Finals Exam - Test and Measurement

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6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) Test and Measurement (FINALS) Total points Qe Direction: Choose the correct answer. Name: * Mark Kenneth N. Acosta x Email * IS x 1, Teacher Marivic discovered that her students are weak in sentence —*5/5 construction. Which test should teacher Marivic administer to determine what other skill(s) her pupils are weak? © A Placement Test © B. Formative Test @ © Diagnostic Test v © D. Summative Test convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 1135, 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) Y_ 2. Teacher Christopher will construct a periodic exam for his Algebra *5/5 subject. Which of the following should be considered first? CO A. Prepare a table of specification. © 8 Go back to his instructional objectives. v © . Study the content of his discussed lessons. © 0D. Identify the format of the test item. X_ 3. Which of the test item is most appropriate to attain Teacher Karl's *0/5 lesson objective “multiply fractions and reduce the product to lowest term"? © A. What are the rules in multiplication of fraction? © 8B. Reduce 8/12, 6/8, 6/8, 6/10, and 8/18 to their lowest terms. x © ©. The product of 3/5 and 15/18 is __. a. 30/90 b. 1/3 c. 15/45 d. 2/6 © D. The sum of 3/5 and 2/3 is a. 4/15 b. 19/15. 5/15 d. 5/8 Correct answer © ©. The product of 3/5 and 15/18 is a. 30/90 b. 1/3 ¢. 15/45 d. 2/6 convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 2136 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) Y 4."Group the following items according to order” can be classifiedas _*5/5 what type of question 2 O A Evaluating © B.Generalizing @ ©. Classifying v © D. inferring 5. Which of the following test format does NOT belong to the group?* 5/5 @ A Short answer v © 8. Muttiple choice O ©. True or false © D. Matching type convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 336 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) 6. The results of National Assessment Test (NAT) are interpreted against *5/5 a set pf mastery level. This means that NAT is categorized as test. |. criterion-referenced Il norm-referenced @ A Criterion-referenced only v © B.Norm-referenced only © © Either criterion-referenced or norm-referenced © D.Neither criterion-referenced or norm-referenced convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 4135, 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) Y_ 7.Using statement | to IV, which of the following is NOT true about +5/5 matching type of test? \ The descriptions and options not necessarily homogeneous. U1 The options at the first column and the descriptions at the second column. ul The number of options must be greater than the number of descriptions. \V. There must be at least three items. O Alonly @ Blandi v O Candi © D.ittandiv v 8 is an example of vegetable. +5/5 The question above is an example of a poorly constructed test item. What makes the test item poor? © Artis nota significant test item. © 8. The blank at the beginning of the sentence. v CO C.ltisa very easy test item. © D.ltis a short question. convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 535 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X_ 9. Teacher Ace constructed a matching type test. In his column of +0/5 descriptions are combinations of presidents, senators, cabinet members, current issues, and sports. Which rule of constructing a matching type of ‘test was NOT followed. © A. The options must be greater than the descriptions. © 8. The descriptions must be heterogeneous. x © ©. The descriptions must be homogeneous. © D. Arrange the options according to order. Correct answer @ © .The descriptions must be homogeneous. 10. Which of the following statements is TRUE when standard deviation *5/5 is large? © A Scores are concentrated around the mean. © B.The scores are normally distributed. © ©. Scores are widely spread around the mean. v © D.The mean and median are equal. convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 635 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) Y 11. Teacher Luis wants to test his students’ ability to speak +5/5 extemporaneously, which of the following is the most valid assessment tool? O A.Let his students construct a speech, © B. Written test on the guidelines in delivering extemporaneous speech. © C.Let them make their portion on speeches delivered. @ . Performance test in extemporaneous speaking. v 13. Inthe parlance of test development, what does TOS mean? * 5/5 CO A\ Table of Skewness CO 8B. Table of Specifics CO ©. Table of Species © _. Table of Specification v X14. Which of the following is the highest level of Bloom's taxonomy?* 0/5 © A Identify the kinds of Measures of Variation. © 8. Compute the mean value: 86, 91, 75, 96 and 88. © ©. Compare and contrast standard deviation and coefficient of variation. @ Explain the concept of variability. x Correct answer © ©. Compare and contrast standard deviation and coefficient of variation.!