billion acquisi- Lina Khan won’t let two creases, as the FTC notes.
tion of Albertsons. It’s a giant grocery chains merge to “Today, UFCW and other Political Scientists vs. the American People
gift to Amazon, Walmart and unions leverage the fact that In “Biden Rewrites ‘An American With Covid on the decline and four
other grocery retailers. get more competitive. Kroger and Albertsons are Tragedy’” (op-ed, Feb. 21), Arthur Her- years of Mr. Trump and press crazi-
It’s hard to think of a more separate and competing man describes Joe Biden as the most ness in the rear-view mirror, the table
competitive business than companies,” the agency discredited president since Richard was set for Mr. Biden. But instead of
groceries. Traditional supermarkets have been stresses. The deal “would immediately erase Nixon. So far, Americans agree. Only pulling the country together, he has
squeezed from all directions. Most Americans aggressive competition for workers, threat- 38% approve of Mr. Biden’s job perfor- pandered to the left, led with identity
shop and buy food and household products ening the ability of employees to secure mance, while 59% disapprove. politics and left the country even
from a variety of sources, including dollar higher wages, better benefits, and improved One group that disagrees with the more divided.
“tragedy” assessment is the Presiden- Next, he will leave us with no good
stores, farmers markets, big-box retailers and working conditions.”
tial Greatness Project, which surveys options. This is his biggest failure.
online delivery services. FTC Chair Lina Khan rewrote the FTC’s long- relevant members of the American Po- Election turnout will set a new low,
Competition has driven hundreds of super- standing merger guidelines to consider how litical Science Association and calls it- and history will judge Mr. Biden
market stores to close in recent years. The deals would affect workers and labor-market self “the foremost organization of so- harshly. He will have earned it.
Kroger-Albertsons merger is intended to make competition. This is a radical departure from cial science experts in presidential RICHARD J. BRENNEN
the two more competitive by increasing their modern antitrust law, which emphasizes con- politics.” According to this august Naples, Fla.
leverage with suppliers and making their supply sumer welfare. Monopolies that are shielded group, Mr. Biden is already the 14th
chains more efficient. from competition are usually good for workers, greatest U.S. president (out of 45),
Democrats on the FTC disagree. They voted even if they hurt consumers. ahead of Ronald Reagan but still trail- Pepper ...
ing Barack Obama, who placed 7th.
3-0 to challenge the deal on the simplistic In any case, Kroger and Albertsons also com-
Dead last was Donald Trump, below
And Salt
premise that it would eliminate head-to-head pete for workers with other grocery retailers
even William Henry Harrison, who THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
competition between the two retailers and lead and businesses, including restaurants and ware-
died a month after his inauguration.
to higher prices. They’re still living in the 1970s houses. Supermarket margins are thin, and The experts must be appalled that
when there were fewer grocery options and in- higher labor costs are one reason Kroger and average Americans are so clueless
dustry consolidation was viewed by antitrust Albertsons have become less competitive about the greatness of Mr. Biden. Their
regulators as inherently bad. against non-unionized grocers. criteria must be much too complex for
“The loss of competition will also lead to Supermarket workers also increasingly com- Americans like me to comprehend.
lower quality products and services, while also pete with self check-out, in case Ms. Khan hasn’t DANA DAVIS
narrowing consumers’ choices for where to visited a store lately. If Kroger and Albertsons St. Augustine, Fla.
shop for groceries,” the FTC says. This ignores are blocked from merging, they will look to
that the merger would increase competition shave costs by using more automation. Unprof- Reading Mr. Herman, I want to
stamp on the floor and shout “Hear,
with Aldi, Dollar General, Trader Joe’s, Costco, itable stores will be closed. How does this bene-
Hear!” But my enthusiasm ebbs when
Target, Walmart, Amazon, and numerous oth- fit workers? I remember who is waiting in the
ers that have been taking market share from su- None of this matters to the Khan FTC, which wings to take Mr. Biden’s place. That
permarket chains. wants to send a message to CEOs not even to is the real American tragedy: We can’t
The main reason the FTC moved to block the try mergers lest they risk a long legal battle. If do any better than Biden vs. Trump.
deal appears to be opposition from the United consumers pay higher prices or workers lose STAN CONNELL
Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union, their jobs, so be it. Charlotte, N.C. “I have very close family ties.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | A15


Siri, Does Apple Violate Antitrust Law?

By William P. Barr tified. Keeping markets free requires peting apps that impair their perfor- pany moves into a new product mar- itive effects are justified to protect

confronting anticompetitive abuses. mance. A 2020 House Judiciary ket—such as smartwatches or smart the security and privacy of its eco-
oliticians in both parties For many years, competitors have Committee investigation cited Ap- homes—the regulators’ concern is system. But there is reason to think
broadly agree that a hand- credibly complained that Apple has ple’s treatment of Tile Inc., a com- that Apple makes hardware and soft- this security-privacy mantra is fre-
ful of tech companies hold used its dominant market position pany that makes hardware and soft- ware choices that optimize the in- quently used as a pretext when the
too much power. As attor- and heavy-handed tactics to cripple ware enabling users to track lost teroperability of its own new-market real purpose is hobbling competitors.
ney general in 2019, I competition. items. Tile told the committee that devices with Apple’s ecosystem, In 2018, after launching its own
launched an antitrust review of the More than half of the mobile de- in 2019 Apple made changes to iOS while degrading the interoperability parental-control application, Screen
problem. The Justice Department vices in the U.S. are Apple devices 13 that increased the difficulty of us- of incumbent devices. The Justice Time, Apple purged similar third-
filed suit the following year against using its proprietary iOS operating ing the Tile app and devices, while Department has reportedly been party apps from its App Store. In-
Google for monopolizing internet system. Apple has made its App at the same time rolling out and pre- studying why iPhones work better ternal Apple communications pro-
search and search advertising. Un- Store the only way for software de- installing its own competing Find with Apple smartwatches than with posed advancing the “narrative”
der Attorney General Merrick Gar- velopers to reach this vast market, My app. other smartwatches. that this was done for privacy rea-
land the department has pressed and it uses technical and contractual Smartwatches illustrate how im- sons. According to a House report,
forward with the Google case and restrictions to box out competitors. pairing interoperability can harm when the Justice Department an-
the Big Tech review and is now re- Apple does this in two ways: by pro- The Justice Department competition. Apple smartwatches, nounced it was investigating the
portedly preparing to file a major hibiting iOS users from downloading standing alone, would have no obvi- matter, Apple started reinstating
antitrust suit against Apple. This is software from any other source, and reportedly plans a major ous competitive advantage over the apps and found less-restrictive
a good development. by making developers agree not to lawsuit against the firm— those made by Garmin. But if Garmin ways of satisfying supposed privacy
Big Tech firms like Apple require distribute their apps through any watches don’t work as smoothly with concerns.
rigorous antitrust scrutiny. Today, other store as a condition of getting with good reason. the ever-present iPhone, Apple’s Apple uses an arsenal of tactics
virtually all aspects of life—finance, access to the tools necessary to product would gain an advantage. In whose anticompetitive effects, taken
commerce, entertainment, social re- make iOS-compatible apps. essence, Apple would be using its individually, may operate subtly but,
lations, news and public discourse— A significant part of Apple’s busi- Another example of Apple’s anti- power in the smartphone market as taken cumulatively, work powerfully
are conducted over a handful of digi- ness now is distributing other com- competitive behavior is how it gives leverage to capture a new market to suppress competition. To make
tal platforms. Giant tech companies panies’ applications to iOS users. preference to Apple Pay over other with a less compelling product. headway, a Justice Department chal-
have the power to snuff out chal- The App Store’s dominance allows mobile payment services. Apple in- Nor is the interoperability issue lenge must address these tactics
lenges to their dominance; collect Apple to take up to a 30% cut on stalls within its iPhones near field confined to rival devices. Two comprehensively and force Apple to
mountains of customers’ personal sales of paid apps, demand the same communication chips, or NFCs, so months ago, Apple blocked an An- demonstrate that the handicaps it in-
data, which they can exploit to ma- fee for subsequent “in-app” pur- the devices themselves can com- droid message application, Beeper flicts on rivals are essential to
nipulate users’ decisions and beliefs; chases, and insist that developers plete tap-to-pay transactions. The Mini, which allowed Android phones achieving legitimate security and
and control what we hear and read. not communicate with customers European Union has challenged Ap- to exchange secure and encrypted privacy requirements. The burden
This overwhelming economic and so- about less expensive ways to down- ple for allegedly handicapping ri- messages using Apple’s iPhone-only should be on Apple to prove that less
cial power is antithetical to the load their apps. This arrangement vals by denying the same NFC ac- iMessage service. restrictive alternatives don’t exist.
founding principles of our demo- limits competition and raises prices. cess to competing mobile payment There is little question that Apple
cratic republic. With surging sales of more than $89 services. incorporates some hardware and Mr. Barr is a co-founder of Torri-
While antitrust enforcement un- billion in 2023, the App Store by it- Apple has also long pursued a software design choices that make it don Law PLLC, a distinguished fel-
der President Biden, particularly at self would rank in the Fortune 100. strategy of weaving together an inte- difficult for customers to leave the low at the Hudson Institute and au-
the Federal Trade Commission, has Apple allegedly uses its control grated ecosystem of easily interoper- system and harder still for rivals to thor of the memoir “One Damn Thing
gone too far, the Justice Depart- over iOS and the App Store to im- able products and services. That is compete with any part of it. Apple After Another.” He served as U.S. at-
ment’s concerns about Apple are jus- pose technical limitations on com- unobjectionable, but when the com- typically claims that any anticompet- torney general, 1991-93 and 2019-20.

Hamas’s Agricultural Terrorism

By Rebecca Sugar attack was designed to intentionally of 32 communities that includes kib-
destroy agricultural production, but butzim like Be’eri and the Nova Music
Nahal Oz, Israel more than that, it was meant to de- Festival grounds. She says that more

or a week following Hamas’s stroy the identity of the region, to than 4,000 of Eshkol’s 17,000 residents
Oct. 7 attack on Israel, the break the community,” Ms. Abraham are already back. She is particularly
stench of 300,000 rotting says. moved by the return of 50% of the re-
chickens rose from Kibbutz Alumim, Hamas terrorists damaged green- gion’s Thai workers. Some community
2 miles from the Gaza border. Three houses and barns, many beyond re- members visit on the weekends “just
coops were burned to the ground, but pair. They slashed crop nets and to smell their homes,” she says.
they weren’t the source of the smell. flooded orchards. They burned irriga- Today there are 250 milking cows
Terrorists had destroyed the auto- tion pipes and shot at fertigation sys- at Nahal Oz, though not as many as
mated food and water dispensers for tems. They destroyed the filtration before. Hamas killed 30 of them.
the remaining five structures housing system for the local reservoir. Soil Those that survived went unmilked
the flock, and after the attack no one compaction and pollution from Israeli for nine days. Many developed masti-
was around to tend to the chickens. tanks brought in to expel the terror- tis, a painful condition that contami-
The birds died of hunger and thirst, ists has also damaged roughly 10% of nated their milk and killed 70 of the

and their bodies decomposed. Resi- the area’s land. herd.

dents who returned to survey the Foreign nationals from countries Some that have recovered still
damage wore masks as they scooped such as Thailand, Nepal and Tanzania aren’t producing milk. Trauma from
up and buried the corpses to prevent who worked the farms returned to Hamas destroyed this tractor in the kibbutz of Nahal Oz. the sounds of explosions and gunfire,
the spread of disease. their native countries after the at- which Ms. Abraham calls the “sound-
tacks, leaving many crops unhar- Insurance companies don’t reimburse the country. In 2005 Palestinian loot- track to Oct. 7,” seems to have sus-
vested. Israel’s Ministry of Agricul- for assets lost in an “act of war,” so ers damaged roughly 900 of the pended their production. Mr.
The group also attacked ture and Rural Development Mr. Freibach applied for government 3,000 greenhouses Israelis left be- Freibach and his farmers will take
anticipates this year’s tomato harvest assistance. He received 45,000 shek- hind after they withdrew from Gaza. care of them. Keeping busy is helping
farms on Oct. 7, aiming to will be about 30% of its normal yield els (around $12,400) for two older In 2018 terrorists launched more workers recover as well.
harm Israel’s food supply nationwide. Known for producing tractors. The new ones he bought on than 800 incendiary balloons from Israel’s first prime minister, David
some of the world’s sweetest toma- credit cost 360,000 shekels (nearly Gaza, setting fire to 6,100 acres of ag- Ben-Gurion, once said that “Israel’s
and ‘break the community.’ toes, Israel is now importing them. $100,000). He took the financial risk, ricultural land in the Negev. Raids on future lies in the Negev.” Arbel Levin,
Lettuce and onion shortages are ex- he said, because he wants to save the the country’s northern farms and ar- chief business development officer of
pected, and up to 20% of strawberry farm. son in its forests have been regular Mishkey Hanegev Holdings, a consor-
The human tragedy of Oct. 7 still fields were abandoned. Estimates of Ms. Abraham is working to create occurrences. tium of the region’s kibbutzim,
grips the country and is compounded income losses and infrastructure an inventory of equipment stolen Agro-terrorism takes a heavy eco- agrees. He is from Erez, a kibbutz
by another kind of devastation damage total more than $500 million. from the region but isn’t counting on nomic toll and is designed for maxi- with avocado orchards that abut the
Hamas inflicted on Israel. Danielle Moran Freibach, the agricultural the government to replace all that mum psychological and emotional ef- border fence with Gaza. The military
Abraham, executive director of Vol- manager of Nahal Oz, a kibbutz in the was lost. Through her initiative, Re- fect. Hamas didn’t just attack the evacuated the residents of Erez, but
cani International Partnerships, a Negev, spoke to a group of American Grow Israel, she hopes philanthropy land. It attacked Israel’s blooming Mr. Levin insists they will return
nongovernmental organization that philanthropists visiting Israel on Feb. and civil society will help farmers fill desert, a national symbol of innova- when security returns to the area.
addresses global hunger using Israeli 6. Tsahi Idan, his “coffee buddy,” was the gaps. tion and resilience that lies at the “Every meter that they give back to
technological innovation, calls it “ag- kidnapped by Hamas and is still miss- Attacks on Israel’s environment heart of the idea of Israeli statehood. us, we will farm,” he said. “The re-
ricultural terrorism.” ing. Tired but determined, Mr. and natural resources aren’t new. In For now, residents of the western gion is going to flourish again. This is
Terrorists targeted farmland, live- Freibach stood by a field of overripe 1965 the Palestine Liberation Organi- Negev have relocated to Israel’s inte- just the beginning.”
stock, plants and infrastructure as peppers and the charred hulk of a zation’s Fatah division made its ter- rior, but many plan to return. Some
they made their way across the west- million-dollar tractor as he spoke. rorism debut with a failed attempt to kibbutzim have waiting lists of fami- Ms. Sugar writes a column for the
ern Negev, which produces roughly He is trying to rebuild but doesn’t blow up the National Water Carrier lies who want to join. New York Sun and is author of the
70% of the country’s vegetables, 20% have a lot to work with. Hamas broke of Israel, which transfers water from Michal Uziyahu is liaison to the forthcoming novel, “Everything is a
of its fruit and 6% of its milk. “The or stole much of his farm equipment. the Sea of Galilee to other parts of mayor of the Eshkol region, a cluster Little Broken.”

Will Haley’s Voters Save the Day for Biden? Don’t Bet on It
H.W. Bush in 1992, Pat Buchanan the essential decency of Republi- you were governor less than a de- could be terminal to his campaign.
played the happy warrior long after cans they recently denounced as cade ago is unelectable. And there But the choice in November isn’t be-
it was clear he couldn’t win. Sen. right-wing extremists. But we can are grounds for skepticism that the tween the flawed Mr. Trump and
FREE Bernie Sanders kept a flickering expect to hear a lot more from Pres- apparent continuing resistance to some generic candidate. It’s between
EXPRESSION flame alive against Hillary Clinton ident Biden in coming months about Mr. Trump in the Republican pri- Mr. Trump and four more years of
By Gerard Baker through the summer of 2016. how the GOP is no longer the party mary renders him incapable of win- Joe Biden.
Each time, the contentious, ex- of good people like Ms. Haley. Still, ning in November. While Ms. Haley and the media

or hopeful Democrats, Nikki Ha- tended struggle contributed to the her Republican apostasy will end focus relentlessly—with reason—on
ley could be the latest in a long party’s eventual defeat in November. soon enough—probably after next Mr. Trump’s many significant char-
line of kamikaze candidates. Given this record, Ms Haley’s stated week’s 15 Super Tuesday primary Most of them will end up acter failings, polls indicate that vot-
The record of parties that endure intention to keep her campaign for contests. ers care more about the current ad-
a divisive primary fight after the the GOP nomination going following So the more salient question for backing Trump, especially ministration’s governing failings.
identity of their eventual presiden- her heavy defeat in South Carolina Republicans than any damage Ms. after almost four years According to the latest poll from
tial candidate has become obvious is at the weekend looks like good news Haley herself may inflict on Donald Harvard-Harris, on 10 of the most
an unhappy one. Sen. Ted Kennedy for Democrats, even as it is probably Trump is whether the one-third or of the alternative. important issues facing the country,
was repeatedly urged to drop his fatal for her long-term viability as a more of Republican primary voters Mr. Biden gets majority approval on
challenge to President Jimmy Carter leading Republican politician. who have so far withheld their sup- only one—his handling of the Covid
in 1980, but took his fight to the There are few more nauseatingly port from him augurs ill for the For one thing, the former presi- pandemic, hardly a topic of pressing
convention. After inflicting a couple familiar spectacles in politics than party in November. dent has been here before. He won concern in 2024.
of early blows on President George that of Democrats solemnly lauding In Iowa, New Hampshire and now less than half the votes when he se- Of the other nine issues on which
South Carolina, Mr. Trump failed to cured the party’s nomination in 2016 Mr. Biden is under water, for the
win a majority of the votes of inde- but still went on to pull off a narrow first time respondents cite immigra-
pendent voters and moderate Repub- win over Mrs. Clinton. In an admit- tion as the biggest challenge facing
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY licans. In a close contest, if Mr. tedly much wider primary field, he the country, and they give the presi-
Lachlan Murdoch Trump can’t carry these voters in got only 45% of all votes cast in that dent the lowest approval rating of
Executive Chairman, News Corp November, his chances of success are year, and then as now it’s a mistake all, 35%, on the issue.
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Chairman Emeritus, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp vanishingly small. to think that those who didn’t vote “It’s been decades since any issue
Emma Tucker Almar Latour This is the one nagging point of for him in the primary wouldn’t rally but the economy has been the top is-
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher significance in what is otherwise Ms. to the GOP candidate in the general sue affecting voters,” says Mark
Liz Harris, Managing Editor DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: Haley’s continuing exercise in futil- election. Penn, chief executive of Stagwell,
Charles Forelle, Deputy Editor in Chief Daniel Bernard, Chief Experience Officer; ity. On Saturday night, she again in- But more important, there is who runs the poll.
Elena Cherney, News; David Crow, Executive Editor; Mae M. Cheng, EVP, General Manager, Leadership;
Chip Cummins, Newswires; Andrew Dowell, Asia; David Cho, Barron’s Editor in Chief; Jason P. Conti, sisted that her showing reflected abundant reason to think that Mr. In World War II only a small num-
Taneth Evans, Associate Editor; Brent Jones, General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer; trouble for a candidate who can’t Trump’s weakness with independent ber of kamikaze missions were suc-
Dianne DeSevo, Chief People Officer; Jared DiPalma,
Culture, Training & Outreach; Alex Martin, Print
Chief Financial Officer; Frank Filippo, Chief
win the general election. and moderate voters will be eclipsed cessful. Democrats may hope that
& Writing; Michael W. Miller, Features &
Transformation Officer; Artem Fishman, Chief “I’m an accountant,” she said. “I by his opponent’s weakness with the Ms. Haley’s campaign and the sup-
Weekend; Prabha Natarajan, Professional Products;
Bruce Orwall, Enterprise; Philana Patterson,
Technology Officer; David Martin, Chief Revenue know 40% is not 50%. But I also same voters in November. port it gets from voters who refuse
Officer, Business Intelligence; Dan Shar, EVP,
Audio; Amanda Wills, Video General Manager, Wealth & Investing; Ashok Sinha, know 40% is not some tiny group,” If the former president were run- to endorse the party’s inevitable
SVP, Head of Communications; Josh Stinchcomb, she said. “I don’t believe Donald ning against a candidate with a nominee is a zero fighter aimed
Paul A. Gigot
Editor of the Editorial Page
EVP & Chief Revenue Officer, WSJ | Barron’s Trump can beat Joe Biden.” strong governing record in a climate right at the engine room of the USS
Group; Sherry Weiss, Chief Marketing Officer
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
It takes some chutzpah to say in which voters were even half-satis- Donald Trump. Don’t be surprised if
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 that the man who has just beaten fied with the country’s condition, his this one falls harmlessly into the
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES you by 20 points in the state where attenuated appeal to independents ocean.
A16 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Soldier Marks
Decade at War
Alen Dudnik has worried that waning support
from the U.S. is handing Rus-
been fighting the sia an advantage in ammuni-
Russians since he tion that is hard to counter.
But Dudnik says he is deter-
was 18 years old mined to keep fighting—so his
6-year-old son won’t have to.
BY JAMES MARSON Dudnik was born in a vil-
lage in southeastern Ukraine.

PETROPAVLIVKA, Ukraine— His interest in the military

Ukrainian soldier Alen Dudnik was spurred by Russian pro-
has spent almost his entire paganda films about the war
adult life at war. Now 28, Dud- in Chechnya. “Back then, we
nik started fighting Russia a were zombified,” he said.
decade ago when the Kremlin A few months after enlist-
seized Crimea and started ing in 2014, he was deployed
stirring up trouble in eastern with the 25th Airborne Bri-
Ukraine. He is still at it, on the gade to the border in March
front line near the occupied as Russia gathered troops
eastern city of Bakhmut. around Ukraine and threat-
When I first met Dudnik in ened to invade as it pursued
2014, he was sitting broodily its annexation of Ukraine’s Ukrainian soldier Alen Dudnik, seen in January, is worried that waning support from the U.S. is handing Russia an advantage.
atop his armored vehicle as Crimea peninsula.
curious civilians peppered him At first, it was difficult to second time,” he said. ing, his commander gave him a Then he heard the plane. small Russian aerial drones
with questions and Russian process for Dudnik, who like He began to carry a U.S.- fresh batch of Soviet-era Igla-1 He yelled at the camera crew that either detonate them-
troops hovered a few miles most had never expected to made Stinger, even though he rockets even though they were to get out of the way. He selves or drop explosives. One
away across the border. He fight against Russia. “It’s hard hadn’t trained on that air-de- marked as defective. Another couldn’t acquire the target in got through recently and
warned that if Russia picked a to imagine war against our fense system and learned how soldier gave him a launching manual mode, so he switched dropped a grenade on Dud-
fight, “we’ll respond, and it brothers,” he said at the time. to use it by watching videos mechanism captured from the to automatic and the missile nik’s team as they were arriv-
won’t be pretty.” That earlier affinity for on his cellphone. The first Russians. launched. The plane slowed ing at their position. The
The contours of Dudnik’s life Russia is long gone. time he fired it in October, he Dudnik stationed himself on down as it started to turn and shrapnel spattered his ruck-
have been shaped by Ukraine’s “We are on our land and we missed. “I screwed up,” he the seventh floor. The windows tried to pick up speed to sack, sparing him injury but
bloody decade under assault have to defend it,” he said re- said. had been blown evade the missile. The pilot leaving him picking metal
from Russia. Now a sergeant, cently. “We don’t need Rus- Russian out by a tank released chaff to try to con- chunks out of the salami he
he sports a beard, bears a few sian boots on our land.” troops took the round that had fuse the missile, but it was too had been carrying.
lines on his face and winces at In early 2022, Russia town in Decem- He shot down a hit days earlier, late. The missile slammed into Even getting to the front is
loud music following several launched a full-scale invasion. ber, and Dudnik Russian exposing him to the plane. The pilot ejected. a challenge these days, requir-
concussions. He is a survivor of Dudnik re-enlisted, this time was sent on a freezing draft. Dudnik was congratulated by ing a fight through mud often
the brutal fighting around with the 93rd Mechanized Bri- leave, followed warplane with a He drew the commanders and feted on tele- in civilian vehicles that sol-
Bakhmut. He gained national gade. Now a sergeant, Dudnik by training and curtain to avoid vision. But there was no video diers purchased with help
prominence last year when he saw his first major action in a return to ac-
shoulder-fired being seen and evidence of him firing the mis- from friends and relatives.
shot down a Russian warplane September in Soledar, a salt- tion in missile. looked through sile, so he missed out on the re- After his years of service,
with a shoulder-fired missile, mining town that abuts Bakhmut in a tiny peephole ward of just over $3,000. Dudnik suffers from heart
and I got back in touch. Bakhmut. January 2023. cut in the cloth. After leave, his unit re- trouble and a bad back as well
Dudnik has seen Russian A missile hit the headquar- Last March, “Readiness turned to a front-line village as the effects of several con-
soldiers kill comrades an ters he was guarding, causing Dudnik and his unit were at an 1,” came a message over the near Bakhmut called Klishchi- cussions.
arm’s length away and devas- the roof to collapse and crush- apartment block targeting Rus- radio. That meant a Russian ivka. For now, they are hold- “There’s a bit of gunpowder
tate parts of Ukraine but still ing two soldiers nearby. He got sian warplanes that were warplane had been spotted on ing off Russian assaults de- left,” he said. “But it’s slowly
fail to subdue it. His father out largely unscathed save for launching bombing runs on radar, so Dudnik raised the spite being severely running out.”
and brother, who also fought cuts and concussion that left Ukrainian infantry in the city. A Igla onto his shoulder. After 15 outnumbered and low on am- —Ievgeniia Sivorka
in 2014, have been injured and him sensitive to loud noises. camera crew from national tele- minutes, his shoulder was go- munition. Dudnik now spends and Oksana Grytsenko
can no longer fight. Now, he is “It was like being born a vision tagged along. That morn- ing numb, so he put it down. much of his time targeting contributed to this article.

