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Autonomous Haulage System (AHS)




All copyright and other intellectual property rights remain wholly owned by Komatsu.



Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

00 Index and foreword

Composition of shop manual ................................................................................................................................ 2
Table of contents................................................................................................................................................... 4

930E-4AT 1
CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Composition of shop manual

The contents of this shop manual are shown together with Form No. in a list.
Note 1: Always keep the latest version of this manual in accordance with this list and utilize accordingly.
The marks shown to the right of Form No. denote the following:
: New module (to be filed additionally) : Revision (to be replaced for each Form No.)
Note 2: This shop manual can be supplied for each Form No.
Note 3: To file this shop manual in the special binder for management, handle it as follows:
• Place a divider on the top of each section in the file after matching the Tab No. with No. indicated
next to each Section Name shown in the table below:
• File overview and other materials in sections in the order shown below and utilize them accordingly.

Section TitleForm Number

Shop Manual, contents binder, binder label and tabs CEBM021601 

00 Index and foreword

Index CEN00007-01 

01 Specifications
Specification and technical data CEN01003-00

10 Structure and Function

Index and Manual CEN10017-01 
Navigation CEN10018-01 
Drive CEN10019-01 
Safety CEN10020-01 

30 Testing and Adjusting

Position Measurement System CEN30016-01 
Drive Control System CEN30017-01 
Obstacle Detection System CEN30018-01 
Flight Recorder CEN30019-01 
Replace Condition CEN30020-01 

40 Troubleshooting
Travel Control System – Fault Code List CEN40018-01 
Travel Control System – System Caution, Heartbeat and Communication
Between Controllers MBI and PLM3, Observer Controller, Safety Controller,
and Controller Setting CEN40019-01 
Travel Control System – Steering System CEN40020-01 
Travel Control System – F-N-R Selector System and Acceleration Control System CEN40021-01 
Travel Control System – Brake System CEN40022-01 
Travel Control System – Body Control System CEN40023-01 
Travel Control System - Operation CEN40024-01 
Travel Control System – Warning CEN40025-01 

2 930E-4AT
00 Index and foreword CEN00007-01

Position Measurement System – GPS Indicator Status (Color) and

Troubleshooting List CEN40026-01 
Position Measurement System – GPS System CEN40027-01 
Position Measurement System – GYRO System CEN40028-01 
Position Measurement System – Tire Sensor System, Slope Sensor and
Moving Direction CEN40029-01 
Position Measurement System – REG System CEN40030-01 
Position Measurement System – Sensor Fusion, NVRAM, Software Exception CEN40031-01 
Position Measurement System – Warning Message of GPS System,
GYRO System, Tire Sensor, Slope Sensor and Moving Direction CEN40032-01 
Position Measurement System – Warning Message of REG System CEN40033-01 
Position Measurement System – Sensor Fusion System and Software Exceptions CEN40034-01 
Safety Control System – Fault Code List CEN40035-01 
Safety Control System – Error Message CEN40036-01 
Safety Control System – Warning Message CEN40037-01 
Observer Controller – LED Display, Heartbeat Caution, Batteries, Power
Supply, A/M Key Switch, Auto Apply Brake, Brake Lock, Park Brake, Others CEN40038-01 
How to use the Monitor PC CEN40039-01 
AHT System Inspection CEN40040-01 

930E-4AT 3
CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Table of contents
00 Index and foreword
Index CEN00007-01
Composition of shop manual ....................................................................................................2
Table of contents ......................................................................................................................4

01 Specifications
Specification and technical data CEN01003-00
Specifications ...........................................................................................................................2
General view of autonomous truck............................................................................................3
Controller configuration ............................................................................................................4
Drive control system .................................................................................................................5
Safety control system ................................................................................................................6
930E-AT components location .................................................................................................7

10 Structure and Function

Index and Manual CEN10017-01
Selection of auto/manual mode ................................................................................................2
Embedded module for supervisory system ..............................................................................5
Navigation CEN10018-01
Drive control system .................................................................................................................2
Position measurement system .................................................................................................4
Drive CEN10019-01
Travel control system ................................................................................................................2
Dump control system...............................................................................................................34
MBI controller ..........................................................................................................................37
Safety CEN10020-01
Safety control system ................................................................................................................2
Obstacle detection system ........................................................................................................4
Warning indicator monitoring...................................................................................................12
Auxiliary device control............................................................................................................15
Observer controller..................................................................................................................22
Flight recorder system.............................................................................................................26

30 Testing and Adjusting

Position Measurement System CEN30016-01
Front pulse sensor adjustment ................................................................................................. 2
Rear pulse sensor adjustment.................................................................................................. 3
Roll sensor adjustment............................................................................................................. 4
Pitch sensor adjustment ........................................................................................................... 7
GPS origin configuration setting .............................................................................................10
Gyro sensor adjustment .........................................................................................................12
REG laser distance calibration ...............................................................................................14
Position measurement system parameter confirmation .........................................................17
REG fiber optic cable check and installation ..........................................................................19

4 930E-4AT
00 Index and foreword CEN00007-01

Drive Control System CEN30017-01

Steering angle potentiometer adjustment ................................................................................. 2
Steering EPC valve adjustment ................................................................................................ 5
Drive control parameter confirmation ....................................................................................... 9
Obstacle Detection System CEN30018-01
Calibration procedure............................................................................................................... 2
Initialization of radar steering unit motor angle ......................................................................... 2
Adjustment of radar elevation angle.......................................................................................... 4
Calibration of radar output range .............................................................................................. 5
Adjustment of radar azimuth angle ......................................................................................... 10
Safety controller confirmation parameters ............................................................................. 16
Flight Recorder CEN30019-01
Flight recorder installation ......................................................................................................... 2
Troubleshooting......................................................................................................................... 9
Replace Condition CEN30020-01
Periodic replacement ................................................................................................................ 2
When is adjustment required? .................................................................................................. 2

40 Troubleshooting
Travel Control System – Fault Code List CEN40018-01
Point to remember when troubleshooting ................................................................................ 2
Fault code list for travel control system .................................................................................... 4
Travel Control System – System Caution, Heartbeat and Communication
Between Controllers MBI and PLM3, Observer Controller, Safety Controller,
and Controller Setting CEN40019-01
Fault Code 4001: Supervisory system caution.......................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4002: Supervisory system caution.......................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4004: Supervisory system caution.......................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4011: Heartbeat system exception ......................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4012: Heartbeat system exception ......................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4013: Heartbeat system exception ......................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4014: Heartbeat system exception ......................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4015: Heartbeat system exception ......................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4016: Heartbeat system exception ......................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4017: Heartbeat system exception ......................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4018: Heartbeat system exception ......................................................................... 6
Fault Code 4019: CAN communication exception .................................................................... 6
Fault Code 401A: CAN communication exception .................................................................... 6
Fault Code 401B: CAN communication exception .................................................................... 7
Fault Code 401D: Heartbeat system exception ........................................................................ 7
Fault Code 401E: Heartbeat system exception......................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4027: Supervisory system exception (speed profile).............................................. 7
Fault Code 4034: Supervisory system exception (trajectory data)............................................ 8
Fault Code 4044: Supervisory system exception (dump behavior)........................................... 8
Fault Code 4045: Supervisory system exception (dump behavior)........................................... 8
Fault Code 4046: Supervisory system exception (dump behavior)........................................... 8
Fault Code 4061: Troubleshooting PLM sensor problem.......................................................... 9

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CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Fault Code 4065: Troubleshooting communication with MBI controller ..................................10

Fault Code 4066: PLM3 detects failure ...................................................................................10
Fault Code 4070: Observer controller caution......................................................................... 11
Fault Code 4071: Heartbeat line of Observer controller.......................................................... 11
Fault Code 40A3: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller...............................13
Fault Code 40A1: Heartbeat wiring to safe was cut ................................................................12
Fault Code 40A2: Heartbeat wiring to safe was shorted .........................................................12
Fault Code 40A4: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller...............................13
Fault Code 40A5: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller...............................13
Fault Code 40A6: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller...............................14
Fault Code 40AC: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller ..............................14
Fault Code 40AD: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller ..............................14
Fault Code 40F1: Controller setting ........................................................................................15
Fault Code 40F6: Controller setting ........................................................................................15
Fault Code 40F8: Controller setting ........................................................................................15
Fault Code 40F9: Controller setting ........................................................................................15
Travel Control System – Steering System CEN40020-01
Fault Code 4101: S/T did not work during steering check.........................................................2
Fault Code 4102: S/T control error............................................................................................2
Fault Code 4103, 4104: Steering potentiometer problem..........................................................5
Fault Code 4105: Steering potentiometer damaged..................................................................7
Fault Code 4106: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem ...........................................9
Fault Code 4107: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem .........................................10
Fault Code 4108: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem ......................................... 11
Fault Code 4109: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem .........................................12
Fault Code 410A: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem .........................................13
Fault Code 410B: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem .........................................14
Fault Code 4113: Troubleshooting S/T pressure problem.......................................................14
Fault Code 4114, 4115: S/T potentiometer signal problem .....................................................15
Fault Code 4116, 4117: S/T potentiometer wiring problem .....................................................16
Fault Code 4118: (B1) Steering accumulator low pressure .....................................................16
Travel Control System – F-N-R Selector System and Acceleration Control System CEN40021-01
Fault Code 4202, 4203, 420E: Wrong position of selector switch .............................................3
Fault Code 4204: F-N-R selector switch wiring .........................................................................5
Fault Code 4205: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ..............................................6
Fault Code 4206: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ..............................................7
Fault Code 4207: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ..............................................8
Fault Code 4208: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ..............................................9
Fault Code 4209: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ............................................10
Fault Code 420A: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ............................................ 11
Fault Code 420B: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ............................................12
Fault Code 420C: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring............................................13
Fault Code 420D: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring............................................14
Fault Code 420F: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ............................................15
Fault Code 4210: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ............................................16
Fault Code 4211: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring.............................................17

6 930E-4AT
00 Index and foreword CEN00007-01

Fault Code 4301: Acceleration signal problem ....................................................................... 18

Fault Code 4306: Acceleration system wiring problem ........................................................... 19
Fault Code 4307: Acceleration system wiring problem ........................................................... 20
Travel Control System – Brake System CEN40022-01
Fault Code 43A0: Front brake operation (left brake)................................................................. 3
Fault Code 43A1: Rear brake operation (left brake) ................................................................. 6
Fault Code 43A2: Front brake operation (right brake) .............................................................. 9
Fault Code 43A3: Rear brake operation (right brake) ............................................................. 12
Fault Code 43A7: Front brake system wiring problem ............................................................ 15
Fault Code 43A8: Front brake system wiring problem ............................................................ 16
Fault Code 43A9: Front brake system wiring problem ............................................................ 17
Fault Code 43AA: Rear brake system wiring problem ............................................................ 18
Fault Code 43AB: Rear brake system wiring problem ............................................................ 19
Fault Code 43AC: Rear brake system wiring problem ............................................................ 20
Fault Code 43B0: Auto apply brake system wiring problem ................................................... 21
Fault Code 43B1: Auto apply brake system wiring problem ................................................... 22
Fault Code 43B2: Auto apply brake system wiring problem ................................................... 23
Fault Code 43B3: Brake system low performance.................................................................. 24
Fault Code 43B4: Brake lock system wiring problem.............................................................. 25
Fault Code 43B5: Brake lock system wiring problem.............................................................. 26
Fault Code 43B6: Brake lock system wiring problem.............................................................. 27
Fault Code 43B8: Retard brake system wiring problem.......................................................... 28
Fault Code 43B9: Retard brake system wiring problem.......................................................... 29
Fault Code 43BA: Auto apply brake system ........................................................................... 30
Fault Code 43BB: Brake lock system...................................................................................... 31
Fault Code 43BD: Retard signal feedback .............................................................................. 32
Fault Code 43BE: Front brake is not released ........................................................................ 33
Fault Code 43BF: Front brake is not released ........................................................................ 35
Fault Code 43C0: Rear brake is not released......................................................................... 37
Fault Code 43C1: Rear brake is not released......................................................................... 39
Fault Code 43C2: Override signal wiring problem .................................................................. 41
Fault Code 43C3: Override signal wiring problem .................................................................. 42
Fault Code 43C4: Override signal wiring problem .................................................................. 43
Fault Code 43C5, 43C6, 43C7, 43C8: Brake pressure sensors ............................................. 44
Fault Code 43C9: Signal from GE system .............................................................................. 46
Fault Code 43CC, 43CE: Auto apply brake system ................................................................ 47
Fault Code 43CD: Park brake ................................................................................................. 48
Fault Code 43CE: Safety controller could not control auto apply brake.................................. 49
Fault Code 43D0: Park brake..................................................................................................50
Fault Code 43D1: (E1) All hydraulic brake error ..................................................................... 51
Fault Code 43D2, 43D3: Park brake ....................................................................................... 51
Fault Code 43D4: Low brake pressure when E/G is OFF ....................................................... 52
Fault Code 43D6: (C1) Brake accumulator low pressure........................................................52
Travel Control System – Body Control System CEN40023-01
Fault Code 4402: Body position switch is broken ..................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4403: Hoist limit switch is broken ........................................................................... 5

930E-4AT 7
CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Fault Code 4404: Body down control error................................................................................8

Fault Code 4405: Troubleshooting body control...................................................................... 11
Fault Code 4406: Troubleshooting body control......................................................................14
Fault Code 4407: Body control solenoid A (up) wiring problem ..............................................16
Fault Code 4408: Body control solenoid A (up) wiring problem ..............................................17
Fault Code 4409: Body control solenoid A (up) wiring problem ..............................................18
Fault Code 440A: Body control solenoid B (down) wiring problem .........................................19
Fault Code 440B: Body control solenoid B (down) wiring problem .........................................20
Fault Code 440C: Body control solenoid B (down) wiring problem .........................................21
Fault Code 440D: Wrong body position ..................................................................................22
Fault Code 440E: Body control wiring problem .......................................................................24
Fault Code 440F: Body control wiring problem .......................................................................25
Fault Code 4410: Body control wiring problem .......................................................................26
Fault Code 4411: Dump control pressure sensor ....................................................................27
Fault Code 4412: Dump control signal feedback ....................................................................29
Fault Code 4413: Dump control signal feedback ....................................................................30
Fault Code 4414: Roll angle failure .........................................................................................31
Travel Control System - Operation CEN40024-01
Fault Code 4502: Wrong position of A/M key switch .................................................................3
Fault Code 4504: Power supply for controller ...........................................................................4
Fault Code 4505: Power supply for controller ...........................................................................5
Fault Code 4506: Power supply for controller ...........................................................................6
Fault Code 4509: Time over in autonomous travel....................................................................7
Fault Code 450A: Time over in autonomous travel ...................................................................8
Fault Code 450B: Course out (wrong position) .........................................................................8
Fault Code 450D: Course out....................................................................................................9
Fault Code 4510: Course out ..................................................................................................10
Fault Code 4513: Over speed control ..................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 4515: Over passing target point............................................................................12
Fault Code 4518, 4519: Wrong moving direction ....................................................................13
Fault Code 451E: Brake lock switch is ON in auto mode........................................................15
Fault Code 4521: Course out (longitudinal position) ...............................................................15
Fault Code 4524: No propel (930E) ........................................................................................15
Fault Code 4525: No propel (930E) ........................................................................................16
Fault Code 4526: No propel (power off the truck request) ......................................................16
Fault Code 4527: Truck was stopped with some obstacle while approaching crusher ...........16
Travel Control System – Warning CEN40025-01
Fault Code 8003: Supervisory system caution..........................................................................4
Fault Code 8005: Emergency Button pressed (Engine stop request was canceled)) ...............4
Fault Code 8011: CGC heartbeat delay ....................................................................................4
Fault Code 8012: Hub heartbeat delay .....................................................................................5
Fault Code 8019: CAN-A problem.............................................................................................5
Fault Code 801A: Safety controller has CAN-A problem ..........................................................5
Fault Code 801B: PLM data stop ..............................................................................................6
Fault Code 8021, 8022, 8023, 8024, 8028, 8029: Wrong speed profile....................................7
Fault Code 802B: Wrong speed profile .....................................................................................8

8 930E-4AT
00 Index and foreword CEN00007-01

Fault Code 8031, 8032, 8033, 8035: Wrong trajectory data ..................................................... 8
Fault Code 8041, 8042, 8043: Wrong behavior data ................................................................ 9
Fault Code 8061: PLM sensors problem................................................................................. 10
Fault Code 8062: MBI not ready ............................................................................................. 11
Fault Code 8063: MBI communication problem ...................................................................... 11
Fault Code 8064: MBI digital heartbeat cut ............................................................................. 11
Fault Code 8065: MBI dead .................................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 8066: PLM3 detects failure ................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 8070: Observer controller detected failure ........................................................... 12
Fault Code 8071: Observer controller no response ................................................................ 12
Fault Code 80A1, 80A2: Heartbeat problem with safety controller ......................................... 13
Fault Code 80A3: Communication with safety controller ........................................................14
Fault Code 80AB: Communication with safety controller ........................................................15
Fault Code 80AD: Safety controller in wrong mode ................................................................ 15
Fault Code 80B1: Reduce speed due to tracking error........................................................... 16
Fault Code 80B4: Reduce speed due to S/T pressure low warning ....................................... 16
Fault Code 80B5: Drive control warning ................................................................................. 16
Fault Code 80F1: Controller setting ........................................................................................ 16
Fault Code 80F6: Controller setting ........................................................................................ 17
Fault Code 80F8: Controller setting ........................................................................................ 17
Fault Code 80F9: Controller setting ........................................................................................ 17
Fault Code 8101: Steering did not work during steering check............................................... 17
Fault Code 8103, 8104: Steering potentiometer problem ....................................................... 18
Fault Code 8106: S/T EPC valve wiring.................................................................................. 20
Fault Code 8107: S/T EPC valve wiring.................................................................................. 21
Fault Code 8108: S/T EPC valve wiring.................................................................................. 22
Fault Code 8109: S/T EPC valve wiring.................................................................................. 23
Fault Code 810A: S/T EPC valve wiring ................................................................................. 24
Fault Code 810B: S/T EPC valve wiring ................................................................................. 25
Fault Code 8111, 8112: S/T pressure sensors ........................................................................ 26
Fault Code 8113: S/T pressure ............................................................................................... 28
Fault Code 8116, 8117: S/T potentiometer signal problem ..................................................... 28
Fault Code 8118: (B1) Steering accumulator low pressure ..................................................... 29
Fault Code 8204: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ......................................................... 29
Fault Code 8205: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ......................................................... 30
Fault Code 8206: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ......................................................... 31
Fault Code 8207: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ......................................................... 32
Fault Code 8208: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ......................................................... 33
Fault Code 8209: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ......................................................... 34
Fault Code 820A: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ........................................................35
Fault Code 820B: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ........................................................36
Fault Code 820C: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ........................................................37
Fault Code 820F: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem......................................................... 38
Fault Code 8210: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ......................................................... 39
Fault Code 8211: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ......................................................... 40
Fault Code 83A7: Front brake system wiring problem ............................................................ 41

930E-4AT 9
CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Fault Code 83A8: Front brake system wiring problem ............................................................42

Fault Code 83A9: Front brake system wiring problem ............................................................43
Fault Code 83AA: Rear brake system wiring problem ............................................................44
Fault Code 83AB: Rear brake system wiring problem ............................................................45
Fault Code 83AC: Rear brake system wiring problem ............................................................46
Fault Code 83B0: Auto apply brake system wiring problem....................................................47
Fault Code 83B1: Auto apply brake system wiring problem....................................................48
Fault Code 83B2: Auto apply brake system wiring problem....................................................49
Fault Code 83B4: Brake lock system wiring problem..............................................................50
Fault Code 83B5: Brake lock system wiring problem..............................................................51
Fault Code 83B6: Brake lock system wiring problem..............................................................52
Fault Code 83C0: Left rear brake could not release ...............................................................53
Fault Code 83C1: Right rear brake could not release .............................................................54
Fault Code 83C2: Override signal wiring problem...................................................................55
Fault Code 83C3: Override signal wiring problem...................................................................56
Fault Code 83C4: Override signal wiring problem...................................................................57
Fault Code 83C5, 83C6, 83C7, 83C8: Brake pressure sensors .............................................58
Fault Code 83D1: All hydraulic brake error .............................................................................59
Fault Code 83D2, 83D3: Park brake problem .........................................................................60
Fault Code 83D4: Low brake pressure when E/G is OFF .......................................................60
Fault Code 83D6: (C1) Brake accumulator low pressure........................................................60
Fault Code 83FF: (C1) Parking brake check...........................................................................60
Fault Code 8407: Body control solenoid A (up) line wiring problem........................................61
Fault Code 8408: Body control solenoid A (up) line wiring problem........................................62
Fault Code 8409: Body control solenoid A (up) line wiring problem........................................63
Fault Code 840A: Body control solenoid B (down) line wiring problem...................................64
Fault Code 840B: Body control solenoid B (down) line wiring problem...................................65
Fault Code 840C: Body control solenoid B (down) line wiring problem ..................................66
Fault Code 840E: Body control cut line wiring problem...........................................................67
Fault Code 840F: Body control cut line wiring problem...........................................................68
Fault Code 8410: Body control cut line wiring problem ...........................................................69
Fault Code 8411: Dump control pressure sensor ....................................................................70
Fault Code 8414: Roll angle failure .........................................................................................72
Fault Code 8504: Power supply of controller ..........................................................................72
Fault Code 8505: Power supply of controller ..........................................................................73
Fault Code 8506: Power supply of controller ..........................................................................74
Fault Code 850B: Course out wrong position..........................................................................74
Fault Code 851C: Payload overload (120%)-speed limited ....................................................75
Fault Code 8525: No propel (930E) ........................................................................................75
Fault Code 8526: No propel (power off truck request) ............................................................75
Fault Code 8528: Slip control system running.........................................................................75
Position Measurement System –
GPS Indicator Status (Color) and Troubleshooting List CEN40026-01
GPS indicator status (color) ......................................................................................................2
Fault code list of position measurement system .......................................................................3
Fault code 8601 – 8648: GPS system warning message .........................................................8
Fault code 8701 – 872F: GYRO system warning message ......................................................9

10 930E-4AT
00 Index and foreword CEN00007-01

Fault code 8801 – 880A: Tire sensor warning message ......................................................... 11

Fault code 8810 – 8817: Slope sensor warning message ...................................................... 11
Fault code 8819 – 8821: Moving direction warning message ................................................. 11
Fault code 8901 – 8924: REG system warning message ....................................................... 12
Fault code 8A01 – 8A24: Sensor fusion system warning message ........................................ 13
Fault code 8B02, 8B03, 8B05: NVRAM and software exceptions warning message ............. 13
Fault code 8B17: A/D signal inputs warning message ............................................................ 13
Position Measurement System – GPS System CEN40027-01
Fault Code 4601: GPS quality error .......................................................................................... 2
Fault Code 4603: Lack of satellites error .................................................................................. 5
Fault Code 4604: GPS correction data delay............................................................................ 7
Fault Code 4607: GPS GST not ready to approach loader..................................................... 10
Fault Code 4608: GPS GST not ready to approach crusher................................................... 13
Fault Code 4609: GPS GST not ready to approach dump edge............................................. 16
Fault Code 460E: GPS GST not ready ................................................................................... 19
Fault Code 4621: GPS delay from PPS timing ....................................................................... 22
Fault Code 4624: GPS communication lost ............................................................................ 23
Fault Code 4625: PPS signal error ......................................................................................... 25
Fault Code 4647: Grid information not received ..................................................................... 27
Fault Code 4648: GPS origin mismatch.................................................................................. 27
Position Measurement System – GYRO System CEN40028-01
Fault Code 4702: GYRO system not ready............................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4703: Angular velocity error (OFC)......................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4704: GYRO angular velocity error ........................................................................ 3
Fault Code 4705: GYRO RS232C frame error.......................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4706: GYRO RS232C over run error...................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4707: GYRO RS232C parity error .......................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4708: GYRO RS232C check-sum error ................................................................. 5
Fault Code 4709: RS232C command error............................................................................... 5
Fault Code 470A: GYRO RS232C unknown command error ................................................... 5
Fault Code 470B: GYRO internal timer error ............................................................................ 6
Fault Code 470C: GYRO RAM error......................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 470D: GYRO ROM error ........................................................................................ 6
Fault Code 4712: GYRO drift detected ..................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4714: GYRO data delay error ................................................................................. 9
Fault Code 4716: GYRO angle deviation error ....................................................................... 11
Fault Code 4720: GYRO fatal error......................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 4721: GYRO BIT error.......................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 4722: GYRO test error.......................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 4723: GYRO software error .................................................................................. 14
Fault Code 4724: GYRO laser-temp error .............................................................................. 14
Fault Code 4725: GYRO temp-sensor error ........................................................................... 14
Fault Code 4726: GYRO analog-out error .............................................................................. 15
Fault Code 4727: GYRO modulation error.............................................................................. 15
Fault Code 4728: GYRO unknown error ................................................................................. 15
Fault Code 4729: GYRO laser-amp error ............................................................................... 16

930E-4AT 11
CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Fault Code 472A: GYRO laser-mon error ...............................................................................16

Fault Code 472B: GYRO detector error ..................................................................................16
Fault Code 472C: GYRO interface error .................................................................................17
Fault Code 472D: GYRO unknown2 error...............................................................................17
Fault Code 472E: GYRO RAM-ROM error..............................................................................17
Fault Code 472F: GYRO MPU error .......................................................................................18
Position Measurement System – Tire Sensor System, Slope Sensor
and Moving Direction CEN40029-01
Fault Code 4801: Front right pulse sensor error .......................................................................3
Fault Code 4802: Front left pulse sensor error..........................................................................3
Fault Code 4803: Both front pulse sensor error ........................................................................4
Fault Code 4809: Front right pulse sensor deviation error ........................................................4
Fault Code 480A: Front left pulse sensor deviation error..........................................................5
Fault Code 4804: Rear right pulse sensor error ........................................................................7
Fault Code 4805: Rear left pulse sensor error ..........................................................................8
Fault Code 4806: Both rear pulse sensor errors .......................................................................8
Fault Code 4807: Rear right pulse deviation error ....................................................................9
Fault Code 4808: Rear left pulse deviation error.......................................................................9
Fault Code 4810: Pitch sensor data is out of range ................................................................12
Fault Code 4813: Pitch angle limitation error ..........................................................................12
Fault Code 4814: Roll sensor data is out of range ..................................................................15
Fault Code 4817: Roll angle data limitation error ....................................................................15
Fault Code 4819: Moving signal logic fault with GE ................................................................18
Fault Code 4820: Moving F signal error ..................................................................................18
Fault Code 4821: Moving R signal error..................................................................................19
Position Measurement System – REG System CEN40030-01
Fault Code 4903: REG system detects large position error........................................................3
Fault Code 4905: REG system detects no berm area on haul road ...........................................5
Fault Code 4906: Laser A/D signal is out of range .....................................................................6
Fault Code 4907: Laser RS232C data is not received................................................................7
Fault Code 4909: REG Invalid data (out of range)......................................................................7
Fault Code 490A: REG Can data error .......................................................................................8
Fault Code 4911: Laser self check error ....................................................................................8
Fault Code 4912: Laser OFF error..............................................................................................8
Fault Code 4913: Laser self check warning ................................................................................9
Fault Code 4914: Laser low power error.....................................................................................9
Fault Code 4915: Laser low temperature error .........................................................................10
Fault Code 4916: Laser high power error .................................................................................10
Fault Code 4917: Laser high temp error ................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 4918: Laser RAM error ........................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 4919: Laser EPROM error...................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 491A: Laser IDV internal error................................................................................12
Fault Code 491B: Laser PAR internal error...............................................................................12
Fault Code 491C: Laser ZAD1 internal error ............................................................................12
Fault Code 491D: Laser ZAD2 internal error ............................................................................12
Fault Code 491E: Laser data overflow......................................................................................13

12 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 491F: Laser data underflow.................................................................................... 13

Fault Code 4920: GPS position error (lateral direction) is detected.......................................... 14
Fault Code 4921: REG position error (lateral direction) is detected ......................................... 15
Fault Code 4924: REG laser sensor detects something close to the truck on left hand side ... 16
Position Measurement System – Sensor Fusion, NVRAM, Software Exception CEN40031-01
Fault Code 4A01: Reset running request.................................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4A04: Sensor fusion error ........................................................................................ 4
Fault Code 4A06: Brake system error......................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4A0A: Power OFF request by dead reckoning error ................................................ 5
Fault Code 4A0C: Heading angle accuracy error ....................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4A0D: Position accuracy error.................................................................................. 6
Fault Code 4A0E: Sensor fusion failed ....................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 4A20: Tire slippage................................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4A21: Position Sliding DR vs GPS ........................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4A22: Front slippage L vs. R .................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 4A23: Rear slippage L vs. R..................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 4A24: Slippage R vs GPS ...................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 4A43: Position accuracy lost .................................................................................. 10
Fault Code 4B02: Set slope and roll offset ............................................................................... 11
Fault Code 4B03: Set origin data.............................................................................................. 11
Fault Code 4B05: Set target data for REG ............................................................................... 12
Fault Code 4B17: Analog input error ........................................................................................ 12
Position Measurement System – Warning Message of GPS System, GYRO System,
Tire Sensor, Slope Sensor and Moving Direction CEN40032-01
Fault Code 8601: GPS quality warning....................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 8602: GPS TimeStamp warning ............................................................................... 4
Fault Code 8603: Lack of satellites warning ............................................................................... 4
Fault Code 8604: GPS correction data delay ............................................................................. 4
Fault Code 8605: GPS resetting board....................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 8606: GPS not ready warning .................................................................................. 5
Fault Code 8607: GPS GST not ready to approach loader ........................................................ 5
Fault Code 8608: GPS GST not ready to approach crusher ...................................................... 5
Fault Code 8609: GPS GST not ready to approach edge dump ................................................ 6
Fault Code 860E: GPS GST not ready ....................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 860F: GPS data not changed................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 8610: GPS wrong direction ...................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 8621: GPS delay from PPS timing ........................................................................... 7
Fault Code 8624: GPS communication lost warning .................................................................. 7
Fault Code 8625: PPS signal warning ........................................................................................ 8
Fault Code 8647: Grid information warning ................................................................................ 8
Fault Code 8648: GPS origin mismatch...................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 8702: GYRO system not ready ................................................................................ 9
Fault Code 8703: GYRO angular velocity warning (OFC) .......................................................... 9
Fault Code 8704: GYRO angular velocity warning ..................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8705: GYRO RS232C frame warning ...................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8706: GYRO RS232C over run warning ................................................................ 10

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CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Fault Code 8707: GYRO RS232C parity warning .....................................................................10

Fault Code 8708: GYRO RS232C check-sum warning ............................................................10
Fault Code 8709: RS232C command warning..........................................................................10
Fault Code 870A: GYRO RS232C unknown command warning .............................................. 11
Fault Code 870B: GYRO internal timer warning ....................................................................... 11
Fault Code 870C: GYRO RAM warning.................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 870D: GYRO ROM warning ................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 8712: GYRO drift detected warning........................................................................12
Fault Code 8714: GYRO data delay error.................................................................................14
Fault Code 8716: GYRO angle deviation error .........................................................................16
Fault Code 871A: GYRO initialization warning .........................................................................18
Fault Code 871B: GYRO offset cancel mode warning..............................................................18
Fault Code 8720: GYRO fatal warning......................................................................................18
Fault Code 8721: GYRO BIT warning.......................................................................................18
Fault Code 8722: GYRO test warning.......................................................................................19
Fault Code 8723: GYRO software warning...............................................................................19
Fault Code 8724: GYRO laser-temp warning ...........................................................................19
Fault Code 8725: GYRO temp-sensor warning ........................................................................19
Fault Code 8726: GYRO analog-out warning ...........................................................................20
Fault Code 8727: GYRO modulation warning...........................................................................20
Fault Code 8728: GYRO unknown warning ..............................................................................20
Fault Code 8729: GYRO laser-amp warning ............................................................................20
Fault Code 872A: GYRO laser-mon warning ............................................................................21
Fault Code 872B: GYRO detector warning ...............................................................................21
Fault Code 872C: GYRO interface warning ..............................................................................21
Fault Code 872D: GYRO unknown2 warning ...........................................................................21
Fault Code 872E: GYRO RAM-ROM warning ..........................................................................22
Fault Code 872F: GYRO MPU warning ....................................................................................22
Fault Code 8801: Front right pulse sensor error .......................................................................22
Fault Code 8802: Front left pulse sensor error .........................................................................23
Fault Code 8803: Both front pulse sensors error ......................................................................23
Fault Code 8809: Front right pulse sensor deviation error........................................................24
Fault Code 880A: Front left pulse sensor deviation error..........................................................24
Fault Code 8804: Rear right pulse sensor error........................................................................26
Fault Code 8805: Rear left pulse sensor error ..........................................................................27
Fault Code 8806: Both rear pulse sensors error .......................................................................27
Fault Code 8807: Rear right pulse deviation error ....................................................................28
Fault Code 8808: Rear left pulse deviation error ......................................................................28
Fault Code 8810: Pitch sensor data is out of range ..................................................................31
Fault Code 8813: Pitch angle limitation error ............................................................................31
Fault Code 8814: Roll sensor data is out of range....................................................................34
Fault Code 8817: Roll angle data limitation error......................................................................34
Fault Code 8819: Moving signal logic fault with GE..................................................................37
Fault Code 8820: Moving F signal error....................................................................................37
Fault Code 8821: Moving R signal error ...................................................................................37

14 930E-4AT
00 Index and foreword CEN00007-01

Position Measurement System – Warning Message of REG System CEN40033-01

Fault Code 8903: REG system detects large position error........................................................ 3
Fault Code 8905: REG system detects no berm area on haul road ........................................... 5
Fault Code 8906: Laser A/D signal is out of range ..................................................................... 6
Fault Code 8907: Laser RS232C data is not received................................................................ 7
Fault Code 8909: REG invalid data (out of range)...................................................................... 7
Fault Code 890A: REG CAN data error ...................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 8911: Laser selfcheck error ..................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 8912: Laser OFF error.............................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 8913: Laser selfcheck warning................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 8914: Laser low power error..................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8915: Laser low temperature error ........................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8916: Laser high power error ................................................................................. 10
Fault Code 8917: Laser high temp error ................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 8918: Laser RAM error........................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 8919: Laser EPROM error...................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 891A: Laser IDV internal error................................................................................ 11
Fault Code 891B: Laser PAR internal error .............................................................................. 11
Fault Code 891C: Laser ZAD1 internal error ............................................................................ 11
Fault Code 891D: Laser ZAD2 internal error ............................................................................ 12
Fault Code 891E: Laser data overflow...................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 891F: Laser data underflow.................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 8920: GPS position error (lateral direction) is detected.......................................... 13
Fault Code 8921: REG position error (lateral direction) is detected ......................................... 14
Fault Code 8924 REG laser sensor detects something close to the truck on left hand side .... 15
Position Measurement System – Sensor Fusion System and Software Exceptions CEN40034-01
Fault Code 8A01: Reset running request.................................................................................... 3
Fault Code 8A02: Fusion accuracy warning .............................................................................. 4
Fault Code 8A04: Sensor fusion error ........................................................................................ 4
Fault Code 8A06: Brake system error......................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 8A0A: Power OFF request by DeadReckoning error ............................................... 5
Fault Code 8A0C: Heading angle accuracy error ....................................................................... 5
Fault Code 8A0D: Position accuracy error.................................................................................. 6
Fault Code 8A0E: Sensor fusion failed ....................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 8A20: Tire slippage................................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 8A21: Position Sliding DR vs GPS ........................................................................... 7
Fault Code 8A22: Front slippage L vs. R .................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 8A23: Rear slippage L vs. R..................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 8A24: Slippage R vs GPS ...................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 8A42: Position accuracy not ready......................................................................... 10
Fault Code 8A43: Position accuracy lost .................................................................................. 10
Fault Code 8B02: Set slope and roll offset ............................................................................... 11
Fault Code 8B03: Set origin data.............................................................................................. 11
Fault Code 8B05: Set target data for REG ............................................................................... 11
Fault Code 8B17: Analog input error ........................................................................................ 11

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CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Safety Control System – Fault Code List CEN40035-01

Fault code list of safety controller (error).....................................................................................2
Fault code list of safety controller (warning)................................................................................7
Safety Control System – Error Message CEN40036-01
Fault Code 4C01: Engine stop function failure............................................................................4
Fault Code 4C02: Engine start function failure ...........................................................................6
Fault Code 4C08: Engine stopped ..............................................................................................8
Fault Code 4C09: Safety stopped engine ...................................................................................9
Fault Code 4C0B: Safety stopped engine by caution .................................................................9
Fault Code 4C06: NVRAM check sum error .............................................................................10
Fault Code 4C0A: NVRAM data cleared...................................................................................10
Fault Code 4C07: Obstacle buffer overflow ..............................................................................10
Fault Code 4C10: Auto/Manual key position is wrong .............................................................. 11
Fault Code 4C11: Auto/Manual key switch is short................................................................... 11
Fault Code 4C12: Auto/manual key switch is cut......................................................................12
Fault Code 4C13: Low voltage of unswitched power ................................................................13
Fault Code 4C14: Low voltage of switched power ....................................................................13
Fault Code 4C15: Low voltage of sol power .............................................................................13
Fault Code 4C1B: Course out wrong position...........................................................................14
Fault Code 4C1C: Truck is moving ...........................................................................................14
Fault Code 4C1D: Truck moves in wrong direction...................................................................14
Fault Code 4C1E: Truck does not stop at the end point ...........................................................14
Fault Code 4C1F: Emergency stop immediately (Safe)............................................................15
Fault Code 4C30: ODS clipping error .......................................................................................15
Fault Code 4C31: RBI CAN ID error .........................................................................................15
Fault Code 4C44: Radar power line cut ....................................................................................16
Fault Code 4C64: Radar power line hot short...........................................................................16
Fault Code 4C6B: Auto apply brake line hot short ....................................................................17
Fault Code 4C91 (C1): Low accumulator pressure...................................................................18
Fault Code 4C92 (E1): Low brake pressure..............................................................................18
Fault Code 4C93 (A2): Low hydraulic oil level .........................................................................18
Fault Code 4C94 (E3): Stop engine ..........................................................................................18
Fault Code 4C95 (A5:) No propel/retard ...................................................................................19
Fault Code 4C98 (A6): No propel..............................................................................................19
Fault Code 4C99 (A1): Brake oil temp. high .............................................................................19
Fault Code 4C9A (B6): Propel system at rest ...........................................................................19
Fault Code 4C9D (D5): Interface module failure.......................................................................20
Fault Code 4C9E (E5): Battery charge system failure ..............................................................20
Fault Code 4CAC: Engine signal caution..................................................................................21
Fault Code 4D00: Detected by radar (right) ..............................................................................23
Fault Code 4D30: Detected by radar (center) ...........................................................................23
Fault Code 4D60: Detected by radar (left) ................................................................................24
Fault Code 4D90: Detected by radar (steer) .............................................................................24
Fault Code 4D01: No data from RBI (right)...............................................................................25
Fault Code 4D31: No data from RBI (center)............................................................................26
Fault Code 4D61: No data from RBI (left) .................................................................................28

16 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 4D91: No data from RBI (steer).............................................................................. 29

Fault Code 4D03: Radar (right) no response............................................................................ 30
Fault Code 4D33: Radar (center) no response......................................................................... 31
Fault Code 4D63: Radar (left) no response .............................................................................. 32
Fault Code 4D93: Radar (steer) no response........................................................................... 33
Fault Code 4D06: RBI (right) not ready .................................................................................... 34
Fault Code 4D36: RBI (center) not ready ................................................................................. 35
Fault Code 4D66: RBI (left) not ready....................................................................................... 36
Fault Code 4D96: RBI (steer) not ready ................................................................................... 37
Fault Code 4D07: Radar (right) is not scanning........................................................................ 38
Fault Code 4D37: Radar (center) is not scanning..................................................................... 38
Fault Code 4D67: Radar (left) is not scanning.......................................................................... 38
Fault Code 4D97: Radar (steer) is not scanning....................................................................... 38
Fault Code 4D08: Radar (right) is not radiating ........................................................................ 39
Fault Code 4D38: Radar (center) is not radiating ..................................................................... 39
Fault Code 4D68: Radar (left) is not radiating .......................................................................... 39
Fault Code 4D98: Radar (steer) is not radiating ....................................................................... 39
Fault Code 4D09: Radar (right) detected communication error ................................................ 40
Fault Code 4D39: Radar (center) detected communication error ............................................. 40
Fault Code 4D69: Radar (left) detected communication error .................................................. 41
Fault Code 4D99: Radar (steer) detected communication error ............................................... 41
Fault Code 4D0A: Radar (right) is overheated.......................................................................... 41
Fault Code 4D3A: Radar (center) is overheated....................................................................... 42
Fault Code 4D6A: Radar (left) is overheated............................................................................ 42
Fault Code 4D9A: Radar (steer) is overheated......................................................................... 42
Fault Code 4D0B: Radar (right) detected voltage supply error................................................. 43
Fault Code 4D3B: Radar (center) detected voltage supply error.............................................. 43
Fault Code 4D6B: Radar (left) detected voltage supply error ................................................... 43
Fault Code 4D9B: Radar (steer) detected voltage supply error................................................ 44
Fault Code 4D0C: Radar (right) detected internal error............................................................ 44
Fault Code 4D3C: Radar (center) detected internal error......................................................... 44
Fault Code 4D6C: Radar (left) detected internal error .............................................................. 44
Fault Code 4D9C: Radar (steer) detected internal error........................................................... 44
Fault Code 4D0D: Radar (right) detected range performance error ......................................... 45
Fault Code 4D3D: Radar (center) detected range performance error ...................................... 45
Fault Code 4D6D: Radar (left) detected range performance error ...........................................45
Fault Code 4D9D: Radar (steer) detected range performance error ........................................ 45
Fault Code 4D0E: Unknown radar (right) error ......................................................................... 45
Fault Code 4D3E: Unknown radar (center) error ...................................................................... 46
Fault Code 4D6E: Unknown radar (left) error ........................................................................... 46
Fault Code 4D9E: Unknown radar (steer) error ........................................................................ 46
Fault Code 4E00: Steered radar motor unit potentiometer error............................................... 47
Fault Code 4E02: Steered radar motor synchronization failure ................................................ 49
Fault Code 4E03: Steered radar motor line cut......................................................................... 49
Fault Code 4E04: Steered radar motor line short ..................................................................... 50
Fault Code 4E05: Safety reset ODS power .............................................................................. 50

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CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Fault Code 4E20: Heartbeat cut (Drive)....................................................................................51

Fault Code 4E21: No position data from drive via CAN-B ........................................................52
Fault Code 4E22: Drive not working .........................................................................................54
Fault Code 4E24: Wrong truck type .........................................................................................55
Fault Code 4E25: Emergency brake request ...........................................................................55
Fault Code 4E26: Drive E mode ..............................................................................................55
Fault Code 4E27: Drive CAN-A failure .....................................................................................55
Fault Code 4E29: No heartbeat from drive CAN-A ...................................................................56
Fault Code 4E2D: Drive controller in wrong mode ...................................................................57
Fault Code 4E36: No IFM data coming.....................................................................................58
Fault Code 4E37: IFM not ready ...............................................................................................59
Fault Code 4E3B: No Interface Module Broadcast Msg ..........................................................60
Fault Code 4F00: Emergency stop ...........................................................................................61
Fault Code 4F20: CGC Heartbeat stop.....................................................................................61
Fault Code 4F21: Hub Heartbeat stop ......................................................................................61
Fault Code 4F22: CGC not ready .............................................................................................62
Fault Code 4F23: Hub not ready...............................................................................................62
Fault Code 4F31: Obstacle mask still sending..........................................................................62
Fault Code 4FF0: Safety refused error clear command............................................................62
Fault Code 4522: Fire suppression system active ....................................................................63
Safety Control System – Warning Message CEN40037-01
Fault Code 8C01: Warning of engine stop circuit failure .............................................................4
Fault Code 8C03: Flight recorder is not working.........................................................................6
Fault Code 8C04: Check CF card in flight recorder ....................................................................8
Fault Code 8C05: Wrong Flight Recorder circuit ........................................................................8
Fault Code 8C06: NVRAM check sum error ...............................................................................9
Fault Code 8C0A: NVRAM data cleared.....................................................................................9
Fault Code 8C11: Auto/manual key switch is short...................................................................10
Fault Code 8C12: Auto/manual key switch is cut...................................................................... 11
Fault Code 8C13: Low voltage of unswitched power ................................................................12
Fault Code 8C14: Low voltage of switched power ....................................................................12
Fault Code 8C15: Low voltage of sol power .............................................................................12
Fault Code 8C1B: Course out wrong position...........................................................................13
Fault Code 8C1C: Truck is moving ...........................................................................................13
Fault Code 8C1D: Truck moves in wrong direction...................................................................13
Fault Code 8C1E: Truck does not stop at the end point ...........................................................13
Fault Code 8C1F: Emergency stop immediately (Safe)............................................................14
Fault Code 8C31: RBI CAN ID error .........................................................................................15
Fault Code 8C40, 8C50, 8C60: Warning of mode lamp (red) ...................................................16
Fault Code 8C41, 8C51, 8C61: Warning of mode lamp (green) ..............................................17
Fault Code 8C42, 8C52, 8C62: Warning of mode lamp (amber) .............................................18
Fault Code 8C43, 8C63: Warning of engine start line...............................................................19
Fault Code 8C44, 8C64: Warning of radar power control line ..................................................21
Fault Code 8C45, 8C55, 8C65: Warning of headlight control line ............................................22
Fault Code 8C47, 8C57, 8C67: Warning of horn control line ...................................................24
Fault Code 8C49, 8C59, 8C69: Warning of rest req control line ..............................................26

18 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 8C6B: Warning of auto apply brake control line .................................................... 28
Fault Code 8C4C, 8C5C, 8C6C: Warning of turn light (left) control line ................................... 29
Fault Code 8C4D, 8C5D, 8C6D: Warning of turn light (right) control line ................................. 31
Fault Code 8C4E, 8C5E, 8C6E: Brake lock relay line .............................................................. 32
Fault Code 8C4F, 8C6F: Warning of engine stop line............................................................... 34
Fault Code 8C91 (C1:) Low accumulator pressure................................................................... 36
Fault Code 8C92 (E1:) Low brake pressure ............................................................................. 36
Fault Code 8C93 (A2): Low hydraulic oil level ......................................................................... 36
Fault Code 8C94 (E3): Stop engine .......................................................................................... 36
Fault Code 8C95 (A5): No propel / retard ................................................................................. 37
Fault Code 8C98 (A6): No propel ............................................................................................. 37
Fault Code 8C99 (A1): Brake oil temp. high ............................................................................. 37
Fault Code 8C9A (B6): Propel system at rest........................................................................... 37
Fault Code 8C9C (C6): Propel system not ready .................................................................... 38
Fault Code 8C9D (D5): Interface module failure....................................................................... 38
Fault Code 8C9E (E5): Battery charge system failure .............................................................. 38
Fault Code 8CA0 (B2): Low auto lube pressure ....................................................................... 38
Fault Code 8CA1 (C2): Circuit breaker tripped ......................................................................... 39
Fault Code 8CA2 (D2): Hydraulic oil filter ................................................................................. 39
Fault Code 8CA3 (E2): Low fuel ............................................................................................... 39
Fault Code 8CA5 (E4): Check engine....................................................................................... 40
Fault Code 8CA6 (B5): Propel system caution ......................................................................... 40
Fault Code 8CA7 (C5): Propel system temp............................................................................. 40
Fault Code 8CAA (D6): Reduced propel system ..................................................................... 41
Fault Code 8CAB (E6): Retard at reduced level ...................................................................... 41
Fault Code 8CAC: Engine signal caution.................................................................................. 42
Fault Code 8D00: Detected by radar (right).............................................................................. 44
Fault Code 8D30: Detected by radar (center)........................................................................... 44
Fault Code 8D60: Detected by radar (left) ................................................................................ 45
Fault Code 8D90: Detected by radar (steer)............................................................................. 45
Fault Code 8D01: No data from RBI (right)............................................................................... 46
Fault Code 8D31: No data from RBI (center)............................................................................ 48
Fault Code 8D61: No data from RBI (left) ................................................................................. 49
Fault Code 8D91: No data from RBI (steer).............................................................................. 50
Fault Code 8D03: Radar (right) no response............................................................................ 52
Fault Code 8D33: Radar (center) no response......................................................................... 53
Fault Code 8D63: Radar (left) no response .............................................................................. 54
Fault Code 8D93: Radar (steer) no response........................................................................... 55
Fault Code 8D06: RBI (right) not ready .................................................................................... 56
Fault Code 8D36: RBI (center) not ready ................................................................................. 57
Fault Code 8D66: RBI (left) not ready....................................................................................... 58
Fault Code 8D96: RBI (steer) not ready ................................................................................... 59
Fault Code 8D07: Radar (right) is not scanning........................................................................ 60
Fault Code 8D37: Radar (center) is not scanning..................................................................... 60
Fault Code 8D67: Radar (left) is not scanning.......................................................................... 60
Fault Code 8D97: Radar (steer) is not scanning....................................................................... 60

930E-4AT 19
CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Fault Code 8D08: Radar (right) is not radiating ........................................................................61

Fault Code 8D38: Radar (center) is not radiating .....................................................................61
Fault Code 8D68: Radar (left) is not radiating...........................................................................61
Fault Code 8D98: Radar (steer) is not radiating .......................................................................61
Fault Code 8D09: Radar (right) detected communication error ................................................62
Fault Code 8D39: Radar (center) detected communication error .............................................62
Fault Code 8D69: Radar (left) detected communication error ..................................................63
Fault Code 8D99: Radar (steer) detected communication error ...............................................63
Fault Code 8D0A: Radar (right) is overheated..........................................................................63
Fault Code 8D3A: Radar (center) is overheated.......................................................................64
Fault Code 8D6A: Radar (left) is overheated ............................................................................64
Fault Code 8D9A: Radar (steer) is overheated.........................................................................64
Fault Code 8D0B: Radar (right) detected voltage supply error .................................................64
Fault Code 8D3B: Radar (center) detected voltage supply error ..............................................65
Fault Code 8D6B: Radar (left) detected voltage supply error ...................................................65
Fault Code 8D9B: Radar (steer) detected voltage supply error ................................................65
Fault Code 8D0C: Radar (right) detected internal error ............................................................65
Fault Code 8D3C: Radar (center) detected internal error .........................................................66
Fault Code 8D6C: Radar (left) detected internal error ..............................................................66
Fault Code 8D9C: Radar (steer) detected internal error ...........................................................66
Fault Code 8D0D: Radar (right) detected range performance error .........................................66
Fault Code 8D3D: Radar (center) detected range performance error ......................................66
Fault Code 8D6D: Radar (left) detected range performance error............................................67
Fault Code 8D9D: Radar (steer) detected range performance error ........................................67
Fault Code 8D0E: Unknown radar (right) error .........................................................................67
Fault Code 8D3E: Unknown radar (center) error ......................................................................67
Fault Code 8D6E: Unknown radar (left) error ...........................................................................67
Fault Code 8D9E: Unknown radar (steer) error ........................................................................68
Fault Code 8E00: Steered radar motor unit potentiometer error...............................................69
Fault Code 8E03: Steered radar motor line cut.........................................................................71
Fault Code 8E04: Steered radar motor line short .....................................................................71
Fault Code 8E20: Drive Heartbeat cut ......................................................................................72
Fault Code 8E21: No position data from drive via CAN-B ........................................................73
Fault Code 8E22: Drive controller not working..........................................................................75
Fault Code 8E24: Wrong truck type ..........................................................................................76
Fault Code 8E27: Drive CAN-A failure .....................................................................................76
Fault Code 8E29: No Heartbeat from drive CAN-A...................................................................77
Fault Code 8E2D: Drive controller in wrong mode ...................................................................78
Fault Code 8E3C: Brake indicator not working ........................................................................78
Fault Code 8E2B: Wrong position install...................................................................................79
Fault Code 8E2C: Identifier wiring cut.......................................................................................79
Fault Code 8E36: No IFM data coming.....................................................................................80
Fault Code 8E37: IFM not ready ...............................................................................................82
Fault Code 8E3B: No Interface Module Broadcast Msg ..........................................................84
Fault Code 8E38: MBI is not working........................................................................................85
Fault Code 8E39: MBI not ready...............................................................................................86
Fault Code 8F20: CGC Heartbeat stop.....................................................................................87

20 930E-4AT
00 Index and foreword CEN00007-01

Fault Code 8F21: Hub Heartbeat stop ...................................................................................... 87