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNyeherPRQVRXORROXZ82mMuGhDpn6DIEOJEmYVLQWiewscore?Pli= 18 7138 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) 15. Given the scores: 48, 45, 59, 54, 56, 63, 59, 68, 59, 66, 72. What does ‘the score 83 in the distribution mean/s? O A Median © 8. Median and mode © ©. Mode only © D.Mean, Median and mode 16. If the computed range is small, this means that CO A. the students performed very well in the test. CO 8. the difference between the highest and the lowest score is high. © ©. the students performed very poorly in the test. @ |. the difference between the highest and the lowest score is low. Y_ 17.Which of the following represents norm-referenced statement? * © A Peter was able to get 90 items correctly out of 100 items in mathematics. @ BrFiteh performed better in the test in mathematics than 88% of his classmates. CO . Ritz was able to solve 88% of the problem correctly. © D.Glenn solved 9 problems out of 15 problems correctly. convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 *5/5 5/5 5/5 835 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X18. Scores of 8 students were: 86, 78, 89, 90, 88, 98,95, 88. What is the *0/5 mean value? O As7 © ass x O c.89 O 0.80 Correct answer @ c89 19. What does a positively skewed score distribution mean? * 5/5 © A The mean, median, and mode are equal. CO B. Most of the scores are low. © 6. The scores are normally distributed © D. Most of the scores are above the mean. v convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 9135 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X20. Which of the following statement best described the performance of | *0/5 the students when their scores are negatively skewed? © A. Most students got very high scores. © 8. The scores are equally distributed from left and right of its mean, CO .A few students performed above the mean, © D. Most students did not perform well x Correct answer @ A Most students got very high scores. Y 21. Teacher Renzel conducted item analysis is his examination in *5/5 Mathematics. The facility index of item number 6 is 0.65. What does item number 6 mean? @ A Moderately difficult v O BeEasy O © Difficult O D.Very difficult convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 javiewscor... 10/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) Y 22. The discrimination index of a test item is -0.25. What does this mean? *5/5 @ /-Most students inthe lower group got the tem correcty than thoseinthe V7 upper group. © BrMore students in the upper group got the item correctly than those inthe lower group. © ©. The number of students in the lower and upper groups who got the item is equal. © D. More students from the upper group got the item incorrectly. X23. Teacher Jhonson gave a test in English. Most of the students got *0/5 scores above the mean. What is the graphical representation of their scores? @ A. Skewed to the right x CO 8B. Skewed to the left O ©. Mesokurtic © D.Normally distributed Correct answer © 8B. skewed to the left convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 laviewscore... 11/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) 24, Teacher Dominic give a 50-item test in English. The mean +5/5 performance of the group is 27 and the standard deviation is 5. Franz obtained a score of 33. Which of the following best described his performance? CO A. Below average O B. Average @ © Above average v © D. outstanding Y 25. Joseph's score is within 1 SD. To which of the following groups does *5/5 he belong? O A. Below average @ 8B. Average v CO ©.Needs improvement © D. Above average convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 12135 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X26. The computed r = 0.93 for scores in English and Math. What does this *0/5 mean? © A Math scores are slightly related to the English scores. © 8. The higher the scores in English, the lower the scores in Math. © .As the scores in English increases, the scores in Math increases too. © English scores is not related to the Math scores. x Correct answer @ CAs the scores in English increases, the scores in Math increases too, Y_ 27. Teacher Kristy conducted an item analysis for her test questions in *5/5 English. She found out that item number 10 has a difficulty index of 0.45 and a discrimination index of 0.37. What should teacher Kristy do with item number 10? O A Revise the item, © 8B. Retain the item. v © ©. Reject the item, © D. Make the item bonus convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 javiewscor... 