WORLD WATCH Iran Cuts Stockpile

Of Weapons Material,
Defying Expectations
BY LAURENCE NORMAN tions” in Tehran’s stockpile.
“We do not see or take this as
VIENNA—Iran reduced its a fundamental indication of a
stockpile of near-weapons- trend,” he said.
grade nuclear material even as Iran still has enough near-
it continued expanding its weapons-grade material to
overall nuclear program, the fuel almost three nuclear
United Nations’ atomic watch- weapons, underlining its sta-
dog said on Monday, marking tus as a threshold nuclear-
a surprise step that could ease weapon state.
tensions with Washington. There was no immediate
The move comes at a mo- comment on the reports from

ment when Iran and the U.S. U.S. officials.

have sought to avoid direct Last year, as part of an at-
confrontation in the regional tempted de-escalation of ten-
conflict that grew out of sions between Washington
Hamas’s terrorist attack on Is- and Tehran, Iran significantly
rael on Oct. 7 and Israel’s ag- slowed its buildup of 60%-en-
gressive response. riched uranium. However, at
However, Iran-backed mili- the time, Iran didn’t even go
tias have attacked U.S. forces as far as Washington had
in the region and the U.S. and hoped: that Iran would stop
U.K. are conducting strikes on adding to its 60% stockpile.
the Houthis in Yemen, a pro- The de-escalation efforts,
Iran group that has been at- which grew out of indirect
tacking international vessels talks between the U.S. and
in the Red Sea. Iran hosted by Oman, col-
SOWING SEEDS OF CHANGE: Tractors were stationed near a building mural reading ‘The future is Europe’ during a farmers’ Iran’s decision to reduce its lapsed after Hamas attacked
protest in Brussels on Monday over environmental rules, competition from cheap imports and low incomes. stockpile of 60%-enriched ura- Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200
nium over the past 3½ Israelis. The attack drew
JAPAN AFGHANISTAN ETHIOPIA GRENADA months, by deliberately dilut- praise from Iran’s leaders.
ing the material by mixing it The IAEA said Iran had re-
Consumer Prices Taliban Hold French Journalist U.S. Couple Likely with low-grade 2% material, is duced its stockpile of 60%-en-
Grow but Slowly Public Execution Has Been Detained Dead After Hijack the first time the International riched uranium by 6.8 kilo-
Japan’s consumer prices The Taliban held a public A French journalist has An older U.S. couple whose Atomic Energy Agency has re- grams, to 121.5 kilograms,
rose at the slowest pace in execution on Monday of a been detained in Ethiopia catamaran was hijacked last ported a quarterly drop in since late October.
nearly two years in January man convicted of murder in while visiting the country for a week in the Caribbean by Tehran’s highly enriched stock- U.S. officials say it would
but came in above expecta- northern Afghanistan as thou- recent African Union summit, three escaped prisoners were pile since Iran started produc- take Iran less than two weeks
tions, backing views that the sands watched at a sports his employer said on Monday. likely thrown into the ocean ing 60% material in 2021. to convert that amount into
central bank will exit its neg- stadium, the third such death Antoine Galindo, a Paris- and died, police in Grenada Iran carried out the dilu- weapons-grade 90%-enriched
ative interest-rate policy, al- sentence to be carried out in based correspondent for the said on Monday. tions twice since the start of material. By the IAEA’s defini-
beit cautiously. the past five days. Africa Intelligence website, The announcement is a the year. Last summer, it also tion, Iran needs a minimum of
Overall consumer prices The execution took place was detained in the capital blow to those who were inde- diluted a small amount of 60% 42 kilograms of uranium en-
rose 2.2% from a year earlier in the city of Shibirghan, the Addis Ababa on Thursday by pendently helping search for material. riched to 60% to make a nu-
in January, mainly due to capital of northern Jawzjan plainclothes security officers, Ralph Hendry and Kathy Bran- Iran, which says its nuclear clear bomb.
lower energy prices, govern- province, where the brother the news outlet’s publisher, del and had hoped they were program is for purely peace- The reports showed that
ment data showed Tuesday. of the murdered man shot Indigo Publications, said. still alive. ful, civilian purposes, is the Iran continued to build up its
That marked the slowest the convict five times with a Galindo had arrived in Don McKenzie, police com- only country without nuclear overall stockpile of enriched
pace of growth since March rifle, according to a witness, Ethiopia this month to report missioner of the Royal Gre- weapons that produces 60%- uranium. In particular, Tehran
2022 and was down from the who said that security was on an annual African Union nada Police Force, said the enriched uranium. grew its stockpile of 20%-en-
2.6% increase seen in Decem- tight. summit and had a visa au- three prisoners escaped on The confidential IAEA re- riched uranium by over 25%,
ber but still above the Bank It was also the fifth public thorizing him to work as a Feb. 18 from the South Saint ports on Iran, circulated to to 712 kilograms. Iran could
of Japan’s 2% inflation target. execution since the Taliban journalist, the publisher said. George Police Station. They hi- member states on Monday, de- turn that material into weap-
Weakening inflation would seized power in Afghanistan He has been accused of jacked the catamaran “Sim- scribed a clearly expanding ons-grade material in a couple
make it difficult for the Bank in August 2021 as U.S. and “conspiracy to create chaos in plicity” on Feb. 19 and headed nuclear program and detailed of months, experts say.
of Japan to make a signifi- NATO troops were in the fi- Ethiopia,” the publisher said. to St. Vincent and the Grena- Tehran’s continued refusal to U.S. officials have said Iran
cant policy shift, economists nal weeks of their withdrawal Galindo was detained at dines, where they were ar- cooperate with the agency on could field a nuclear weapon
say. Many expect the BOJ to from the country after two Addis Ababa’s Ethiopian Sky- rested last Wednesday, he basic issues, such as banning within several months. How-
end negative interest rates decades of war. light Hotel, where he was in- said. some of the IAEA’s inspectors ever, they have said there is
this spring. The Taliban began carrying terviewing Bate Urgressa, the “Information suggests that from the country. currently no evidence that
The central bank’s policy out severe punishments in spokesperson of the Oromo while traveling between Gre- IAEA Director General Ra- Iran is working on weaponiz-
board is scheduled to hold its public—executions, floggings Liberation Front opposition nada and St Vincent, they dis- fael Grossi said in an inter- ing a bomb despite recent
next policy-setting meeting and stonings—shortly after party, according to the Com- posed of the occupants,” view that Iran’s reduction of comments by Iranian officials
on March 18-19. coming to power. mittee to Protect Journalists. McKenzie said. highly enriched uranium rep- hinting that they have mas-
—Megumi Fujikawa —Associated Press —Associated Press —Associated Press resented “marginal oscilla- tered most of the process.
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Bond Market Losing Key Stabilizer Chevron

Says Hess
Falling balances in Overnight reverse repurchase transactions at Federal Reserve Money-market fund assets†

reverse repo program

presage a trying
$2.5 trillion $6 trillion
Deal May
period for Treasurys 2.0 RECESSION
Be Undone
By Exxon
1.5 5

Participation is dwindling
in a Federal Reserve program
that has helped the U.S. gov- BY COLLIN EATON
ernment limit its borrowing 0.5 4
costs, a development that Chevron warned investors
many investors say presages Monday that Exxon Mobil and
higher interest rates and 0 China’s Cnooc are asserting
larger swings in the $26 tril- Feb. 2021 ’22 ’23 ’24 they have a right to pre-empt
lion Treasury market. the company’s bid for a stake
The overnight reverse re- in a prolific oil project off
purchase facility, known on Bank reserves as a share of total bank assets* Guyana, an emerging dispute
Wall Street as reverse repo, 20% that could derail Chevron’s
enables large financial firms megadeal for Hess.
such as money-market funds 18 Fed Markets Current Chevron said in a regula-
to briefly swap extra cash for starts disrupted, runoff 2 tory filing that Exxon and
high-quality securities on the runoff Fed intervenes begins Cnooc say they have the right
central bank’s balance sheet 16 to counter Chevron’s offer for
and pocket some interest. Hess’s stake in the Guyana
The Fed program has been 14 project, which Exxon operates
used heavily in recent years, 1 and is one of the largest oil
at one point hitting $2.5 tril- 12 finds in years. Chevron
lion of daily balances, but warned investors it may not
that number has shrunk 10 complete its purchase of Hess
steadily and recently fell be- “within the time frame the
low $500 billion. company anticipates or at all.”
8 0
Many analysts and portfolio Much of the value in Chev-
managers expect use of the 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 ’24 2008 ’10 ’15 ’20 ’24 ron’s $53 billion all-stock ac-
program to continue to de- *Weekly data through Feb. 7 †Weekly data through Feb. 21 quisition of Hess proposed
cline, which they say is likely Sources: Federal Reserve (Overnight reverse repurchase transactions, bank reserves); Investment Company Institute (money-market funds) last year was tied to the
to constrain the functioning of smaller New York oil com-
an important shock absorber tility and a fresh rise in inter- night facility waiting to be de- economy. A committee that abled the government to keep pany’s 30% stake in an Exxon-
in the market for U.S. Trea- est rates in the market that ployed,” said Michael de Pass, advises the Treasury sug- long-term interest rates rela- led drilling consortium in
sury securities. The govern- underpins the global financial global head of rates trading at gested last fall that the heap tively low despite the quicken- Guyanese waters. The partner-
ment is facing higher interest system. Citadel Securities. of money-market fund cash ing drumbeat of U.S. debt is- ship has expanded oil produc-
costs as it attempts to fund a “It is undoubtedly easier Though obscure, reverse sitting at the Fed could fi- suance. tion far faster than most off-
growing deficit, and observers for the market to absorb bill repo has long been at the cen- nance a flood of short-term Sales of Treasury bills, shore oil projects and expects
say lower balances in the pro- supply if you have a large ter of the operation of the fi- bill issuance—an unusual shift which mature in a year or to pump over 1 million barrels
gram could mean higher vola- amount of cash in an over- nancial system and the U.S. that in recent months has en- Please turn to page B2 a day in coming years.
The development is a po-
tential blow to Chevron’s larg-

Investors Flock
est acquisition in years,
though it isn’t clear if Exxon
and Cnooc will make a coun-
teroffer. At this point, they are

Back to Biotech
only asserting it is their right
to do so.
Chevron spokesman Braden
Reddall said Chevron and Hess

After Cold Spell don’t believe a right of first

refusal applies to the Hess
deal. Chevron said the compa-
nies have engaged in “con-
structive discussions,” and
BY JENNIFER CALFAS a change from prior years though Chevron said the deal

when unproven drugs found might fall apart, it believes

The deep freeze in biotech success entering the market. the talks will “result in an
is beginning to thaw. Companies filling up with outcome” that wouldn’t delay
About half a dozen biotech- cash also include firms chas- or prevent the deal.
nology companies have gone ing some of the hottest areas “We are fully committed to
public since the start of 2024, in biotech research, such as the transaction,” Reddall said.
with some raising hundreds of cancer, weight loss and non- “There is no possible scenario
millions of dollars. The jump- opioid pain treatment. in which Exxon or Cnooc
start to the new year is a wel- Kyverna Therapeutics could acquire Hess’s interest
come sign for the industry af- raised more than $337 mil- in Guyana as a result of the
ter a challenging two years lion in net proceeds during Chevron-Hess transaction.”
fueled by layoffs, scientific its recent market debut to If the talks fall apart, Chev-
hurdles and rising interest fund work developing the Arthur Mensch’s Mistral AI is valued at just above $2 billion nine months after it launched. ron said in a regulatory filing,
rates, investors say. Fewer company’s autoimmune-dis- it or Hess could choose to
than 20 companies went pub-
lic in both 2022 and 2023.
Biotechs have attracted
more than $6 billion in follow-
ease drugs, Chief Executive
Peter Maag said. Kyverna
uses the cellular-therapy
technology known as CAR-T,
Microsoft-Backed AI Startup have Hess’s Guyana subsidiary
pursue arbitration. A Hess
spokeswoman referred inqui-
ries to Chevron, and Cnooc
on financing from the start of
the year through mid-Febru-
ary, which Jefferies analysts
which has shown success in
some cancers.
“It took us five years to be-
Challenges Technology Giants didn’t respond to a request for
The dispute boils down to
say is a record-setting pace— come an overnight success,” the terms of a joint operating
one that has already exceeded Maag said. “The reception was BY SAM SCHECHNER build and commercialize ad- U.S. will necessarily dominate. agreement, or JOA, signed
each quarterly amount re- phenomenal.” vanced AI systems. “I’ve always regretted that more than a decade ago,
corded since the second quar- High interest rates, a spotty PARIS—This time last year, Mensch’s startup, called Mis- there was no Big Tech in Eu- which governs the consor-
ter of 2021. deal market and Wall Street’s Arthur Mensch was 30, still tral AI, is challenging the con- rope,” Mensch said at Mistral tium. Hess had entered the
Venture capitalists have in- lower appetite for risk had employed at a Google unit here, ventional wisdom that the win- AI’s Paris office. “I think this is JOA in 2014 when it pur-
vested $3.2 billion in biotechs pushed biotech into the dol- and artificial intelligence had ners of the AI race will emerge our chance to become one.” chased its stake from Shell.
this year through the middle drums during the past two just started to take off in the from among the tech industry’s Mensch’s company, which Some JOAs allow existing
of February, compared with years. Startups pulled back on public consciousness. U.S. giants. It has attracted in- has raised just over $500 mil- partners, like Exxon, to partic-
about $3 billion during the seeking new funding or going Since then, generative AI terest from clients and inves- lion from investors including ipate in ownership changes
same period in 2023, accord- public. Just 17 venture-capi- that can converse—and possi- tors, including Microsoft, which Andreessen Horowitz, remains and pre-empt an offer for an
ing to data from research firm tal-backed biotechs went pub- bly reason—like humans has on Monday said it is adding tiny compared with the Goli- ownership stake with an offer
PitchBook. lic in 2022, and a further 18 become the most talked-about Mistral’s new model as an op- aths of the industry. Microsoft- of their own.
“The healthy market is made the move in 2023—a technology breakthrough in de- tion for developers on its Azure backed OpenAI and Alphabet’s Exxon spokeswoman Emily
back,” said Jordan Saxe, head significant drop compared cades. And the startup Mensch cloud service. As part of the Google are pouring billions of Mir said the conversations
of healthcare listings at Nas- with the 88 companies that left Google to launch, now nine multiyear deal, Microsoft will dollars into training the latest with Hess and Chevron are set
daq, “and it’s not just a fad.” took the plunge in 2021 and 66 months old, is valued at take a small stake in Mistral. AI systems, leveraging their ac- to continue, and that the com-
Among the startups draw- in 2020, according to Pitch- slightly more than $2 billion. Mensch, who founded the cess to the specialized chips pany is working with the Guy-
ing interest from investors are Book. Companies also cut back The velocity of change re- company with two engineering- needed to build such systems anese government on the mat-
those further along in devel- spending, leading to layoffs. flects the frenzy—and fear— school friends, doesn’t think and the fat balance sheets ter.
oping their drug treatments— Please turn to page B2 that surrounds the efforts to scale is essential—or that the Please turn to page B4 Please turn to page B11

INSIDE Market Darling Nvidia Is Also Hot Employer

Nvidia’s blockbuster growth note that even new hires are whose products are used daily fuels a constant pursuit of in-
has created millionaires inside quickly put on important proj- by millions—Apple, Tesla, novation. Users of Blind, an
and outside the company. The ects. The hefty pay packages— Meta Platforms and Google— anonymous chat forum popu-
chip company’s stock is also half of employees made more Nvidia isn’t a household name. lar with many tech workers,
rising among prospective em- than $228,000 in 2023—don’t The company’s 30,000 em- ranked Nvidia founder Jensen
hurt either. Recruiters in the ployees, who call themselves Huang first among chief exec-
By Katherine Bindley, semiconductor industry say “Nvidians,” tend to possess a utives, with a 96% approval
Lindsay Ellis and Nvidia has long been a desir- mix of hard-to-find engineer- rating.
Isabelle Bousquette able place to work, but now— ing skills and a drive that one Searches for roles at the
as the company’s stock nears former employee compares to company have risen quickly on
ployees, for whom a job at the $800 a share—prying staff to rats chasing cheese in a maze. job-search platform Indeed
Santa Clara, Calif.-based cam- defect to competitors is near Former Nvidians who went while they have flattened or
pus ranks among the most- impossible. on to start their own compa- dropped among other major
BUSINESS NEWS AEROSPACE wanted berths in tech. “They’re like Facebook in nies say Nvidia has retained a tech companies. Colleges say
Railroad Independent panel Nvidia’s stability and com- 2014,” says Tom Case, who startup culture through years students now refer to Nvidia
manding position in supplying runs Atticus Growth Partners, of growth. Young hires are as a dream job, and the com-
Norfolk Southern says Boeing’s the chips needed to power a recruiting firm that staffs thrown into big projects with pany received seven times as
moves to counter safety efforts vast artificial-intelligence sys- several of Nvidia’s competi- real responsibilities, they say, many internship applications
activists. B3 fall short. B6 tems are a draw for tech tal- tors. and paranoia about losing sta- in January 2024 as in January
ent, and former employees Unlike tech companies tus as a leading AI company Please turn to page B6
B2 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople in

Scion of Prominent Banking House

today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A Exxon Mobil.................................B1 OpenAI..............................................B1

Advanced Micro- F Philip Morris International

Left to Form His Own Potent Trust

Fabrication EquipmentB12 .............................................................B12
Alaska Airlines.........................B6 Pinduoduo..................................B12
H Publicis Groupe.....................B10
Alphabet................................B1,B11 Hess....................................................B1 S
Altria...............................................B12 I Salesforce.....................................B4,B12 Interpublic..................................B10 Samsung Electronics........B10
Intuitive Machines................A2 Semiconductor BY SIMON CLARK Rothschild, over the scope of
ASML.............................................B12 J Manufacturing the family’s interests. Jacob
Avis Budget...............................B11 JPMorgan Chase..................B10
Jacob Rothschild, a promi- proposed a merger with an-
B K Snap.................................................B11 nent member of his family’s other London bank, S.G. War-
Berkshire Hathaway..........B11 KKR.....................................................B3 SRS Investment banking dynasty who wielded burg, which would have re-
BioAge Labs................................B2 Kroger................................................A1 Management........................B11 power in the spheres of fi- sulted in the family losing
Boeing..............................................B6 Kyverna Therapeutics.........B1 Starbucks.......................................B3 nance and philanthropy, has control.
Booking...........................................B2 L T
Brave Software........................B4 died at 87. “Two Rothschilds on the
Latigo Biotherapeutics......B2
British American Tobacco Li Auto............................................B4
Tesla...........................................B1,B4 The Rothschild Foundation, scene gives rise to utter con-
Texas Roadhouse...................B3
M Tokyo Electron.......................B12
a charitable group, announced fusion,” Evelyn de Rothschild
Broadcom......................................B3 his death on Monday. declared in 1980.
BYD....................................................B4 McDonald’s...................................B3 V
Meta Platforms.........A1,B1,B4 Jacob Rothschild, a fixture That year, Jacob Rothschild
C Vertex Pharmaceuticals...B2
Microsoft..............................B1,B10 of London’s financial firma- left N.M. Rothschild. He led
CG Oncology...............................B2 W
Mistral AI.......................................B1 ment, battled with family the development of the sepa-
MPM BioImpact......................B2 Walmart..........................................A1
Chipotle Mexican Grill.......B3 Walt Disney........................B4,B6
members over rate Rothschild Investment
Citigroup......................................B10 N the future of Trust, a fund that raised
Cnooc.................................................B1 Netflix.............................................B11
Warner Bros. Discovery...B6 OBITUARY
Wayfair.........................................B12 JACOB the Roth- money outside the family and
D-E News Corp...................................B6
ROTHSCHILD schild’s bank- acquired a range of assets
Dell Technologies................B10 X ing businesses. spanning oil companies and
Domino's Pizza...............B3,B11
Norfolk Southern....................B3 1936-2024
Eli Lilly.............................................B2
Nvidia........................A1,B1,B4,B11 XPeng...............................................B4 He maintained hotels. The fund was later re-
Etsy..................................................B12 O-P Y a network of named RIT Capital Partners.
Expedia............................................B2 Omnicom.....................................B10 Yum Brands................................B3 influential friends and associ- Another arm of the business
ates through his long career became the British wealth-
and philanthropic activities management company St.
INDEX TO PEOPLE that spanned Jewish causes
and the arts.
James’s Place.
In 2012, RIT struck a deal
Rothschild served as a to buy a stake in Rockefeller

A Greenbaum, David.................B4 Musk, Elon...................................A8 member of the council of then Financial Services, after talk-
Altman, Sam..............................B4 Greenfield, Matthew...........B4 Nollen, Tim................................B10 Prince Charles’s Duchy of ing for years with his old
Amin, Tarang...........................A10 Guo, Sarah...................................B4 Olczak, Jacek............................B12
Gwinn, Blake..............................B2 Pass, Michael de.....................B1 Cornwall estate and as deputy friend David Rockefeller, the
Anderson, Richard.................B3
Arthur, Doug..............................B6 H R chairman of Rupert Murdoch’s scion of another wealthy fam-
B Healy, John.................................B11 Raghavan, Viswas..............B10 U.K. satellite broadcaster ily, about working together. In
Babej, Peter..............................B10
Huang, Jensen....................A1,B1 Read, Mark................................B10 BSkyB. He was close to former 1989, he backed an abortive
Barber, Jim Jr............................B3 K S U.S. Secretary of State Henry Rothschild & Sons, the family decades the Rothschilds be- $21 billion hostile bid by the
Bardon, Christiana.................B2 Krakowsky, Philippe...........B10 Sadoun, Arthur......................B10 Kissinger. bank in London, in 1963. came one of the world’s corporate raider James Gold-
Bondy, Brian...............................B4 L Sarma, Karthik........................B11 Lord Rothschild was born The Rothschild family trace wealthiest and most powerful smith for the company now
Boychuk, Jamie........................B3 Lacroix, Timothée..................B4 Saxe, Jordan................................B1 on April 29, 1936, in Berkshire, the origins of their name to a banking families, financing in- known as British American
Boyd, Eric......................................B4 Shah, Niraj.................................B12
Buffet, Warren.........................B4
Lample, Guillaume................B4 England. He attended Eton house in Frankfurt’s Jewish dustrialists, monarchs and Tobacco.
Lewis, Caroline.......................B10 Shaw, Alan...................................B3
Burns, Michael.......................B10 Lockhart, Michael...................B3 Silverman, Josh.....................B12 College before studying his- ghetto occupied by their 16th- governments. Rothschild was chairman of
C-G M-P Stagliano, Nancy.....................B2 tory at the University of Ox- century ancestors. A sign During the Napoleonic the U.K.’s National Gallery
Case, Tom......................................B1 V-Z ford. In 1961 he married Ser- hung outside of a red shield— Wars, the London branch from 1985 to 1991. He served
Maag, Peter.................................B1
Choi, Brian..................................B11 Meneret, David.......................B11 Vachhani, Aakar....................B10 ena Mary Dunn. They had zum roten Schild. smuggled gold across the Eng- for almost 30 years as chair-
Daniels, Mitchell Jr...............B3 Mensch, Arthur.........................B1 Weiner, Russell.........................B3 three daughters—Hannah, Two centuries later, Mayer lish Channel to finance the man of Yad Hanadiv, the fam-
Devnani, Nikhil.......................B12 Miles, Amy...................................B3 Wirth, Mike................................B11 Beth and Emily—and a son, Amschel Rothschild—Jacob’s Duke of Wellington’s troops. ily foundation that funded the
Ellison, Larry..............................A8 Minnihan, Erica Duignan Wren, John................................B10
Ferrazzi, Keith.........................A10 .............................................................B10 Yee, Michael................................B2
Nathaniel. His wife died in great, great, great, great In the late 1970s, Roth- building of the Israeli parlia-
Fraser, Jane..............................B10 Moore, Stephanie.................B11 Yeo, Danny................................B10 2019. grandfather—founded a bank schild clashed with his father, ment and supreme court in
Granet, Jason............................B2 Murdoch, Lachlan..................B6 Zuckerberg, Mark...................A8 Rothschild joined N.M. in Frankfurt. In the following Victor, and a cousin, Evelyn de Jerusalem.

Bond Trade Expedia to Cut

penses in the federal budget. funds have pulled cash out of the type of environment peo-
For now, the U.S. has been reverse repo and back into ple usually want more Trea-
able to keep investors happy. the economy, counteracting surys.”

Losing Key In November, the Treasury De-

partment maneuvered around
buyers’ concerns over the lim-
that tightening. Officials are
eager to avoid reserves be-
coming substantially scarcer,
Much of the reverse-repo
flows are also a function of
the record cash investors have
Workforce by 9%
Stabilizer its of investor demand for which would increase the risk plowed into money-market

Amid Overhaul
long-dated Treasurys by sell- of snafus in the multitrillion- funds, which now hold more
ing an unusually large amount dollar cash markets that can than $6 trillion in assets. Lim-
of bills, allaying market fears cascade into the broader fi- ited to highly rated short-term
Continued from page B1 that demand for U.S. debt was nancial system. Lehman investments such as Treasury
less, surged during the pan- waning. Brothers’ collapse in 2008, bills and repurchase transac-
demic and then again in 2023. Fed officials have viewed the Fed’s attempt at quantita- tions, money funds parked a
There is now nearly $6 trillion lower use of the reverse repo tive tightening in 2019 and chunk of those inflows at the BY SABELA OJEA after the company’s forecast
of T-bills in the market, up facility as a the onset of Fed. They now earn a 5.3% an- for travel reservations disap-
from less than $2 trillion at positive sign Covid-19 are all nualized rate overnight with Expedia is reducing its pointed the market.
the end of 2017. that excess top of mind. the safest counterparty global head count by 1,500 Expedia’s restructuring
That might seem like a cash is making Decline of the The Fed is ex- around. employees, or roughly 9%, as move follows the news of the
technical development, but it its way to more facility is seen pected to slow Blake Gwinn, RBC Capital part of its organizational and coming departure of Peter
is anything but for players in attractive op- the pace of Markets’ head of U.S. rates technological transformation. Kern, who has served as chief
the global bond market. All portunities in as a sign excess quantitative strategy, said he expects The online travel company executive since 2020, after the
this short-term debt will need the market. tightening this roughly $100 billion to $200 on Monday said it expects to company reported lower-than-
to be refinanced at higher Once reverse
cash is moving year so it can billion to remain in the Fed’s book pretax charges and cash expected gross bookings in the
rates at the same time the Fed repo has mostly elsewhere. watch for po- reverse repo facility over expenditures of $80 million to December quarter.
has been lifting benchmark in- drained, the tential strains. time. Should the Fed cut $100 million as a result of the On Feb. 8, the company
terest rates. While selling bills Fed expects the Not everyone rates, it will immediately be- cuts. posted a net profit of $132
allows the government to banking system thinks a gin paying less to reverse The company has already million, or 92 cents a share,
raise cash quickly, the bills to begin losing reserves. A smaller reverse repo cash pile repo investors. Having a started to notify employees af- from $177 million, or $1.11 a
soon come due, forcing diffi- bank uses reserves, a form of is much of an issue. source of overnight cash is fected by the restructuring share, a year earlier. Analysts
cult decisions on how to raise electronic cash, to manage “Bills can be a plug for the another plus. program. As of Dec. 31, Expe- polled by FactSet expected
funds again. transactions between itself, its government, as financing “The Treasury takes a very dia had 17,100 employees per-share earnings of $1.12.
Many bond investors say customers, other banks and needs move around based on long time horizon—they’re across more than 50 coun- Expedia’s gross bookings
the Treasury Department will the central bank. tax collections and spending thinking about how much it’ll tries. rose 6% to $21.67 billion in the
eventually have to come to While the central bank has needs,” said Jason Granet, cost to fund the government Last week, shares of com- quarter, but came below ana-
grips with how it plans to pay been trying to tighten bank- chief investment officer at over a 10- to 30-year period,” petitor Booking Holdings fell lysts’ estimates of $22 billion.
its bondholders over the long ing conditions to help cool BNY Mellon. “Even if you get a said Gwinn. “I don’t think
haul, as interest payments be- the economy and therefore recession that demands more they’re very concerned about
come one of the largest ex- inflation, money-market government spending, that’s losing demand for bills.”

Investors For a Company

Flock Back This Old, We Move
To Biotech Pretty Fast.
Continued from page B1
Some closed.
Fortunes began changing at
the end of last year, when big
pharmaceutical companies
made a flurry of deals and in-
vestors anticipated cuts to in-
terest rates. Pent-up demand
also contributed.
“We’re on a reasonable pace
to definitely exceed last year,
which is a low, low bar,” said
Christiana Bardon, co-manag-
ing partner of biotechnology

investment firm MPM BioIm-

pact, about initial public offer-
ings of stock.
The kinds of companies BioAge Labs, which specializes in obesity drugs, announced $170 million in new funding.
drawing interest from inves-
tors have changed from earlier clinical trial phase, raised pany benefited from recent If the money that flowed
periods. Now, investors are about $180 million in net pro- positive late-stage study re- into biotech keeps up the
looking for companies further ceeds during its market debut sults for a separate nonopioid pace, follow-on financing dur-
along in developing their treat- shortly after. pain-drug candidate from Ver- ing the rest of the quarter
ments—ones with drug candi- Biotechs working in buzzy tex Pharmaceuticals that is could beat the $11 billion gar-
dates in later-stage human areas are also attracting inter- part of a new class of medi- nered in the first quarter of
testing and results from the est. BioAge Labs, a clinical- cines targeting molecular 2021, the highest quarter in
studies coming relatively soon. stage biotech specializing in mechanisms involved in feeling recent years, said Jefferies
CG Oncology, which has a drugs for obesity and metabolic pain. biotech analyst Michael Yee.
bladder-cancer treatment in diseases and working with Eli “When we started the com- Still, investors caution When you’ve been
late-stage trials, raised about Lilly, announced $170 million pany, there was still a good these early signs of im-
$400 million in net proceeds in new funding on Feb. 13. amount of risk around the tar- provement might not mean around this long,
during its IPO last month. The Latigo Biotherapeutics was get and around these pathways biotech is entirely out of you build a reputation.
first biotech to go public in launched in mid-February with in general,” Stagliano said. the woods. Optimistic sen-
2024, the company raised more $135 million in funding for its “Now, with time, and with the timents could shift because
Learn about ours.
than it had expected. ArriVent nonopioid painkillers in devel- advancement of the Vertex pro- of potentially slower-than-
BioPharma, a biotech with a opment. Nancy Stagliano, chair gram, that risk has been re- expected cuts to interest
lung-cancer drug in the final of Latigo’s board, said the com- duced.” rates this year.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | B3


Railroad Makes Move to Counter Activists

Norfolk Southern
taps two new board
hopefuls amid proxy
fight targeting CEO


Norfolk Southern is plan-

ning to refresh its board as it
seeks to fend off a share-
holder-activist group waging a
proxy battle against the rail-
road operator.
The company on Monday
revealed a slate of 13 board
nominees, including two new
candidates—Richard Ander-
son, the former chief execu-
tive of Amtrak and Delta Air
Lines, and Heidi Heitkamp, a
former U.S. senator from
North Dakota.
The Wall Street Journal re-
ported this month that an in-
vestor group led by Ancora
Holdings built a roughly $1
billion stake in Norfolk South-
ern and planned to wage a
campaign to shake up the
company’s board and replace
CEO Alan Shaw.
Last week, Ancora revealed
its slate of eight director can-
didates that included former
Ohio Gov. John Kasich. It pro-
posed a new management
team, including former United
Parcel Service Chief Operating The railroad, which is being challenged by Ancora Holdings, nominated (below) former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp and former Amtrak CEO Richard Anderson for its board.
Officer Jim Barber Jr. as CEO,
and former CSX executive Ja- Ancora’s strategy is short- tors in North America by reve- road Administration, said in a
mie Boychuk as COO. sighted and could threaten re- nue. It operates across the public letter addressed to
Norfolk Southern said in its cent progress following the eastern U.S. in 22 states and Shaw last week.
proxy materials that it has ex- derailment of a train carrying in Washington, D.C. The com- Ancora has said it wants
pressed concerns over toxic cargo last year in Ohio. pany’s market capitalization the company to be a “safer,
whether Boychuk could fill the A spokesperson for the An- currently stands at roughly more sustainable railroad that
role, given that he still has a cora-led investor group said it $58 billion. is growing profitably while
noncompete agreement with believes Shaw and the Norfolk Several railroad regulators also yielding more stability for
his prior employer. It has also board “have no credible plan and one union group have said customers and employees.”
warned against his reputation and no viable record to run a change in leadership at Nor- Ancora is expected to publish
in the industry for extreme on.” It also said Anderson pre- folk Southern could hurt re- more details of its strategy in
cost-cutting. The company sided over numerous safety cent efforts to make safety a the coming weeks.
said it is standing behind incidents at Amtrak and “has priority. The battle at Norfolk South-
Shaw, who became CEO in no place on the board.” “Any backsliding, as a re- ern is one of a number of
2022, and his strategy. The Atlanta company, sult of a change in leadership proxy fights headed for share-
“It is imperative the com- which has complained of a or otherwise, on the safety- holder votes in the spring as
pany continues to execute on “stubbornly weak freight mar- oriented path you have laid the season for activists to agi-
its strategy, without interrup- ket,” said it focused on safety added two new members to its meeting. A date for the meet- out and communicated to us tate at companies kicks into
tion or interference,” Norfolk’s and service for much of 2023 board last year. Two current ing hasn’t been set, but is typ- will likely attract renewed high gear. Proxy fights are also
independent board chair, Amy and is aiming to improve pro- members—Mitchell Daniels Jr. ically in the spring. oversight attention from my playing out at Walt Disney Co.,
Miles, said. ductivity this year. and Michael Lockhart—are set Norfolk Southern is among office,” Amit Bose, an admin- Starbucks and Macy’s, to name
Norfolk Southern believes Norfolk Southern already to retire at this year’s annual the five largest railroad opera- istrator at the Federal Rail- a few companies.

KKR to Pay $4 Billion to Acquire

Broadcom Computing Division
BY WILL FEUER The end-user computing di- KKR said it plans to pursue
vision allows organizations to new strategic partnerships for
KKR said it agreed to buy deliver and manage applica- the business while expanding
Broadcom’s end-user comput- tions, desktops and data research-and-development ef-
ing division for about $4 bil- across devices and platforms, forts. KKR also said it plans to
lion, a deal that will see KKR said. The business will invest in go-to-market func-
Broadcom divest itself of a become a stand-alone com- tions with a focus on cus-
unit it inherited through its pany once the deal closes and tomer relationships.
$69 billion acquisition of VM- will continue to be run by its KKR said it expects the deal
ware. existing management team. to close this year.