Fault Code 8F22: CGC not ready ............................................................................................. 88
Fault Code 8F23: Hub not ready............................................................................................... 88
Fault Code 8F32: Mask buffer full............................................................................................. 88
Fault Code 8522: Fire suppression system active .................................................................... 89
Fault Code 8523: Fire suppression system wiring problem ...................................................... 89
Observer Controller – LED Display, Heartbeat Caution, Batteries, Power Supply,
A/M Key Switch, Auto Apply Brake, Brake Lock, Park Brake, Others CEN40038-01
LED display................................................................................................................................. 3
Fault code list of observer controller ........................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 11, 12: Drive and safety controllers Heartbeat stop ................................................. 7
Fault Code 21: Heartbeat of drive controller is stopped.............................................................. 8
Fault Code 31: Heartbeat of safety controller is stopped............................................................ 8
Fault Code 41: Batteries are not ready ....................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 0x51: Truck power supply is low ............................................................................ 10
Fault Code 0x52: Low power of key switch............................................................................... 10
Fault Code 0x53: Low power of VIS ......................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 0x54: Low power of power monitor ........................................................................ 11
Fault Code 0x55: VIS relay line is open.................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 0x56: VIS relay line has short to power.................................................................. 12
Fault Code 0x57: VIS relay line has short................................................................................. 12
Fault Code 0x58: Battery monitor line short.............................................................................. 13
Fault Code 0x59: Battery monitor line is open .......................................................................... 14
Fault Code 0x5A: Battery monitor line has short to power........................................................14
Fault Code 0x5B: Battery monitor line has short ...................................................................... 14
Fault Code 0x5C: Battery monitor relay does not work while in self-check .............................. 15
Fault Code 0x61: A/M key switch has short.............................................................................. 16
Fault Code 0x62: A/M key switch is cut .................................................................................... 16
Fault Code 0x63: A/M key switch is not connected to GND ..................................................... 16
Fault Code 0x71: Auto apply brake has problem while in self-check........................................ 17
Fault Code 0x72: Auto apply brake line is open ....................................................................... 18
Fault Code 0x73: Auto apply brake line has short to power ..................................................... 18
Fault Code 0x74: Auto apply brake line has short .................................................................... 18
Fault Code 0x75: Auto apply brake relay solenoid is open....................................................... 19
Fault Code 0x76: Auto apply brake relay solenoid has short to power..................................... 19
Fault Code 0x77: Auto apply brake relay solenoid has short.................................................... 19
Fault Code 0x78: Auto apply brake relay HSW is open............................................................ 20
Fault Code 0x79: Auto apply brake relay HSW has short to power.......................................... 20
Fault Code 0x7A: Auto apply brake relay HSW has short ........................................................20
Fault Code 0x81: Brake lock has problem while in self-check.................................................. 21
Fault Code 0x82: Brake lock line is open.................................................................................. 22
Fault Code 0x83: Brake lock line has short to power................................................................ 22
Fault Code 0x84: Brake lock line has short .............................................................................. 22
Fault Code 0x85: Brake lock relay line is open......................................................................... 23
Fault Code 0x86: Brake lock relay line has short to power....................................................... 23
Fault Code 0x87: Brake lock relay line has short...................................................................... 23
Fault Code 0x91: Park brake has problem while in self-check ................................................. 24

930E-4AT 21
CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

Fault Code 0x92: Park brake control line is open .....................................................................25

Fault Code 0x93: Park brake control line has short to power ...................................................25
Fault Code 0x94: Park brake control line has short ..................................................................25
Fault Code 0xFF: Software exception.......................................................................................25
How to use the Monitor PC CEN40039-01
About AT monitor ........................................................................................................................3
Main window ...............................................................................................................................8
A/M Key / Others.......................................................................................................................10
Acceleration .............................................................................................................................. 11
Shift ...........................................................................................................................................13
Steering .....................................................................................................................................15
Hoist ..........................................................................................................................................17
All I/O status monitor.................................................................................................................21
Navigation system monitor........................................................................................................27
Output (I/O control) ...................................................................................................................33
Input (Auto/Manual key and other input) ...................................................................................35
Caution lamp (caution indicator) ...............................................................................................36
Engine control ...........................................................................................................................38
ODS ..........................................................................................................................................39
All I/O status monitor.................................................................................................................40
CAN communication monitor ....................................................................................................45
Observer controller check .........................................................................................................47
Truck model setting...................................................................................................................49
Flight recorder ...........................................................................................................................49
AHT Inspection Manual CEN40040-01
AHT system Inspection ...............................................................................................................2
Emergency switch inspection and login to CGC inspection mode ..............................................3
Mode lamps inspection ...............................................................................................................4
Headlights inspection ..................................................................................................................5
Horn inspection ...........................................................................................................................5
Caution lamp inspection..............................................................................................................6
ODS inspection ...........................................................................................................................7

22 930E-4AT
00 Index and foreword CEN00007-01


930E-4AT 23
CEN00007-01 00 Index and foreword

930E-4AT Dump truck

Form No. CEN00007-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 04-11

24 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

01 Specifications
Specification and technical data
Specifications ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
General view of autonomous truck ....................................................................................................................... 3
Controller configuration......................................................................................................................................... 4
Drive control system ............................................................................................................................................. 5
930E-AT components location .............................................................................................................................. 7

930E-4AT 1
CEN01003-00 01 Specifications

Item Contents Standard
Model Truck model 930E-4
Dimensions Overall length (mm) 15,600
Overall width (mm) 8,690
Overall height (mm) 7,800
Wheel base (mm) 6,350
Tread Front wheel (mm) 6,150
Rear wheel (mm) 5,300
Minimum ground clearance 940
Weight Operating weight (kg) 202,232
Hauling capacity (kg) 296,728
Gross vehicle weight (kg) 498,960
Dump Struck (m3) 171
body Heaped (m3) 211
Function Operation mode Autonomoous mode Selectable
Manual mode
AHT system functionality Position measurement function GPS based navigation
Dead Reckoning navigation
Road Edge Guidance
Drive Control function Automatic Steering control
Automatic Speed control
Automatic Body control
Safety Control function Obstacle detection system
Truck condition monitoring
(Red and Yellow Caution)
Performance Maximum travel speed • Forward Max. 50 km/h
• Reverse Max. 10 km/h
Tracking accuracy (m) • Haul road +/-1.9
(m) • Inside of Location +/-2.7
Stopping accuracy (m) • Loading point +/-1.5
(m) • Dumping point +/-1.5 (Paddock Dump)
+/-1.5 (High Dump)
+/-1.0 (Hopper)
Site Requirement Climate • Weather Same as Manual
• Temperature -30 to +50C
• Altitude Same as Manual
Minimum road width • 2-way (Facing traffic) Min. 28 m
• 1-way (Single lane) Min. 16 m
Gradient • Haul road Max. 10%
• Loading area Max. 10% (Inside Location)
Max. 2% (Stopping Point)
• Dumping area Max. 10% (Inside Location)
Max. 2% (Stopping Point)
Road roughness • Haul road Rank B or better
• Loading area Rank C or better
• Dumping area Rank C or better

2 930E-4AT
01 Specifications CEN01003-00

General view of autonomous truck


1. GPS antenna 4. Master link radio antenna
2. Autonomous control system in 5. Operation mode lamps
operator cab 6. Obstacle detection radar
3. Autonomous control system in AT
cabinet behind operator cab

Fleet Control module

・ Fleet control by Central

・ Manual Interaction System
・ Collision Detection System
・ Man- machine Interface

・ Position measurement ・ Obstacle detection by radar

・ Travel control ・ Health monitoring
・ Control of auxiliary devices ・ Control of auxiliary devices

Drive control module Safety control module


930E-4AT 3
CEN01003-00 01 Specifications

Controller configuration

(CR710) (CR710) (CR710)
RS232C RS232C
Flight RS232C REG
Recorder GE Controller
System Gyro



IFM PLM3 VHMS (CR710) (CR710) (CR710) (CR710)

Standard Truck
Radar(R) Radar(C) Radar(L) Radar(S) ODS


Explanation of terms
1. CAN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Controller Area Network
2. CAN-bus (A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Controller Area Network Type A
3. CAN-bus (B) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Controller Area Network Type B
4. RS232C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serial data communication
Module, components
1. MBI (CR710) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitor Bus Interface Controller for
CAN protocol translation and monitoring 930E-AT data
2. Drive (CR710) . . . . . . . . . . . . Controller for Position measurement and travel control module
3. Safety (CR710) . . . . . . . . . . . Controller for safety control module
4. Observer (CR310) . . . . . . . . . Controller for observing Drive and Safety HeartBeat, final braking
5. HUB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MMS Master Link Radio Controller with built-in GPS
6. CGC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Color Graphic Console, Controller with touch panel
7. Flight recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . Controller for 930E-AT system data monitoring
8. GE System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Electric System
9. GYRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GYRO Sensor (Yaw Rate sensor)
10. REG controller . . . . . . . . . . . . Laser sensor controller for Road Edge Guidance System
11. IFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interface (I/F) Module Controller
12. PLM3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payload Meter Controller
13. VHMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vehicle Health Monitoring System Controller
14. RBI (CR710) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radar Bus Interface Controller
15. Radar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scanning millimeter wave–radar (MMWR)

4 930E-4AT
01 Specifications CEN01003-00

Drive control system

Drive control

Position GPS GPS in HUB



R. Pulse Sensor

F. Pulse Sensor

REG Laser range sensor

Travel Steering S/T control valve

control Control

S/T potentiometer

Speed GE controller

Brake control valve


Auxiliary device Body position control



Explanation of terms
Position measurement . . . . . . To measure position of autonomous truck
1. GPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Global Positioning System
(Measurement of absolute position)
2. Dead reckoning . . . . . . . . . . . Relative position measurement system
3. GYRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heading angle sensor (Yaw Rate sensor)
4. R. Pulse sensor . . . . . . . . . . Rear tire revolution sensor
5. F. Pulse sensor . . . . . . . . . . . Front tire revolution sensor
6. REG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Road Edge Guidance System
7. Laser range sensor . . . . . . . . Laser sensor to measure the distance to road edge wall

Travel control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guidance for truck to target

1. Steering control . . . . . . . . . . . Control to follow the target path
2. S/T control valve . . . . . . . . . . Controls steering system
3. S/T potentiometer . . . . . . . . . Steering angle sensor
4. Speed control . . . . . . . . . . . . Control to follow the target speed
5. Brake control valve . . . . . . . . Control of front, rear, parking, and emergency brakes
Auxiliary device control . . . . . Body position control

930E-4AT 5
CEN01003-00 01 Specifications

Safety control system

Safety control

Obstacle Detection RBI Scanning millimeter


RBI Scanning millimeter

RBI Scanning millimeter

RBI Scanning millimeter

Mechanical Steering Motor Unit

Radar Control Unit

Truck Monitoring Caution lamp

REG Laser sensor

Auxiliary devices Operation mode lamps


Engine stop




Explanation of terms
Obstacle detection system . . . Detection of obstacle on target course in travel direction of truck
1. Scanning millimeter-wave . . . Millimeter-wave radar which scans all area in front
radar of truck to detect obstacle
2. Steered radar . . . . . . . . . . . . . Millimeter-wave radar mounted on mechanical steering unit
3. RBI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Controller for CAN protocol translation & monitoring data
4. Motor unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Motor unit for steered radar

Truck monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring of condition of truck

1. Caution lamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sensing of caution for truck
2. MBI (CR710) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitor Bus Interface controller, CAN protocol translator
3. REG Laser Sensor . . . . . . . . . Laser Sensor for Road Edge Guidance System

Auxiliary devices control . . . . . Control of functions of auxiliary devices

1. Operation mode lamps . . . . . . Lamps to indicate truck mode
2. Engine stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function to stop engine remotely
3. Headlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function to turn on/off headlight
4. Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Function to drive horn

6 930E-4AT
01 Specifications CEN01003-00

930E-AT components location


1. Operator cab 2. AT Hydraulic cabinet 3. AT cabinet

Component name Location Component name Location

Master Link HUB Operator cab REG power unit In AT cabinet
CGC Operator cab ODS power unit In AT cabinet
Auto/manual switch Operator cab MBI controller In AT cabinet
Flight recorder Operator cab Observer controller In AT cabinet
Emergency switch Operator cab Steering valve In AT hydraulic cabinet
GPS antenna Right corner of RH deck Brake valve In AT hydraulic cabinet
M/L radio antenna Both sides of truck deck Hoist valve In AT hydraulic cabinet
Front mode lamp Both corners of truck front Brake pressure sensors In AT hydraulic cabinet
ODS sensors Front part of truck Steering pressure sensors In AT hydraulic cabinet
ODS motor unit In ODS steering unit Hoist pressure sensor In AT hydraulic cabinet
RBI controller (1-4) Under ODS units Hoist limit switch Above rear axle
for ODS
REG sensor head Left side of truck front Body up switch Frame rail near front
Drive controller In AT cabinet Rear mode lamp Above rear axle
Safety controller In AT cabinet Rear speed sensors In rear axle housing
GYRO sensor In AT cabinet Front speed sensors Both front wheel hubs
GYRO power unit In AT cabinet Steering potentiometers Both ends of tie rod
REG controller In AT cabinet

930E-4AT 7
CEN01003-00 01 Specifications

930E-AT components in operator cab


1. CGC 4. Master link hub
2. Emergency switch 5. Flight recorder
3. Auto/manual key switch


1. RBI controllers for ODS

8 930E-4AT
01 Specifications CEN01003-00


1. CR710 drive controller 4. CR310 observer controller
2. CR710 safety controller 5. REG controller (road edge guidance)
3. CR710 MBI controller (monitor bus interface)


930E-4AT 9
CEN01003-00 01 Specifications




1. Flight recorder power unit (5V)
2. GYRO sensor power unit (12V)
3. REG sensor power unit (24V)



1. ODS sensor power unit (12V)

10 930E-4AT
01 Specifications CEN01003-00


1. Hoist control valve 3. Steering EPC valve
2. AT brake valve 4. Distribution manifold

930E-4AT 11
CEN01003-00 01 Specifications


1. Mode lamp 1. Mode lamp


1. GPS antenna
2. Master link radio antenna
3. Mode lamp

12 930E-4AT
01 Specifications CEN01003-00

930E-AT Sensors


1. ODS motor unit – for 4. Center radar sensor
steer radar sensor 5. Right radar sensor
2. Steer radar sensor
3. Left radar sensor
1. Steering potentiometer


1. OREG laser sensor head

930E-4AT 13
CEN01003-00 01 Specifications


1. Rear speed sensor 2. Front speed sensor


1. AT cabinet 3. Observer controller save switch
2. Observer controller battery box

14 930E-4AT
01 Specifications CEN01003-00

CAN Current
GPS (in HUB) S/T Valve (R)
PPS (ON/OFF) S/T Valve (L)
S/T angle sensor (R)
DC-DC 12V RS232 Volt(0-5V)
GYRO S/T angle sensor (L)
Volt(0-5V) S/T pressure sensor (R)
Share with Pulse Sensor (FR) Volt(0-5V) S/T pressure sensor (L)
GE system Pulse Sensor (FL) Pulse
S/T Control
Pulse Sensor (RR) Pulse
specific Pulse Sensor (RL) Pulse Drive GE Controller
Inclinometer (roll)
Volt (0-5v) Controller Volt(0-5V)
Volt (0-5v)
Inclinometer (pitch) ON/OFF Retard Active Signal

RS232 Shift Forward Request
Laser Optic Fiber REG ON/OFF
Volt (0-5v) Shift Reverse Request
Head Controller
ON/OFF Move Forward
Converter ON/OFF Move Reverse
ON/OFF Sys run
Position Measurement
Accel/Retard Control


ON/OFF Current
Hoist Valve(Up) Front Brake Valve
Current Rear Brake Valve
Hoist Valve(Down) ON/OFF
Volt (0-5V)
Brake Pressure Sensor (FR)
ON/OFF Volt (0-5V)
Hoist Signal Cut Brake Pressure Sensor (FL)
Volt (0-5V)
Hoist Pressure Sensor Volt (0-5V)
Brake Pressure Sensor (RR)
Volt (0-5V)
Brake Pressure Sensor (RL)
Hoist Limit SW
Body up SW Brake Lock
Drive ON/OFF
Brake Lock Applied
Hoist Control
Controller ON/OFF
PB Switch feedback

A/M Key (Auto) ON/OFF

ON/OFF Parking Brake (Shift Park)
A/M Key (Manual)
ON/OFF Parking Brake Pressure SW

ON/OFF ON/OFF Auto Apply Brake

HeartBeat signal to Drive & Observer
ON/OFF Auto Apply Brake Monitor
HeartBeat signal from Safety
Brake Control


930E-4AT 15
CEN01003-00 01 Specifications

CAN CAN Head light
Radar (Right) RBI
Radar (Center) RBI
Radar (Left) RBI
CAN CAN Mode Lamp (Green)
Radar (Steer) RBI
Mode Lamp (Amber)
Stepping ON/OFF
Mode Lamp (Red)
Volt (5v) ON/OFF E/G Stop
Angle sensor Safety ON/OFF
Radar Power Relay
Obstacle Detection System Controller
Auxiliary Control

Caution Indicator ON/OFF ON/OFF

HeartBeat signal to Drive & Observer
HeartBeat signal from Drive

A/M Key (Auto)
A/M Key (Manual)

Auto Apply Brake

Truck Caution Brake Lock

16 930E-4AT
01 Specifications CEN01003-00


930E-4AT 17
CEN01003-00 01 Specifications

930E-4AT Dump truck

Form No. CEN01003-00

© 2008 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 12-08

18 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

10 Structure and Function

Index and Manual
Selection of auto/manual mode ............................................................................................................................ 2
Embedded module for supervisory system........................................................................................................... 5

930E-4AT 1
CEN10017-01 10 Structure and Function

Selection of auto/manual mode Configuration

Outline When A/M key is in “M” position, operator can oper-

ate the truck the same as a standard 930E.
The auto/manual mode of the truck is selected with
the switch (Auto/Manual key switch) installed inside The following items have never been controlled by
the cab. Only when Auto/Manual key switch is set to autonomous system because the circuit is electrically
Manual position, the truck can be driven manually. To disconnected for operator’s safety.
switch the truck to autonomoous mode, Auto/Manual
Key should be set to AUTO position.


2 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10017-01

Mode transition with A/M Key switch

Manual Mode to Suspend Mode

1. Login to CGC menu screen.
2. Action -> Enter AT
3. Set the truck at Release Point or (on AHS
course) and change the selector to Park posi-
4. Contact the Central Operator and make sure
you can proceed to autonomoous mode. ->
5. Change the A/M key switch to AUTO position.
6. Make sure that Brake lamp and Park lamp are
Make sure Green mode lamp, Yellow mode
lamp, and Red mode lamp are flashing.
If all three mode lamps are flashing, truck is in
Suspend mode. (*1 Operation Mode)

To go to Auto Mode
1. Get personal identification number (PIN) and
record it.
2. Push OK button and make sure the timer starts.
3. Get off the truck -> ride on the EMV.
4. Release the truck (input AHT ID -> OK -> input
PIN -> OK )
5. Make sure yellow mode lamp is flashing.
If yellow mode lamp is flashing, truck is in
autonomoous mode. (*1 Operation mode)

Auto Mode to Manual Mode

1. Suspend from EMV or Central.
Make sure all lamps are flashing, and truck is
stopped and in Suspend mode. (*1 Operation
2. Approach the truck and get on.
3. Log-in -> Emergency inspection -> Action ->
Enter AT
4. Change A/M key to Manual position.
Make sure Green mode lamp is flashing.
If Green mode lamp is flashing, truck is in Man-
ual mode. (*1 Operation Mode)
• The truck can be driven manually only when it
is set to the Manual mode.
• The truck can be changed to the manual mode
with brake ON.

930E-4AT 3
CEN10017-01 10 Structure and Function

*1 Operation Mode
Truck Auto / Manual Key position is two position
(AUTO position and Manual position), but AHS sys-
tem has 5 conceptual operation modes (Manual,
Maintenance, Suspend, Auto, Error) in the AHT sys-
Manual mode (“M”): Operator can drive the
truck manually.
Maintenance mode: Mode for calibrating the AT
system on truck.
Suspend mode (“S”): Mode for mode transition
between Auto and Manual.
Operator can approach the truck.
Autonomoous mode (“A”): For Autonomous
Traveling. Operator can’t approach the truck.
Error mode (“E”): Error occurred during
Autonomous Traveling. Operator can’t approach
the truck.


4 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10017-01

Embedded module for supervisory system


The embedded module for the supervisory system consists of HUB and CGC. HUB controls GPS measurement
and Master Link communication between truck and Central. CGC generates and distributes trajectory data and
speed profile. CGC also provides man-machine interface. Each controller is connected by the CAN network for


1. HUB & CGC in operator cab
1. GPS antenna 2. Master link antenna

930E-4AT 5
CEN10017-01 10 Structure and Function




1. Power – HUB power input port 7. SLIP – Serial port
2. Digital I/O – To emergency switch 8. CAN-A – CAN communication port
3. PPS – PPS signal to drive controller 9. Reserved – Reserved
4. Ethernet – Ethernet port 10.Radio A – Radio A antenna cable adapter
5. CAN-A – CAN communication port 11.Radio B – Radio B antenna cable adapter
6. GPS antenna – GPS antenna cable adapter

6 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10017-01



CGC is a touch panel display that functions as a
man-machine interface and an embedded controller
for the supervisory system. CGC calculates Trajec-
tory data and Speed profile and distributes them to
Drive controller and Safety controller during autono-
mous running. CGC controls truck operation by tra-
jectory and speed profile according to instruction
from fleet control system of Central.


930E-4AT 7
CEN10017-01 10 Structure and Function


8 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10017-01


930E-4AT 9
CEN10017-01 10 Structure and Function

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN10017-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

10 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

10 Structure and Function

Drive control system ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Position measurement system.............................................................................................................................. 4

930E-4AT 1
CEN10018-01 10 Structure and Function

Drive control system


Drive controller is a main controller for autonomous traveling. It includes Position measurement module, Travel
control module and Dump control module.


2 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10018-01

Drive controller LED display

During operation, green LED is flashing.


1. LED

930E-4AT 3
CEN10018-01 10 Structure and Function

Position measurement system


Outline Function
Position measurement system (PMS) is the important GPS system is built in HUB, and although GPS posi-
element in Drive controller which manages Autono- tioning by RTK (Real Time Kinematics) is carried out
mous Haul Truck (AHT) operation and guidance and using the satellite’s electric wave received with the
measures the current position (X, Y, and Z) of AHT. GPS antenna, and the correction information which is
PMS mainly consists of GPS absolute positioning received via Master link from the GPS central sys-
(GPS system) and Dead reckoning relative position- tem, the vehicle GPS antenna position information
ing (Dead reckoning system). acquired as a result is inputted into the Drive control-
ler via CAN. By the inclination sensor attached in
pitch and roll direction of the body, GPS antenna
position is compensated and finally the position of the
vehicle is calculated from compensated GPS
antenna position, GPS antenna height, and dimen-
sions of its installation.

4 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10018-01

The exact measurement timing (PPS signal) of the

GPS positioning information calculated on the GPS
board in hub is transmitted to the drive controller via
an I/O port, and sensor fusion to Dead Reckoning
navigation is carried out to measure the AHT position
with more sufficient accuracy.
Dead Reckoning navigation estimates the position of
AHT relatively from the heading angle of the vehicle
which is measured by GYRO and the speed of a
wheel. The speed of the vehicle is measured by the
pulse sensor attached in each wheel. It is rectified by
the position information acquired from GPS, cancels
the accumulate error, and measures the position of
the truck with sufficient accuracy while it has
achieved the position measurement continuation
function with no input of GPS.
The Road Edge Guidance (REG) system supervises
whether the vehicles are running the correct position
based on the position measurement result of GPS
positioning and Dead Reckoning navigation. More-
over, when in a time zone with few GPS satellites and
where GPS measurements are impossible, the REG
system can maintain the distance from a bank so that
vehicles are guided safely.


1. Laser range sensor

930E-4AT 5
CEN10018-01 10 Structure and Function

GYRO (measurement of truck yaw angle)

Since GYRO is a precision device, do not bump it.

Since GYRO is affected by the rotation of the
earth, when GYRO is installed or replaced, it is
necessary to do GYRO calibration.


1. GYRO sensor





6 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10018-01

Input: 24VDC (18-30VDC)

Output: 12VDC




1. GYRO power converter unit


930E-4AT 7
CEN10018-01 10 Structure and Function

Rear pulse sensor (measurement of rear tire revolution)


1. Rear pulse sensor

Standard gap = 1.0 - 1.5 mm (0.04 - 0.06 inch)

DC pulse output sensor
Power supply 12V


8 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10018-01

Front pulse sensor (measurement of front tire revolution)


1. Front pulse sensor

Standard gap = 1.0 - 1.5 mm (0.04 - 0.06 inch)

DC pulse output sensor
Power supply 12V

930E-4AT 9
CEN10018-01 10 Structure and Function

AT systems share the signals with STD front pulse

sensors for GE drive system.


10 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10018-01

Pitch angle sensor


1. Pitch angle sensor



930E-4AT 11
CEN10018-01 10 Structure and Function

Roll angle sensor


1. Roll angle sensor



12 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10018-01

REG (Road Edge Guidance system)

REG system has two functions.
One is a function which supervises whether the vehicle is running the correct position based on the position
measurement result of GPS positioning and Dead Reckoning navigation. Another is a function which comple-
ments dead reckoning of AHT, and is guided and stopped as safely as possible, when the time of fault occurring
to a GPS system and the number of GPS satellites decrease.


1. REG sensor head


1. Fiber optic cables 2. REG controller


1. Minimum bend 2. Fiber optic cable
radius > 200 mm covered with
(7.9 in.) protection cable


930E-4AT 13
CEN10018-01 10 Structure and Function


Input: 24VDC (18-30VDC)

Output: 12VDC



1. REG power unit

14 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10018-01

Safety information of REG system

Do not open the REG controller due to high volt-


Do not look into the open Fiber optic cable cou-

pler of the REG controller.

Do not point the open Fiber optic cable coupler at

people’s eyes.

Do not open the instrument’s housing or put the

REG controller in operation without the Fiber
optic cables being installed correctly and con-
nected to optical head.

Do not look into the Fiber optic ends, when con-

nected to the REG controller.

Do not operate damaged instruments.

Avoid direct light in axial direction of the lenses.

Do not apply mechanical force to the lenses or

the housing.
NOTE: We recommend that the instrument not be
directly pointed at people’s eyes, especially if they
are using binoculars. Aligning the infrared laser
sensor with the lenses of CCD-cameras or infrared
night vision devices can result in damage to them
and is therefore not permitted.

930E-4AT 15
CEN10018-01 10 Structure and Function

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN10018-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

16 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

10 Structure and Function

Travel control system ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Dump control system .......................................................................................................................................... 34
MBI controller...................................................................................................................................................... 37

930E-4AT 1
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

Travel control system


Travel control module is a system to guide a truck to This system gives signal to GE drive system to con-
target. It consists of the steering control module trol F-N-R selector position, acceleration, and retard
which controls steering to follow the travel course and brake to follow ordered speed.
the speed control module which controls truck speed
with F-N-R select signal, acceleration signal, retard
brake signal, and hydraulic brakes.
This system controls the steering control valve to
steer the front wheels. The steering angle is sensed
with two potentiometers, which are installed on the
steering mount brackets and rods. The steering angle
signal is sent to the controller.

2 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

Steering control

Outline The truck is steered by supplying hydraulic oil to

steering cylinders through the proportional valve. The
During autonomous traveling, the steering is con-
valve is controlled by the command of drive control-
trolled by the steering proportional valve, which sup-
plies hydraulic oil to the steering cylinders via the flow
amplifier valve. The steering angle is sensed by the potentiometer
sensors installed on the steering mount brackets and
The potentiometer sensors are installed on the steer-
ing mount brackets and rods to measure the steering


930E-4AT 3
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function



4 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

Principle of operation
In neutral (When drive controller doesn’t send any command.)



When drive controller doesn’t send any command (at

neutral position), the spring of the proportional valve
solenoid keeps the valve at neutral.
In neutral, hydraulic oil is not supplied to the steering When the truck is in manual mode, the solenoid
cylinders and the steering wheel is kept in the same wirings on S/T control valve are opened. Then the
position. operator can steer the wheels without any inter-
ference of the automatic steering system.

930E-4AT 5
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

When drive controller commands to steer to the left.



When drive controller outputs a signal to steer to the

left, ports P and B of the proportional valve are con-
nected to each other, and the hydraulic oil is supplied
to the steering cylinders.
Ports A and T are connected to each other to keep
the same pressure as the hydraulic tank.

6 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

When drive controller commands to steer to the right.



When drive controller outputs a signal to steer to the

right, ports P and A of the proportional valve are con-
nected to each other, and the hydraulic oil is supplied
to the steering cylinders.
Ports B and T are connected to each other to keep
the same pressure as the hydraulic tank.

930E-4AT 7
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

Steering control EPC valve

The steering control valve is installed in the AT control cabinet.


1. Steering Control EPC valve


8 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

Steering potentiometer sensors

The steering potentiometer sensors are installed on the s/t mount bracket and rod to sense the steering angle.


1. Left potentiometer 2. Right potentiometer


930E-4AT 9
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function



10 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

Acceleration control

Drive controller outputs acceleration signal to control
propulsion as the truck travels at the target speed on
the travel course.

A/M key A



Drive controller
GE controller
525AU NO
Accel Singal
0-5V Accel pedal signal input

Accel Sig Monitor

(Feedback input) Input

Accel pedal



In manual mode, the signal from the accelerator pedal is inputted to the GE controller directly to control propul-
In autonomous mode, the signal from the accelerator pedal is stopped with the electric relay (RB1A-K3) and pro-
pulsion is controlled with the signal output from drive controller.


930E-4AT 11
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

Retard brake control

Drive controller outputs retard brake signal to control
the GE retard brake as the truck travels at the target
speed on the travel course.

A/M key A


Drive controller
GE controller
Retard Signal
0-5V Hand lever retard signal input
Retard Signal Monitor
( Feedback input )
Foot pedal retard signal input

Retard lever

Retard foot pedal



In manual mode, the signal from the brake pedal is inputted to the GE controller directly to control the GE retard
In autonomous mode, the signal from the brake pedal is stopped with the electric relay (RB1A-K4) and the GE
retard brake is controlled with the signal output from drive controller.


12 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01


F-N-R Selector

F-N-R selector is controlled by F-N-R selector switch on a console in manual mode and by drive controller in
auto mode.
A/M key A
72AT 24V

24V NO
Drive controller
Shift F
72FAU 24V

24V Shift
Shift F Monitor Lever


24V NO

79BAU Reverse
Shift R


Shift R Monitor


930E-4AT 13
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

Principle of operation
In manual mode, F-N-R position is controlled by the F-N-R selector switch in cab.


14 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

In autonomous mode, the signal from the F-N-R selector switch is stopped with the electric relays (RB1A-K1,
RB1A-K2) and F-N-R position is controlled by drive controller.



930E-4AT 15
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

Brake control

In the manual mode, hydraulic oil is supplied to front
and rear dual relay valve as treadle valve is pressed.
Then, hydraulic oil is supplied to front and rear
brakes and they are applied.
In the autonomous mode, the autonomous brake
valves control hydraulic oil pressure and supply to
front and rear dual relay valves by the signal from
drive controller. Then, hydraulic oil is supplied to front
and rear brakes and they are applied.

Drive controller Foot Brake

Front Brake Valve

F Brake Sol
F. Brake
Sol GND Pressure Sensor

R Brake Sol
F. Brake
Sol GND Relay V
Rear Brake Valve

F BRK Press(R)
F BRK Press(L)
R BRK Press(R)
R BRK Press(L)

Rear Brake
Relay Valve
Rear. Brake
Pressure Sensor



16 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

Front brake
In manual mode (applied brake).
• When treadle valve is pushed, pilot oil pressure of • Hydraulic oil pressure is supplied to front brakes
treadle valve is applied from distribution manifold. via front dual relay valve from distribution
manifold and brake accumulator.
• Hydraulic oil pressure is supplied to pilot of front
dual relay valve via treadle valve from distribution


In autonomous mode (applied brake).

• Drive controller gives control signal to • Hydraulic oil pressure is supplied to front brakes
autonomous brake valve. via front dual relay valve from distribution
manifold and brake accumulator.
• Hydraulic oil pressure is supplied to pilot of front
dual relay valve via autonomous brake valve from
distribution manifold.


930E-4AT 17
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function



18 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

Rear brake
In manual mode (applied brake).
• When treadle valve is pushed, pilot oil pressure of • Hydraulic oil pressure is supplied to rear brakes
treadle valve is applied from distribution manifold. via rear dual relay valve from distribution manifold
and brake accumulator.
• Hydraulic oil pressure is supplied to pilot of rear
dual relay valve via treadle valve from distribution


In autonomous mode (applied brake).

• Drive controller gives control signal to • Hydraulic oil pressure is supplied to rear brakes
autonomous brake valve. via rear dual relay valve from distribution manifold
and brake accumulator.
• Hydraulic oil pressure is supplied to pilot of rear
dual relay valve via autonomous brake valve from
distribution manifold.


930E-4AT 19
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function



20 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

Brake valves
Brake valves control hydraulic pressure for the front
and rear brakes.


1. AT brake manifold



930E-4AT 21
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

Parking brake
Principle of operation
A/M key A
72AT 24V

24V NO
Drive controller
Shift Park NC 24V

IM Input
PB Switch Feedback

Safety controller A/M key A

Auto Apply Brake Auto Apply Brake
NC Observer controller
Park Brake Relay
Park Brake Valve
Park Brake Valve :ON Park Brake Release
Park Brake Valve :OFF Park Brake Active Park Brake Sol



22 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01


Manual mode operation (Auto/Manual select switch in Manual position).
• The circuit Relay (RB3A-K3) is not energized and parking brake is controlled by the Direction Select switch
of Shift Lever in cab.


930E-4AT 23
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

When the circuit Relay (RB6AK5) is energized and the operator changes the Direction Select switch to F or R or
N, the circuit Relay (RB9-K4) is energized and then Park Brake Solenoid is energized to release the parking


Auto Mode operation (Auto/Manual select switch in AUTO position).

• The circuit Relay (RB3A-K3) is energized to control the parking brake from Autonomous system.
• Then drive controller can send the parking brake control signal to GE drive system by switching the circuit
Relay (RB2A-K4).

24 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01


• Observer controller’s Park Brake Relay (CN1-17) is normally Low level to energize the circuit Relay
(RB6AK5) for control the parking brake solenoid. To release the parking brake, AHS system energizes RB9-
K4 by using FNR signal or Direction Select Signals (F, R).


930E-4AT 25
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

• To apply the parking brake, drive controller controls the FNR signal output and F, R signals output to stop the
energizing of RB9-K4. Then parking brake solenoid has lost power and parking brake is applied.


26 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

To apply the parking brake from observer controller, observer controller stops the energizing of RB6AK5. Then
parking brake solenoid has lost power and parking brake is applied.


930E-4AT 27
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

Brake lock Lock switch. In autonomoous mode, both Drive and

Safety controllers can control the brake lock valve
Principle of operation
solenoid. Also, Observer controller can activate the
When brake lock valve solenoid is turned on, hydrau- brake lock valve solenoid when both Drive and Safety
lic oil pressure comes to rear dual relay valve from controllers have problems. And drive controller moni-
distribution manifold via AT brake manifold. Then, tors position of the brake lock switch on dashboard
rear brake is activated. In Manual mode, operator can when AHT is in autonomous mode.
activate the brake lock valve solenoid with Brake


28 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01


930E-4AT 29
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

Auto apply brake

Principle of operation

A A/M key
Observer controller 72AT
Auto Apply Relay Auto Apply NO 24V
Auto Apply Brake Brake Pilot M
Auto Apply Relay

Auto Apply Brake valve



Treadle valve
Safety controller

Auto Apply 72AA

F. Brake F. Brake
72AAD Relay Valve Pressure Sensor
Drive controller Rear. Brake
Pressure Sensor
Auto Apply

R. Brake
Relay Valve
Auto Apply Monitor



When Auto/Manual select switch is in manual posi-

tion, Auto Apply brake pilot valve solenoid is not
energized and auto apply brake is never activated
from autonomous system. When Auto/Manual select
switch is in autonomous position, Drive, Safety, and
Observer controllers can control the Auto Apply pilot
valve solenoid. When the solenoid is energized, the
Auto Apply brake pilot valve is operated and front and
rear brakes are fully applied.

30 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

When brake is released

• Turn off solenoid.


930E-4AT 31
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

When brake is applied

• Turn on solenoid.
• When Drive or Safety controller has a problem, the circuit Relay (RB2A-K3) is not energized and auto apply
brake solenoid is turned ON.


32 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

Turn on solenoid by observer controller

• When Both Drive and Safety controllers have problems, observer controller can energize the auto apply
brake solenoid to activate the auto apply brake.


930E-4AT 33
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

Dump control system


The dump control module is a system to control the
body of the AHT.
It performs the following operations:
• In manual mode, the body is controlled by the
dump control switches.
• Drive controller output signal to the solenoid to
control the hoist valve in the AT hydraulic cabinet.
• In autonomous mode, drive controller sets the
valve to the “Float” position when the body is in
the normal, down position.
• In autonomous mode, drive controller sets the
valve position from the “Raise” position to the FIGURE 10-53. HOIST CONTROL VALVE
“Hold” position when the body is at the raising 1. Hoist control valve
• In manual mode, the hoist control valve is
controlled by switch in cab.

34 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

• When Auto/Manual select switch is in auto
position, drive controller outputs signal to the
solenoid valve to control the body position.
• When Auto/Manual select switch is in manual
position, body control switch in the cab outputs
signal to the solenoid valve to control the body


930E-4AT 35
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

Principle of operation

When Auto/Manual select switch is in auto position,
drive controller output signal is sent to hoist control
valve sol. A to raise the body. Then, hoist control
valve supplies oil to hoist cylinder. As a result, the
body is raised.
When the raising limit sensor installed to the rear of
the truck body senses that the body is raising, the
hoist control valve is set to the holding position auto-
matically. And drive controller stops the signal to sol.
A to set the hoist control valve in the hold position.

Drive controller sets the body to hold position when
AHT detects some kind of exception while moving the

When Auto/Manual select switch is in auto position,
drive controller output signal to hoist control valve sol.
B lowers the body. When drive controller stops the
signal of sol. B, the hoist control valve changes to
float position.
When the body is set in the normal, down position,
drive controller sets the hoist control valve to the float

36 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01

MBI controller
MBI is a controller to forward Payload data from
PLM3 and Interface Module data on the CAN-bus of
a standard truck to the CAN-bus of an autonomous
system. It also sends flight recorder data on the
autonomous CAN-bus from drive controller and
Safety controller to flight recorder system via
RS232C. It also controls the power to the flight
recorder for safe shutdown.

Standard Truck AT System

1) Payload Data CGC
2) Interface Module data

Payload data CAN-B HUB

Interface Diagnosis B A
Module I/O data

VHMS 1) Drive control data
2) Safety System data

terminator RS232C
Flight Recorder



930E-4AT 37
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function




38 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10019-01


930E-4AT 39
CEN10019-01 10 Structure and Function

930E-4AT Dump truck

Form No. CEN10019-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

40 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

10 Structure and Function

Safety control system............................................................................................................................................ 2
Obstacle detection system .................................................................................................................................... 4
Warning indicator monitoring .............................................................................................................................. 12
Auxiliary device control ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Observer controller ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Flight recorder system ........................................................................................................................................ 26

930E-4AT 1
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

Safety control system


Safety controller has three main functions: Obstacle Detection System to avoid collision with other objects on the
traveling path, Warning indicator monitor to stop truck before fatal error occurs by checking warning indicator,
auxiliary device control includes headlight, horn, Auto Apply brake, and engine stop relay.


2 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01

Safety controller LED

During operation, green LED is flashing.


1. LED

930E-4AT 3
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

Obstacle detection system


Obstacle detection system (ODS) consists of four
radar units and controllers (RBI). One of the radar
units, which is mounted on the revolving unit, is called
steered radar. The other three radar units are
mounted under the revolving unit. All radar units are
installed to the front part of the truck and RBIs are in
the controller box under the radar units. Each radar
unit uses scanning millimeter wave radar. Safety con-
troller picks up obstacles only in the target clipping
area, which is determined by trajectory data and truck
position. When obstacles are detected, Safety con-
troller outputs stop or slow-down order to Drive con-
troller to avoid collision.
Fix-mounted radar units
The radar is fixed on the front part of truck. It emits
fast scanned millimeter wave beam and receives sig-
nals from obstacles in the target path.
Mechanical steered radar unit
1. Steered radar 4. Radar-1 (right)
Same scanning radar is mounted on the mechanical
revolving unit that rotates to follow the target path. 2. Radar-4 (steer) 5. Radar-2 (center)
3. Fixed radar 6. Radar-3 (left)
RBI is an interface module between millimeter wave
radar and Safety controller.

4 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01


1. RBIs


930E-4AT 5
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function


6 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01

Power supply unit

24V-12V DC-DC converter for radar power is mounted in AT cabinet. Power supply unit can be turned on or off
by Safety controller.
Table 2:
DC-DC converter specification
Item Spec
Input voltage 18-32V
Output voltage 12V +/- 5%
Max current 6A



930E-4AT 7
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

Radar steering mechanism

Safety controller
Radar steering

・ Radar steering system to follow the travel course

Mechanical Revolving Unit

・ Motor unit to turn radar direction



Safety controller turns the stepping motor of the revolving unit according to the reference angle from trajectory
data. Safety controller measures motor angle by potentiometer of revolving unit and the angle when stepping
motor jumped out.


8 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01


1. Motor unit


1. Motor controller (safety controller)

930E-4AT 9
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function


1. Potentiometer 2. Motor

10 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01


930E-4AT 11
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

Warning indicator monitoring


Safety controller always monitors the warning indicator lamp signal. If red caution occurs, Safety controller
sends stop request to Drive controller and then sends error code to Central. If yellow caution occurs, Safety con-
troller sends warning code to Central.


12 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01


930E-4AT 13
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

Table 3: Warning indicator description

Row/ Color Indicator Description
A1 Red Hydraulic oil temp. high High brake oil temperature
B1 Red Low steering pressure Steering hydraulic pressure drops below 15,900 kPa (2300
C1 Red Low accumulator pressure The nitrogen pre-charge within the accumulator is below
1100 +/- 45 psi
E1 Red Low brake pressure Malfunction within hydraulic brake circuit
A2 Red Low hydraulic tank level Oil level in the hydraulic tank is below recommended level
B2 Amber Low auto lube pressure Automatic lubrication system fails to reach 13,790 kPa
(2,000 psi) within one minute after lube timer initiates a
grease cycle
C2 Amber Circuit breaker tripped Any of the circuit breakers in the relay circuit control
boards are tripped
D2 Amber Hydraulic oil filter A restriction in the high pressure filter assembly for either
the steering or hoist circuit
E2 Amber Low fuel Remaining fuel is approximately 25 gallons
E3 Red Stop engine A serious engine malfunction is detected in the engine
control system
C4 Amber 5 min shutdown timer Engine shutdown timer is activated
E4 Amber Check engine Malfunction is detected by the engine electronic control
A5 Red No propel/ no retard Retarding and propulsion capability is eliminated
B5 Amber Propel system warning “No Propel’’ or “No Retard” event may be about to occur
C5 Amber Propel system temp. The drive system temperature is above a certain level
D5 Red Interface module failure Interface Module detected a failure
E5 Red Battery charge system failure Charging system problem and system voltage is at or
below 24V
A6 Red No propel Propulsion capability has been eliminated
B6 Amber Propel system at rest AC drive system is de-energized and propulsion is not
C6 Amber Propel system not ready System is in the process of performing the self-diagnosis
and setup functions at start-up
D6 Amber Reduced propel system AC drive system performance in propulsion is not
E6 Amber Retard at continuous level Retarding effort is at a reduced level

14 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01

Auxiliary device control


Outline • Engine start module

When Safety controller receives engine start
The auxiliary device control module consists of the
command from Central via the wireless
following seven modules. communication, this module will start the engine.
• Operation mode lamp • Headlight
The mode of the truck (Manual, Maintenance, When obstacle detection system picks up some
Auto, Error, Secure/Suspend is indicated by the obstacles, Safety controller flashes headlight.
combination of colors of pilot lamps. Central operator can turn on headlight by sending
• Engine stop module command from Central.
When Safety controller receives engine stop
command from Central via the wireless
communication, this module will cut the engine.

930E-4AT 15
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

• Horn Operation mode lamp

When truck moves to forward, Safety controller
The operation mode lamps installed outside (both
sounds horn twice. When moving backward,
Safety controller sounds horn three times. And sides of the front part of the truck and at the rear part
when ODS detects obstacle, Safety controller of the truck) light up according to truck operation
sounds horn to give alarm. mode.

• Auto Apply brake • Green: manual mode

Safety controller can stop truck by activating auto
• Yellow (amber): autonomous mode
apply brake if Drive controller can’t stop truck.
• Red: error mode
• Turn indicator light
Safety controller can control turn indicator light • All: secure/suspend mode
but the function is not implemented yet. Only
when ODS inspection, it is used for showing • Green and yellow (amber): maintenance mode
which radar picked up a target.




16 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01

Engine start
When supervisory system (Central or EMV) sends engine start command via wireless communication system to
the truck that is stationary and in error mode by engine stop command, safety controller starts the engine.



930E-4AT 17
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

Engine stop
When supervisory system (Central or EMV) sends engine stop command via wireless communication system to
the truck that is stationary and not in manual mode, safety controller stops the engine.
Engine stop command cannot work on a truck that is stopped by emergency stop button.
After the system checks that the parking brake is on and truck is stationary, the system stops the engine.



18 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01




930E-4AT 19
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function



Auto Apply Brake


20 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01

Turn indicator light


930E-4AT 21
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

Observer controller
Observer controller is the final safety layer controller
which can stop the truck by activating the auto apply
brake valve and Brake Lock valve during an emer-
gency situation. An emergency situation may happen
when both Drive and Safety controllers lose their
power or lose their basic controller functionalities,
such as I/O control in Auto Mode (A/M Key is in
AUTO position). Even if Main Battery power for
Autonomous system is lost, Observer controller can
be powered long enough to stop AHT with the sub
battery. Observer controller can activate the parking
brake to hold the truck after Observer controller stops
AHT by activating the Hydraulic Brake (auto apply
brake and Brake Lock).


Each controller is observing the HeartBeat signal .

from each other. I/O HeartBeat and CAN communica-

tion HeartBeat is checked between Drive controller
and Safety controller. When Safety controller detects
the Drive controller HeartBeat has stopped, Safety
controller activates both the auto apply brake and
Brake Lock. When Drive controller detects the Safety
controller HeartBeat, Drive controller goes to error
mode and stops the AHT. If Drive controller detects
that the observer controller HeartBeat stops, Drive
controller goes to error mode and stops AHT. If
Observer controller detects that both Drive controller
HeartBeat and Safety controller HeartBeat have
stopped, Observer controller activates auto apply
1. Observer Controller
brake and Brake lock to stop AHT

22 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01

Observer controller input and output




930E-4AT 23
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function


24 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01

1. Backup battery box 2. Save switch 1. 12V battery, 3Ah 2. Resistor
(569-86-42540) (7861-96-0300)

930E-4AT 25
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

Flight recorder system

Flight recorder receives information about autono-
mous system from Drive controller and Safety con-
troller via CAN-A bus and MBI RS232C bus. The data
is compressed and stored in flash memory. The data
can be used for analysis of truck behavior if there is a
problem. Each file can hold a maximum of 20 min-
utes of data. It has a unique name which includes the
truck number and record time. Data that is one week
old, automatically is erased from flash memory when
Flight recorder starts up.
Since the Flight recorder has an FTP server inside,
an FTP client connected to Master Link can down-
load the stored data in flash memory of the Flight
recorder. The Flight recorder can also communicate
through a Windows network as a network drive. You
can see the data drive and copy the directory instead
1. Hub 2. Flight recorder


26 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01


Table 4: Interface and hardware specification

Port name Connect to
COM1 To MBI controller
COM2 Check out PC (for service)
Power Input DC+12V
Graphics Port Display (for service)
USB Keyboard and mouse (for service)

Item Spec
OS Windows Embedded Standard 2009
CPU Intel Atom Z520PT (1.3GHz)
Storage Compact flash card (4GB)
Network TCP/IP, FTP, Windows Network
Data storage period Two weeks (configurable)

930E-4AT 27
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

Downloading data from flight recorder How to download data file by FTP
Downloading data via an ethernet cable connected • Use FTP client program to access flight recorder
directly between the flight recorder and the monitor via MasterLink network.
PC is the recommended method. The download time • Flight recorder FTP service additionally provides
is fast and FTP or Windows network can be used for anonymous FTP access. Users typically login to
download. the service with an 'anonymous' account when
prompted for user name.
1. Turn the key switch OFF and wait appoximately
20 seconds for the flight recorder to turn off. User: anonymous
2. Disconnect the ethernet cable between the flight Password: komatsu
recorder and the MasterLink hub.
• Data directory: D:\ (initial directory is here)
3. Connect the ethernet cable between the flight
recorder and the monitor PC. How to download data file by Windows Network
4. Turn the key switch ON, and set the IP address • Flight recorder can access from Windows
and subnet mask of the monitor PC to the same network like a network drive via MasterLink
network as the MasterLink network. network.
Data can also be downloaded via the MasterLink • When connecting to the flight recorder, key switch
wireless network between the flight recorder and the must be ON to power the flight recorder.
monitor PC. This method provides safe, remote • Click [Start], then [Run…] and input the flight
access to the flight recorder data. However, the recorder IP address and drive name as shown
download speed is slower than a direct ethernet con- below.
nection. This method may also cause a huge load to
the MasterLink network. This method is not recom-
mended. • If login is required, input user name and
passwords below.
A third method of data downloading is direct access
to the CF card. The key switch must be turned OFF User: komatsu
and the power LED on the flight recorder must be off Password: komatsu
before removing the card from the flight recorder.
This method is not recommended because of the
possibility of losing the small screw of the flight
recorder CF card cover.


28 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01

Table 5: Data type – drive

Data name File name Data type Storage directory
T##_DNCMN_******_$$$$$$.gz D:\DN_COMMON
Drive Common
DERR_%%%%_T##_DNCMN_******_$$$$$$$$.gz D:\DN_ERROR
T##_DNGPS_******_$$$$$$.gz D:\DN_GPS
GPS Data
DERR_%%%%_T##_DNGPS_******_$$$$$$.gz D:\DN_ERROR
Event Data T##_DNEVT_******_$$$$$$.txt D:\DN_EVENT

Table 6: Data type – safety

Data name File name Data type Storage directory
T##_DNCMN_******_$$$$$$.gz D:\SF_COMMON
Safety Common
ERR_%%%_T##_DNCMN_******_&&&&&&.gz D:\SF_ERROR
T##_ACC3_******_$$$$$$.gz D:\SF_ACC3_INFO
ACC3 Info
ERR_%%%_T##_ACC3_******_&&&&&&.gz D:\SF_ERROR
Event Data T##_SFEVT_******_$$$$$$.txt D:\SF_EVENT
ODS Event Data T##_ODS_******_$$$$$$.txt D:\SF_ODS_EVENT

The meaning of symbols

• ##: Truck No. (e.g., if Truck No. is 01, ## -> 01)
• ******: Date [YYMMDD] (e.g., July/04/2007 -> 070704)
• $$$$$$: The time of recording starting [hhmmss] (e.g., if starting time is 10:11:12, $$$$$$ -> 101112)
• &&&&&&: The time of Error occurrence [hhmmss] (e.g., if Error occurrence time is 10:11:12, $$$$$$ ->
• %%%%: Error code (e.g., if Error code is 4A03, %%%% -> 4A03)

930E-4AT 29
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function


30 930E-4AT
10 Structure and Function CEN10020-01


930E-4AT 31
CEN10020-01 10 Structure and Function

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN10020-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 04-11

32 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

30 Testing and Adjusting

Position Measurement System
Front pulse sensor adjustment............................................................................................................................. 2
Rear pulse sensor adjustment ............................................................................................................................. 3
Roll sensor adjustment ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Pitch sensor adjustment....................................................................................................................................... 7
GPS origin configuration setting ........................................................................................................................ 10
Gyro sensor adjustment ..................................................................................................................................... 12
REG laser distance calibration ........................................................................................................................... 14
Position measurement system parameter confirmation ..................................................................................... 17
REG fiber optic cable check and installation ...................................................................................................... 19

930E-4AT 1
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Front pulse sensor adjustment 3. Check the speed data with PC monitor. (See
"Check Out Manual".)
When a front pulse sensor is installed or replaced,
use shims to adjust the distance between the sensor
surface and gear tooth to get the standard clearance.

Before starting the replacement and adjustment,

park the truck on a level surface.
1. Adjustment
Standard clearance:
Gap = 1.0 - 1.5 mm (0.04 - 0.06 inch)

(See 930E-4AT Shop Manual for standard

truck.) FIGURE 30-2. SPEED DATA


1. Front pulse sensor
2. Gap
2. Verify the pulse signal output (rectangle wave
0 – 5V or more) while truck is moving.
• Between TB55-D and TB55-F
• Between TB55-E and TB55-F

2 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

Rear pulse sensor adjustment 3. Check the speed data with PC monitor. (See
When a rear pulse sensor is installed or replaced, "Check Out Manual".)
use shims to adjust the distance between the sensor
surface and gear tooth to get the standard clearance.

Before starting the replacement and adjustment,

park the truck on a level surface.
1. Adjustment
Standard clearance:
Gap = 1.0 - 1.5 mm (0.04 - 0.06 inch)



1. Rear pulse sensor
2. Gap
2. Verify the pulse signal output (rectangle wave
0 – 5V or more) while truck is moving.
• Between TB55-K and TB55-G
• Between TB55-H and TB55-G

930E-4AT 3
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Roll sensor adjustment

Before starting the replacement and adjustment,

park the truck on a level surface.