18/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) 28. About how many percent of the scores fall between -2SD and+2SD *5/5 units of its mean? O A34% O B.68% @ 6.95% v O 0.99% 29. Which of the following statement best describes skewed score +5/5 distribution? CO A. The scores are normally distributed. © 8. Most of the scores lie at one end or the other end of the curve. v © ©. Most of the scores lie at the left end tail of the curve. © D. Most of the scores lie at the right end tail of the curve, Y 30. Which of the following group of score distribution is less spread?* 5/5 @ Asd=15 v O Bsd=165 O O Dsd=2.0!FAIpOL Sduck WvamNyeherPROVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnEDIEOJEMYVLGWiewscore?Pli=1Bpli=1Bviewscor... 14/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X31. Which type of assessment is most appropriate for assessing learning *0/5 difficulties? Situation 1. Study the table on the item analysis for non-attractiveness of distracters based on the results of a multiple-choice test in Mathematics conducted by Teacher Fitch. The letter with asterisk is the correct answer. Answer items 32-36. ra Upper 27% 12 Lower 27% 9 lola @ A Formative assessment. © 8. Placement assessment. © ©. Summative assessment. O D-Diagnostic assessment Correct answer © D. Diagnostic assessment. 32. Based on the table, which is the most effective distracter? * O A Option B © B. Option c © ©. Option Dd O D.OptionA convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 5/5 Itaviewscor... 15135 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X33. The table shows that as a result of the analysis the test item *0/5 @ A Was very easy. x © 8.Has a negative discriminating power. CO .Has a positive discriminating power. © 0. Could not be clearly determined because of the insufficient data. Correct answer @ C.Has a positive discriminating power. X34. Based on the table in situation 1, which of the options should be *0/5 revised? @ A Options x O 8. Optionc O ©. Option d © Dd. Option a Correct answer © ©. Option d convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 javiewscor... 18/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X35. What is the level of difficulty of the given test? * o/s @ A very easy x O B.Easy O ©. Moderately difficult O D. Difficult Correct answer @ D Difficult X36. In which group got more correct answer? * os Situation 2. The table below shows different tests| administered to a class to which Angel belongs, then answer questions 37-48. Subjects Mean SD ‘Angel's Scores 7B 3 7 80 2.75 82 90 15 89 88 1.75 90 O A. Lower group © 8B. Upper group ©@ ©. Could not be determined, data are insufficient x © D.None of the above Correct answer © B.Upper group!FAIpOL Sduck WvamNyeherPROVRXDRROKZB2mMuGHDpneDIEOJEmYVLQWiewscore?pli=Bpli=1eviewscor... 17/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) Y 37. \nwhich subject (s) did Angel perform most poorly in relation tothe *5/5 group's mean performance? O A.English O BPE O ©. Music © D. Mathematics v 38. What type of learner is angel? * 5/5 @ A Bodily kinesthetic v O B. Logical O D. Musical 39. Inwhich test or subject the scores less spread? * 5/5 O A€English O BPE © c.Music v © D. Mathematics convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 18135 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) Y 40. Teacher Vinci wants to test his student's ability to formulate ideas. *5/5 Which type of test should he develop. © A. Problem solving type @ 8 Essay question v CO ©. Completion test © D. Matching type Y 41. A positive discrimination index means that: * 5/5 © A. That test item could not discriminate between the lower and upper groups ©@ B. More from the upper group got item correctly v © ©. More from the lower group got the item correctly © D.The test item has low reliability convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 Itaviewscor... 19135, 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X42. Teacher Vince is conducting a test, not one examinee approached *0/5 him for clarification on what to do. Which characteristic of a good test is applied? O AFaimess O B. Objectivity © ©. Administrability @ d.clarity x Correct answer © ©. Administrability X43. Inwhich competency did Teacher Grace students’ find more easy? In *0/5 the item with a difficulty index of ___. @ aost x O 8.091 O 6.0.55 O 0.10 Correct answer @ d10 convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 Itaviewscor... 20135 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) 44. The criterion of success in Teacher Harold's objective is that “the *5/5 students must be able to get 85% of the items correctly.” Ana and 24 others got 36 items correctly out of 50. This means that Teacher Harold: CO A Attained his objective because of his appropriate teaching materials © 8B. Failed to attain his lesson objective as far as the 25 pupils are concerned == / © ©. attained his lesson objective © © Didnot attain his lesson objective because the students failed to study the material X45. The discrimination index of item #20 is 0. What does this mean? * o/s © A. More from the lower group got the item correctly. © 8. Anequal number from the lower and upper group got the item correctly. @ C. More from the upper group got the item correctly. x © 0. More from the upper group got the item wrong. Correct answer © 8B. Anequal number from the lower and upper group got the item correctly. convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 laviewscor... 