Domino’s Stock Rises as Orders Grow

BY HEATHER HADDON Domino’s same-store sales, Share and index performance
change from a year earlier over the past year
Domino’s Pizza has two
15% 60%
welcome words for investors:
orders up. Domino’s
The world’s biggest pizza 50
company by stores and sales 10
said Monday that its U.S. 40
same-store sales grew 2.8% in
the three months ended Dec. 30
4Q 2023
31 compared with the same 5
period the year before. Both 20
domestic delivery and carry-
out orders increased during 10
the period, the chain said.
S&P 500
Domino’s shares jumped 0
nearly 6% in Monday’s trading.
Domino’s Chief Executive -5 –10
Officer Russell Weiner said
2021 ’22 ’23 March 2023 ’24
U.S. sales benefited from im-
proved service times, a new Sources: the company (sales); FactSet (performance)
loyalty program providing
deals sooner, and revamped penses as a result of growing than 3% this year, aided by its
advertising. wage rates dragged on profit. loyalty program and a new
“[Our] strategy is already Revenue for the quarter deal with Uber Eats. Domino’s
delivering results,” Weiner was $1.4 billion, up 1% year is now listed on Uber Eats
said during an earnings call. over year, but below analysts’ across its U.S. stores, the com-
Domino’s struggled with a expectations. Net income was pany said.
decline in delivery orders as it $157 million for the quarter, Domino’s said that the con-
strained to fully staff its down around 1% from a year flict in the Middle East and
stores, while Americans earlier. declines in some European
cooked more at home. Domino’s increased its countries, particularly France,
Many restaurant chains this quarterly divi- contributed to a
earnings season said their or- dend by 25% to slowdown in in-
ders are declining as consum- $1.51 a share. ternational
ers pull back on eating out, The com- A number of sales growth.
particularly low-income con- pany’s board of fast-food chains M c D o n a l d ’s ,
sumers struggling with a rise directors this Yum Brands
in food prices. month ap- have said and Starbucks
A handful of chains, includ- proved up to $1 also reported a
ing Chipotle Mexican Grill billion in addi-
their orders decline in
and Texas Roadhouse, re- tional share re- are declining. same-store
ported an increase in cus- purchases. sales last quar-
tomer counts last quarter. Domino’s re- ter as a result
Domino’s on Monday re- affirmed its of Israel’s war
ported earnings per share of long-term guidance given in against Hamas.
$4.48 for the fourth quarter, December of at least 7% an- The chain expects U.S.
exceeding expectations of ana- nual global retail sales growth prices to increase slightly this
lysts polled by FactSet. Dom- and a net increase in 1,100 year, and a bit more in Califor-
ino’s said a rise in orders stores globally per year. nia where the state is increas-
boosted earnings, while higher The company expects U.S. ing minimum wages for fast-
insurance costs and labor ex- same-store sales to grow more food workers in April.
B4 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


BYD Debuts
A $233,000
Sports Car
World’s largest EV seeking to capture more of the
high-end market even as EV
maker’s high-end sales slow globally and com-
Yangwang brand petitors in China trim prices to
attract consumers concerned
shows second model about the state of the economy.
BYD this month said it
BY SHERRY QIN plans to unveil several luxury
vehicles in 2024 and beyond.
BYD’s launch of a $233,000 A recent Normura research
sports car underscores the Chi- note said BYD guidance calls
nese electric-vehicle maker’s for 20% of revenue this year
ambitions to boost its market to come from luxury brands,
share across the buying spec- up from 12% in 2023.
trum, and its hopes that luxury BYD’s sales have been ris-

models can lift its bottom line. ing as it rolls out new models
On Sunday the world’s larg- and cuts prices, helping it de-
est EV maker by sales rolled throne Tesla as the world’s
out the U9, its costliest model biggest EV maker in the final
yet and the second under its quarter of 2023. It has plans
premium Yangwang brand. to launch new models with
Warren Buffett-backed BYD potentially lower pricing un- Li Auto’s improvement in the latest quarter came despite a continuing price war in China with competitors. The Beijing-
targets deliveries for mid-2024. der the BYD brand this week. based automaker said it expects to deliver between 100,000 and 103,000 vehicles in the first quarter of 2024.
At a launch event, it demon- BYD’s stock has yet to ben-

Li Auto Sees Softer Sequential Sales

strated a suspension system efit, with China’s markets
that can lift each corner inde- roiled by economic worries.
pendently and touted a top After BYD on Sunday proposed
speed of 309 kilometers an doubling a share buyback, its

After Profit Surges Year Over Year

hour, or about 192 mph, and a Shenzhen-listed shares gained
0-100 kph time of 2.36 seconds. 1.8% Monday, but they are
Best known in China for down 6.1% this year and 30%
budget-friendly cars, BYD is over the past 12 months.

BY JIAHUI HUANG utility vehicles and other cars second quarter of last year. It Li Auto quarterly revenue
nearly tripled from a year ago guided for revenue of 31.25 40 billion yuan 4Q 2023
Chinese electric-vehicle to 131,805 units. billion yuan to 32.19 billion
maker Li Auto expects a se- Net profit was 5.66 billion yuan, down from the previous
quential drop in deliveries in yuan, up from 256.9 million quarter but up from a year
the first months of 2024, com- yuan a year ago and 2.82 bil- earlier. 30
ing after a blockbuster quarter lion yuan in the third quarter. Monday’s results also
in which sales and profit more The improvement came de- showed Li Auto’s first annual
than doubled during the tail spite a continuing price war in net profit, with a bottom line
end of 2023. China with competitors such of 11.70 billion yuan roundly 20
The Beijing-based company as Tesla, BYD, Nio and XPeng. beating expectations of 8.91

on Monday said its fourth- The company’s fourth-quarter yuan billion in a FactSet poll.
quarter revenue more than gross margin increased to Total revenue in 2023 more 10
doubled from a year earlier to 23.5% from 22% in the prior than doubled to 123.85 billion
41.73 billion yuan, or about quarter. yuan.
$5.8 billion, beating consensus Li Auto said it expects to Li Auto’s 2023 vehicle mar-
estimates for 40.20 billion deliver between 100,000 and gin came in at 21.5%, rising 0
yuan in a poll of analysts by 103,000 vehicles in the first from 19.1% a year earlier. Its 2021 ’22 ’23
BYD foresees beginning deliveries of the Lamborghini-esque, data provider FactSet. Deliver- quarter of 2024, which would 2023 capital expenditure was Note: 1 billion yuan = $139 million
two-door U9, its costliest model so far, in the middle of 2024. ies of Li Auto’s popular sport- be its lowest amount since the 6.51 billion yuan. Sources: S&P Capital IQ; the company

Head of Live-Action Movies

At Disney Studio Steps Down
BY BEN GLICKMAN and 20th Century Studios. prove its streaming margins
The entertainment giant and review creative processes
Sean Bailey, who has over- said that Greenbaum, in the at its studios.
seen live-action movies for newly created role, would lead Searchlight Pictures would
Walt Disney’s namesake stu- a “combined studio group” still be led by president Mat-
dio since 2010, will step down. which would allow for greater thew Greenfield, who stepped
Disney said Monday that collaboration on the com- into the position with Green-
Bailey would be succeeded by pany’s production slate. baum in 2021.
David Greenbaum, former co- The executive reshuffle Disney said that Bailey
president of Disney’s Search- comes as Disney faces pres- would continue as a producer
light Pictures. Greenbaum sure from activist investors. on the company’s “Tron:
would take on the new role of Activist Nelson Peltz has Ares” movie and other proj-
president of Disney live action called on the company to im- ects.

AI Startup his company’s biggest models “Who better to challenge the

Millions to Challenges
cost “much more than” $50
million to $100 million.
In addition to Microsoft,
world’s understanding of scal-
ing laws than one of the people
who helped define them?” said

get there
Mistral also has teamed with Sarah Guo, an early investor in
and sold small stakes to other Mistral through her venture-

Tech Titans companies, including enter-

prise-software company Sales-
capital firm, Conviction.
As the AI race heated up in

minutes faster?
force and Nvidia, maker of the 2022, Mensch said he was dis-
most powerful graphics pro- appointed that big, private AI
Continued from page B1 cessing units used to build AI labs started sharing less with
needed to pay for the electric- systems like Mistral’s. the wider research community.
ity those chips consume. Brave Software made a Once ChatGPT launched, there
Go inside the supercharged race between Mistral, named for a strong free, open-source model from was a race within Google to
Amazon, Target and Walmart to see how wind that blows from France, is Mistral the default to power its match it. Mensch said the team
each retail giant is competing to shave founded in part on the idea that web-browser chatbot, said he worked on went from 10
hours — even minutes — off deliveries. a lot of that money is wasted. Brian Bondy, Brave’s co- people to 30 and then 70.
With these companies investing in fast and Mensch has spent much of founder and chief technology “I think I left just before it
his life figuring out how to officer. He said Brave finds the got too bureaucratic for me,”
free shipping, we’ll unpack the different make AI and machine-learning quality comparable with pro- Mensch said. “I didn’t want to
strategies — and the challenges they will systems more efficient. Early prietary models, and Mistral’s build opaque technology from
face along the way. last year, he joined forces with open-source approach lets within big tech.”
co-founders Timothée Lacroix, Brave control the model locally. Mistral’s initial pitch docu-
WAT C H 32, and Guillaume Lample, 33, Eric Boyd, corporate vice ment to investors last spring
then at Meta Platforms’ artifi- president of Microsoft’s AI decried an “oligopoly shaping
cial-intelligence lab in Paris. platform, said Mistral presents up” led by U.S. companies that
Together, they are betting a test of how far clever engi- sold proprietary models.
that their small team can out- neering can push AI systems. For Mensch and his co-
maneuver Silicon Valley titans Mensch attended some of founders, releasing their initial
by finding more-efficient ways France’s top schools for mathe- AI systems as open-source was
to build and deploy AI systems. matics and machine learning. A an important principle. It was
And they want to do it in part through-line has been trying to also a way to get noticed by de-
by giving away many of their make things more efficient. For velopers and potential clients
AI systems as open-source soft- his doctorate, he worked on eager for more control over the
ware. “We want to be the most scaling up software for analyz- AI they use. Mistral’s most-ad-
capital-efficient company in the ing 3-D brain images. vanced models, including the
world of AI,” Mensch said. Mensch joined the Google AI one unveiled Monday, aren’t
On Monday, Mistral unveiled unit then called DeepMind, available open source.
an AI model called Mistral where he worked on the team “We want to invent new
Large that Mensch said can per- building so-called large lan- things, new architectures,”
form some reasoning tasks com- guage models, the type of AI Mensch said, “and we still
parably with GPT-4, OpenAI’s system that would later power want to have something to sell
most-advanced language model, ChatGPT. By 2022, he was a lead extra to our customers.”
and Google’s new Gemini Ultra. author of a paper about a new
Mensch said his new model AI model, Chinchilla, that
cost less than €20 million, the changed the field’s understand- Watch a Video
equivalent of roughly $22 mil- ing of the relationship among Scan this code
lion, to train. By contrast, Ope- the size of an AI model, how to see how AI
©2024 Dow Jones & Co. Inc. All rights reserved. 3DJ8870
nAI Chief Executive Sam Alt- much data is used to build it is transforming
man said last year after the and how well it performs, air-traffic control
release of GPT-4 that training known as AI scaling laws. towers.
B6 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Panel Says Boeing Safety Efforts Fall Short

After their review, crashed in 2018 and 2019 and
took 346 lives. Accident inves-
industry, government tigators blamed the MAX
experts offer list of crashes largely on a faulty
flight-control system that pi-
53 recommendations lots initially didn’t know about
and weren’t specifically
BY ANDREW TANGEL trained to counteract during
in-flight emergencies.
Boeing’s push to improve The report faulted Boeing
its safety culture after two as falling short with its atten-
737 MAX crashes is falling tion to so-called human fac-
short, according to a panel tors in engineering, which fo-
tasked with reviewing the cus on how pilots work with
plane maker’s practices fol- the planes they are flying. The
lowing the accidents. report blamed various corpo-
The independent panel es- rate decisions for the waning
tablished by the Federal Avia- influence of the company’s hu-
tion Administration found a man-factors specialists. Boe-
disconnect between Boeing’s ing is also failing to include
senior management and oth- adequate pilot input in air-
ers at the company over craft design or other high-
safety matters. A panel report level decisions, according to
issued on Monday also cited the panel.
insufficient safeguards to pre- The FAA and Boeing each
vent retaliation against em- said they would review the re-
ployees who flag safety issues. port. The agency said it would
The January blowout of a hold Boeing to the highest


door plug on an Alaska Air- safety standard. Boeing said it
lines 737 MAX 9 occurred as has taken steps to foster a
the panel was finishing its re- safety culture “but there is
port. The report didn’t ad- more work to do.”
dress that or other specific is- Boeing created an aero-
sues that arose but said: space safety committee on its
“These quality issues ampli- board and reorganized how it
fied the expert panel’s con- The Boeing review was mandated after the two 737 MAXs crashed in 2018 and 2019; 737 fuselages in Renton, Wash. handles engineering and
cerns that the safety-related safety matters to reduce busi-
messages or behaviors are not recommendations. They in- dure to protect employees they feel undue pressure from particularly with regards to ness pressures. In 2021, the
being implemented across the clude expanding systems for against retaliation. company management. Boeing salary and furlough ranking,” company agreed, in response
entire Boeing population.” factory workers to voluntarily The Federal Aviation Admin- has said it has made changes to according to the report. to a shareholder lawsuit, to
The panel, composed of report safety problems. The istration regularly delegates prevent such interference. Even The Boeing safety review add a safety expert to its
government and industry ex- panel also recommended cre- some tasks to Boeing employ- so, there are still “opportuni- was mandated by a law en- board and launch an ombuds-
perts in aviation, issued 53 ating an investigation proce- ees, who have at times said ties for retaliation to occur, acted after the two 737 MAXs man program.

For Its Streaming Playbook, Fox News Nvidia Is Job applications between
September and February,
change from a year earlier

A Popular
Turns to Stars and Documentaries


Employer 125
Continued from page B1
On “The Five,” Fox News’s 2023, according to Handshake, 75
roundtable show, Jeanine Pirro an early-career jobs platform.
rips on President Biden and Being hired takes technical 50
urges Taylor Swift not to en- acumen. Among the roughly
dorse him. On Fox Nation, the 1,800 job openings listed by the
network’s streaming service, company are engineering roles 0
she raves about the views and in areas such as AI storage,
Internships Full-time
amenities of five-star hotels on deep learning and behavior jobs
“Life of Luxury With Judge planning for autonomous vehi- Source: Handshake
Jeanine.” cles with base pay that ranges
That contrast is all part of from $144,000 to $414,000. its dominance in AI.
the plan. Many jobs call for a Ph.D., and “I think the interest will
Fox is positioning the the company requires that grow even higher,” she said.
streaming service to comple- some applicants know multiple “It’s the uniqueness of the

ment its flagship TV channel programming languages. work that they do.”
rather than be a replica of it. After four rounds of inter- People who have spent time
Fox Nation, which costs $5.99 a views in 2022, Himanshu with the company describe an
month, is veering away from Agrawal says he turned down intense but collaborative cul-
hard news and luring subscrib- an Nvidia offer that included ture with high expectations
ers with documentaries, series restricted stock units that av- even for early-career hires.
and comedy specials that ap- eraged about $150 a share. “It attracts the sort of peo-
peal to conservatives and fea- Though he has been happy as a ple who are humble, have hu-
ture Hollywood stars like Mat- software-development engi- mility, but also are almost like
thew McConaughey. neer at a competitor, the 23- rats in a maze,” said Debparna
Fox is taking a starkly dif- year-old said he can’t help but Pratiher, who worked in prod-
ferent approach from its rivals ‘Deep in the Heart,’ a series about Texas wildlife that is narrated by Matthew McConaughey. think about what he is missing. uct management at Nvidia for
as cable-news channels try to “I’m feeling a little bad that two years before co-founding
figure out the right business some news content, but of that.” about Yellowstone National I don’t have the stock in my software company Quest Labs
model to offset consumers in- doesn’t have feeds from major Fox said earlier this month Park featuring Kevin Costner, portfolio right now,” he said. AI. “Just like running around
creasingly cutting the cable TV cable-news channels. it is joining forces with Walt star of the show “Yellowstone”; looking for cheese, looking for
cord. CNN parent Warner Fox executives say the cable- Disney and Warner to launch a a series about the Boston Tea the next project, looking for the
Bros. Discovery launched a TV business is strong enough to new sports-centric streaming Party narrated by Rob Lowe; Small talent pool next way to jump on things.”
CNN-branded live news service continue powering revenue and bundle that will pool their live and a show about Revolutionary Some of the skills that Nvidia jobs come with
for its Max platform, while profit growth, but note the games. War battles hosted by “Frasier” Nvidia hires for are so niche perks, too. A new headquarters
MSNBC is making much of its company is set up to offer Fox Fox Corp. Chief Executive star Kelsey Grammer. that engineering veterans at includes a bar, and employees
TV lineup available on its par- News in a streaming form if Lachlan Murdoch told inves- Fox Nation bought “Deep in other semiconductor compa- have a take-what-you-like un-
ent’s Peacock service. that becomes necessary. “If tors the goal is to target “cord the Heart,” a series about nies can’t transfer in, said Da- limited vacation policy, plus
Fox doesn’t have a compara- there is a direct-to-consumer nevers,” people who have Texas wildlife that is narrated vid Stone, who runs MRL Con- two “free days” every quarter
ble all-encompassing subscrip- future for the linear channel, never had a traditional pay-TV by McConaughey and will de- sulting Group, which he said when the whole staff has the
tion-streaming service for its Fox Nation is a great place for it subscription. But the service but on the platform in April. has scouted new recruits for same time off to recharge.
news content. Tubi, its free to ultimately be,” said Jason could appeal to existing cable “It’s not just Hollywood,” Nvidia for the past six years.
streaming platform, offers ac- Klarman, Fox News’s chief digi- subscribers and hasten the de- Klarman said of Fox Nation’s Young professionals will be fo-
cess to entertainment and tal and marketing officer. “But cline of the traditional busi- programming choices. “It’s the cused on learning those spe- Boomerangs
sports programming, as well as again, there’s no plans for any ness, media executives said. Hollywood that Fox News cialized skills, “clamoring” to Working at Nvidia can be
The creation of this sports- viewers find aspirational and get in the door, he said. intense because of the pres-
streaming bundle raises the want to connect to.” So small is the available sure to make things work and
ADVERTISEMENT question of whether a similar There are some risks to the pool of talent for some roles deliver, said Aman Kishore, a
model could work for news— strategy of veering away from that the company will move a former senior software engi-
The Marketplace
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
something observers say is un-
likely to happen.
CNN, under its previous
job elsewhere to fill it, accord-
ing to Stone. “They will not
neer who left to co-found soft-
ware company Mirage in 2022.
“The audiences are so frag- ownership, tried a similar deviate from their require- “It was a lot of responsibil-
mented,” said Doug Arthur, an strategy in 2022 with CNN+. ments,” he added. ity and a sense of urgency to
BANKRUPTCIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES analyst at Huber Research. “An That $5.99-a-month service Candidates must be excited make things work and figure
audience that wants to watch mostly offered content like to innovate, “contribute to an things out and see how you can
Fox News does not want to “Jake Tapper’s Book Club” and agile environment and create move the needle,” said Kishore,
FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS Physician Nashville Opportunity watch MSNBC and probably “Parental Guidance With An- a platform for others to do who was hired in 2020. He
HOUSTON DIVISION Physician to sell solely owned accredited the same for CNN.” derson Cooper” rather than a their life’s work,” a company added that the company has
In re CYPRESS CREEK § CASE NO.21-33733 Gyn Ambulatory Surgery Center, including Fox Nation parent Fox Corp. live feed to its highest-profile spokeswoman said, adding numerous boomerang employ-
EMERGENCY MEDICAL § very well established Gynecology practice
SERVICES ASSOCIATION § and Wall Street Journal parent programming. When new own- that Nvidia continues to grow ees, who leave and return be-
in Nashville Tennessee.
News Corp. ership came in, CNN+ was can- and hire as it expands in cause there are opportunities
§ The owner will stay to The platform is home to celed after it signed up 150,000 healthcare, automotive and to move around internally.
transition if desired.
LIQUIDATING TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY shows such as “Yellowstone subscribers in its first few other industries. Kishore was hired via a re-
reply to. One-Fifty,” a documentary weeks. For college students, Nvidia ferral, which he said was typi-
This is notice of the following:
has now joined other big tech cal for the company, and in-
1. On November 18, 2021, Cypress Creek Emergency companies—many of which terview questions were highly
Medical Services Association (“CCEMS”) filed the
above-numbered chapter 11 bankruptcy case in Houston, have cut staff recently—as a specific. When he was in-
2. On July 8, 2022, the Bankruptcy Court confirmed a Asset Business Sale most-wanted destination, pro- volved in hiring, Nvidia would
chapter 11 plan of liquidation.
3. Pursuant to the confirmed chapter 11 plan, J. Patrick Health Science & Medical fessors and career coaches usually wait no longer than
Magill became and remains the liquidating trustee of
Print & Digital Content say. It hired 40 Carnegie Mel- two weeks from first inter-
the CCEMS Trust ( “Trustee”).
4. Substantially all of the assets of CCEMS and the Distributor to Hospitals, Univ & Gov lon University graduates last viewing a candidate to making
CCEMS have been liquidated or abandoned.
5. Substantially all of the debts of CCEMS have been $25 mill plus revenues year, up from 12 in 2019. At a decision, he added.
paid. 34k sq ft warehouse NE location the University of Washington’s This week, Gary Fowler,
6. The Trustee estimates that the bankruptcy case of
CCEMS shall be closed within the next 30 days. business school, students who has recruited in the semi-
DATED: February 23, 2024. quickly signed up for a two- conductor space for decades,
Respectfully submitted,
day tour of Bay Area compa- presented a job-seeking Nvidia
By: ___/s/ Annie Catmull THEMARKETPLACE nies last year when the school candidate to one of his clients.
confirmed a Nvidia site visit. It couldn’t compete on pay,
Annie E. Catmull ADVERTISE TODAY Diana Marculescu, who and said the Nvidia employee
State Bar No. 00794932 (800) 366-3975 leads the University of Texas would be crazy to leave, given

4400 Post Oak Plaza, Suite 2360

Houston, Texas 77027 For more information visit: at Austin’s department of the stock performance.
Telephone: (281) 814-5977 electrical and computer engi- “He could just work a few
AS THE TRUSTEE FOR THE CCEMS LIQUIDATING TRUST © 2024 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. The ‘Yellowstone One-Fifty’ documentary about neering, said landing at Nvidia more years, then retire,”
All Rights Reserved. Yellowstone National Park features Kevin Costner. appeals to students because of Fowler said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | B7


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
39069.23 t 62.30, or 0.16% Trailing P/E ratio 27.38 21.82 5069.53 t 19.27, or 0.38% Trailing P/E ratio * 22.85 17.82 15976.25 t 20.57, or 0.13% Trailing P/E ratio *† 34.12 24.61
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.62 17.60 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 21.25 17.92 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 30.65 24.02
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.80 2.11 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.49 1.71 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.81 0.90
All-time high 39131.53, 02/23/24 All-time high 5088.80, 02/23/24 All-time high: 16057.44, 11/19/21