You may use a spirit level to confirm the truck is

on a level place.
1. Measure the signal output of roll sensor.
• Measure the voltage between TB52-W and
2. If the voltage is not at the standard value,
loosen the sensor mounting bolt and adjust the
angle of the sensor to set the voltage to the
standard value. FIGURE 30-5. ROLL ANGLE SENSOR
• Standard value: 2.6 ± 0.2V 1. Roll Angle Sensor


4 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

3. Login to CGC menu screen. 6. Press Slope/Roll .

Authorized person must login with user ID.

4. Press Maintain .


7. Press Roll .


5. Press Navigate .


8. Press Start .



930E-4AT 5
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

9. The calculation takes about 20 seconds. 10. If “Success” message appears, press OK to
complete roll sensor adjustment.



If “Fail” appears, see troubleshooting table.

Table 1: Troubleshooting (adjustment of roll sensor)

Cause Remedy
Defective sensor power (standard 12V) Check the voltage between TB53-G and TB52-T.
Check the voltage between CN1-21 and CN1-16 (drive controller).
Defective signal output Check the voltage between TB53-G and TB52-W.
(standard 2.6V at level ground) Check the voltage between CN1-21 and CN1-14 (drive controller).
Surface of ground is not level Perform adjustment with truck parked on a level surface.
Actual truck roll angle should be between -2deg and +2deg.
Defective roll sensor Replace and check again.
Defective drive controller Replace and check again.

6 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

Pitch sensor adjustment

Before starting the replacement and adjustment,

park the truck on a level surface.

You may use a spirit level to confirm the truck is

on a level place.
1. Measure the signal output of pitch sensor.
• Measure the voltage between TB52-X and
2. If the voltage is not at the standard value,
loosen the sensor mounting bolt and adjust the
angle of the sensor to set the voltage to the
standard value.
• Standard value: 2.6 ± 0.2V 1. Pitch angle sensor


930E-4AT 7
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

3. Login to CGC menu screen. 6. Press Slope/Roll .

Authorized person must login with user ID.

4. Press Maintain .


7. Press Slope .


5. Press Navigate .


8. Press Start .



8 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

9. The calculation takes about 20 seconds. 10. If “Success” message appears, press OK to
complete pitch sensor adjustment.



If “Fail” appears, see troubleshooting table.

Table 2: Troubleshooting (adjustment of pitch sensor)
Cause Remedy
Defective sensor power (standard 12V) Check the voltage between TB53-G and TB52-T.
Check the voltage between CN1-21 and CN1-16 (drive controller).
Defective signal output Check the voltage between TB53-G and TB52-X.
(standard 2.6V at level ground) Check the voltage between CN1-21 and CN1-20 (drive controller).
Surface of ground is not -level Perform adjustment with truck on a level surface.
Actual truck pitch angle should be between -2deg and +2deg.
Defective pitch sensor Replace and check again.
Defective drive controller Replace and check again.

930E-4AT 9
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

GPS origin configuration setting 4. Press Navigate .

Make sure that the GPS origin configuration in

the central system is correctly set.

When AHS is installed to mine site, GPS Origin

configuration must be set to each truck controller
according to this procedure.

This function requires that the central system is

working and that all configurations are set cor-
1. Set up and start the Central Operation System
5. Press Origin .
2. Login to CGC menu screen.

Authorized person must login with user ID.

3. Press Maintain .


6. Press Start .



10 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

7. If "GPS Origin is not changed" appears, press 8. If “GPS Origin is changed” appears, press OK
OK to complete GPS origin configuration set- to replace the GPS origin.



Verify that the central system is running correctly

and ask the central operator whether the central
origin coordinate is changed.

Table 3: Troubleshooting (GPS origin configuration setting)

Cause Remedy
Central operation system is not running Check central operation system.
Defective network communication system Inspect network communication system.
Defective hub or CGC Inspect hub and CGC on truck.
Defective CAN bus wiring Inspect CAN communication and wiring.
Defective drive controller Replace.

930E-4AT 11
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Gyro sensor adjustment 3. Press Navigate .

Whenever the gyro sensor is installed or

replaced, it must be adjusted according to this

Before adjusting the gyro sensor, make sure the

truck is parked on a level surface.

Turn on the power to the truck but do not start the

Do not move the truck during the gyro sensor 4. Press Gyro .

Do not turn off the power to the truck during the

gyro sensor adjustment.

Do not start the engine during the gyro sensor


1. Login to CGC menu screen.

Authorized person must login with user ID.


2. Press Maintain . 5. Press Start .


12 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

6. The calculation takes about 4 minutes.

Do not move the truck for 4 minutes during the

gyro sensor adjustment.



If “Fail” appears, see troubleshooting table.

7. If “Success” message appears, press OK to
complete gyro sensor adjustment.
Table 4: Troubleshooting (adjustment of gyro sensor)
Cause Remedy
With truck power on, truck was moved before the Turn on power to truck and try again without moving the
gyro sensor adjustment was complete truck before gyro system adjustment is complete.
Defective sensor power (standard 24V) Check the power supply or power supply wiring.
Defective communication line Check the gyro serial communication line.
Surface of ground is not level Perform adjustment with truck parked on a level surface.
Actual truck pitch and roll angle should be as level as possi-
Defective gyro sensor Replace and check again.
Defective drive controller Replace and check again.

930E-4AT 13
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

REG laser distance calibration

Laser distance data should be calibrated before REG target distance (from laser to the target)
the truck is used for autonomous operation. default value in the drive controller is set at
5500 mm (216 in.). The target board must be set at
This calibration is necessary in the following 5500 mm (216 in.) to calibrate the REG system
cases: accurately.

• AHS checkout after truck erection.

NOTE: REG target distance is measured from the
• After replacing any of the REG system parts edge of the laser sensor head to the target object. It
(REG controller, fiber optic cable, or laser
is not measured from the surface of the sensor lens.
• REG system troubleshooting.
1. Park the truck on a level surface.
2. Set the target board at exactly 5500 mm dis-
tance from laser sensor head.


1. Laser sensor head
2. Target board

14 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

3. Login to CGC menu screen. 6. Press Reg .

Authorized person must login with user ID.

4. Press Maintain .


7. Press REG Bank .


5. Press Navigate .


8. Press Start .



930E-4AT 15
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

9. The calculation takes about 20 seconds. 10. If “Success” message appears, press OK to
complete REG target distance setting (Bank/



If “Fail” appears, see troubleshooting table.

Table 5: Troubleshooting (REG target distance setting)

Cause Remedy
Defective REG sensor power (standard 24V) Check the power supply or power supply wiring.
Defective REG system wiring Check REG system wiring.
Laser beam does not point to the target board Check the target berm height and the slant of the
Laser sensor lens is not clear Clean laser sensor lens.
Fiber optic cable disconnection Inspect fiber optic cable connection.
Fiber optic cable bend radius is small or fiber optic Inspect fiber optic cable bend radius.
cable is broken Minimum bend radius > 200 mm (8 in.).
Defective REG sensor head Replace REG sensor head.
Defective REG controller Replace REG controller.
Defective drive controller Replace drive controller.

16 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

Position measurement system parameter 4. Parameters of the navigation system are

confirmation shown.
1. Login to CGC menu screen.

Authorized person must login with user ID.

2. Press Maintain .



3. Press Parameters .


930E-4AT 17
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Table 6: Items shown on parameters screen

Display item Contents Value range
Origin_x_nv Mine coordination setting Depends on the mine coordinate and central
(Longitude) system configuration
-2147483648 (-PI: West)
2147483647 (PI: East)
Origin_y_nv Mine coordination setting Depends on the mine coordinate and central
(Latitude) system configuration
-1073741824 (-PI/2: South)
1073741824 (PI/2: North)
Slope_offset_nv Slope sensor calibration offset - 2000 < value < 2000
(1 = 0.001 [deg])
Roll_offset_nv Roll sensor calibration offset - 2000 < value < 2000
(1 = 0.001 [deg])
REG_Bank_distance Target distance of REG 5500
REG_different_value Offset value of REG from actual target -500 < value < 500

18 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

REG fiber optic cable check and 2. Disconnect the fiber optic cable connectors
installation (labeled 1 and 4) from REG controller.

How to confirm the fiber optic cable is damaged

or not
1. Open the cover of REG optical head.


FIGURE 30-46. REG OPTICAL HEAD 1. Fiber optic cable connectors

3. Check the brightness of the fiber optic cable connector’s opening.


1. Open the cover
2. Both openings are illuminated (undamaged)
3. One of the openings is not illuminated or both
openings are not illuminated (damaged)

930E-4AT 19
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

How to install the fiber cable

Do not bend the fiber optic cable. Minimum bend

radius is 200 mm (8 in.).

Be careful not to damage the fiber optic cable

during installation.
1. Insert the fiber optic cable into the protection
cable, which can help prevent damage from
bending, twisting, breaking off, snapping off and
extreme heat. FIGURE 30-51. CONNECT CONNECTORS


3. Pull the fiber cable and black outer cable from
opposite edge and cover the fiber cable with
protection cable.


2. Open the sensor head and connect the fiber
optic cable connectors (labeled 2 and 3).

20 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01


4. Connect the wiring from the sensor head to the

AT cabinet.



930E-4AT 21
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

How to check the function of distance Offset calibration of REG controller

measurement 1. Disconnect REG connector
(serial communication wiring between REG con-
Do the checkout for REG.
troller and drive controller).
Refer to “Check Out Manual” section 10, REG Sys- 2. Connect RS232C cable (D-sub9, cross cable)
tem Check. between REG controller’s serial port and the
If the difference between the distance measured by serial COM port of personal computer.
REG sensor and the actual distance measured with
tape measure is less than 500 mm (20 in.), perform
“REG laser distance calibration” on page 14.
If the difference is more than 500 mm (20 in.), it is
possible to change the REG controller distance offset
by the performing “Offset calibration of REG control-
ler” on page 22.

The difference is normally less than 500 mm (20

in.). If it is more than 500 mm (20 in.), verify the
target board distance with a tape measure again.
If the difference is still more than 500 mm (20 in.)
1. Serial port (Dsub-9)
with all the correct settings, contact your
2. Windows personal computer
Komatsu distributor before performing “Offset
3. Serial cable RS232C (cross)
calibration of REG controller” on page 22.

22 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

3. Turn power on and start the software for the

serial communication monitor.

For example, using Microsoft HyperTerminal on

a Windows personal computer is an easy way to
access the serial communication monitor.
a. Start  Programs  Accessories  Com-
munications  HyperTerminal
b. Enter name for new connection.


930E-4AT 23
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

c. Select COM port as connect using port.


d. Set the COM port setting:

Bits per second: 19200bps, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: None


24 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01

4. Check the data on HyperTerminal screen. • Data sample: r10.05;a80 (Distance = 10.05 m,
REG controller sends the laser data continu- Reflection power = 80)
ously if laser detects the target in front of sensor


5. Measure the actual distance and compare the data.

NOTE: REG target distance is measured from the edge of the laser sensor head to the target object. It is not
measured from the surface of the sensor lens.


1. Laser head 3. Target berm
2. Actual distance 4. Target board

930E-4AT 25
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

6. Distance calibration c. To verify the laser distance data again, input

Q and the data will appear on the screen. [Q]
If the difference between laser data and actual
d. Repeat steps a through c to adjust the differ-
measured data is more than 500 mm (20 in.),
proceed to calibrate the sensor as described
below. If the difference is less than 500 mm (20 e. When you determine the correct offset value,
in.), there is no need to do the calibration. input the command W in program mode. [W]
a. Input the command [Ctrl-P] to go to program f. Then again input the [Q] command to verify
mode -> An asterisk "*" will appear. data measurement.
b. Input and adjust the laser offset data by
using the [O] command. With [O] being the
actual offset distance.

Example If the difference is 1000 mm, input

O100 or O-100. [O100] or [O-100]

Example If the difference is 500 mm input

O50 or O-50. [O50] or [O-50]

O command range: -9999 to 9999 cm

26 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30016-01


930E-4AT 27
CEN30016-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

930E-4AT Dump truck

Form No. CEN30016-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

28 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

30 Testing and Adjusting

Drive Control System
Steering angle potentiometer adjustment ............................................................................................................ 2
Steering EPC valve adjustment ........................................................................................................................... 5
Drive control parameter confirmation ................................................................................................................... 9

930E-4AT 1
CEN30017-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Steering angle potentiometer adjustment 4. Press Drive .

Adjustment is required:
• When steering potentiometer is replaced.
• When drive controller is replaced.

Location requirements

Haul road is required for this calibration.

Length: 1 – 3 km (0.6 – 1.9 mi)

Configuration: as straight as possible
The tray should be empty.
5. Press S/T Adj. .
1. Make sure Auto/Manual key switch is in MAN-
UAL position. Start engine.
2. Log in to CGC menu screen.

Log in by person with maintenance permission

user ID is required.
3. Press Maintain .



2 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30017-01

6. Press Start when ready. 7. Message on screen will change to “Success”

when adjustment is finished. Press OK .
• Recommended travel speed is 10 – 20 km/h
(6 – 12 mph).
• Travel as straight as possible. This
adjustment function works while the truck
travels straight. The calculation time depends
on the configuration of the road.
• If the section of straight road available is too
short, turn around at the end and drive back
over the same section of road.


This adjustment takes 10 – 20 minutes.

FIGURE 30-4. S/T ADJ SCREEN If you get the message "Fail," do not operate
autonomous traveling. Please contact your
• This process takes 10 – 20 minutes. Komatsu distributor and check the steering sys-
• Sometimes the percentage of progress tem with troubleshooting table and shop manual.
decreases, when the truck is not moving
straight. If this adjustment is not finished within one hour,
stop the truck and press Cancel . Check the
steering system with troubleshooting table.


930E-4AT 3
CEN30017-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

8. Press Close to finish steering potentiometer 9. Press Close to quit maintenance screen.


10. Confirm parameters.
(See “Drive control parameter confirmation” on
page 9.)

Table 2: Troubleshooting (adjusting steering angle potentiometers)

Cause Remedy
Straight road is too short for calculation Use longer distance straight road.
Disconnection in wiring harness Check the wiring harness.
Defective potentiometer Check the potentiometer.
Defective drive controller Replace the drive controller.

4 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30017-01

Steering EPC valve adjustment 3. Press Maintain .

Adjustment is required:
• When steering EPC valve is replaced.
• When drive controller is replaced.

The steering valve must be adjusted according to

this procedure whenever it is replaced.

Location requirements


4. Press Drive .
Make sure that no one is around the truck.

Make sure that the truck is stopped after the

Auto/Manual key switch is changed to the AUTO

This adjustment should be performed in the

maintenance area.

Ground surface: Equivalent to haul road

Slope: Level
1. Make sure that the Auto/Manual key switch is in
MANUAL position. Start engine. 5. Press Bleed .
2. Log in to CGC menu screen.

Log in by person with maintenance permission

user ID is required.


930E-4AT 5
CEN30017-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

6. Make sure that: 9. Message on screen will change to “Success”

when air bleed is finished. Change Auto/Manual
• No one is around the truck. key switch to MANUAL position and press OK .
• Change Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO
• Truck is stopped.
7. Press Start when ready.


10. Press ValveAdj. .


8. Air bleed will start. Progress and wheel angle

are shown on display.



Wheels will turn automatically.

If you get the message “Fail,” do not operate

autonomous traveling. Check the steering sys-

6 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30017-01

10. Make sure that: .

• No one is around the truck.

• Change Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO
• Service brake is applied and truck is This adjustment takes about 30 minutes. Please
stationary. wait until adjustment is finished.
11. Press Start when ready.
If you get the message “Fail,” do not operate
autonomous traveling. Check the steering sys-
13. Message on screen will change to “Success”
when valve adjustment is finished. Change
Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position
and press OK .



Wheels will turn automatically.
14. Press Close to finish EPC valve adjustment.
12. Steering EPC valve adjustment will start.
Progress and wheel angle are shown on dis-



930E-4AT 7
CEN30017-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

15. Press Close to quit maintenance screen.


16. Confirm parameters. (See “Drive control param-

eter confirmation” on page 9.)

Table 3: Troubleshooting (adjusting steering EPC valve)

Cause Remedy
Insufficient bleeding of steering hydraulic system Repeat automatic bleeding process.
Disconnection or wrong connection of wiring harness Check the wiring harness.
Defective steering EPC valve Check the EPC valve.
Defective drive controller Replace.

8 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30017-01

Drive control parameter confirmation 4. Parameters of the navigation system are

1. Log in to CGC menu screen. shown. Press Next or Back to see drive
control parameters.

Log in by person with maintenance permission

user ID is required.
2. Press Maintain .



3. Press Parameter .


930E-4AT 9
CEN30017-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Table 3: Items shown on parameter screen:

Display item Contents Value range

Pot 1 center The center offset value of steering potentiometer 1 1250 – 2750
(Right potentiometer)
Pot 2 center The center offset value of steering potentiometer 2 1250 – 2750
(Left potentiometer)
Dead band plus Dead band value of steering control valve for port B 350 – 450
Dead band minus Dead band value of steering control valve for port A 350 – 450


If value is out of range. If voltage is wrong, check potentiometer or move

setting position of lever.
1. Pot 1 or Pot 2 center
If value is out of range, check the voltage of 2. Dead band plus and minus
steering potentiometer when front wheel is If value is out of range, repeat maintenance in
steered center (straight). level location.

• Between TB53-F and TB53-G is 2.0 V to

3.0 V
• Between TB53-C and TB53-D is 2.0 V to
3.0 V


1. Lever
2. Setting position of lever
FIGURE 30-25. STEERING POTENTIOMETER 3. Steering potentiometer

10 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30017-01


930E-4AT 11
CEN30017-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN30017-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

12 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

30 Testing and Adjusting

Obstacle Detection System
Calibration procedure........................................................................................................................................... 2
Initialization of radar steering unit motor angle ..................................................................................................... 2
Adjustment of radar elevation angle ..................................................................................................................... 4
Calibration of radar output range .......................................................................................................................... 5
Adjustment of radar azimuth angle ..................................................................................................................... 10
Safety controller confirmation parameters ......................................................................................................... 16

930E-4AT 1
CEN30018-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Calibration procedure Initialization of radar steering unit motor

Perform calibration only when a new radar is installed
or replaced. Perform the calibration according to the The radar steering unit has a stepping motor and a
following procedure. potentiometer to measure the rotation angle. The
angle is calculated using a reference table between
1. Initialization of radar steering unit motor angle.
the stepping motor counter and potentiometer value.
2. Adjustment of radar elevation angle. The reference table must be initialized when the
3. Calibration of radar output range. steering unit is installed.
4. Adjustment of radar azimuth angle. 1. Login CGC according to login procedure.

Authorized person must login with user ID.

Adjust the truck suspension properly to ensure 2. Press Maintain on main screen.
proper performance of the Obstacle Detection
System (ODS).

Perform the radar calibration correctly to ensure

proper performance of ODS.

Before starting the calibration, park the truck on a

level surface.

Perform the calibration in a level area at least 30

m (98 ft) by 70 m (230 ft).
Use the reflector (XB0841) shown below as a target. FIGURE 30-2. CGC MENU SCREEN
3. Press Safety .


2 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30018-01

4. Press Motor Init .


FIGURE 30-4. SAFETY SCREEN 7. When initialization is finished, “Success” will be
5. Press Start . shown on the screen. Press OK to return.


6. The steered radar rotates to the stroke end, and
then slowly turns to the other stroke end. The
progress is shown on the screen.

If “Fail” is shown, see Troubleshooting.

Table 1: Troubleshooting of motor unit initialization failure
Cause Remedy
Motor potentiometer signal failure Check wiring between potentiometer and safety controller.
Motor control line failure Check motor control line between motor and safety controller.

930E-4AT 3
CEN30018-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Adjustment of radar elevation angle 3. Adjust the elevation angle of each radar accord-
ing to the following table.
Radar D (mm)
right 0 (level)
Elevation angle is factory adjusted before ship- center 0 (level)
ping. When radar is replaced or elevation angle is left 0 (level)
out of alignment, do adjustment according to the steer 0 (level)
following instructions.

Before starting the adjustment, park the truck on

a level surface.
Elevation angle of each radar needs to be adjusted
so that the three lower radar units are level. Steered
radar maybe angled downward about 2 degrees. D
1. Open the covers of fixed radar units and steered
radar unit. 80902

4. Replace covers.

If you proceed to the range calibration, leave the

covers off.


2. Loosen the bolts so that the elevation angle can

be adjusted.




4 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30018-01

Calibration of radar output range

Output distance is slightly different among radars. To
make each radar’s output equal, output range cali-
bration is necessary.
1. Open covers of the fixed radar units.

All radars must face the front because they all

need to detect the same target during range cali-


2. Remove four bolts securing right and left radars.


930E-4AT 5
CEN30018-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

3. Turn both right and left radars to face the front, Position (B), and secure them with two bolts.

(A) (B)
1. Secure here

4. Mount a pole at the front center of the truck and 5. Position a reflector 50 m (164 ft) from front of
another at the rear center. truck and aligned on the center of truck.





6 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30018-01

NOTE: The center of the truck is where the two poles are so aligned that they look like one pole.


1. Front pole
2. Rear pole
3. Center
4. Looks like one pole

6. Login to CGC menu screen. 8. Press Safety .

Authorized person must login with user ID.

7. Press Maintain .



9. Select Range .

930E-4AT 7
CEN30018-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

12. If “Success” message is shown, press OK to

complete radar range calibration.


10. Press Start to start radar range calibration.

If “Fail” is shown, see Troubleshooting.


11. The calculation will be finished in about 5 sec-


8 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30018-01

13. Turn both right and left radars back to correct position.

(A) (B)

14. Replace covers.


Table 2: Troubleshooting of radar range correction failure

Cause Remedy
Wrong reflector position Position a reflector 50 m (164 ft) from front of truck and
aligned on the center of truck.
Radar initialization fault Cycle power of radar and GSP.
Wrong wiring (power line) See wiring diagram.
Wrong wiring (CAN communication) See wiring diagram.
Radar detects more than two objects Park truck on a level surface.
After positioning a reflector, make sure that no workers
are within a 10 m (33 ft) radius of the reflector.
Radar internal fault Check if a warning code related to radar was sent to the
central operator.

930E-4AT 9
CEN30018-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Adjustment of radar azimuth angle

Perform the calibration in a level area at least 30

m (98 ft) by 70 m (230 ft).

1. Mount a pole at the front center of the truck and
another at the rear center.



These two poles are used to determine the center of

the truck. The center of the truck is where the two
poles are so aligned that they look like one pole.




1. Front pole
2. Rear pole
3. Center
4. Looks like one pole

10 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30018-01

2. Login to CGC menu screen. 5. Press Calibration .

Authorized person must login with user ID.

3. Press Maintain .


Center radar adjustment

1. Position poles and login CGC according to
Preparation procedure (page 10).
FIGURE 30-30. CGC MENU SCREEN 2. Position a reflector 30 m (98 ft) from truck and
aligned on the center of the truck.
4. Press Safety .



If the reflector is positioned incorrectly, obstacle

destination system will not detect obstacle cor-

930E-4AT 11
CEN30018-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

3. Select Center . 6. If calculation is successfully finished, “Success”

is shown on screen. Press OK .



If “Fail” is shown, see Troubleshooting.


5. The calculation will take about 1 or 2 minutes.
The calculation progress will be shown on


12 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30018-01

Right radar adjustment 4. Press Start .

1. Position the poles and login to the CGC accord-
ing to the Preparation procedure.
2. Position a reflector 6.65 m to the right of center
30 m (98 ft) from truck.


5. The calculation will take about 1 or 2 minutes.


If the reflector is positioned incorrectly, the

obstacle detection system (ODS) will not detect
the obstacle correctly.

Ensure that all radars are in position (A) as in Fig-

ure 30-8.
3. Select Right . FIGURE 30-41. CALCULATING SCREEN
6. If calculation is successfully finished, “Success”
is shown on screen. Press OK .



930E-4AT 13
CEN30018-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Left radar adjustment 4. Press Start .

1. Position poles and login to the CGC according
to Preparation procedure.
2. Put a reflector on 6.65 m (21.8 ft) left from the
center at the distance of 30 m (98 ft) from truck.


5. The calculation will take about 1 or 2 minutes.


If the reflector is positioned incorrectly, the

obstacle detection system (ODS) will not detect
the obstacle correctly.

Ensure that all radars are in position (A) as in Fig-

ure 30-8.
3. Select Left .


14 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30018-01

6. If calculation is successfully finished, “Success”

is shown on screen. Press OK .


If “Fail” is shown, see Troubleshooting.

Table 3: Troubleshooting of radar azimuth angle calibration failure

Cause Remedy
Wrong reflector position Position a reflector 30 m (98 ft) from front of truck and on the (a)
center, (b) 6.65 m (21.8 ft) right, (c) 6.65 m (21.8 ft) left of truck.
Radar initialization fault Cycle power of radar.
Wrong wiring (power line) See wiring diagram.
Wrong wiring (CAN communication) See wiring diagram.
Radar detects more than two objects Park truck on level surface.
After positioning a reflector, make sure that no workers are within a
10 m radius of the reflector.
Radar internal fault Check if a warning code related to radar was sent to central opera-
Steer radar does not face reflector Repeat initialization of motor angle of radar steering unit.
(Radar detection azimuth is 14 [deg])

930E-4AT 15
CEN30018-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Safety controller confirmation 3. Press Parameters .

1. Login CGC according to login procedure.

Authorized person must login with user ID.

2. Press Maintain to proceed to Maintenance


4. The parameters of Navigation system are
shown. Press Next or Back to see Safety



The items shown on the screen are:

Display item Contents Value range

Motor offset The center of motor stepping counter 500 to 600
(default 550)
Radar angle offset The azimuth offset angle of each scanning motor 29000 to 31000
(default 30000)
Sensitivity Radar sensitivity -10 to 10
(default 0)
Range correction Radar output range adjustment coefficient 14000 to 17000
(default 15625)

16 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30018-01


930E-4AT 17
CEN30018-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN30018-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

18 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

30 Testing and Adjusting

Flight Recorder
Flight recorder installation ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................... 9

930E-4AT 1
CEN30019-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Flight recorder installation Preparation

Outline 1. Copy the AT monitor file (ATMonitor.exe) to your

monitor PC.
• Configure IP address of each device.
2. Connect monitor PC to Flight Recorder.
• Configure Date/Time, Time zone for each device.
a. Prepare serial cross cable and monitor PC so
• Select Truck No. and Central IP address. that "serial com" is available.
• Change the expiration setting of save data. b. Connect one end of serial cross cable to
Flight Recorder "COM2" port.
c. Connect other end of serial cross cable to
monitor PC.


2 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30019-01

3. Double-click "ATMonitor.exe" on 5. If the COM PORT ERROR dialog box appears,

the monitor PC desktop. the COM port setting of the AT Monitor must be
changed. The status bar at the bottom of the AT
Monitor window will be red.

4. When Device Select dialog box appears, select




a. Select "Serial Com Port" from the Menu bar.
b. Select the COM port number of the monitor
PC from the "Select COM Port" drop down
list on the COM Port dialog box.
c. Select OK , and restart ATMonitor.exe.
Ensure that the COM port setting has been
updated and the monitor PC connects suc-
cessfully to the Flight Recorder.


930E-4AT 3
CEN30019-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

6. Turn the key switch to ON, but do not start the

7. Wait at least 30 seconds for the Flight Recorder
to start up. In the meantime, the AT Monitor dis-
plays the communication status as "CAN Comm
Not Ready".


8. When CAN communication is successful, the

message "CAN Comm Ready" will be shown,
and the main windows appears.



If the "CAN Comm Not Ready" message

remains, check the monitor PC, serial port and
wiring harnesses for problems.

4 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30019-01

Configure flight recorder

1. With the key switch ON (engine not running) and AT Monitor main window running on the monitor PC,
select Flight Recorder on AT Monitor main window (see Figure 30-7).
2. Flight Recorder window appears.


3. Wait for Flight Recorder Status to change to "ON".


4. Select Get button at the bottom of the main window (see Figure 30-8). All current settings of the flight
recorder will be displayed.
If no values appear, the Flight Recorder connection is wrong or the Flight Recorder is not ready. Check the
power circuit or wiring.

930E-4AT 5
CEN30019-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

5. Change the current Flight Recorder IP address according to Table 1.

NOTE: Figure 30-10 shows the factory settings.


NOTE: If the MasterLink network address is different

than the one shown here, ask the network Table 1: Flight Recorder IP Address
administrator which IP address can be used. Truck Number IP Address
Truck 1
Truck 2
MasterLink Network Address:
Truck 3
MasterLink Subnet Mask: Truck 4
Truck 5

6. Change the current Flight Recorder time zone setting. Select correct time zone from the drop down list.


6 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30019-01

7. Change the current Flight Recorder settings for Truck Number, Event Data expiration and Realtime Data
expiration. Select correct setting from each drop down list.
8. Change the current Flight Recorder Central IP address. Ask the network administrator which IP address
can be used.



9. Check the current Flight Recorder System time. Select correct setting from each drop down list.


10. Press Set at the bottom of the main window (see Figure 30-8).
11. When a confirmation dialog box appears, select "Yes(Y)" to continue. Wait about 10 seconds for the param-
eters to be set.


930E-4AT 7
CEN30019-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

12. Select Get button at the bottom of the main window (see Figure 30-8). Ensure that the settings are
changed to the new parameters.
13. Select Commit button at the bottom of the main window (see Figure 30-8) to finalize the settings for the
Flight Recorder.
14. When a confirmation dialog box appears, select "Yes(Y)" to continue. The Flight Recorder will restart auto-
matically in approximately two minutes. Do not power down until the Flight Recorder Status changes to
"ON" (see Figure 30-9).


15. Select Get button at the bottom of the main window (see Figure 30-8). Ensure that the settings are
changed to the new parameters again.
16. Close the Flight Recorder main window on the monitor PC.

8 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30019-01

No response to ping How to download data file by FTP
• Try hardware reset (cycle power of truck). • Use FTP client program to access flight recorder
via MasterLink network.
• Check ethernet cable between hub and flight
recorder. • Flight recorder FTP service additionally provides
anonymous FTP access. Users typically login to
• Check IP configuration with ATMonitor.exe.
the service with an 'anonymous' account when
There is a response to ping, but cannot access prompted for user name.
FTP server User: anonymous
• Confirm user ID and password. Password: komatsu
• Linefeed code may cause a problem. Try to use a • Data directory: D:\ (initial directory is here)
different FTP client application.
How to download data file by Windows Network
Can access FTP server, but connection is
unstable • Flight recorder can access from Windows
network like a network drive via MasterLink
• Try hardware reset (cycle power of truck). network.

Empty file (data size 0 .. 20KB) is created • When connecting to the flight recorder, key switch
must be ON to power the flight recorder.
• COM port cable is disconnected. Connect cable.
• Click [Start], then [Run…] and input the flight
CF card (4GB) is full recorder IP address and drive name as shown
• Try hardware reset (cycle power of truck). Data
older than one week is automatically deleted. \\\d$

• If still full, delete files manually by FTP. • If login is required, input user name and
passwords below.
No data file is created User: komatsu
• Try hardware reset (cycle power of truck). Password: komatsu
Could not copy or download data
• Check the type of the CF card format. If format
type is not NTFS, format CF card as NTFS.
• If you can eject the CF card from flight recorder,
use another PC to do CHKDSK command on the
command line.
> chkdsk /F D:

930E-4AT 9
CEN30019-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN30019-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

10 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

30 Testing and Adjusting

Replace Condition
Periodic replacement ............................................................................................................................................ 2
When is adjustment required? .............................................................................................................................. 2

930E-4AT 1
CEN30020-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

Periodic replacement

Equipment Interval
Observer controller batteries 10,000 hours

NOTE: Failure of other AHS related equipment will be automatically detected by the system or found by
troubleshooting. Follow the troubleshooting procedure for each item.

When is adjustment required?

Procedure Required adjustment

Drive controller was replaced Steering potentiometer calibration
Steering valve bleeding, dead band calibration
Pitch sensor calibration
Roll sensor calibration
GPS origin configuration
Safety controller was replaced Motor angle initialization
Radar output range adjustment
Radar azimuth angle adjustment
Steering potentiometer was replaced Steering potentiometer calibration
Steering cylinder was replaced Steering potentiometer calibration
Steering EPC valve was replaced Steering valve bleeding, dead band calibration
Pitch sensor was replaced Pitch sensor calibration
Roll sensor was replaced Roll sensor calibration
Suspension was adjusted Pitch sensor calibration
Roll sensor calibration
Body was replaced Pitch sensor calibration
Roll sensor calibration
GPS base position was changed GPS origin configuration
GYRO sensor was replaced Gyro sensor calibration
ODS radar was replaced Radar elevation angle adjustment
Radar output range adjustment
Radar azimuth angle adjustment
Motor unit of steering radar was replaced Motor angle initialization

The following items do not need any calibration or configuration change:

• REG controller, REG laser head, REG fiber cable • Relay, other harness
• Hydraulic pressure sensor
• Hoist valve
• Brake valve

2 930E-4AT
30 Testing and Adjusting CEN30020-01


930E-4AT 3
CEN30020-01 30 Testing and Adjusting

930E-4AT Dump truck

Form No. CEN30020-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

4 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Travel Control System – Fault Code List
Point to remember when troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 2
Fault code list for travel control system................................................................................................................. 4

930E-4AT 1
CEN40018-01 40 Troubleshooting

Point to remember when troubleshooting When carrying out troubleshooting, do not hurry to
disassemble the components.!f components are dis-
assembled immediately any failure occurs:
• Parts that have no connection with the failure or
other unnecessary parts will be disassembled.

Stop the machine in a level place, and check that • It will become impossible to find the cause of the
the safety pin, blocks, and parking brake are failure.
securely fitted. • It will also cause a waste of man-hours, parts, or
oil or grease, and at the same time, will also
When carrying out the operation with two or more lose the confidence of the user or operator. For
workers, keep strictly to the agreed signals, and this reason, when carrying out troubleshooting,
do not allow any unauthorized person to come it is necessary to carry out thorough prior
near. investigation and to carry out troubleshooting in
accordance with the fixed procedure.
If the radiator cap is removed when the engine is
Points to ask user or operator
hot, hot water may spurt out and cause burns, so
wait for the engine to cool down before starting • Have any other problems occurred apart from
troubleshooting. the problem that has been reported?
• Was there anything strange about the machine
Be extremely careful not to touch any hot parts or before the failure occurred?
to get caught in any rotating parts.
• Did the failure occur suddenly, or were there
problems with the machine condition before
When disconnecting wiring, always disconnect
the negative (-) terminal of the battery first.
• Under what conditions did the failure occur?
When removing the plug or cap from a location • Had any repairs been carried out before the
which is under pressure from oil, water, or air, failure? When were these repairs carried out?
always release the internal pressure first. When
installing measuring equipment, be sure to con- • Has the same kind of failure occurred before?
nect it properly. Check before troubleshooting
The aim of troubleshooting is to pinpoint the basic • Check for symptoms of any abnormality in the
cause of the failure, to carry out repairs swiftly, and to machine.
prevent reoccurrence of the failure.
• Check the items which are inspected usually
When carrying out troubleshooting, and important before starting operation as same as manual
point is of course to understand the structure and truck. (See standard 930E-4AT shop manual)
• Other maintenance items can be checked
However, a short cut to effective troubleshooting is to externally, so check any item that is considered
ask the operator various questions to form some idea to be necessary.
of possible causes of the failure that would produce
the reported symptoms,.

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40018-01

Confirming failure Troubleshooting

Confirm the extent of the failure yourself, and judge Use the results of the investigation and inspection in
whether to handle it as real failure or as a problem Stems 2-4 to narrow down the causes of failure, then
with the method of operation, etc. use the troubleshooting flowchart to locate the posi-
tion of the failure exactly.
When operating the machine to reenact the trou-
The basic procedure for troubleshooting is as follows:
bleshooting symptoms, do not carry out any
investigation or measurement that may make the • Start from the simple points.
problem worse. • Start from the most likely points.
• Investigate other related parts or information.

Measures to remove root cause of failure

Even if the failure is repaired, if the root cause of the
failure is not repaired, the same failure will occur
again.To prevent this, always investigate why the
problem occurred. Then. remove the root cause.

930E-4AT 3
CEN40018-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault code list for travel control system

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
System 4001 Emergency stop order Red emergency stop button
caution (immediately) was pressed Troubleshooting
4002 Emergency stop order (slowly) CDS detected an exception by fault code,
4004 Edge dump approach course Recovery course is required See section
is not long enough from restart CEN40019-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Heartbeat 4011 CGC heartbeat delay CGC is busy
and 4012 Hub heartbeat delay Hub is busy
4013 Inoperable CGC heartbeat CGC software exception
4014 CGC heartbeat emergency CGC software exception
4015 CGC heartbeat stop request CGC software exception
4016 Inoperable hub heartbeat Hub software exception
module Troubleshooting
4017 Hub heartbeat emergency Hub software exception by fault code,
See section
4018 Hub heartbeat stop request Hub software exception
4019 CAN-A has problem CAN-A wiring problem
401A Safety controller has CAN-A CAN-A wiring problem near
problem safety controller
401B PLM data stop PLM problem or CAN-bus
401D CGC heartbeat emergency CGC detected an exception
401E Hub heartbeat emergency flag Hub detected an exception

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
System 4027 Emergency speed profile CGC software exception
caution 4034 Wrong start position Truck is not on the course Troubleshooting
by fault code,
4044 No dump x-y position CGC software exception
See section
4045 Wrong dump approach CGC software exception CEN40019-01
4046 Wrong dumping position CGC software exception

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40018-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
PLM / MBI 4061 PLM sensor problem Failed pressure sensors or
inclinometer of PLM Troubleshooting
by fault code,
4065 MBI dead Power supply of MBI is cut or
See section
CAN-bus problem
4066 PLM3 detects failure PLM3 problem

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Observer 4070 Observer controller detected Heartbeat from observer
controller failure controller stopped and
remained ON because Troubleshooting
observer controller detected by fault code,
failure See section
4071 Observer controller no Heartbeat from observer CEN40019-01
response controller stopped and
remained OFF

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Communication 40A1 Heartbeat wiring to safe was Wiring problem
to Safety cut
controller 40A2 Heartbeat wiring to safe was Wiring problem
40A3 RPC heartbeat error with Failed CAN-bus
Safety controller
40A4 Safety controller is in error Safety controller detected an Troubleshooting
mode exception by fault code,
See section
40A5 Stop request from Safety Safety controller detected an CEN40019-01
controller exception
40A6 Wrong speed request from Safety controller software
Safety controller exception
40AC Safety controller is dead Defective safety controller
40AD Safety controller in wrong Defective safety controller

930E-4AT 5
CEN40018-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Controller 40F1 Mismatch truck type Wrong part number for
setting controller
40F6 NV-RAM memory error New controller is installed Troubleshooting
Need maintenance procedure by fault code,
See section
40F8 Wrong Controller setting Drive controller is installed in a CEN40019-01
different position
40F9 Identifier wiring was cut Wiring failure

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Steering 4101 Steering did not work during Autonomous steering system
system steering check problem or rough road
4102 S/T control error Autonomous steering system
problem or rough road
4103 S/T right potentiometer error Damaged potentiometer or
wiring problem
4104 S/T left potentiometer error Damaged potentiometer or
wiring problem
4105 S/T potentiometer damaged Potentiometer is damaged or
needs recalibration
4106 S/T sol line short (left) Wiring problem
4107 S/T sol line cut (left) Wiring problem
4108 S/T sol line hot short (left) Wiring problem
by fault code,
4109 S/T sol line short (right) Wiring problem See section
410A S/T sol line cut (right) Wiring problem CEN40020-01

410B S/T sol line hot short (right) Wiring problem

4113 Low S/T pressure error Steering pressure warning of
standard truck system
4114 S/T left potentiometer data not If same exception repeated,
changed defective drive controller
4115 S/T right potentiometer data If same exception repeated,
not changed defective drive controller
4116 S/T right pot wiring error Wiring was cut or short to GND
4117 S/T left pot wiring error Wiring was cut or short to GND
4118 (B1) steering accumulator low Warning of standard truck

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40018-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
F-N-R select 4202 Wrong shift position (Forward) Wiring or relay problem
system 4203 Wrong shift position (Reverse) Wiring or relay problem
4204 Shift (R) signal line (hot short) Wiring problem
4205 Shift (R) signal line (cut) Wiring problem
4206 Shift (R) signal line (GND Wiring problem
4207 Shift (F) signal line (hot short) Wiring problem
4208 Shift (F) signal line (cut) Wiring problem
4209 Shift (F) signal line (GND Wiring problem Troubleshooting
short) by fault code,
420A Shift (P) signal line (hot short) Wiring problem See section
420B Shift (P) signal line (cut) Wiring problem
420C Shift (P) signal line (GND Wiring problem
420D Shift position is not P position Shift lever is not in P position
when truck is in auto mode
420E Wrong shift position (Park) Wiring or relay problem
420F FNR line (hot short) Wiring problem
4210 FNR line (cut) Wiring problem
4211 FNR line (GND short) Wiring problem

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Propulsion 4301 Wrong accel sig feedback Wiring or relay problem Troubleshooting
control by fault code,
4306 Accel signal line (cut) Wiring problem
system See section
4307 Accel signal line (hot short) Wiring problem CEN40021-01

930E-4AT 7
CEN40018-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Brake system 43A0 Front brake error (left) Front brake solenoid or
pressure sensor is damaged
43A1 Rear brake error (left) Rear brake solenoid or
pressure sensor is damaged
43A2 Front brake error (right) Front brake solenoid or
pressure sensor is damaged
43A3 Rear brake error (right) Rear brake solenoid or
pressure sensor is damaged
43A7 Front brake sol output line Wiring problem
43A8 Front brake sol output line (cut) Wiring problem
43A9 Front brake sol output line (hot Wiring problem
43AA Rear brake sol output line Wiring problem
43AB Rear brake sol output line (cut) Wiring problem
43AC Rear brake sol output line (hot Wiring problem
43B0 Auto apply brake line (hot Wiring problem Troubleshooting
short) by fault code,
See section
43B1 Auto apply brake line (cut) Wiring problem CEN40022-01
43B2 Auto apply brake line (short) Wiring problem
43B3 Brake low performance error Brake system is damaged
43B4 Brake lock sol line (hot short) Wiring problem
43B5 Brake lock sol line (cut) Wiring problem
43B6 Brake lock sol line (short) Wiring problem
43B8 Retard brake sol line (cut) Wiring problem
43B9 Retard brake sol line (hot Wiring problem
43BA Auto apply brake error Auto apply pilot brake solenoid
is damaged or wiring problem
43BB Brake lock error Brake lock solenoid is
damaged or wiring problem
43BD Wrong retard signal feedback Wiring or relay problem
43BE Left front brake could not Pressure sensor is damaged or
release wiring problem
43BF Right front brake could not Pressure sensor is damaged or
release wiring problem

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40018-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Brake system 43C0 Left rear brake could not Damaged pressure sensor or
release wiring problem
43C1 Right rear brake could not Damaged pressure sensor or
release wiring problem
43C2 Override line (hot short) Wiring problem
43C3 Override line (cut) Wiring problem
43C4 Override line (short) Wiring problem
43C5 Brake pressure sensor (RR) Rear right brake pressure
error sensor is damaged
43C6 Brake pressure sensor (RL) Rear left brake pressure
error sensor is damaged
43C7 Brake pressure sensor (FR) Front right brake pressure
error sensor is damaged
Brake pressure sensor (FL) Front left brake pressure
error sensor is damaged
43C9 Retard active error Failed retard active wiring Troubleshooting
by fault code,
43CC Auto apply brake line cut Wiring problem
See section
Parking brake is activated in Parking brake solenoid is CEN40022-01
auto travel damaged
Safety controller could not Wiring problem
activate auto apply brake
Park brake does not work Parking brake or wiring
43D1 (E1) All hydraulic brake error Warning of standard truck
Park brake problem Parking brake problem, wiring
43D2 problem, or truck is on steep
Park brake pressure switch is Parking brake pressure switch
43D3 not ON problem, wiring problem, or
truck is on steep road
Low brake pressure when E/G Engine stopped
is OFF.
(C1) Brake accumulator low Brake accumulator problem

930E-4AT 9
CEN40018-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Body control 4402 Body position switch error Body up switch or hoist limit
system switch is damaged
4403 Hoist limit switch did not turn Hoist limit switch or body
on when body up control pilot valve is damaged
4404 Body down control error Hoist pilot valve is damaged
4405 Body up switch did not turn on Body up switch or body control
when body down pilot valve is damaged
4406 Body position error (body up Body had impact or body up
switch has been OFF) switch is damaged
4407 Body control sol A line (hot Wiring problem
4408 Body control sol A line (cut) Wiring problem
4409 Body control sol A line (short) Wiring problem
440A Body control sol B line (hot Wiring problem
by fault code,
440B Body control sol B line (cut) Wiring problem See section
440C Body control sol B line (short) Wiring problem
440D Reverse order when body up System malfunction
switch is OFF
440E Body control cut line (hot short) Wiring problem
440F Body control cut line (cut) Wiring problem
4410 Body control cut line (short) Wiring problem
4411 Hoist valve pressure sensor Hoist pressure sensor is
broken damaged
4412 Body control sol A line has Wiring or relay problem
4413 Body control sol B line has Wiring or relay problem
4414 Roll angle failure Roll grade at dump position is
out of specification

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40018-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Operation 4502 A/M key switch is in wrong Auto/Manual key switch is
position changed to manual position
4504 Low voltage of unswitched Low battery or burned-out fuse
4505 Low voltage of switched power Low battery or burned-out fuse
4506 Low voltage of sol power (VIS) Low battery or burned-out fuse
4509 Time over to the end of Road condition
450A Time over to reach target point Road condition
450B Course out (wrong position) Problem of AHT
450D Course out Problem of AHT or road
condition or loading form
4510 Yaw angle error Problem of AHT or road
condition or loading form
4513 Over speed Road condition by fault code,
See section
4515 Over passing target point Road condition or problem of
retard brake
4518 Move Forward at R shift Road condition
4519 Move Reverse at F shift Road condition
451E Brake lock switch is ON in Malfunction
4521 Wrong target point Start position is wrong position
(longitudinal position)
4524 No Propel Standard failure
4525 GE system not ready Sys-run signal failure
4526 No propel (power off the truck GE system has some problem
4527 Truck was stopped with some Road condition
obstacle while approaching

930E-4AT 11
CEN40018-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Warning 8003 Temporary stop Operator stops truck
8005 Emergency button pressed Operator pressed emergency
(Engine stop request was button during remote engine
canceled) stop
8011 CGC heartbeat delay CGC is busy
8012 Hub heartbeat delay hub is busy
8019 CAN-A has problem CAN-A wiring problem
801A Safety controller has CAN-A CAN-A wiring problem around
problem Safety controller
801B PLM data stop PLM problem or CAN-bus
8021 Wrong speed profile (wrong CAN communication problem
data size)
8022 Wrong speed profile (wrong CAN communication problem
direction change at forward
8023 Wrong speed profile (wrong CAN communication problem
direction change at reverse
8024 Wrong speed profile (wrong CAN communication problem
by fault code,
end speed)
See section
8028 Wrong speed profile (no CAN communication problem CEN40025-01
trajectory data)
8029 Wrong speed profile (wrong CAN communication problem
802B Wrong speed profile (wrong CAN communication problem
8031 Wrong trajectory data (wrong CAN communication problem
8032 Wrong trajectory data (wrong CAN communication problem
heading angle)
8033 Wrong trajectory data (wrong CAN communication problem
8035 Wrong trajectory data (wrong CAN communication problem
8041 Wrong behavior data (wrong CAN communication problem
8042 Wrong behavior data (unknown CAN communication problem
8043 Wrong behavior data (wrong CAN communication problem

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40018-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Warning 8061 PLM sensor problem Failed pressure sensors or
inclinometer of PLM
8062 MBI not ready CAN communication problem
8063 MBI communication problem CAN communication problem
8064 MBI digital heartbeat cut Wiring problem
8065 MBI dead Power supply of MBI is cut or
CAN-bus problem
8066 PLM3 detects failure PLM3 problem
8070 Observer controller detects Heartbeat from observer
failure controller stopped and
remained ON
8071 Observer controller no Heartbeat from observer
response controller stopped and
remained OFF
80A1 Heartbeat wiring to safe was Wiring problem
80A2 Heartbeat wiring to safe was Wiring problem
80A3 CAN-B heartbeat from safe Failed CAN-bus
was cut
80AB CAN-A heartbeat from safe Failed CAN-bus by fault code,
was cut See section
80AD Safety controller in wrong Defective safety controller CEN40025-01
80B1 Reduce speed by trajectory Need road maintenance
80B4 Reduce speed by S/T pressure Low steering pressure caution
low warning (B1)
80B5 Narrow road speed limitation Narrow road
80F1 Mismatch truck type Wrong part number for
80F6 NV-RAM memory error NV-RAM memory was cleared
Need maintenance procedure
80F8 Wrong controller setting Drive controller is installed in a
different position
80F9 Identifier wiring was cut Wiring failure
8101 Steering did not work during Autonomous steering system
steering check problem or rough road
8103 S/T right potentiometer error Potentiometer is damaged or
wiring problem
8104 S/T left potentiometer error Potentiometer is damaged or
wiring problem

930E-4AT 13
CEN40018-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Warning 8106 S/T sol line short (left) Wiring problem
8107 S/T sol line cut (left) Wiring problem
8108 S/T sol line hot short (left) Wiring problem
8109 S/T sol line short (right) Wiring problem
810A S/T sol line cut (right) Wiring problem
810B S/T sol line hot short (right) Wiring problem
8111 S/T pressure sensor (right) Pressure sensor failure
8112 S/T pressure sensor (left) Pressure sensor failure
8113 Low S/T pressure error Steering pressure warning of
standard truck system
8116 S/T right pot wiring error Wiring was cut or short to GND
8117 S/T left pot wiring error Wiring was cut or short to GND
8118 (B1) Steering accumulator low
8204 Shift (R) signal line (hot short) Wiring problem
8205 Shift (R) signal line (cut) Wiring problem
8206 Shift (R) signal line (GND Wiring problem Troubleshooting
short) by fault code,
See section
8207 Shift (F) signal line (hot short) Wiring problem CEN40025-01
8208 Shift (F) signal line (cut) Wiring problem
8209 Shift (F) signal line (GND short) Wiring problem
820A Shift (P) signal line (hot short) Wiring problem
820B Shift (P) signal line (cut) Wiring problem
820C Shift (P) signal line (GND short) Wiring problem
820F FNR line (hot short) Wiring problem
8210 FNR line (cut) Wiring problem
8211 FNR line (GND short) Wiring problem
83A7 Front brake sol output line Wiring problem
83A8 Front brake sol output line (cut) Wiring problem
83A9 Front brake sol output line (hot Wiring problem
83AA Rear brake sol output line Wiring problem
83AB Rear brake sol output line (cut) Wiring problem
83AC Rear brake sol output line (hot Wiring problem

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40018-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Warning 83B0 Auto apply brake line (hot Wiring problem
83B1 Auto apply brake line (cut) Wiring problem
83B2 Auto apply brake line (short) Wiring problem
83B4 Brake lock sol line (hot short) Wiring problem
83B5 Brake lock sol line (cut) Wiring problem
83B6 Brake lock sol line (short) Wiring problem
83C0 Left rear brake could not Damaged pressure sensor or
release wiring problem
83C1 Right rear brake could not Damaged pressure sensor or
release wiring problem
83C2 Override line (hot short) Wiring problem
83C3 Override line (cut) Wiring problem
83C4 Override line (short) Wiring problem
83C5 Brake pressure sensor (RR) Right rear brake pressure
error sensor is damaged
83C6 Brake pressure sensor (RL) Right left brake pressure
error sensor is damaged Troubleshooting
by fault code,
83C7 Brake pressure sensor (FR) Front right brake pressure See section
error sensor is damaged CEN40025-01
83C8 Brake pressure sensor (FL) Front left brake pressure
error sensor is damaged
83D1 (E1) All hydraulic brake error Warning of standard truck
83D2 Park brake problem Parking brake problem, wiring
problem, or truck is on steep
83D3 Park brake problem Parking brake problem, wiring
problem, or truck is on steep
83D4 Low brake pressure when E/G
is OFF
83D6 (C1) Brake accumulator low Warning of standard truck
83FF Parking brake check Parking brake check
8407 Body control sol A line (hot Wiring problem
8408 Body control sol A line (cut) Wiring problem
8409 Body control sol A line (short) Wiring problem

930E-4AT 15
CEN40018-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Warning 840A Body control sol B line (hot Wiring problem
840B Body control sol B line (cut) Wiring problem
840C Body control sol B line (short) Wiring problem
840E Body control cut line (hot short) Wiring problem
840F Body control cut line (cut) Wiring problem
8410 Body control cut line (short) Wiring problem
8411 Hoist valve pressure sensor Hoist pressure sensor is
broken damaged
8414 Roll angle failure Roll grade at dump position is Troubleshooting
out of specification by fault code,
8504 Low voltage of unswitched Low battery or burned-out fuse See section
power CEN40025-01
8505 Low voltage of switched power Low battery or burned-out fuse
8506 Low voltage of sol power (VIS) Low battery or burned-out fuse
850B Course out wrong position Drive controller sottware failure
or brake failure
851C Payload overload (120%) Overload
speed limit
8525 GE system not ready Sys-run signal failure
8526 No propel (power off the truck GE system has a problem
8528 Slip control system running Slippery road condition

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40018-01


930E-4AT 17
CEN40018-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40018-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

18 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Travel Control System – System Caution,
Heartbeat and Communication Between
Controllers MBI and PLM, Observer
Controller, Safety Controller, and
Controller Setting
Fault Code 4001: Supervisory system caution ..................................................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4002: Supervisory system caution ..................................................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4004: Supervisory system caution ..................................................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4011: Heartbeat system exception ..................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4012: Heartbeat system exception..................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4013: Heartbeat system exception..................................................................................................... 5

930E-4AT 1
CEN40019-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4014: Heartbeat system exception ..................................................................................................... 5

Fault Code 4015: Heartbeat system exception ..................................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4016: Heartbeat system exception ..................................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4017: Heartbeat system exception ..................................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4018: Heartbeat system exception ..................................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 4019: CAN communication exception ................................................................................................ 6
Fault Code 401A: CAN communication exception ................................................................................................ 6
Fault Code 401B: CAN communication exception ................................................................................................ 7
Fault Code 401D: Heartbeat system exception .................................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 401E: Heartbeat system exception..................................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4027: Supervisory system exception (speed profile).......................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4034: Supervisory system exception (trajectory data)........................................................................ 8
Fault Code 4044: Supervisory system exception (dump behavior)....................................................................... 8
Fault Code 4045: Supervisory system exception (dump behavior)....................................................................... 8
Fault Code 4046: Supervisory system exception (dump behavior)....................................................................... 8
Fault Code 4061: Troubleshooting PLM sensor problem...................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 4065: Troubleshooting communication with MBI controller .............................................................. 10
Fault Code 4066: PLM3 detects failure............................................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 4070: Observer controller caution .................................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 4071: Heartbeat line of Observer controller...................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 40A3: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller........................................................... 13
Fault Code 40A1: Heartbeat wiring to safe was cut ............................................................................................ 12
Fault Code 40A2: Heartbeat wiring to safe was shorted..................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 40A4: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller........................................................... 13
Fault Code 40A5: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller........................................................... 13
Fault Code 40A6: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller........................................................... 14
Fault Code 40AC: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller .......................................................... 14
Fault Code 40AD: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller .......................................................... 14
Fault Code 40F1: Controller setting .................................................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 40F6: Controller setting .................................................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 40F8: Controller setting .................................................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 40F9: Controller setting .................................................................................................................... 15

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40019-01

System caution
Fault Code 4001: Supervisory system caution
Fault code 4001
Message Emergency stop order (immediately)
Description Drive controller received stop order from supervisory system.
Truck will stop immediately with retard, front and rear brake.
Possible cause Red emergency stop button was pressed
Remedy ---

Fault Code 4002: Supervisory system caution

Fault code 4002
Message Emergency stop order (slowly)
Description Drive controller received stop order from supervisory system.
Truck will stop slowly.
Possible cause ---
Remedy ---

Fault Code 4004: Supervisory system caution

Fault code 4004
Message Edge dump approach course is not long enough from restart position
Description ---
Possible cause ---
Remedy Make recovery course and restart truck.

