Period 4 - Contemporary Issues Project

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Social 30-2: Balancing Individualism and Collectivism within Contemporary Issues

- analyze the dynamic between individualism and common good in contemporary societies

We are confronted by many issues within our society, be it Calgary, Alberta, Canada, or the world. Everyone is passionate
about their point of view and argues to defend their ideas. We live in a world where issues are contentious and solutions
are not clear cut. Luckily, we live in a society that attempts to balance the opposing arguments within these contemporary

Directions: Your goal is to research and respond to ONE ISSUE from the list below.
 Explore and research the issue – Background content and knowledge about the issue. Why do people argue over
the issue – what are the competing values within the issue?
 Identify and explain the perspective of an individualist and collectivist regarding the issue in two separate
paragraphs. You will need to use the key characteristics of individualism and collectivism to help defend each
perspective (PRICES vs. PRINCE)
 Finally, you will state and defend your position to the issue question.
 You will need to use your notes, internet search, articles, and chapter assignments to help you gather the
 Your submission must use full sentences with correct grammar and punctuation.

Here are the issues from which you will choose ONE.

Should the government ban gas-powered vehicles? Should the government tax sugary foods and drinks?
Should the government provide free post-secondary
Should the government make voting mandatory?
Should the government ban guns?
Format: This assignment is to be completed as a formal academic report, complete with a Cover Page, Table of Content,
Headings for each of the four paragraphs, and References page

PART 1: This is a visual organizer to get you started. It serves as an outline to gather your research.

Paragraph 1
Issue - Description of the issue - who, what, when, where, why
- become the teacher and establish neutral background
use Madonna as a metaphor

Paragraph 2 (or 3) Paragraph 3 (or 2)

Collectivist Point of View - what would be their Individualist Point of View - What would be
answer to the issue question? their answer to the issue question?

Supporting Values Characterisitcs Supporting Values Characteristics


Draw reference in the position to Burger King and McDonald’s relationship

PART 2: State your position on the issue and defend your position with arguments and facts. Use a PACE format. Be sure

Paragraph 4
Position and Argument
Where you stand and why

Comprehensive Explanation
Why your argument is valid and superior. Identify where you fall on the ideological spectrum

What case study helps to directly parallel and prove that your argument and explanation is not just theory but has
grounds "in the real world"

to identify where you fall on the ideological spectrum between individualism and collectivism and why.

Format &
Exploration of the Issue Collectivist POV Individualist POV Defence
The writing demonstrates
confident control of
The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates a The defence of position is sentence construction,

Exploration of the issue(s) confident and perceptive confident and perceptive based on one or more grammar, and mechanics.
is insightful and understanding of various understanding of various convincing, logical Articulates ideas and

comprehensive points of view on the points of view on the arguments. Evidence is information in an
issue(s) and characteristics issue(s) and characteristics specific and accurate. informed, organized,
original and persuasive

Draw reference in the position to Burger King and McDonald’s relationship

The writing frequently
The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates a demonstrates effective
The defence of position is

clear understanding of clear understanding of control of sentence

Exploration of the issue(s) based on one or more
various points of view on various points of view on construction, grammar, and

is specific and accurate sound arguments. Evidence

the issue(s) and the issue(s) and mechanics. Communicates
is appropriate.
characteristics. characteristics. ideas in an informed and
effective manner.

The writing demonstrates

The defence of position is
The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates a basic control of sentence

Exploration of the issue(s) based on one or more

general understanding of general understanding of construction, grammar, and
is valid but general and adequate arguments.
various points of view on various points of view on mechanics.

may contain Evidence is relevant, but

the issue(s) and the issue(s) and Communication of ideas
misconceptions. general and/or
characteristics. characteristics. occurs in an appropriate
incompletely developed.
and functional way.

The defence of position is The writing demonstrates a

The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates a based on oversimplified faltering control of
Exploration of the issue(s)

confused, yet discernible, confused, yet discernible, assertions and/or sentence construction,
is superficial and may
understanding of various understanding of various questionable logic. grammar, and mechanics.

contain substantial
points of view on the points of view on the Evidence is superficial and Communication occurs in a
issue(s) and characteristics. issue(s) and characteristics. may not always be disorganized or awkward
relevant. manner.

The defence of position A lack of control of

The student demonstrates a The student demonstrates a taken is difficult to sentence construction,
minimal understanding of minimal understanding of determine and/or little or grammar, and mechanics is
Exploration of the issue(s)

various points of view on various points of view on no attempt is made to demonstrated.


is mistaken or irrelevant
the issue(s) and the issue(s) and defend it. Evidence, if Communication of ideas
characteristics. characteristics. present, is incomplete lacks focus and/or is
and/or marginally relevant. incomplete.

Draw reference in the position to Burger King and McDonald’s relationship

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