Current divisor 0.15265312230608

39000 5200 15800

38000 5000 15400

37000 4800 15000

Session high 36000 4600 14600

Session open Close 65-day moving average

35000 4400 14200

Close Open

65-day moving average Session low 34000 4200 65-day moving average 13800

Bars measure the point change from session's open

33000 4000 13400
Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Dec. Jan. Feb. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume* 880,399,691 10,695,686
Industrial Average 39245.89 39025.80 39069.23 -62.30 -0.16 39131.53 31819.14 18.8 3.7 8.1 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 343,877,334 3,624,458
Transportation Avg 15931.84 15834.17 15842.25 -78.77 -0.49 16695.32 13444.01 6.9 -0.4 5.9 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 522,953,791 6,966,806
Utility Average 847.33 830.99 832.73 -16.32 -1.92 975.39 783.08 -9.7 -5.6 1.5 Volume After Hours Issues traded 2,911 315
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 50744.31 50503.18 50517.03 -139.88 -0.28 50656.91 38697.55 25.5 5.7 7.9 Advances 1,136 137
SoundHound AI SOUN 7,767.6 5.37 -0.38 -6.61 5.86 4.94
Barron's 400 1111.44 1105.21 1108.95 3.15 0.29 1108.95 881.58 12.8 3.4 6.7 Declines 1,689 162
Unity Software U 7,296.6 27.22 -5.82 -17.62 35.00 26.50
Unchanged 86 16
Nasdaq Stock Market SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust SPY 5,339.2 505.65 -0.34 -0.07 506.02 505.61 New highs 195 6
Nasdaq Composite 16054.90 15973.90 15976.25 -20.57 -0.13 16041.62 11138.89 39.3 6.4 6.6 AMZN 5,310.6 174.05 -0.68 -0.39 174.73 169.64 New lows 38 11
Nasdaq-100 18014.11 17926.66 17933.33 -4.28 -0.02 18004.70 11830.28 48.7 6.6 11.6 Zoom Video Comms ZM 4,611.3 69.15 6.03 9.56 71.97 63.02 Closing Arms† 0.85 1.80
Verizon Communications VZ 4,500.1 39.65 -0.04 -0.10 42.13 39.61 Block trades* 4,029 113
Grab Holdings GRAB 3,708.4 3.18 -0.01 -0.31 3.19 3.17
500 Index 5097.66 5068.91 5069.53 -19.27 5088.80 3855.76 27.3 6.3 10.0 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
RLX Technology ADR RLX 3,308.4 2.00 … unch. 2.00 1.98
MidCap 400 2868.77 2847.27 2854.48 -3.54 -0.12 2858.02 2326.82 9.6 2.6 4.6 Total volume*5,417,637,592 273,702,620
SmallCap 600 1302.57 1291.02 1295.74 0.26 0.02 1339.63 1068.80 3.6 -1.7 0.4 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*3,339,073,478 87,032,007
Janux Therapeutics JANX 336.5 32.20 17.10 113.25 33.80 15.10 Decl. volume*1,957,200,539 182,634,298
Other Indexes
PubMatic PUBM 206.6 21.60 5.03 30.36 21.90 16.50 Issues traded 4,459 1,885
Russell 2000 2031.96 2011.86 2028.97 12.28 0.61 2066.21 1636.94 7.0 0.1 -2.7
Advances 2,336 600
NYSE Composite 17659.22 17547.75 17566.61 -49.42 -0.28 17616.02 14599.05 13.4 4.2 5.4 Hims & Hers Health HIMS 2,108.9 12.38 2.13 20.78 12.38 10.25
Declines 1,948 1,254
Value Line 590.22 590.22 590.22 0.0003 0.00005 598.74 498.09 2.8 -0.6 -1.5 Codexis CDXS 210.3 3.81 0.61 19.06 3.85 3.14
Unchanged 175 31
NYSE Arca Biotech 5230.59 5168.83 5225.39 41.45 0.80 5511.46 4544.40 -0.6 -3.6 -3.1
EverQuote EVER 118.7 20.05 2.91 16.98 20.83 17.14
New highs 230 243
NYSE Arca Pharma 1027.48 1020.15 1021.55 -2.39 -0.23 1023.94 791.91 25.5 12.2 14.5 ...And losers New lows 90 20
KBW Bank 96.54 94.77 95.03 -0.84 -0.88 109.65 71.71 -13.1 -1.0 -5.7 Unity Software U 7,296.6 27.22 -5.82 -17.62 35.00 26.50 Closing Arms† 0.70 0.95
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 105.27 104.24 105.19 -1.53 -1.43 144.37 103.31 -6.7 -16.3 -7.0 CarGurus Cl A CARG 190.7 20.86 -3.03 -12.68 24.50 20.00 Block trades* 32,759 1,345
PHLX§ Oil Service 81.01 79.87 80.40 -0.26 -0.32 98.76 69.29 -8.7 -4.1 13.0 SI-BONE SIBN 168.9 18.00 -2.54 -12.37 20.54 16.49 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 4683.91 4634.82 4663.47 48.44 1.05 4667.37 2906.29 58.0 11.7 15.0 Workday WDAY 1,131.8 281.86 -25.35 -8.25 326.26 276.23 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 14.20 13.66 13.74 -0.01 -0.07 26.52 12.07 -34.4 10.4 -21.1 Archer Aviation ACHR 372.1 4.57 -0.35 -7.11 5.05 4.47 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World MSCI ACWI 759.17 –2.01 –0.26 4.4 MicroCloud Hologram HOLO 12.00 5.39 81.54 113.00 1.50 -38.5 Intuitive Machines Cl A LUNR 6.27 -3.32 -34.62 28.87 2.09 -69.0
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 321.35 –0.45 –0.14 1.5 SoundHound AI SOUN 5.75 1.83 46.68 5.95 1.49 83.7 Infobird IFBD 2.76 -1.02 -26.98 87.10 0.43 -96.5
MSCI World 3325.79 –8.25 –0.25 4.9 Krystal Biotech KRYS 157.00 45.67 41.02 162.28 70.51 100.9 Bone Biologics BBLG 2.70 -0.90 -25.00 86.81 2.54 -96.4
MSCI Emerging Markets 1024.11 –4.20 –0.41 0.04 Vroom VRM 13.58 3.63 36.48 225.60 8.11 -83.5 WeTrade Group WETG 2.33 -0.56 -19.38 78.63 2.11 -96.7
Americas MSCI AC Americas 1917.73 –6.43 –0.33 5.7 Root Cl A ROOT 22.76 5.80 34.20 23.71 3.31 357.9 1847 Holdings EFSH 2.80 -0.58 -17.16 169.00 1.22 -98.2
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 21324.31 –88.84 –0.41 1.7 GrShr 2x Long COIN Daily CONL 44.10 10.99 33.19 45.28 5.37 402.4 Minim MINM 3.87 -0.68 -14.95 14.00 0.60 -18.6
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2534.04 –0.86 –0.03 –4.8 Lendway LDWY 5.63 1.32 30.67 9.42 4.05 -38.9 Garden Stage GSIW 11.13 -1.87 -14.37 15.99 4.20 ...
Brazil Bovespa 129609.05 190.32 0.15 –3.4 Datasea DTSS 7.10 1.63 29.80 20.29 1.42 -62.1 AtlasClear Holdings ATCH 2.28 -0.36 -13.64 11.90 0.93 -77.6
Chile S&P IPSA 3464.83 10.45 0.30 –0.1 BranchOut Food BOF 2.63 0.60 29.56 6.20 1.10 ... Unusual Machines UMAC 2.90 -0.43 -12.80 4.40 2.32 ...
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 56194.72 –465.08 –0.82 –2.1 Agiliti AGTI 9.86 2.22 29.06 19.60 5.07 -49.4 Ventyx Biosciences VTYX 5.86 -0.85 -12.67 47.25 1.87 -86.3
EMEA STOXX Europe 600 495.43 –1.82 –0.37 3.4 Carmell CTCX 2.63 0.59 28.92 13.31 1.70 -73.9 Regis RGS 8.30 -1.18 -12.40 29.00 5.70 -69.9
Eurozone Euro STOXX 497.71 –1.40 –0.28 5.0 Celldex Therapeutics CLDX 48.23 10.48 27.76 48.96 22.11 12.0 MoneyHero MNY 2.16 -0.30 -12.20 10.43 0.74 -78.5
Belgium Bel-20 3685.19 –22.29 –0.60 –0.6 Foghorn Therapeutics FHTX 7.54 1.56 26.09 9.97 2.70 28.2 Lucy Scientific Discovery LSDI 2.11 -0.29 -12.05 25.50 1.75 -90.4
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 2578.09 –10.69 –0.41 12.9 R1 RCM RCM 13.89 2.79 25.14 18.71 8.87 -2.2 Lytus Technologies LYT 2.95 -0.40 -11.94 57.60 2.73 -93.6
7929.82 CleanSpark CLSK 20.35 3.92 23.86 20.95 2.04 626.8 Monogram Orthopaedics MGRM 2.61 -0.33 -11.22 48.99 2.46 ...
France CAC 40 –36.86 –0.46 5.1
Germany DAX 17423.23 0.02 4.0
Israel Tel Aviv 1942.93
4.57 0.24 4.2
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Italy FTSE MIB 32557.81 –143.11 –0.44 7.3 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Netherlands AEX 852.87 –2.10 –0.25 8.4
Norway Oslo Bors All-Share 1460.46 0.43 0.03 –3.9 SoundHound AI SOUN 206,684 968.3 5.75 46.68 5.95 1.49 Agiliti AGTI 31,047 11183 9.86 29.06 19.60 5.07
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 73621.24 –592.15 –0.80 –4.3 Akili AKLI 127,615 82872.7 0.45 104.11 2.08 0.19 Insight Select Incm Fd INSI 663 4568 15.67 -0.19 16.40 14.28
0.08 Charge Enterprises CRGE 118,810 555.3 0.06 8.72 1.32 0.04 VictoryShares THB Mid Cap MDCP 933 4505 27.47 -0.10 27.51 22.20
Spain IBEX 35 10138.40 7.80 0.4
0.03 Tesla TSLA 111,409 0.5 199.40 3.87 299.29 152.37 Aetherium Acqn Cl A GMFI 364 3108 10.95 0.37 11.14 10.32
Sweden OMX Stockholm 917.29 0.30 1.6
Canoo GOEV 105,787 91.0 0.11 -9.16 0.85 0.10 JPM BetaBld US SC Equity BBSC 2,526 2368 60.78 0.60 62.83 48.57
Switzerland Swiss Market 11452.88 –43.88 –0.38 2.8
Turkey BIST 100 9334.13 –40.07 –0.43 25.0 Marathon Digital MARA 104,817 33.6 29.19 21.68 31.30 5.13 A SPAC I Acquisition A ASCA 328 2320 11.00 -0.72 11.98 10.09
U.K. FTSE 100 7684.30 –21.98 –0.29 –0.6 Direxion Dly Semi 3 Bear SOXS 96,137 -4.1 3.98 -2.69 23.98 3.86 VicSh Nasdaq Next 50 QQQN 374 1401 28.39 ... 28.73 22.50
U.K. FTSE 250 19126.92 –52.64 –0.27 –2.9 Ocean Biomedical OCEA 91,483 4725.2 1.91 21.66 12.08 0.52 Natixis Loomis Sayles Foc LSGR 248 1395 31.32 -0.01 31.52 23.49
ProSh UltraPro Shrt QQQ SQQQ 91,422 -24.2 11.15 0.27 42.57 10.84 High Income Secs Fund PCF 826 1162 6.96 6.91 6.96 5.71
Asia-Pacific MSCI AC Asia Pacific 172.78 –0.23 –0.13 2.0
Nikola NKLA 89,125 -12.5 0.72 -5.43 3.71 0.52 JPMorgan US Momentum JMOM 1,044 1131 50.37 ... 50.65 37.19
Australia S&P/ASX 200 7652.80 9.21 0.12 0.8
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
China Shanghai Composite 2977.02 –27.86 –0.93 0.1 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Hong Kong Hang Seng 16634.74 –91.12 –0.54 –2.4
Scan this code
India S&P BSE Sensex –352.67 –0.48 0.8
Japan NIKKEI 225 39233.71 135.03 0.35 17.2 Get real-time U.S. stock quotes CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Singapore Straits Times 3171.12 –13.79 –0.43 –2.1 and track most-active stocks,
South Korea KOSPI 2647.08 –20.62 –0.77 –0.3 new highs/lows, mutual funds Currencies
Taiwan TAIEX 18948.05 58.86 0.31 5.7 and ETFs. U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Thailand SET 1398.14 … Closed –1.3
All are available free at US$vs, US$vs,
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data Mon YTDchg Mon YTDchg
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Americas Thailand baht .02784 35.920 4.5
CREDIT MARKETS Argentina peso .0012840.6501 4.0
Vietnam dong .00004054 24670 1.6
Brazil real .2008 4.9807 2.6 Europe
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury yield Yields
curve Forex Race Canada dollar .7404 1.3507 2.0
.001013 987.17 12.8
Czech Rep. koruna
Denmark krone
.04276 23.387
.1456 6.8694 1.4
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates andtoRates
Yield maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs.
Chile peso
Colombiapeso .000252 3960.85 2.2 Euro area euro 1.0854 .9214 1.7
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Hungary forint .002787 358.81 3.4
A consumer rate against its New car loan Iceland krona .007251 137.91 1.4
Mexico peso .0585 17.0989 0.8
benchmark over the past year 6.00% Norway krone .0951 10.5111 3.3 avg†: 7.86% Uruguay peso .02559 39.0750 0.04
Tradeweb ICE 16% Poland zloty .2518 3.9717 0.9
Asia-Pacific Sweden krona .0973 10.2742 1.7
First Command Bank 5.74% Monday Close 5.00
8.50% Fort Worth, TX 888-763-7600 t t 8 WSJ Dollar Index Australiadollar .6541 1.5288 4.2 Switzerland franc 1.1364 .8800 4.6
4.00 China yuan .1389 7.1976 1.2 Turkey lira .0321 31.1221 5.6
t s
Prime rate Firstrust Bank 5.99% One year ago Hong Kong dollar .1278 7.8243 0.2 Ukraine hryvnia .0260 38.4500 0.8
8.00 0
Philadelphia, PA 800-220-2265 3.00 India rupee .01207 82.862 –0.4 UK pound 1.2685 .7883 0.4
7.50 PNC Bank 6.94% s Euro Indonesia rupiah .0000640 15634 1.6 Middle East/Africa
t 2.00 –8
New car loan Washington, DC 888-PNC-BANK Yen Japan yen .006636 150.70 6.9 Bahrain dinar 2.6536 .3769 –0.03
7.00 1.00 Kazakhstan tenge .002228 448.88 –1.4 Egypt pound .0323 30.9368 0.02
Eastern Bank 6.99% –16 Macau pataca .1240 8.0630 0.1 Israel shekel .2747 3.6400 1.0
Boston, MA 781-599-2100 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 2023 2024
6.50 Malaysia ringgit .2093 4.7770 4.0 Kuwait dinar 3.2495 .3077 0.2
WilmingtonSavingsFundSociety,FSB 6.99% month(s) years New Zealand dollar .6173 1.6200 2.4
MAM J J A S O N D J F Oman sul rial 2.5975 .3850 unch
Wilmington, DE 888-973-7226 maturity Pakistan rupee .00358 279.525 –0.6 Qatar rial .2747 3.640 –0.1
2023 2024
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Philippines peso .0179 55.990 1.1 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7506 0.01
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg Singapore dollar .7438 1.3444 1.9 South Africa rand .0518 19.2917 5.4
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields South Korea won .0007505 1332.37 2.9
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Federal-funds rate target 5.25-5.50 5.25-5.50 4.50 l 5.50 5.25 Sri Lanka rupee .0032170 310.85 –4.0
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Taiwan dollar .03167 31.579 2.9 WSJ Dollar Index 98.41 –0.05–0.06 2.69
Prime rate* 8.50 8.50 7.75 l 8.50 5.25 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
SOFR 5.31 5.30 4.55 l 5.40 5.30 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 2134.690 4.510 4.480 5.120 3.610 2.292 –3.528
Money market, annual yield 0.51 0.50 0.46 l 0.64 0.42
Five-year CD, annual yield 2.86 2.83 2.75 l 2.87 2.41 U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 3088.330 4.510 4.550 5.280 3.630 –2.717–10.124 Commodities Monday 52-Week YTD
30-year mortgage, fixed† 7.47 7.47 6.75 l 8.28 4.30 Aggregate, Bloomberg 2020.810 4.950 4.920 5.740 4.200 3.348 –3.233 Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 6.76 6.63 6.00 l 7.42 4.24 Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 1986.540 5.160 5.120 6.050 4.290 2.215 –3.442
Jumbo mortgages, $766,550-plus† 7.53 7.56 6.79 l 8.33 4.32 DJ Commodity 941.24 4.72 0.50 1035.63 930.59 -6.18 -1.73
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3544.522 7.309 7.363 9.101 7.030 11.098 2.127 Refinitiv/CC CRB Index 273.64 2.81 1.04 290.29 253.85 1.88 3.72
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 6.48 6.44 5.64 l 7.16 3.33
Muni Master, ICE BofA 585.807 3.216 3.222 4.311 2.801 4.996 –0.182 Crude oil, $ per barrel 77.58 1.09 1.43 93.68 66.74 2.51 8.28
New-car loan, 48-month 7.86 7.86 6.69 l 7.87 3.83 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 843.237 7.472 7.599 8.842 7.206 8.705 –2.101 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 1.659 0.056 3.49 3.575 1.576 -39.25 -34.01
banks.† Excludes closing costs.
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE Data Services
Gold, $ per troy oz. 2028.50 -10.10 -0.50 2081.90 1812.70 11.64 -1.64
B8 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg

Metal & Petroleum Futures Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD June 5157.75 5169.00 5137.50 5141.25 –21.25 71,167
March 569.50 585.50 t 561.50 583.75 15.00 14,034 March .6568 .6572 .6535 .6541 –.0029 201,555 Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Contract Open June .6589 .6589 .6554 .6559 –.0028 2,357 March 2865.90 2874.60 s 2850.90 2859.30 –3.80 38,689
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest May 566.00 577.25 557.75 576.50 11.00 113,043
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN June 2882.00 –5.10 3
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. March .05820 .05834 .05813 .05832 .00013 250,094 Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
March 252.725 254.900 s 250.925 253.050 –1.525 8,268
Feb 3.8400 3.8400 3.8240 3.8240 –0.0580 1,023 June .05740 .05751 .05732 .05750 .00013 1,362 March 17961.50 18059.50 17922.00 17977.00 –14.00 283,248
April 258.125 260.800 s 256.650 258.900 –1.075 16,155
May 3.8880 3.8880 3.8340 3.8345 –0.0660 105,056 Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per € June 18210.00 18298.25 18165.50 18215.75 –15.50 2,509
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. March 1.0831 1.0869 1.0822 1.0856 .0023 696,780 Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
Feb 184.600 186.175 s 184.500 185.725 .125 1,688 March 2018.00 2036.70 2009.30 2032.20 11.70 509,216
Feb 2034.10 2035.40 2024.80 2028.50 –10.10 209 June 1.0870 1.0911 1.0864 1.0898 .0023 12,657
April 186.525 188.800 186.050 188.100 .200 127,269 June 2046.80 2059.20 2032.40 2055.10 12.00 2,283
March 2033.70 2036.30 2025.00 2029.10 –10.30 3,177 Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
April 2044.20 2046.80 2034.10 2038.90 –10.50 321,380 April 86.825 87.050 85.525 86.275 –.925 99,190 Index Futures
March 2786.10 2799.10 2782.50 2785.30 –11.10 6,184
June 2064.00 2066.50 2054.10 2058.80 –10.50 42,374 June 99.250 100.250 s 98.650 99.850 .475 45,370 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
Aug 2082.40 2084.80 2073.00 2077.30 –10.40 23,550
Lumber (CME)-27,500 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. March 39187 39290 39070 39116 –73 104,830 March 103.89 103.95 103.63 103.75 –.11 29,216
March 565.50 567.00 562.00 567.00 2.50 4,147 June 39581 39709 39501 39544 –65 1,014 June 103.50 103.56 103.28 103.37 –.12 956
Oct 2098.20 2101.40 2090.60 2095.10 –10.30 5,890 May 586.50 589.00 584.50 587.50 1.00 3,821
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. March 5095.00 5108.00 5076.25 5080.25 –21.25 2,283,422 Source: FactSet
Feb 953.70 –31.50 3 Feb 16.14 16.14 16.12 16.12 –.02 4,754
June 987.00 987.50 952.50 966.70 –30.50 19,265 March 17.31 17.63 17.31 17.58 .27 4,776
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton.
Feb 876.80 –29.20 11 March
6,929 s
6,648 s
322 775
301 100,916
Bonds |
April 906.60 907.90 880.20 881.10 –28.50 74,473
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
Feb 22.595 22.595 22.595 22.517 –0.452 20
–.90 818
–.70 112,370
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
May 23.180 23.180 22.675 22.735 –0.454 93,011 Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. March 22.67 23.45 22.45 23.15 .53 68,015 highs and lows for different types of bonds
April 76.40 78.03 75.84 77.58 1.09 347,505 May 21.85 22.49 21.63 22.16 .34 289,948
Total Total
May 76.04 77.55 75.50 77.09 1.01 189,874 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. return YTD total return YTD total
May 41.80 … 2,190 Yield (%) Yield (%)
June 75.61 77.04 75.10 76.59 0.97 158,728 close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
July 75.27 76.51 74.66 76.05 0.92 99,853 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
March 94.78 96.13 s 94.78 96.58 1.65 46 Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
Sept 73.95 75.33 73.62 74.85 0.80 95,209
May 93.36 94.89 92.50 94.80 1.31 131,760
Broad Market Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
Dec 72.53 73.68 72.14 73.24 0.69 178,380 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 1986.54 -2.4 Mortgage-Backed 5.160 4.290 6.050
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. 2020.81 -1.9 U.S. Aggregate 4.950 4.200 5.740
March 378.30 385.90 371.50 378.95 3.05 1,828
March 2.6891 2.7740 2.6642 2.7627 .0730 26,677 May 381.15 389.20 s 374.05 381.25 2.05 5,993 U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 1961.86 -2.4 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 5.180 4.350 6.020
April 2.6400 2.7177 2.6166 2.7073 .0662 99,998
3065.52 -1.7 U.S. Corporate 5.420 4.990 6.430 1168.00 -2.4 Fannie mae (FNMA) 5.160 4.280 6.050
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Interest Rate Futures
March 2.2752 2.3458 2.2574 2.3056 .0289 26,360 2969.03 -0.8 Intermediate 5.340 4.890 6.350 1807.12 -1.9 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 5.090 4.240 6.190
Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
April 2.5070 2.5808 2.4904 2.5572 .0479 98,681 March 125-310 126-240 124-280 125-010 –25.0 902,762
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. 4063.64 -3.6 Long term 5.570 5.160 6.600 585.81 -0.4 Muni Master 3.216 2.801 4.311
June 127-280 128-210 126-250 126-300 –25.0 821,529
March 1.660 1.730 1.594 1.659 .056 36,033 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 584.67 -2.3 Double-A-rated 4.990 4.320 5.760 416.91 -0.4 7-12 year 2.873 2.404 4.097
April 1.750 1.834 1.716 1.744 .045 308,745 March 119-030 119-220 118-110 118-190 –15.0 828,577
May 1.903 1.962 1.862 1.891 .044 264,611 June 119-040 119-230 118-130 118-200 –15.0 655,181 825.55 -1.5 Triple-B-rated 5.630 5.250 6.700 473.84 -0.4 12-22 year 3.541 3.294 4.742
July 2.371 2.435 2.357 2.380 .046 99,727 Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% High Yield Bonds ICE BofA -0.5 22-plus year
March 109-265 110-040 109-160 109-195 –8.5 2,308,860
446.62 4.198 4.020 5.274
Sept 2.444 2.502 2.437 2.460 .056 94,923
Oct 2.491 2.574 2.491 2.534 .057 103,770
June 110-120 110-215 110-020 110-045 –9.0 2,581,893 527.37 0.3 High Yield Constrained 7.859 7.620 9.560 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 106-142 106-197 106-080 106-095 –5.7 3,229,179 514.37 1.5 Triple-C-rated 13.190 12.776 15.457 535.12 -1.6 Global Government 3.320 2.740 3.810
Agriculture Futures June 106-270 107-010 106-210 106-225 –6.0 2,960,008
2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100% 3544.52 0.1 High Yield 100 7.309 7.030 9.101 788.67 -1.7 Canada 3.530 2.880 4.260
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
March 101-278 101-298 101-251 101-255 –2.7 2,070,607 349.89 -1.8 EMU§ 3.134 2.669 3.790
March 399.75 407.75t 394.50 407.00 7.25 180,751
June 102-112 102-133 102-081 102-086 –2.8 1,812,797
460.47 0.9 Global High Yield Constrained 7.699 7.648 9.440
May 413.50 422.50t 408.75 421.50 8.00 603,165 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg. -2.2 France
350.90 1.4 Europe High Yield Constrained 6.222 6.222 8.022 645.77 3.030 2.540 3.630
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Feb t 94.6700 94.6700 –.0025
94.6700 94.6725 564,877
March 365.00 378.75 365.00 375.00 10.50 957 April t 94.6750 94.6750 –.0050
94.6750 94.6800 461,783 U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 456.37 -2.4 Germany 2.530 2.020 3.030
May 354.00 367.25 352.25 363.00 9.00 1,838 Three-Month SOFR (CME)-$1,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
Dec 94.6475 94.6475 94.6450 94.6450 1,125,753 1769.57 -0.6 U.S Agency 4.850 4.130 5.390 278.72 -0.1 Japan 1.070 0.710 1.300
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
March Dec'24 95.5000 95.5450 t 95.4550 95.4600 –.0500 1,131,801 1566.79 -0.4 10-20 years 4.840 4.120 5.370 495.59 -2.7 Netherlands 2.750 2.260 3.320
1137.00 1142.25 t 1124.75 1136.00 3.00 88,340
May 1145.00 1151.00 t 1133.50 1145.25 3.50 331,820
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton.
Currency Futures 3348.38 -2.9 20-plus years 4.920 4.300 5.740 781.17 -3.8 U.K. 4.380 3.510 4.880
March 332.50 335.40 330.50 334.40 2.90 45,582 Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥ 2689.95 -1.3 Yankee 5.250 4.720 6.110 843.24 -0.6 Emerging Markets ** 7.472 7.206 8.842
May 328.80 331.00 t 325.50 328.60 .60 225,758 March .6669 .6677 t .6652 .6655 –.0015 304,021
*Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. June .6762 .6770 t .6747 .6750 –.0014 8,771
March 44.02 44.65 43.66 44.40 .38 37,132
Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD ** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan
March .7407 .7410 .7394 .7402 –.0008 152,255
May 44.62 45.24 44.26 45.02 .42 232,970
June .7417 .7419 .7404 .7412 –.0008 5,804
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt.
March 18.52 18.59 18.23 18.28 –.32 1,305
British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £ Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
March 1.2674 1.2702 1.2658 1.2680 .0003 192,275
May 18.86 18.94 18.57 18.65 –.29 8,838 June 1.2680 1.2707 1.2666 1.2687 .0004 12,202 Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
March 573.50 578.75 562.00 577.25 3.75 30,936 March 1.1377 1.1404 1.1360 1.1377 .0003 62,823
May 569.75 576.25 560.00 574.75 5.75 184,261 June 1.1482 1.1516 1.1474 1.1490 .0003 628 Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
4.250 U.S. 2 4.738 s l 4.687 4.365 4.803

Cash Prices | Monday, February 26, 2024

4.000 10 4.298 s l 4.258 4.159 3.948
0.250 Australia 2 3.824 t l 3.888 3.911 3.629 -90.9 -78.4 -117.4
These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical” commodities in the marketplace—
3.000 10 4.113 t l 4.207 4.249 3.837 -18.6 -4.4 -11.6
separate from the futures price on an exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
months. 2.500 France 2 2.929 s l 2.841 2.567 3.089 -180.4 -183.2 -171.4
3.500 10 2.903 s l 2.829 2.785 3.015 -139.6 -142.2 -93.8
Monday Monday Monday
Copper,Comex spot 3.8240 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 6.0325 2.500 Germany 2 2.942 s l 2.849 2.640 3.024 -179.1 -182.3 -177.9
Energy Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s *121.1 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 6.2375 2.200 10 2.447 s l 2.370 2.305 2.544 -185.2 -188.1 -141.0
Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 75.500 Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s *880.0 Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 6.3750
Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 13.900 Battery/EV metals 3.600 Italy 2 3.463 s l 3.366 3.102 3.576 -127.0 -130.7 -122.7
BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,w 13250 4.200 10 3.885 s 3.812 3.817 4.432 -41.5 -43.9 47.9
Metals BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,w 11325 Beef,carcass equiv. index

Gold, per troy oz BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,m 4448 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 284.05 0.100 Japan 2 0.160 t l 0.160 0.048 -0.022 -457.3 -451.2 -482.5
Engelhard industrial 2032.00 BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 3628 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 270.38 0.600 10 0.691 t l 0.721 0.720 0.506 -360.9 -353.0 -344.8
Handy & Harman base 2027.20 BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 538 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.2625
Butter,AA Chicago-d 2.8500 2.800 Spain 2 3.094 s l 3.040 3.116 3.271 -164.0 -163.3 -153.2
Handy & Harman fabricated 2250.19 Fibers and Textiles Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago-d 167.00
LBMA Gold Price AM *2019.30 3.250 10 3.313 s l 3.274 3.204 3.516 -98.6 -97.7 -43.7
LBMA Gold Price PM *2027.45 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.7775 Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago-d 159.00
Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.9205 Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb.-d 119.75 3.500 U.K. 2 4.595 s l 4.520 4.358 4.012 -13.9 -15.2 -79.1
Krugerrand,wholesale-e 2110.89
Cotlook 'A' Index-t *101.50 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp-y 1.8075 4.250 10 4.094 s 4.040 3.972 3.656 -21.1 -29.7
Maple Leaf-e 2131.19 l -20.5
American Eagle-e 2131.19 Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. Coffee,Colombian, NY-y 2.0448
Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 3.0550 Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close
Mexican peso-e 2455.21
Flour,hard winter KC-p 18.75
Austria crown-e 1992.51 Grains and Feeds
Austria phil-e 2131.19
Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u,w 85
Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u
Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u
Corporate Debt
Silver, troy oz. Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u n.a. Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 3.8500
Engelhard industrial 22.6500 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 1.1608
Handy & Harman base 22.5300
Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 146.0 expectations
Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 435.4 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u 182.71
Handy & Harman fabricated 28.1630 Cottonseed meal-u,w n.a. Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 298.75 Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
LBMA spot price *£17.9100 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 145 Spread*, in basis points
(U.S.$ equivalent) *22.7150 Fats and Oils Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w 293
Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 18482 Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u 4.2300 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w n.a. National Australia Bank NAB 4.787 4.94 Jan. 10, ’29 63 –11 73
Other metals Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 36.25 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.3650
LBMA Platinum Price PM *904.0 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u n.a. Lard,Chicago-u n.a. Citigroup C 5.300 5.54 May 6, ’44 106 –9 122
Platinum,Engelhard industrial 890.0 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w 353.00 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w 0.4377 NYU Langone Hospitals NYUHOS 4.784 5.34 July 1, ’44 81 –7 n.a.
Palladium,Engelhard industrial 975.0 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 11.0900 Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.4213 John Deere Capital … 2.250 4.93 Sept. 14, ’26 22 –6 n.a.
Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2157.0 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 7.9575 Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
Hyundai Capital America HYNMTR 5.650 5.53 June 26, ’26 79 –4 76
KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=CME; E=Manfra,Tordella & Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co; Protective Life Global Funding PL 1.618 5.41 April 15, ’26 70 –4 n.a.
K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; P=Sosland Publishing; R=SNL Energy; S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark –4 67
Mineral Intelligence; W=weekly; Y=International Coffee Organization; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 2/23 Unilever Capital UNANA 5.900 4.92 Nov. 15, ’32 68
Source: Dow Jones Market Data Goldman Sachs GS 5.150 5.44 May 22, ’45 94 –3 103

…And spreads that widened the most

Borrowing Benchmarks | HSBC Holdings HSBC 6.800 5.91 June 1, ’38 164 14 n.a.
Citigroup C 6.625 5.64 June 15, ’32 137 13 129
Money Rates February 26, 2024 Bank of Nova Scotia BNS 5.350 5.29 Dec. 7, ’26 56 11 50
Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij SIEGR 2.150 5.05 March 11, ’31 77 11 72
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions. Williams WMB 5.400 5.34 March 2, ’26 61 11 51
Bank of Montreal BMO 5.300 5.24 June 5, ’26 50 10 53
Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK— 10
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low
John Deere Capital … 4.350 4.87 Sept. 15, ’32 58 n.a.
Jan. Index Chg From (%) International Business Machines IBM 3.300 5.12 May 15, ’26 40 7 27
level Dec. '23 Jan. '23 Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 Federal funds
Policy Rates Effective rate 5.3300 5.3300 5.3500 4.5800 High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…
U.S. consumer price index Bond Price as % of face value
Euro zone 4.50 4.50 4.50 3.00 High 5.6500 5.6500 5.6500 4.9000
All items 308.417 0.54 3.1 Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week
Switzerland 2.25 2.25 2.25 1.50 Low 5.3100 5.3100 5.3300 4.5500
Core 313.623 0.55 3.9 Bid 5.3100 5.3100 5.3300 4.5700 Transocean RIG 6.800 9.66 March 15, ’38 78.250 0.75 78.000
Britain 5.25 5.25 5.25 4.00
Australia 4.35 4.35 4.35 3.35 Offer 5.3300 5.3300 5.3700 4.5800 American Airlines AAL 3.750 6.11 March 1, ’25 97.727 0.37 n.a.
International rates
Teva Pharmaceutical Finance … 6.150 6.64 Feb. 1, ’36 95.970 0.35 95.500
Overnight repurchase Treasury bill auction
Week 52-Week Embarq EMBARQ 7.995 16.00 June 1, ’36 57.500 0.25 60.500
Latest ago High Low U.S. 5.36 5.33 5.48 4.55 4 weeks 5.285 5.280 5.840 3.190
13 weeks 5.255 5.230 5.345 4.675 Telecom Italia Capital TITIM 6.000 6.86 Sept. 30, ’34 93.580 0.13 93.728
Prime rates U.S. government rates 0.13 99.250
26 weeks 5.130 5.065 5.350 4.620 Bath & Body Works BBWI 6.750 6.84 July 1, ’36 99.254
U.S. 8.50 8.50 8.50 7.75 Discount OneMain Finance OMF 6.875 5.87 March 15, ’25 101.000 0.12 100.975
Canada 7.20 7.20 7.20 6.70 5.50 5.50 5.50 4.75
Secondary market
ZF North America Capital ZFFNGR 4.750 6.00 April 29, ’25 98.599 0.07 98.956
Fannie Mae
30-year mortgage yields …And with the biggest price decreases
Key Interest Rates 30 days 6.422 6.468 7.495 5.496 Telecom Italia Capital TITIM 7.200 7.23 July 18, ’36 99.750 –0.59 99.875
Data are annualized on a 360-day basis. Treasury yields are per annum, 60 days 6.444 6.487 7.554 5.500 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands … 4.100 6.93 Oct. 1, ’46 67.922 –0.58 68.350
on actively traded noninflation and inflation-indexed issues that are Other short-term rates Hat Holdings I … 3.750 7.25 Sept. 15, ’30 82.020 –0.48 82.303
adjusted to constant maturities. Data are from weekly Federal Reserve Prime Security Services Borrower PRSESE 5.750 6.00 April 15, ’26 99.500 –0.13 99.500
Week 52-Week
release H.15. Latest ago high low Goldman Sachs Capital I … 6.345 5.93 Feb. 15, ’34 103.056 –0.11 103.051
Week Ended 52-Week Week Ended 52-Week –0.01 98.880
Intesa Sanpaolo ISPIM 5.710 6.24 Jan. 15, ’26 99.060
Feb 23 Feb 16 High Low Feb 23 Feb 16 High Low Call money
6-month 5.32 5.30 5.58 4.82 *Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
Federal funds (effective) 1-year 4.99 4.94 5.46 4.34
7.25 7.25 7.25 6.50
Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
5.33 5.33 5.33 4.57 2-year 4.65 4.57 5.14 3.88 Source: MarketAxess
Commercial paper (AA financial)
Commercial paper 3-year 4.44 4.37 4.97 3.63
5-year 4.29 4.24 4.86 3.43 90 days n.a. n.a. 5.54 4.74
Nonfinancial 7-year 4.31 4.26 4.90 3.40
10-year 4.30 4.26 4.87 3.35
Secured Overnight Financing Rate Dividend Changes
20-year 4.56 4.55 5.20 3.71 5.31 5.30 5.40 4.55
3-month n.a. n.a. 5.40 4.78
Value 52-Week Amount Payable / Amount Payable /
Financial Treasury yields (secondary market) Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
1-month 5.29 5.35 5.43 4.64 Latest Traded High Low
1-month 5.29 5.28 5.62 3.59 Treasure Global TGL 1:70 /Feb27
2-month n.a. n.a. 5.51 4.95
DTCC GCF Repo Index Increased
3-month n.a. n.a. 5.53 4.74 3-month 5.25 5.24 5.35 4.59
6-month 5.13 5.11 5.34 4.61 Treasury 5.356 21.620 5.504 4.546
Allstate ALL 2.3 .92 /.89 Q Apr01 /Mar04 Foreign
Discount window primary credit Coterra Energy CTRA 3.1 .21 /.20 Q Mar28 /Mar14 AngloGold Ashanti AU 1.1 .19 SA Mar28 /Mar15
TIPS MBS 5.361 41.070 5.689 4.571 Crown Holdings CCK 1.3 .25 /.24 Q Mar28 /Mar14 Banco Latinamer BLX 7.3 .50 Q Mar19 /Mar04
5.50 5.50 5.50 4.75
5-year 1.92 1.91 2.55 1.10 Notes on data: Essex Property Trust ESS 4.3 2.45 /2.31 Q Apr12 /Mar29 Centerra Gold CGAU 4.0 .0518 Q Mar27 /Mar13
Treasury yields at constant 7-year 1.95 1.93 2.47 1.10 Fed Agric Mtg Cl A AGM.A 3.8 1.40 /1.10 Q Mar28 /Mar15 Diana Shipping DSX 10.0 .075 Q Mar12 /Mar05
maturities 10-year 1.98 1.97 2.45 1.10 U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate Fed Agric Mtg Cl C AGM 3.2 1.40 /1.10 Q Mar28 /Mar15
loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest ENI ADR E 4.4 .51864 Apr08 /Mar19
1-month 5.49 5.48 5.81 3.74 20-year 2.09 2.09 2.49 1.26 L3Harris Technologies LHX 2.2 1.16 /1.14 Q Mar22 /Mar08 FTAI Aviation Pfd. B FTAIO 7.8 .50 Q Mar15 /Mar05
2.19 U.S. banks, and is effective July 27, 2023. Other
3-month 5.45 5.44 5.62 4.75 Long-term avg 2.19 2.59 1.46 Lamar Advertising Cl A LAMR 4.7 1.30 /1.25 Q Mar28 /Mar15 Hudbay Minerals HBM 0.3 .0074 SA Mar22 /Mar05
prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending
practices vary widely by location; Discount rate Meritage Homes MTH 1.9 .75 /.27 Q Mar29 /Mar15 LyondellBasell Inds LYB 5.1 1.25 Q Mar11 /Mar04
Notes on data: is effective July 27, 2023. Secured Overnight NewMarket NEU 1.6 2.50 /2.25 Q Apr01 /Mar15 NatWest Group ADR NWG 6.4 .28962 Apr29 /Mar15
Federal-funds rate is an average for the seven days ended Wednesday, weighted according to rates Financing Rate is as of February 23, 2024. Olympic Steel ZEUS 0.9 .15 /.125 Q Mar15 /Mar04 Noble NE 3.7 .40 Q Mar21 /Mar08
on broker trades; Commercial paper rates are discounted offer rates interpolated from sales by DTCC GCF Repo Index is Depository Trust & Red River Bancshares RRBI 0.7 .09 /.08 Q Mar21 /Mar11 Pembina Pipeline PBA 5.7 .4944 Q Mar28 /Mar15
discounted averages of dealer bid rates on nationally traded certificates of deposit; Discount window Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for overnight Unity Bancorp UNTY 1.9 .13 /.12 Q Mar29 /Mar15
primary credit rate is charged for discounts made and advances extended under the Federal trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in Universal Display OLED 0.9 .40 /.35 Q Mar29 /Mar15 Special
Reserve's primary credit discount window program; rate is average for seven days ended Wednesday; billions of U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are Chord Energy CHRD 3.1 2.00 Mar19 /Mar05
Inflation-indexed long-term TIPS average is indexed and is based on the unweighted average bid Tullett Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET. Stocks
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data
yields for all TIPS with remaining terms to maturity of 10 years or more; Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Auddia AUUD 1:25 /Feb27
Sources: Federal Reserve; for additional information on these rate data and their derivation, Statistics; DTCC; FactSet; China Pharma Holdings CPHI 1:5 /Mar06 KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual;
please see, Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. Phunware PHUN 1:50 /Feb27 S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: spin-off.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | B9