930E-4AT 3
CEN40019-01 40 Troubleshooting

Heartbeat and communication between controllers

Fault Code 4011: Heartbeat system exception
Fault code 4011
Message CGC heartbeat delay
Description Drive controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from CGC for a long time.
Possible cause 1. CGC problem
2. CGC is reset or froze.
Remedy Restart truck.
1. If same exception repeated, cycle power off and
2. If problem repeated again, check CAN-A commu-
nication to CGC. Check communication with PC
monitor. Number of CGC should count up.

Fault Code 4012: Heartbeat system exception

Fault code 4012
Message Hub heartbeat delay
Description Drive controller could notcould not receive heartbeat RPC from hub for a long time.
Possible cause 1. Hub problem
2. Hub is reset or froze.
Remedy Restart truck.
1. If same exception repeated, cycle power off and
2. If problem repeated again, check CAN-A commu-
nication and hub. Check communication with PC
monitor. Number of hub should count up.

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40019-01

Fault Code 4013: Heartbeat system exception

Fault code 4013
Message CGC heartbeat module death
Description Module death flag in heartbeat RPC from CGC was ON.
Possible cause CGC software exception
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault Code 4014: Heartbeat system exception

Fault code 4014
Message CGC heartbeat emergency
Description Emergency flag in heartbeat RPC from CGC was ON.
Possible cause CGC exception
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault Code 4015: Heartbeat system exception

Fault code 4015
Message CGC heartbeat stop request
Description Stop request flag in heartbeat RPC from CGC was ON.
Possible cause CGC exception
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault Code 4016: Heartbeat system exception

Fault code 4016
Message HUB heartbeat module death
Description Module death flag in heartbeat RPC from hub was ON.
Possible cause Hub exception
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault Code 4017: Heartbeat system exception

Fault code 4017
Message Hub heartbeat emergency
Description Emergency flag in heartbeat RPC from hub was ON.
Possible cause Hub exception
Remedy Restart truck.

930E-4AT 5
CEN40019-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4018: Heartbeat system exception

Fault code 4018
Message Hub heartbeat stop request
Description Stop Request flag in heartbeat RPC from hub was ON.
Possible cause Hub exception
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault Code 4019: CAN communication exception

Fault code 4019
Message CAN-A has problem
Description Drive controller could not receive any RPC via CAN-A.
Possible cause CAN-A disconnection
• CAN-A wiring disconnection
• Connector is loose.
• Terminator problem
Remedy 1. Check heartbeat communication of hub and CGC on CAN-bus with PC monitor.
2. Check resistor of terminator if it is 120 ohm.

Fault Code 401A: CAN communication exception

Fault code 401A
Message Safety controller has CAN-A problem
Description Safety controller reported CAN-A communication failure of safety controller.
Since safety controller has CAN-A communication failure, it can not report the fault code
to central via CAN-bus; drive controller reports the fault instead of safety controller.
Possible cause CAN-A disconnection
• CAN-A wiring disconnection
• Connector is loose.
Remedy Check wiring continuity and disconnection.

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40019-01

Fault Code 401B: CAN communication exception

Fault code 401B
Message PLM data stop
Description Drive controller could not receive PLM data from MBI.
Possible cause 1. CAN-bus from MBI to PLM is disconnected
2. PLM problem
3. MBI problem
Remedy 1. Check wiring of CAN-bus. Number of MBI should
count up.
2. Check PLM (see shop manual).

Fault Code 401D: Heartbeat system exception

Fault code 401D
Message CGC heartbeat emergency flag
Description Emergency stop is required with heartbeat RPC from CGC.
Possible cause Central system requirement
Remedy ---

Fault Code 401E: Heartbeat system exception

Fault code 401E
Message Hub heartbeat emergency flag
Description Emergency stop is required with heartbeat RPC from hub.
Possible cause Central system requirement
Remedy ---

Fault Code 4027: Supervisory system exception (speed profile)

Fault code 4027
Message Emergency speed profile
Description Deceleration data in speed profile is too large to stop the truck on the correct stop
Possible cause CGC exception
Remedy Restart truck.

930E-4AT 7
CEN40019-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4034: Supervisory system exception (trajectory data)

Fault code 4034
Message Wrong start position
Description Current truck position is not the start position on the course.
Possible cause Truck is not on the course.
Remedy Move truck on the course manually, then restart truck.

Fault Code 4044: Supervisory system exception (dump behavior)

Fault code 4044
Message No dump x-y position
Description There is no dump X-Y position order from CGC.
Possible cause CGC software exception
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault Code 4045: Supervisory system exception (dump behavior)

Fault code 4045
Message Wrong dump approach
Description Truck approached dump position while moving forward. Truck must approach dump
position while moving backward.
Possible cause CGC software exception
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault Code 4046: Supervisory system exception (dump behavior)

Fault code 4046
Message Wrong dumping position
Description Dump position was not the current truck position.
Possible cause 1. CGC software exception
2. Stop accuracy problem
Remedy Restart truck.
• If same exception is repeated, move truck manually and restart truck.

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40019-01


Fault Code 4061: Troubleshooting PLM sensor problem
Fault code 4061
Message PLM sensor problem
Description • Suspension pressure value of PLM was less than – 491 psi (– 34.5 kg/cm2) or larger
than 4111 psi (289 kg/cm2) for five seconds.
• Inclinometer value of PLM was less than -19.7 degrees or larger than 24 degrees
for five seconds.

-34.5 < Suspension pressure value < 289 kg/cm^2?


Timer count up

Is timer above 5sec ?


Exception (4061) Normal

-19.7 < Inclinometer value < 24deg?


Timer count up

Is timer above 5sec ?


Exception (4061) Normal


Possible cause 1. Suspension sensors are broken or not installed.

2. Inclinometer is broken or not installed.
Remedy See shop manual.

930E-4AT 9
CEN40019-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4065: Troubleshooting communication with MBI controller

Fault code 4065
Message MBI dead
Description MBI controller does not respond for any RPC and heartbeat.
Possible cause MBI controller lost power supply.
Remedy Check MBI controller power supply.

Fault Code 4066: PLM3 detects failure

Fault code 4066
Message PLM3 detects failure
Description Drive controller found PLM3 failure in auto mode.
Possible cause -
Remedy Perform PLM3 troubleshooting according to 930E-4AT shop manual.

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40019-01

Observer controller
Fault Code 4070: Observer controller caution
Fault code 4070
Message Observer controller detected failure
Description Heartbeat from observer controller stopped and kept ON because observer controller
detected failure.
Possible cause 1. Observer controller detected a failure.
2. Heartbeat line from observer to drive controller was shorted high.
Remedy 1. Check LED on observer controller and refer to troubleshoot of observer controller
according to LED flashing.
2. If LED on observer controller shows any caution, check the heartbeat wiring.

Sheet 39

Fault Code 4071: Heartbeat line of Observer controller

Fault code 4071
Message Observer controller no response
Description Heartbeat from observer controller stopped and remained OFF.
Possible cause 1. Observer controller detected a failure
2. Heartbeat line from observer to drive controller was cut or shorted to ground.
Remedy 1. Check observer controller has power to its LED.
2. Check the heartbeat wiring.

Sheet 39

930E-4AT 11
CEN40019-01 40 Troubleshooting

Safety controller
Fault Code 40A1: Heartbeat wiring to safe was cut
Fault code 40A1
Message Heartbeat wiring to safe was cut
Description Heartbeat signal from satety controller was kept OFF for 0.5 seconds in auto mode.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Wire number 90SH is cut or short.
Safety controller problem.
• Safety controller has no power.
• Safety controller is broken.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch heartbeat input signal.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 39

Fault Code 40A2: Heartbeat wiring to safe was shorted

Fault code 40A1
Message Heartbeat wiring to safe was shorted
Description Heartbeat signal from satety controller was kept ON for 0.5 seconds in auto mode.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Wire number 90SH is cut or short.
Safety controller problem.
• Safety controller is broken.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch heartbeat input signal.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 39

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40019-01

Fault Code 40A3: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller

Fault code 40A3
Message CAN-B heartbeat from Safe was cut
Description Drive controller could not receive RPC heartbeat (speed order) for two seconds.
Possible cause CAN-B disconnection
• CAN-B wiring disconnection
• Loose connector
• Terminator problem
Remedy 1. Check CAN-bus communication with AT Monitor.
Number of Safety (CAN-B) should count up.
2. Check wiring.
3. Check resistor of terminator if it is 120 ohm.

Fault Code 40A4: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller

Fault code 40A4
Message Safety controller is in error mode
Description Safety controller mode was changed to error mode when drive controller was in auto
mode (this code is not sent to central).
Possible cause ---
Remedy Check error code of safety controller.

Fault Code 40A5: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller

Fault code 40A5
Message Stop request from Safety controller
Description Safety controller ordered emergency stop (this code is not sent to central).
Possible cause ---
Remedy Check error code of safety controller.

930E-4AT 13
CEN40019-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 40A6: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller

Fault code 40A6
Message Wrong speed request from Safety controller
Description • Drive controller received “reverse speed request” while moving forward.
• Drive controller received “forward speed request” while moving reverse.
Possible cause Safety software exception
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault Code 40AC: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller

Fault code 40AC
Message Safety controller is dead
Description Safety controller does not respond for any RPC and heartbeat.
Possible cause Safety controller lost power supply.
Remedy Check safety controller power supply.

Fault Code 40AD: Troubleshooting communication with safety controller

Fault code 40AC
Message Safety controller in wrong mode
Description Mode in safety controller status massage is unknown mode.
Possible cause Safety controller problem
• Safety controller is defective.
Remedy Cycle power for AHT.
• If system is not fixed, replace safety controller.

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40019-01

Controller setting
Fault Code 40F1: Controller setting
Fault code 40F1
Message Mismatch truck type
Description The type of software in the controller is not compatible with the truck model.
Possible cause Wrong part number for controller
Remedy Install the correct controller.

Fault Code 40F6: Controller setting

Fault code 40F6
Message NV-RAM memory error
Description Setting value of NV-RAM in controller has cleared.
Possible cause Controller
• New controller is installed.
• Parameters in NV-RAM are cleared.
Remedy Do all maintenance related to drive controller to set the parameters.
See “Replacing and adjusting” in shop manual for 930E-4AT.

Fault Code 40F8: Controller setting

Fault code 40F8
Message Wrong Controller setting
Description Drive controller is not set correctly.
Possible cause Controller is set incorrectly.
Remedy Set controller correctly.

Fault Code 40F9: Controller setting

Fault code 40F9
Message Identifier wiring was cut
Description Identifier wiring was cut.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Wiring is cut or disconnected.
Remedy Check wiring continuity.
(Schematic sheet 39)

930E-4AT 15
CEN40019-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40019-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

16 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Travel Control System – Steering System
Fault Code 4101: S/T did not work during steering check .................................................................................... 2
Fault Code 4102: S/T control error ....................................................................................................................... 2
Fault Code 4103, 4104: Steering potentiometer problem ..................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4105: Steering potentiometer damaged ............................................................................................. 7
Fault Code 4106: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem ....................................................................... 9
Fault Code 4107: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem ..................................................................... 10
Fault Code 4108: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem ......................................................................11
Fault Code 4109: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem ..................................................................... 12
Fault Code 410A: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem..................................................................... 13
Fault Code 410B: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem..................................................................... 14
Fault Code 4113: Troubleshooting S/T pressure problem .................................................................................. 14
Fault Code 4114, 4115: S/T potentiometer signal problem ................................................................................. 15
Fault Code 4116, 4117: S/T potentiometer wiring problem ................................................................................. 16
Fault Code 4118: (B1) Steering accumulator low pressure................................................................................. 16

930E-4AT 1
CEN40020-01 40 Troubleshooting

Steering system
Fault Code 4101: S/T did not work during steering check
Fault code 4101
Message S/T did not work during steering check

Fault Code 4102: S/T control error

Fault code 4102
Message S/T control error

Description There was a big difference between truck steering angle and target steering angle.

Is difference between steering angle and

target steering angle bigger than allowance ? N

Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


While autonomous
N traveling? Y

Exception (4501) Exception (4502) Normal


2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40020-01

Possible cause 1. Electrical problem

• Potentiometer
- Potentiometer is damaged.
• Solenoid of steering valve
- Coil resistance is not 15.6 ohm.
• Potentiometer wiring problem
- Wire numbers 5RT, 5ORT, 0RT have damage.
- Wire numbers 5LT, 5OLT, 0LT have damage.
• Wiring of steering valve
- Wires 51SP, 51SP1 have damage.
- Wires number 51STL, 51STR have damage.
2. Hydraulic problem
• Autonomous steering valve
- Hydraulic circuit is contaminated.
- Valve is broken.
• Hydraulic oil pressure
- Steering oil pressure is low.
- Accumulator has a problem.
• Air in the hydraulic line
- Air is in the hydraulic system.
• Steering hydraulic system
- Steering hydraulic system has a problem.
3. Road condition
• Road is rough.
Remedy 1. Electrical problem
• Potentiometer
- Check potentiometer output to watch signal using PC monitor when steering
machine during manual operation.
• Solenoid of steering valve
- Check if coil resistance is 15.6 ohm.
• Wiring
- Check wiring continuity with PC monitor.
2. Hydraulic problem
• Autonomous steering valve
- If this exception occurs many times, it may cause valve damage. Replace
steering valve and set parameter using maintenance function.
• Hydraulic oil pressure
- Check oil pressure caution.
• Air in the hydraulic line
- Bleed the air from the hydraulic line.
• Steering hydraulic system
- See 930E-4AT shop manual, Section L.
3. Road condition
• Check road condition and maintain road.
Schematic Sheet 38

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CEN40020-01 40 Troubleshooting



A. Right B. Left

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40020-01

Fault Code 4103, 4104: Steering potentiometer problem

Fault code 4103
Message S/T right potentiometer error

Fault code 4104

Message S/T left potentiometer error

Description 4103, 4104

Steering potentiometer signal jumped 3 degrees for 0.05 seconds.

Right Potentiometer Left Potentiometer signal

signal jump 3deg? N jump 3deg? N


Normal Normal

Exception (4103) Exception (4104)


Possible cause 1. Electrical problem

• Potentiometer
- Potentiometer is damaged.
• Potentiometer wiring problem
- Wire numbers 5RT, 5ORT, 0RT have damage.
- Wire numbers 5LT, 5OLT, 0LT have damage.
- Connections are loose.
2. Road condition
• Road is road.
Remedy 1. Electrical problem
• Potentiometer
- Check potentiometer output to watch signal using PC monitor when steering
machine during manual operation.
• Wiring
- Check wiring continuity.
- Check loose connection of connector.
2. Road condition
• Check road condition and maintain road.
Schematic Sheet 38

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CEN40020-01 40 Troubleshooting


6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40020-01

Fault Code 4105: Steering potentiometer damaged

Fault code 4105
Message S/T potentiometer damaged
Description Difference of right and left steering angles increased.

Difference of right and

left S/T angle > 2 deg? N

Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ?


Exception (4105) Normal


Possible cause 1. Maintenance request

• Potentiometer needs maintenance.
2. Electrical problem
• Potentiometer
- Potentiometer is damaged.
• Potentiometer wiring problem
- Wire numbers 5RT, 5ORT, 0RT have damage.
- Wire numbers 5LT, 5OLT, 0LT have damage.
- Connections loose.
3. Road condition
• Road is rough.
Remedy 1. Maintenance request
• Steering potentiometer maintenance
- Do steering potentiometer maintenance according to 930E-4AT shop manual.
2. Electrical problem
• Potentiometer
- Check potentiometer output to watch signal using PC monitor when steering
machine during manual operation.
• Wiring
- Check wiring continuity.
- Check loose connection of connector.
3. Road condition
• Check road condition and maintain road.
Schematic Sheet 38

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8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40020-01

Fault Code 4106: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem

Fault code 4106
Message S/T sol line short (left)
Description The wiring of steering valve solenoid (left) line was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.1 sec ? N


Exception (4106) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STL is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 38

930E-4AT 9
CEN40020-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4107: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem

Fault code 4107
Message S/T sol line cut (left)
Description The wiring of steering valve solenoid (left) line was cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (4107) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STL, 51SP1, 51SP, 72AT, or 52P8 is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
3. Relay problem
• Relay RB3A-K2 is broken.
4. Steering valve left solenoid
• Solenoid is broken.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Steering valve left solenoid
• Check if coil resistance is 15.6 ohm. If coil is broken, replace valve.
Schematic Sheet 38

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40020-01

Fault Code 4108: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem

Fault code 4108
Message S/T sol line hot short (left)
Description The wiring of steering valve solenoid (left) line was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.1 sec ? N


Exception (4108) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STL is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 38

930E-4AT 11
CEN40020-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4109: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem

Fault code 4109
Message S/T sol line short (right)
Description The wiring of steering valve solenoid (right) line was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.1 sec ? N


Exception (4109) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STR is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 38

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40020-01

Fault Code 410A: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem

Fault code 410A
Message S/T sol line cut (right)
Description The wiring of steering valve solenoid (right) line was cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (410A) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STR, 51SP1, 51SP, 72AT, or 52P8 is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
3. Relay problem
• Relay RB11-K2 is broken.
4. Steering valve left solenoid
5. Solenoid is broken.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Steering valve left solenoid
• Check if coil resistance is 15.6 ohm. If coil is broken, replace valve.

930E-4AT 13
CEN40020-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 410B: Troubleshooting S/T EPC valve wiring problem

Fault code 410B
Message S/T sol line hot short (right)
Description The wiring of steering valve solenoid (right) line was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.1 sec ? N

Exception (410B) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STR is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.

Fault Code 4113: Troubleshooting S/T pressure problem

Fault code 4113
Message Low S/T pressure error
Description Low Steering Pressure warning light in cab was turned on for 30 sec.

Low Steering Pressure warning ON?


Timer count up

Is timer above 30 sec ?


Exception (4113) Normal


Possible cause Warning of standard truck system

Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual, Section N5.

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40020-01

Fault Code 4114, 4115: S/T potentiometer signal problem

Fault code 4114
Message S/T left potentiometer data not changed

Fault code 4115

Message S/T right potentiometer data not changed

Description Signal of steering potentiometer did not renew.

Shift Lever Command.

Feed back signal is ON


Timer is above threshold


Exception Normal


Possible cause Software exception

Remedy Power cycle
• Shut down truck. Then restart truck.

930E-4AT 15
CEN40020-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4116, 4117: S/T potentiometer wiring problem

Fault code 4116
Message S/T right pot wiring error

Fault code 4117

Message S/T left pot wiring error

Description Steering potentiometer signal line was cut or shorted.

Possible cause Potentiometer wiring problem
• Wire numbers 5RT, 5ORT, 0RT have damage.
• Wire numbers 5LT, 5OLT, 0LT have damage.
• Connections are loose.
Remedy Wiring
• Check wiring continuity.
Schematic Sheet 38

Fault Code 4118: (B1) Steering accumulator low pressure

Fault code 4118
Message (B1) Steering accumulator low pressure
Description Warning indicator (B1) "Low Steering Pressure" stayed on for 15 seconds or more in
auto mode.
Possible cause 1. There is something wrong with the hydraulic system.
2. Engine stops due to engine malfunction.
3. Engine is shut down by remote engine stop function.
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40020-01


930E-4AT 17
CEN40020-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40020-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

18 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Travel Control System – F-N-R Selector
System and Acceleration Control System
Fault Code 4202, 4203, 420E: Wrong position of selector switch ........................................................................ 3
Fault Code 4204: F-N-R selector switch wiring..................................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4205: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring .......................................................................... 6
Fault Code 4206: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring .......................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4207: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring .......................................................................... 8
Fault Code 4208: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring .......................................................................... 9
Fault Code 4209: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ........................................................................ 10
Fault Code 420A: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring.........................................................................11
Fault Code 420B: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring........................................................................ 12
Fault Code 420C: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ....................................................................... 13
Fault Code 420D: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ....................................................................... 14
Fault Code 420F: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring........................................................................ 15
Fault Code 4210: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ........................................................................ 16
Fault Code 4211: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring ........................................................................ 17

930E-4AT 1
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4301: Acceleration signal problem ................................................................................................... 18

Fault Code 4306: Acceleration system wiring problem ....................................................................................... 19
Fault Code 4307: Acceleration system wiring problem ....................................................................................... 20

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40021-01

F-N-R selector system

Fault Code 4202, 4203, 420E: Wrong position of selector switch
Fault code 4202
Message Wrong shift position (Forward)

Fault code 4203

Message Wrong shift position (Reverse)

Fault code 420E

Message Wrong shift position (Park)

Description Output to F-N-R selector and input from feedback signal were different.

Shift Lever Command.

Feed back signal is ON


Timer is above threshold


Exception Normal


930E-4AT 3
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

Possible cause 1. Fault Code 4202

• Wiring problem
- Wire number 52P5 or 52P3 is cut.
- Wire number 72FAU or 72SAF or 72 is cut.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
• Relay problem
- Relay RB2A-KG or RB1A-K1 is broken.
• Fuse problem
2. Fault Code 4203
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 52P5 is cut.
- Wire number 79BAU or 79BA1 or 79B is cut.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
• Relay problem
- Relay RB1A-K6 or RB1A-K2 is broken.
• Fuse problem
3. Fault Code 420E
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 52P5 is cut.
- Wire number 52CAU or 72TA or 52CA is cut.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
• Relay problem
- Relay RB2A-K4 or RB3A-K3 is broken.
• Fuse problem
Remedy 1. Wiring
• Check wiring continuity.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematics Sheet 34, 35

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40021-01

Fault Code 4204: F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 4204
Message Shift (R) line (hot short)
Description The wiring of F-N-R selector switch (Reverse) output line was shorted (short circuit to

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (4204) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 79BAU is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

930E-4AT 5
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4205: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 4205
Message Shift (R) line (cut)
Description The wiring of F-N-R selector switch (Reverse) output line was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (4205) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 79BAU is cut.
• Wire number 52P5 is cut.
2. Fuse problem
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Fuse
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 34

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40021-01

Fault Code 4206: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 4206
Message Shift (R) line (GND short)
Description The wiring of F-N-R selector switch (Reverse) output line was shorted (short circuit to

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (4206) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 79BAU is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

930E-4AT 7
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4207: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 4207
Message Shift (F) line (hot short)
Description The wiring of F-N-R selector switch (Forward) output line was shorted (short circuit to

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (4207) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FAU is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40021-01

Fault Code 4208: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 4208
Message Shift (F) line (cut)
Description The wiring of F-N-R selector switch (Forward) output line was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (4208) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FAU is cut.
• Wire number 52P5 is cut.
2. Fuse problem
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Fuse
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 34

930E-4AT 9
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4209: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 4209
Message Shift (F) line (GND short)
Description The wiring of F-N-R selector switch (Forward) output line was shorted (short circuit to

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (4209) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FAU is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40021-01

Fault Code 420A: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 420A
Message Shift (P) line (hot short)
Description The wiring of F-N-R selector switch (Park) output line was shorted (short circuit to

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (420A) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72CAU is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 11
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 420B: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 420B
Message Shift (P) line (cut)
Description The wiring of F-N-R selector switch (Park) output line was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (420B) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 72CAU is cut.
• Wire number 52CA is cut.
• Wire number 72TA is cut.
2. Fuse problem
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Fuse
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 35

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40021-01

Fault Code 420C: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 420C
Message Shift (P) line (GND short)
Description The wiring of F-N-R selector switch (Park) output line was shorted (short circuit to

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (420C) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72CAU is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 13
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 420D: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 420D
Message Shift position is not P position
Description Shift position is not Park position when truck is in autonomous mode.
Possible cause 1. Shift position is not Park position.
2. Wiring problem
• Wire number 52C is cut.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40021-01

Fault Code 420F: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 420F
Message FNR line (hot short)
Description The wiring of FNR line was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (420F) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring number

• Wire number 72FNRA or 72FNR is shorted to power.
2. Relay problem
• Relay RB5A-K1 is broken.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 15
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4210: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 4210
Message FNR line (cut)
Description The wiring of FNR line was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (4210) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FNRA is cut.
• Wire number 72FNR is cut.
2. Diode problem
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
4. Relay problem
• Relay RB5A-K1 is broken.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Diode
• Check diode performance.
Schematic Sheet 35

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40021-01

Fault Code 4211: Troubleshooting F-N-R selector switch wiring

Fault code 4211
Message FNR line (GND short)
Description The wiring of FNR line was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (4211) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FNRA or 72FNR is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 17
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

Acceleration control system

Fault Code 4301: Acceleration signal problem
Fault code 4301
Message Wrong accel sig feedback
Description The difference between accel signal output from drive controller and accel signal
feedback input is more than 0.25 V.

Voltage difference output and input > 0.25 V


(4301) Normal


Possible cause Electrical circuit problem

• Wiring problem
- Wire number 525AU is cut or shorted.
- Wire number 525 is cut or shorted.
- Wire number 72AT is cut or shorted.
- Wire number 52P3 is cut or shorted.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
• Relay problem
- Relay RB1A-K3 is broken.
• Fuse problem
- Fuse FB1A-3 is burned out.
Remedy 1. Wiring
• Check wiring continuity.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 34

18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40021-01

Fault Code 4306: Acceleration system wiring problem

Fault code 4306
Message Accel output line (cut)
Description The wiring of accel output line was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (4306) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 525AU, 525 is cut.
• Wire number 52P3, 72AT is cut.
2. Relay problem
• Relay RB1A-K3 is broken.
3. Fuse problem
• Fuse FB1A-3 is burned out.
4. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Relay check
• Check if the relay works.
3. Fuse check
• Check if the fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 34

930E-4AT 19
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4307: Acceleration system wiring problem

Fault code 4307
Message Accel output line (hot short)
Description The wiring of accel output line was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (4307) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem.

• Wire number 525AU is shorted to power.
• Wire number 525 is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

20 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40021-01


930E-4AT 21
CEN40021-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40021-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

22 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Travel Control System – Brake System
Fault Code 43A0: Front brake operation (left brake) ............................................................................................ 3
Fault Code 43A1: Rear brake operation (left brake) ............................................................................................. 6
Fault Code 43A2: Front brake operation (right brake) .......................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 43A3: Rear brake operation (right brake)......................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 43A7: Front brake system wiring problem........................................................................................ 15
Fault Code 43A8: Front brake system wiring problem........................................................................................ 16
Fault Code 43A9: Front brake system wiring problem........................................................................................ 17
Fault Code 43AA: Rear brake system wiring problem ........................................................................................ 18
Fault Code 43AB: Rear brake system wiring problem ........................................................................................ 19
Fault Code 43AC: Rear brake system wiring problem ........................................................................................ 20
Fault Code 43B0: Auto apply brake system wiring problem ............................................................................... 21
Fault Code 43B1: Auto apply brake system wiring problem ............................................................................... 22
Fault Code 43B2: Auto apply brake system wiring problem ............................................................................... 23
Fault Code 43B3: Brake system low performance.............................................................................................. 24
Fault Code 43B4: Brake lock system wiring problem ......................................................................................... 25
Fault Code 43B5: Brake lock system wiring problem ......................................................................................... 26

930E-4AT 1
CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43B6: Brake lock system wiring problem.......................................................................................... 27

Fault Code 43B8: Retard brake system wiring problem...................................................................................... 28
Fault Code 43B9: Retard brake system wiring problem...................................................................................... 29
Fault Code 43BA: Auto apply brake system ....................................................................................................... 30
Fault Code 43BB: Brake lock system.................................................................................................................. 31
Fault Code 43BD: Retard signal feedback.......................................................................................................... 32
Fault Code 43BE: Front brake is not released .................................................................................................... 33
Fault Code 43BF: Front brake is not released .................................................................................................... 35
Fault Code 43C0: Rear brake is not released..................................................................................................... 37
Fault Code 43C1: Rear brake is not released..................................................................................................... 39
Fault Code 43C2: Override signal wiring problem .............................................................................................. 41
Fault Code 43C3: Override signal wiring problem .............................................................................................. 42
Fault Code 43C4: Override signal wiring problem .............................................................................................. 43
Fault Code 43C5, 43C6, 43C7, 43C8: Brake pressure sensors ......................................................................... 44
Fault Code 43C9: Signal from GE system .......................................................................................................... 46
Fault Code 43CC, 43CE: Auto apply brake system ............................................................................................ 47
Fault Code 43CD: Park brake ............................................................................................................................. 48
Fault Code 43CE: Safety controller could not control auto apply brake.............................................................. 49
Fault Code 43D0: Park brake.............................................................................................................................. 50
Fault Code 43D1: (E1) All hydraulic brake error ................................................................................................. 51
Fault Code 43D2, 43D3: Park brake ................................................................................................................... 51
Fault Code 43D4: Low brake pressure when E/G is OFF................................................................................... 52
Fault Code 43D6: (C1) Brake accumulator low pressure.................................................................................... 52

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40022-01

Brake system
Fault Code 43A0: Front brake operation (left brake)
Fault code 43A0
Message Front Brake error (Left)
Description Front left brake pressure is low when drive controller activated front brake.

Front brake activate above 80%

Front left brake pressure is high ? Y


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (43A0) Normal


Possible cause 1. Electrical system problem

a. Brake does not work.
• Broken brake 2 (front) solenoid
- Coil resistance is not 35 ohm.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33BS2P is cut.
- Wire number 33BS2G is cut.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
b. Brake works.
• Brake pressure sensor problem
- Brake pressure sensor is broken.
- There is no power for sensor between 33PP and 33PG.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33PLF is cut.
- Wire number 33PG is cut.
- Wire number 33PP is cut.
2. Hydraulic system problem
• Front brake cartridge valve
- Front brake cartridge valve is broken.
- Installation torque of cartridge valve is too tight.
• Contamination
- Hydraulic circuit is contaminated.
• Brake system

930E-4AT 3
CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Remedy 1. Brake 2 (front) solenoid

• Check if coil resistance is 35 ohm.
2. Wiring
• Check wiring continuity.
3. Brake pressure sensor
• Check brake pressure sensor signal with PC monitor during manual operation.
• Check if power supply of sensor is 24V.
4. Front brake cartridge valve
• Check if the front brake of autonomous system works by checking pressure sen-
sor signal with PC monitor.
• When installing cartridge valve, use proper torque setting.
Installation Torque:
Cartridge: 34-36.7 N•m (25-27 ft-lb)
E-Series Coil Nut: 5.4-6.8 N•m (4-5 ft-lb)

5. Brake system
• See Section J of 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35

4 930E-4AT
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1. Cartridge valve 2. Cartridge valve
(front) (rear)


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CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43A1: Rear brake operation (left brake)

Fault code 43A1
Message Rear Brake error (Left)
Description Rear left brake pressure is low when drive controller activated rear brake.

Rear brake activate above 80%

Rear left brake pressure is high ? Y


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (43A1) Normal


Possible cause 1. Electrical system problem

a. Brake does not work.
• Broken brake 1 (rear) solenoid.
- Coil resistance is not 35 ohm.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33BS1P is cut.
- Wire number 33BS1G is cut.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
b. Brake works.
• Brake pressure sensor
- Brake pressure sensor is broken.
- There is no power for sensor between 33PP and 33PG.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33PLR is cut.
- Wire number 33PG is cut.
- Wire number 33PP is cut.
2. Hydraulic system problem
• Rear brake cartridge
- Rear brake valve cartridge is broken.
- Installation torque of cartridge valve is too tight.
• Contamination
- Hydraulic circuit is contaminated.
• Brake system

6 930E-4AT
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Remedy 1. Brake 1 (rear) solenoid

• Check if coil resistance is 35 ohm.
2. Wiring
• Check wiring continuity.
3. Brake pressure sensor
• Check brake pressure sensor signal with PC monitor during manual operation.
• Check if power supply of sensor is 24V.
4. Rear brake cartridge valve
• Check if the rear brake of autonomous system works by checking pressure sen-
sor signal with PC monitor.
• When installing cartridge valve, use proper torque setting.
Installation Torque:
Cartridge: 34-36.7 N•m (25-27 ft-lb)
E-Series Coil Nut: 5.4-6.8 N•m (4-5 ft-lb)

5. Brake system
• See Section J of 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35

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1. Cartridge valve 2. Cartridge valve
(front) (rear)


8 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 43A2: Front brake operation (right brake)

Fault code 43A2
Message Front Brake error (Right)
Description Front right brake pressure is low when drive controller activated front brake.

Front brake activate above 80%

Front Right brake pressure is high ? Y


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (43A2) Normal


Possible cause 1. Electrical system problem

a. Brake does not work.
• Broken brake 2 (front) solenoid.
- Coil resistance is not 35 ohm.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33BS2P is cut.
- Wire number 33BS2G is cut.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
b. Brake works.
• Brake pressure sensor
- Brake pressure sensor is broken.
- There is no power for sensor between 33PP and 33PG.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33PRF is cut.
- Wire number 33PG is cut.
- Wire number 33PP is cut.
2. Hydraulic system problem
• Front brake cartridge valve
- Front brake valve cartridge is broken.
- Installation torque of cartridge valve is too tight.
• Contamination
- Hydraulic circuit is contaminated.
• Brake system

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Remedy 1. Brake 2 (front) solenoid

• Check if coil resistance is 35 ohm.
2. Wiring
• Check wiring continuity.
3. Brake pressure sensor
• Check brake pressure sensor signal with PC monitor during manual operation.
• Check if power supply of sensor is 24V.
4. Rear brake cartridge valve
• Check if the front brake of autonomous system works by checking pressure sen-
sor signal with PC monitor.
• When installing cartridge valve, use proper torque setting.
Installation Torque:
Cartridge: 34-36.7 N•m (25-27 ft-lb)
E-Series Coil Nut: 5.5-6.8 N•m (4-5 ft-lb)

5. Brake system
• See Section J of 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35

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1. Cartridge valve 2. Cartridge valve
(front) (rear)


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Fault Code 43A3: Rear brake operation (right brake)

Fault code 43A3
Message Rear Brake error (Right)
Description Rear right brake pressure is low when drive controller activated rear brake.

Rear brake activate above 80%

Rear Right brake pressure is high ? Y


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (43A3) Normal


Possible cause 1. Electrical system problem

a. Brake does not work.
• Broken brake 1 (rear) solenoid
- Coil resistance is not 35 ohm.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33BS1P is cut.
- Wire number 33BS1G is cut.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
b. Brake works
• Brake pressure sensor.
- Brake pressure sensor is broken.
- There is no power for sensor between 33PP and 33PG.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33PRR is cut.
- Wire number 33PG is cut.
- Wire number 33PP is cut.
2. Hydraulic system problem
• Rear brake cartridge
- Rear brake valve cartridge is broken.
• Contamination
- Hydraulic circuit is contaminated.
• Brake system

12 930E-4AT
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Remedy 1. Brake 1 (rear) solenoid

• Check if coil resistance is 35 ohm.
2. Wiring
• Check wiring continuity.
3. Brake pressure sensor
• Check brake pressure sensor signal with during manual operation.
• Check if power supply of sensor is 24V.
4. Rear brake cartridge valve
- Check if the rear brake of autonomous system works by checking pressure sen-
sor signal with PC monitor.
• When installing cartridge valve, use proper torque setting.
Installation Torque:
Cartridge: 34-36.7 N•m (25-27 ft-lb)
E-Series Coil Nut: 5.4-6.8 N•m (4-5 ft-lb)
5. Brake system
• See Section J of 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35


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1. Cartridge valve 2. Cartridge valve
(front) (rear)


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Fault Code 43A7: Front brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43A7
Message Front brake sol output line (short)
Description The wiring of front brake solenoid line is shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43A7) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS2P is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

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CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43A8: Front brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43A8
Message Front brake sol output line (cut)
Description The wiring of front brake solenoid line is cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (43A8) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS2P is cut.
• Wire number 33BS2G is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
3. Brake 2 (front) solenoid
• Coil resistance is 35 ohm.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
2. Brake 2 (front) solenoid
• Check if coil resistance is 35 ohm.
Schematic Sheet 35

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Fault Code 43A9: Front brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43A9
Message Front brake sol output line (hot short)
Description The wiring of front brake solenoid line is shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43A9) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS2P is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.

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Fault Code 43AA: Rear brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43AA
Message Rear brake sol output line (short)
Description The wiring of rear brake solenoid line is shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43AA) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS1P is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

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Fault Code 43AB: Rear brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43AB
Message Rear brake sol output line (cut)
Description The wiring of rear brake solenoid line is cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (43AB) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS1P is cut.
• Wire number 33BS1G is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
3. Brake 1 (rear) solenoid is broken.
• Coil resistance is 35 ohm.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
2. Brake 1 (rear) solenoid
• Check if coil resistance is 35 ohm.

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Fault Code 43AC: Rear brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43AC
Message Rear brake sol output line (hot short)
Description The wiring of rear brake solenoid line is shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (43AC) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS1P is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.

20 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 43B0: Auto apply brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43B0
Message Emergency brake sol line (hot short)
Description The wiring of auto apply brake system line is shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43B0) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72AAD is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

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Fault Code 43B1: Auto apply brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43B1
Message Emergency brake sol line (cut)
Description The wiring of auto apply brake system line is cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43B1) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 72AA is cut.
• Wire number 72AAD is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

22 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 43B2: Auto apply brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43B2
Message Emergency brake sol line (GND short)
Description The wiring of auto apply brake system line is shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43B2) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72AAD is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Disconnect CN3 connector at drive controller. Then check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

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CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43B3: Brake system low performance

Fault code 43B3
Message Brake low performance error
Description Truck moves slightly when truck is stopped with full brake.

Truck is stopped with brake

Speed > 0.5km/h ? N


Timer count up

Is timer above1 sec ? N


Exception (43B3) Normal


<Brakes when truck is stopped in auto mode>

Brake Lock ON
Rear Hydraulic Brake FULL
Front Hydraulic Brake FULL
Park Brake OFF
Auto Apply Brake OFF

Possible cause Brake performance is degraded.

• Brake lock performance
• Rear brake performance
• Front brake performance
• Truck is moved for some reason
Remedy Check brake performance using manual operation.

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Fault Code 43B4: Brake lock system wiring problem

Fault code 43B4
Message Brake Lock sol line (hot short)
Description The wiring of brake lock solenoid line is shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43B4) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 52BLA is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

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CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43B5: Brake lock system wiring problem

Fault code 43B5
Message Brake Lock sol line (cut)
Description The wiring of brake lock solenoid line is cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43B5) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 52BLA is cut.
• Wire number 52P4 is cut.
2. Fuse problem
• Fuse number RB2A-K5 is burned out.
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
2. Fuse
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 35

26 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40022-01

Fault Code 43B6: Brake lock system wiring problem

Fault code 43B6
Message Brake Lock sol line (GND short)
Description The wiring of brake lock solenoid line is shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (44B6) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 52BLA is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

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CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43B8: Retard brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43B8
Message Retard brake line (cut)
Description The wiring of retard brake output line is cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (43B9) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 52RAU, 52R, 72AT, or 52P3 is cut.
2. Relay problem
• Relay number RB1A-K4 is broken.
3. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-3 is burned out.
4. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
2. Relay check
• Check if relay works.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.

28 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 43B9: Retard brake system wiring problem

Fault code 43B9
Message Retard brake line (hot short)
Description The wiring of retard brake output line is shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (43B9) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 52RAU is shorted to power.
• Wire number 52R is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check if brake is working by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal with PC monitor.
• Check wiring.

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Fault Code 43BA: Auto apply brake system

Fault code 43BA
Message Emergency (AutoApply) brake error
Description Drive controller could not control auto apply brake valve.
1. Drive controller activated auto apply brake, but brake pressure is low.
2. Drive controller released auto apply brake, but brake pressure is high.

Signal table of AutoApplyBrake control

Auto apply brake Release Active
CN2-08 (Safety)
24V Open 24V Open
Wiring 72AA
0V 0V Open Open
Wiring 72AAD

Possible cause 1. Electrical problem

• Broken auto apply solenoid
- Coil resistance is not 33.8 ohm.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 72AA is cut or short.
- Wire number 72AAD is cut or short.
- Wire number 72AT is cut.
- Wire number 72AAS is cut.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB2K-K3 is broken.
2. Hydraulic system problem
• Hydraulic oil pressure
- If hydraulic pump pressure is less than 11.4 MPa (1650 psi), then automatic
apply valve works.
• Auto apply pilot valve broken
- Spool is stuck.
• Automatic apply valve broken
- Spool is stuck.
Remedy 1. Check solenoid resistance
• Check if coil resistance is not 33.8 ohm.
2. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Disconnect CN3 connector at drive controller. Then check wiring for continuity,
cuts, and shorts.
3. Relay check
• Check if relay number RB2K-K3 works by using PC monitor to control output.
4. Hydraulic system problem
• See Section J of 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35

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Fault Code 43BB: Brake lock system

Fault code 43BB
Message Brake Lock error
Description • Both of the rear brake pressure switches sense high pressure when drive controller
released brake lock.
• Both of the rear brake pressure switches sense low pressure when drive controller
activated park brake.

Brake lock command


Both of press sensor High ? Both of press sensor Low ?


Exception Exception

(43BB) Normal (43BB)


Possible cause 1. Electrical problem

• Broken brake lock solenoid
- Coil resistance is not 28.5 ohm.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 52BLA is cut or short.
- Wire number 52P4 is cut.
- Wire number 52P4D is cut.
- Wire number 52B is cut.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB2A-K5 is broken.
2. Hydraulic system problem
• Hydraulic oil pressure
- Pressure is too low to operate brakes.
• Broken brake lock valve
- Spool is stuck.
Remedy 1. Check solenoid resistance
• Check if coil resistance is not 28.5 ohm.
2. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
3. Relay check
• Check if relay number RB2A-K5 works by using PC monitor to control output.
4. Hydraulic system problem
• See Section J of 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35

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Fault Code 43BD: Retard signal feedback

Fault code 43BD
Message Wrong retard signal feedback
Description The difference between retard brake signal output from drive controller and retard signal
feedback input is 0.25 V.

Voltage difference output and input > 0.25 V N


Exception Normal



Possible cause Electrical circuit problem

• Wiring problem
- Wire number 52RAU is cut or shorted.
- Wire number 52RA is cut or shorted.
- Wire number 72AT is cut or shorted.
- Wire number 52P3 is cut or shorted.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB1A-K4 is broken.
• Fuse problem
- Fuse number FB1A-3 is burned out.
Remedy 1. Wiring
• Check wiring continuity.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 34

32 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 43BE: Front brake is not released

Fault code 43BE
Message Left Front brake could not release
Description Left front brake pressure was high when drive controller released front brake.

Front brake is released

Left front brake pressure are high ? N


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (43BE) Normal


Possible cause Electrical system problem

• Pressure sensor problem
- Left front pressure sensor is locked by voltage.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33PLF is shorted to high voltage.
Remedy 1. Pressure sensor
• Use PC monitor to check if pressure sensor signal changes accordingly.
• If pressure sensor is broken, replace it.
2. Wiring
• Check voltage on wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

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34 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 43BF: Front brake is not released

Fault code 43BF
Message Right Front brake could not release
Description Right front brake pressure was high when drive controller released front brake.

Front brake is released

Right front brake pressure are high ? N


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (43BF) Normal


Possible cause Electrical system problem

• Pressure sensor problem
- Right front pressure sensor is locked by voltage.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33PRF is shorted to high voltage.
Remedy 1. Pressure sensor
• Use PC monitor to check if pressure sensor signal changes accordingly.
• If pressure sensor is broken, replace it.
2. Wiring
• Check voltage on wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

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36 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 43C0: Rear brake is not released

Fault code 43C0
Message Left Rear brake could not release
Description Left rear brake pressure was high when drive controller released front brake.

Rear brake is released

Left rear brake pressure are high ? N


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (43C0) Normal


Possible cause Electrical system problem

• Pressure sensor problem
- Left rear pressure sensor is locked by voltage.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33PLR is shorted to high voltage.
Remedy 1. Pressure sensor
• Use PC monitor to check if pressure sensor signal changes accordingly.
• If pressure sensor is broken, replace it.
2. Wiring
• Check voltage on wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

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38 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 43C1: Rear brake is not released

Fault code 43C1
Message Right Rear brake could not release
Description Right rear brake pressure was high when drive controller released front brake.

Rear brake is released

Right rear brake pressure are high ? N


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (43C1) Normal


Possible cause Electrical system problem

• Pressure sensor problem
- Right rear pressure sensor is locked voltage.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 33PRR is shorted to high voltage.
Remedy 1. Pressure sensor
• Use PC monitor to check if pressure sensor signal changes according to signal.
• If pressure sensor is broken, replace it.
2. Wiring
• Check voltage on wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

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40 930E-4AT
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Fault Code 43C2: Override signal wiring problem

Fault code 43C2
Message OverRide line (hot short)
Description The override output line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43C2) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 71HA is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 39

930E-4AT 41
CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43C3: Override signal wiring problem

Fault code 43C3
Message OverRide line (cut)
Description The override output line wiring was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43C3) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 71HA is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 39

42 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40022-01

Fault Code 43C4: Override signal wiring problem

Fault code 43C4
Message OverRide line (GND short)
Description The override output line wiring was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (43C4) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 71HA is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 39

930E-4AT 43
CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43C5, 43C6, 43C7, 43C8: Brake pressure sensors

Fault code 43C5
Message Brake Pressure Sensor (RR) Error

Fault code 43C6

Message Brake Pressure Sensor (RL) Error

Fault code 43C7

Message Brake Pressure Sensor (FR) Error

Fault code 43C8

Message Brake Pressure Sensor (FL) Error

Description • Brake pressure sensor signal is greater than 4.5V for 2.5 seconds.
• Brake pressure sensor signal is less than 0.5V for 2.5 seconds.

Is sensor signal larger than 4.9V ?

Is sensor signal less than 0.1V ?

Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N



(43C5, 43C6, 43C7, 43C8)



44 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40022-01

Possible cause 1. Sensor problem

• Pressure sensor broken
2. Wiring problem.
• Wire number 33PG is cut.
• Wire number 33PP is cut.
• Wire number 33PRF, 33PRR, 33PLF, or 33PLR is cut or shorted.
• Shield line is cut.
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 4. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
• Check shield line.
Schematic Sheet 35


930E-4AT 45
CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43C9: Signal from GE system

Fault code 43C9
Message Retard Active Error
Description • When truck was stopped and retard brake was released retard active signal from
GE did not change from OFF for 20 seconds.
• When retard brake was activated from drive controller retard active signal from GE
did not change to ON for 5 seconds.

Is Retard brake activated or released ?


AHT is stopped ?

Is Retard Active signal

ON ? Y Is Retard Active
Y signal OFF ?

Timer count up
Timer count up

Is timer above 5 sec ?

N N Is timer above 20 sec ?

Exception (43C9) Normal


Possible cause 1. Autonomous haulage system problem

• Wiring problem
- Wire number 44D is cut or shorted.
2. Standard problem
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 34

46 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40022-01

Fault Code 43CC, 43CE: Auto apply brake system

Fault code 43CC
Message Emergency (AutoApply) brake line cut

Fault code 43CE

Message Safety controller could not activate AutoApplyBrake

Description 43CC

Is the voltage of AutoApplyAolMon Low voltage ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (43CC) Normal


Wiring for auto apply brake from drive controller to safety controller is cut.

Request AutoApplyBrake activated to Safety controller

Are brake pressure sensors signal High ? Y


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (43CE) Normal


930E-4AT 47
CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Description Auto apply brake control signal table

Auto apply brake Release By drive By safety By both
controller controller controllers
CS2-08 (safety controller)
0V 0V Open Open
Wiring 72AA
CN3-37(drive controller)
24V Open 24V Open
Wiring 72AAD

Possible cause Electrical problem

• Broken auto apply solenoid
- Coil resistance is not 33.8 ohm.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 72AA is cut or short.
- Wire number 72AAD is cut or short.
- Wire number 72AAS is cut or short.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB2A-K3 or RB5A-K1 is broken.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
2. Relay check
• Check if relay number RB2A-K3 or RB5A-K1 works by using PC monitor to con-
trol output.
Schematic Sheet 35

Fault Code 43CD: Park brake

Fault code 43CD
Message Parking brake is activated in auto travel
Description Parking brake pressure switch is ON during autonomous traveling.
Possible cause 1. Standard system problem
• Standard problem
2. Autonomous system problem
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 72FNRA is cut.
- Wire number 72FNR is cut.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB5A-K1 is broken.
Remedy 1. If parking brake works by manual operation, but not with autonomous haulage sys-
• Wiring or relay problem
- Check wiring and relay.
2. If parking brake does not work by manual operation
• Standard problem
- See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35

48 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40022-01

Fault Code 43CE: Safety controller could not control auto apply brake
Fault code 43CE
Message Safety controller could not control auto apply brake
Description Safety controller could not control auto apply brake at autonomous pre-brake check.
Safety controller activated auto apply brake, but brake pressure is low.

Auto apply brake control signal table

Auto apply brake Release By drive By safety By both
controller controller controllers
CS2-08 (safety controller)
24V Open 24V Open
Wiring 72AA
CN3-37(drive controller)
0V 0V Open Open
Wiring 72AAD

Possible cause 1. Electrical problem

• Broken auto apply solenoid
- Coil resistance is not 33.8 ohm.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 72AA is cut or short.
- Wire number 72AAD is cut or short.
- Wire number 72AT is cut.
- Wire number 72AAS is cut.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB2A-K3 is broken.
2. Hydraulic system problem
• Auto apply pilot valve is broken.
Remedy 1. Check solenoid resistance
• Check if coil resistance is not 33.8 ohm.
2. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Disconnect CN3 connector on safety controller and drive controller. Then check
wiring continuity, cut and shorts.
3. Relay check
• Check if relay number RB2A-K3 works by using PC monitor to control output.
4. Hydraulic system problem
• See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35, 40

930E-4AT 49
CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43D0: Park brake

Fault code 43D0
Message Parking brake does not work
Description Parking brake pressure switch is OFF when drive controller activated parking brake.
Possible cause 1. Standard system problem
• Standard problem
2. Autonomous system problem
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 52CAU, 52PS, 71PD, 72TA, or 52CA is cut.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB2A-K4 is broken.
• Fuse problem
- Fuse number FB1A-4 is burned out.
Remedy 1. If parking brake works by manual operation, but not with autonomous haulage sys-
• Wiring
- Check wiring and relay.
• Fuse
- Check if fuse is burned out.
2. If parking brake does not work by manual operation
• Standard problem
- See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35

50 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40022-01

Fault Code 43D1: (E1) All hydraulic brake error

Fault code 43D1
Message All hydraulic brake error
Description Warning indicator (E1) "Low brake pressure" stayed on for 15 seconds or more in auto
Possible cause 1. There is something wrong with the hydraulic brake system.
2. The engine is shut down by remote engine stop function.
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.