21/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) Y 46. Which is correct about MEDIAN? * 5/5 © A ltis a measure of variability CO B.Itis the most stable measure of central tendency. © ©. Itis appropriate when there are extreme scores. v © D.ttis significantly affected by extreme values. 47. Which measure(s) of central tendency can be determined by mere *5/5 inspection? O AMedian @ B. Mode v O ©.Mean © D. Mode and median convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 laviewscor... 22/85 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X 48. Here is a score distribution: 88, 85, 84, 84, 84, 83, 80, 75, 75, 73, 56, 55, *0/5 51, 51, 51, 34, 34, 20. Which of the following best described the distribution? O ABimodal © 8B. Multimodal © ©C.unimodal x © . Cannot be determined Correct answer @ A.Bimodal 49. Which is true of a unimodal score distribution? * 5/5 @ A The group tested has one mode. v © 8B. The scores are either high or low. © ©. The scores are high. © the scores are low. convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 Itaviewscor... 23135 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) 50. Atest item has a difficulty index of 0.85 and discrimination index of | *5/5 -0.10, What should the teacher do? © A. Make a bonus item. © 8. Reject the item. v CO . Retain the item. © D. Reject the item and make it a bonus. 51. Which measure(s) of central tendency is(are) most appropriate when *5/5 the score is skewed? O A Mode © 8B. Mean and median @ ©. Median v © D.Mean X52. Ina one hundred-item test, what does Gil's score of 70 mean? * o/s © A.He surpassed 70 of his classmate in terms of score. © 8.He surpassed 30 of his classmate in terms of score. x © ©.He got a score above mean © D.He got 70 items correctly. Correct answer © D.He got 70 items correctly. convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 Itaviewscor... 24135 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) 53. Which of the following measures is more affected by an extreme *5/5 score? O A. Mean deviation © 8.Median O ©. Mode @ D.Mean v 54. The sum of all the scores in a distribution is always equal to: * 5/5 © A The mean times the interval size CO B. The mean divided by N © ©. Themean times N v © D.The mean divided by the sum of all scores 55. Teacher Marc is representing on family income distribution whichis *5/5 symmetrical. Which measure/s of central tendency will be most appropriate? O A.Mode @ 8. Mean v O ©. Median © 0. Mean and median convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 25135, 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X56. Marc obtained a score of 85 in Mathematics multiple-choice test. *0/5 What does it mean? © A.He has rating of 85. © B.He answered 85 items in the test correctly. © ©. He answered 85% of the test item correctly. x © D.His performance is 15% better than the group. Correct answer @ B.He answered 85 items in the test correctly. X57. Median is the 50th percentile as Q3 is to: * ors @ A 25th percentile x O B. 45th percentile O ©. 70th percentile © D.75th percentile Correct answer © D.75th percentile convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 laviewscor... 26/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X58. Mark Erick is 2.5 standard deviation above the mean of his group in *0/5 Math and 1.5 standard deviation above in English. What does this imply? @ AHe excels in both English and Math. x © 8.Heis better in Math than in English. © C.He does not excel in English nor in Math. © 0.Heis better in English than in Math. Correct answer @ 8B. Hes better in Math than in English. 59. Which statement about the standard deviation is CORRECT? * 5/5 © A The lower the standard deviation the more spread the scores are. © B.The higher the standard deviation the less the scores the spread, @ ©. The higher the standard deviation the more the spread the scores are. v © D.ltis a measure of central tendency. convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 Itaviewscor... 27135 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X60. Which group of scores is most varied? The group with * os Correct answer @ Dsd=4 X_ 61. Study the two sets of scores below and answer the question that *O/S, follows: SET A: 11, 12, 23, 24, 35, 36, 47, 48, 55 SET B: 13, 14, 24, 25, 35, 46, 46, 47, 59 Which statement correctly applies to the two sets of score distribution? © A. The scores in set A are less spread out than those in set B. CO B.The range for set B is 45. © ©. The range for set Ais 44. x © . The scores in set B are less spread out than those in set A. Correct answer @ A The scores in set A are less spread out than those in set B. convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 Itaviewscor... 