Net Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE American and CubeSmart CUBE 42.72 -0.69 FifthThirdBncp FITB 33.27 -0.25 Informatica INFA 32.27 -0.07 MarketAxess MKTX 213.92 -1.00 s PVH PVH 136.02 0.07 Seagate STX 88.66 0.68 TransUnion TRU 76.46 -0.98
Nasdaq Stock Market listed securities. Prices are consolidated from trades Cummins CMI 266.21 2.24 s FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA 1569.00 34.40 Infosys INFY 19.99 -0.12 Marriott MAR 249.22 -2.26 s Paccar PCAR 112.25 1.47 Sempra SRE 70.91 -1.06 Travelers TRV 220.08 -0.88
reported by various market centers, including securities exchanges, Finra, Curtiss-Wright CW 238.01 -0.98 FirstHorizon FHN 13.88 -0.18 IngersollRand IR 90.76 0.23 Marsh&McLen MMC 203.50 -0.15 PackagingCpAm PKG 174.08 -1.33 SentinelOne S 28.02 0.80 s Trex TREX 94.86 1.05
electronic communications networks and other broker-dealers. The list CyberArkSoftware CYBR 257.96 2.05 FirstIndRlty FR 53.42 -0.85 Ingredion INGR 114.62 -0.35 s MartinMarietta MLM 553.31 4.63 PalantirTech PLTR 23.56 0.59 ServiceIntl SCI 71.76 -0.89 s Trimble TRMB 61.81 0.35
comprises the 1,000 largest companies based on market capitalization. Cytokinetics CYTK 79.00 0.98 FirstSolar FSLR 144.58 1.69 Insulet PODD 168.83-15.38 MarvellTech MRVL 68.62 1.04 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 302.78 20.69 ServiceNow NOW 779.66 8.69 TCOM 45.90 -1.44
Underlined quotations are those stocks with large changes in volume FirstEnergy FE 36.48 -0.92 Intel INTC 42.99 ... Masco MAS 75.31 0.37 ParamountB PARA 11.09 -0.12 s SharkNinja SN 54.60 0.84 TruistFinl TFC 34.53 -0.71
compared with the issue’s average trading volume. D E F FirstService FSV 164.42 -0.26 s InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 107.79 1.07 Mastercard MA 474.51 1.09 ParamountA PARAA 20.87 0.46 Shell SHEL 63.38 -0.55 Twilio TWLO 57.78 -0.23
s Fiserv FI 150.96 0.20 ICE ICE 137.91 -0.47 MatadorRscs MTDR 61.25 0.53 ParkerHannifin PH 530.81 -0.26 s SherwinWilliams SHW 322.51 0.48 TylerTech TYL 441.19 3.71
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues whose price changed by 5% or DTE Energy DTE 106.19 -2.26
FiveBelow FIVE 196.00 2.53 InterContinentl IHG 110.63 -1.06 MatchGroup MTCH 36.62 -0.24 s Parsons PSN 80.54 1.27 ShinhanFin SHG 31.15 -1.53 TysonFoods TSN 54.12 0.31
more if their previous closing price was $2 or higher. Danaher DHR 251.65 -2.19
FleetCorTech FLT 278.31 -2.89 IBM IBM 184.13 -1.59 McCormickVtg MKC.V 67.60 -0.41 Paychex PAYX 123.37 -1.27 ShockwaveMed SWAV 259.89 -0.94 UBS Group UBS 28.35 0.30
Darden DRI 169.54 0.03
Footnotes: Datadog DDOG 129.35 -0.16 s
Flex FLEX 28.00 -0.15 IntlFlavors IFF 77.41 -3.07 McCormick MKC 67.88 -0.20 PaycomSoftware PAYC 180.08 -4.59 Shopify SHOP 77.56 1.32 UDR UDR 35.02 -0.83
s-New 52-week high; t-New 52-week low; dd-Indicates loss in the most Floor&Decor FND 115.97 -1.14 IntlPaper IP 33.80 -0.93 McDonald's MCD 297.12 -0.63 Paylocity PCTY 170.79 -2.63 SimonProperty SPG 149.53 -0.82 U-Haul UHAL 63.82 -1.06
DaVita DVA 124.96 -0.30
recent four quarters. FlutterEnt FLUT 210.90 -1.08 Interpublic IPG 32.28 -0.02 s McKesson MCK 519.20 2.96 PayPal PYPL 59.33 0.17 SimpsonMfg SSD 199.57 -0.39 U-Haul N UHAL/B 62.64 -0.91
Dayforce DAY 71.26 -0.16 s US Foods USFD 51.37 0.31
FomentoEconMex FMX118.41 -0.42 s Intuit INTU 663.84 4.03 s Medpace MEDP 403.26 1.59 Pearson PSO 12.18 0.07 SiriusXM SIRI 4.73 -0.03
Stock tables reflect preliminary closing values as of 4 p.m. ET and DeckersOutdoor DECK 869.47-11.01
changes in the official closing prices from 4 p.m. ET the previous day. FordMotor F 11.95 -0.19 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 388.27 -1.50 Medtronic MDT 83.67 -2.00 PembinaPipeline PBA 34.63 -0.06 SiteOneLandscape SITE 165.56 -2.06 UWM UWMC 6.55 -0.14
Deere DE 363.21 -1.45
Fortinet FTNT 68.40 0.76 InvitatHomes INVH 33.31 0.03 MercadoLibre MELI 1610.13-19.19 PenskeAuto PAG 150.62 -0.37 SkechersUSA SKX 60.50 0.30 Uber UBER 78.36 0.16
s DellTechC DELL 92.77 2.42
Fortis FTS 38.59 -0.77 s IronMountain IRM 75.37 0.34 Merck MRK 128.84 -0.61 s Pentair PNR 75.95 -0.81 Skyworks SWKS 103.73 -0.12 Ubiquiti UI 119.77 -1.21
DeltaAir DAL 41.79 0.07
Fortive FTV 86.02 -0.09 ItauUnibanco ITUB 6.91 0.06 MetaPlatforms META 481.74 -2.29 Penumbra PEN 231.26 -7.11 SmithAO AOS 81.59 0.19 UiPath PATH 24.01 0.68
Monday, February 26, 2024 Net Net DentsplySirona XRAY 33.69 -0.22 s UltaBeauty ULTA 556.32 6.54
FortuneBrands FBIN 79.83 -0.93 MetLife MET 68.57 -0.76 PepsiCo PEP 168.26 -1.34 Smith&Nephew SNN 28.53 -0.35
Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
Net DescartesSystems DSGX 86.47 0.13
DeutscheBank DB 13.27 -0.11
FoxA FOXA 29.63 -0.60 J K L Mettler-Toledo MTD 1195.26-14.53 s PerformanceFood PFGC 75.94 0.33 Smucker SJM 125.25 -0.67 Unilever UL 50.47 -0.19
Stock Sym Close Chg AspenTech AZPN 186.62 2.86 CVS Health CVS 76.43 -0.77 FoxB FOX 27.22 -0.46 MicrochipTech MCHP 82.90 0.06 PermianRscs PR 15.20 0.15 Snap SNAP 10.72 -0.08 s UnionPacific UNP 252.64 -4.27
DevonEnergy DVN 43.83 -0.05 JD 23.70 -0.20 s MicronTech MU 89.46 3.46 PetroleoBrasil PBR 17.65 0.29
s Assurant AIZ 178.94 0.57 CadenceDesign CDNS 303.69 0.16 Franco-Nevada FNV 106.83 -0.89 Snap-On SNA 271.21 0.26 UnitedAirlines UAL 44.97 -0.54
A B C AstraZeneca AZN 65.93 0.10 CaesarsEnt CZR 40.83 -0.82
DexCom DXCM 116.17 -0.09
FranklinRscs BEN 26.73 -0.28 JPMorganChase JPM 183.36 -0.63 Microsoft MSFT 407.54 -2.80 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 17.09 0.30 Snowflake SNOW 230.93 1.59 UnitedMicro UMC 7.62 0.06
Diageo DEO 152.76 0.47 Jabil JBL 140.06 0.54 s MicroStrategy MSTR 796.48109.04 Pfizer
Atlassian TEAM 204.66 0.22 CamdenProperty CPT 92.58 -2.27 FreeportMcM FCX 38.03 -0.93 PFE 27.18 -0.58 SOQUIMICH SQM 44.12 0.45 UPS B UPS 147.50 -1.13
AECOM ACM 89.47 -0.06 DiamondbkEner FANG 177.11 0.75 JackHenry JKHY 174.42 -1.53 MidAmApt MAA 123.70 -2.62 PhilipMorris PM 90.42 -1.14 s UnitedRentals URI 670.79 12.56
AtmosEnergy ATO 111.62 -1.14 Cameco CCJ 40.87 0.68 FreseniusMedCare FMS 19.69 0.32 SoFiTech SOFI 8.54 0.37
AES AES 15.55 -0.45 s Dick's DKS 175.52 2.85 JacobsSolns J 146.48 -0.51 Middleby
Autodesk ADSK 257.35 0.15 CampbellSoup CPB 42.18 -0.27 MIDD 154.87 1.53 s Phillips66 PSX 148.31 1.20 Sony SONY 86.07 -1.84 US Bancorp USB 40.84 -0.52
AFL 79.70 -0.71
AGCO 107.56 -0.67
s Autoliv ALV 112.87 0.55 CIBC CM 46.51 -0.44
DigitalRealty DLR 137.96 0.12
DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 121.96 0.25
G H I JamesHardie JHX 38.49 -0.05 s MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 10.09 0.08 PinnacleWest PNW 69.27 -1.23 Southern SO 66.25 -1.44 US Steel X 47.65 0.39
ADP ADP 253.55 -2.32 CanNtlRlwy CNI 131.61 ...
JazzPharm JAZZ 132.77 0.49 MizuhoFin MFG 3.69 -0.01 Pinterest PINS 35.39 -0.47 SoCopper SCCO 79.94 -2.09 UnitedTherap UTHR 223.58 -3.45
Ansys ANSS 336.32 -4.57 Disney DIS 107.68 -0.06 s GE HealthCare GEHC 90.62 1.55 JefferiesFinl JEF 41.23 -0.85 Mobileye UnitedHealth UNH 525.32 -1.92
AutoZone AZO 2770.46 14.12 CanadianNatRscs CNQ 65.88 0.56 MBLY 24.38 0.64 PioneerNatRscs PXD 233.96 1.48 SouthwestAir LUV 34.15 0.37
APA APA 29.62 -0.41 DocuSign DOCU 51.80 0.07 GFLEnvironmental GFL 36.79 1.18 J&J JNJ 160.79 -1.05 Moderna UnitySoftware U
Avalonbay AVB 173.62 -1.78 s CdnPacKC CP 86.59 0.07 MRNA 94.02 -2.44 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 16.19 -0.17 SouthwesternEner SWN 6.94 0.03 33.04 1.78
ASE Tech ASX 9.86 0.05 DolbyLab DLB 81.08 1.09 GSK GSK 42.34 0.12 JohnsonControls JCI 58.58 0.14 MohawkInds MHK 113.88 -1.06 PlainsGP
Avangrid AGR 30.93 -1.15 CapitalOne COF 134.49 -1.03 PAGP 16.90 -0.23 Splunk SPLK 155.55 ... UnivDisplay OLED 173.12 1.23
ASML ASML 947.59 14.34 DollarGeneral DG 138.79 -1.61 Gallagher AJG 244.04 -0.96 JonesLang JLL 184.84 1.91 s MolinaHealthcare MOH 401.70 -5.07 Pool
Avantor AVTR 24.46 0.11 CardinalHealth CAH 110.27 2.18 POOL 386.40 -1.21 s Spotify SPOT 254.99 -1.11 UniversalHealthB UHS 164.33 0.02
AT&T T 16.60 -0.20 DollarTree DLTR 145.77 -0.11 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 44.46 -0.98 JuniperNetworks JNPR 37.08 -0.10 MolsonCoorsB TAP 62.74 0.25 Primerica
AveryDennison AVY 214.31 -0.38 Carlisle CSL 350.29 -5.98 PRI 247.19 -2.74 StanleyBlackDck SWK 86.99 -2.15 UnumGroup UNM 49.20 -0.38
AbbottLabs ABT 118.69 -0.77 DominionEner D 46.56 -1.30 Gap GPS 19.36 -0.09 KB Financial KB 46.54 -2.76 MNDY 216.00 8.10 PrincipalFinl PFG 80.11 -0.13
AxonEnterprise AXON 271.59 0.96 Carlyle CG 43.91 -0.73 Stantec STN 83.77 0.73 VICI Prop VICI 29.55 -0.50
s AbbVie ABBV 178.81 0.72 s Domino's DPZ 459.00 25.35 Garmin GRMN 135.22 -0.29 KBR KBR 59.49 -0.04 Mondelez MDLZ 73.29 -0.69 ProcoreTech PCOR 74.38 0.58
BCE BCE 37.26 -0.34 CarMax KMX 73.96 0.63 Starbucks SBUX 94.28 -1.34 VailResorts MTN 227.49 -7.49
AcadiaHealthcare ACHC 85.49 1.20 Donaldson DCI 66.66 -0.10 Gartner IT 460.97 0.33 KE Holdings BEKE 13.96 -0.18 MongoDB MDB 450.80 -0.72 Procter&Gamble PG 160.22 -0.81 Vale VALE 13.17 -0.30
BHP Group BHP 57.20 -1.11 Carnival CCL 14.78 -0.45 StateStreet STT 72.87 -0.71
s Accenture ACN 377.48 0.16 DoorDash DASH 119.89 -1.87 GenDigital GEN 21.50 -0.64 KKR KKR 95.80 ... MonolithicPower MPWR 724.89 3.76 s Progressive PGR 193.58 2.28 ValeroEnergy VLO 145.09 3.51
BJ'sWholesale BJ 71.62 -0.01 Carnival CUK 13.54 -0.38 SteelDynamics STLD 131.07 4.06
s AcuityBrands AYI 244.38 -0.42 s DoubleVerify DV 42.50 0.14 GeneralDynamics GD 273.02 -0.73 KLA KLAC 683.82 15.00 MonsterBev MNST 55.72 0.43 Prologis s Vaxcyte PCVX 78.97 2.10
BP BP 35.32 -0.06 CarrierGlobal CARR 54.00 -0.20 PLD 132.56 -0.65 Stellantis STLA 26.17 -0.34
Adobe ADBE 560.48 7.04 s Dover DOV 164.78 0.68 s GeneralElec GE 154.77 1.44 KT KT 14.41 -0.14 Moody's VeevaSystems VEEV 224.00 2.36
s BWX Tech BWXT 89.89 0.06 Carvana CVNA 69.88 0.65 MCO 380.12 -5.39 PrudentialFinl PRU 107.05 -1.02 Steris STE 233.71 -2.14
AdvDrainageSys WMS 163.90 0.47 Dow DOW 56.07 -0.32 GeneralMills GIS 65.00 -0.32 KarunaTherap KRTX 315.99 -4.26 MorganStanley MS 85.67 -0.88 Prudential PUK 20.93 -0.23 Ventas VTR 42.97 -1.19
Baidu BIDU 110.59 -0.77 s CaseysGenStores CASY 299.04 -0.71 Stevanato STVN 32.67 0.50
AdvMicroDevices AMD 176.01 -0.51 DrReddy'sLab RDY 77.09 -0.50 GeneralMotors GM 39.79 0.16 KSPI 103.33 -0.14 Morningstar MORN 295.57 -3.14 PublicServiceEnt PEG 59.64 -1.11 Veralto VLTO 86.31 -0.40
BakerHughes BKR 29.84 -0.05 Catalent CTLT 58.29 -0.48 StifelFinancial SF 76.22 -0.33
Aegon AEG 5.79 -0.03 DraftKings DKNG 40.35 -0.93 Genmab GMAB 29.40 0.24 Kellanova K 56.44 0.01 Mosaic VeriSign VRSN 193.02 -3.54
s Ball BALL 62.38 -0.51 Caterpillar CAT 325.38 1.50 MOS 31.64 0.16 PublicStorage PSA 278.62 -6.16 STMicroelec STM 44.85 0.10
AerCap AER 75.97 -1.88 Dropbox DBX 23.50 -0.50 s Gentex GNTX 36.00 -0.08 Kenvue KVUE 18.94 -0.24 MotorolaSol MSI 328.55 -1.72 PulteGroup PHM 106.20 0.46 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 243.11 -1.72
BBVA BBVA 10.23 ... Celanese CE 150.13 0.75 Stryker SYK 352.46 -2.57
AffirmHldgs AFRM 37.35 0.37 DukeEnergy DUK 90.65 -2.08 GenuineParts GPC 148.42 0.54 KeurigDrPepper KDP 29.50 -0.69 s MurphyUSA MUSA 411.81 -1.65 PureStorage PSTG 41.50 0.93 s SumitomoMits SMFG 10.90 0.10 Verizon VZ 39.69 -0.97
AgilentTechs A 131.49 -0.54 BancoBradesco BBDO 2.53 ... CelsiusHldg CELH 65.56 1.51 Duolingo DUOL 183.74 6.61 Gerdau GGB 4.24 -0.04
BancodeChile BCH 21.93 -0.18 Cemex CX 8.08 -0.07
KeyCorp KEY 13.68 -0.38 NICE NICE 243.43 5.23 Qiagen QGEN 43.56 -0.26 SummitMaterials SUM 42.25 0.01 VertexPharm VRTX 433.48 3.37
AgnicoEagleMines AEM 48.88 -0.75 DuPont DD 69.91 -0.05 GileadSciences GILD 72.95 -0.60 KeysightTech KEYS 152.35 2.38 NIO
BancSanBrasil BSBR 5.68 0.02 s Cencora COR 238.34 1.07 NIO 5.65 0.25 Qorvo QRVO 113.52 0.72 SunComms SUI 131.35 -0.04 s Vertiv VRT 66.31 3.61
AirProducts APD 229.36 -3.43 Dynatrace DT 49.53 -0.48 GitLab GTLB 71.11 1.17 KimberlyClark KMB 121.23 -0.41 NNN REIT NNN 41.15 -0.33 Qualcomm QCOM 157.03 2.12
BcoSantChile BSAC 18.99 ... CenovusEnergy CVE 17.72 0.10 SunLifeFinancial SLF 54.77 -0.34 Viatris VTRS 13.43 -0.10
Airbnb ABNB 149.27 -3.39 s elfBeauty ELF 199.61 13.67 GlobalPayments GPN 133.33 0.23 KimcoRealty KIM 19.28 -0.26 NRG Energy NRG 52.77 1.22 s QuantaServices PWR 235.64 1.25
BancoSantander SAN 4.09 -0.01 s Centene CNC 80.23 0.01 SuncorEnergy SU 33.81 -0.10 VinFastAuto VFS 5.18 0.12
AkamaiTech AKAM 108.07 -0.10 s EMCOR EME274.88 5.16 GlobalFoundries GFS 54.52 1.37 KinderMorgan KMI 17.13 -0.12 s NVR
BanColombia CIB 33.14 -0.09 CenterPointEner CNP 27.30 -0.61 NVR 7569.56-15.19 QuestDiag DGX 126.20 -0.88 SuperMicroComp SMCI 876.34 16.33 Vipshop VIPS 17.17 0.18
Albemarle ALB 121.52 0.87 ENI E 30.82 0.02 Globant GLOB 225.90 -0.62 KinsaleCapital KNSL 511.62 3.67 s NXP Semicon NXPI 243.79 4.94
BankofAmerica BAC 33.61 -0.31 CentraisElBras EBR 8.68 0.06 Suzano SUZ 11.22 0.10 Visa V 284.15 0.55
Albertsons ACI 21.57 0.13
Alcon ALC 80.53 0.47 BankMontreal BMO 93.88 -1.04 CerevelTherap CERE 41.08 0.20
EOG Rscs EOG 112.05 0.19 GlobeLife GL 127.09 0.19
EPAM Systems EPAM 302.41 0.61 GlobusMedical GMED 55.91 -0.38
Klaviyo KVYO 28.59 ... Nasdaq NDAQ 56.19 -0.46 R S SynchronyFinl SYF 39.92 -0.20 s Vistra VST 48.75 0.13
BankNY Mellon BK 55.28 -0.36 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 249.56 1.85 Knight-Swift KNX 57.82 -0.40 s Natera NTRA 74.19 3.73 Synopsys SNPS 575.70 0.05 Vodafone VOD 8.47 ...
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 119.11 -2.82
BankNovaScotia BNS 47.29 -0.30 CharterComms CHTR292.64 -6.78
EQT EQT 36.74 -0.27 s GoDaddy GDDY 114.06 -0.85 Philips PHG 20.08 -0.04 NationalGrid NGG 65.66 -0.98 RBC Bearings RBC 270.20 -0.49 Sysco SYY 80.84 0.02 s VulcanMatls VMC 261.08 3.85
Alibaba BABA 76.51 0.55 EagleMaterials EXP 250.99 2.32 GoldFields GFI 12.55 -0.37 s KoreaElecPwr KEP 9.35 0.35 NatWest s RB Global RBA 77.13 0.40
Barclays BCS 8.52 0.02 CheckPoint CHKP 159.43 -0.85 NWG 5.96 -0.08 s
AlignTech ALGN 310.84 -6.04
Allegion ALLE 128.49 -0.60 BarrickGold GOLD 14.65 -0.09 Chemed CHE 598.47 0.64
EastWestBncp EWBC 71.18 -1.18 GoldmanSachs GS 390.22 -0.83
EastGroup EGP 179.17 -1.76 Grab GRAB 3.19 0.03
KraftHeinz KHC 35.96 -0.09 NetApp NTAP 87.43 0.03
RELX 44.64 0.20
RPM 112.09 -0.63
Bath&BodyWks BBWI 46.50 -0.75 CheniereEnergy LNG 154.99 -2.74 Kroger KR 47.26 -0.95 NetEase NTES 107.48 -1.17
AlliantEnergy LNT 47.43 -1.27 EastmanChem EMN 86.54 -0.07 Graco GGG 89.86 -0.50 LKQ LKQ 52.44 0.26 Netflix RTX RTX 90.02 0.01 TAL Education TAL 14.44 0.23 WEC Energy WEC 76.55 -2.31
BaxterIntl BAX 42.00 -0.55 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 50.95 -1.03 NFLX 587.65 4.09
Allstate ALL 159.80 0.67 Eaton ETN 284.30 -0.63 Grainger GWW 963.63 4.70 s LPL Financial LPLA 267.93 4.57 Neurocrine NBIX 135.58 1.40 RalphLauren RL 186.99 -1.45 TC Energy TRP 39.29 -0.47 WEX WEX 221.43 -0.69
BectonDicknsn BDX 241.72 -4.48 ChesapeakeEner CHK 81.98 0.05
AllyFinancial ALLY 36.04 -0.17
BeiGene BGNE160.26 5.16
eBay EBAY 43.88 -0.13 GraphicPkg GPK 26.37 -0.03 L3HarrisTech LHX 211.74 -2.71 s NewOrientalEduc EDU 92.04 0.43 RangeResources RRC 31.41 0.25 TD Synnex SNX 102.32 -0.79 W.P.Carey WPC 54.84 -1.14
Chevron CVX 154.45 -0.21
AlnylamPharm ALNY 158.66 1.01
BRBR 55.84 0.78
Ecolab ECL 220.28 -2.06 Grifols GRFS 9.29 0.16 LabCorp.ofAmerica LH 215.47 -2.97 t Newmont NEM 30.01 -1.27 RaymondJames RJF 118.65 0.07 TE Connectivity TEL 142.79 -0.32 WPP WPP 46.11 -0.06
BellRing Chewy CHWY 16.60 0.51
Alphabet A GOOGL 137.57 -6.39
BentleySystems BSY 52.49 0.31
Ecopetrol EC 11.88 0.08 GpoAeroportuar PAC 151.45 -1.59 LamResearch LRCX 938.76 10.26 NewsCorp A NWSA 26.36 -0.07 RealtyIncome O 52.49 -0.45 Telus TU 17.65 -0.36 Wabtec WAB 137.68 -0.61
Chipotle CMG 2660.45 13.73
Alphabet C GOOG 138.75 -6.54
WRB 85.17 -0.14
EdisonIntl EIX 66.55 -1.71 GpoAeroportSur ASR 298.71 1.67 LamarAdv LAMR 109.53 -0.55 NewsCorp B NWS 27.52 -0.06 RegalRexnord RRX 167.73 -0.74 Ternium TX 39.82 -0.02 WalgreensBoots WBA 20.99 -0.74
Berkley s Chubb CB 254.84 -1.17
Altria MO 40.71 -0.42
s BerkHathwy B BRK.B409.14 -8.08
EdwardsLife EW 86.15 -1.59 s Guidewire GWRE 121.10 0.82 LambWeston LW 102.05 -0.62 NextEraEnergy NEE 55.15 -1.12 RegencyCtrs REG 60.23 -0.50 s TFI Intl TFII 150.28 1.58 Walmart WMT 59.60 1.08
ChunghwaTel CHT 38.24 -0.26
s AMZN 174.73 -0.26 s ElancoAnimal ELAN 16.26 -0.11 HCA Healthcare HCA 313.20 -2.16 LasVegasSands LVS 53.93 -0.82 s Nextracker NXT 59.62 1.68 s RegenPharm REGN 989.28 8.08 TIM TIMB 18.48 0.08 WarnerBrosA WBD 8.55 -0.06
Ambev ABEV 2.59 0.03 s BerkHathwy A BRK.A615356-13574 Church&Dwight CHD 100.42 0.02 Elastic ESTC 130.70 1.08 HDFC Bank HDB 53.83 -0.17 RegionsFinl RF 18.23 -0.05 s TJX TJX 99.23 -0.15 WarnerMusic WMG 34.30 -0.08
LatticeSemi LSCC 75.09 0.34 Nike NKE 104.54 -1.09
Amcor AMCR 9.14 -0.13 BestBuy BBY 76.45 0.17 ChurchillDowns CHDN 120.84 -2.04 ElbitSystems ESLT 220.05 8.66 HF Sinclair DINO 58.28 0.45 ReinsGrp RGA 172.15 -1.55 T-MobileUS TMUS 163.91 -0.43 s WasteConnections WCN 169.92 -0.23
Lear LEA 134.32 -0.88 NiSource NI 25.71 -0.41
Amdocs DOX 91.21 -0.57 Bio-Techne TECH 71.91 0.29 Ciena CIEN 56.16 0.83 ElectronicArts EA 142.58 -0.01 HP HPQ 28.80 -0.47 Reliance RS 325.59 1.47 TPG TPG 43.88 1.06 s WasteMgt WM 207.46 -0.59
LegendBiotech LEGN 67.00 0.90 Nokia NOK 3.53 -0.01
s AmerSports AS 16.10 0.56 Bio-RadLab B BIO.B337.15 -0.85 s Cigna CI 342.31 -1.93 s ElevanceHealth ELV 506.55 -7.54 HSBC HSBC 38.08 -0.12 RenaissanceRe RNR 225.25 -1.20 T.RowePrice TROW 110.46 -0.53 Waters WAT 327.03 -4.22
s Leidos LDOS 125.69 -0.37 Nomura NMR 5.66 -0.03
Ameren AEE 70.83 -0.77 Bio-RadLab A BIO 338.16 0.17 CincinnatiFinl CINF 112.24 -0.57 EmersonElec EMR 106.19 0.28 H World HTHT 37.61 -1.78 RentokilInit RTO 28.04 0.29 TaiwanSemi TSM 130.64 1.11 Watsco WSO 383.71 -1.27
Lennar B LEN.B 143.73 -0.39 Nordson NDSN 270.87 -2.84
Biogen BIIB 223.71 0.39 s Cintas CTAS 633.94 0.84 RGEN 191.79 -4.73 WeatherfordIntl WFRD 105.03 -0.70
AmericaMovil AMX 19.31 0.07 Enbridge ENB 34.39 -0.41 Haleon HLN 8.27 -0.14 Lennar A LEN 154.13 -0.95 NorfolkSouthern NSC 254.55 -3.46 Repligen TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 149.71 -1.30
AmerAirlines AAL 15.28 0.15 BioMarinPharm BMRN 90.10 -1.14 CiscoSystems CSCO 48.40 -0.46 EncompassHealth EHC 75.39 0.14 Halliburton HAL 34.91 -0.30 s RepublicSvcs RSG 184.87 -0.11 TakedaPharm TAK 14.81 0.19 WebsterFin WBS 46.69 -0.51
s LennoxIntl LII 463.30 4.01 NorthernTrust NTRS 81.20 -0.28
BioNTech BNTX 93.52 -0.45 Citigroup C 55.36 -0.57 RMD 183.29 -0.75 s WellsFargo WFC 54.13 0.27
AEP AEP 80.77 -1.68 Endeavor EDR 23.32 -0.85 s HartfordFinl HIG 95.38 -0.50 LeviStrauss LEVI 18.11 -0.07 NorthropGrum NOC 459.34 -1.76 ResMed Tapestry TPR 47.62 -0.93
s AmerExpress AXP 216.96 2.40 Birkenstock BIRK 51.00 -1.00 CitizensFin CFG 30.43 -0.72 EnergyTransfer ET 14.69 -0.20 HealthpeakProp PEAK 16.18 -0.45 RestaurantBrands QSR 76.38 0.25 TargaResources TRGP 97.56 0.53 Welltower WELL 91.86 -1.55
LiAuto LI 41.34 6.54 Novartis NVS 103.25 -0.65
AmericanFin AFG 126.72 0.62 BlackRock BLK 806.03 -7.56 CleanHarbors CLH 183.96 -0.36 EnphaseEnergy ENPH 119.84 1.65 s Heico HEI 198.98 -0.19 Revvity RVTY 103.96 -0.48 Target TGT 150.15 -1.33 WescoIntl WCC 144.60 -0.88
LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 60.65 -1.35 NovoNordisk NVO 123.49 0.04
AmHomes4Rent AMH 35.58 0.34 Blackstone BX 125.28 0.17 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 20.25 0.03 Entegris ENTG 132.51 -0.03 s Heico A HEI.A 160.50 -0.87 RexfordIndlRealty REXR 51.04 -0.80 TechnipFMC FTI 21.97 0.44 WestPharmSvcs WST 363.29 -4.15
LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 60.64 -1.29 s NuHoldings NU 10.72 0.50
AIG AIG 71.32 ... Block SQ 74.66 -4.26 Clorox CLX 151.01 -1.83 Entergy ETR 99.95 -2.55 HenrySchein HSIC 80.57 0.71 RioTinto RIO 64.65 -1.33 TeckResourcesB TECK 38.80 -0.80 WesternDigital WDC 57.08 1.02
LibertyGlobalC LBTYK 18.95 -0.27 s Nucor NUE 191.59 1.60 t
AmerTowerREIT AMT 187.72 -2.21 BlueOwlCapital OWL 17.87 -0.13 Cloudflare NET 99.08 0.63 EnterpriseProd EPD 27.41 -0.27 Hershey HSY 188.61 -5.22 Rivian RIVN 10.70 0.63 TeledyneTech TDY 426.23 -6.64 WesternMidstrm WES 33.88 0.10
LibertyGlobalA LBTYA 17.95 -0.28 Nutanix NTNX 58.92 0.16
AmerWaterWorks AWK 117.43 -1.53 Boeing BA 200.54 -0.29 Coca-Cola KO 60.71 -0.49 s Equifax EFX 265.25 -0.73 Hess HES 149.96 0.85 RobertHalf RHI 80.52 0.41 Teleflex TFX 227.84 -9.91 Westlake WLK 137.42 0.63
LibertyFormOne C FWONK 68.22 -0.53 Nutrien NTR 53.57 0.33
AmericoldRealty COLD 25.25 -0.52 Booking BKNG 3499.75 -6.21 CocaColaCon COKE 847.96 18.73 EQIX 877.62 -4.67 HessMidstream HESM 34.21 -0.43 Ericsson ERIC 5.42 -0.04 WestRock WRK 43.72 -0.19
s Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 71.69 3.13
s Equinix LibertyFormOne A FWONA 61.35 -0.49 nVentElectric NVT 66.12 -0.05 s Robinhood HOOD 15.59 1.11
s Ameriprise AMP 407.93 0.81 s BoozAllen BAH 147.73 -1.18 Equinor EQNR 24.76 -0.45 HewlettPackard HPE 14.93 -0.18 Roblox RBLX 41.29 -0.17 TelefonicaBras VIV 10.95 -0.10 Weyerhaeuser WY 32.78 -0.60
LibertySirius A LSXMA 30.19 -0.16 NVIDIA NVDA 790.92 2.75
s Ametek AME 178.89 0.69 BostonProps BXP 64.08 -0.95 CognizantTech CTSH 79.51 -0.31 Equitable EQH 34.45 -0.23 s Hilton HLT 203.01 -1.53 RocketCos. RKT 11.47 -0.09 Telefonica TEF 4.09 0.01 WheatonPrecMet WPM 39.19 -0.67
LibertySirius C LSXMK 30.02 -0.14
Coherent COHR 58.57 -0.29
Amgen AMGN 286.37 -2.81
AmkorTech AMKR 30.72 0.13
BostonSci BSX 66.67 -0.33
BristolMyers BMY 50.52 -1.14 s CoinbaseGlbl COIN 193.94 27.96
EquityLife ELS 65.92 -0.90 Hologic HOLX 74.81 -1.34
EquityResdntl EQR 58.82 -1.38 s HomeDepot HD 371.60 -0.36
s Light&Wonder LNW 95.07 1.42 O P Q Rockwell ROK 277.81 -2.70
RogersComm B RCI 45.05 -0.75
TelekmIndonesia TLK 26.24 -0.17
TempurSealy TPX 51.99 0.07
Williams WMB 34.72 -0.22
s Williams-Sonoma WSM 229.73 3.12
EliLilly LLY 771.92 2.38
s Amphenol APH 108.10 0.63 BritishAmTob BTI 30.22 -0.28 ColgatePalm CL 86.15 -0.10 ErieIndemnity ERIE 354.38 4.87 HondaMotor HMC 35.66 -0.16 OKE 72.91 -0.06 RoivantSciences ROIV 11.70 0.10 Tenaris TS 36.12 0.46 WillisTowers WTW 275.02 -2.55
s LincolnElectric LECO 253.23 3.20 ONEOK
AnalogDevices ADI 189.01 -1.10 Broadcom AVGO 1309.13 12.76 Comcast A CMCSA 42.19 0.29 EssentialUtil WTRG 34.18 -0.95 Honeywell HON 199.19 -1.44 ON 77.57 1.38 Roku TencentMusic TME 10.42 0.19 WillScotMobile WSC 48.01 -0.27
Linde LIN 444.94 -2.62 ON Semi ROKU 64.35 -0.13
AngloGoldAsh AU 18.52 0.19 BroadridgeFinl BR 201.40 -0.09 ComfortSystems FIX 284.68 5.62 EssexProp ESS 225.79 -3.55 HormelFoods HRL 30.45 -0.06 TenetHealthcare THC 91.81 -0.99 s Wingstop WING 349.46 10.63
LithiaMotors LAD 287.44 -1.07 OReillyAuto ORLY 1062.07 4.05 Rollins ROL 42.93 0.35
AB InBev BUD 63.10 -0.27 BrookfieldAsset BAM 41.06 -0.11 SABESP SBS 16.10 0.09 EsteeLauder EL 145.02 -4.97 DR Horton DHI 145.86 -0.24 OccidentalPetrol OXY 60.47 0.45 RoperTech ROP 547.91 -8.96 Teradyne TER 102.15 2.01 Wipro WIT 6.32 -0.03
LiveNationEnt LYV 92.17 -3.15
AnnalyCap NLY 18.83 -0.05 s Brookfield BN 40.76 -0.49 ConagraBrands CAG 28.01 -0.29 ETSY 71.96 -2.02 HostHotels HST 20.05 -0.22 OKTA 86.32 3.08 RossStores ROST 147.84 -0.19 Tesla TSLA 199.40 7.43 WIX 134.54 0.32
Etsy LloydsBanking LYG 2.25 -0.01 Okta
AnteroResources AR 25.42 0.21 BrookfieldInfr BIP 29.16 -1.46 Confluent CFLT 33.24 0.06 Everest EG 367.00 -3.88 HoulihanLokey HLI 130.95 -0.90 OldDomFreight ODFL 445.89 5.67 RoyalBkCanada RY 97.97 -0.69 TetraTech TTEK 177.81 0.66 WoodsideEnergy WDS 19.73 -0.03
LockheedMartin LMT 429.18 -1.94
Aon AON 314.43 -0.89 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 24.11 -0.42 ConocoPhillips COP 112.42 0.91 EVRG 49.47 -1.10 s HowmetAerospace HWM 65.86 -0.01 s TevaPharm TEVA 13.29 0.40 Woodward WWD 138.39 -0.87
Evergy Loews L 74.54 -0.65 OldRepublic ORI 28.93 0.19 RoyalCaribbean RCL 119.57 -2.34
ApellisPharm APLS 71.73 3.26 s Brown&Brown BRO 84.05 -0.19 ConEd ED 86.21 -1.72 EversourceEner ES 57.64 -1.23 s Hubbell HUBB 369.58 3.79 OmegaHealthcare OHI 31.23 0.11 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 31.33 0.30 TexasInstruments TXN 164.30 0.61 WooriFinl WF 33.09 -0.93
LogitechIntl LOGI 89.85 0.21
s APi Group APG 35.79 0.52 Brown-Forman A BF.A 58.23 -0.56 ConstBrands A STZ 246.82 -0.41 HUBS 606.96 1.55 TexasPacLand TPL 1560.23 -1.13 s Workday WDAY307.21 1.33
t ExactSciences EXAS 57.51 -0.02 HubSpot Lowe's LOW 231.32 -1.24 Omnicom OMC 89.09 0.49 RyanSpecialty RYAN 47.08 0.04
ApolloGlblMgmt APO 110.88 -0.73 Brown-Forman B BF.B 57.00 -0.49 s ConstellationEner CEG 133.22 -0.77 HUM 359.95 -2.96 TexasRoadhouse TXRH 150.29 1.39 WynnResorts WYNN 103.24 -0.92
Exelon EXC 35.63 -0.50 Humana lululemon LULU 468.25 10.36 OnHolding ONON 32.79 0.59 Ryanair RYAAY 139.68 -1.53
AppFolio APPF 239.19 2.88 s Bruker BRKR 83.60 -1.07 Cooper COO 94.50 -2.25 JBHT 207.99 -5.08 TXT 87.11 1.14 XP XP 24.11 0.08
Expedia EXPE 134.95 -1.35 JBHunt LyondellBasell LYB 98.82 -0.45 OntoInnovation ONTO 180.51 2.05 RymanHospitality RHP 117.67 -1.58 Textron
Apple AAPL 181.16 -1.36 BuildersFirst BLDR 190.44 1.77 s Copart CPRT 52.50 1.12 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 119.30 -0.85 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 12.78 -0.08 OpenText OTEX 38.46 -0.22 s SAP SAP 187.51 3.29 ThermoFisher TMO 563.48 -1.23 XPO XPO 120.48 -1.41
AppliedIndlTechs AIT 187.64 -0.95
ApplMaterials AMAT 203.55 6.39
BungeGlobal BG 93.20 -0.45
BurlingtonStrs BURL 206.16 6.76
s Core&Main CNM 47.53 0.96
CorebridgeFin CRBG 24.57 -0.54
ExtraSpaceSt EXR 139.20 -0.86 s HuntingIngalls HII 288.33 0.19
ExxonMobil XOM 104.25 0.41 s HyattHotels H 151.11 0.94
M N Oracle
ORCL 110.97 -0.98 S&P Global SPGI 433.41 -3.95
ORAN 11.63 -0.06 SBA Comm SBAC 207.78 -5.18
ThomsonReuters TRI 159.09 0.80
3M MMM 91.82 -0.76
XcelEnergy XEL 58.05 -1.28
XPeng XPEV 9.22 0.59
s AppLovin APP 58.99 1.60 s CACI Intl CACI 368.71 -0.65 Corning GLW 32.51 -0.18 F5 FFIV 186.88 1.05 ICICI Bank IBN 25.53 -0.10 M&T Bank MTB 135.68 -2.42 s Orix IX 104.53 0.56 SEI Investments SEIC 67.02 -0.27 Toast TOST 21.34 0.25 s Xylem XYL 125.71 0.08
Aptargroup ATR 141.92 0.56 CBRE Group CBRE 89.95 -0.16 Corteva CTVA 54.82 -0.08 FTI Consulting FCN 220.00 3.90 IdexxLab IDXX 569.87 -6.42 MGM Resorts MGM 41.75 -0.83 Oshkosh OSK 109.08 0.22 SK Telecom SKM 21.97 -0.09 s Toll Bros TOL 112.56 1.26 YPF YPF 17.91 -0.13
Aptiv APTV 77.52 0.29 s CDW CDW 246.23 -0.88 CoStar CSGP 83.98 -0.81 Fabrinet FN 199.73 0.61 ING Groep ING 13.58 -0.16 MKS Instrum MKSI 120.83 0.80 s OtisWorldwide OTIS 93.82 0.30 SS&C Tech SSNC 64.21 -0.69 TopBuild BLD 409.42 -1.92 Yum!Brands YUM 138.06 -0.26
Aramark ARMK 30.67 -0.68 CF Industries CF 80.44 0.03 s Costco COST 745.35 7.42 FactSet FDS 459.07 -4.40 IQVIA IQV 247.48 0.22 MPLX MPLX 39.34 -0.33 Ovintiv OVV 45.97 ... s Saia SAIA 574.36 10.77 Toro TTC 92.70 -0.51 YumChina YUMC 42.00 -0.16
ArcelorMittal MT 26.10 -0.32 s CGI A GIB 115.46 -0.74 CoterraEnergy CTRA 25.92 -0.06 FairIsaac FICO 1288.25 5.92 ITT ITT 125.77 0.10 MSCI MSCI 567.93 -1.04 OwensCorning OC 147.30 -0.07 s Salesforce CRM 300.39 7.59 TorontoDomBk TD 59.78 -0.66 ZTO Express ZTO 19.07 -0.42
ArchCapital ACGL 87.28 -0.01 CH Robinson CHRW 73.43 0.08 Coty COTY 13.16 0.06 s Fastenal FAST 73.00 0.82 IcahnEnterprises IEP 19.15 -0.69 MagnaIntl MGA 53.33 -1.01 PDD PDD 126.48 -1.21 Samsara IOT 33.49 0.18 TotalEnergies TTE 64.30 -0.21 ZebraTech ZBRA 278.06 3.07
ADM ADM 53.17 -0.28 CME Group CME 219.44 1.48 Coupang CPNG 16.39 -0.01 FederalRealty FRT 97.40 -0.88 Icon ICLR 318.73 4.54 ManhattanAssoc MANH 250.09 1.19 PG&E PCG 16.37 -0.66 Sanofi SNY 48.20 -0.57 s ToyotaMotor TM 238.13 3.13 Zillow C Z 53.67 0.14
AresMgmt ARES 131.30 -0.60 CMS Energy CMS 56.60 -1.10 Credicorp BAP 170.52 -0.01 FedEx FDX 241.12 -2.34 s IDEX IEX 236.06 -0.99 ManulifeFinl MFC 24.22 -0.08 PNC Finl PNC 144.85 -1.27 SareptaTherap SRPT 137.65 1.12 TractorSupply TSCO 242.71 -0.36 Zillow A ZG 51.66 0.21
argenx ARGX 410.35 0.83 CNA Fin CNA 44.11 -0.39 Crocs CROX 119.88 1.57 s Ferguson FERG 210.93 3.37 IllinoisToolWks ITW 259.75 -0.38 Maplebear CART 31.39 0.80 POSCO PKX 81.55 -1.11 Schlumberger SLB 48.56 -0.26 TradeDesk TTD 82.19 0.75 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 126.88 -2.30
AristaNetworks ANET 273.74 6.08 CNH Indl CNHI 12.01 -0.21 CrowdStrike CRWD 321.03 9.54 s Ferrari RACE 419.33 3.26 Illumina ILMN 136.97 3.97 MarathonOil MRO 24.15 0.37 PPG Ind PPG 142.34 -2.03 SchwabC SCHW 64.40 -0.04 s Tradeweb TW 105.21 0.12 Zoetis ZTS 197.04 -0.17
Arm ARM 146.20 12.86 s CRH CRH 79.42 0.30 CrownCastle CCI 105.93 -2.76 FidNatlFinl FNF 49.49 -0.57 ImperialOil IMO 62.56 0.95 s MarathonPetrol MPC 172.44 2.90 PPL PPL 26.21 -0.59 s ScienceApplicat SAIC 139.46 0.20 s TraneTech TT 284.83 3.01 ZoomVideo ZM 63.12 -0.28
s AscendisPharma ASND 157.54 -1.86 CSX CSX 38.18 -0.15 Crown Holdings CCK 75.84 -1.08 s FidNatlInfo FIS 67.33 3.05 Incyte INCY 60.53 -0.06 Markel MKL 1443.07-28.45 PTC PTC 181.67 0.73 Sea SE 45.36 0.34 TransDigm TDG 1187.40-12.49 Zscaler ZS 241.70 6.47