Fault Code 43D2, 43D3: Park brake

Fault code 43D2, 43D3
Message Park brake problem. Park brake press SW is not ON.
Description Truck was moved or parking brake pressure switch is OFF when drive controller
activated parking brake.
Possible cause 1. Standard system problem
• Standard problem
2. Autonomous haulage system problem
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 52CAU, 52PS, 71PD, 72TA, or 52CA is cut.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB2A-K4 is broken.
• Fuse problem
- Fuse number FB1A-4 is burned out.
Remedy 1. If parking brake works by manual operation, but not with autonomous haulage sys-
• Wiring.
- Check wiring and relay.
• Fuse
- Check if fuse is burned out.
2. If parking brake does not work by manual operation.
• Standard problem
- See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 51
CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 43D4: Low brake pressure when E/G is OFF

Fault code 43D4
Message Low brake pressure when E/G is OFF
Description Low brake pressure is detected because E/G is OFF by remote engine shutdown.
Possible cause Break pressure dropped because engine is stopped.

Fault Code 43D6: (C1) Brake accumulator low pressure

Fault code 43D6
Message (C1) Brake accumulator low pressure
Description Warning indicator (C1) "Low Accumulator Pressure" is ON. Therefor, truck is stopped.
Possible cause There is something wrong with the nitrogen pre-charge within the accumulator.
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.

52 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40022-01


930E-4AT 53
CEN40022-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40022-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

54 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Travel Control System – Body Control
Fault Code 4402: Body position switch is broken ................................................................................................. 3
Fault Code 4403: Hoist limit switch is broken ....................................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4404: Body down control error ........................................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 4405: Troubleshooting body control ..................................................................................................11
Fault Code 4406: Troubleshooting body control ................................................................................................. 14
Fault Code 4407: Body control solenoid A (up) wiring problem.......................................................................... 16
Fault Code 4408: Body control solenoid A (up) wiring problem.......................................................................... 17
Fault Code 4409: Body control solenoid A (up) wiring problem.......................................................................... 18
Fault Code 440A: Body control solenoid B (down) wiring problem ..................................................................... 19
Fault Code 440B: Body control solenoid B (down) wiring problem ..................................................................... 20
Fault Code 440C: Body control solenoid B (down) wiring problem..................................................................... 21
Fault Code 440D: Wrong body position .............................................................................................................. 22
Fault Code 440E: Body control wiring problem................................................................................................... 24
Fault Code 440F: Body control wiring problem................................................................................................... 25

930E-4AT 1
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4410: Body control wiring problem ................................................................................................... 26

Fault Code 4411: Dump control pressure sensor................................................................................................ 27
Fault Code 4412: Dump control signal feedback ................................................................................................ 29
Fault Code 4413: Dump control signal feedback ................................................................................................ 30
Fault Code 4414: Roll angle failure..................................................................................................................... 31

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Body control system

Fault Code 4402: Body position switch is broken
Fault Code 4402
Message Body position switch error
Description Both body up switch and hoist limit switch were ON at the same time for three seconds.

Is BodyUpSwitch ON ? N

Is HoistLimitSwitch ON ? N

Timer count up

Is timer above 3 sec ? N


Exception (4402) Normal


Expected behavior
• When the body is in down position, body up switch is ON. When the body is not in
down position, body up switch is OFF.

1. Body up switch
• When the body is in up limit position, hoist limit switch is ON. When the body is not
in up limit position, hoist limit switch is OFF.

1. Hoist limit switch

930E-4AT 3
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Possible Cause 1. Switch problem

• Body up switch is broken (always ON).
• Body up switch is activated because of wrong setting.
• Hoist limit switch is broken (always ON).
• Hoist limit switch is activated because of wrong setting.
2. Wiring problem
• Wire number 71F is shorted to 24V.
• Wire number 53H is shorted to 24V.
Remedy Check input signal of [CN2-36] and [CN2-26] with PC monitor during manual body
• If [CN2-26] is always ON, check wire number 53H and hoist limit switch.
• If [CN2-36] is always ON, check wire number 71F and body up switch.
Schematic Sheet 38


1. Hoist limit switch 2. Body up switch

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Fault Code 4403: Hoist limit switch is broken

Fault code 4403
Message Hoist limit switch error
Description Hoist limit switch was not ON for 1 minute when in body up position.

Body Up Signal

Is HoistLimitSwitch OFF ? N
Timer count up

Is timer above 1 min ? N


Exception (4403) Normal


Expected behavior
• When hoist solenoid A is ON and hoist solenoid B is OFF, body goes up to the end
position. Then, hoist limit switch is ON at the end position. Normally body up posi-
tion is reached within 1 minute.

1. Hoist limit switch


Possible cause 1. If body could not move up to dump

• Weight of load is too heavy
- Weight of load is too heavy for body to move.
• Contamination
- Hoist hydraulic circuit is contaminated.
• Hoist pilot valve problem
- Spool is stuck.
- Solenoid is broken. (Resistance of solenoid is 33.8 ohm.)
• Hoist valve problem
• Hoist pump problem

930E-4AT 5
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Possible cause • Wiring problem

- Wire number 53HA1 is cut.
- Wire number 53HA is cut.
- Wire number 53HS is cut.
- Wire number 712PA is cut.
- Wire number 72AT is cut.
- Wire number 52PG is cut.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB3A-K6 or RB3A-K7 is broken.
• Fuse problem
- Fuse number FB1A-6 is burned out.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
2. If body could move up to dump
• Switch problem
- Hoist limit switch is broken (always OFF).
- Hoist limit switch could not be activated because of wrong setting.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 53H is cut.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
Remedy How to check
1. Try dumping body manually to check if it is overloaded
2. Hoist pilot valve check
• Check hoist pilot valve movement by manual body control. (See “Spool move-
ment of hoist pilot valve.”)
• Check the solenoid resistance. (Resistance is 33.8 ohm.)
3. Hoist control system check
• Check that output pressure of port A on hoist pilot valve is high pressure 175 ± 7
kg/cm2 (2500 ±100 psi) while body is lifted up manually.
• Check hoist system. See Sections L3, L7, and L8 in 930E-4AT shop manual.
4. Switch check
• Use PC monitor to watch hoist limit switch signal during manual dump.
• See Section D in 930E-4AT shop manual for adjustment.
5. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
6. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
7. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
8. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals while vibrating
the wiring.
If no problem is found, the circuit may be contaminated.
Schematics Sheet 36, 38

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01



1. Hoist limit switch 2. Body up switch

930E-4AT 7
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4404: Body down control error

Fault code 4404
Message Body down control error
Description When body up switch was ON and controller signal did not request hoist down position,
hydraulic pressure of port B at the hoist pilot valve was above 40 kg/cm2 (569 psi)
for 10 seconds.

Is signal Body Down ? Y


Is BodyUpSwitch ON ? N

Port B pressure > 569PSI ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 10 sec ?

Exception (4404) Normal


Expected behavior
• The hydraulic pressure must be low (approximately 0) soon after controller
requests float position to the hoist pilot valve.
Possible cause 1. Broken hoist pilot valve
• Spring in valve is broken.
• Spool is stuck at down position.
2. Contamination
• Valve is contaminated.
3. Relief valve setting problem
• Relief valve setting must be 105 ± 7 kg/cm2 (1500 ± 100 psi.)
4. Broken hoist pressure sensor or shorted wiring
• Hoist pressure sensor is stuck.
• Wire number 53PS is shorted.

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Remedy 1. Hoist pilot valve check

• Check hoist pilot valve movement by manual body control. (See “Spool move-
ment of hoist pilot valve.”)
• Check hydraulic pressure of port B (hoist control pressure) using PC monitor if
the pressure goes down immediately when spool position is changed from down
to float.
- Check relief valve setting.
• Adjust 105 ± 7 kg/cm2 (1500 ± 100 psi.).
2. Sensor and wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch hydraulic pressure sensor signal.
• Check wiring continuity. Check for short.

If no problem is found, the circuit may be contaminated.

Schematic Sheet 36



1. Hoist limit switch 2. Body up switch

930E-4AT 9
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting


10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Fault Code 4405: Troubleshooting body control

Fault code 4405
Message Body Up Switch did not turn ON while body was down
Description Body up switch was not ON for 60 seconds when body control signal was in float or
down position.

Is body control signal Float ? N


Is body control signal Down ? N


Is BodyUpSwitch OFF? N

Timer count up

Is timer above 60 sec ? N


Exception (4405) Normal


Expected behavior
• When drive controller output body down signal or body float signal, body is going
to the down position. Then, body up switch will be ON at the down position. Nor-
mally body down is finished within 1 minute.

81105 1. Body up switch

Possible cause 1. If body could not go down

• Contamination
- Hoist circuit is contaminated.
• Hoist pilot valve problem
- Spool is stuck.
- Solenoid is broken. (Resistance of solenoid is 33.8 ohm).
• Hoist valve problem

930E-4AT 11
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Possible cause • Wiring problem

- Wire number 53HB1 is cut.
- Wire number 53HB is cut.
- Wire number 53HS is cut.
- Wire number 712PA is cut.
- Wire number 72AT is cut.
• Fuse problem
- Fuse number FB1A-6 is burned out.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB3A-K6 or RB3A-K8 is broken.
2. If body could go down
• Broken body up switch
- Body up switch is always OFF.
- Body up switch could not be activated because of wrong setting.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 71F is cut.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Hoist pilot valve check
• Check hoist pilot valve movement during manual body control.
(See “Spool movement of hoist pilot valve.”)
• Check the solenoid resistance. (Resistance is 33.8 ohm)
2. Hoist control system check
• Check hoist system. See Section L in 930E-4AT shop manual.
3. Switch check
• Use PC monitor to watch body up switch signal during manual control.
• See Section D in 930E-4AT shop manual for adjustment.
4. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
5. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
6. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
7. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals while vibrating
the wiring.

If no problem is found, the circuit may be contaminated.

Schematic Sheet 36, 38

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01


1. Hoist limit switch 2. Body up switch

930E-4AT 13
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4406: Troubleshooting body control

Fault code 4406
Message Body position error (body up switch has been OFF)
Description When body was down position, body up switch changed to OFF for three seconds even
if body control signal was not up.

Was body down position ?


Is body control signal UP ?


BodyUpSwitch change to OFF?


Timer count up

Is timer above 3 sec ?


Exception (4406) Normal


Expected behavior
• Body should stay in the down position.
Possible cause 1. If body was not in down position
• Body has impact damage
- There was big impact while loading.
- There was big impact while traveling on rough road.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 53HA1 is shorted to 24V.
- Wire number 53HA is shorted to 24V.
• Hoist circuit or valve problem
- Hoist pilot valve or hoist valve changes to up position without any signal.
2. If body was in down position
• Broken body up switch
- Switch is always OFF.
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 71F is cut.
• Connector problem
- Connection is loose.

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Remedy 1. Switch check

• Use PC monitor to watch body up switch signal during manual control.
See Section D in 930E-4AT shop manual for adjustment.
2. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
4. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals while vibrating
the wiring.
5. Valve check
• Check hoist pilot valve movement using PC monitor.

If there is no problem in the system, the cause may be some impact to the body.
(Ex. The impact while loading.)
Schematic Sheet 36, 38


1. Hoist limit switch 2. Body up switch

930E-4AT 15
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting


Fault Code 4407: Body control solenoid A (up) wiring problem

Fault code 4407
Message Body control sol A line (hot short)
Description The wiring of solenoid A (up) at hoist control valve was shorted (short circuit with power

Did drive controller detect wiring hot short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (4407) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HA1 is shorted to 24V.
• Wire number 53HA is shorted to 24V.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 36

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Fault Code 4408: Body control solenoid A (up) wiring problem

Fault code 4408
Message Body control sol A line (cut)
Description The wiring of solenoid A (up) at hoist control valve was cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut? N


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ?


Exception (4408) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HA1 is cut.
• Wire number 53HA is cut.
• Wire number 53HS is cut.
• Wire number 52PG is cut.
• Wire number 712PA is cut.
2. Relay problem
• Relay number RB3A-K6 or RB3A-K7 is broken.
3. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-6 is burned out.
4. Hoist pilot valve problem
• Solenoid was broken. (Resistance of solenoid is 33.8 ohm.)
5. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
4. Hoist pilot valve check
• Check the solenoid resistance. (Resistance is 33.8 ohm.)
5. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals while vibrating
the wiring.
Schematic Sheet 36

930E-4AT 17
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4409: Body control solenoid A (up) wiring problem

Fault code 4409
Message Body control sol A line (GND short)
Description The wiring of solenoid A (up) at hoist control valve was shorted (short circuit with

Did drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ?

Exception (4409) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HA1 is shorted to ground.
• Wire number 53HA is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring continuity. Check for short.
Schematic Sheet 36

18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Fault Code 440A: Body control solenoid B (down) wiring problem

Fault code 440A
Message Body control sol B line (hot short)
Description The wiring of solenoid B (down) at hoist control valve was shorted (short circuit with
power source).

Did drive controller detect wiring hot short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (440A) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HB1 is shorted to 24V.
• Wire number 53HB is shorted to 24V.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 36

930E-4AT 19
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 440B: Body control solenoid B (down) wiring problem

Fault code 440B
Message Body control sol B line (cut)
Description The wiring of solenoid B (down) at hoist control valve was cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut? N


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ?


Exception (440B) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HB1 is cut.
• Wire number 53HB is cut.
• Wire number 53HS is cut.
• Wire number 52PG is cut.
• Wire number 712PA is cut.
2. Relay problem
• Relay number RB3A-K6 or RB11-K8 is broken.
• Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-6 is burned out.
3. Hoist pilot valve problem
• Solenoid was broken. (Resistance of solenoid is 33.8 ohm.)
4. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals
• Check wiring.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
4. Hoist pilot valve check
• Check the solenoid resistance. (Resistance is 33.8 ohm.)
5. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals while vibrating
the wiring.
Schematic Sheet 36

20 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Fault Code 440C: Body control solenoid B (down) wiring problem

Fault Code 440C
Message Body control sol B line (GND short)
Description The wiring of solenoid B (down) at hoist control valve was shorted (short circuit with

Did drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (440C) Normal


Possible Cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HB1 is shorted to ground.
• Wire number 53HB is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring continuity. Check for short.

930E-4AT 21
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 440D: Wrong body position

Fault code 440D
Message Reverse order when body up switch OFF
Description Body was not in down position when truck tried to start autonomous traveling.

Travel request


Is HoistUpSwitch OFF ? N

Exception (440D) Normal


Expected behavior
• Truck body must be down before traveling except just after dumping.

1. Body up switch

Possible cause 1. Malfunction

• Body was not set in down position when truck was released.
2. Switch problem
• Body up switch is broken (always OFF).
• Body up switch could not be activated because of wrong setting.
3. Wiring problem
• Wire number 71F is cut.
4. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.

22 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Remedy If body is not in down position, lower the body manually. Then restart truck.

1. Switch check
• Use PC monitor to watch hoist limit switch signal during manual dump.
• See Section D in 930E-4AT shop manual for adjustment.
2. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
3. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
4. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
5. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals while vibrating
the wiring.
Schematic Sheet 38


1. Hoist limit switch 2. Body up switch

930E-4AT 23
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 440E: Body control wiring problem

Fault Code 440E
Message Body control cut line (Hot short)
Description The wiring of body control cut line was shorted (short circuit with power source).

Did drive controller detect wiring hot short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (440E) Normal


Possible Cause Wiring problem.

• Wire number 53HP is shorted to 24V.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring continuity. Check for short.
Schematic Sheet 36

24 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Fault Code 440F: Body control wiring problem

Fault code 440F
Message Body control cut line (cut)
Description The body control line wiring is cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut? N


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (440F) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HP is cut.
• Wire number 52PG is cut.
2. Relay problem
• Relay number RB3A-K6 is broken.
3. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-6 is burned out.
4. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
4. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals while vibrating
the wiring.
Schematic Sheet 36

930E-4AT 25
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4410: Body control wiring problem

Fault code 4410
Message Body control cut line (GND short)
Description The body control line wiring is shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (4410) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem.

• Wire number 53HP is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring continuity. Check for short.
Schematic Sheet 36

26 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Fault Code 4411: Dump control pressure sensor

Fault Code 4411
Message Hoist valve pressure sensor broken
Description The hoist pressure sensor signal is under 0.2V or above 4.5V.

Signal < 0.2V or 4.5V<Signal N


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (4411) Normal


Possible Cause 1. Sensor is broken

• Broken hoist pressure sensor
2. Wiring problem
• Wire number 53PS is cut or shorted (ground or power).
• Wire number 33PG is cut or shorted (power).
• Wire number 33PP is cut or shorted (ground or power).
3. REG power converter problem
• No supply power.
• Converter is broken.
• Fuse number FB1A-7 is burned out.
4. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Sensor check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals to hoist pressure sensor while controlling
body manually.
2. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring continuity. Check for short.
3. REG power converter check
• Measure output voltage of converter (24V).
• Measure input voltage of converter (power supply) (approximately 24V).
4. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals while vibrating
the wiring.
Schematic Sheet 36, 45

930E-4AT 27
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting


28 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Fault Code 4412: Dump control signal feedback

Fault code 4412
Message Body control sol A line has problem.
Description Feedback signal from hoist solenoid A is different from output to hoist solenoid A from

Output of Solenoid A = Input of feedback ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N

Exception (4412) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HA1 is cut or shorted (ground, power).
• Wire number 53HA is cut or shorted (ground, power).
• Wire number 72AT is cut or shorted (ground, power).
• Wire number 52PG is cut or shorted (ground, power).
2. Relay problem
• Relay number RB3A-K7 is broken.
3. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-6 is burned out.
4. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals. Check if output
of solenoid A and input of feedback signal to solenoid A are the same.
• Check wiring continuity. Check for short.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals. Check if output
to solenoid A and input of feedback signal from solenoid A are the same.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
4. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals while vibrating
the wiring.
Schematic Sheet 36

930E-4AT 29
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4413: Dump control signal feedback

Fault code 4413
Message Body control Sol B line has problem
Description Feedback signal from hoist solenoid monitor B is different from output to hoist solenoid
B from controller.

Output of Solenoid B = Input of feedback ?

Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ?


Exception (4413) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HB1 is cut or shorted (ground, power).
• Wire number 53HB is cut or shorted (ground, power).
• Wire number 72AT is cut or shorted (ground, power).
• Wire number 52PG is cut or shorted (ground, power).
2. Relay problem
• Relay number RB3A-K8 is broken.
3. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-6 is burned out.
4. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals. Check if output
of solenoid B and input of feedback signal to solenoid B are the same.
• Check wiring continuity. Check for short.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals. Check if output
to solenoid B and input of feedback signal from solenoid B are the same.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
4. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals and control output signals while vibrating
the wiring.
Schematic Sheet 36

30 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40023-01

Fault Code 4414: Roll angle failure

Fault code 4414
Message Roll angle failure
Description Roll angle failure at dump behavior
Possible cause 1. Location
• Roll grade at dump position is out of specification.
2. Roll angle sensor
• Roll angle sensor has wrong setting.
Remedy 1. Location
• Maintain location surface to match specification.
2. Roll angle sensor
• Do roll angle sensor adjustement . See Roll sensor adjustment.

930E-4AT 31
CEN40023-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40023-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

32 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Travel Control System - Operation
Fault Code 4502: Wrong position of A/M key switch ............................................................................................ 3
Fault Code 4504: Power supply for controller....................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4505: Power supply for controller....................................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4506: Power supply for controller....................................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 4509: Time over in autonomous travel ............................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 450A: Time over in autonomous travel............................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 450B: Course out (wrong position)..................................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 450D: Course out ............................................................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 4510: Course out.............................................................................................................................. 10
Fault Code 4513: Over speed control ..................................................................................................................11
Fault Code 4515: Over passing target point ....................................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 4518, 4519: Wrong moving direction................................................................................................ 13
Fault Code 451E: Brake lock switch is ON in auto mode ................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 4521: Course out (longitudinal position)........................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 4524: No propel (930E) .................................................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 4525: No propel (930E) .................................................................................................................... 16

930E-4AT 1
CEN40024-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4526: No propel (power off the truck request) .................................................................................. 16
Fault Code 4527: Truck was stopped with some obstacle while approaching crusher ....................................... 16

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40024-01

Fault Code 4502: Wrong position of A/M key switch
Fault code 4502
Message A/M key switch in wrong position
Description Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL position while autonomous traveling.

Autonomous traveling ? N

A/M key switch is Manual ? N


Exception (4502) Normal


Possible cause Switch problem

• Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL position.
Remedy Return Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position and restart truck.

930E-4AT 3
CEN40024-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4504: Power supply for controller

Fault code 4504
Message Low voltage of unswitched power
Description Power supply voltage of drive controller drops below 16V.

Unswitched power lower than 15V? N


Exception (4504) Normal


Expected behavior
• Power supply must be more than 16V.
Possible cause 1. Battery problem
• Battery voltage is low.
2. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB2A-9 is burned out.
3. Wiring problem
• Wire number 52P21 is cut.
Remedy 1. Battery problem
• Check output voltage with a voltmeter.
2. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
3. Wiring check
• Check wiring continuity.
Schematic Sheet 39

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40024-01

Fault Code 4505: Power supply for controller

Fault code 4505
Message Low voltage of switched power
Description Switched power supply voltage of drive controller drops below 16V.

Switched power lower than 16V? N


Exception (4505) Normal


Expected behavior
• Switched power supply must be more than 16V.
Possible cause 1. Battery problem
• Battery voltage is low.
2. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-19 is burned out.
3. Wiring problem
• Wire number 52P19 is cut.
• Wire number 712PA is cut.
Remedy 1. Battery problem
• Check output voltage with a voltmeter.
2. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
3. Wiring check
• Check wiring continuity.
Schematic Sheet 39

930E-4AT 5
CEN40024-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4506: Power supply for controller

Fault code 4506
Message Low voltage of sol power
Description Solenoid power supply voltage of drive controller drops below 16V.

Sol power supply lower than 16V? N


Exception (4506) Normal


Expected behavior
• Solenoid power supply must be more than 16V.
Possible cause 1. Battery problem
• Battery voltage is low.
2. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-18 is burned out.
3. Wiring problem
• Wire number 52P18D is cut.
• Wire number 712PA is cut.
Remedy 1. Battery problem
• Check output voltage with a voltmeter.
2. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
3. Wiring check
• Check wiring continuity.

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40024-01

Fault Code 4509: Time over in autonomous travel

Fault code 4509
Message Time over to the end of trajectory
Description Truck did not arrive at stop position.

Front brake activate above 80%

Front Right brake pressure is high ? Y


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (43A2) Normal


Possible cause Road condition

• There are rocks or obstacles on road.
• Road is rough.
Remedy Maintain the road in good condition.

930E-4AT 7
CEN40024-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 450A: Time over in autonomous travel

Fault code 450A
Message Time over to reach target point
Description Truck did not move to next target position.

Does AHT arrive at target position?

Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ?


Exception (450A) Normal


Possible cause Road condition

• There are rocks or obstacles on road.
• Road is rough.
Remedy Maintain the road in good condition.

Fault Code 450B: Course out (wrong position)

Fault code 450B
Message Course out wrong position
Description Difference between AHT position and target position become large in auto mode.
Possible cause 1. Drive controller software failure
2. Brake does not work propely
Remedy 1. Change to manual mode. Check brake system.
2. If brake is OK but same error happens again, change drive controller.

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40024-01

Fault Code 450D: Course out

Fault code 450D
Message Course out
Description Tracking error larger than specification.
Possible cause 1. Road condition
• There are rocks or obstacles on road.
• Rough road.
2. Loading form

3. Course database
• Survey not good for autonomous travel
4. Hardware problem
• Flat tire
• Hydraulic system problem
• Electric system problem

Remedy Check the following items. After all clear, set truck on the course and restart.
1. Road condition
• Check road condition and maintain road.
2. Loading form
• Change to manual mode and dump material manually. Then restart truck.
3. Course database
• If database is new, survey may not be good for autonomous travel.
Re-survey and re-create database.
4. Hardware
• Check truck hardware.

930E-4AT 9
CEN40024-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4510: Course out

Fault code 4510
Message Yaw angle error
Description Tracking angle error larger than specification.
Possible cause 1. Road condition
• Rocks or obstacles on road
• Rough road
2. Loading form

3. Course database
• Survey not good for autonomous travel
4. Hardware problem
• Flat tire
• Hydraulic system problem
• Electric system problem

Remedy Check the following items. After all clear, set truck on the course and restart.
1. Road condition
• Check road condition and maintain it.
2. Loading form
• Change to manual mode and dump material manually. Then restart truck.
3. Course database
• If database is new, survey may not be good for autonomous travel.
Re-survey and re-create database.
4. Hardware
• Check truck hardware

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40024-01

Fault Code 4513: Over speed control

Fault code 4513
Message Over speed
Description Truck speed is higher than target speed.
Possible cause 1. Road condition
• Down slope over 10%
• Slippery down slope
2. Loading condition
• Overloaded
3. Retard brake
• Low retard brake performance
Remedy Check the following items. After all clear, set truck on the course and restart.
1. Road condition
• Check road condition and maintain it.
2. Loading condition
• If truck is overloaded, change to manual mode and dump material manually.
Then restart truck.
3. Retard brake
• Change to manual mode. Then try retard brake with loaded condition. If retard
brake performance is low, check GE retard system.

930E-4AT 11
CEN40024-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4515: Over passing target point

Fault code 4515
Message Over passing target point
Description Distance between truck position and the target stop position is large.

Distance between truck position and

target stop position > threshold ? N

Exception (4515) Normal


Possible cause 1. Truck has just been released

• CGC software exception
2. Road condition
• Down slope over 10%.
• Slippery down slope
3. Loading condition
• Overloaded
4. Retard brake
• Low retard brake performance
Remedy Check the following items. After all clear, set truck on the course and restart.

1. Road condition
• Check the road condition and maintain it.
2. Loading condition
• If truck is overloaded, change to manual mode and dump material manually.
Then restart truck.
3. Retard brake
• Change to manual mode. Then try retard brake with loaded condition.
If retard brake performance is low, check GE retard system.

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40024-01

Fault Code 4518, 4519: Wrong moving direction

Fault code 4518
Message Move Forward at R shift

Fault code 4519

Message Move Reverse at F shift

Description Autonomous truck moves more than 6 m (20 ft) or 1.0 m (3.3 ft) twice against F-N-R
selector while autonomous traveling.

Moving distance against F-N-R selector

> 1.0m ? N

Second time?
Moving distance against F-N-R
selector > 6m ?

Exception (4518,4519) Normal


Possible cause 1. Road condition

• Up/down slope over 10%
• Slippery up/down slope
2. Loaded material condition
• Overloaded on the up/down slope
3. GE system no propel condition

930E-4AT 13
CEN40024-01 40 Troubleshooting

Remedy Check the following items. After all clear, set truck on the course and restart.
1. Road condition
• Check the road condition and maintain it.
2. Loaded material condition
• If truck is overloaded, change to manual mode and dump material manually. Then
restart truck.
3. If system had this exception on the ramp, follow the procedure below.
a. Make sure that there are no persons, EMV and other equipment in front or back
of the truck.
b. Try restarting the truck from Central or EMV only one time. Do not send restart
command repeatedly if same exception is reported.
c. If same exception is reported again, suspend the truck with suspend command
from Central or EMV.
d. Make sure that the truck is suspended.
e. Approach the truck and change to manual mode according to normal procedure.
f. Make sure that there are no persons, EMV and other equipment in front or back
of the truck again.
g. Drive the truck manually to check that the truck has propulsion.
h. If there is propulsion, set the truck on the course and release the truck again from
EMV using the normal procedure.
i. If there is no propulsion while driving manually, shutdown E/G and turn on E/G
again. Then drive the truck manually again to check that the truck has propulsion.
j. If there is propulsion, set the truck on the course and release the truck again from
EMV using the normal procedure.
k. If there is still no propulsion, make sure the truck is completely stopped and apply
the parking brake. Protect the truck with Isolation mode and follow the mine pro-
cedure for parking the truck on a slope.
l. Call the service engineer to check the GE system.
m.After the GE propulsion system is available, release the truck from EMV using the
normal procedure.

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40024-01

Fault Code 451E: Brake lock switch is ON in auto mode

Fault code 451E
Message Brake Lock SW is ON in AUTO
Description Operator forgot to release brake lock switch in release procedure.
Possible cause Brake lock switch ON in cab
Remedy Release brake lock switch in cab. Then repeat release procedure.

Fault Code 4521: Course out (longitudinal position)

Fault code 4521
Message Wrong target position (longitudinal position)
Description Target point was too far away to travel autonomously.
Possible cause 1. Wrong start position
2. Course data problem
Remedy 1. If fault occurs just after release of truck
• Move truck manually to the correct position. Then repeat release procedure.
2. If fault occurs while the truck is traveling
• Restart again. If same exception happens again, move truck manually to another
position. Then repeat release procedure.

Fault Code 4524: No propel (930E)

Fault code 4524
Message No propel
Description When no propel yellow caution is ON, truck moves 1.0 m (3.3 ft) against F-N-R selector.

Moving distance against F-N-R selector > 1.0m ?


Is No Propel yellow caution ON N

Exception (4524) Normal


Possible cause No propel caution at GE system

Remedy See section N5 of 930E-4AT shop manual.

930E-4AT 15
CEN40024-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4525: No propel (930E)

Fault code 4525
Message GE system not ready
Description Sys-Run signal is not ready.

Sys-Run signal GE system

ON (0V) Ready
OFF (open Not ready

Possible cause 1. GE system problem

2. Wiring problem
• Wire number 72CPU is cut.
Remedy 1. Check GE system
2. Wiring check
• Check wiring continuity.

Fault Code 4526: No propel (power off the truck request)

Fault code 4526
Message No Propel (Power off the truck request)
Description No propel problem occurred without any caution.
Possible cause GE system has a problem.
Remedy Turn off power to truck.

Fault Code 4527: Truck was stopped with some obstacle while approaching crusher
Fault code 4527
Message Truck was stopped with some obstacle while approaching crusher
Description Truck detected obstacle while approaching crusher.
Possible cause There are obstacles around the crusher.
Remedy Remove the obstacles around the crusher.

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40024-01


930E-4AT 17
CEN40024-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40024-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

18 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Travel Control System – Warning
Fault Code 8003: Supervisory system caution ..................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 8005: Emergency Button pressed (Engine stop request was canceled))........................................... 4
Fault Code 8011: CGC heartbeat delay ................................................................................................................ 4
Fault Code 8012: Hub heartbeat delay ................................................................................................................. 5
Fault Code 8019: CAN-A problem ........................................................................................................................ 5
Fault Code 801A: Safety controller has CAN-A problem ...................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 801B: PLM data stop .......................................................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 8021, 8022, 8023, 8024, 8028, 8029: Wrong speed profile ............................................................... 7
Fault Code 802B: Wrong speed profile ................................................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 8031, 8032, 8033, 8035: Wrong trajectory data ................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 8041, 8042, 8043: Wrong behavior data ............................................................................................ 9
Fault Code 8061: PLM sensors problem ............................................................................................................ 10
Fault Code 8062: MBI not ready ..........................................................................................................................11
Fault Code 8063: MBI communication problem...................................................................................................11
Fault Code 8064: MBI digital heartbeat cut..........................................................................................................11
Fault Code 8065: MBI dead .................................................................................................................................11

930E-4AT 1
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8066: PLM3 detects failure............................................................................................................... 11

Fault Code 8070: Observer controller detected failure ....................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 8071: Observer controller no response ............................................................................................ 12
Fault Code 80A1, 80A2: Heartbeat problem with safety controller ..................................................................... 13
Fault Code 80A3: Communication with safety controller .................................................................................... 14
Fault Code 80AB: Communication with safety controller .................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 80AD: Safety controller in wrong mode ............................................................................................ 15
Fault Code 80B1: Reduce speed due to tracking error....................................................................................... 16
Fault Code 80B4: Reduce speed due to S/T pressure low warning ................................................................... 16
Fault Code 80B5: Drive control warning ............................................................................................................. 16
Fault Code 80F1: Controller setting .................................................................................................................... 16
Fault Code 80F6: Controller setting .................................................................................................................... 17
Fault Code 80F8: Controller setting .................................................................................................................... 17
Fault Code 80F9: Controller setting .................................................................................................................... 17
Fault Code 8101: Steering did not work during steering check........................................................................... 17
Fault Code 8103, 8104: Steering potentiometer problem ................................................................................... 18
Fault Code 8106: S/T EPC valve wiring.............................................................................................................. 20
Fault Code 8107: S/T EPC valve wiring.............................................................................................................. 21
Fault Code 8108: S/T EPC valve wiring.............................................................................................................. 22
Fault Code 8109: S/T EPC valve wiring.............................................................................................................. 23
Fault Code 810A: S/T EPC valve wiring ............................................................................................................. 24
Fault Code 810B: S/T EPC valve wiring ............................................................................................................. 25
Fault Code 8111, 8112: S/T pressure sensors .................................................................................................... 26
Fault Code 8113: S/T pressure ........................................................................................................................... 28
Fault Code 8116, 8117: S/T potentiometer signal problem ................................................................................. 28
Fault Code 8118: (B1) Steering accumulator low pressure ................................................................................. 29
Fault Code 8204: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem..................................................................................... 29
Fault Code 8205: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem..................................................................................... 30
Fault Code 8206: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem..................................................................................... 31
Fault Code 8207: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem..................................................................................... 32
Fault Code 8208: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem..................................................................................... 33
Fault Code 8209: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem..................................................................................... 34
Fault Code 820A: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem .................................................................................... 35
Fault Code 820B: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem .................................................................................... 36
Fault Code 820C: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem .................................................................................... 37
Fault Code 820F: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem..................................................................................... 38
Fault Code 8210: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem..................................................................................... 39
Fault Code 8211: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem ..................................................................................... 40
Fault Code 83A7: Front brake system wiring problem ........................................................................................ 41
Fault Code 83A8: Front brake system wiring problem ........................................................................................ 42
Fault Code 83A9: Front brake system wiring problem ........................................................................................ 43
Fault Code 83AA: Rear brake system wiring problem ........................................................................................ 44
Fault Code 83AB: Rear brake system wiring problem ........................................................................................ 45
Fault Code 83AC: Rear brake system wiring problem ........................................................................................ 46
Fault Code 83B0: Auto apply brake system wiring problem ............................................................................... 47
Fault Code 83B1: Auto apply brake system wiring problem ............................................................................... 48
Fault Code 83B2: Auto apply brake system wiring problem ............................................................................... 49
Fault Code 83B4: Brake lock system wiring problem.......................................................................................... 50
Fault Code 83B5: Brake lock system wiring problem.......................................................................................... 51
Fault Code 83B6: Brake lock system wiring problem.......................................................................................... 52
Fault Code 83C0: Left rear brake could not release ........................................................................................... 53
Fault Code 83C1: Right rear brake could not release......................................................................................... 54
Fault Code 83C2: Override signal wiring problem .............................................................................................. 55
Fault Code 83C3: Override signal wiring problem .............................................................................................. 56

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 83C4: Override signal wiring problem .............................................................................................. 57

Fault Code 83C5, 83C6, 83C7, 83C8: Brake pressure sensors ......................................................................... 58
Fault Code 83D1: All hydraulic brake error......................................................................................................... 59
Fault Code 83D2, 83D3: Park brake problem..................................................................................................... 60
Fault Code 83D4: Low brake pressure when E/G is OFF................................................................................... 60
Fault Code 83D6: (C1) Brake accumulator low pressure ................................................................................... 60
Fault Code 83FF: (C1) Parking brake check ...................................................................................................... 60
Fault Code 8407: Body control solenoid A (up) line wiring problem ................................................................... 61
Fault Code 8408: Body control solenoid A (up) line wiring problem ................................................................... 62
Fault Code 8409: Body control solenoid A (up) line wiring problem ................................................................... 63
Fault Code 840A: Body control solenoid B (down) line wiring problem .............................................................. 64
Fault Code 840B: Body control solenoid B (down) line wiring problem .............................................................. 65
Fault Code 840C: Body control solenoid B (down) line wiring problem .............................................................. 66
Fault Code 840E: Body control cut line wiring problem ...................................................................................... 67
Fault Code 840F: Body control cut line wiring problem ...................................................................................... 68
Fault Code 8410: Body control cut line wiring problem....................................................................................... 69
Fault Code 8411: Dump control pressure sensor ............................................................................................... 70
Fault Code 8414: Roll angle failure..................................................................................................................... 72
Fault Code 8504: Power supply of controller ...................................................................................................... 72
Fault Code 8505: Power supply of controller ...................................................................................................... 73
Fault Code 8506: Power supply of controller ...................................................................................................... 74
Fault Code 850B: Course out wrong position ..................................................................................................... 74
Fault Code 851C: Payload overload (120%)-speed limited ................................................................................ 75
Fault Code 8525: No propel (930E) .................................................................................................................... 75
Fault Code 8526: No propel (power off truck request) ........................................................................................ 75
Fault Code 8528: Slip control system running .................................................................................................... 75

930E-4AT 3
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8003: Supervisory system caution
Fault code 8003
Message Temporary stop
Description System stops truck temporarily (this code is not sent to central).
Possible cause ---
Remedy ---

Fault Code 8005: Emergency Button pressed (Engine stop request was canceled))
Fault code 8005
Message Emergency button pressed
Description Emergency button was pressed during remote engine stop request.
(Emergency button has priority.)
Possible cause ---
Remedy To stop engine remotely, clear the emergency stop.

Fault Code 8011: CGC heartbeat delay

Fault code 8011
Message CGC heartbeat delay
Description Drive controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from CGC for a long time.
Possible cause 1. CGC problem
2. Reset or frozen CGC.
Remedy 1. Restart truck.
• If same exception is repeated, cycle power off
and on.
• If problem is repeated, check CAN-A commu-
nication to CGC.
2. Check communication with PC monitor.
• Number of CGC should count up.

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8012: Hub heartbeat delay

Fault code 8012
Message HUB heartbeat delay
Description Drive controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from hub for a long time.
Possible cause 1. Hub problem.
2. Reset or frozen hub.
Remedy 1. Restart truck.
• If same exception is repeated, cycle power off
and on.
• If problem is repeated, check CAN-A commu-
nication and hub.
2. Check communication with PC monitor.
• Number of hub should count up.

Fault Code 8019: CAN-A problem

Fault code 8019
Message CAN-A has problem
Description Drive controller could not receive any RPC via CAN-A.
Possible cause CAN-A disconnection
• CAN-A wiring is disconnected.
• Connector is loose.
• Terminator has a problem.
Remedy 1. Check heartbeat communication of hub and CGC on CAN-bus with PC monitor.
2. Check if terminator resistance is 120 ohm.

Fault Code 801A: Safety controller has CAN-A problem

Fault code 801A
Message Safety controller has CAN-A problem
Description Safety controller reported CAN-A communication failure of safety controller.
Since safety controller has CAN-A communication failure, it can not report the fault code
to central via CAN-bus. Drive controller reports the fault instead of safety controller.
Possible cause CAN-A disconnection
• CAN-A wiring is disconnected.
• Connector is loose.
Remedy Check wiring continuity and disconnection.

930E-4AT 5
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 801B: PLM data stop

Fault code 801B
Message PLM data stop
Description Drive controller could not receive PLM data from MBI.
Possible cause 1. Disconnected CAN-bus from MBI to PLM
2. PLM problem
3. MBI problem
Remedy 1. Check CAN-bus wiring.
• Number of PLM controller should count up.
2. Check PLM (See Section M of 930E-4AT shop

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8021, 8022, 8023, 8024, 8028, 8029: Wrong speed profile
Fault code 8021
Message Wrong speed profile (wrong data size)
Description Speed profile data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault code 8022

Message Wrong speed profile (wrong direction change at forward traveling)
Description Speed profile data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault code 8023

Message Wrong speed profile (wrong direction change at reverse traveling)
Description Speed profile data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault code 8024

Message Wrong speed profile (wrong end speed)
Description Speed profile data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault code 8028

Message Wrong speed profile (no trajectory data)
Description Speed profile data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault code 8029

Message Wrong speed profile (wrong CRC)
Description Speed profile data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

930E-4AT 7
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 802B: Wrong speed profile

Fault code 802B
Message Wrong speed profile (wrong index)
Description Speed profile data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault Code 8031, 8032, 8033, 8035: Wrong trajectory data

Fault code 8031
Message Wrong trajectory data (wrong siz)
Description Trajectory data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault code 8032

Message Wrong trajectory data (wrong heading angle)
Description Trajectory data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault code 8033

Message Wrong trajectory data (wrong distance)
Description Trajectory data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault code 8035

Message Wrong trajectory data (wrong CRC)
Description Trajectory data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8041, 8042, 8043: Wrong behavior data

Fault code 8041
Message Wrong behavior data (wrong index)
Description Behavior data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault code 8042

Message Wrong behavior data (unknown order)
Description Behavior data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault code 8043

Message Wrong behavior data (wrong size)
Description Behavior data was interrupted.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Restart truck.

930E-4AT 9
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8061: PLM sensors problem

Fault code 8061
Message PLM sensor problem
Description • Suspension pressure value of PLM was less than –34.5 kg/cm2 (–491 psi) or more
than 289 kg/cm2 (4111 psi) for five seconds.
• Inclinometer value of PLM was less than –19.7 degrees or more than 24 degrees for
five seconds.

-34.5 < Suspension pressure value < 289 kg/cm^2?


Timer count up

Is timer above 5sec ?


Exception (4061) Normal

-19.7 < Inclinometer value < 24deg?


Timer count up

Is timer above 5sec ?


Exception (4061) Normal


Possible cause 1. Suspension sensors broken or not installed

2. Inclinometer broken or not installed
Remedy See Section M of 930E-4AT shop manual.

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8062: MBI not ready

Fault code 8062
Message MBI not ready
Description MBI controller does not wake up.
Possible cause MBI communication problem (CAN-bus MBI to drive controller)
MBI controller without power supply
Remedy 1. Check MBI controller power supply.
2. Check CAN-bus MBI to drive controller.

Fault Code 8063: MBI communication problem

Fault code 8063
Message MBI communication problem
Description There is a CAN-bus communication problem between drive and MBI controller.
Possible cause CAN communication problem
Remedy Check CAN wiring continuity.
Schematic Sheet 43

Fault Code 8064: MBI digital heartbeat cut

Fault code 8064
Message MBI digital heartbeat cut
Description There is a heartbeat wiring problem from MBI to drive controller.
Possible cause Heartbeat wiring cut or shorted
Remedy Check heartbeat wiring continuity.
Schematic Sheet 44

Fault Code 8065: MBI dead

Fault code 8065
Message MBI dead
Description MBI controller does not respond for any RPC and heartbeat.
Possible cause MBI controller without power supply
Remedy Check MBI controller power supply.
Schematic Sheet 43, 44

Fault Code 8066: PLM3 detects failure

Fault code 8066
Message PLM3 detects failure
Description Drive controller found PLM3 failure.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual for PLM3 troubleshooting.

930E-4AT 11
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8070: Observer controller detected failure

Fault code 8070
Message Observer controller detected failure
Description Heartbeat from observer controller stopped and remained ON because observer
controller detected failure.
Possible cause 1. Observer controller detected a failure.
2. Heartbeat line from observer controller to drive controller was shorted high.
Remedy 1. Check LED on observer controller and refer to troubleshooting of observer controller
according to LED flashing.
2. If LED on observer controller shows any caution, check the heartbeat wiring.
Schematic Sheet 39

Fault Code 8071: Observer controller no response

Fault code 8071
Message Observer controller no response
Description Heartbeat from observer controller stopped and remained OFF.
Possible cause 1. Observer controller detected a failure.
2. Heartbeat line from observer controller to drive controller was cut or shorted to
Remedy 1. Check observer controller has power to its LED
2. Check the heartbeat wiring
Schematic Sheet 39

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 80A1, 80A2: Heartbeat problem with safety controller

Fault code 80A1
Message Heartbeat wiring to Safe was cut

Fault code 80A2

Message Heartbeat wiring to Safe was shorted

Description 80A1
• Heartbeat signal from safety controller was kept OFF for 0.5 seconds.
• Heartbeat signal from safety controller was kept ON for 0.5 seconds.
Possible cause Wiring problem.
• Wire number 90SH is cut or short.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to watch heartbeat input signal.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 39

930E-4AT 13
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 80A3: Communication with safety controller

Fault code 80A3
Message RPC heartbeat error with safety controller
Description Drive controller could not receive RPC heartbeat (SpeedOrder).
Possible cause CAN-B disconnection
• CAN-B wiring is disconnected.
• Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Check CAN-bus communication with PC moni-
• Number of safety controller should count up.
2. Check wiring.
3. Check if terminator resistance is 120 ohm.

Schematic Sheet 43

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 80AB: Communication with safety controller

Fault code 80AB
Message RPC heartbeat error with safety controller
Description Drive controller could not receive RPC heartbeat (SpeedOrder).
Possible cause CAN-A disconnection
• CAN-A wiring is disconnected.
• Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Check CAN-bus communication with PC
• Number on safety controller should count
2. Check wiring.
3. Check to verify resistance of terminator is
120 ohm.

Schematic Sheet 44

Fault Code 80AD: Safety controller in wrong mode

Fault code 80AD
Message Safety controller in wrong mode
Description Mode in safety controller status massage is unknown mode.
Possible cause Safety controller problem
• Safety controller is broken.
Remedy Cycle power for AHT.
• If system is not fixed by cycle power, replace safety controller.

930E-4AT 15
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 80B1: Reduce speed due to tracking error

Warning code 80B1
Message Reduce speed by tracking error
Description Truck is traveling with speed limitation to reduce tracking error for safe operation.
Possible cause 1. Road condition
• Road needs maintenance.
2. Course database
• There is a poor section in autonomous travel course data.
3. Loading form

Remedy 1. Road condition

• Check road condition. If road is rough, maintain road.
2. Course database
• If this warning reports at same section every time, re-survey and re-create course

Fault Code 80B4: Reduce speed due to S/T pressure low warning
Fault code 80B4
Message Reduce speed by S/T pressure low warning
Description Reduce speed because of low steering pressure caution (B1) in cab.
Possible cause ---
Remedy Reduce speed

Fault Code 80B5: Drive control warning

Fault code 80B5
Message Narrow road speed limitation
Description Truck reduces speed because road width is narrow.
Possible cause Narrow road
Remedy Expand the road width.

Fault Code 80F1: Controller setting

Fault code 80F1
Message Mismatch Truck Type
Description The type of software in controller is not 930E-4AT.
Possible cause Wrong part number for controller
Remedy Correct drive or safety controller.

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 80F6: Controller setting

Fault code 80F6
Message NV-RAM memory error
Description Setting value of AHT in NV-RAM has cleared.
Possible cause Controller
• New controller is installed.
• NV-RAM is broken.
Remedy Do all maintenance related to drive to set the value in controller.
See 930E-4AT shop manual.

Fault Code 80F8: Controller setting

Fault code 80F8
Message Wrong setting controller
Description Drive controller is set to different position or controller identifier is not set to ground.
Possible cause Controller
• Drive controller has wrong setting.
• There is a identifier wiring problem
Remedy 1. Check and correct the position of drive controller.
2. Check the identifier wiring.

Fault Code 80F9: Controller setting

Fault code 80F9
Message Identifier wiring was cut
Description Identifier wiring was cut.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• There is a identifier wiring problem.
Remedy Check the identifier wiring.

Fault Code 8101: Steering did not work during steering check
Fault code 8101
Message Steering did not work during steering check
Description There was a small difference between truck steering angle and target steering angle.
Therefore, truck speed was limited to 10 kph (6 mph).
Possible cause 1. Truck has not been warmed up yet
2. Road is rough
Remedy 1. Warm up sufficiently in manual mode
2. Check road condition and maintain road
Schematic Sheet 38

930E-4AT 17
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8103, 8104: Steering potentiometer problem

Fault code 8103
Message S/T Right Potentiometer error

Fault code 8104

Message S/T Left Potentiometer error

Description 8103, 8104

Steering potentiometer signal jumped 3 degrees for 0.05 seconds.

Right Potentiometer Left Potentiometer signal

signal jump 3deg? N jump 3deg? N


Normal Normal

Warning (8103) Warning (810


Possible cause 1. Electrical problem

• Potentiometer
- Potentiometer is damaged.
• Potentiometer wiring problem
- Wire number 5RT, 5ORT, or 0RT has damage.
- Wire number 5LT, 5OLT, or 0LT has damage.
- Connections are loose.
2. Road condition
• Road is rough.
Remedy 1. Electrical check
• Potentiometer
- Check potentiometer output. Compare signal using PC monitor when steering
in manual operation.
• Wiring check
- Check wiring continuity.
- Check for loose connector.
2. Road condition check
• Check road condition and maintain road.
Schematic Sheet 38

18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01



930E-4AT 19
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8106: S/T EPC valve wiring

Fault code 8106
Message S/T sol line short (left)
Description The wiring of steering valve solenoid (left) line was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.1 sec ? N


Warning (8106) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STL is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 38

20 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8107: S/T EPC valve wiring

Fault code 8107
Message S/T sol line cut (left)
Description Steering valve solenoid (left) line wiring was cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.1 sec ? N


Warning (810B) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STL, 51SP1, 51SP, 72AT, or 52P8 is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
3. Relay problem
• Relay number RB3A-K2 is broken.
4. Broken steering valve left solenoid
• Solenoid is broken.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Steering valve left solenoid check
• Check if coil resistance is 15.6 ohm. If coil is broken, replace valve.
Schematic Sheet 38

930E-4AT 21
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8108: S/T EPC valve wiring

Fault code 8108
Message S/T sol line hot short (left)
Description Steering valve solenoid (left) line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.1 sec ? N


Warning (8108) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STL is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 38

22 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8109: S/T EPC valve wiring

Fault code 8109
Message S/T sol line short (right)
Description The wiring of steering valve solenoid (right) line wiring was shorted (short circuit to

Did drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.1 sec ? N


Warning (8109) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STR is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 38

930E-4AT 23
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 810A: S/T EPC valve wiring

Fault code 810A
Message S/T sol line cut (right)
Description Steering valve solenoid (right) line wiring was cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Warning (810A) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STR, 51SP1, 51SP, 72AT, or 52P8 is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
3. Relay problem
• Relay number RB11-K2 is broken.
4. Broken steering valve right solenoid
• Solenoid is broken.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Steering valve right solenoid
• Check if coil resistance is 15.6 ohm. If coil is broken, replace valve.

24 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 810B: S/T EPC valve wiring

Fault code 810B
Message S/T sol line hot short (right)
Description Steering valve solenoid (right) line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.1 sec ? N


Warning (810B) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 51STR is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.

930E-4AT 25
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8111, 8112: S/T pressure sensors

Fault code 8111
Message S/T Press Sensor (Right) Warning

Fault code 8112

Message S/T Press Sensor (Left) Warning

Description • Steering pressure sensor signal is more than 4.5V.

• Steering pressure sensor signal is less than 0.5V.

Is sensor signal larger than 4.5V ?

Is sensor signal less than 0.5V ?

Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N



(8111, 8112) Normal


Possible cause 1. Sensor problem

• Pressure sensor is broken.
2. Wiring problem
• Wire number 33PG is cut.
• Wire number 33PP is cut.
• Wire number 51SPR or 51SPL is cut.
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.

26 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01


930E-4AT 27
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8113: S/T pressure

Fault code 8113
Message Low S/T Pressure Warning
Description Low steering pressure warning light in cab was turned on for 30 seconds.

Low Steering Pressure warning ON ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 30 sec ? N


Warning (8113) Normal


Possible cause Standard truck system warning

Remedy See Section N5 of 930E-4AT shop manual.

Fault Code 8116, 8117: S/T potentiometer signal problem

Fault code 8116
Message S/T Right Pot wiring warning

Fault code 8117

Message S/T Left Pot wiring warning

Description Steering Potentiometer signal line was cut or shorted.

Possible cause Potentiometer wiring problem.
• Wire number 5RT, 5ORT, or 0RT has damage.
• Wire number 5LT, 5OLT, or 0LT has damage.
• Connections are loose.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check wiring continuity.
Schematic Sheet 38

28 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8118: (B1) Steering accumulator low pressure

Fault code 8118
Message (B1) Steering accumulator low pressure
Description Warning indicator (B1) "Low Steering Pressure" stayed on for 15 seconds or more.
Possible cause 1. There is something wrong with hydraulic system
2. Engine stops due to Engine malfunction
3. Engine is shut down by remote engine stop function.
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.