28135 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) VY —_- 62. Skewed score distributed means: * 5/5 © A The scores are normally distributed © B. The mean and the median are equal © ©. Consist of academically poor students. @ D.The scores are concentrated more at one end or the other end. v X64, Most students who took the examination got scores above the mean. *0/5 What is the graphics representation of the score distribution? O A.Normal curve O B.Platykurtic © © Positively skewed x © D.Negatively skewed Correct answer @ D.Negatively skewed convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 |aviewscor... 29/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X65. Ifaclass is composed of academically poor students, what is the *0/5 graphical representation of the score distribution? CO A Skewed to the right © B.Abell curve O C.Leptokurtic © D.Skewed to the left x Correct answer @ A Skewes to the right 66. When Teacher Grace conducted an item analysis, she found out that a *5/5 significantly greater number from the upper group of the class got test, item number 5 correctly. This means that the test item. © A.Has a negative discriminating power O B.lsvalid O CGlseasy © D.Has a positive discriminating power v convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 Itaviewscor... 30135 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) 67. The computed r for scores in Math and Filipino is-0.43. What does *5/5, this mean? © A-Math scores are positively related to Filipino scores. © 8B. The higher the math scores, the lower the Filipino scores. v © ©. Math scores are not related to Filipino scores. © Filipino scores are slightly related to Math scores. 68. The scatter gram of two variables are spread evenly in all directions, *5/5 this means that: © A. There is a high positive correlation between the two variables. CO BB. There is a low positive correlation between the two variables. © ©. There is no correlation between the two variables. v © D.There is a high negative correlation between the two variables. convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 laviewscor... 31/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) 69. A short quiz conducted by Teacher Benjamin James to get feedback *5/5 on how much the students learned but will not be used for grading purposes is classified as a © A. Diagnostic assessment © 8. Placement assessment © ©. Summative assessment © 1. Formative assessment v Y 70.Teacher A conducted a test at the end of a chapter to find outifthe — *5/5. objectives of her lesson has been attained. Which of the following type of assessment must she administered? CO A Formative assessment © 8B. Diagnostic assessment © ©. Summative assessment v © D.Criterion-referenced convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 32135, 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) X_ 71. Which of the following is the main purpose of administering a pre-test *0/5 and post-test to the students? © A Measure the effectiveness of the instructional materials @ 8. Measure gains in learning x © ©. Measure the effectiveness of instruction © 0D. Trained students for government examination Correct answer @ C. Measure the effectiveness of instruction X 72. Teacher JR conducted an item analysis of his periodic test. He found *0/5 out that item number 16 has s difficulty index of 0.41 and discriminating index of 0.36. What should teacher JR do with item number 167 © A Reject the item. x © 8B. Retain the item. © ©. Revise the item. © 0. Make it a bonus item. Correct answer @ B Retain the item. convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 laviewscor... 38/35 6115724, 10:09AM ‘Test and Measurement (FINALS) 73. Which of the following of variation is the most stable? * 5/5 © A Range O 8. Quartile deviation © ©.Mean deviation @ ©. Standard deviation v 74. Which of the following instructional objectives is the lowest level of | *5/5 Krathwolh's cognitive taxonomy? @ A Identify the kinds of measures of variability. v © B. Compute the variance value: 25, 27, 30, 33 and 36. © ©. Compare and contrast quartile deviation and standard deviation. © D.Explain the concept of variability 75. Which is true when the standard deviation is small? * 5/5 @ A Scores are concentrated. v CO B. Scores are not extremes. © ©. Scores are spread apart. © D.The bell-shaped is sleep. This form was created inside of Saint Bernadette College of Alabang. Repott Abuse f Google Forms convormslle!FAlpOL Sduck WvamNysherPRQVRXDRROXZB2mMuGHDpnsDIEOJEmYVLWviewscore?Pli= 18 Itaviewscor... 34135 6115724, 10:49 AM stand Measurement (FINALS) nitpssdocs. google. comiformslde/ FA pOL SducXUvbmNyehe:PROVRXDRROKZB2mMuGHDpnéDIEOJGmYvLviewscore?pl1&pli=T&viewscor.. 35635,

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