New Highs and Lows Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
Hilton HLT 204.87 -0.7 NorthernTechsIntl NTIC 14.22 1.9 Sylvamo SLVM 58.56 4.3 Trimble TRMB 62.37 0.6 WellsFargoPfdAA WFCpA 21.22 Agriforce
... AGRI 0.19 3.2 BlueStarFoods BSFC 0.08 6.0
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, HireRight HRT 14.28 0.1 NuHoldings NU 10.85 4.9 TFI Intl TFII 151.30 1.1 TwoHarborsPfdC TWOpC 23.41 0.1 WellsFargoPfdACC WFCpC 19.91 0.7Ainos AIMD 0.79 -1.1 BluejayDiag BJDX 0.73 -2.0
NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week HomeDepot HD 374.88 -0.1 Nucor NUE 192.86 0.8 TJX TJX 99.69 -0.2 US Foods USFD 51.77 0.6 WellsFargoPfdADD WFCpD 19.24 0.3AirTransportSvcs ATSG 13.35 -4.1 BoneBiologics BBLG 2.54 -25.0
intraday high or low in the latest session. % Chg-Daily percentage change from Honest HNST 3.66 2.6 Nuvalent NUVL 88.94 -0.7 TLGY Acqn A TLGY 11.25 0.1 UltaBeauty ULTA 557.98 1.2 WellsFargo WFC 54.56 0.5AllarityTherap ALLR 0.38 -2.6 BridgeInvt BRDG 6.82 -5.9
the previous trading session. HowmetAerospace HWM 66.29 ... OcularTherapeutix OCUL 10.55 0.4 Talkspace TALK 2.93 3.6 UnionPacific UNP 258.66 -1.7 WerewolfTherap HOWL 8.19 -0.5AmerStWater AWR 71.29 -0.2 BrightSpringUn BTSGU 38.74 0.6
Hubbell HUBB 371.50 1.0 Ollie'sBargain OLLI 84.38 -1.8 TarsusPharm TARS 33.53 4.6 UnitedRentals URI 674.66 1.9 Williams-Sonoma WSM 232.00 1.4AnavexLifeSci AVXL 4.80 1.2 BruushOralCare BRSH 0.05 -10.2
Monday, February 26, 2024 HudsonTech HDSN 15.24 1.3 OrionGroup ORN 6.83 4.0 TatTechnologies TATT 13.25 2.1 UnivInsurance UVE 21.70 -3.5 Wingstop WING 350.88 3.1AquaMetals AQMS 0.47 -4.2 C3is CISS 0.10 -8.3
HuntingIngalls HII 289.88 0.1 Orix IX 105.30 0.5 Tennant TNC 110.42 3.7 UrbanOutfitters URBN 46.18 2.5 WisdomTree WT 7.97 3.7ArbeRobotics ARBE 1.70 3.5 Canoo GOEV 0.10 -9.2
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % HyattHotels H 152.06 0.6 OtisWorldwide OTIS 93.92 0.3 TevaPharm TEVA 13.53 3.1 VEON VEON 26.68 9.4 AriszAcqnA ARIZ 6.95 23.8 Cerence CRNC 14.03 3.0
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Workday WDAY 311.28 0.4
IDT IDT 36.79 2.1 Owens&Minor OMI 24.11 -0.8 TextainerPfdA TGHpA 25.34 0.1 Valvoline VVV 42.29 0.9 WorthingtonEnts WOR 67.23 -3.7ArtesianRscs A ARTNA 33.84 -1.2 CetusCapitalAcqnRt CETUR 0.12 -10.5
Ball BALL 63.29 -0.8 Dick's DKS 176.76 1.7 IES Holdings IESC 108.17 0.9 PG&E 6%Pfd PCGpA 24.75 -0.4 Textainer TGH 50.13 ... Vaxcyte PCVX 79.62 2.7 XOMA XOMA 25.13 6.2AscentSolar ASTI 0.55 -7.7 ChinaPharma CPHI 0.08 -8.1
Highs BkofAmericaPfdNN BACpO 20.25
BankofAmPfdPP BACpP 19.13
DieboldNixdorf DBD
DDS 437.01
IdahoStratRscs IDR
ThorIndustries THO
Toll Bros TOL
Vertiv VRT
VictoryCapital VCTR
Xylem XYL 127.03 0.1B2Gold
2.42 -2.4 ClarosMtg
0.73 -6.1 ConcordMed
9.10 -2.1
0.40 -14.5
BankofAmPfdE BACpE 23.28
BaringsBDC BBDC 9.80
DPZ 476.18
DV 43.00
PacGE pfG
ToyotaMotor TM
Tradeweb TW
Lows Beneficient
0.16 -18.2 Conmed
5.55 -0.9 Cricut
CNMD 79.15 -0.9
CRCT 4.65 -2.7
AG Mortgage Nts MITN 25.50 1.1 BerkHathwy A BRK.A 647038 -2.2 Dover DOV 165.10 0.4 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 108.61 1.0 ParPacific PARR 40.69 3.3 TraneTech TT 286.59 1.1 WasteConnections WCN 171.49 -0.1 AMN Healthcare AMN 53.77 1.8 BiomX PHGE 0.20 -1.4 DDC Enterprise DDC 1.13 -4.8
AG Mortgage PfdB MITTpB 19.62 -0.1 BerkHathwy B BRK.B 430.00 -1.9 DreamFinders DFH 38.92 6.9 IntercorpFinSvcs IFS 30.59 1.6 Parsons PSN 81.27 1.6 Trex TREX 95.45 1.1 WasteMgt WM 209.22 -0.3 Aclarion ACON 0.27 -60.6 BlackBerry BB 2.55 1.6 Continued on Page B10
AGNC InvtPfdD AGNCM 24.80 0.2 BlueprintMed BPMC 95.57 6.2 DycomInds DY 122.79 1.7 Intuit INTU 668.29 0.6 PassageBio PASG 1.50 8.1
AGNC InvtPfdF AGNCP 23.73 -0.2 BoozAllen BAH 149.72 -0.8 elfBeauty ELF 200.49 7.4 IovanceBiotherap IOVA 17.28 5.3 PatrickIndustries PATK 116.08 0.9
AGNCInvPfdG AGNCL 23.50 0.9 BrinkerIntl EAT 46.99 -0.2 EMCOR EME 276.26 1.9 IronMountain IRM 75.72 0.5 PegasusDigA PGSS 11.25 0.3
AI Transportation AITR
ASP Isotopes ASPI
Brown&Brown BRO
BN 41.62
ElancoAnimal ELAN 16.88
Itron ITRI
KKR Nts 2061 KKRS 20.17
93.97 22.1
Pentair PNR
PerformanceFood PFGC
0.4 Exchange-Traded Portfolios |
Bruker BRKR 84.88 -1.3 ElevanceHealth ELV 516.61 -1.5 KaratPkg KRT 28.95 3.4 Phillips66 PSX 150.08 0.8
AZZ AZZ 74.17 1.5 BurTechAcqnA BRKH 11.03 2.2 EnergemA ENCP 12.52 6.6 KellyServices A KELYA 24.03 1.2 Pilgrim'sPride PPC 31.24 8.0 Closing Chg YTD
AbbVie ABBV 179.79 0.4 CACI Intl CACI 371.81 -0.2 EnsignGroup ENSG 125.12 ... KerosTherap KROS 66.98 3.9 PonoCapitalTwoUn PTWOU 14.14 1.8 Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
AbeonaTherap ABEO 7.70 8.0 CBIZ CBZ 75.90 0.2 enVVenoMed NVNO 6.77 6.0 Kirby KEX 88.10 ... Potbelly PBPB 14.03 4.3
Abercrombie&Fitch ANF 127.69 2.8 CDW CDW 248.18 -0.4 Equifax EFX 267.84 -0.3 KodiakGasSvcs KGS 25.66 -2.0 PowellIndustries POWL 171.11 3.0 Closing Chg YTD SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 521.43 –0.03 2.8
Abivax ABVX 15.16 1.9
Monday, February 26, 2024 SPDR S&P Div SDY 124.85 –0.74 –0.1
C4 Therap CCCC 9.80 5.8 Equillium EQ 3.25 9.4 KoreaElecPwr KEP 9.40 3.9 PrestigeCnsHlth PBH 70.44 0.4 ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
AcademySports ASO 71.54 0.5 CGI A GIB 116.73 -0.6 Equinix EQIX 891.88 -0.5 KrystalBiotech KRYS 162.28 41.0 PrimoWater PRMW 16.03 1.3 Closing Chg YTD TechSelectSector XLK 205.49 0.10 6.8
Accenture ACN 380.30 ... CRH CRH 79.51 0.4 Evolus EOLS 14.82 3.0 KukeMusic KUKE 2.10 -2.4 PrimorisSvcs PRIM 40.71 1.6 ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) iSh1-5YIGCpBd IGSB 51.02 –0.14 –0.5 VangdInfoTech VGT 514.52 0.26 6.3
AcuityBrands AYI 245.84 -0.2 CSP CSPI 59.85 16.2 F&GAnnuitiesNts FGN 26.64 ... KymeraTherap KYMR 44.55 3.8 Progressive PGR 193.67 1.2 iSh1-3YTreaBd SHY 81.61 –0.07 –0.5 VangdSC Val VBR 180.81 –0.29 0.5
Agric&NatSolnsA ANSC 10.15 0.1
CommSvsSPDR XLC 78.56 –1.46 8.1
Cadre CDRE 36.67 0.2 FTAIAviationPfdA FTAIP 25.51 ... LPL Financial LPLA 268.29 1.7 ProtaraTherap TARA 4.70 11.4 iShRussMC IWR 79.97 –0.12 2.9 VangdExtMkt VXF 168.27 0.31 2.3
AlarumTech ALAR 15.92 20.0 Leidos LDOS 126.88 -0.3 Q2 QTWO 47.90 -2.0
CnsmrDiscSel XLY 181.85 0.31 1.7
CdnPacKC CP 86.92 0.1 Fastenal FAST 73.19 1.1 iShRuss1000 IWB 278.49 –0.29 6.2 VangdDivApp VIG 178.23 –0.30 4.6
AllisonTransm ALSN 75.24 0.3 CardiolTherap CRDL 1.81 8.6 FederalSignal FSS 83.17 -0.9 LennoxIntl LII 464.26 0.9 QuantaServices PWR 239.00 0.5 DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 30.60 –0.20 4.7
EnSelSectorSPDR XLE 86.26 0.35 2.9 iShRuss1000Grw IWF 330.21 –0.22 8.9 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 57.17 –0.23 1.8
AlphaMetal AMR 446.03 13.4 CaseysGenStores CASY 301.22 -0.2 Ferguson FERG 211.06 1.6 LeonardoDRS DRS 21.35 -0.8 RB Global RBA 77.99 0.5
AlphaProTech APT 5.66 3.9 FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 40.10 –0.50 6.6
iShRuss1000Val IWD 170.19 –0.46 3.0 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 48.74 –0.23 1.8
CECO Env CECO 21.71 4.0 Ferrari RACE 419.88 0.8 Light&Wonder LNW 95.23 1.5 RELX RELX 44.75 0.5
AlpineImmune ALPN 34.93 2.4 GBTC iShRuss2000 IWM 201.15 0.63 0.2 VangdFTSE EM VWO 41.44 –0.34 0.8
Celestica CLS 41.98 3.3 FidNatlInfo FIS 68.02 4.7 LincolnEduc LINC 10.68 5.3 RadNet RDNT 39.55 0.1 GrayscaleBitcoin 48.63 6.67 40.5
Alvotech ALVO 18.00 7.7 LincolnElectric LECO 253.48 RegenPharm REGN iShS&P500Grw IVW 82.36 –0.24 9.7 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 65.41 –0.11 1.4
CelldexTherap CLDX 48.96 27.8 FirstAdvantage FA 17.49 0.6 1.3 995.97 0.8 HealthCrSelSect XLV 147.10 –0.51 7.9
AlvotechWt ALVOW 6.31 31.8 CellebriteDIWt CLBTW 2.74 7.4 FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA1582.69 2.2 LyraTherap LYRA 5.79 1.9 ReposiTrak TRAK 15.52 1.5 iShS&P500Value IVE 178.68 –0.57 2.8 VangdGrowth VUG 337.92 –0.27 8.7
InvscNasd100 QQQM 179.74 –0.04 6.6 AMZN 176.37 -0.1 CellebriteDI CLBT 12.03 2.1 FirstWatchRest FWRG 24.78 2.6 MYR Group MYRG 164.54 0.1 RepublicSvcs RSG 186.20 -0.1 iShSelectDiv DVY 115.20 –1.09 –1.7 VangdHlthCr VHT 269.29 –0.42 7.4
InvscQQQI QQQ 436.55 –0.05 6.6
AmerSports AS 16.48 3.6 Cencora COR 239.86 0.5 Fiserv FI 151.72 0.1 MainStreetCap MAIN 46.40 1.3 Robinhood HOOD 15.61 7.7 iSh7-10YTreaBd IEF 93.90 –0.15 –2.6 VangdHiDiv VYM 115.11 –0.39 3.1
InvscS&P500EW RSP 161.35 –0.40 2.2
AmerCoastalIns ACIC 13.92 0.7 Centene CNC 81.42 ... Floor&Decor FND 117.89 -1.0 MarathonPetrol MPC 175.29 1.7 Root ROOT 23.71 34.2 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.44 ... 0.3 VangdIntermBd BIV 74.80 –0.17 –2.1
AmerEagle AEO 23.89 2.1 iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 56.07 –0.37 4.2
Ceragon CRNT 3.07 7.0 FordMotor6.5%Nts FpD 25.15 1.3 MartinMarietta MLM 557.20 0.8 SAP SAP 188.14 1.8 iShTIPSBond TIP 106.18 –0.04 –1.2 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 79.70 –0.25 –1.9
AmerExpress AXP 217.54 1.1 Chubb CB Freshpet FRPT 112.00 McKesson MCK 522.82 0.6 SCE IV Pfd SCEpJ 23.31 0.2 iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 71.84 –0.13 2.1
257.84 -0.5 19.7 iSh20+YTreaBd TLT 93.59 –0.30 –5.3 VangdIntermTrea VGIT 58.23 –0.12 –1.8
AmericanWoodmark AMWD 97.32 1.0 ChurchillVII Wt CVIIW 0.41 -7.7 FriedmanInds FRD 19.33 5.6 MediaAlpha MAX 22.38 7.6 SCETrustVIIPfd SCEpM 27.09 -0.3 iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 50.85 –0.39 0.5
iShUSTreasuryBd GOVT 22.58 –0.13 –2.0 VangdLC VV 232.53 –0.39 6.6
Ameriprise AMP 410.71 0.2 Cigna CI 347.14 -0.6 FulcrumTherap FULC 9.97 1.4 MediWound MDWD 14.49 4.5 SFL SFL 13.41 1.6 iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 65.91 –0.20 1.5 iSh0-3MTreaBd SGOV 100.64 0.01 0.4 VangdMegaGrwth MGK 282.73 –0.32 8.9
Ametek AME 180.12 0.4 Cintas CTAS 636.37 0.1 GE HealthCare GEHC 90.71 1.7 Medpace MEDP 406.22 0.4 SLM Pfd B SLMBP 74.64 ... iShCoreS&P500 IVV 508.42 –0.38 6.4 JPM EqPrem JEPI 56.92 0.07 3.5 VangdMC VO 237.72 –0.19 2.2
Amphenol APH 108.20 0.6 CleanSpark CLSK 20.95 23.9 GMS GMS 91.81 0.4 Merus MRUS 48.23 0.3 Saia SAIA 580.00 1.9 iShCoreS&P MC IJH 56.98 –0.11 2.8
AnaptysBio ANAB 27.50 2.3
JPM UltShIncm JPST 50.40 0.02 0.3 VangdMBS VMBS 45.18 –0.22 –2.5
ClearChannelOutdr CCO 2.06 5.3 GaotuTechedu GOTU 6.50 8.0 MicronTech MU 92.35 4.0 Salesforce CRM 303.83 2.6 iShCoreS&P SC IJR 106.61 0.03 –1.5
APi Group APG 35.94 1.5 CloverLeafCap CLOEU 12.92 9.0 GasLogPtrsPfdB GLOPpB 25.55 -0.1 MicroStrategy MSTR 809.95 15.9 Savara SVRA 5.44 2.0
PacerUSCashCows COWZ 53.66 0.11 3.2 VangdRealEst VNQ 83.88 –1.10 –5.1
iShCoreS&PTotUS ITOT 111.42 –0.28 5.9 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 59.54 –0.13 17.4 VangdRuss1000Grw VONG 84.99 –0.23 8.9
ApogeeEnt APOG 56.77 1.0 Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 71.71 4.6 GeneralElec GE 155.18 0.9 MillerIndustries MLR 44.65 1.4 ScienceApplicat SAIC 140.11 0.1
iShCoreTotUSDBd IUSB 45.23 –0.18 –1.8 SPDRBbg1-3MTB BIL 91.71 ... 0.4 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 465.07 –0.37 6.5
AppliedTherap APLT 6.20 -7.7 CogentComm CCOI 80.06 1.5 Gentex GNTX 36.28 -0.2 MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 10.14 0.8 SelectiveInsPfdB SIGIP 18.93 -0.1
AppLovin APP 60.90 2.8 CoinbaseGlbl COIN 196.95 16.8 GigCapital5 GIA 14.40 13.5 ModineMfg MOD 87.47 5.3 ShakeShack SHAK 102.82 3.2
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 97.13 –0.22 –2.1 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 390.71 –0.15 3.7 VangdST Bond BSV 76.41 –0.08 –0.8
AriszAcqnUn ARIZU 12.47 19.5 CollegiumPharm COLL 37.75 0.6 GoDaddy GDDY 115.28 -0.7 MolinaHealthcare MOH 410.00 -1.2 SharkNinja SN 54.83 1.6 iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 81.41 –0.46 4.3 SPDR Gold GLD 188.20 –0.22 –1.6 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 76.95 –0.13 –0.5
ArmstrongWorld AWI 122.87 ... ColombierAcqnIIA CLBR 10.24 0.1 Griffon GFF 70.65 1.0 MountainI A MCAA 11.39 0.1 SherwinWilliams SHW 324.50 0.1 iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 160.11 –0.09 8.8 SPDRPtfDevxUS SPDW 34.68 –0.17 2.0 VangdShortTrea VGSH 57.98 –0.05 –0.6
Artivion AORT 20.49 -0.7 CommvaultSystems CVLT 96.48 0.8 Groupon GRPN 18.80 3.9 MuellerIndustries MLI 50.77 3.1 ShoeCarnival SCVL 31.86 2.9 iShGoldTr IAU 38.44 –0.21 –1.5 SPDRS&P500Value SPYV 47.96 –0.54 2.9 VangdSC VB 216.95 0.11 1.7
AscendisPharma ASND 161.00 -1.2 ConstellationEner CEG 135.20 -0.6 GpoFinGalicia GGAL 22.97 3.3 MurphyUSA MUSA 416.85 -0.4 SkyWest SKYW 61.50 1.0 iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 77.10 –0.32 –0.4 SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 59.53 –0.32 6.5 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 50.64 –0.24 –0.8
AssetMarkFin AMK 34.42 1.8 Copart CPRT 52.81 2.2 Guess GES 25.46 1.6 NVR NVR 7628.54 -0.2 SolenoTherap SLNO 51.76 5.1 iShiBoxx$IGCpBd LQD 107.72 –0.31 –2.7 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 71.32 –0.24 9.6 VangdTotalBd BND 72.05 –0.18 –2.0
Assurant AIZ 179.94 0.3 Core&Main CNM 47.85 2.1 Guidewire GWRE 121.68 0.7 NXP Semicon NXPI 245.00 2.1 SoundHoundAI SOUN 5.95 46.7 iShMBS MBB 91.60 –0.22 –2.6 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 505.99 –0.37 6.5 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 48.69 –0.18 –1.4
AssuredGuaranty AGO 85.82 0.9 CornerGrowthWt COOLW 0.31 9.9 HamiltonLane HLNE 121.90 -2.0 Natera NTRA 74.79 5.3 Spotify SPOT 256.43 -0.4 iShMSCIACWI ACWI 106.48 –0.27 4.6 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 37.77 –0.16 2.2 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 58.82 –0.22 1.5
AstranaHealth ASTH 43.87 4.8 Costco COST 746.78 1.0 HarpoonTherap HARP 22.97 ... NatlHealthInv NHI 59.68 0.7 SproutsFarmers SFM 60.93 1.2
iShMSCI EAFE EFA 77.29 –0.14 2.6 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 58.95 –0.30 5.9 VangdTotalStk VTI 251.24 –0.30 5.9
AthenePfdB ATHpB 22.58 0.8 CustomersBncpPfdE CUBIpE 26.21 1.5 HartfordFinl HIG 96.64 -0.5 NatureWood NWGL 16.55 2.7 SpruceBio SPRB 5.78 -1.8
Autoliv ALV 113.55 0.5 CymaBayTherap CBAY 32.31 0.2 HealthEquity HQY 84.08 1.5 NewOrientalEduc EDU 95.00 0.5 Stericycle SRCL 51.25 1.1
iSh MSCI EM EEM 40.42 –0.44 0.5 SchwabUS Div SCHD 77.47 –0.54 1.8 VangdTotWrldStk VT 107.24 –0.26 4.2
BIMI Intl BIMI 4.10 ... DellTechC DELL 94.99 2.7 Heico A HEI.A 162.20 -0.5 NewMarket NEU 634.68 -0.1 SterlingInfr STRL 90.36 3.4 iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 52.11 –0.38 0.0 SchwabUS LC SCHX 60.04 –0.30 6.5 VangdValue VTV 155.40 –0.40 3.9
BWX Tech BWXT 90.57 0.1 DianthusTherap DNTH 26.44 4.3 Heico HEI 200.64 -0.1 Nextracker NXT 61.77 2.9 SumitomoMits SMFG 10.93 0.9 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 107.76 –0.19 –0.6 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 90.57 –0.29 9.2 WT FRTrea USFR 50.28 0.04 0.1