Fault Code 8204: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 8204
Message Shift (R) line (hot short)
Description F-N-R selector switch (Reverse) output line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Warning (8204) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 79BAU is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

930E-4AT 29
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8205: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 8205
Message Shift (R) line (cut)
Description F-N-R selector switch (Reverse) output line wiring was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Warning (8205) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 79BAU is cut.
• Wire number 52P5 is cut.
2. Fuse problem
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Fuse
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 34

30 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8206: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 8206
Message Shift (R) line (GND short)
Description F-N-R selector switch (Reverse) output line wiring was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Warning (8206) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 79BAU is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

930E-4AT 31
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8207: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 8207
Message Shift (F) line (hot short)
Description F-N-R selector switch (Forward) output line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (8207) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FAU is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

32 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8208: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 8208
Message Shift (F) line (cut)
Description F-N-R selector switch (Forward) output line wiring was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (8208) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FAU is cut.
• Wire number 52P5 is cut.
2. Fuse problem
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Fuse
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 34

930E-4AT 33
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8209: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 8209
Message Shift (F) line (GND short)
Description F-N-R selector switch (Forward) output line wiring was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (8209) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FAU is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

34 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 820A: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 820A
Message Shift (P) line (hot short)
Description F-N-R selector switch (Park) output line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (820A) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72CAU is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 35
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 820B: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 820B
Message Shift (P) line (cut)
Description F-N-R selector switch (Park) output line wiring was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (820B) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 72CAU is cut.
• Wire number 52CA is cut.
• Wire number 72TA is cut.
2. Fuse problem
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Fuse
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 35

36 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 820C: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 820C
Message Shift (P) line (GND short)
Description F-N-R selector switch (Park) output line wiring was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (820C) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72CAU is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 37
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 820F: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 820F
Message FNR line (hot short)
Description FNR line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (820F) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FNRA or 72FNR is shorted to power.
2. Relay problem
• Relay number RB5A-K1 is broken.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

38 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8210: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 8210
Message FNR line (cut)
Description FNR line wiring was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (8210) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FNRA is cut.
• Wire number 72FNR is cut.
2. Diode problem
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
4. Relay problem
• Relay number RB5A-K1 is broken.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Diode check
• Check diode performance.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 39
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8211: F-N-R selector switch wiring problem

Fault code 8211
Message FNR line (GND short)
Description FNR line wiring was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (8211) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72FNRA or 72FNR is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

40 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 83A7: Front brake system wiring problem

Fault code 83A7
Message Front brake sol output line (short)
Description Front brake solenoid line wiring was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (48A7) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS2P is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 34

930E-4AT 41
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 83A8: Front brake system wiring problem

Fault code 83A8
Message Front brake sol output line (cut)
Description Front brake solenoid line wiring was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (83A8) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS2P is cut.
• Wire number 33BS2G is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
3. Brake 2 (front) solenoid problem
• Coil resistance is 35 ohm.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
2. Brake 2 (front) solenoid check
• Check if coil resistance is 35 ohm.
Schematic Sheet 35

42 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 83A9: Front brake system wiring problem

Fault code 83A9
Message Front brake sol output line (hot short)
Description Front brake solenoid line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (83A9) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS2P is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.

930E-4AT 43
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 83AA: Rear brake system wiring problem

Fault code 83AA
Message Rear brake sol output line (short)
Description Rear brake solenoid line wiring was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (83AA) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS1P is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

44 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 83AB: Rear brake system wiring problem

Fault code 83AB
Message Rear brake sol output line (cut)
Description Rear brake solenoid line wiring was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (83AB) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS1P is cut.
• Wire number 33BS1G is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
3. Brake 1 (rear) solenoid is problem
• Coil resistance is 35 ohm.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
2. Brake 1 (rear) solenoid check
• Check if coil resistance is 35 ohm.

930E-4AT 45
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 83AC: Rear brake system wiring problem

Fault code 83AC
Message Rear brake sol output line (hot short)
Description Rear brake solenoid line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to Power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N


Exception (83AC) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 33BS1P is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.

46 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 83B0: Auto apply brake system wiring problem

Fault code 83B0
Message Emergency brake sol line (hot short)
Description Auto apply brake system line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (83B0) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72AAD is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 47
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 83B1: Auto apply brake system wiring problem

Fault code 83B1
Message Emergency brake sol line (cut)
Description Auto apply brake system line wiring was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (83B1) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 72AA is cut.
• Wire number 72AAD is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output brake
signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

48 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 83B2: Auto apply brake system wiring problem

Fault code 83B2
Message Emergency brake sol line (GND short)
Description Auto apply brake system line wiring was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (83B2) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 72AAD is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Disconnect CN3 connector at drive controller. Then check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 49
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 83B4: Brake lock system wiring problem

Fault code 83B4
Message Brake Lock sol line (hot short)
Description Brake lock sol line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (83B4) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 52BLA is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

50 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 83B5: Brake lock system wiring problem

Fault code 83B5
Message Brake Lock sol line (cut)
Description Brake lock sol line wiring was cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (83B5) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 52BLA is cut.
• Wire number 52P4 is cut.
2. Fuse problem
• Fuse number RB2A-K5 is burned out.
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
2. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
Schematic Sheet 35

930E-4AT 51
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 83B6: Brake lock system wiring problem

Fault code 83B6
Message Brake Lock sol line (GND short)
Description Brake lock solenoid line wiring was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (84B6) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 52BLA is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check brake wiring by comparing brake pressure sensor signals and output
brake signal using PC monitor.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 35

52 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 83C0: Left rear brake could not release

Fault code 83C0
Message Left rear brake could not release
Description Left rear brake pressure was high when drive controller released front brake except auto

Rear brake is released

Left rear brake pressure is high?


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (83C0) Normal


Possible cause Electrical system problem

1. Pressure sensor problem
• Left rear pressure sensor is locked by voltage.
2. Wiring problem
• Wire number 33PLR is shorted to high voltage.
Remedy 1. Pressure sensor
• Use PC monitor to check if pressure sensor signal changes accordingly.
• If pressure sensor is broken, replace it.
2. Wiring
• Check voltage on wiring.

930E-4AT 53
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 83C1: Right rear brake could not release

Fault code 83C1
Message Right rear brake could not release
Description Right rear brake pressure was high when drive controller released front brake except
auto mode.

Rear brake is released

Right rear brake pressure is high?


Timer count up

Is timer above 4 sec ? N


Exception (83C1) Normal


Possible cause Electrical system problem

1. Pressure sensor problem
• Right rear pressure sensor is locked by voltage.
2. Wiring problem
• Wire number 33PRR is shorted to high voltage.
Remedy 1. Pressure sensor
• Use PC monitor to check if pressure sensor signal changes accordingly.
• If pressure sensor is broken, replace it.
2. Wiring
• Check voltage on wiring.

54 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 83C2: Override signal wiring problem

Fault code 83C2
Message OverRide line (hot short)
Description Override output line wiring was shorted (short circuit to power).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to power ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (83C2) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 71HA is shorted to power.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 39

930E-4AT 55
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 83C3: Override signal wiring problem

Fault code 83C3
Message OverRide line (cut)
Description Override output line wiring was cut.

Did Drive controller detect wiring cut ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (83C3) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 71HA is cut.
2. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 39

56 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 83C4: Override signal wiring problem

Fault code 83C4
Message OverRide line (GND short)
Description Override output line wiring was shorted (short circuit to ground).

Did Drive controller detect wiring short to GND ?


Timer count up

Is timer above 0.2 sec ? N


Exception (83C4) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 71HA is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 39

930E-4AT 57
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 83C5, 83C6, 83C7, 83C8: Brake pressure sensors

Fault code 83C5
Message Brake Pressure Sensor (RR) Error

Fault code 83C6

Message Brake Pressure Sensor (RL) Error

Fault code 83C7

Message Brake Pressure Sensor (FR) Error

Fault code 83C8

Message Brake Pressure Sensor (FL) Error

Description • Brake pressure sensor signal is more than 4.5V for 2.5 seconds.
• Brake pressure sensor signal is less than 0.5 V for 2.5 seconds.

Is sensor signal larger than 4.9V ?

Is sensor signal less than 0.1V ?

Timer count up

Is timer above 1 sec ? N



(83C5, 83C6, 83C7, 83C8)



58 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Possible cause 1. Sensor problem

• Pressure sensor is broken.
2. Wiring problem
• Wire number 33PG is cut.
• Wire number 33PP is cut.
• Wire number 33PRF, 33PRR, 33PLF, or 33PLR is cut or shorted.
• Shield line is cut.
3. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity, cuts, and shorts.
• Check line shield.
Schematic Sheet 35


Fault Code 83D1: All hydraulic brake error

Fault code 83D1
Message All hydraulic brake error
Description Warning indicator (E1) "Low brake pressure" stayed on for 15 seconds or more.
Possible cause There is something wrong with hydraulic brake system.
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.

930E-4AT 59
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 83D2, 83D3: Park brake problem

Fault code 83D2, 83D3
Message Park brake problem. Park brake press SW is not ON.
Description Truck was moved or parking brake pressure switch was OFF when drive controller
activated parking brake.
Possible cause 1. Standard system problem
• Standard problem
2. Autonomous system problem
• Wiring problem
- Wire number 52CAU, 52PS, 71PD, 72TA, or 52CA is cut.
• Relay problem
- Relay number RB2A-K4 is broken.
• Fuse problem
- Fuse number FB1A-4 is burned out.
Remedy 1. If parking brake works during manual operation, but not during autonomous oper-
• Wiring
- Check wiring and relay.
• Fuse
- Check if fuse is burned out.
2. If parking brake does not work during manual operation
• Standard problem
- See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 35

Fault Code 83D4: Low brake pressure when E/G is OFF

Fault code 83D4
Message Low brake pressure when E/G is OFF
Description Brake pressure is low when the engine is off.

Fault Code 83D6: (C1) Brake accumulator low pressure

Fault code 83D6
Message (C1) Brake accumulator low pressure
Description Warning indicator (C1) "Low Accumulator Pressure" is on. Therefore, truck reduced
speed or stopped.
Possible cause There is something wrong with the nitrogen pre-charge within the accumulator.
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.

Fault Code 83FF: (C1) Parking brake check

Fault code 83FF
Message Parking brake check
Description System is checking the parking brake before remote engine stop.

60 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8407: Body control solenoid A (up) line wiring problem
Fault code 8407
Message Body control sol A line (hot short)
Description Solenoid A (up) wiring at hoist control valve was shorted (short circuit with power

Did drive controller detect wiring hot short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (8407) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HA1 is shorted to 24V.
• Wire number 53HA is shorted to 24V.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 36

930E-4AT 61
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8408: Body control solenoid A (up) line wiring problem
Fault code 8408
Message Body control sol A line (cut)
Description Solenoid A (up) wiring at hoist control valve was cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut? N


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ?


Exception (8408) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HA1 is cut.
• Wire number 53HA is cut.
• Wire number 53HS is cut.
• Wire number 52PG is cut.
• Wire number 712PA is cut.
2. Relay problem
• Relay number RB3A-K6 or RB3A-K7 is broken.
3. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-6 is burned out.
4. Hoist pilot valve problem
• Solenoid is broken (resistance of solenoid is 33.8 ohm).
5. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
4. Hoist pilot valve check
• Check the solenoid resistance (resistance is 33.8 ohm).
5. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check connectors for loosening caused by vibration.
Schematic Sheet 36

62 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8409: Body control solenoid A (up) line wiring problem
Fault code 8409
Message Body control sol A line (GND short)
Description Solenoid A (up) wiring at hoist control valve was shorted (short circuit with ground).

Did drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ?

Exception (8409) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HA1 is shorted to ground.
• Wire number 53HA is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 36

930E-4AT 63
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 840A: Body control solenoid B (down) line wiring problem
Fault code 840A
Message Body control sol B line (hot short)
Description Solenoid B (down) wiring at hoist control valve was shorted (short circuit with power

Did drive controller detect wiring hot short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (840A) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HB1 is shorted to 24V.
• Wire number 53HB is shorted to 24V.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
Schematic Sheet 36

64 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 840B: Body control solenoid B (down) line wiring problem
Fault code 840B
Message Body control sol B line (cut)
Description Solenoid B (down) wiring at hoist control valve was cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut? N


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ?


Exception (840B) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HB1 is cut.
• Wire number 53HB is cut.
• Wire number 53HS is cut.
• Wire number 52PG is cut.
• Wire number 712PA is cut.
2. Relay problem
• Relay number RB3A-K6 or RB11-K8 is broken.
3. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-6 is burned out.
4. Hoist pilot valve problem
• Solenoid is broken (resistance of solenoid is 33.8 ohm).
5. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
4. Hoist pilot valve check.
• Check the solenoid resistance (resistance is 33.8 ohm).
5. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check connectors for loosening caused by vibration.
Schematic Sheet 36

930E-4AT 65
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 840C: Body control solenoid B (down) line wiring problem
Fault code 840C
Message Body control sol B line (GND short)
Description Solenoid B (down) wiring at hoist control valve was shorted (short circuit with ground).

Did drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (840C) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HB1 is shorted to ground.
• Wire number 53HB is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity and shorts.

66 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 840E: Body control cut line wiring problem

Fault code 840E
Message Body control cut line (Hot short)
Description Body control cut line wiring was shorted (short circuit with power source).

Did drive controller detect wiring hot short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (840E) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HP is shorted to 24V.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 36

930E-4AT 67
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 840F: Body control cut line wiring problem

Fault code 840F
Message Body control cut line (cut)
Description Body control cut line wiring is cut.

Did drive controller detect wiring cut? N


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (840F) Normal


Possible cause 1. Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HP is cut.
• Wire number 52PG is cut.
2. Relay problem
• Relay number RB3A-K6 is broken.
3. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-6 is burned out.
4. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring.
2. Relay check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check continuity and movement.
3. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
4. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check connectors for loosening caused by vibration.
Schematic Sheet 36

68 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8410: Body control cut line wiring problem

Fault code 8410
Message Body control cut line (GND short)
Description Body control cut line wiring is shorted (short circuit with ground).

Did drive controller detect wiring short ?


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (8410) Normal


Possible cause Wiring problem

• Wire number 53HP is shorted to ground.
Remedy Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity and shorts.
Schematic Sheet 36

930E-4AT 69
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8411: Dump control pressure sensor

Fault code 8411
Message Hoist valve pressure sensor broken
Description The hoist pressure sensor signal is under 0.2V or above 4.5V .

Signal < 0.2V or 4.5V<Signal N


Timer count up

Is timer above threshold ? N


Exception (8411) Normal


Possible cause 1. Broken sensor

• Hoist pressure sensor is broken.
2. Wiring problem
• Wire number 53PS is cut or shorted ground or power.
• Wire number 33PG is cut or shorted power.
• Wire number 33PP is cut or shorted ground or power.
3. REG power converter problem
• There is no supply power.
• Converter is broken.
• Fuse number FB1A-7 is burned out.
4. Connector problem
• Connection is loose.
Remedy 1. Sensor check
• Use PC monitor to watch input signals to hoist pressure sensor while controlling
body manually.
2. Wiring check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check wiring for continuity and shorts.
3. REG power converter check
• Measure output voltage of converter (24V).
• Measure input voltage of converter (power supply) (approximately 24V).
4. Connector check
• Use PC monitor to compare input signals and control output signals.
• Check connectors for loosening caused by vibration.
Schematic Sheet 36, 45

70 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01


930E-4AT 71
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8414: Roll angle failure

Fault code 8414
Message Roll angle failure
Description Roll angle failure at dump behavior.
Possible cause Location
• Roll grade at dump position is out of specification.
Roll angle sensor
• Roll angle sensor has wrong setting.
Remedy Location
• Maintain location surface to match specification.
Roll angle sensor
• Roll angle sensor has wrong setting.
• Perform roll angle sensor adjustment. Refer to roll angle sensor adjustment.

Fault Code 8504: Power supply of controller

Fault code 8504
Message Low voltage of unswitched power
Description Drive controller power supply voltage is lower than 16V.

Unswitched power lower than 15V? N


Exception (8504) Normal


Expected behavior
• Solenoid power supply must be more than 16V.
Possible cause 1. Battery problem
• Battery voltage is low.
2. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB2A-9 is burned out.
3. Wiring problem
• Wire number 52P21 is cut.
Remedy 1. Battery check
• Check supplied voltage using voltmeter.
2. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
3. Wiring check
• Check wiring continuity.
Schematic Sheet 39

72 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 8505: Power supply of controller

Fault code 8505
Message Low voltage of switched power
Description Switched power supply voltage of drive controller is lower than 16V.

Switched power lower than 16V? N


Exception (8505) Normal


Expected behavior
• Solenoid power supply must be more than 16V.
Possible cause 1. Battery check
• Battery voltage is low.
2. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-19 is burned out.
3. Wiring problem
• Wire number 52P19 is cut.
• Wire number 712PA is cut.
Remedy 1. Battery problem
• Check supplied voltage using voltmeter.
2. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
3. Wiring check
• Check wiring continuity.
Schematic Sheet 39

930E-4AT 73
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8506: Power supply of controller

Fault code 8506
Message Low voltage of sol power
Description Solenoid power supply voltage of drive controller is lower than 16V.

Sol power supply lower than 16V? N


Exception (8506) Normal


Expected behavior
• Solenoid power supply must be more than 16V.
Possible cause 1. Battery problem
• Battery voltage is low.
2. Fuse problem
• Fuse number FB1A-18 is burned out.
3. Wiring problem
• Wire number 52P18D is cut.
• Wire number 712PA is cut.
Remedy 1. Battery check
• Check supplied voltage using voltmeter.
2. Fuse check
• Check if fuse is burned out.
3. Wiring check
• Check wiring continuity.

Fault Code 850B: Course out wrong position

Fault code 850B
Message Course out wrong position
Description Difference between AHT position and target position became large in auto mode.
Possible cause Drive controller software failure.
Brake does not work properly.
Remedy Change to manual mode. Check brake system.
If brake is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

74 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

Fault Code 851C: Payload overload (120%)-speed limited

Fault code 851C
Message Over load (120%)-speed limited
Description Truck is running at 10km/h (6 mph) because truck is loaded more than 120%.
Possible cause Overloaded truck
Remedy Change truck to manual mode. Then dump load manually.

Fault Code 8525: No propel (930E)

Fault code 8525
Message GE system not ready
Description Sys-Run signal is not ready.

Sys-Run signal GE system

ON (0V) Ready
OFF (open) Not ready

Possible cause 1. GE system problem

2. Wiring problem
• Wire number 72CPU is cut.
Remedy 1. GE system check
2. Wiring check
• Check wiring continuity.

Fault Code 8526: No propel (power off truck request)

Fault code 8526
Message No Propel (Power off the truck request)
Description No propel problem occurred without any caution.
Possible cause GE system problem
Remedy Turn off power to truck.

Fault Code 8528: Slip control system running

Fault code 8528
Message Slip control system running
Description System detected tire slippage during retarder control. Slip control system was activated
to reduce slippage.
Possible cause Slippary road condition
Remedy Set speed limit on central system.
Maintain the road.

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CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting


76 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40025-01

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40025-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

930E-4AT 77
CEN40025-01 40 Troubleshooting

78 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Position Measurement System –
GPS Indicator Status (Color) and
Troubleshooting List
GPS indicator status (color) .................................................................................................................................. 2
Fault code list of position measurement system ................................................................................................... 3
Fault code 8601 – 8648: GPS system warning message ..................................................................................... 8
Fault code 8701 – 872F: GYRO system warning message.................................................................................. 9
Fault code 8801 – 880A: Tire sensor warning message......................................................................................11
Fault code 8810 – 8817: Slope sensor warning message ...................................................................................11
Fault code 8819 – 8821: Moving direction warning message..............................................................................11
Fault code 8901 – 8924: REG system warning message................................................................................... 12
Fault code 8A01 – 8A24: Sensor fusion system warning message.................................................................... 13
Fault code 8B02, 8B03, 8B05: NVRAM and software exceptions warning message ......................................... 13
Fault code 8B17: A/D signal inputs warning message........................................................................................ 13

930E-4AT 1
CEN40026-01 40 Troubleshooting

GPS indicator status (color)

Truck CGC screen shows the condition of the truck Position Measurement System (PMS) with the color of the
GPS indicator.


1. GPS indicator

If GPS indicator is green, GPS system is ready to measure the truck position and truck can enter AT area with
confirmation of central operator.


If GPS indicator is yellow or red, navigation system is not ready to measure the position or is not accurate
enough. Usually after truck power is on, it takes several minutes to start GPS position measurement with high
accurate mode. If GPS indicator does not become green after several minutes, contact the central operator,
make note of the warning message in the exception column on central screen, and follow central operator’s trou-
bleshooting instructions. If sensor fusion system (Position Measurement with GPS and dead reckoning) needs
to be initialized, after GPS convergence, carry out the reset procedure.

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40026-01

Fault code list of position measurement system

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
GPS 4601 GPS quality error GPS condition
MasterLink system failure
GPS antenna failure
4603 Lack of satellites Satellites’ condition
Central GPS system failure
Road condition
4604 GPS correction data delay MasterLink system failure
Hub GPS system failure
4607 GPS GST not ready to GPS condition
approach Loader
4608 GPS GST not ready to GPS condition
Enter crusher spot
4609 GPS GST not ready to GPS condition Troubleshooting
approach to Edge Dump spot by fault code,
See section
460E GPS GST not ready GPS condition
4621 GPS delay (vs PPS) CAN-bus busy
Hub GPS configuration failure
4624 GPS communication lost CAN-bus busy
Hub GPS system failure
Wiring problem
Hub reset
4625 PPS signal input error Hub GPS system failure
Wiring problem
Hub reset
4647 GPS Origin info error Central not ready
MasterLink system failure
4648 GPS Origin Mismatch Central system setting

930E-4AT 3
CEN40026-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
GYRO 4702 GYRO system not ready GYRO failure
4703 Angular velocity error (OFC) GYRO mount, GYRO failure
4704 Angular velocity error GYRO mount, GYRO failure
4705 GYRO RS232C frame error GYRO failure
4706 GYRO RS232C over run error GYRO failure
4707 GYRO RS232C parity error GYRO failure
4708 GYRO RS232C check-sum GYRO failure
4709 GYRO RS232C command GYRO failure
470A GYRO RS232C unknown GYRO failure
command error
470B GYRO internal timer error GYRO failure
470C GYRO RAM error GYRO failure
470D GYRO ROM error GYRO failure
4712 GYRO Drift detected GYRO drift error
4714 GYRO data delay Wiring problem
GYRO failure Troubleshooting
by fault code,
4716 GYRO angle deviation error Wiring problem
See section
GYRO failure
4720 GYRO Fatal error GYRO failure
4721 GYRO BIT error GYRO failure
4722 GYRO TEST error GYRO failure
4723 GYRO SOFTWARE error GYRO failure
4724 GYRO LASER TEMP error GYRO failure
4725 GYRO TEMP SENSOR error GYRO failure
4726 GYRO A_OUT error GYRO failure
4727 GYRO MODULATION error GYRO failure
4728 GYRO UNKNOWN error GYRO failure
4729 GYRO Laser AMP error GYRO failure
472A GYRO Laser MON error GYRO failure
472B GYRO DETECTER error GYRO failure
472C GYRO INTERFACE error GYRO failure
472D GYRO UNKNOWN2 error GYRO failure
472E GYRO RAM-ROM error GYRO failure
472F GYRO MPU error GYRO failure

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40026-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Tire sensor 4801 Front right pulse sensor error Disconnection
Clearance setting failure
4802 Front left pulse sensor error Disconnection
Clearance setting failure
4803 Both front pulse sensors error Disconnection
Clearance setting failure
Power supply failure
4804 Rear right pulse sensor error Disconnection
Sensor failure
4805 Rear left pulse sensor error Disconnection
Sensor failure
4806 Both Rear pulse sensors error Disconnection
Clearance setting failure
Power supply failure
4807 Rear Right pulse deviation Clearance setting failure
4808 Rear Left pulse deviation Clearance setting failure
by fault code,
4809 Front Right pulse deviation Clearance setting failure See section
480A Front Left pulse deviation Clearance setting failure
Slope sensor 4810 Pitch sensor error Disconnection
Road condition
4813 Pitch angle limitation error Pitch angle is out of
4814 Roll sensor error Disconnection
Road condition
4817 Roll angle limitation error Roll angle is out of
Moving direction 4819 Moving signal logic fault with GE system failure
4820 Moving F signal error Signal line failure
GE system failure
4821 Moving R signal error Signal line failure
GE system failure

930E-4AT 5
CEN40026-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
REG 4903 Position error limit REG system detects large
position error
4905 Bad berm condition REG system detects no berm
area in haul road
4906 REG A/D signal error Laser A/D signal is out of
4907 REG RS232C signal error RS232C line disconnection
Laser RS232C data is not
4909 REG invalid data System detects both A/D
(out of range) signal error and serial signal
are lost
490A REG Can data error REG measurement failure
Check fiber optic cable
4911 Laser selfcheck error Laser self-check failure
4912 Laser OFF error Laser light source failure
4913 Laser selfcheck warning Laser self-check failure
4914 Laser low power error Laser power failure by fault code,
4915 Laser low temp error Laser temperature failure See section
4916 Laser high power error Laser power failure
4917 Laser high temp error Laser temperature failure
4918 Laser RAM error Laser internal failure
4919 Laser EPROM error Laser internal failure
491A Laser IDV internal error Laser internal failure
491B Laser PAR internal error Laser internal failure
491C Laser ZAD1 internal error Laser internal failure
491D Laser ZAD2 internal error Laser internal failure
491E Laser data overflow Laser internal failure
491F Laser data underflow Laser internal failure
4920 Position error of GPS Course setting failure
navigation Bank wall condition
4921 Position error of REG Course setting failure
navigation Bank wall condition
4924 Bankwall close Course setting failure
or dusty condition Bank wall condition

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40026-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
FUSION 4A01 Reset running request GPS condition
Truck sliding, slippage, or tire
4A04 Sensor fusion error GPS condition
Dead reckoning failure
4A06 Brake system error Brake system failure
4A0A Power OFF request Dead reckoning failure
by DeadReckoning error
4A0C Heading angle accuracy error Sensor fusion failure
4A0D Position accuracy error Sensor fusion failure
4A0E Sensor Fusion Failed Sensor fusion failure
4A20 Slippage R vs F Tire slippage Troubleshooting
by fault code,
4A21 Position Sliding DR vs GPS GPS condition
See section
Dead reckoning failure
4A22 Front slippage L vs R Tire slippage
Sensor failure
4A23 Rear slippage L vs R Tire slippage
Sensor failure
4A24 Slippage R vs GPS Tire slippage
GPS condition
4A43 Position accuracy lost GPS condition
NVRAM 4B02 Set slope and roll offset NVRAM data lost
4B03 Set Origin data NVRAM data lost
4B05 Set target data for REG NVRAM data lost
Else 4B17 Analog Input Error Drive controller busy

930E-4AT 7
CEN40026-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault code 8601 – 8648: GPS system warning message

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
GPS 8601 GPS quality warning GPS condition
MasterLink system failure
GPS antenna failure
8602 GPS TimeStamp warning GPS system failure
8603 Lack of satellites warning Satellites’ condition
Central GPS system failure
Road condition
8604 GPS correction data delay MasterLink system failure
Hub GPS system failure
8605 GPS board auto reset GPS condition
8606 GPS not ready GPS condition
MasterLink system failure
8607 GPS GST not ready to GPS condition
approach Loader Troubleshooting
8608 GPS GST not ready to GPS condition by fault code,
Enter crusher spot See section
8609 GPS GST not ready to GPS condition CEN40032-01
approach to Edge Dump spot
860E GPS GST not ready GPS condition
860F GPS data not changed GPS data failure
8610 GPS wrong direction GPS data failure
8621 GPS delay (vs PPS) CAN-bus busy
Hub GPS configuration failure
8624 GPS communication CAN-bus busy
lost warning Hub GPS system failure
8625 PPS signal warning Hub GPS system failure
8647 Grid Origin info warning Central not ready
MasterLink system failure
8648 Grid Origin Mismatch Central system setting

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40026-01

Fault code 8701 – 872F: GYRO system warning message

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
GYRO 8702 GYRO system not ready GYRO failure
8703 Angular velocity warning GYRO mount, GYRO failure
8704 Angular velocity warning GYRO mount, GYRO failure
8705 GYRO RS232C frame warning GYRO failure
8706 GYRO RS232C over run GYRO failure
8707 GYRO RS232C parity warning GYRO failure
8708 GYRO RS232C check-sum GYRO failure
8709 GYRO RS232C command GYRO failure
870A GYRO RS232C unknown GYRO failure by fault code,
command warning See section
870B GYRO internal timer warning GYRO failure CEN40032-01
870C GYRO RAM warning GYRO failure
870D GYRO ROM warning GYRO failure
8712 GYRO abnormal angular GYRO failure
8714 GYRO data delay warning GYRO RS232C data line
GYRO failure
8716 GYRO angle deviation warning Wiring problem
GYRO failure
871A GYRO Initialization warning GYRO failure
871B GYRO Offset Cancel mode GYRO failure

930E-4AT 9
CEN40026-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
GYRO 8720 GYRO Fatal warning GYRO failure
8721 GYRO BIT warning GYRO failure
8722 GYRO TEST warning GYRO failure
8723 GYRO SOFTWARE warning GYRO failure
8724 GYRO LASER TEMP warning GYRO failure
8726 GYRO A_OUT warning GYRO failure Troubleshooting
8727 GYRO MODULATION warning GYRO failure by fault code,
See section
8728 GYRO unknown warning GYRO failure
8729 GYRO Laser AMP warning GYRO failure
872A GYRO Laser MON warning GYRO failure
872B GYRO DETECTER warning GYRO failure
872C GYRO INTERFACE warning GYRO failure
872D GYRO UNKNOWN2 warning GYRO failure
872E GYRO RAM-ROM warning GYRO failure
872F GYRO MPU warning GYRO failure

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40026-01

Fault code 8801 – 880A: Tire sensor warning message

Fault code 8810 – 8817: Slope sensor warning message
Fault code 8819 – 8821: Moving direction warning message

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Tire sensor 8801 Front right pulse sensor Disconnection
warning Clearance setting failure
Loose wiring or terminal
8802 Front left pulse sensor warning Disconnection
Clearance setting failure
Loose wiring or terminal
8803 Both front pulse sensors Disconnection
warning Clearance setting failure
Loose wiring or terminal
Power supply failure
8804 Rear right pulse sensor Disconnection
warning Sensor failure
Loose wiring or terminal
8805 Rear left pulse sensor warning Disconnection
Sensor failure
Loose wiring or terminal
8806 Both Rear pulse sensors Disconnection Troubleshooting
warning Clearance setting failure by fault code,
Power supply failure See section
8807 Rear Right pulse deviation Clearance setting failure CEN40032-01
warning Loose wiring or terminal
8808 Rear Left pulse deviation Clearance setting failure
warning Loose wiring or terminal
8809 Front Right pulse deviation Clearance setting failure
warning Loose wiring or terminal
880A Front Left pulse deviation Clearance setting failure
warning Loose wiring or terminal
Slope sensor 8810 Pitch sensor warning Disconnection
Road condition
8813 Pitch angle limitation warning Pitch angle is out of
8814 Roll sensor warning Disconnection
Road condition
8817 Roll angle limitation warning Roll angle is out of

930E-4AT 11
CEN40026-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault code 8901 – 8924: REG system warning message

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Moving direction 8819 Moving signal logic fault with GE system failure
8820 Moving F signal warning Signal line failure
GE system failure
8821 Moving R signal warning Signal line failure
GE system failure
REG 8903 Position error limit GPS condition
Berm condition
8905 Bad berm condition Berm condition
8906 REG A/D signal warning Laser A/D signal is out of
8907 REG RS232C signal warning RS232C line disconnection
Laser RS232C data is not
8909 REG system not ready REG system not ready
890A REG Can data error REG CAN data delay
8911 Laser selfcheck warning Laser self-check failure
8912 Laser OFF warning Laser light source failure
8913 Laser selfcheck warning Laser self-check failure
by fault code,
8914 Laser low power warning Laser power failure See section
8915 Laser low temp warning Laser temperature failure CEN40033-01

8916 Laser high power warning Laser power failure

8917 Laser high temp warning Laser temperature failure
8918 Laser RAM warning Laser internal failure
8919 Laser EPROM warning Laser internal failure
891A Laser IDV internal warning Laser internal failure
891B Laser PAR internal warning Laser internal failure
891C Laser ZAD1 internal warning Laser internal failure
891D Laser ZAD2 internal warning Laser internal failure
891E Laser data overflow Laser internal failure
891F Laser data underflow Laser internal failure
8920 Position warning of GPS Course setting failure
navigation Bank wall condition
8921 Position warning of REG Course setting failure
navigation Bank wall condition
8924 Bankwall close Course setting failure
or dusty condition Bank wall (berm) condition

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40026-01

Fault code 8A01 – 8A24: Sensor fusion system warning message

Fault code 8B02, 8B03, 8B05: NVRAM and software exceptions warning message
Fault code 8B17: A/D signal inputs warning message

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
FUSION 8A01 Reset running request GPS condition
Truck sliding, slippage, or tire
8A02 Fusion Accuracy warning GPS condition,
Dead reckoning failure
8A04 Sensor Fusion error GPS condition
Dead reckoning failure
8A06 Brake system warning Brake system failure
8A0A Power OFF request by Dead reckoning failure
DeadReckoning error
8A0C Heading angle accuracy Sensor fusion failure
8A0D Position accuracy warning Sensor fusion failure
8A0E Sensor Fusion Failed Sensor fusion failure
8A20 Tire Slippage warning Tire slippage by fault code,
8A21 Position Sliding DR vs GPS GPS condition or dead See section
reckoning failure CEN40034-01

8A22 Front slippage L vs R Tire slippage

Sensor failure
8A23 Rear slippage L vs R Tire slippage
Sensor failure
8A24 Slippage R vs GPS Tire slippage
GPS condition
8A42 Position accuracy not ready Wait for system start up
8A43 Position accuracy lost GPS condition
NVRAM 8B02 Set slope and roll offset NVRAM data lost
8B03 Set Origin data NVRAM data lost
8B05 Set target data for REG NVRAM data lost
Else 8B17 Analog Input Error Drive controller busy

930E-4AT 13
CEN40026-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No.CEN40026-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

14 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Position Measurement System –
GPS System
Fault Code 4601: GPS quality error...................................................................................................................... 2
Fault Code 4603: Lack of satellites error .............................................................................................................. 5
Fault Code 4604: GPS correction data delay ....................................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4607: GPS GST not ready to approach loader ................................................................................ 10
Fault Code 4608: GPS GST not ready to approach crusher .............................................................................. 13
Fault Code 4609: GPS GST not ready to approach dump edge ........................................................................ 16
Fault Code 460E: GPS GST not ready ............................................................................................................... 19
Fault Code 4621: GPS delay from PPS timing ................................................................................................... 22
Fault Code 4624: GPS communication lost ........................................................................................................ 23
Fault Code 4625: PPS signal error ..................................................................................................................... 25
Fault Code 4647: Grid information not received ................................................................................................. 27
Fault Code 4648: GPS origin mismatch.............................................................................................................. 27

930E-4AT 1
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

GPS system
Fault Code 4601: GPS quality error
Fault code 4601
Message GPS Quality error
Description GPS quality mode (Type) does not become RTK fix mode.
(Normally mode will be recovered in a few minutes after the quality is lost.)

GPS quality mode: Type= 0: Invalid mode, 1: Single point mode, 4: RTK fix mode,
5: RTK float mode
1. RTK float mode (type=5) or RTK fix mode (type=4) is necessary for AT-travel on
haul road.
2. RTK fix mode (type=4) is necessary for approaching excavator.
3. RTK fix mode (type=4) is necessary for approaching berm edge in high dump area.
4. RTK fix mode (type=4) is necessary for approaching crusher.
Possible cause 1. Truck GPS system condition or failure
• There is a lack of sky visibility (operation area condition, GPS condition).
• GPS antenna or GPS antenna mast is broken.
• GPS antenna wiring or connector has a problem.
• Hub GPS system software has a malfunction.
• Hardware malfunction occurred inside hub (wiring or connector).
• GPS board has malfunction (software or hardware).
2. Communication problem between truck GPS system and central GPS system
• Truck MasterLink radio antenna (radio A or radio B) is broken.
• Truck MasterLink radio wiring, connector, or device has a problem.
• MasterLink network has a problem (access point, mobile repeater, etc.).
3. Central GPS system condition or failure
• There is a lack of sky visibility (high wall near the GPS ground station).
• Ground station GPS antenna is broken.
• Ground station GPS antenna wiring or connector has a problem.
• Ground station GPS system has a malfunction (hub software, hub hardware,
GPS board, etc.).
Remedy 1. Wait for GPS to recover, then restart the truck.
2. If GPS has not recovered in a short time, check as follows:
• Check GPS condition.
- Use OMStip method from central.
- Check GPS condition on truck with PC monitor.
• Inspect GPS system hardware (pit patroller).
- GPS antenna, wiring, and connector
- Radio antenna, wiring, and connector
- Hub wiring, connector, etc.
Schematic Sheet 33

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

OMStip method (central operator)

1. After waiting a few minutes for GPS to recover, check the GPS type and rtcmAge condition using OMStip
OMStip T1 (example for Truck 1)
OMStip (T1-ML) Gps gps Type

(1) Single point mode 0: Invalid

time 212750.000000000000
day 26 1: Single point mode
month 8
year 2005 4: Fix mode (RTK)
latitude 2214.327946400000
latDirection 0x53 5: Float mode (RTK)
longitude 6853.007101700000
lonDirection 0x57
type 1
numSats 13
hdop 0.780000
elev 3013.752930
Delay time of RTCM correction data
geoidSep 34.092602
rtcmAge -1.234568e8
If rtcmAge is -1.234568e8,
baseId 13035 GPS correction data is not used in truck
trueCourse 151.091995 GPS system.
speedKph 0.645400
sigmaRadius 4.383000 Normal condition: less than 10 seconds
sigmaLat 1.197000
sigmaLon 1.565000
sigmaElev 3.915000

If GPS type = 1 and rtcmAge = -1.234568e8, or rtcmAge is not less than 10 seconds, check the MasterLink
network communication between the truck hub and central.

(2) Float mode (RTK)

time 212643.000000000000 Type
day 26
month 8 0: Invalid
year 2005
latitude 2214.328853500000 1: Single point mode
latDirection 0x53
longitude 6853.007420800000 4: Fix mode (RTK)
lonDirection 0x57
type 5 5: Float mode (RTK)
numSats 8
hdop 0.970000
elev 3029.119873
geoidSep 34.092602 numSats
rtcmAge 2.000000
baseId 0 Number of GPS/GLONASS satellites (5 or
trueCourse 135.457001
speedKph 4.019900
more are necessary to be in fix mode)
sigmaRadius 0.980000
sigmaLat 0.128000
sigmaLon 0.142000 rtcmAge
sigmaElev 0.962000
Delay time of RTCM correction data
Normal condition: less than 10 seconds

930E-4AT 3
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

2. If, after waiting a few minutes, GPS type does 4. If, after waiting a few minutes, GPS type does
not become 4 (RTK fix mode), then try GPS not become 4 (RTK fix mode), then try hub reset
software reset command below and continue to command below and continue to check GPS
check GPS condition. condition.
OMStip(T1-ML)>Gps doSoftReset OMStip(T1-ML)>reboot
3. If, after waiting a few minutes, GPS type never
Check the truck GPS condition using PC monitor
becomes 4 (RTK fix mode), then try GPS hard-
ware reset command below and continue to 1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
check GPS condition.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on
OMStip(T1-ML)>Gps doHardReset
main window.


1. GPS quality mode

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

Fault Code 4603: Lack of satellites error

Fault code 4603
Message Lack of Satellites
Description GPS satellites number is less than 5 for 2 minutes or more.
(5 satellites or more are necessary to continue AT-travel.)
Possible cause 1. Truck GPS system condition
• There is a lack of sky visibility (site condition, satellites’ condition).
• GPS antenna or GPS antenna support mast is broken.
• GPS antenna wiring or connector has a problem.
2. Central GPS system condition or failure
• There is a lack of sky visibility (high wall near the GPS ground station).
• Ground station GPS antenna is broken.
• Ground station GPS antenna wiring or connector has a problem.
Remedy 1. Wait for GPS to recover, then restart the truck.
2. If GPS does not recover in a short time, check as follows:
• Check GPS condition.
- OMStip method from central.
- Check truck GPS condition with PC monitor.
• Inspect GPS system hardware (pit patroller).
- GPS antenna, wiring, and connector
Schematic Sheet 33

OMStip method (central operator)

MStip T1 (example for Truck 1)
OMStip (T1-ML)>Gps gps
time 212643.000000000000
day 26
month 8
year 2005
latitude 2214.328853500000
latDirection 0x53
longitude 6853.007420800000
lonDirection 0x57
type 5
numSats 8
hdop 0.970000
elev 3029.119873 numSats
geoidSep 34.092602
rtcmAge 2.000000 Number of GPS/GLONASS satellites
baseId 0
(5 or more are necessary to be in fix
trueCourse 135.457001
speedKph 4.019900 mode)
sigmaRadius 0.980000
sigmaLat 0.128000
sigmaLon 0.142000
sigmaElev 0.962000

930E-4AT 5
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

Check the truck GPS condition using PC monitor

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GPS satellites number

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

Fault Code 4604: GPS correction data delay

Fault code 4604
Message GPS correction data delay
Description GPS rtcmAge becomes more than 25 seconds.

Expected behavior
• GPS rtcmAge is less than 10 seconds (recommendation).
Possible cause 1. Loss of MasterLink communication between truck and central
• Truck MasterLink system (antenna, wiring, connector, or device) has a problem.
• Central MasterLink-radio system has a problem.
• MasterLink network system (access point, or mobile repeater has a problem.
• MasterLink network coverage has a problem.
2. GPS system configuration
• GPS RTCM functionality has wrong configuration.
3. GPS correction data handling malfunction
• GPS board rejects the correction data (GPS software problem).
• GPS correction data is broken (hub software problem).
• GPS correction data stop (hardware problem inside hub).
Remedy 1. Wait for GPS to recover, then restart the truck.
2. If GPS does not recover in a short time, check as follows:
• Check MasterLink condition (check radio communication quality).
• Check GPS condition and configuration.
- Check GPS condition using OMStip method.
- Check GPS RTCM configuration using OMStip method.
- Check GPS condition on truck using PC monitor.

930E-4AT 7
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

GPS condition check with OMStip method (central operator)

OMStip T1 (example for Truck 1)
OMStip(T1-ML)>Gps gps
time 212643.000000000000
day 26
month 8
year 2005
latitude 2214.328853500000
latDirection 0x53
longitude 6853.007420800000
lonDirection 0x57
type 5
numSats 8
hdop 0.970000
elev 3029.119873
Delay time of RTCM correction data
geoidSep 34.092602
rtcmAge 25.000000
Normal condition: less than 10 seconds
baseId 0
trueCourse 135.457001
speedKph 4.019900
sigmaRadius 0.980000
sigmaLat 0.128000
sigmaLon 0.142000
sigmaElev 0.962000

GPS RTCM configuration check (central operator)

OMStip T1 (example for Truck 1)
module <command>
object <command>
path no
save <command>
port xil0
flags 0
hdwe none
speed 115200
set <command>
errors <command>
diffReq value should be 4900.
sendTo none
debug 0
diffReq 4900
ucastDiffNum 1
ucastDiffNum should be 1

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

Check the truck GPS condition using PC monitor

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GPS age of data delay

930E-4AT 9
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4607: GPS GST not ready to approach loader

Fault code 4607
Message GPS GST not ready to approach Loader
Description GPS GST value (2D estimated sigma error) has become too large to approach
excavator (loading shovel).
• GST = sqr ((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2)

Expected behavior
• GST value should be less than 3.9 inches (100 mm) to approach excavator (loading
Possible cause Truck GPS system condition
• There is a lack of sky visibility (operation area condition, GPS condition).
• Drastic constellation change of GPS/GLONASS satellites occurs.
• Multi-pass of GPS signal occurs.
• Too much GPS antenna vibration (rough road) exists.
• Truck GPS hardware (antenna, wiring, connector or board) has a problem.
Remedy 1. Wait for GPS to recover, then restart the truck.
2. If GPS does not recover in a short time, check as follows:
• Check GPS condition.
- Use OMStip method from central.
- Check truck GPS condition with PC monitor.
• Inspect GPS system hardware (pit patroller).
- GPS antenna, wiring, and connector

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

OMStip method (central operator)

OMStip T1 (example for Truck 1)
OMStip(T1-ML)>Gps gps
time 212643.000000000000
day 26
month 8
year 2005
latitude 2214.328853500000
latDirection 0x53
longitude 6853.007420800000
lonDirection 0x57
type 5
numSats 8
hdop 0.970000
elev 3029.119873
geoidSep 34.092602
rtcmAge 2.000000 sqr((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2+(sigmaElev)2)
baseId 0
trueCourse 135.457001 sigmaLat: Lattitude sigma error estimated
speedKph 4.019900
sigmaRadius 0.980000 sigmaLon: Longitude sigma error estimated
sigmaLat 0.128000
sigmaLon 0.142000 sigmaElev: Elevation sigma error estimated
sigmaElev 0.962000

930E-4AT 11
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

Check the truck GPS condition using PC monitor

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GPS GST value

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

Fault Code 4608: GPS GST not ready to approach crusher

Fault code 4608
Message GPS GST not ready to approach Crusher
Description GPS GST value (2D estimated sigma error) has become too large to approach crusher
• GST = sqr ((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2)

Expected behavior
• GST value should be less than 3.9 inches (100 mm) to approach crusher (hopper).
Possible cause Truck GPS system condition
• There is a lack of sky visibility (operation area condition, GPS condition).
• Drastic constellation change of GPS/GLONASS satellites occurs.
• Multi-pass of GPS signal occurs.
• Too much vibration of GPS antenna (rough road) exists.
• Truck GPS hardware (antenna, wiring, connector, or board) has a problem.
Check 1. Wait for GPS to recover, then restart the truck.
2. If GPS does not recover in a short time, check as follows:
• Check GPS condition.
- Use OMStip method from central.
- Check truck GPS condition using PC monitor.
• Inspect GPS system hardware (pit patroller).
- GPS antenna, wiring, and connector

930E-4AT 13
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

How to check the GPS condition using OMStip method

OMStip T1 (example for Truck 1)
OMStip(T1-ML)>Gps gps
time 212643.000000000000
day 26
month 8
year 2005
latitude 2214.328853500000
latDirection 0x53
longitude 6853.007420800000
lonDirection 0x57
type 5
numSats 8
hdop 0.970000
elev 3029.119873
geoidSep 34.092602
rtcmAge 2.000000 sqr((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2+(sigmaElev)2)
baseId 0
trueCourse 135.457001 sigmaLat: Lattitude sigma error estimated
speedKph 4.019900
sigmaRadius 0.980000 sigmaLon: Longitude sigma error estimated
sigmaLat 0.128000
sigmaLon 0.142000 sigmaElev: Elevation sigma error estimated
sigmaElev 0.962000

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

Check the truck GPS condition using PC monitor

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GPS GST value

930E-4AT 15
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4609: GPS GST not ready to approach dump edge
Fault code 4609
Message GPS GST not ready to approach Edge Dump
Description GPS GST value (2D estimated sigma error) has become too large to approach dump
edge spot.
GST = sqr ((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2)

Expected behavior
• GST value should be less than 100 mm (3.9 inches) to approach dump edge spot.
Possible cause Truck GPS system condition
• There is a lack of sky visibility (operation area condition, GPS condition).
• Drastic constellation change of GPS/GLONASS satellites occurs.
• Multi-pass of GPS signal occurs.
• Too much vibration of GPS antenna (rough road) exists.
• Truck GPS hardware (antenna, wiring, connector, or board) has a problem.
Check 1. Wait for GPS to recover, then restart the truck.
2. If GPS does not recover in a short time, check as follows:
• Check GPS condition.
- Use OMStip method from central.
- Check truck GPS condition using PC monitor.
• Inspect GPS system hardware (pit patroller).
- GPS antenna, wiring, and connector

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

How to check the GPS condition using OMStip method

OMStip T1 (example for Truck 1)
OMStip(T1-ML)>Gps gps
time 212643.000000000000
day 26
month 8
year 2005
latitude 2214.328853500000
latDirection 0x53
longitude 6853.007420800000
lonDirection 0x57
type 5
numSats 8
hdop 0.970000
elev 3029.119873
geoidSep 34.092602
rtcmAge 2.000000 sqr((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2+(sigmaElev)2)
baseId 0
trueCourse 135.457001 sigmaLat: Lattitude sigma error estimated
speedKph 4.019900
sigmaRadius 0.980000 lsigmaLon: Longitude sigma error estimated
sigmaLat 0.128000
sigmaLon 0.142000 sigmaElev: Elevation sigma error estimated
sigmaElev 0.962000

930E-4AT 17
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

Check the truck GPS condition using PC monitor

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GPS GST value

18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

Fault Code 460E: GPS GST not ready

Fault code 460E
Message GPS GST not ready
Description GPS GST value (2D estimated sigma error) is too large to start AT operation when truck
is stopped.
• GST = sqr ((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2)

Expected behavior
• GST value should be less than 300 mm (11.8 inches) to continue AT-travel.
Possible cause Truck GPS system condition
• There is a lack of sky visibility (operation area condition, GPS condition).
• Drastic constellation change of GPS/GLONASS satellites occurs.
• Multi-pass of GPS signal occurs.
• Truck GPS hardware (antenna, wiring, connector, or board) has a problem.
• Truck GPS software has a problem.
Remedy 1. Wait for GPS to recover, then restart the truck.
2. If GPS does not recover in a short time, check as follows:
• Check GPS condition.
- Use OMStip method
- Check truck GPS condition with PC monitor.
• Inspect GPS system hardware (pit patroller).
- GPS antenna, wiring, and connector

930E-4AT 19
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

OMStip method (central operator)

OMStip T1 (example for Truck 1)
OMStip(T1-ML)>Gps gps
time 212643.000000000000
day 26
month 8
year 2005
latitude 2214.328853500000
latDirection 0x53
longitude 6853.007420800000
lonDirection 0x57
type 5
numSats 8
hdop 0.970000
elev 3029.119873
geoidSep 34.092602
rtcmAge 2.000000 sqr((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2+(sigmaElev)2)
baseId 0
trueCourse 135.457001 sigmaLat: Lattitude sigma error estimated
speedKph 4.019900
sigmaRadius 0.980000 sigmaLon: Longitude sigma error estimated
sigmaLat 0.128000
sigmaLon 0.142000 sigmaElev: Elevation sigma error estimated
sigmaElev 0.962000

20 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

Check the truck GPS condition using PC monitor

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GPS GST value

930E-4AT 21
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4621: GPS delay from PPS timing

Fault code 4621
Message GPS delay from PPS timing
Description PPS timing and GPS data input are not synchronized.
GPS data input is delayed vs. PPS input timing.

Expected behavior
• Both GPS output and PPS output is 2 Hz frequency.
• Both GPS interval and PPS interval are between 0.4 second and 0.6 second.
Possible cause Truck hub system condition
• Hub system is defective.
• CAN-bus is too busy.
• Hub GPS configuration has a failure.
Remedy 1. Reboot the hub and restart the truck
• Check GPS condition.
- Check truck GPS condition using PC monitor.

Check the truck GPS condition using PC monitor

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GPS interval 2. PPS interval

22 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

Fault Code 4624: GPS communication lost

Fault code 4624
Message GPS communication lost
Description GPS data input from CAN-A is delayed, lost, or stopped.
(If hub has reset, this error has occurred.)

Expected behavior
• GPS output is 2 Hz frequency.
• GPS interval is between 0.4 second and 0.6 second.
Possible cause 1. Truck hub system condition
• Hub system is defective.
• Hub has a reset.
• CAN-bus is too busy.
• Hub GPS configuration has a failure.
2. Wiring problem
Remedy 1. Restart the truck.
2. If not recovered, reboot the hub and try to restart the truck.
• Check truck GPS condition with PC monitor.
• Check Can-A line.
Schematic Sheet 33, 44

930E-4AT 23
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

Check the truck GPS condition using PC monitor

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GPS interval 2. PPS RPC counter

24 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

Fault Code 4625: PPS signal error

Fault code 4625
Message PPS signal error
Description PPS input from hub is delayed, lost, or stopped.
(If hub has reset, this error has occurred.)

Expected behavior
• PPS output is 2 Hz frequency.
• PPS interval is between 0.4 second and 0.6 second.
Possible cause 1. Truck hub system condition
• Hub system is defective.
• Hub has a reset.
• Hub GPS configuration has a failure.
2. Wiring problem
Remedy 1. Restart the truck.
2. If not recovered, check the system.
• Check truck GPS condition using PC monitor.
• Check PPS signal line (90PPS).
Schematic Sheet 33

930E-4AT 25
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

Check the truck GPS condition using PC monitor

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. PPS interval

26 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40027-01

Fault Code 4647: Grid information not received

Fault code 4647
Message Grid information not received
Description GPS grid information data is not received from supervisory system.
Possible cause 1. Central operation system is not running.
2. MasterLink radio network system problem occurred between the truck and supervi-
sory system.
Remedy 1. Start the central operation system.
2. If this error repeats, check the MasterLink network system between the truck and
supervisory system.