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret
LgCpGwId InstPre 32.14 -0.08 8.9 SrsEmrgMkt 17.49
-0.04 0.9 JPMorgan R Class NHoriz 58.86 +0.16 4.7 MuShtAdml 15.75 ... 0.3 Welltn NA ... NA
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. MidCpInxInstPrem 30.80 -0.05 2.8 SrsGlobal 14.10
-0.02 1.8 CoreBond 10.13 -0.02 -1.4 R2030 24.55 -0.04 2.5 PrmcpAdml r 164.05 -0.01 4.9 WndsrII 44.68 -0.20 4.2
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e and s SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 21.01 -0.08 6.5 SrsGroCoRetail 21.69
+0.03 11.4 CorePlusBd 7.14 -0.01 -1.3 Putnam Funds Class A RealEstatAdml 118.82 -1.35 -5.1 VANGUARD INDEX FDS
apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, 12b-1. r- SeriesBondFd 8.86 -0.02 -1.8 SrsIntlGrw 18.14
+0.02 5.9 Lord Abbett I PutLargCap p 32.26 -0.03 4.5 SmCapAdml 103.94 +0.15 1.7 ExtndIstPl 314.99 +1.20 2.4
Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r apply. v-Footnotes SeriesOverseas 13.70 +0.01 5.6 SrsIntlVal 11.97
-0.02 2.6 ShtDurInc p 3.84 ... 0.5 Schwab Funds SmGthAdml 87.83 +0.61 3.4 IdxIntl 18.88 -0.04 1.4
x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not available due to incomplete SerLTTreBdIdx 5.56 -0.02 -4.6 TotalBond 9.40
-0.02 -1.4 Metropolitan West 1000 Inv r 108.83 -0.35 NA STBondAdml NA ... NA MdCpGrAdml 97.65 +0.12 3.3
price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; data under review. NN-Fund not SmCpIdxInstPrem 25.11 +0.16 0.3 Fidelity SAI TotRetBdI 8.95 -0.01 -2.0 S&P Sel 77.85 -0.30 NA STIGradeAdml 10.16 -0.01 -0.1 MdCpVlAdml 76.03 -0.38 1.3
tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. TMktIdxInstPrem 139.56 -0.39 5.9 TotalBd 8.90 -0.01 -1.2 TRBdPlan 8.39 -0.02 -2.0 TSM Sel r 85.77 -0.24 NA STIPSIxAdm 23.81 +0.01 ... SmValAdml 77.68 -0.23 0.4
TotalMarketIndex 17.61 -0.05 6.0 U.S.TreBdIdx 8.64 -0.01 -1.7 MFS Funds TIAA/CREF Funds TotBdAdml NA ... NA TotBd2 NA ... NA
TtlIntIdxInstPr 13.34 -0.02 1.4 Fidelity Selects IIE 33.91 -0.07 2.9 EqIdxInst 35.66 -0.10 5.9 TotIntBdIdxAdm 19.49 -0.06 -1.0 TotIntlInstIdx r 126.32 -0.24 1.5
Monday, February 26, 2024 USBdIdxInstPrem 10.19 -0.02 -1.8 Semiconductors r 29.01 +0.34 19.6 MFS Funds Class I IntlEqIdxInst 22.44 -0.02 2.7 TotIntlAdmIdx r 31.59 -0.06 1.4 TotItlInstPlId r 126.35 -0.24 1.5
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD Fidelity Advisor I Softwr 28.96 +0.04 4.7 GrowthI 193.91 -0.63 12.7 LrgCpGrIdxInst 56.49 -0.13 9.0 TotStAdml 122.32 -0.34 5.9 TotSt 122.28 -0.34 5.9
Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret Total Bd 9.39 -0.01 -1.4 Tech 31.32 +0.20 9.9 ValueI 49.44 -0.17 3.9 VANGUARD ADMIRAL TxMCapAdml NA ... NA VANGUARD INSTL FDS
Fidelity Freedom First Eagle Funds Natixis Funds 500Adml 468.61 -1.77 6.5 TxMIn r 15.66 -0.03 1.7 BalInst NA ... NA
AB Funds Artisan Funds US CoreEq2 34.11
-0.07 5.1 FF2030 GlbA
MuniIncmShares 11.07 -0.01 0.2 IntlVal Inst 47.06 -0.01 2.4 US Small 44.50
+0.12 0.3 FF2040
16.93 -0.02 2.2 64.14 -0.27 1.7 LSGrowthY 25.38 ... 9.3 BalAdml NA ... NA USGroAdml 161.03 -0.10 9.8 DevMktsIndInst 15.68 -0.03 1.6
10.90 -0.02 3.9 Franklin A1 Northern Funds CAITAdml 11.41 ... -0.1
ValAdml 60.61 -0.27 4.0 DevMktsInxInst 24.51 -0.04 1.7
AB Funds - ADV Baird Funds US SmCpVal 44.47
+0.01 -1.0 Freedom2030 K 16.91 IncomeA1
LgCpGrAdv 102.83 -0.01 10.8 AggBdInst 9.64 -0.05 -1.7 US TgdVal 31.45
+0.01 -1.4 Freedom2035 K 14.94
-0.03 2.2 2.29 -0.01 -0.8 StkIdx 52.17 -0.19 6.5 CapOpAdml r 188.86 +0.24 5.4
WdsrllAdml 79.25 -0.36 4.2
ExtndInst 127.64 +0.49 2.4
-0.02 3.0 FrankTemp/Frank Adv Old Westbury Fds DivAppIdxAdm 48.36 -0.15 4.6 GrwthInst 173.90 -0.49 8.7
American Century Inv CorBdInst 9.97 -0.04 -1.4 USLgVa 46.22
-0.14 3.8 Freedom2040 K 10.90 WellsIAdml 59.92 -0.21 -0.9
-0.02 3.9 IncomeAdv 2.27 -0.01 -0.8 LrgCpStr 18.39 -0.07 NA EMAdmr NA ... NA InPrSeIn 9.27 ... -1.2
Ultra 80.85 -0.08 8.5 BlackRock Funds Dodge & Cox WelltnAdml NA ... NA
Idx2030InsPre 19.23 -0.04 1.7 FrankTemp/Franklin A
Parnassus Fds EqIncAdml 85.71 -0.45 1.7 InstIdx 419.08 -1.58 6.5
American Funds Cl A HiYldBd Inst 7.02 ... 0.8 Balanced 101.84 -0.37 0.6 Idx2035InsPre 22.01 DynaTech A 150.29 +0.29 12.4 ExplrAdml 106.83 +0.36 3.5
WndsrAdml 72.44 -0.42 ...
-0.05 2.4 ParnEqFd 58.11 -0.19 5.4 InstPlus 419.08 -1.58 6.5
AmcpA 40.93 -0.03 7.4 BlackRock Funds III GblStock 15.00 -0.05 0.5 Idx2040InsPre 22.91 VANGUARD FDS
-0.06 3.2 Growth A 132.29 -0.24 7.9
PGIM Funds Cl Z
ExtndAdml 127.65 +0.49 2.4 InstTStPlus 87.22 -0.24 5.9
AMutlA 52.72 -0.20 3.4 iShS&P500IdxK 595.20 -2.24 6.5 Income 12.43 -0.02 -1.5 Idx2045InsPre 23.97 -0.06 3.5 RisDv A 92.07 -0.47 4.1 GNMAAdml 9.09 -0.02 -2.3 DivdGro 39.00 -0.16 4.8 MidCpInst 65.04 -0.14 2.2
TotalReturnBond NA ... NA
BalA 32.95 -0.09 3.0 BlackRock Funds Inst Intl Stk 48.61 -0.10 -1.1 Idx2050InsPre 24.02 -0.05 3.5 Guggenheim Funds Tru GroIncAdml 97.53 -0.20 8.1 IntlVal 40.93 -0.03 1.4 MidCpIstPl 320.79 -0.67 2.2
BondA 11.20 -0.03 NA EqtyDivd 19.73 -0.10 2.9 Stock 249.41 -1.29 2.4 Fidelity Invest PIMCO Fds Instl LifeCon 20.51 -0.04 NA
TotRtnBdFdClInst 23.36 -0.03 -1.3 GrwthAdml 173.89 -0.49 8.7 RealEstaInstl 18.39 -0.21 -5.1
CapIBA 66.68 -0.25 0.7 StratIncOpptyIns 9.34 -0.01 -0.3 DoubleLine Funds Harbor Funds AllAsset 10.99 -0.02 NA
HlthCareAdml r 92.88 +0.11 5.3 LifeGro 42.67 -0.11 NA
Balanc 28.06 -0.07 4.2 SmCapInst 103.94 +0.15 1.7
CapWGrA 62.79 -0.18 4.4 TotRet 9.81 -0.02 NA TotRetBdI 8.68 -0.01 NA BluCh 192.77 -0.25 11.3 CapApInst 108.52 +0.09 12.5 TotRt 8.48 -0.01 -1.4
HYCorAdml r 5.37 ... ... LifeMod 31.00 -0.07 NA SmCapIstPl 300.00 +0.43 1.7
EupacA 56.91 -0.03 4.1 Calamos Funds Edgewood Growth Instituti PIMCO Funds A PrmcpCor 33.50 -0.03 5.5
BluChpGr K6 29.72 -0.01 10.7 Harding Loevner InfProAd 22.75 ... -1.2 STIPSIxins 23.83 +0.01 ...
FdInvA 76.15 -0.08 6.5 MktNeutI 14.34 ... 1.1 EdgewoodGrInst 48.67 +0.07 11.3 Contra 18.33 -0.07 14.0 IntlEq 25.93 +0.02 -0.1 IncomeFd 10.49 -0.02 -0.3 InfTechIdx 263.47 +0.62 6.3 STAR 27.37 -0.04 NA TotBdInst NA ... NA
GwthA 68.42 -0.02 8.3 Columbia Class I Federated Hermes Int Invesco Funds Y PIMCO Funds I2 IntlGrAdml 105.35 +0.08 3.5 TgtRe2020 27.09 -0.06 NA
ContraK 18.39 -0.07 14.0 TotBdInst2 NA ... NA
HI TrA 9.49 -0.01 NA DivIncom I 31.80 -0.11 4.6 TtlRtnBdI 9.35 -0.02 -1.8 CpInc 9.77 -0.01 2.0 DevMktY 38.13 -0.18 -1.3 Income 10.49 -0.02 -0.3 ITBondAdml 10.12 -0.02 -1.8 TgtRe2025 18.65 -0.04 NA TotBdInstPl NA ... NA
ICAA 53.45 -0.14 6.1 Dimensional Fds Fidelity GroCo 35.47 +0.04 11.1 JHF III DispVal PIMCO Funds Instl ITIGradeAdml 8.49 -0.03 -1.5 TgtRe2030 36.17 -0.09 NA TotIntBdIdxInst 29.25 -0.09 -1.0
IncoA 23.53 -0.09 0.4 EmgMktVa 29.78 -0.18 1.2 500IdxInstPrem 176.26 -0.67 6.5 InvGrBd 9.88 -0.02 -1.6 DispValMCI 28.28 -0.07 3.3 IncomeFd 10.49 -0.02 -0.3 LarCapAd 117.46 -0.41 6.5 TgtRe2035 22.66 -0.05 NA TotStInst 122.34 -0.34 5.9
N PerA 59.07 -0.05 5.7 EmMktCorEq 22.64 -0.07 1.0 Contrafund K6 26.16 -0.07 13.6 LowP 45.24 -0.07 2.7 John Hancock Price Funds LTGradeAdml 7.79 -0.03 -3.5 TgtRe2040 40.42 -0.10 NA ValueInst 60.61 -0.26 4.0
NEcoA 58.04 +0.01 7.5 IntlCoreEq 15.44 -0.04 0.8 ExtMktIdxInstPre 79.92 +0.31 2.4 Magin 13.79 -0.03 12.0 BondR6 13.34 -0.02 -1.4 BlChip 166.08 -0.67 11.2 MidCpAdml 294.44 -0.62 2.2 TgtRe2045 27.53 -0.07 NA WCM Focus Funds
NwWrldA 77.14 -0.15 2.8 IntSmCo 19.14 -0.03 -0.9 FidSer5 7.50 -0.01 -2.1 NASDAQ 202.57 -0.26 6.5 JPMorgan I Class DivGro 74.32 -0.20 5.0 MuHYAdml 10.67 ... 0.2 TgtRe2050 46.01 -0.12 NA WCMFocIntlGrwIns 25.01 +0.11 9.9
SmCpA 66.97 +0.08 1.1 IntSmVa 21.13 -0.03 -0.5 FidSerToMarket 16.62 -0.05 5.9 OTC 19.95 -0.07 9.1 CoreBond 10.12 -0.01 -1.5 Growth 94.94 -0.34 9.6 MuIntAdml 13.67 ... -0.1 TgtRe2060 47.31 -0.11 NA Western Asset
TxExA 12.39 ... NA LgCo 33.67 -0.13 6.5 GrowthCompanyK6 25.16 +0.07 12.1 Puritn 24.64 -0.05 5.8 EqInc 23.54 -0.11 2.6 LgCapGow I 72.55 -0.28 10.3 MuLTAdml 10.91 -0.01 -0.3 TgtRet2055 51.34 -0.13 NA CoreBondI NA ... NA
WshA 60.16 -0.14 5.2 US CoreEq1 38.11 -0.08 5.7 IntlIdxInstPrem 48.58 -0.06 2.6 SAIUSQtyIdx 21.05 -0.04 8.7 LgCpGwth 67.71 -0.02 12.6 MidCap 105.15 +0.07 5.1 MuLtdAdml 10.83 ... 0.1 TgtRetInc 13.06 -0.03 NA CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
B10 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Tech Lull Hits Ad Firms Unevenly Citi Hires

Agency pain varies
depending on their From Rival
exposure to clients
suffering the most JPMorgan

A cutback in tech compa- Citigroup named JPMor-

nies’ marketing spending is gan Chase’s Viswas Raghavan
driving a slowdown at adver- as head of banking, turning to
tising agency holding compa- an old rival to fill a key senior
nies—but only for some. role at the bank.
Interpublic Group of Cos., Raghavan joined JPMorgan
which reported quarterly earn- in 2000 and most recently
ings earlier this month, and served as head of investment
WPP, which posted its results banking. At Citi, he will run
last week, said a slowdown in one of the bank’s five core
tech spending dragged on their businesses and report directly
performance last year. Publicis to Chief Executive Jane Fra-
Groupe and Omnicom, which ser.
both reported this month, de- Raghavan will arrive as
livered stronger growth in Fraser and her management

2023 than their rivals, adding team press ahead with Citi’s
that tech clients’ moves were most ambitious restructuring
hurting rivals more than them. plan in years while also work-
It is difficult to make apples- ing to modernize its technol-
to-apples comparisons of the ogy and internal controls.
tech business each ad giant His appointment also ends
holds because the companies a guessing game on Wall
break out their clients differ- Street; in its search, Citi had
ently. IPG breaks out a single Ad firms including Interpublic Group of Cos. and WPP said a slowdown in tech spending weighed on last year’s performance. reached out to some of the in-
segment that spans “tech and dustry’s most prominent in-
telecom” clients, for example, WPP has a notable concen- ally created a two-tier world a significant upturn in tech and telecommunications seg- vestment bankers.
while WPP puts its “tech and tration of technology clients, among the ad agencies we spending and marketing activ- ment, CEO Arthur Sadoun said, Peter Babej, who served as
digital services” business in a including Google and Dell track,” MoffettNathanson ana- ity, we’ve noted a more recent but a “slight one.” interim banking head during
different bucket than work for Technologies. The firm, which lysts said in a research note stabilization in that spend.” That said, tech clients aren’t the search, will now follow
“telecom, media and entertain- owns the media-buying busi- earlier this month. The company hasn’t fac- the entire story. Publicis’ solid through on his plan to retire
ment” clients. ness GroupM and ad agencies Organic revenue at IPG, tored a return to growth for performance of late can be at- from Citi.
Different tech clients spend such as VML, said its like-for- which owns agency groups the tech and telecommunica- tributed to its mix of revenue Citi shares finished Mon-
differently, moreover, and some like revenue less pass-through such as McCann Worldgroup tions sector into its plan for lines, but also to strong cus- day’s trading 1% lower at
are pulling back more heavily costs grew 0.9% last year, and IPG Mediabrands and has 2024, Krakowsky said. tomer retention and momen- $55.36.
than others. “It certainly could within its guidance ranges. big tech clients including Mi- Omnicom and Publicis fared tum in new business wins, said
be that tech company A is “The biggest delta versus crosoft, Google and Samsung, better in 2023 than their com- Danny Yeo, an equity analyst at
spending money and tech com- our budget was in technology fell 0.1% last year. Austerity in petitors. Publicis, whose agen- CFRA Research.
pany B is pulling back—so companies, which you know is tech and telecom spending con- cies include Saatchi & Saatchi “Today, the advertising mar-
whoever you happen to have at 20% of our business,” Chief Ex- tinues to weigh significantly on and Leo Burnett, reported full- ket can be characterized as a
the time is good or bad,” said ecutive Mark Read said on an the company’s overall growth, year 2023 net revenue organic zero-sum market that requires
Tim Nollen, senior media tech earnings call last Thursday. according to executives. growth of 6.3%. Omnicom, par- technology capabilities includ-
analyst at Macquarie. “We have the biggest exposure “Previously discussed bud- ent of agencies including BBDO ing data and digital transfor-


Any significant client losses in our industry out there.” get reductions at our major and TBWA, said its full-year or- mation on top of creative idea
could also be harming the hold- WPP expects improved sta- technology industry clients ganic growth was 4.1%. generation,” he said in an
ing companies’ performance bility from its tech clients in have been a consequence of Omnicom hasn’t taken as big email. Publicis’ “early invest-
with tech clients, Nollen said. 2024, but isn’t ready to predict broader enterprise cost-cutting a hit from depressed tech ment in data and tech is paying
But recently, the thinking a recovery in the sector, execu- programs within those compa- spending as its competitors off, as seen from [its] industry-
among some analysts and exec- tives said on their call to dis- nies,” CEO Philippe Krakowsky have, CEO John Wren said. leading new business wins,
utives is that the more tech cli- cuss the latest earnings. said on the company’s earnings Publicis leaders echoed that which must expand at the ex-
ents an ad company has, the Cutbacks in the tech sector’s call. “And while it’s still not theme. The company had seen pense of other industry play-
more trouble. sales and marketing have “re- possible to call the timing [of] a decrease in its tech, media ers.” Viswas Raghavan.

Minorities, Women Are Launching Companies Say

Private-Equity Funds at Record Pace Own Boards Push
BY YULIYA CHERNOVA Number of women- and minority-owned
U.S. private-equity firms raising capital
target for its second fund to
$20 million from $30 million,
For Decarbonization
A record number of pri- said managing partner Caro-
vate-equity firms owned by 400 line Lewis. “We had a few LPs BY YUSUF KHAN committed to a net-zero tar-
women and minorities were 350 in our pipeline that gave ver- get, while 26% of respondents
raising capital last year, but bal commitments and had to The pressure on compa- said their targets were under
they have scaled down their 300 either reduce their commit- nies to cut their carbon foot- development.
fundraising goals, new 250
ment or push their timing due print is coming more from Ashurst also found that so-
data show. to their own fundraising being within the organizations lar was the most popular
Some 417 women- and mi- 200 delayed,” she said. themselves than from custom- method to decarbonize, with
nority-owned private-equity At the same time, Lewis ers and regulators, according 72% of respondents investing
150 said, lower company valua- in or committed to investing
firms, including venture and to a report.
other strategies, were raising 100 tions in the slow venture mar- Three-quarters of business in the clean-energy technol-
capital in 2023 in the U.S., up ket will help Rogue Women’s leaders from across the Group ogy. The law firm also found
from 346 in the prior year, ac- 50 Fund perform even at a of 20 nations said the push to that companies tended to be
cording to a new report by in- 0 smaller size. invest in renewable energy is the most active when it comes
vestment firm Fairview Capi- The trends comport with being driven mainly by their to renewable investments,
tal Partners. Of the total, 2014 ’15 ’20 ’23 the broader downturn in ven- own corporate boards, with with 52% of the respondents
there were 301 women and Note: Includes venture-capital firms ture capital, while pointing to 77% of U.S. business leaders falling into this category. The
minority-owned venture firms Source: Fairview Capital Partners additional headwinds facing saying the pressure was ex- average turnover of those
fundraising last year, a 15% in- diverse managers. treme or significant, accord- companies was $15.1 billion.
crease over 2022. Overall venture fundraising ing to a survey conducted by Meanwhile, 81% of energy-
This crop of firms is now declined dramatically last law firm sector respon-
running into the toughest year. Just 474 venture funds Ashurst. dents to the

market conditions in years. were closed in 2023 in the The corpo- survey said
“The diverse manager mar- U.S., the smallest number in rate call to de- they see invest-
ket, which has grown impres- almost a decade, according to carbonize is in- ment in renew-
sively over the years, has never a PitchBook-NVCA Venture tensifying, ables as essen-
been tested at this scale Monitor report. Ashurst said, Percentage of U.S. tial to the
against the type of market con- Many LPs, including with 30% of organization’s
ditions we’re facing today,” Fairview, continue to believe business lead-
business leaders who s t r a t e g i c
said Aakar Vachhani, managing that bringing new faces into ers saying the say board pressure growth.
partner at Fairview. “We could the venture industry will yield pressure from is significant Burns said

see the bulk of firms weather strong results. their own the 2030 time-
the storm and emerge even At the same time, negative boards was ex- line to reach
stronger over time, or we could returns in the venture market treme, up from net zero was
see a significant setback that have made limited partners 25% in 2022. very important to the compa-

takes longer to recover from.” stingier when it comes to “We’re seeing that the en- nies it surveyed. “We are in-
At some point this year, backing younger venture man- ergy transition is an area that creasingly seeing corporate
Fairview expects there will be Erica Duignan Minnihan and Caroline Lewis help lead funds. agers, where these firms are is firmly embedded in the and other stakeholders ac-
more than 1,000 private-equity more represented. thinking of investors, corpo- tively setting and embracing
firms owned by women and mi- institutional-quality manag- targets. In addition, some of the rates, governments and oth- trajectories to achieve net
norities in the U.S., an order of ers, those that institutional Venture funds at firms programs that were designed ers, so there is a real empha- zero. However, greater clarity
magnitude increase over the limited partners would con- owned by women and minori- specifically to help vary the sis on setting and acting on and transparency on the stan-
112 firms in 2014, when the sider backing. ties set a median target of $55 demographics of venture capi- these plans now,” said Michael dards for measuring and man-
firm began reporting its data. While there was an in- million in 2023, down from tal have run into legal and po- Burns, global co-head of en- aging these net-zero commit-
They represent roughly 10% of crease in women- and minor- $70 million in the prior year. litical challenges last year. ergy at Ashurst. “That said, ments is needed to ensure
all private-equity firms, accord- ity-owned funds overall, some Buyout funds in this category, “We didn’t think the invest- the pace of transition and the consistency in approach and,
ing to Fairview’s estimates. sub-segments saw a decline. meanwhile, were aiming for ment and interest would last stage of the journey very importantly, outcome,” he
There is also a maturation For example, the number of $325 million last year, down forever, but it’s pretty inter- much depends from business said.
of the set, with a record num- funds being raised by Black from $365 million in 2022. esting how it kind of vanished to business.” Legal battles over climate
ber of firms owned by minori- and Asian-American woman- The targets for funds at in just a couple of years,” said The shift in sentiment change and renewable invest-
ties and women raising their owned firms last year shrank women- and minority-owned Erica Duignan Minni- comes as companies ramp up ing are likely to rise, with 68%
second or later fund last year, for the first time since firms are significantly lower han, founding partner at New investment in renewable of respondents saying they ex-
Fairview found. Fairview, Fairview began keeping tabs. than the overall market. York-based Reign Ventures, spending to meet their net- pect to see an increase in legal
which has been investing in Women- and minority- The environment has led about the pullback of LPs zero goals. Ashurst found that disputes over the next five
venture funds for three de- owned funds overall have also San Antonio-based Rogue backing women- and minority- 71% of the more than 2,000 years, while 16% anticipate a
cades, tracks what it considers decreased their fundraising Women’s Fund to reduce the owned venture funds. respondents to its survey had decrease, the report said.