Fault Code 4648: GPS origin mismatch

Fault code 4648
Message GPS Origin Mismatch
Description GPS origin data from central is not equal to NVRAM data.
Possible cause 1. GPS origin data in central operation system was changed.
2. GPS origin data setting is necessary before AT operation.
3. NVRAM data has a failure.
Remedy 1. Confirm the GPS origin data setting in central system.
2. Then set the GPS origin setting in the CGC calibration menu.

930E-4AT 27
CEN40027-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40027-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in Canada 03-11

28 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Position Measurement System –
GYRO System
Fault Code 4702: GYRO system not ready .......................................................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4703: Angular velocity error (OFC) .................................................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4704: GYRO angular velocity error .................................................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4705: GYRO RS232C frame error ..................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4706: GYRO RS232C over run error ................................................................................................. 4
Fault Code 4707: GYRO RS232C parity error ...................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4708: GYRO RS232C check-sum error ............................................................................................. 5
Fault Code 4709: RS232C command error .......................................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 470A: GYRO RS232C unknown command error ............................................................................... 5
Fault Code 470B: GYRO internal timer error ........................................................................................................ 6
Fault Code 470C: GYRO RAM error..................................................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 470D: GYRO ROM error .................................................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 4712: GYRO drift detected ................................................................................................................. 7
Fault Code 4714: GYRO data delay error............................................................................................................. 9

930E-4AT 1
CEN40028-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4716: GYRO angle deviation error ................................................................................................... 11

Fault Code 4720: GYRO fatal error..................................................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 4721: GYRO BIT error...................................................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 4722: GYRO test error...................................................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 4723: GYRO software error.............................................................................................................. 14
Fault Code 4724: GYRO laser-temp error .......................................................................................................... 14
Fault Code 4725: GYRO temp-sensor error ....................................................................................................... 14
Fault Code 4726: GYRO analog-out error .......................................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 4727: GYRO modulation error.......................................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 4728: GYRO unknown error ............................................................................................................. 15
Fault Code 4729: GYRO laser-amp error ........................................................................................................... 16
Fault Code 472A: GYRO laser-mon error ........................................................................................................... 16
Fault Code 472B: GYRO detector error .............................................................................................................. 16
Fault Code 472C: GYRO interface error ............................................................................................................. 17
Fault Code 472D: GYRO unknown2 error .......................................................................................................... 17
Fault Code 472E: GYRO RAM-ROM error ......................................................................................................... 17
Fault Code 472F: GYRO MPU error ................................................................................................................... 18

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40028-01

GYRO system
Fault Code 4702: GYRO system not ready
Fault code 4702
Message Gyro system not ready
Description GYRO system detects GYRO start-up error.
After GYRO system start-up, GYRO system does not start the angle measurement.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4703: Angular velocity error (OFC)

Fault code 4703
Message Angular velocity error (OFC)
Description GYRO system detects high angular velocity during offset cancel mode.
Possible cause GYRO detects angular velocity that is too high.
• GYRO mount is bad.
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Inspect the GYRO mount.
2. If GYRO mount is not the problem, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4704: GYRO angular velocity error

Fault code 4704
Message Gyro Angular velocity error
Description GYRO system detects high angular velocity.
Possible cause GYRO detects angular velocity that is too high.
• GYRO mount is bad.
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Inspect the GYRO mount.
2. If GYRO mount is not the problem, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

930E-4AT 3
CEN40028-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4705: GYRO RS232C frame error

Fault code 4705
Message Gyro RS232C frame error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C frame error.
Possible cause GYRO system is defective.
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4706: GYRO RS232C over run error

Fault code 4706
Message Gyro RS232C over run error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C over run error.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4707: GYRO RS232C parity error

Fault code 4707
Message Gyro RS232C parity error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C parity error.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40028-01

Fault Code 4708: GYRO RS232C check-sum error

Fault code 4708
Message Gyro RS232C check-sum error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C check-sum error.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4709: RS232C command error

Fault code 4709
Message Gyro RS232C command error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C command error.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 470A: GYRO RS232C unknown command error

Fault code 470A
Message Gyro RS232C unknown command error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C unknown command error.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

930E-4AT 5
CEN40028-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 470B: GYRO internal timer error

Fault code 470B
Message Gyro internal timer error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO internal timer error.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 470C: GYRO RAM error

Fault code 470C
Message Gyro RAM error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RAM error.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 470D: GYRO ROM error

Fault code 470D
Message Gyro ROM error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO ROM error.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40028-01

Fault Code 4712: GYRO drift detected

Fault code 4712

Message Gyro Drift detected

Description Navigation system detects GYRO drift.
Angle drift is 2 degrees or more every 5 minutes when autonomous truck is in stop
Angular velocity is 0.2 degrees per second or more for 10 seconds when autonomous
truck is in stop mode.
Possible cause 1. Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
2. GYRO system needs calibration
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Restart the truck.
2. If this error repeated, calibrate GYRO.
3. If this error repeated again, replace the GYRO sensor.
4. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

How to check the GYRO drift

1. Check the GYRO angle drift data with PC monitor.

930E-4AT 7
CEN40028-01 40 Troubleshooting

How to check the GYRO drift

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GYRO angle velocity data 2. GYRO angle data

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40028-01

Fault Code 4714: GYRO data delay error

Fault code 4714
Message Gyro data delay error
Description Navigation system detects abnormal GYRO data delay.

Possible cause 1. Drive controller too busy

2. Wiring
• GYRO system circuit wire or connector is loose.
3. Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the GYRO circuit.
• Check the wiring for continuity and loose wires.
- GYRO power supply 12V line (12VG, 0G)
- Signal wiring (90GYT, 90GYG, 90GYR)
- GYRO unit connector (FG1)
- Drive controller connector and pin (CN2-04, CN2-34, CN2-14)
- GYRO power converter connector (FG2, FG3)
• Check if GYRO data is sent to drive controller.
- Check the GYRO data with PC monitor.
3. If this error still cannot be reset, replace the GYRO unit.
4. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.
Schematic Sheet 37

930E-4AT 9
CEN40028-01 40 Troubleshooting

How to check the GYRO data

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GYRO angle velocity data 3. GYRO angle
2. GYRO angle data

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40028-01

Fault Code 4716: GYRO angle deviation error

Fault code 4716
Message Gyro angle deviation error
Description Navigation system detects large GYRO angle data jump.

Possible cause 1. Drive controller too busy

2. Wiring
• GYRO system circuit wiring or connector is loose.
3. Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the GYRO circuit.
• Check the wiring for continuity and loose wires.
- GYRO power supply 12V line (12VG, 0G)
- Signal wiring (90GYT, 90GYG, 90GYR)
- GYRO unit connector (FG1)
- Drive controller connector and pin (CN2-04, CN2-34, CN2-14)
- GYROpower converter connector (FG2, FG3)
• Check if GYRO data is sent to drive controller.
- Check the GYRO data with PC monitor.
3. If this error still cannot be reset, replace the GYRO unit.
4. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

930E-4AT 11
CEN40028-01 40 Troubleshooting

How to check the GYRO data

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GYRO angle velocity data 3. GYRO angle
2. GYRO angle data

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40028-01

Fault Code 4720: GYRO fatal error

Fault code 4720
Message Gyro FATAL error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO fatal error.
BIT15 status (ELSE) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4721: GYRO BIT error

Fault code 4721
Message Gyro BIT error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO BIT error.
BIT14 status (BIT) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4722: GYRO test error

Fault code 4722
Message Gyro TEST error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO test error.
BIT13 status (test) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

930E-4AT 13
CEN40028-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4723: GYRO software error

Fault code 4723
Message Gyro SOFTWARE error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO software error.
BIT12 status (software) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4724: GYRO laser-temp error

Fault code 4724
Message Gyro LASER-TEMP error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO laser-temp error.
BIT11 status (laser-temp) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4725: GYRO temp-sensor error

Fault code 4725
Message Gyro TEMP-SENSOR error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO temp-sensor error.
BIT10 status (temp-sensor) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40028-01

Fault Code 4726: GYRO analog-out error

Fault code 4726
Message Gyro A-OUT error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO analog-output error.
BIT9 status (analog-output) in ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4727: GYRO modulation error

Fault code 4727
Message Gyro MODULATION error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO modulation error.
BIT8 status (modulation) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 4728: GYRO unknown error

Fault code 4728
Message Gyro UNKNOWN error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO unknown error.
BIT7 status (unknown) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

930E-4AT 15
CEN40028-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4729: GYRO laser-amp error

Fault code 4729
Message Gyro Laser-AMP error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO laser-amp error.
BIT6 status (laser-amp) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 472A: GYRO laser-mon error

Fault code 472A
Message Gyro Laser-MON error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO Laser-MON error.
BIT5 status (Laser-MON) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 472B: GYRO detector error

Fault code 472B
Message Gyro DETECTOR error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO detector error.
BIT4 status (detector) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40028-01

Fault Code 472C: GYRO interface error

Fault code 472C
Message Gyro Interface error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO interface error.
BIT3 status (interface) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 472D: GYRO unknown2 error

Fault code 472D
Message Gyro UNKNOWN2 error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO unknown2 error.
BIT2 status (unknown2) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 472E: GYRO RAM-ROM error

Fault code 472E
Message Gyro RAM-ROM error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RAM-ROM error.
BIT1 status (RAM-ROM) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

930E-4AT 17
CEN40028-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 472F: GYRO MPU error

Fault code 472F
Message Gyro MPU error
Description GYRO system detects GYRO MPU error.
BIT0 status (MPU) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40028-01


930E-4AT 19
CEN40028-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump truck

Form No. CEN40028-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

20 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Position Measurement System –
Tire Sensor System, Slope Sensor and
Moving Direction
Fault Code 4801: Front right pulse sensor error ................................................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4802: Front left pulse sensor error ..................................................................................................... 3
Fault Code 4803: Both front pulse sensor error.................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4809: Front right pulse sensor deviation error.................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 480A: Front left pulse sensor deviation error ..................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4804: Rear right pulse sensor error.................................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4805: Rear left pulse sensor error ...................................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 4806: Both rear pulse sensor errors................................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 4807: Rear right pulse deviation error ................................................................................................ 9
Fault Code 4808: Rear left pulse deviation error .................................................................................................. 9
Fault Code 4810: Pitch sensor data is out of range ............................................................................................ 12

930E-4AT 1
CEN40029-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4813: Pitch angle limitation error ...................................................................................................... 12

Fault Code 4814: Roll sensor data is out of range.............................................................................................. 15
Fault Code 4817: Roll angle data limitation error ................................................................................................ 15
Fault Code 4819: Moving signal logic fault with GE............................................................................................ 18
Fault Code 4820: Moving F signal error.............................................................................................................. 18
Fault Code 4821: Moving R signal error ............................................................................................................. 19

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40029-01

Tire sensor system

Fault Code 4801: Front right pulse sensor error
Fault code 4801
Message Front Right pulse sensor error
Description No pulse input from front right sensor when front left wheel speed is more than 7 km/h
(4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective front right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15RWS, 0LF): 15V
• Speed sensor signal wiring 33RF
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-14)
• Speed sensor connector and drive CN2-37(SIG), 29 (GND)
• Speed sensor failure
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 9, 38

Fault Code 4802: Front left pulse sensor error

Fault code 4802
Message Front Left pulse sensor error
Description No pulse input from front left sensor when front right wheel speed is more than 7 km/h
(4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective front left speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15LWS, 0LF): 15V
• Speed sensor signal wiring 33LF
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-13)
• Speed sensor connector and drive CN2-27(SIG), 29 (GND)
• Speed sensor failure
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 9, 38

930E-4AT 3
CEN40029-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4803: Both front pulse sensor error

Fault code 4803
Message Both front pulse sensor error
Description No pulse input from both front left and right sensors when rear wheel speed is more
than 7 km/h (4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective front left and front right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15LWS, 15RWS, 0LF)
• Speed sensor signal wiring 33LF, 33RF
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-13, FB3-14)
• Speed sensor failure
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 9, 38

Fault Code 4809: Front right pulse sensor deviation error

Fault code 4809
Message Front Right pulse deviation error
Description The speed deviation measured by front right sensor is too large (deviation = new data –
old data).
Possible cause Defective front right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15RWS, 0LF)
• Speed sensor signal wiring 33RF
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-14)
• Speed sensor connector and drive CN2-37(SIG)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring and sensor.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 9, 38

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40029-01

Fault Code 480A: Front left pulse sensor deviation error

Fault code 480A
Message Front Left pulse deviation error
Description The speed deviation measured by front left sensor is too large (deviation = new data –
old data).
Possible cause Defective front left speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15LWS, 0LF)
• Speed sensor signal wiring 33LF
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-13)
• Speed sensor connector and drive CN2-27 (SIG)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data with PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 9, 38

930E-4AT 5
CEN40029-01 40 Troubleshooting

Standard clearance:
Gap = 1.0 - 1.5 mm (0.04 - 0.06 inch)


1. Front pulse sensor
2. Gap


6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40029-01

Sensor data monitor

1. Start ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


Fault Code 4804: Rear right pulse sensor error

Fault code 4804
Message Rear Right pulse Sensor error
Description No pulse input from rear right sensor when rear left wheel speed is more than 7 km/h
(4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective rear right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR):12 V
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1-FS13)
• Speed sensor failure
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data with PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

930E-4AT 7
CEN40029-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4805: Rear left pulse sensor error

Fault code 4805
Message Rear Left pulse Sensor error
Description No pulse input from rear left sensor when rear right wheel speed is more than 7 km/h
(4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective rear left speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR):12 V
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33 ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1-FS13)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data with PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

Fault Code 4806: Both rear pulse sensor errors

Fault code 4806
Message Both Rear pulse sensor error
Description No pulse input from either rear right or left rear sensor when front wheel speed is more
than 7 km/h (4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective rear speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wider to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR):12 V
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR, 33 ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1 - FS1)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data with PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40029-01

Fault Code 4807: Rear right pulse deviation error

Fault code 4807
Message Rear Right pulse deviation error
Description The speed deviation measured by rear right sensor is too large (deviation = new data –
old data).
Possible cause Defective rear right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1 – FS1)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data with PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

Fault Code 4808: Rear left pulse deviation error

Fault code 4808
Message Rear Left pulse deviation error
Description The speed deviation measured by rear left sensor is too large (deviation = new data –
old data).
Possible cause Defective rear left speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR):12 V
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33 ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1 - FS1)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data with PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

930E-4AT 9
CEN40029-01 40 Troubleshooting

Standard clearance:
Gap = 1.0 - 1.5 mm (0.04 - 0.06 inch)


1. Rear pulse sensor


10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40029-01

Sensor data monitor

1. Start ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


930E-4AT 11
CEN40029-01 40 Troubleshooting

Slope sensor
Fault Code 4810: Pitch sensor data is out of range
Fault code 4810
Message Pitch sensor error
Description Pitch angle data is out of range for three seconds.
Measurement range: –20 degrees < pitch angle < 20 degrees
Possible cause 1. Defective pitch sensor circuit
• Pitch sensor power supply (36FI, 0RT):12 V
• Pitch sensor wiring (36FP) problem
• Loose connector (RS1, Drive CN1-20)
• Pitch sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Road condition
• Road has steep slope.
3. Abnormal pitch sensor calibration
Remedy 1. Inspect the road condition.
2. If this warning cannot be reset:
• Check the pitch sensor circuit.
• Check sensor data with PC monitor.
3. Calibrate the sensor.
Schematic Sheet 37

Fault Code 4813: Pitch angle limitation error

Fault code 4813
Message Pitch angle limitation error
Description Pitch angle data is over 15 degrees for three seconds.
Possible cause 1. Defective pitch sensor circuit
• Pitch sensor power supply (36FI, 0RT): 12 V
• Pitch sensor wiring (36FP) problem
• Loose connector (RS1, Drive CN1-20)
• Pitch sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Road condition
• Road has steep slope.
3. Abnormal pitch sensor calibration
Remedy 1. Inspect the road condition.
2. If this warning cannot be reset:
• Check the pitch sensor circuit.
• Check sensor data with PC monitor.
3. Calibrate the sensor.
Schematic Sheet 37

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40029-01

Pitch angle sensor

Standard value:
2.6 + 0.2V at level place


1. Pitch angle sensor

930E-4AT 13
CEN40029-01 40 Troubleshooting

Pitch sensor data check with PC monitor

1. Start ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40029-01

Fault Code 4814: Roll sensor data is out of range

Fault code 4814
Message Roll sensor error
Description Roll angle data is out of range for three seconds.
Measurement range: –20 degrees < pitch angle < 20 degrees
Possible cause 1. Defective roll sensor circuit
• Roll sensor power supply (36FI, 0RT)
• Roll sensor wiring (36FR) problem
• Loose connector (RS1, Drive CN1-14,CN1-16)
• Roll sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Road condition
• Road has steep slope.
3. Abnormal roll sensor calibration
Remedy 1. Inspect the road condition.
2. If this warning cannot be reset:
• Check the roll sensor circuit.
• Check roll data with PC monitor.
3. Calibrate the sensor.

Fault Code 4817: Roll angle data limitation error

Fault code 4817
Message Roll angle limitation error
Description Roll angle data is over 15 degrees for three seconds.
Possible cause 1. Defective roll sensor circuit
• Roll sensor power supply (36FI, 0RT)
• Roll sensor wiring (36FR) problem
• Loose connector (RS1)
• Roll sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Road condition
• Road has steep slope.
3. Abnormal roll sensor calibration
Remedy 1. Inspect the road condition.
2. If this warning cannot be reset:
• Check the roll sensor circuit.
• Check roll data using PC monitor.
3. Calibrate the sensor.

930E-4AT 15
CEN40029-01 40 Troubleshooting

Roll angle sensor

Standard value:
2.6 + 0.2V at level place


1. Roll angle sensor

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40029-01

Roll sensor data check using PC monitor

1. Start ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


930E-4AT 17
CEN40029-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4819: Moving signal logic fault with GE

Fault code 4819
Message Moving signal logic fault with GE
Description 1. Both moving forward true signal and moving reverse true signal from GE I/O system
are ON when truck is stopped.
2. Both moving forward signal and moving reverse signal are OFF when truck is run-
Possible cause 1. Wiring problem
• Moving forward signal wiring (72FD) has a problem.
• Moving reverse signal wiring (79RD) has a problem.
2. GE system problem
Remedy If this error cannot be reset:
• Check the circuit (72FD, 79RD).
• Check the signal using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 34

Fault Code 4820: Moving F signal error

Fault code 4820
Message Moving F signal error
Description When truck is running, Moving F signal is not ON.
Possible cause 1. Wiring problem
• Moving F signal wiring (72FD) is open (24V).
2. GE system problem
Remedy If this error cannot be reset:
• Check the circuit (72FD).
• Check the signal using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 34

18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40029-01

Fault Code 4821: Moving R signal error

Fault code 4821

Message Moving R signal error
Description When truck is running, Moving R signal is not ON.
Possible cause 1. Wiring problem
• Moving R signal wiring (79RD) is open (24V).
2. GE system problem
Remedy If this error cannot be reset:
• Check the circuit (79RD).
• Check the signal using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 34

Moving F and R signal check using PC monitor

1. Start ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Select “Drive All IO Status Monitor.”
3. Check the signal (CN3-30, Moving F, 72FD input) when truck is running forward.
4. Check the signal (CN3-40, Moving R, RD79 input) while truck is running in reverse.


930E-4AT 19
CEN40029-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump truck

Form No. CEN40029-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

20 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Position Measurement System –
REG System
Fault Code 4903: REG system detects large position error.................................................................................. 3
Fault Code 4905: REG system detects no berm area on haul road ..................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4906: Laser A/D signal is out of range ............................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 4907: Laser RS232C data is not received.......................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4909: REG Invalid data (out of range)................................................................................................ 7
Fault Code 490A: REG Can data error ................................................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 4911: Laser self check error .............................................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 4912: Laser OFF error........................................................................................................................ 8
Fault Code 4913: Laser self check warning.......................................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 4914: Laser low power error............................................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 4915: Laser low temperature error ................................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 4916: Laser high power error ........................................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 4917: Laser high temp error ..............................................................................................................11
Fault Code 4918: Laser RAM error......................................................................................................................11

930E-4AT 1
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4919: Laser EPROM error................................................................................................................ 11

Fault Code 491A: Laser IDV internal error.......................................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 491B: Laser PAR internal error......................................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 491C: Laser ZAD1 internal error ...................................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 491D: Laser ZAD2 internal error ...................................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 491E: Laser data overflow................................................................................................................ 13
Fault Code 491F: Laser data underflow.............................................................................................................. 13
Fault Code 4920: GPS position error (lateral direction) is detected.................................................................... 14
Fault Code 4921: REG position error (lateral direction) is detected.................................................................... 15
Fault Code 4924: REG laser sensor detects something close to the truck on left hand side.............................. 16

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

REG system
Fault Code 4903: REG system detects large position error
Fault Code 4903
Message Position error limit
Description Truck position error is too large to continue traveling.
• While traveling with GPS on haul road
- Truck travels 50 m (164 feet) or more with more than 3 m (10 feet) of naviga-
tion error.
• While traveling with REG on haul road
- Truck travels 25 m (82 feet) or more with more than 3 m (10 feet) of navigation
Possible cause 1. Out of control due to truck hardware problem.
• Blown tire
• Defective hydraulic steering system
2. Road condition
• Rough road condition (not compacted, not solid, or slippery)
3. Mismatched distance between the berm and target course.
• Berm is too far or too close to the truck course
• Road edge survey problem (inaccurate survey)
4. Laser sensor problem.
• Wrong data from laser sensor.
5. GPS problem
• GPS has wrong convergence.
• GPS has performance limitation.
Remedy Do not restart the truck without investigating the truck status and the cause of the
If truck is off course, set the truck on course.

1. Hardware problem
• Inspect truck condition (walk around inspection).
- If defective truck condition is found, repair it.
2. Road condition
• Inspect road condition.
- If road condition is rough, maintain road in good condition.
3. Berm position
• Inspect berm position and truck target course shape.
- If berm position is too far from or too close to the truck course, maintain the
berm or make suitable survey of the course.
• REG mask operation in central screen
4. Laser sensor problem
• Check REG laser data using PC monitor.

930E-4AT 3
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting


1. Laser head 2. Target distance setting
D = 5500 mm (216.5 in.)


1. Laser head 2. Recommended distance from head
to berm: 5500 mm (18 feet) +/- 500
mm (20 in.)

NOTE: REG target distance is measured from the edge of the laser sensor head to the target object. It is not
measured from the surface of the sensor lens.
This error will occur when berm on the haul road is unsuitable.
Make the berm suitable for safe autonomous operation.

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

Fault Code 4905: REG system detects no berm area on haul road
Fault code 4905
Message Bad Berm condition
Description REG system detects no good berm area on haul road for more than 200 m (656 feet ).
Possible cause 1. Bad berm condition
• Haul road has no berm.
• Surface is too rough.
• Berm is winding.
2. Mismatched distance between the berm and target course
• Berm is too far from or too close to the truck course.
• Road edge survey has a problem (inaccurate survey).
3. False detection caused by dust
4. Defective REG system
• REG laser sensor has a problem.
Remedy 1. Berm position and berm condition
• Inspect berm position and truck target course shape.
- If berm position is too far from or too close to the truck course, repair the berm
or make suitable survey of the course.
- If there is no berm area on haul road, construct suitable berm.
- If berm condition is defective, repair the berm.
- REG mask operation in central screen.
2. Dusty condition
• If the area is dusty, apply water to the road to reduce dust.
3. Check REG laser data
• Check REG laser data using PC monitor.


930E-4AT 5
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4906: Laser A/D signal is out of range

Fault code 4906
Message REG A/D signal error
Description REG system detects analog signal value is out of range
(AD data > 4.5 V, or AD data < 0.5 V).
Possible cause 1. Defective wiring
• Analog signal wiring (90RES, GND8) is cut.
• Register is wrong (REGR).
2. Defective laser sensor controller
• REG laser controller analog output has a problem.
Remedy 1. Check the REG system circuit.
• Check the wiring (90RES, GND8) for continuity.
• Check the A/D signal voltage.
- Normal
0 feet (0 m) target = 0.99 V
66 feet (20 m) target = 4.95 V
• Check the register.
- REGR, 246.5 between TB50T
and TB54-G
• Check the power supply of REG
- Between REGP-JGND and
- Between 33PG (GND) and
33PP(DC24VIN): 24 V
- Between PC2A-2(GND) and
PC2A-1(DC24VIN): 24 V
- Between PC2B-2(GND) and PC2B-1(DC24VIN): 24 V
- Fuse FB1A-7: not melted, 15 A

2. Check REG Laser data with PC monitor.

3. Check the laser sensor controller.
Schematic Sheet 45

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

Fault Code 4907: Laser RS232C data is not received

Fault code 4907
Message REG RS232C signal error
Description No data coming from laser RS232C for more than 20 seconds.
Possible cause 1. Defective wiring
• RS232C signal wiring (90RER, 90RET, 90REG) is defective
2. Loose connector
• Loose connector (REGT, safety controller CN2-14, CN2-04, or CN2-34)
3. Defective REG controller
Remedy 1. Check the RS232C wiring and REG system connectors.
• Check the continuity of RS232C wiring.
- CN2-34 (RS232C GND) - REGT-5 (REG controller GND)
- CN2-14 (RS232C RXD) - REGT-3 (REG controller TXD)
- CN2-04 (RS232C TXD) - REGT-2 (REG controller RXD)

• Check the REG system power supply.

- between REGP-JGND and REGP-K (DC24VIN): 24 V
- between 33PG (GND) and 33PP (DC24VIN): 24 V
- between PC2A-2 (GND) and PC2A-1 (DC24VIN): 24 V
- between PC2B-2 (GND) and PC2B-1 (DC24VIN): 24 V
- Fuse FB1A-7: not melted, 15 A

2. Check REG laser data with PC monitor.

3. Check the laser sensor controller.
Schematic Sheet 45

Fault Code 4909: REG Invalid data (out of range)

Fault code 4909
Message REG invalid data (out of range)
Description System detects both A/D signal error and serial signal is lost when AT truck is running
on haul road.
Possible cause 1. No target berm on haul road
2. REG system problem
Remedy 1. Check the target berm condition where the exception occurred.
2. Check the REG system circuit.
3. Check the laser sensor controller.
Schematic Sheet 45

930E-4AT 7
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 490A: REG Can data error

Fault code 490A
Message REG CAN data error
Description REG CAN data delay (between drive controller and safety controller) is more than 20
Possible cause 1. Defective CAN wiring
2. CAN-bus data busy condition
3. Defective drive controller
4. Defective safety controller
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. Check the CAN-bus wiring.
Schematic Sheet 44

Fault Code 4911: Laser self check error

Fault code 4911
Message Laserself check error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser self-check error.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 4912: Laser OFF error

Fault code 4912
Message Laser OFF error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser OFF error.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

Fault Code 4913: Laser self check warning

Fault code 4913
Message Laser selfcheck warning
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser self-check warning.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 4914: Laser low power error

Fault code 4914
Message Laser low power error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser low power error.
Possible cause 1. Laser sensor controller power supply low voltage
• Wiring (33PP, 33PG, 52P7) is defective.
• Fuse FB1A-7 is burnt out.
• Loose contact of connectors (PC2A, PC2B, or REGP)
• REG power converter is defective.
2. Defective REG laser sensor controller
Remedy 1. Check REG power line wiring and power converter.
• Check the power supply of REG system.
- 33PG (GND) - 33PP(DC24VIN): 24 V
- PC2A-2(GND) - PC2A-1(DC24VIN): 24 V
- PC2B-2(GND) - PC2B-1(DC24VIN): 24 V
- Fuse FB1A-7: not melted
2. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.
Schematic Sheet 45

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CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4915: Laser low temperature error

Fault code 4915
Message Laser low temp error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser low temp error.
Temperature of laser sensor controller is low.
Possible cause 1. Temperature condition inside AT cabinet
• Heater unit failed.
• Temperature setting is not adjusted correctly.
2. Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. Check if the heater unit is working.
3. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
4. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 4916: Laser high power error

Fault code 4916
Message Laser high power error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser high power error
Possible cause 1. Laser sensor controller power supply voltage too high
• Power supply unit (REG power converter) is defective.
2. Defective REG laser sensor controller
Remedy 1. Check REG power converter.
• Check the power supply of REG system.
- 33PG (GND) - 33PP (DC24VIN): 24 V
- PC2A-2 (GND) - PC2A-1 (DC24VIN): 24 V
- PC2B-2 (GND) - PC2B-1 (DC24VIN): 24 V
- Fuse FB1A-7: not melted
2. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

Fault Code 4917: Laser high temp error

Fault code 4917

Message Laser high temp error

Description Laser sensor controller detects laser high temp error.
Temperature of laser sensor controller is high.
Possible cause 1. Temperature condition inside AT cabinet
• Cooling unit failed.
• Temperature setting is not adjusted correctly.
2. Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. Check if the cooling unit is working.
3. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
4. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 4918: Laser RAM error

Fault code 4918

Message Laser RAM error

Description Laser sensor controller detects RAM error.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 4919: Laser EPROM error

Fault code 4919
Message Laser EPROM error
Description Laser sensor controller detects EPROM error.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

930E-4AT 11
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 491A: Laser IDV internal error

Fault code 491A
Message Laser IDV internal error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser internal error (IDV error).
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 491B: Laser PAR internal error

Fault code 491B
Message Laser PAR internal error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser internal error (PAR error).
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 491C: Laser ZAD1 internal error

Fault code 491C
Message Laser ZAD1 internal error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser internal error (ZAD1 error).
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 491D: Laser ZAD2 internal error

Fault code 491D

Message Laser ZAD2 internal error

Description Laser sensor controller detects laser internal error (ZAD2 error).
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

Fault Code 491E: Laser data overflow

Fault code 491E
Message Laser data overflow
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser data overflow.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 491F: Laser data underflow

Fault code 491F
Message Laser data underflow
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser data underflow.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error is repeated, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

930E-4AT 13
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4920: GPS position error (lateral direction) is detected

Fault code 4920
Message Position error of GPS navigation
Description Truck position error is too large to continue traveling using GPS data.
Truck travel 100 m (328 feet) or more with more than 1.9 m (6.2 feet) of navigation error.
Possible cause 1. Out of control due to truck hardware problem.
• Tire is blown.
• Steering hydraulic system is defective.
2. Road condition
• Road is rough (not compacted, not solid, or slippery).
3. Mismatched distance between the berm and target course
• Berm is too far from or too close to the truck course.
• Road edge survey has a problem (inaccurate survey).
4. Defective REG system
• REG laser sensor has a problem.
5. GPS problem
• GPS has wrong convergence.
• GPS has performance limitation.
Remedy Do not restart the truck without investigating the truck status and the cause of the
If truck is off course, set the truck on course.

1. Hardware problem
• Inspect truck condition (walk around inspection).
- If defective truck condition is found, repair it.
2. Road condition
• Inspect road condition.
- If road condition is rough, repair road.
3. Berm position
• Inspect berm position and truck target course shape.
- If berm position is too far from or too close to the truck course, repair the berm
or make suitable survey of the course.
4. Defective REG system
• Check the laser distance data using PC monitor.

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

Fault Code 4921: REG position error (lateral direction) is detected

Fault code 4921
Message Position error of REG navigation
Description Truck position error is too large to continue traveling using REG system when GPS is
Truck travel 50 m (164 feet) or more with more than 1.9 m (6.2 feet) of navigation error.
Possible cause 1. Out of control due to truck hardware problem
• Tire is blown
• Steering hydraulic system is defective.
2. Road condition
• Road is rough (not compacted, not solid, or slippery).
3. Mismatched distance between the berm and target course
• Berm is too far from or too close to the truck course.
• Course is too far from or too close to the berm.
• Road edge survey has a problem (inaccurate survey).
4. Defective REG system
• REG laser sensor has a problem.
Remedy Do not restart the truck without investigating the truck status and the cause of the
If truck is off course, set the truck on course.

1. Hardware problem
• Inspect truck condition (walk around inspection).
- If defective truck condition is found, repair it.
2. Road condition
• Inspect road condition.
- If road condition is rough, repair road.
3. Berm position
• Inspect berm position and truck target course shape.
- If berm position is too far from or too close to the truck course, repair the berm
or make suitable survey of the course.
2. Defective REG system
• Check the laser distance data using PC monitor.

930E-4AT 15
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4924: REG laser sensor detects something close to the truck on left hand side
Fault code 4924
Message Bank wall close or dusty condition
Description REG laser sensor detects something close to the truck on lefeet hand side. Laser
distance data (from laser sensor head to obstacle) becomes less than 3.5 m (11.5 feet
Possible cause 1. Too much dust
2. Out of control due to truck hardware problem
• Tire is blown.
• Steering hydraulic system is defective.
3. Road condition
• Road is rough (not compacted, not solid, or slippery).
4. Mismatched distance between the berm and target course.
• Berm is too close to the truck course
• Road edge survey has a problem (inaccurate survey).
5. Defective REG system
• REG laser sensor has a problem.
6. GPS problem
• GPS has wrong convergence.
• GPS has performance limitation.
Remedy Do not restart the truck without investigating the truck status and the cause of
the exception.
If truck is off course, set the truck on course.

1. Hardware problem
• Inspect truck condition (walk around inspection).
- If defective truck condition is found, repair it.
2. Road condition problem
• Inspect road condition.
- If road condition is rough, repair road.
3. Berm position problem
• Inspect berm position and truck target course shape.
- If berm position is too far from or too close to the truck course, repair the berm
or make suitable survey of the course.
4. Defective REG system
• Check the laser distance data using PC monitor.

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

Laser sensor head and cable investigation 2. Check fiber optic cable connection.
1. Check laser sensor head lens.
a. Laser sensor cover must be open.
b. Laser sensor head must be clear.


1. Check the fiber optic cable condition from the
FIGURE 40-4. LASER SENSOR HEAD laser sensor controller to the laser head.
1. Laser sensor head 2. Check the connection of fiber optic cable from
laser sensor controller to optical lens (inside
laser sensor head).
NOTE: Do not point the instrument directly at
people’s eyes, especially if they are using binoculars.
Aligning the infrared laser sensor with the lenses of
NOTE: Do not bend the optical fiber.
CCD cameras or infrared night vision devices can
Minimum bend radius > 200 mm (7.9 in.).
result in damage and is therefore not permitted.

Never look into the open optical fiber output cou-

pler of the laser sensor controller.

Never point the open optical fiber output coupler

at people’s eyes.

Never look into the optical fiber ends connected

to the laser sensor controller with unaided eyes
or with an optical instrument.

930E-4AT 17
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

How to check the laser sensor data with PC monitor

1. Connect PC monitor to flight recorder (Contec) with RS232C cable.
2. Open ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
3. Open navigation system monitor.
4. Check laser data in REG section.


1. Laser head 2. Actual laser distance (d) mm (inches)

NOTE: REG target distance is measured from the edge of the laser sensor head to the target object. It is not
measured from the surface of the sensor lens.


18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

Name RS232C A/D Comment

Distance mm (inches) mm (inches) Distance between REG sensor and target.
RS232C: Distance data from RS232C
A/D: Distance data from analog input
Filtered range: Filtered distance from RS232C
Reflection --- --- Reflection power information (min 0 to max 255)
power (depending on the target materials)
Laser ready --- --- Laser status information
0: Laser is invalid
1: Laser is valid
Laser warning --- --- REG system information
(REG system warning code)

Laser sensor controller investigation

1. Disconnect REGT connector (serial communication wiring between laser sensor controller and drive con-
2. Connect RS232C cable (Dsub-9, cross cable) between laser sensor controller’s serial port and the serial
COM port of personal computer.


1. Serial port (Dsub-9)

2. Windows personal computer
3. Serial cable

3. Turn power ON and start the software for serial communication with a monitor.
For example, using Microsoft HyperTerminal in Windows on a personal computer is one method of serial
communication with a monitor.
a. Start  Programs  Accessories  Communications  HyperTerminal

930E-4AT 19
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

b. Enter name for new connection.


c. Select COM port as the connection port.


20 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

d. Set the COM port setting.

Bits per second: 19200, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: None


4. Check the data on the HyperTerminal screen.

Normal condition: laser sensor controller sends the laser data repeatedly.
Data sample: r10.05;a80 (Distance = 10.05 m, Reflection power = 80)


930E-4AT 21
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

Defective condition: laser sensor controller sends error message instead of distance data.


1. Error message (see Table 1 on page 23)

22 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40030-01

Table 1: Troubleshooting of laser sensor controller

Message Meaning Recommended Action
M#LD90-3# Power up message ---
mSELFCHCK Internal self-check is carried out. ---
m…….. No measurement possible (no target or badly Check the target.
reflecting target). If fault is repeated, replace the controller.
mOVERFLOW Measurement value (including offsets) is too Check the target.
large. If fault is repeated, replace the controller.
mUNDERFLW Measurement value (including offsets) is less Check sensor head cover.
than zero. If fault is repeated, replace the controller.
mLAS OFF No measurement is possible because the laser Check the laser safety lock wiring.
is switched off. REGP-A and REGP-H should be
connected to ground.
mLO BATT Supply voltage is too low. Check the power supply voltage.
mHI BATT Supply voltage is too high. Check the power supply voltage.
mLO TEMP Temperature is too low. Check laser sensor controller heater
system performance.
mHI TEMP Temperature is too high. Check laser sensor controller cooling
system performance.
mUENI- ERR Laser error: Check if the laser safety lock is Check the laser safety lock wiring. REGP-
connected to ground; A and REGP-H should be connected to
If Yes, internal error. ground.
mRAM- ERR Internal RAM defect Replace the controller.
mEEP- EER Internal EEPROM defect Replace the controller.
mIDV- ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mPLL- ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mEPCS-ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mPAR- ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mZAD1-ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mZAD2-ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mLAS-WRNG Warning: Internal test in self check is not Check the laser safety lock wiring.
possible, as the laser is switched off. REGP-A and REGP-H should be
connected to ground.
*xxxx Instrument in programming mode. Input Q + Return to start data
? xxxx *xxxx: ready for command measurement.
=xxxx ?xxxx: command is not interpreted correctly.
=xxxx: display of the value of a parameter

930E-4AT 23
CEN40030-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40030-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

24 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Position Measurement System – Sensor
Fusion, NVRAM, Software Exception
Fault Code 4A01: Reset running request.............................................................................................................. 3
Fault Code 4A04: Sensor fusion error .................................................................................................................. 4
Fault Code 4A06: Brake system error................................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4A0A: Power OFF request by dead reckoning error .......................................................................... 5
Fault Code 4A0C: Heading angle accuracy error ................................................................................................. 5
Fault Code 4A0D: Position accuracy error............................................................................................................ 6
Fault Code 4A0E: Sensor fusion failed ................................................................................................................. 6
Fault Code 4A20: Tire slippage............................................................................................................................. 7
Fault Code 4A21: Position Sliding DR vs GPS ..................................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 4A22: Front slippage L vs. R .............................................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 4A23: Rear slippage L vs. R............................................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 4A24: Slippage R vs GPS ................................................................................................................ 10
Fault Code 4A43: Position accuracy lost ............................................................................................................ 10
Fault Code 4B02: Set slope and roll offset ..........................................................................................................11

930E-4AT 1
CEN40031-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4B03: Set origin data ........................................................................................................................ 11

Fault Code 4B05: Set target data for REG.......................................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 4B17: Analog input error................................................................................................................... 12

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40031-01

Sensor fusion
Fault Code 4A01: Reset running request
Fault code 4A01
Message Reset Running request
Description When truck is stopped, the difference between GPS position and dead reckoning
position becomes too large.
System requires the initialization of truck position calculation.
Possible cause 1. GPS data jump to wrong position (GPS problem)
2. Dead reckoning performance limitation
• Accumulated dead reckoning position error
- (GYRO and speed sensing)
• Road condition (slippery, too rough, etc.)
Remedy 1. Inspect the truck position and truck status.
2. Reset running.
3. Put truck on AT course and release again.

Navigation condition check (central operator)

• Warning code appears on central operation screen
• Check GPS condition with OSMtip.

Reset running operation (pit patroller)

1. Stop the truck and place it in the suspend mode. 5. After GPS recovered, drive straight in manual
2. Ride on the truck and change the truck mode to mode at 10 km/hr (6 mph) until CGC GPS indi-
manual mode. cator changes to green.

3. Safety bubble is ON (Enter – AT) 6. Keep in contact with central and make sure
8A01 warning has disappeared.
4. Contact central and make sure GPS condition
has recovered. 7. Move the truck on AT course at central’s sug-
8. Release the truck.

930E-4AT 3
CEN40031-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4A04: Sensor fusion error

Fault code 4A04
Message Sensor Fusion Error
Description When truck is running in autonomous mode and system tries to correct the dead
reckoning position by GPS data, the difference between GPS position and dead
reckoning position is too large.
Possible cause 1. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
2. Road condition (too slippery, too rough, etc.)
3. Degraded dead reckoning performance
• GYRO performance is degraded.
• Speed sensing performance is degraded.
Remedy 1. Check the GPS condition (possible GPS jump problem).
2. After AT stopped, if 4A01 reset running request appears, perform reset running
operation (see 4A01).
3. If 4A01 reset running request does not reappear, continue AT operation. Restart
4. If same error repeats in same place, check the road condition.
5. If same error often repeats everywhere:
• Check Gyro data using PC monitor.
• Check the speed sensors using PC monitor.

Fault Code 4A06: Brake system error

Fault code 4A06
Message Brake system error
Description When navigation position calculation is stopped, system detects abnormal truck
movement (more than 2 m (6.6 ft)).
Possible cause Defective brake system
Remedy Inspect brake system (both hydraulic brakes and parking brake).

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40031-01

Fault Code 4A0A: Power OFF request by dead reckoning error

Fault code 4A0A
Message Power OFF Request by Dead Reckoning error
Description When truck is traveling with reliable GPS, dead reckoning lateral position error becomes
too large to continue AT operation.
Possible cause 1. Road condition (too rough, slippery)
2. Low GYRO sensor performance
• GYRO adjustment has not been performed.
• GYRO sensor is defective.
3. Pitch sensor and roll sensor are swapped.
4. Front left sensor and front right sensor are swapped.
5. Rear left sensor and rear right sensor are swapped.
Remedy 1. Turn off truck power and restart AHS.
2. Check the road condition, and if condition is rough, repair the road.
3. If GYRO adjustment has not yet been performed, adjust GYRO.
4. Check the GYRO performance using PC Monitor. If GYRO condition is not normal,
repeat GYRO adjustment.
5. If GYRO condition is not recovered with GYRO adjustment, replace the GYRO sen-

Fault Code 4A0C: Heading angle accuracy error

Fault code 4A0C
Message Heading angle accuracy error
Description When GPS is unavailable during traveling, estimated dead reckoning heading accuracy
becomes too low to continue AT operation.
Possible cause 1. Road condition (too rough, slippery)
2. Dead reckoning performance limitation
• Accumulated dead reckoning heading error occurred.
• Road condition (slippery, too rough, etc.)
3. Low GYRO sensor performance
• GYRO adjustment has not been performed.
• GYRO sensor is defective.
4. Faulty GPS
Remedy 1. Reset running operation (see 4A01 error code).
2. Check the road condition, and if condition is rough, repair road.
3. If GYRO adjustment has not been performed, adjust GYRO.
• Check GYRO data using PC monitor.
4. If this error cannot be reset after GYRO adjustment, replace the GYRO sensor.

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CEN40031-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4A0D: Position accuracy error

Fault code 4A0D
Message Position accuracy error
Description When GPS is unavailable during traveling, estimated dead reckoning position accuracy
becomes too low to continue AT operation.
Possible cause 1. Dead reckoning performance limitation
• There is an accumulated dead reckoning position error.
• Road condition (slippery, too rough, etc.)
2. Faulty GPS
Remedy 1. Reset running operation (see 4A01 error code).
2. If same error repeats in same place, check the road condition.

Fault Code 4A0E: Sensor fusion failed

Fault code 4A0E
Message Sensor Fusion Failed
Description Even when GPS information reported from GPS receiver is accurate, and GPS is
available, sensor fusion is not executed for 150 m (492 ft) or more.
Possible cause 1. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
2. Road condition (too slippery, too rough, etc.)
Remedy 1. Restart the truck.
2. If same error repeats in same place, check the road condition.

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40031-01

Fault Code 4A20: Tire slippage

Fault code 4A20
Message Tire Slippage
Description System detects a large difference between the front average speed and the rear
average speed.
Possible cause 1. Defective front left and/or right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15LFWS,15RFWS, 0LF)
• Speed sensor signal wiring 33LF, 33RF
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-13,FB3-14)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Defective rear left and/or right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR, 33 ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1-FS13)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
3. Road condition (slippery, too rough, etc.)
Remedy 1. If this error repeats in the same area, check road condition.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor gap.
3. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 38, 9, 26

Fault Code 4A21: Position Sliding DR vs GPS

Fault code 4A21
Message Position Sliding DR vs GPS
Description System detects a large difference between GPS position and dead reckoning position
while truck is running in auto mode.
Possible cause 1. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
2. Road condition (too slippery, too rough, etc.)
3. Degraded dead reckoning performance
• GYRO performance is degraded.
• Speed sensing performance is degraded.
Remedy 1. Check the GPS condition (possible GPS jump problem).
2. After AT is stopped, if 4A01 [reset running request] exception appeares, perform
reset running operation (see4A01).
3. If 4A01 [reset running request] exception does not appeare, continue AT operatoin.
Restart AT.
4. If same error repeats in same place, check the road condition.
5. If same error often repeats everywhere:
• Check Gyro data using PC monitor.
• Check the speed sensors using PC monitor.

930E-4AT 7
CEN40031-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4A22: Front slippage L vs. R

Fault code 4A22
Message Front slippage L vs R
Description System detects a large difference between the front left speed and the front right speed.
Possible cause 1. Defective front left or right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15LFWS,15RFWS, 0LF)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33LF, 33RF)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-13,FB3-14)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Road condition (slippery, too rough, etc.)
Remedy 1. If this error repeats in the same area, check road condition.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 38, 9

Fault Code 4A23: Rear slippage L vs. R

Fault code 4A23
Message Rear slippage L vs R
Description System detects a large difference between the rear left speed and the rear right speed.
Possible cause 1. Defective rear left or right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR, 33 ALR)
• Speed sensor power line FUSE (FB1-FS13)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Road condition (slippery, too rough, etc.)
Remedy 1. If this error repeats in the same area, check road condition.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 38, 26

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How to check the speed sensors condition using drive PC monitor

1. Connect PC monitor to flight recorder (Connect) with RS232C cable.
2. Open ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
3. Open Navigation System Monitor.
4. Check tire speed in tire pulse sensor section.


Left Right Difference (Right-Left)

[mm/sec] [mm/sec] [mm/sec]
Front speed Left front tire speed Right front tire speed Speed difference between right
and left tires
Rear speed Left rear tire speed Right rear tire speed Speed difference between right
and left tires

Left Right
[pulse count] [pulse count]
Front speed Left front tire pulse sensor count Right front tire pulse sensor count
Rear speed Left rear tire pulse sensor count Right rear tire pulse sensor count

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CEN40031-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4A24: Slippage R vs GPS

Fault code 4A24
Message Slippage R vs GPS
Description System detects a large difference between the rear average speed and GPS velocity.
Possible cause 1. Defective rear speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR, 33ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1-FS13)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
3. Road condition (too slippery, too rough, etc.)
Remedy 1. If this error repeats in the same area, check road condition.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor gap.
3. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
4. Check the GPS condition (possible GPS jump problem).
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

Fault Code 4A43: Position accuracy lost

Fault code 4A43
Message Position accuracy lost
Description System detects that Navigation accuracy is too bad.
Possible cause 1. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
2. Faulty GPS
Remedy Reset running operation (see 4A01 error code).

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Fault Code 4B02: Set slope and roll offset
Fault code 4B02
Message Set slope and roll offset
Description Slope sensor offset adjustment is required. Calibrate the slope sensor.
Possible cause Controller
• New controller installed and slope sensor is not yet calibrated.
• NVRAM failed.
Remedy Adjust the slope sensors (both pitch and roll).

Fault Code 4B03: Set origin data

Fault code 4B03
Message Set Origin data
Description GPS origin data in NVRAM was broken.
Possible cause Controller
• New controller installed and GPS origin data setting is not yet done.
• NVRAM failed.
Remedy 1. Make sure central operation system is running correctly and GPS ground station
position is correctly set in MMS central operation system.
2. Set GPS origin.
3. After GPS origin is set correctly, reset running.

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Fault Code 4B05: Set target data for REG

Fault code 4B05
Message Set target data for REG
Description REG target data in NVRAM was lost.
Possible cause Controller
• NVRAM failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on after new controller has been installed, the target data
is automatically set to default value.
• Default target distance for haul road is 5500 mm (18 ft ).
2. Check the NVRAM data with CGC calibration screen.
• If the data is not 5500 mm (18 ft), change the controller.

Software exception
Fault Code 4B17: Analog input error
Fault code 4B17
Message Analog Input Error
Description All analog input data of drive controller was not changed.
Possible cause Drive controller is busy.
Remedy Cycle truck power off and on and restart truck.

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CEN40031-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40031-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

14 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Position Measurement System –
Warning Message of GPS System, GYRO
System, Tire Sensor, Slope Sensor and
Moving Direction
Fault Code 8601: GPS quality warning................................................................................................................. 4
Fault Code 8602: GPS TimeStamp warning ......................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 8603: Lack of satellites warning ......................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 8604: GPS correction data delay ....................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 8605: GPS resetting board................................................................................................................. 5
Fault Code 8606: GPS not ready warning ............................................................................................................ 5
Fault Code 8607: GPS GST not ready to approach loader .................................................................................. 5
Fault Code 8608: GPS GST not ready to approach crusher ................................................................................ 5
Fault Code 8609: GPS GST not ready to approach edge dump .......................................................................... 6

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CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 860E: GPS GST not ready ................................................................................................................. 6

Fault Code 860F: GPS data not changed ............................................................................................................. 6
Fault Code 8610: GPS wrong direction................................................................................................................. 6
Fault Code 8621: GPS delay from PPS timing ..................................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 8624: GPS communication lost warning............................................................................................. 7
Fault Code 8625: PPS signal warning .................................................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 8647: Grid information warning .......................................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 8648: GPS origin mismatch................................................................................................................ 8
Fault Code 8702: GYRO system not ready........................................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8703: GYRO angular velocity warning (OFC) .................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8704: GYRO angular velocity warning ............................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8705: GYRO RS232C frame warning................................................................................................. 9
Fault Code 8706: GYRO RS232C over run warning........................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 8707: GYRO RS232C parity warning ............................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 8708: GYRO RS232C check-sum warning ...................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 8709: RS232C command warning.................................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 870A: GYRO RS232C unknown command warning ........................................................................ 11
Fault Code 870B: GYRO internal timer warning ................................................................................................. 11
Fault Code 870C: GYRO RAM warning.............................................................................................................. 11
Fault Code 870D: GYRO ROM warning ............................................................................................................. 11
Fault Code 8712: GYRO drift detected warning.................................................................................................. 12
Fault Code 8714: GYRO data delay error........................................................................................................... 14
Fault Code 8716: GYRO angle deviation error ................................................................................................... 16
Fault Code 871A: GYRO initialization warning ................................................................................................... 18
Fault Code 871B: GYRO offset cancel mode warning ........................................................................................ 18
Fault Code 8720: GYRO fatal warning................................................................................................................ 18
Fault Code 8721: GYRO BIT warning................................................................................................................. 18
Fault Code 8722: GYRO test warning................................................................................................................. 19
Fault Code 8723: GYRO software warning......................................................................................................... 19
Fault Code 8724: GYRO laser-temp warning ..................................................................................................... 19
Fault Code 8725: GYRO temp-sensor warning .................................................................................................. 19
Fault Code 8726: GYRO analog-out warning ..................................................................................................... 20
Fault Code 8727: GYRO modulation warning..................................................................................................... 20
Fault Code 8728: GYRO unknown warning ........................................................................................................ 20
Fault Code 8729: GYRO laser-amp warning ...................................................................................................... 20
Fault Code 872A: GYRO laser-mon warning ...................................................................................................... 21
Fault Code 872B: GYRO detector warning ......................................................................................................... 21
Fault Code 872C: GYRO interface warning ........................................................................................................ 21
Fault Code 872D: GYRO unknown2 warning ..................................................................................................... 21
Fault Code 872E: GYRO RAM-ROM warning .................................................................................................... 22
Fault Code 872F: GYRO MPU warning .............................................................................................................. 22
Fault Code 8801: Front right pulse sensor error ................................................................................................. 22
Fault Code 8802: Front left pulse sensor error ................................................................................................... 23
Fault Code 8803: Both front pulse sensors error ................................................................................................ 23
Fault Code 8809: Front right pulse sensor deviation error.................................................................................. 24
Fault Code 880A: Front left pulse sensor deviation error.................................................................................... 24
Fault Code 8804: Rear right pulse sensor error.................................................................................................. 26
Fault Code 8805: Rear left pulse sensor error .................................................................................................... 27
Fault Code 8806: Both rear pulse sensors error ................................................................................................. 27
Fault Code 8807: Rear right pulse deviation error .............................................................................................. 28
Fault Code 8808: Rear left pulse deviation error ................................................................................................ 28
Fault Code 8810: Pitch sensor data is out of range ............................................................................................ 31
Fault Code 8813: Pitch angle limitation error ...................................................................................................... 31
Fault Code 8814: Roll sensor data is out of range.............................................................................................. 34

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Fault Code 8817: Roll angle data limitation error................................................................................................ 34

Fault Code 8819: Moving signal logic fault with GE............................................................................................ 37
Fault Code 8820: Moving F signal error.............................................................................................................. 37
Fault Code 8821: Moving R signal error ............................................................................................................. 37

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CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Warning message
Fault Code 8601: GPS quality warning
Fault code 8601
Message GPS quality warning
Description GPS quality mode (Type) is not RTK fixed mode
• GPS Quality mode
- Type = 0: Invalid, 1: Single point, 4: RTK fixed, 5: RTK float
Possible cause See Fault Code 4601.
Remedy Wait for GPS condition to recover.