New Highs and Lows Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg

Continued From Page B9 52-Wk % 52-Wk % HoustonAmEner HUSA 1.27 0.8 MP Materials MP 14.32 -1.9 NewHorizAircraft HOVR 1.25 -15.4 PlaystudiosWt MYPSW 0.05 -5.4 SJW Group SJW 56.23 ... SunnovaEnergy NOVA 6.76 -6.9 VOC Energy VOC 6.22 0.6
52-Wk % Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg VATE
INNOVATE 0.71 -5.9 MaidenHoldings MHLD 1.28 -4.7 NewPacificMetals NEWP 0.97 -8.4 Playtika PLTK 6.43 -3.5 SKYX Platforms SKYX 1.19 1.6 SyprisSolutions SYPR 1.67 -6.1 Valneva VALN 7.00 -2.6
IndependenceContr ICD 1.80 -4.2 Mangoceuticals MGRX 0.19 -6.1 NY Mortgage NYMT 7.07 -3.3 QuiptHomeMed QIPT 4.23 -4.1 SRM Ent SRM 1.12 -4.9 TeladocHealth TDOC 14.36 2.0 VenusConcept VERO 0.83 -27.4
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg FocusUniversal FCUV 0.34 -6.2 GreenfireResources GFR 4.71 -2.8 IndonesiaEnergy INDO Medigus MDGS 2.71 -5.7 Newmont NEM SABR VICR
GeneticTech GENE 1.80 -2.7 GreenPowerMotor GP 1.94 ...
2.35 -0.8 29.74 -4.1 RE/MAX RMAX 8.09 -5.6 Sabre 2.63 -2.2 TizianaLife TLSA 0.48 1.2 Vicor 35.00 7.4
DIH US DHAI 0.76 -30.6 InspireVeterinary IVP 0.09 -5.0 MetallaRoyalty MTA 2.32 4.2 Northann NCL 0.66 -2.8 Sasol SSL 7.31 -4.0 ViomiTech VIOT 0.70 -6.7
GlobalNetLease GNL 7.29 -4.3 GuardantHealth GH 19.08 3.7 RegencellBio RGC 6.40 -5.5 TreasureGlobal TGL 0.06 1.8
DigitalTurbine APPS 3.04 0.6 IridiumComm IRDM 27.89 0.3 Microvast MVST 0.72 0.5 OfficePropIncm OPI 2.78 -6.3 ScrippsEW SSP 4.21 6.0 Volcon VLCN 0.81 -6.2
Gogo GOGO 8.41 -0.4 HWH Intl HWH 0.89 -9.6 RenttheRunway RENT 0.39 -0.6 Tredegar TG 4.28 -1.6
KLX Energy KLXE 7.68 -10.6 MiddlesexWater MSEX 49.68 -2.3 OilStatesIntl OIS 5.46 -1.3 SemiluxIntl SELX 0.77 -22.1 WearableDevWt WLDSW 0.03 -7.8
ExactSciences EXAS 56.85 ... GogoroWt RIVN TripleFlagPrecMtl TFPM
GGROW 0.05 0.2 HalladorEnergy HNRG 6.85 -2.4 KaivalBrands KAVL 1.82 -6.2 ModivCare MODV 24.00 -4.3 OrionOffice ONL 4.29 -2.3 Rivian 10.05 6.3 Shyft SHYF 10.20 -7.7 11.75 -1.5 WheelerREIT WHLR 0.15 2.5
Fanhua FANH 5.07 -2.6 Gogoro GGR 1.52 -7.2 Hanryu HRYU 0.38 -8.8 Kennedy-Wilson KW 8.40 -9.5 MoolecScience MLEC 1.62 ... PalisadeBio PALI 0.39 -1.5 RoyaltyMgmt RMCO 1.12 ... SolGelTech SLGL 0.90 -1.7 22ndCentury XXII 0.13 0.7 WiSA Tech WISA 0.04 -2.0
FirstWesternFin MYFW 12.84 -1.8 Graphex GRFX 0.45 -7.9 HealthcareRealty HR 13.06 -2.2 LSB Inds LXU 7.21 -3.7 Movella MVLA 0.24 -16.1 PermianvilleRT PVL 1.35 -5.6 RubiconTech RBT 0.75 -8.7 SoloBrands DTC 2.56 -1.5 TwinVee VEEE 1.10 -3.7 Wolfspeed WOLF 23.54 7.6
FlexLNG FLNG 24.64 -1.7 GrayTelevision GTN 5.89 -2.8 HeliusMedical HSDT 5.59 -1.9 LightInTheBox LITB 0.92 -7.0 NWTN NWTN 6.01 -4.8 PlanetGreen PLAG 0.30 -6.2 SIMPPLE SPPL 3.70 -5.9 SturmRuger RGR 42.26 -1.5 Usio USIO 1.30 1.9 YorkWater YORW 34.98 -0.2
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Tuesday, February 27, 2024 | B11


Stocks Slip Ahead of Key Economic Data

Major indexes are gence technology. Index performance on Monday believe that the January read-
Here are the results of Monday's Treasury auctions.
There was no such catalyst ings will prove an anomaly.
on track for their
All bids are awarded at a single price at the market-
on Monday. Nvidia shares Other data have also been clearing yield. Rates are determined by the difference
between that price and the face value.
fourth-straight climbed an additional 0.3% af-
largely encouraging, with busi-
ter gaining 17% over the previ- nesses continuing to add jobs
month of gains ous two trading sessions. Sev- and economic growth showing Applications
13-Week 26-Week
$236,704,744,300 $209,592,704,700
eral other large technology 0.1 few signs of a significant slow- Accepted bids
" noncomp
$84,497,713,900 $74,873,397,600
$2,208,463,100 $2,234,848,900
BY SAM GOLDFARB stocks didn’t fare as well, with down. " foreign noncomp $100,000,000 $0
Apple dropping 0.7% and 0 Elsewhere in markets, fall- Auction price (rate) 98.671653 97.406500
(5.255%) (5.130%)
Stocks drifted lower ahead Google-parent Alphabet sliding ing bond prices drove the yield 5.400% 5.340%
of fresh readings on the econ- 4.4%. –0.1 on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Bids at clearing yield accepted 71.62% 85.31%
912797HS9 912797KD8
omy this week, in a subdued It was a mixed bag in other Treasury note to 4.298% from Both issues are dated Feb. 29, 2024. The 13-week bills
trading session after last sectors as well. Berkshire 4.258% Friday. mature on May 30, 2024; the 26-week bills mature on
week’s Nvidia-fueled rally. Hathaway started the day The 10-year yield started Aug. 29, 2024.

The S&P 500 fell 0.4%, while strong but quickly faded, end- Nasdaq Composite February just under 4% but has TWO-YEAR NOTES
the Dow Jones Industrial Aver- ing the day down 1.9%. Warren –0.3 climbed following hotter-than- Applications $159,709,649,500
Dow Jones Industrial Average Accepted bids $65,725,715,600
age shed roughly 62 points, or Buffett’s annual letter over the S&P 500 expected jobs and inflation " noncompetitively $640,224,300
0.2%. Both weekend divulged $8 billion of –0.4 data. It remains well below the " foreign noncompetitively $0
Auction price (rate) 99.875391
MONDAY’S were coming gains from bets on Japanese
Five-minute intervals
5% level it reached last fall. (4.691%)
MARKETS off records Fri- stocks but noted a lack of pos- –0.5 In commodities, Brent crude Interest rate
Bids at clearing yield accepted
day. The tech- sible acquisition targets. 10 a.m. 11 noon 1 p.m. 2 3 4 for April delivery gained 1.1%, Cusip number 91282CKB6
heavy Nasdaq Composite Meanwhile, Domino’s Pizza to $82.53 a barrel. The notes, dated Feb. 29, 2024, mature on Feb. 28,
slipped 0.1%. rose 5.8% after the delivery Source: FactSet Overseas, Japanese stocks 2026.

All three indexes are on chain reported a better-than- notched another record Mon- FIVE-YEAR NOTES
track to finish February in the expected profit and raised its Reserve’s preferred inflation have already shown inflation day, lifted by merger talks be- Applications $157,232,464,100
Accepted bids $66,768,916,600
green, which would mark their dividend. gauge. running unexpectedly hot to tween two drugstore operators " noncompetitively $197,040,300
fourth straight month of gains. Investors will gain greater The data are expected to start the year. That has scram- and praise from Buffett in his " foreign noncompetitively $0
Last week, they each climbed insight into the economy on confirm that price pressures bled investors’ bets on when letter. At midday Tuesday, the Auction price (rate)
more than 1% after chip maker Thursday when the Commerce increased in January after eas- the Fed might start cutting in- Nikkei 225 was down 0.15% and Interest rate 4.250%
Nvidia’s blockbuster earnings Department releases data on ing in previous months. Re- terest rates this year. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index Bids at clearing yield accepted
Cusip number
reignited enthusiasm about the household spending and in- ports on consumer and pro- Still, investors haven’t was down 0.9%. S&P 500 fu- The notes, dated Feb. 29, 2024, mature on Feb. 28,
potential of artificial-intelli- come, as well as the Federal ducer prices earlier this month shown too much concern. Many tures were down 0.1%. 2029.

Chevron’s Cnooc owns the remaining

The clash with Exxon is a
pumping oil in Venezuela
again as the Biden adminis-
tration eased sanctions. It

Hess Deal setback for Chevron Chief Ex-

ecutive Mike Wirth, who late
last year disclosed delays and
helped to restore production
there to faster growth than
the market anticipated. It

Is in Peril cost overruns for a massive

oil project in Kazakhstan, as
well as shareholder returns
also is investing in Argen-
tina’s shale and is exploring
for oil and gas off Suriname,
that have recently underper- near Guyana.
Continued from page B1 formed rival Exxon. In recent months, Venezu-
“We owe it to our investors The California oil giant’s ela’s President Nicholas Ma-
and partners to consider our attempt to join the jungle- duro has escalated its mili-
pre-emption rights,” Mir said. covered South American tary presence near its border
Exxon is trying “to ensure we country’s oil boom has coin- with Guyana, a country of
preserve our right to realize cided with a retreat by the 800,000 with little means of
the significant value we’ve large American oil companies defense.

created” in Guyana. Exxon to the Western Hemisphere as Exxon has assumed the
didn’t say whether it will global conflicts abound. lion’s share of the risk in the
make its own offer for Hess’s Exxon lost its stake in a ma- Guyana project, drilling there
stake. jor Russian project following for years before large amounts
The exact terms of the JOA the Ukraine war. of oil were discovered. Exxon
Avis’s stock slid sharply after the company reported a 53% drop in fourth-quarter profit. weren’t immediately clear, in- Exxon and Chevron have and its partners continue to
cluding whether pre-emption sold off billions in assets in drill for additional oil finds,

Hedge Fund Pays a Price

rights exist or whether Chev- Asia and Africa in recent and the project’s value could
ron or others would have the years, underscoring the grow- increase substantially. Exxon
right to make another offer. ing importance of the U.S. estimates the Guyana project
Exxon has a 45% share in shale plays and South Amer- to house nearly 11 billion bar-

After Its Heavy Bet on Avis

the Guyana oil project and ica. Chevron last year began rels of oil and gas.

BY MATT WIRZ month [per vehicle] more than and Snap at the end of Decem-
[analysts] expected,” said John ber, according to data from S&P.
Shares of Avis Budget Healy, a stock analyst at North- That accounts for about 45% of
Group have crashed in recent coast Research. “When you the $11 billion in assets under
weeks, saddling the hedge-fund have 700,000 cars in your fleet, management the firm reported
management firm that owns al- that adds up to a couple hun- to the SEC in February.
most half the company with a dred million dollars a year.” Sarma has used activism to
paper loss exceeding $1 billion. Used-car prices are drop- raise returns. He pushed onto
The firm is SRS Investment ping, in part because higher in- Avis’s board of directors after a
Management, and its founder, terest rates have made monthly proxy campaign in 2018 and
Karthik Sarma, has tied his fate auto-loan payments too expen- urged management to boost
to the rental-car company. sive for some consumers. That share prices by changing opera-
While most hedge-fund manag- means Avis gets lower prices tions and financial strategy.
ers diversify their holdings to for cars it retires from its fleets. Sarma made one of his ana-
reduce risk, he had concen- Higher rates also increase the lysts, Brian Choi, Avis’s chief fi-
trated about one-quarter of the interest expenses it pays on nancial officer and, in mid-2021,
$11 billion his firm manages in cars it keeps. the company launched an ag-
Avis stock before the selloff, ac- Travel in the U.S. continues gressive stock buyback, retiring
cording to a Wall Street Journal to grow and the selloff in Avis 20% of its shares.
analysis of regulatory filings. shares makes them an attrac- A few months later, Avis re-
Avis has been one of SRS’s tive buy, said Stephanie Moore, ported unexpectedly high profit
biggest—and most successful— an equity analyst at Jefferies. as postquarantine travel
investments since at least 2011, Even with the recent down- surged, driving a boom in rent-
but the trade didn’t take off un- turn, SRS appears to have prof- als and lifting share prices.
til 2021. Car prices and travel ited significantly on Avis Meme-stock traders amplified
boomed after the pandemic, shares, most of which it bought the rally, urging one another to
generating billions of dollars in when they traded in the teens buy and punish short sellers
paper profit for the hedge fund. and $20s, according to data that wagered Avis stock would
Now car prices are falling and from S&P Global Market Intelli- fall.
so is the value of Avis’s fleet, gence. The stock traded at $107 With fewer shares outstand-
tanking its stock. on Friday. ing because of the buybacks,
SRS’s flagship fund has lost Sarma launched SRS in 2006 this “short squeeze” caused the
8% this year, according to a per- after working at Tiger Global stock to double in a single day.
son familiar with the matter. Management, a once-highflying SRS made about $3 billion in
The underperformance has con- hedge fund that mixed venture- paper gains in 2021. The trade
trasted with the wider stock capital investing with public put Sarma on the map, out-
rally and a 7.3% gain for 2024 stocks. stripping performance by many
on the S&P 500. The SRS fund SRS employs a narrower hedge-fund titans that year.
has generally been a solid per- strategy, typically owning fewer The following year, earnings
former, returning 25% in 2023 than 20 stocks at a time, ac- before interest, taxes, deprecia-
and an average of 12.9% since cording to filings with the Secu- tion and amortization, or
2007, the person familiar with rities and Exchange Commis- Ebitda, hit a record $4.1 billion
the matter said. sion. The firm’s total portfolio at Avis as business travel
Sarma rides his performance is closer to 50 companies after picked up. The company raced
swings calmly, cultivating the accounting for derivatives and to buy more cars even as prices
loyalty of a cadre of core ana- bets that stocks will fall, the rose because of inflation, short-
lysts who have been at the firm person familiar with the matter ages and a shift by automakers
since it launched in 2006, a for- said. toward higher-end cars.
mer employee said. SRS had a total of about $5 The purchases backfired
SRS is a holdover from the billion in shares of Avis, Netflix when interest rates jumped and
days when small teams at car prices fell. Late last year
hedge funds managed large Share-price and index Avis started cutting its losses,
pots of money and placed performance, past six months reducing its fleet by 50,000
“high-conviction” trades using 20% cars in a few months.
deep research. That model has Car prices will continue to
given way to a boom in multi- S&P 500 weaken because of high interest
manager hedge funds that em- rates, hitting Avis’s profit, said
ploy dozens of separate invest- 0 David Meneret, a hedge-fund
ment pods with different manager at Mill Hill Capital. His
trading strategies. fund is betting on that out-
In the second half of last come, but not in the stock mar-
year, SRS started selling large –20 ket. Instead, Mill Hill has been
amounts of Avis shares but still buying credit-default swaps, de-
owned about $3 billion worth at rivatives that rise in value
the end of December. The stock when investors expect Avis’s fi-
price declined 39% this month –40 nancial risk to rise.
after the company reported a Avis Budget Group “I’m not short the stock, be-
53% drop in earnings for the cause I believe there could be a
fourth quarter of 2023 and in- –60 short squeeze based on more
creased vehicle write-downs. large buybacks,” Meneret said.
Sept. 2023 Jan. ’24
“Vehicle depreciations are —Peter Rudegeair
going to be about $25 per Source: FactSet contributed to this article.
B12 | Tuesday, February 27, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


China Stockpiles
For Next Phase
Of the Chip Wars
Bumper equipment sales original forecast in July of an
18.6% decline.
by Western companies There are a couple of reasons
are a sign of coming for China’s spending spree. First,
market disruptions Chinese chip makers have been
rushing to stockpile equipment in
Ahead of real conflicts, coun- anticipation of tougher Western
tries stockpile ammunition and export restrictions. That is partic-
fuel. Chinese companies are busy ularly true for lithography ma-
stockpiling chip-making equip- chines, which use light to print
ment parts. tiny circuits on silicon wafers.
That has brought huge bounty Japan and the Netherlands, key

to Western and Japanese ven- suppliers of such machines, have
dors—but also portends worrying rolled out their own restrictions
developments ahead. on exports to China, in concert
The latest to benefit from with the U.S.
China’s splurge is Japanese chip- China’s imports of lithography
equipment maker Tokyo Electron. machines from the Netherlands al- Net system sales to China from ASML, the market leader in lithography equipment, tripled in 2023.
Its shares gained 20% since it most quadrupled year over year in
raised its profit outlook around 2023, according to China’s cus- ASML says about 10% to 15% of its roughly the same as last year at Equipment Inc. China, or AMEC,
two weeks ago. China comprised toms data. Net system sales to sales to China could be affected around $7.5 billion. which makes etching tools to cre-
nearly half of its total net sales China from Dutch company ASML, this year. Another longer-term risk for ate circuit patterns on wafers. The
last quarter, after sales there dou- the market leader in lithography For companies, the bad news is manufacturers of chip-making company hasn’t reported 2023 full
bled from a year earlier. equipment, tripled in 2023. China that China’s stockpiling binge last gear is China’s drive to wean itself year results yet, but its latest pub-
Strong demand from China made up 29% of ASML’s total net year could dent sales growth in off Western supplies. While it will lic estimate puts revenue growth
helped offset weakness elsewhere system sales last year—up from 2024. Even so, China’s aggressive take a long time for China to catch at 32%. The company reckons
last year as capital spending from 14% in 2022. investment in semiconductor-man- up on some keystone technologies sales of its key dry etching equip-
global semiconductor companies, ASML hasn’t been able to sell ufacturing capacity is a long-term such as lithography, there are al- ment rose 49%. New orders for the
especially memory-chip makers, its cutting-edge extreme ultravio- trend. ready niches in which Chinese machine rose 60% last year, point-
slowed. Imports of semiconductor let lithography, or EUV, machines China’s effort to make the most- suppliers can replace Western ing to continued growth.
equipment to China rose 14% year to China for quite a while. But advanced chips is hampered by counterparts. Bernstein estimates For Western and Japanese chip
over year in 2023 to nearly $40 new restrictions mean it won’t be sanctions, but its companies are domestic suppliers made up about equipment makers, export restric-
billion, according to the country’s able to export some less-advanced pushing hard in more-mature 14% of China’s wafer-fabrication- tions to China are both a blessing
customs data. Industry association machines there either. The com- technologies. China’s largest con- equipment market last year, up and a curse. For now, they are rak-
SEMI reckons global semiconduc- pany said last month that the tract chip maker Semiconductor from 3% in 2018. It expects that ing in huge sales. But long-term
tor-equipment sales fell 6.1% year Dutch government revoked li- Manufacturing International share to rise to 29% in 2026. risks are multiplying, especially at
over year in 2023 to $101 billion— censes for exporting certain li- Corp., or SMIC, says its capital ex- Such local champions include the lower end of the technological
a significant improvement from its thography machines to China. penditure this year will remain Advanced Micro-Fabrication spectrum. —Jacky Wong

Cigarettes Are Losing Their Hold on the Nicotine Fix

Pretty soon, Americans who U.S. nicotine market cut back on cigarettes, or to quit against falling volumes has long around 40% of the country’s total
crave a nicotine hit will be more altogether. Both BAT and Altria been their amazing ability to raise tobacco market.
Smokeless products*
likely to reach for a vape or an announced new price increases prices. Between 2018 and 2023, Al- If major tobacco companies
oral nicotine pouch than a ciga- that took effect in January, after tria grew its operating profit by want to remain as profitable as
rette. Few tobacco companies look 17.5 billion packs raising them three and four times 27%, even as cigarette industry they have been in the past, they
ready for this milestone. respectively in 2023. In the years volumes in the U.S. shrank by need to grow their smoke-free
According to data from Marl- 15.0 leading up to the pandemic, two more than one-fifth. brands quickly. Progress looks
boro maker Altria, cigarettes’ price increases a year were the But the old trick may be stall- mixed. At BAT, sales of smokeless
share of the U.S. nicotine industry 12.5 norm. ing. BAT’s U.S. cigarette revenue products grew 21% last year but
fell to 60% last year from 80% in But costlier cigarettes don’t en- fell 6% in 2023 as price rises only they still generate less than one-
2018. Smokers are switching to tirely explain the collapse because partially offset volume declines of fifth of the company’s total reve-
smoke-free products such as vapes 7.5 smokers have the option to trade more than 11%. Altria’s operating nue. Altria’s on! nicotine pouches
in higher numbers than expected. down to cheaper brands if they profit from cigarettes has fallen are booming, but its smokeless
If the trend continues, it will take 5.0 are feeling pinched. According to a for two consecutive quarters. The portfolio is small.
only another three years for ciga- Goldman Sachs survey represent- Marlboro maker is spending more PMI, which owns the Marlboro
rettes’ share to slip below 50%. 2.5 ing 67,000 U.S. convenience stores on promotions to keep smokers brand outside the U.S., started in-
In another bearish sign for ciga- and gas stations that sell ciga- loyal to its brands, but its ability vesting in smokeless products ear-
rettes, British American Tobacco rettes, retailers think the recent to raise prices may also be slip- lier than its rivals and they now
recently announced a £27.3 billion 2018 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 price increases are causing smok- ping. account for 40% of its net revenue.
noncash impairment of some of its *E-vapor and oral tobacco ers to look outside the cigarette The plunge in cigarette volumes The company will take over the
U.S. tobacco brands, equivalent to Source: Altria category altogether. might be inevitable even without U.S. rollout of its IQOS heated to-
$34.6 billion at current exchange The challenge for tobacco com- inflation pressures. According to bacco sticks in May, when a distri-
rates. The move reduced the book the tobacco industry about what is panies is that consumers have Philip Morris International Chief bution agreement with Altria ex-
value of brands such as Camel and causing volumes to contract so more nicotine alternatives than Executive Jacek Olczak, noncom- pires. If the product takes off, it
Newport by one-third, in an ad- fast and whether the trend is ever. Along with oral nicotine bustible brands start to push out could put even more pressure on
mission that their long-term pros- short-term. Tobacco use has been pouches, illicit disposable vapes cigarettes at a faster rate once cigarette volumes. But heated to-
pects have deteriorated since BAT out of kilter for a few years: It was imported from China were the they reach around 7% of a coun- bacco sticks are unproven in the
took control of their maker Reyn- unusually high during the pan- fastest-growing nicotine product try’s total nicotine market and be- U.S., where vaping is much more
olds American in 2017. demic when people were stuck at in the U.S. last year. As cigarette come more visible in the street. In popular.
In 2023, the number of ciga- home and smoked more, but has sales slip, they are getting less re- Japan, heated tobacco sticks—a With old-school cigarettes in
rettes sold in the U.S. shrank by been lower than normal recently. tail space, compounding the prob- technology pioneered by PMI that fast decline, the battle for share of
around 8%, double the long-term Inflation and price increases lem. gives users a nicotine hit without the smokeless market is really
average. There is a debate within may have forced some smokers to Cigarette companies’ defense the harmful smoke—now make up heating up. —Carol Ryan

Temu’s U.S. Entry Is an Orange Flag for Etsy

Temu may be going after Ama- who value fast shipping. Meanwhile, keep its advertising budget at 11.5%
zon’s market share, but other online online marketplaces run by retailers to 12.5% of revenue for the first
marketplaces could end up sustain- such as Walmart, Target and quarter of this year, within its typi-
ing collateral damage. Macy’s aren’t the main source of cal range, while Etsy’s CEO in De-
The Pinduoduo-backed online revenue for those companies. cember signaled that the company
marketplace, which made its U.S. Stagnating online retailers such “will bid rationally” for advertising
debut in September 2022 and a as Etsy and Wayfair look a lot where it sees strong returns on in-
splash with its “billionaire” Super more vulnerable. vestment. But with their share

Bowl commercials, raked in roughly Neither platform competes on prices already languishing, inves-
$9 billion in U.S. gross merchandise speed, as Amazon does. Although tors could lose patience if sales con-
value in 2023, according to an esti- Etsy is known for being a platform tinue to stagnate. Etsy and Way-
mate from KeyBanc Capital Mar- that sells bespoke, handmade goods, fair’s shares have shed 67% and 82%
kets. it essentially sells unbranded, low- of their value over the past three
Its next move: opening up its ticket items. That puts it in direct years, respectively.
marketplace to U.S. sellers. This will competition with Temu, notes Temu’s success isn’t inevitable. If
intensify the already-high competi- Nikhil Devnani, equity analyst at the platform’s main appeal is that
tion for third-party sellers. Notably, Bernstein. Etsy Chief Executive Offi- its goods are dirt cheap, then U.S.
short-form video platform TikTok cer Josh Silverman said during an sellers may find it difficult to com-
launched its shopping feature—Tik- industry conference in December The Pinduoduo-backed marketplace spent $1.7 billion on marketing in 2023. pete on the platform to begin with.
Tok Shop—last year and was selling that, while Temu’s entrance isn’t And while Temu has been effective
about $7 million worth of products “disproportionately impacting Etsy,” ad spaces, Shah said. form allowed them to maintain at capturing U.S. customers, it
in the U.S. every day, the Journal it has ramped up competition for That could change once Temu prices and implement technology to hasn’t been as successful at luring
reported in October. online marketing. Temu spent $1.7 starts opening its doors to U.S.- help sellers migrate listings seam- them back for a second purchase.
Given that Temu sells commod- billion on marketing in 2023 and is based sellers—a move that would lessly. While over 30% of customers who
itized discretionary items—anything expected to spend $3 billion this allow it to expand its market to The Temu threat comes at an in- shopped on Temu in September re-
ranging from electronic accessories year, per JP Morgan estimates cited bulkier items such as furniture, opportune time for online market- turned a month later, only 14% of
to kitchen gadgets—its most obvi- by the Journal. Devnani notes. Temu’s deep-pock- places. Etsy’s gross merchandise them came back four months later,
ous customer overlap is with Ama- Wayfair CEO Niraj Shah said on eted parent has been willing to sub- sales—the total volume of transac- according to KeyBanc Capital Mar-
zon and Walmart. About 92% of the company’s earnings call on sidize its extravagant ad budget, tions on its platform—shrank for kets, which also found that churn
Temu’s audience also visited Ama- Thursday that low-cost sellers such and it could well offer low seller the second consecutive year in rates have been increasing over
zon, while 53% of its audience also as Temu, Shein and TikTok Shop fees to gain market share. This 2023, while Wayfair’s declined for time. And then there are also regu-
visited Walmart from September haven’t overlapped much with the could, in turn, force U.S. market- three consecutive years. Both have latory risks that could get in the
2022 to January 2024, according to company’s offerings, noting that places to adjust their take rates. At been in cost-cutting mode recently way of its growth.
Similarweb. such online stores compete for low- a recent panel discussion that Ever- with large-scale layoffs. For Etsy and Wayfair’s investors,
Temu isn’t yet a substantial end quality and small ticket sizes. core conducted with three top Etsy So far, both platforms have re- though, Temu is yet another thing
threat to Amazon, which has the As such, Wayfair isn’t seeing much sellers, two said they would be in- sisted the temptation to splurge on to add to their basket of worries.
advantage of loyal Prime members competition for the same kinds of clined to sell on Temu if the plat- advertising. Wayfair said it would —Jinjoo Lee

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