Fault Code 8602: GPS TimeStamp warning

Fault code 8602
Message GPS TimeStamp warning
Description GPS time stamp data is not new compared with last data.
Controller ignores the data automatically.
Possible cause GPS (CAN) data delay
Remedy No action is required because system ignores the wrong time stamp data

Fault Code 8603: Lack of satellites warning

Fault code 8603
Message Lack of Satellites
Description Fewer than five GPS satellites are available.
Expected behavior
• Five satellites or more are necessary to continue AT travel operation.
Possible cause See Fault Code 4603.
Remedy Wait for GPS condition to recover.

Fault Code 8604: GPS correction data delay

Fault code 8604
Message GPS correction data delay
Description GPS rtcmAge is more than 20 seconds.
Expected behavior
• GPS rtcmAge is less than 10 seconds (recommendation).
Possible cause See Fault Code 4604.
Remedy Wait for GPS condition to recover.

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Fault Code 8605: GPS resetting board

Fault code 8605
Message GPS Resetting board
Description System tries to reset the GPS board due to bad GPS condition.
Possible cause Same possible cause as code 4601. See Fault Code 4601.
Remedy Wait for GPS condition to recover.

Fault Code 8606: GPS not ready warning

Fault code 8606
Message GPS not ready
Description GPS system is not ready to measure the accurate position of truck.
Travel in auto mode is impossible.
GPS system condition reported from hub is not ready.
Possible cause GPS system is not ready. See Fault Code 4601.
Remedy Wait for GPS condition to recover.

Fault Code 8607: GPS GST not ready to approach loader

Fault code 8607
Message GPS GST not ready to approach Loader
Description GPS GST value (2D estimated sigma warning) is too large to approach excavator.
• GST = sqr ((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2)

Expected behavior
• GST value should be less than 100 mm (3.9 in.) to approach excavator.
Possible cause See Fault Code 4607.
Remedy Wait for GPS condition to recover.

Fault Code 8608: GPS GST not ready to approach crusher

Fault code 8608
Message GPS GST not ready to approach Crusher
Description GPS GST value (2D estimated sigma warning) is too large to approach crusher
• GST = sqr ((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2)

Expected behavior
• GST value should be less than 100 mm (3.9 in.) to approach crusher.
Possible cause See Fault Code 4608.
Remedy Wait for GPS condition to recover.

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Fault Code 8609: GPS GST not ready to approach edge dump
Fault code 8609
Message GPS GST not ready to approach Edge Dump
Description GPS GST value (2D estimated sigma warning) is too large to approach edge dump
• GST = sqr ((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2))

Expected behavior
• GST value should be less than 100 mm (3.9 in.) to approach edge dump spot.
Possible cause See Fault Code 4609.
Remedy Wait for GPS condition to recover.

Fault Code 860E: GPS GST not ready

Fault code 860E
Message GPS GST not ready
Description GPS GST value (2D estimated sigma warning) is too large to start AT operation when
truck is stopped.
• GST = sqr ((sigmaLat)2+(sigmaLon)2)
Expected behavior
• GST value should be less than 300 mm (11.8 in.) to continue AT travel operation.
Possible cause See Fault Code 460E.
Remedy Wait for GPS condition to recover.

Fault Code 860F: GPS data not changed

Fault code 860F
Message GPS data not changed
Description GPS data is not updated while truck traveling.
Possible cause GPS data failure.
Remedy Cycle power for AHT and wait for GPS recovery.
If same error happens repeatedly, change GPS system.

Fault Code 8610: GPS wrong direction

Fault code 8610
Message GPS wrong direction
Description System received old GPS data while truck traveling.
Possible cause GPS data failure.
Remedy Cycle power for AHT and wait for GPS recovery.
If same error happens repeatedly, change GPS system.

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Fault Code 8621: GPS delay from PPS timing

Fault code 8621
Message GPS delay from PPS timing
Description PPS timing and GPS data input are not synchronized.
GPS data input is delayed vs. PPS input timing.
Expected behavior
• Both GPS output and PPS output are 2Hz frequency.
• Both GPS interval and PPS interval are between 0.4 second and 0.6 second.
Possible cause See Fault Code 4621.
Remedy If same warning repeats, reboot the hub.

Fault Code 8624: GPS communication lost warning

Fault code 8624
Message GPS communication lost
Description GPS data input from CAN-A is delayed, lost, or stopped.

Expected behavior
• GPS output is 2 Hz frequency.
• GPS interval is between 0.4 second and 0.6 second.
Possible cause See Fault Code 4624.
Remedy See Fault Code 4624.

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Fault Code 8625: PPS signal warning

Fault code 8625
Message PPS signal warning
Description PPS input from hub is delayed, lost, or stopped (this warning occurred if hub has been

Expected behavior
• PPS output is 2 Hz frequency.
• PPS interval is between 0.4 second and 0.6 second.
Possible cause See Fault Code 4625.
Remedy See Fault Code 4625.

Fault Code 8647: Grid information warning

Fault code 8647
Message Grid information warning
Description GPS grid information data has not yet been received from supervisory system.
Possible cause See Fault Code 4647.
Remedy See Fault Code 4647.

Fault Code 8648: GPS origin mismatch

Fault code 8648
Message GPS Origin mismatch
Description GPS origin data from central is not equal to NVRAM data.
Possible cause See Fault Code 4648.
Remedy See Fault Code 4648.

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Fault Code 8702: GYRO system not ready

Fault code 8702
Message Gyro system not ready
Description GYRO system detects GYRO start-up warning.
After GYRO system start-up, GYRO system does not start the angle measurement.
Possible cause 1. Defective GYRO system.
• GYRO failed.
2. GYRO system needs calibration.
Remedy See Fault Code 4702.

Fault Code 8703: GYRO angular velocity warning (OFC)

Fault code 8703
Message Angular velocity warning (OFC)
Description GYRO system detects high angular velocity during GYRO calibration.
Possible cause GYRO was moved during GYRO calibration.
• GYRO mount is bad.
• Truck moved during GYRO calibration.
• GYRO failed.
Remedy Calibrate GYRO again in steady condition.

Fault Code 8704: GYRO angular velocity warning

Fault code 8704

Message Angular velocity warning

Description GYRO system detects high angular velocity.
Possible cause GYRO detects angular velocity that is too high.
• GYRO mount is bad.
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Inspect the GYRO mount.
2. If GYRO mount is not the problem, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8705: GYRO RS232C frame warning

Fault code 8705
Message Gyro RS232C frame warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C frame warning.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system.
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Recycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

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Fault Code 8706: GYRO RS232C over run warning

Fault code 8706
Message Gyro RS232C over run warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C over run warning.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8707: GYRO RS232C parity warning

Fault code 8707
Message Gyro RS232C parity warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C parity warning
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8708: GYRO RS232C check-sum warning

Fault code 8708

Message Gyro RS232C check-sum warning

Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C check-sum warning.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8709: RS232C command warning

Fault code 8709
Message Gyro RS232C command warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C command warning.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

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Fault Code 870A: GYRO RS232C unknown command warning

Fault code 870A
Message Gyro RS232C unknown command warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RS232C unknown command warning.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 870B: GYRO internal timer warning

Fault code 870B
Message Gyro internal timer warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO internal timer warning.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 870C: GYRO RAM warning

Fault code 870C
Message Gyro RAM warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RAM warning.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 870D: GYRO ROM warning

Fault code 870D
Message Gyro ROM warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO ROM warning.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

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Fault Code 8712: GYRO drift detected warning

Fault code 8712
Message Gyro Drift detected warning
Description Navigation system detects GYRO drift.
Angle drift is 2 degrees or more every 5 minutes when AHT is in stop mode.
Angular velocity is 0.2 degrees or more for 10 seconds when AHT is in stop mode.
Possible cause 1. Defective GYRO system.
• GYRO failed.
2. GYRO system needs calibration.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Restart the truck.
2. If this error is repeated, calibrate GYRO.
3. If this error is repeated again, replace the GYRO sensor.
4. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

How to check the GYRO drift

• Check the GYRO angle drift data using PC monitor.

12 930E-4AT
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How to check the GYRO drift

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GYRO angle
2. GYRO angle velocity

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CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8714: GYRO data delay error

Fault code 8714
Message Gyro data delay warning
Description Navigation system detects abnormal GYRO data delay.

Possible cause 1. Drive controller too busy

2. Wiring
• Loose wiring or connector in GYRO system circuit.
3. Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the GYRO circuit
• Check the wiring for continuity and loose wires.
- GYRO power supply 12V line (12VG, 0G)
- Signal wiring (90GYT, 90GYG, 90GYR)
- GYRO unit connector (FG1)
- Drive controller connector and pin (CN2-04, CN2-34, CN2-14)
- GYRO power converter connector (FG2, FG3)
• Check if GYRO data is sent to drive controller.
- Check the GYRO data using PC monitor.
3. If this error still cannot be reset, replace the GYRO unit.
4. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.
Schematic Sheet 37

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How to check the GYRO data

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GYRO angle velocity data 3. GYRO angle
2. GYRO angle data

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CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8716: GYRO angle deviation error

Fault code 8716
Message Gyro angle deviation warning
Description Navigation system detects large GYRO angle data jump.

Possible cause 1. Drive controller too busy

2. Wiring
• Loose wiring or connector in GYRO system circuit.
3. Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the GYRO circuit.
• Check the wiring for continuity and loose wires.
- GYRO power supply 12V line (12VG, 0G)
- Signal wiring (90GYT, 90GYG, 90GYR)
- GYRO unit connector (FG1)
- Drive controller connector and pin (CN2-04, CN2-34, CN2-14)
- GYRO power converter connector (FG2, FG3)
• Check if GYRO data is sent to drive controller.
- Check the GYRO data using PC monitor.
3. If this error still cannot be reset, replace the GYRO unit.
4. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

16 930E-4AT
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How to check the GYRO data

1. Start engine and ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


1. GYRO angle velocity data 3. GYRO angle
2. GYRO angle data

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CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 871A: GYRO initialization warning

Fault code 871A
Message Gyro initialization warning
Description GYRO is initialized. Initialization BIT is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 871B: GYRO offset cancel mode warning

Fault code 871B
Message Gyro Offset Cancel Mode warning
Description GYRO is in offset cancel mode. Offset cancel mode BIT is ON.
Possible cause GYRO is in offset cancel mode.
Remedy Wait for the completion of GYRO offset cancel function.

Fault Code 8720: GYRO fatal warning

Fault code 8720
Message Gyro FATAL warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO fatal warning.
BIT15 status (Else) in ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8721: GYRO BIT warning

Fault code 8721
Message Gyro BIT warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO BIT warning.
BIT14 status (BIT) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

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Fault Code 8722: GYRO test warning

Fault code 8722

Message Gyro TEST warning

Description GYRO system detects GYRO test warning.
BIT13 status (test) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8723: GYRO software warning

Fault code 8723
Message Gyro SOFTWARE warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO software warning.
BIT12 status (software) in ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8724: GYRO laser-temp warning

Fault code 8724
Message Gyro LASER-TEMP warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO laser-temp warning.
BIT11 status (laser-temp) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8725: GYRO temp-sensor warning

Fault code 8725
Message Gyro TEMP-SENSOR warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO temp-sensor warning.
BIT10 status (temp-sensor) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

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Fault Code 8726: GYRO analog-out warning

Fault code 8726
Message Gyro A-OUT warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO analog-output warning.
BIT9 status (analog-output) in ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8727: GYRO modulation warning

Fault code 8727
Message Gyro MODULATION warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO modulation warning.
BIT8 status (modulation) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8728: GYRO unknown warning

Fault code 8728
Message Gyro UNKNOWN warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO unknown warning.
BIT7 status (unknown) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8729: GYRO laser-amp warning

Fault code 8729
Message Gyro Laser-AMP warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO laser-amp warning.
BIT6 status (laser-amp) in ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

20 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40032-01

Fault Code 872A: GYRO laser-mon warning

Fault code 872A
Message Gyro Laser-MON warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO laser-mon warning.
BIT5 status (laser-mon) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 872B: GYRO detector warning

Fault code 872B
Message Gyro DETECTOR warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO detector warning.
BIT4 status (detector) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 872C: GYRO interface warning

Fault code 872C
Message Gyro Interface warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO interface warning.
BIT3 status (interface) in ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 872D: GYRO unknown2 warning

Fault code 872D
Message Gyro UNKNOWN2 warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO unknown2 warning.
BIT2 status (unknown2) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

930E-4AT 21
CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 872E: GYRO RAM-ROM warning

Fault code 872E
Message Gyro RAM-ROM warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO RAM-ROM warning.
BIT1 status (RAM-ROM) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 872F: GYRO MPU warning

Fault code 872F
Message Gyro MPU warning
Description GYRO system detects GYRO MPU warning.
BIT0 status (MPU) is ON.
Possible cause Defective GYRO system
• GYRO failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on.
2. If this warning cannot be reset, replace the GYRO sensor.
3. If GYRO sensor is replaced, calibrate GYRO.

Fault Code 8801: Front right pulse sensor error

Fault code 8801
Message Front Right pulse sensor error
Description No pulse input from front right sensor when front left wheel speed is more than 7 km/hr
(4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective front right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15RWS, 0LF): 15V
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33RF)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-14)
• Speed sensor connector and drive CN2-37 (SIG), 29 (GND)
• Speed sensor failure
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 9, 38

22 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40032-01

Fault Code 8802: Front left pulse sensor error

Fault code 8802
Message Front Left pulse sensor error
Description No pulse input from front left sensor when front right wheel speed is more than 7 km/hr
(4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective front left speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15LWS, 0LF): 15V
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33LF)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-13)
• Speed sensor connector and drive CN2-27 (SIG), 29 (GND)
• Speed sensor failure
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data with PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 9, 38

Fault Code 8803: Both front pulse sensors error

Fault code 8803
Message Both front pulse sensor error
Description No pulse input from either front left or front right sensor when rear wheel speed is more
than 7 km/hr (4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective both front left and right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15LWS, 15RWS, 0LF)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33LF, 33RF)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-13, FB3-14)
• Speed sensor failure
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 9, 38

930E-4AT 23
CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8809: Front right pulse sensor deviation error

Fault code 8809
Message Front Right pulse deviation error
Description The speed deviation measured by front right sensor is too large (deviation = new data –
old data).
Possible cause Defective front right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15RWS, 0LF)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33RF)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-14)
• Speed sensor connector and drive CN2-37(SIG)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring and sensor.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 9, 38

Fault Code 880A: Front left pulse sensor deviation error

Fault code 880A
Message Front Left pulse deviation error
Description The speed deviation measured by front left sensor is too large (deviation = new data –
old data).
Possible cause Defective front left speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15LWS, 0LF)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33LF)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-13)
• Speed sensor connector and drive CN2-27 (SIG)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 9, 38

24 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40032-01

Standard clearance:
Gap = 1.0 - 1.5 mm (0.04 - 0.06 inch)


1. Front pulse sensor
2. Gap


930E-4AT 25
CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Sensor data monitor

1. Start ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


Fault Code 8804: Rear right pulse sensor error

Fault code 8804
Message Rear Right pulse Sensor error
Description No pulse input from rear right sensor when rear left wheel speed is more than 7 km/hr
(4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective rear right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wider to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR): 12V
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1-FS13)
• Speed sensor failure
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

26 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40032-01

Fault Code 8805: Rear left pulse sensor error

Fault code 8805
Message Rear Left pulse Sensor error
Description No pulse input from rear left sensor when rear right wheel speed is more than 7 km/hr
(4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective rear left speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR): 12V
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33 ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1-FS13)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

Fault Code 8806: Both rear pulse sensors error

Fault code 8806
Message Both Rear pulse sensor error
Description No pulse input from both rear right and left sensor when front wheel speed is more than
7 km/hr (4.3 mph) for more than one second.
Possible cause Defective rear speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR): 12V
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR, 33 ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1 - FS1)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

930E-4AT 27
CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8807: Rear right pulse deviation error

Fault code 8807
Message Rear Right pulse deviation error
Description The speed deviation measured by rear right sensor is too large (deviation = new data –
old data).
Possible cause Defective rear right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1 – FS1)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

Fault Code 8808: Rear left pulse deviation error

Fault code 8808
Message Rear Left pulse deviation error
Description The speed deviation measured by rear left sensor is too large (deviation = new data –
old data).
Possible cause Defective rear left speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR): 12V
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33 ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1 - FS1)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the wiring, sensor, and sensor installation.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

28 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40032-01

Standard clearance:
Gap = 1.0 - 1.5 mm (0.04 - 0.06 inch)


1. Rear pulse sensor


930E-4AT 29
CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Sensor data monitor

1. Start ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


30 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40032-01

Fault Code 8810: Pitch sensor data is out of range

Fault code 8810
Message Pitch sensor error
Description Pitch angle data is out of range for three seconds.
Measurement range: –20 degrees < pitch angle < 20 degrees
Possible cause 1. Defective pitch sensor circuit
• Pitch sensor power supply (36FI, 0RT): 12V
• Pitch sensor wiring (36FP) problem
• Loose connector (RS1, Drive CN1-20)
• Pitch sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Road condition
• Steep slope
3. Abnormal pitch sensor calibration
Remedy 1. Inspect the road condition.
2. If this warning cannot be reset:
• Check the pitch sensor circuit.
• Check sensor data using PC monitor.
3. Calibrate the sensor.
Schematic Sheet 37

Fault Code 8813: Pitch angle limitation error

Fault code 8813
Message Pitch angle limitation error
Description Pitch angle data is over 15 degrees for three seconds.
Possible cause 1. Defective pitch sensor circuit
- Pitch sensor power supply (36FI, 0RT): 12V
- Pitch sensor wiring (36FP) problem
- Loose connector (RS1, Drive CN1-20)
- Pitch sensor failure
- Signal noise
2. Road condition
- Steep slope
3. Abnormal pitch sensor calibration
Remedy 1. Inspect the road condition.
2. If this warning cannot be reset:
• Check the pitch sensor circuit.
• Check sensor data using PC monitor.
3. Calibrate the sensor.
Schematic Sheet 37

930E-4AT 31
CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Pitch angle sensor

Standard value:
2.6 + 0.2V at level place


1. Pitch angle sensor

32 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40032-01

Pitch sensor data check using PC monitor

1. Start ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


930E-4AT 33
CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8814: Roll sensor data is out of range

Fault code 8814
Message Roll sensor error
Description Roll angle data is out of range for three seconds.
Measurement range: –20 degrees < pitch angle < 20 degrees
Possible cause Defective roll sensor circuit
• Roll sensor power supply (36FI, 0RT)
• Roll sensor wiring (36FR) problem
• Loose connector (RS1, Drive CN1-14, CN1-16)
• Roll sensor failure
• Signal noise
3. Road condition
• Steep slope
4. Abnormal roll sensor calibration
Remedy 1. Inspect the road condition
2. If this warning cannot be reset:
• Check the roll sensor circuit.
• Check roll data using PC monitor.
3. Calibrate the sensor.

Fault Code 8817: Roll angle data limitation error

Fault code 8817
Message Roll angle limitation error
Description Roll angle data is over 15 degrees for three seconds.
Possible cause 1. Defective roll sensor circuit
• Roll sensor power supply (36FI, 0RT)
• Roll sensor wiring (36FR) problem or loose connector (RS1)
• Roll sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Road condition
• Steep slope
3. Abnormal roll sensor calibration
Remedy 1. Inspect the road condition.
2. If this warning cannot be reset:
• Check the roll sensor circuit.
• Check roll data using PC monitor.
3. Calibrate the sensor.

34 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40032-01

Roll angle sensor

Standard value:
2.6 + 0.2V at level place


1. Roll angle sensor

930E-4AT 35
CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Roll sensor data check using PC monitor

1. Start ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Press Navigation System Monitor button on main window.


36 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40032-01

Fault Code 8819: Moving signal logic fault with GE

Fault code 8819
Message Moving signal logic fault with GE
Description 1. Both moving forward true signal and moving reverse true signal from GE I/O system
are ON when truck is stopped.
2. Both moving forward signal and moving reverse signal are OFF, when truck is
Possible cause 1. Wiring problem
• Moving forward signal wiring (72FD) has a problem.
• Moving reverse signal wiring (79RD) has a problem.
2. GE system problem
Remedy If this error cannot be reset:
• Check the circuit (72FD, 79RD).
• Check the signal using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 34

Fault Code 8820: Moving F signal error

Fault code 8820
Message Moving F signal error
Description When truck is running, moving F signal is not ON.
Possible cause 1. Wiring problem
• Moving F signal wiring (72FD) is open (24V).
2. GE system problem
Remedy If this error cannot be reset:
• Check the circuit (72FD).
• Check the signal using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 34

Fault Code 8821: Moving R signal error

Fault code 8821
Message Moving R signal error
Description When truck is running, moving R signal is not ON.
Possible cause 1. Wiring problem
• Moving R signal wiring (79RD) is open (24V).
2. GE system problem
Remedy If this error cannot be reset:
• Check the circuit (79RD).
• Check the signal using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 34

930E-4AT 37
CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

Moving F and R signal check using PC monitor

1. Start ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
2. Select Drive All IO Status Monitor.
3. Check the signal (CN3-30, Moving-F, 72FD input) when truck is running forward.
4. Check the signal (CN3-40, Moving-R, RD79 input) while truck is running in reverse.


38 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40032-01


930E-4AT 39
CEN40032-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump truck

Form No. CEN40032-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

40 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Position Measurement System – Warning
Message of REG System
Fault Code 8903: REG system detects large position error.................................................................................. 3
Fault Code 8905: REG system detects no berm area on haul road ..................................................................... 5
Fault Code 8906: Laser A/D signal is out of range ............................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 8907: Laser RS232C data is not received.......................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 8909: REG invalid data (out of range) ................................................................................................ 7
Fault Code 890A: REG CAN data error ................................................................................................................ 8
Fault Code 8911: Laser selfcheck error ............................................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 8912: Laser OFF error........................................................................................................................ 8
Fault Code 8913: Laser selfcheck warning........................................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 8914: Laser low power error............................................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8915: Laser low temperature error ..................................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8916: Laser high power error ........................................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 8917: Laser high temp error ............................................................................................................. 10
Fault Code 8918: Laser RAM error..................................................................................................................... 10

930E-4AT 1
CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8919: Laser EPROM error................................................................................................................ 11

Fault Code 891A: Laser IDV internal error.......................................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 891B: Laser PAR internal error......................................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 891C: Laser ZAD1 internal error ...................................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 891D: Laser ZAD2 internal error ...................................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 891E: Laser data overflow................................................................................................................ 12
Fault Code 891F: Laser data underflow.............................................................................................................. 12
Fault Code 8920: GPS position error (lateral direction) is detected.................................................................... 13
Fault Code 8921: REG position error (lateral direction) is detected.................................................................... 14
Fault Code 8924 REG laser sensor detects something close to the truck on left hand side............................... 15

40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01

Warning message
Fault Code 8903: REG system detects large position error
Fault code 8903
Message Position error limit
Description Truck position error is too large to continue traveling.
• While traveling with GPS on haul road, the truck travels 25 m (82 ft) or more with
more than 3 m (10 ft) of navigation error.
• While traveling with REG on haul road, the truck travels 12 m (39 ft) or more with
more than 3 m (10 ft) of navigation error.
Possible cause 1. Loss of control due to truck hardware problem
• Tire is blown.
• Hydraulic steering system is defective.
2. Road condition
• Road condition is rough (not compacted, not solid, or slippery).
3. Distance mismatch between the berm and target course
• Berm is too far from or too close to the truck course.
• Road edge survey has a problem (inaccurate survey).
4. Laser sensor problem (wrong data from laser sensor)
5. GPS system problem
• GPS has wrong convergence.
• GPS has performance limitation.
Remedy Do not restart the truck without investigating truck status and the cause of the
exception. If truck is off course, reset the truck on course.

1. Hardware problem
• Inspect truck condition (walk around inspection).
- If a defective condition is found, repair it.
2. Road conditions
• Inspect road conditions.
- If road condition is rough, repair the road.
3. Berm position
• Inspect berm position and truck target course shape.
- If berm position is too far from or too close to the truck course, repair the berm
or make suitable survey of the course.
• REG mask operation in central screen
4. Laser sensor problem (check REG laser data with PC monitor)

CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting


1. Laser head 2. Target distance setting

D = 5500 mm (18 ft)


1. Laser head
2. Recommended distance from head to berm:
5500 mm (18 ft) +/- 500 mm (20 in.)

NOTE: REG target distance is measured from the edge of the laser sensor head to the target object. It is not
measured from the surface of the sensor lens.
If there is not a suitable berm on haul road, this error will appear.
Make a suitable berm for safe autonomous operation.

40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01

Fault Code 8905: REG system detects no berm area on haul road
Fault code 8905
Message Bad Berm condition
Description REG system detects a defective berm area on haul road for more than 50 m (164 ft).
Possible cause 1. Bad berm condition
• There is no berm on haul road.
• Surface too rough.
• Berm is winding.
2. Mismatched distance between the berm and target course
• Berm is too far from or too close to the truck course.
• Road edge survey has a problem (inaccurate survey).
3. False detection caused by dust.
4. Defective REG system
• REG laser sensor has a problem.
Remedy 1. Berm position and berm condition
• Inspect berm position and truck target course shape
- If berm position is too far form or too close to the truck course, repair the berm
or make suitable survey of the course.
- If there is no berm area on haul road, construct suitable berm.
- If berm condition is defective, repair the berm.
- REG mask operation on central screen.
2. Dusty condition
• If the area is dusty, apply water to the road to reduce dust.
3. REG laser data check
• Check REG laser data using PC monitor.


CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8906: Laser A/D signal is out of range

Fault code 8906
Message REG A/D signal error
Description REG system detects analog signal value is out of range.
(A/D data > 4.5V, or A/D data < 0.5V)
Possible cause 1. Defective wiring
• Analog signal wiring (90RES, GND8) is cut.
• Register is wrong (REGR).
2. Defective laser sensor controller
• REG laser controller analog output has a problem.
Remedy 1. Check the REG system circuit.
• Check the wiring (90RES, GND8) for continuity.
• Check the A/D signal voltage.
- Normal
0 ft (0 m) target = 0.99V
66 ft (20 m) target = 4.95V
• Check the register.
- REGR, 246.5 between TB50T
and TB54-G
• Check the power supply of REG
(Road Edge Guidance) system.
- between REGP-JGND and
- between 33PG (GND) and
33PP (DC24VIN): 24V
- between PC2A-2 (GND) and
PC2A-1 (DC24VIN): 24V
- between PC2B-2 (GND) and PC2B-1 (DC24VIN): 24V
- Fuse FB1A-7: not melted, 15A
2. Check REG laser data with PC monitor.
3. Check the laser sensor controller.
Schematic Sheet 45

40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01

Fault Code 8907: Laser RS232C data is not received

Fault code 8907
Message REG RS232C signal error
Description No data coming from laser RS232C for more than 20 seconds.
Possible cause 1. Defective wiring
• RS232C signal wiring (90RER, 90RET, 90REG) is defective.
2. Loose connector (REGT, safety controller CN2-14, CN2-04, CN2-34)
3. Defective REG controller
Remedy 1. Check the RS232C wiring and REG system connectors.
• Check the continuity of RS232C wiring.
- CN2-34 (RS232C GND) - REGT-5 (REG controller GND)
- CN2-14 (RS232C RXD) - REGT-3 (REG controller TXD)
- CN2-04 (RS232C TXD) - REGT-2 (REG controller RXD)
• Check the REG system power supply.
- between REGP-JGND and REGP-K(DC24VIN): 24V
- between 33PG (GND) and 33PP(DC24VIN): 24V
- between PC2A-2(GND) and PC2A-1(DC24VIN): 24V
- between PC2B-2(GND) and PC2B-1(DC24VIN): 24V
- Fuse FB1A-7: not melted, 15A
2. Check REG laser data with PC monitor.
3. Check the laser sensor controller.
Schematic Sheet 45

Fault Code 8909: REG invalid data (out of range)

Fault code 8909
Message REG Invalid data (out of range)
Description System detects both A/D signal error and serial signal lost when truck is running on haul
Possible cause 1. No target berm on haul road
2. REG system problem
Remedy 1. Check the target berm condition where the exception occurred.
2. Check the REG system circuit.
3. Check the laser sensor controller.
Schematic Sheet 45

CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 890A: REG CAN data error

Fault code 890A
Message REG Can data error
Description REG CAN data (between drive controller and safety controller) delay is more than 20
Possible cause 1. Defective CAN wiring
2. CAN-bus data busy condition
3. Defective drive controller
4. Defective safety controller
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. Check the CAN-bus wiring.
Schematic Sheet 44

Fault Code 8911: Laser selfcheck error

Fault code 8911
Message Laser selfcheck error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser self-check error
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 8912: Laser OFF error

Fault code 8912
Message Laser OFF error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser OFF error.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller (laser sensor controller failure)
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 8913: Laser selfcheck warning

Fault code 8913
Message Laser selfcheck warning
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser self-check warning.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller (laser sensor controller failure)
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot REG be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01

Fault Code 8914: Laser low power error

Fault code 8914
Message Laser low power error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser low power error.
Possible cause 1. Laser sensor controller power supply low voltage
- Wiring (33PP, 33PG, 52P7) is defective.
- Fuse FB1A-7 is burned out.
- Connectors (PC2A, PC2B, REGP) have loose contact.
- REG power converter is defective.
2. Defective REG laser sensor controller
Remedy 1. Check REG power line wiring and power converter.
• Check the power supply of REG system.
- 33PG (GND) - 33PP (DC24VIN): 24V
- PC2A-2(GND) - PC2A-1 (DC24VIN): 24V
- PC2B-2(GND) - PC2B-1 (DC24VIN): 24V
- Fuse FB1A-7: not melted
2. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.
Schematic Sheet 45

Fault Code 8915: Laser low temperature error

Fault code 8915
Message Laser low temp error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser low temp error.
Temperature of laser sensor controller is low.
Possible cause 1. Temperature condition inside AT cabinet
• Heater unit failed.
• Temperature setting is not adjusted correctly.
2. Defective laser sensor controller (laser sensor controller failure)
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. Check if the heater unit is working.
3. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
4. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8916: Laser high power error

Fault code 8916
Message Laser high power error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser high power error.
Possible cause 1. Laser sensor controller power supply voltage too high
• Power supply unit (REG power converter) is defective.
2. Defective REG laser sensor controller
Remedy 1. Check REG power converter.
• Check the power supply of REG system.
- 33PG (GND) - 33PP (DC24VIN): 24V
- PC2A-2 (GND) - PC2A-1 (DC24VIN): 24V
- PC2B-2 (GND) - PC2B-1 (DC24VIN): 24V
- Fuse FB1A-7: not melted
2. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 8917: Laser high temp error

Fault code 8917
Message Laser high temp error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser high temp error.
Temperature of laser sensor controller is high.
Possible cause 1. Temperature condition inside AT cabinet
• Cooling unit failed.
• Temperature setting is not adjusted correctly.
2. Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. Check if the cooling unit is working.
3. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
4. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 8918: Laser RAM error

Fault code 8918
Message Laser RAM error
Description Laser sensor controller detects RAM error.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01

Fault Code 8919: Laser EPROM error

Fault code 8919
Message Laser EPROM error
Description Laser sensor controller detects EPROM error.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
• Laser sensor controller failed.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 891A: Laser IDV internal error

Fault code 891A
Message Laser IDV internal error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser internal error (IDV error).
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 891B: Laser PAR internal error

Fault code 891B
Message Laser PAR internal error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser internal error (PAR error).
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 891C: Laser ZAD1 internal error

Fault code 891C
Message Laser ZAD1 internal error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser internal error (ZAD1 error).
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 891D: Laser ZAD2 internal error

Fault code 891D
Message Laser ZAD2 internal error
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser internal error (ZAD2 error).
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 891E: Laser data overflow

Fault code 891E
Message Laser data overflow
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser data overflow.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

Fault Code 891F: Laser data underflow

Fault code 891F
Message Laser data underflow
Description Laser sensor controller detects laser data underflow.
Possible cause Defective laser sensor controller
• Laser sensor controller failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on. Try to restart.
2. If error message reappears, check the REG laser sensor controller.
3. If the fault cannot be reset, replace the laser sensor controller.

40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01

Fault Code 8920: GPS position error (lateral direction) is detected

Fault code 8920
Message Position error of GPS navigation
Description Truck position error is too large to continue traveling using GPS system data.
Truck travels 100 m (328 ft) or more with more than 1.4 m (4.6 ft) of navigation error.
Possible cause 1. Loss of control due to truck hardware problem
• Tire is blown.
• Hydraulic steering system is defective.
2. Road condition
• Road condition is rough (not compacted, not solid, or slippery).
3. Distance mismatch between the berm and target course
• Berm is too far from or too close to the truck course.
• Road edge survey has a problem (inaccurate survey).
4. Defective REG system
• REG laser sensor has a problem.
5. GPS problem
• GPS has wrong convergence.
• GPS has performance limitation.
Remedy Do not restart the truck without investigation of the truck status and the cause of
If truck is off course, set the truck on course.

1. Hardware problem
• Inspect truck condition (walk around inspection).
- If a defective condition is found, repair it.
2. Road condition
• Inspect road condition.
- If road condition is rough, repair road.
3. Berm position
• Inspect berm position and truck target course shape.
- If berm position is too far from or too close to the truck course, repair the berm
or make suitable survey of the course.
4. Defective REG system
• Check the laser distance data with PC monitor.

CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8921: REG position error (lateral direction) is detected

Fault code 8921
Message Position error of REG navigation
Description Truck position error is too large to continue traveling using REG system when GPS
system is bad.
Truck travels 50 m (164 ft) or more with more than 1.4 m (4.6 ft) of navigation error.
Possible cause 1. Loss of control due to truck hardware problem
• Tire is blown.
• Hydraulic steering system is defective.
2. Road condition
• Road condition is rough (not compacted, not solid, or slippery).
3. Mismatched distance between the berm and target course.
• Berm is too far from or too close to the truck course.
• Course is too far or too close to the berm.
• Road edge survey has a problem (inaccurate survey)
4. Defective REG system
• REG laser sensor has a problem.
Remedy Do not restart the truck without investigating the truck status and the cause of
the exception.
If truck is off course, set the truck on course.

1. Hardware problem
• Inspect truck condition (walk around inspection).
- If a defective condition is found, repair it.
2. Road condition
• Inspect road condition.
- If road condition is rough, repair road.
3. Berm position
• Inspect berm position and truck target course shape.
- If berm position is too far from or too close to the truck course, repair the berm
or make suitable survey of the course.
4. Defective REG system
• Check the laser distance data with PC monitor.

40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01

Fault Code 8924 REG laser sensor detects something close to the truck on left hand side
Fault code 8924
Message Bank wall close or dusty condition
Description REG laser sensor detects something close to the truck on left-hand side. Laser distance
data (from laser sensor head to obstacle) becomes less than 3.5 m (11.5 ft).
Possible cause 1. Excessively dusty conditions
2. Loss of control due to truck hardware problem
• Tire is blown.
• Hydraulic steering system is defective.
3. Road condition
• Road condition is rough (not compacted, not solid, or slippery).
4. Mismatched distance between the berm and target course.
• Berm is too far from or too close to the truck course.
• Course is too far from or too close to the berm.
• Road edge survey has a problem (inaccurate survey).
5. Defective REG system
• REG laser sensor has a problem.
6. GPS system problem
• GPS has wrong convergence.
• GPS has performance limitation.
Remedy Do not restart the truck without investigation of the truck status and the cause of
the exception.
If truck is off course, set the truck on course.

1. Hardware problem
• Inspect truck condition (walk around inspection).
- If a defective condition is found, repair it.
2. Road condition
• Inspect road condition.
- If road condition is rough, repair road.
3. Berm position
• Inspect berm position and truck target course shape.
- If berm position is too far or too close to the truck course, repair the berm or
make suitable survey of the course.
4. Defective REG system
• Check the laser distance data with PC monitor.

CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

Laser sensor head and cable investigation 2. Check fiber optic cable connection.
1. Check laser sensor head lens.
a. Laser sensor cover must be open.
b. Laser sensor head must be clear.


FIGURE 40-4. LASER SENSOR HEAD 1. Check the fiber optic cable appearance from laser
1. Laser sensor head sensor controller to laser head.
2. Check the connection of fiber optic cable
from laser sensor controller to optical lens (inside
NOTE: Do not point the instrument directly at laser sensor head).
people’s eyes, especially if they are using binoculars.
Aligning the infrared laser sensor with the lenses of
CCD-cameras or infrared night vision devices can
NOTE: Do not bend the fiber optic.
result in damage, and is therefore not permitted.
Minimum bend radius > 200 mm (7.9 in.).

Never look into the open fiber optic output cou-

pler of the laser sensor controller.

Never point the open fiber optic output coupler at

people’s eyes.

Never look into the fiber optic ends connected to

the laser sensor controller with unaided eyes or
with an optical instrument.

40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01

How to check the laser sensor data with monitor PC

1. Connect PC monitor to Flight Recorder (Contec) with RS232C cable.
2. Open ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
3. Open Navigation System Monitor.
4. Check Laser data in REG section.


1. Laser head 2. Actual laser distance (d) mm

NOTE: REG target distance is measured from the edge of the laser sensor head to the target object. It is not
measured from the surface of the sensor lens.


CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

Name RS232C A/D Comment

Distance mm mm Distance between REG sensor and target
RS232C: Distance data from RS232C
A/D: Distance data from analog input
Filtered Range: Filtered distance from RS232C
Reflection power --- --- Reflection power information (min 0 to max 255)
(depending on the target materials)
Laser ready --- --- Laser status information
0: Laser is invalid
1: Laser is valid
Laser warning --- --- REG system information
(REG system warning code)

Laser sensor controller investigation

1. Disconnect REGT connector (serial communication wiring between laser sensor controller and drive con-
2. Connect RS232C cable (Dsub-9, cross cable) between laser sensor controller’s serial port and the serial
COM port of personal computer.


1. Serial port (Dsub-9) 3. Serial cable

2. Windows personal

3. Power ON and start the software for serial communication monitor.

For example, using Microsoft HyperTerminal in Windows on a personal computer is one method of serial
communication with a monitor.
a. Start  Programs  Accessories  Communications  HyperTerminal

40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01

b. Enter name for new connection.


c. Select COM port as Connect using port.


CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

d. Set the port setting.

Bits per second: 19200, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: None


4. Check the data on HyperTerminal screen.

Normal condition: Laser sensor controller sends the laser data repeatedly.
Data sample: r10.05;a80 (Distance = 10.05 (m), Reflection power = 80)


40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01

Defective condition: Laser sensor controller sends error message instead of distance data.


1. Error message (see Table 1 on page 22)

CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

Table 1 Troubleshooting of laser sensor controller

Message Meaning Recommend Action
M#LD90-3# Power up message ---
mSELFCHCK Internal self-check is carried out. ---
m……. No measurement possible (no target or badly Check the target.
reflecting target). If fault repeated, replace the controller.
mOVERFLOW Measurement value (including offsets) is too Check the target.
large. If fault repeated, replace the controller.
mUNDERFLW Measurement value (including offsets) is less Check sensor head cover.
than zero. If fault repeated, replace the controller.
mLAS OFF No measurement is possible because the Check the laser safety lock wiring.
laser is switched off. REGP-A and REGP-H should be
connected to ground.
mLO BATT Supply voltage is too low. Check the power supply voltage.
mHI BATT Supply voltage is too high. Check the power supply voltage.
mLO TEMP Temperature is too low. Check laser sensor controller heater
system performance.
mHI TEMP Temperature is too high. Check laser sensor controller cooling
system performance.
mUENI- ERR Laser error: Check if the laser safety lock is Check the laser safety lock wiring.
connected to ground; REGP-A and REGP-H should be
If Yes, internal error. connected to ground.
mRAM- ERR Internal RAM defect Replace the controller.
mEEP- EER Internal EEPROM defect Replace the controller.
mIDV- ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mPLL- ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mEPCS-ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mPAR- ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mZAD1-ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mZAD2-ERR Internal error Replace the controller.
mLAS-WRNG Warning: Internal test in self-check is not Check the laser safety lock wiring.
possible, as the laser is switched off. REGP-A and REGP-H should be
connected to ground.
*xxxx Instrument in programming mode. Input Q + Return to start data
? xxxx *xxxx: ready for command. measurement.
=xxxx ?xxxx: command is not interpreted correctly.
=xxxx: display of the value of a parameter

40 Troubleshooting CEN40033-01


CEN40033-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40033-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Position Measurement System – Sensor
Fusion System and Software Exceptions
Fault Code 8A01: Reset running request.............................................................................................................. 3
Fault Code 8A02: Fusion accuracy warning ........................................................................................................ 4
Fault Code 8A04: Sensor fusion error .................................................................................................................. 4
Fault Code 8A06: Brake system error................................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 8A0A: Power OFF request by DeadReckoning error ......................................................................... 5
Fault Code 8A0C: Heading angle accuracy error ................................................................................................. 5
Fault Code 8A0D: Position accuracy error............................................................................................................ 6
Fault Code 8A0E: Sensor fusion failed ................................................................................................................. 6
Fault Code 8A20: Tire slippage............................................................................................................................. 7
Fault Code 8A21: Position Sliding DR vs GPS ..................................................................................................... 7
Fault Code 8A22: Front slippage L vs. R .............................................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 8A23: Rear slippage L vs. R............................................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 8A24: Slippage R vs GPS ................................................................................................................ 10
Fault Code 8A42: Position accuracy not ready................................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 8A43: Position accuracy lost ............................................................................................................ 10

930E-4AT 1
CEN40034-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8B02: Set slope and roll offset.......................................................................................................... 11

Fault Code 8B03: Set origin data ........................................................................................................................ 11
Fault Code 8B05: Set target data for REG.......................................................................................................... 11
Fault Code 8B17: Analog input error................................................................................................................... 11

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40034-01

Warning message
Fault Code 8A01: Reset running request
Fault code 8A01
Message Reset Running request
Description When truck is stopped, the difference between GPS position and dead reckoning
position becomes too large.
System requires initialization of truck position calculation.
Possible cause 1. GPS data jump to wrong position (GPS problem)
2. Dead reckoning performance limitation
• Accumulated dead reckoning position error (GYRO and speed sensing)
3. Road conditions (slippery, too rough, etc.)
Remedy 1. Inspect the truck position and truck status.
2. Reset running.
3. Put truck on AT course and release again.

Navigation condition check (central controller)

• Warning code in central operation screen
• Check GPS condition with OSMtip

Reset running operation (pit patroller)

1. Stop the truck and place it in the suspend mode. 6. Maintain contact with central and make sure
2. Ride on the truck and change the truck mode to 8A01 warning disappears.
manual mode. 7. Move the truck on AT course at central’s sug-
3. Safety bubble is ON (Enter – AT) gestion.

4. Contact central and make sure GPS condition 8. Release the truck.
has recovered.
5. After GPS recovers, drive straight in manual
mode at 10 km/hr (6 mph) until CGC GPS indi-
cator changes to green.

930E-4AT 3
CEN40034-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8A02: Fusion accuracy warning

Fault code 8A02

Message Fusion accuracy warning
Description Fusion position accuracy is faulty.
Possible cause 1. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
2. Road conditions (too slippery, too rough, etc.)
3. Dead reckoning performance degraded
Remedy Continue operation.

Fault Code 8A04: Sensor fusion error

Fault code 8A04
Message Sensor Fusion Error
Description When truck is running in autonomous mode and system tries to correct the dead
reckoning position with GPS data, the difference between GPS position and dead
reckoning position is too large.
Possible cause 1. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
2. Road condition (too slippery, too rough, etc.)
3. Degraded dead reckoning performance
• GYRO performance is degraded.
• Speed sensing performance is degraded.
Remedy 1. Check GPS condition (possible GPS jump problem).
2. After truck stops, if 4A01 reset running request appears, reset running operation
(See 4A01).
3. If 4A01 reset running request does not reappear, continue AT operation. Restart
4. If same error repeats in same location, check the road condition.
5. If same error often repeats everywhere:
• Check GYRO data using PC monitor.
• Check the speed sensors using PC monitor.

Fault Code 8A06: Brake system error

Fault code 8A06
Message Brake system error
Description When navigation position calculation has stopped, system detects abnormal truck
movement (more than 2 m (6.5 ft)).
Possible cause Defective brake system
Remedy Inspect brake system (both hydraulic brakes and parking brake).

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40034-01

Fault Code 8A0A: Power OFF request by DeadReckoning error

Fault code 8A0A
Message Power OFF Request by DeadReckoning error
Description When truck is traveling with reliable GPS, dead reckoning lateral position error
becomes large.
Possible cause 1. Road conditions (too rough, slippery)
2. Low GYRO sensor performance
• GYRO adjustment has not been performed.
• GYRO sensor is defective.
3. Pitch sensor and roll sensor are swapped.
4. Front left sensor and front right sensor are swapped.
5. Rear left sensor and rear right sensor are swapped.
Remedy 1. Turn off truck power and restart AHS.
2. Check the road condition; if condition is rough, repair the road.
3. If GYRO adjustment has not yet been performed, adjust GYRO.
4. Check the GYRO performance using PC monitor. If GYRO condition is not normal,
repeat GYRO adjustment.
5. If GYRO condition is not corrected with GYRO adjustment, replace the GYRO sen-

Fault Code 8A0C: Heading angle accuracy error

Fault code 8A0C
Message Heading angle accuracy error
Description When GPS is unavailable during traveling, estimated dead reckoning heading accuracy
becomes too low to continue AT operation.
Possible cause 1. Road condition (too rough, slippery)
2. Dead reckoning performance limitation
• Accumulated dead reckoning heading error
3. Road condition (slippery, too rough, etc.)
4. Low GYRO sensor performance
• GYRO adjustment has not been performed.
• GYRO sensor is defective
5. Faulty GPS
Remedy 1. Reset running operation (see 4A01 error code).
2. Check the road condition; if condition is rough, repair road.
3. If GYRO adjustment has not been performed, adjust GYRO.
• Check GYRO data using PC monitor.
4. If error cannot be reset after GYRO adjustment, replace the GYRO sensor.

930E-4AT 5
CEN40034-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8A0D: Position accuracy error

Fault code 8A0D
Message Position accuracy error
Description When GPS is unavailable during traveling, estimated dead reckoning position accuracy
becomes too low to continue AT operation.
Possible cause 1. Dead reckoning performance limitation
• Accumulated dead reckoning position error occurred.
2. Road condition (slippery, too rough, etc.)
3. Faulty GPS
Remedy 1. Reset running operation (See 4A01 error code).
2. If same error repeats in same location, check the road condition.

Fault Code 8A0E: Sensor fusion failed

Fault code 8A0E
Message Sensor Fusion Failed
Description Even when GPS information reported from GPS receiver is accurate, and GPS is
available, sensor fusion is not executed for 150 m (492 ft) or more.
Possible cause 1. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
2. Road condition (too slippery, too rough, etc.)
Remedy 1. Restart the truck.
2. If same error repeats in same location, check the road condition.

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40034-01

Fault Code 8A20: Tire slippage

Fault code 8A20
Message Tire Slippage
Description System detects a large difference between the front average speed and the rear
average speed.
Possible cause 1. Defective front left and/or right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15LFWS,15RFWS, 0LF)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33LF, 33RF)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-13, FB3-14)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Defective rear left and/or right speed sensing system:
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR, 33 ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1-FS13)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
3. Road condition (too rough, slippery, etc.)
Remedy 1. If this error repeats in same location, check road condition.
2. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor gap.
3. If this error cannot be reset, check the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 38, 9, 26

Fault Code 8A21: Position Sliding DR vs GPS

Fault code 8A21
Message Position Sliding DR vs GPS
Description When truck is running in auto mode and system compares dead reckoning position with
GPS data, difference between GPS position and dead reckoning position is too large.
Possible cause 1. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
2. Road condition (too slippery, too rough, etc.)
3. Degraded dead reckoning performance
• GYRO performance is degraded
• Speed sensing performance is degraded
Remedy 1. Check the GPS condition (possible GPS jump problem).
2. After AT has stopped, if 4A01[reset running request] appears, perform reset running
operation (see4A01).
3. If 4A01[reset running request] does not reappear, continue AT operation. Restart
4. If same error repeats in same place, check the road condition.
5. If same error often repeats everywhere:
• Check gyro data using PC monitor.
• Check the speed sensors using PC monitor.

930E-4AT 7
CEN40034-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8A22: Front slippage L vs. R

Fault code 8A22
Message Front slippage L vs R
Description System detects a large difference between front left speed and front right speed.
Possible cause 1. Defective front left or right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (15LFWS, 15RFWS, 0LF)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33LF, 33RF)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB3-13, FB3-14)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Road condition (too rough, slippery, etc.)
Remedy 1. If this error repeats in same location, check road condition.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 38, 9

Fault Code 8A23: Rear slippage L vs. R

Fault code 8A23
Message Rear slippage L vs R
Description System detects a large difference between rear left speed and rear right speed
Possible cause 1. Defective rear left or right speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap is too wide to sense the pulse).
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR, 33 ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1-FS13)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Road condition (too rough, slippery, etc.)
Remedy 1. If this error repeats in same location, check road condition.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
Schematic Sheet 38, 26

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40034-01

How to check the speed sensors condition using drive PC monitor

1. Connect PC monitor to flight recorder (Contec) with RS232C cable.
2. Open ATMonitor_Serial.exe.
3. Open Navigation System Monitor.
4. Check tire speed in tire pulse sensor section.


Name Left Right Difference (Right-Left)

(mm/sec) (mm/sec) (mm/sec)
Front Speed Left front tire speed Right front tire speed Speed difference between right
and left tires
Rear Speed Left rear tire speed Right rear tire speed Speed difference between right
and left tires

Name Left Right

(pulse count) (pulse count)
Front Speed Left front tire pulse sensor count Right front tire pulse sensor count
Rear Speed Left rear tire pulse sensor count Right rear tire pulse sensor count

930E-4AT 9
CEN40034-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8A24: Slippage R vs GPS

Fault code 8A24
Message Slippage R vs GPS
Description System detects a large difference between the rear average speed and GPS velocity.
Possible cause 1. Defective rear speed sensing system
• Speed sensor installation problem (gap too wide to sense the pulse)
• Speed sensor power supply wiring (65, 0AUR)
• Speed sensor signal wiring (33ARR, 33ALR)
• Speed sensor power line fuse (FB1-FS13)
• Speed sensor failure
• Signal noise
2. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
3. Road condition (too slippery, too rough, etc.)
Remedy 1. If this error repeats in the same area, check road condition.
2. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor gap.
3. If this error cannot be reset, investigate the speed sensor circuit.
• Check the speed data using PC monitor.
4. Check the GPS condition (possible GPS jump problem).
Schematic Sheet 26, 38

Fault Code 8A42: Position accuracy not ready

Fault code 8A42
Message Position accuracy not ready
Description System has not started up yet. System has not received GPS data.
Possible cause After AHT on-board system start-up, GPS data is not received yet and AHT position
accuracy information is not yet ready.
Remedy Wait for GPS system start-up.

Fault Code 8A43: Position accuracy lost

Fault code 8A43
Message Position accuracy lost
Description System detects that navigation accuracy is too bad.
Possible cause 1. Continuous GPS position jump (wrong convergence)
2. Faulty GPS
3. Operator drive AHT manually for long while GPS condition is not recovered.
Remedy Need to reset running operation (see 4A01 error code).

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40034-01

Fault Code 8B02: Set slope and roll offset

Fault code 8B02
Message Set slope and roll offset
Description Slope sensor offset adjustment is required. Calibrate slope sensor.
Possible cause Controller
• New controller installed and slope sensor is not yet calibrated.
• NVRAM failed.
Remedy Perform slope sensor adjustment (both pitch and roll).

Fault Code 8B03: Set origin data

Fault code 8B03
Message Set Origin data
Description GPS origin data in NVRAM was broken.
Possible cause Controller
• New controller installed and GPS origin data setting has not yet been performed.
• NVRAM failed.
Remedy 1. Make sure central operation system is running correctly and GPS ground station
position is correctly set in MMS central operation system.
2. Set GPS origin.
3. After GPS origin setting is correct, reset running.

Fault Code 8B05: Set target data for REG

Fault code 8B05
Message Set target data for REG
Description REG target data in NVRAM was lost.
Possible cause Controller
• NVRAM failed.
Remedy 1. Cycle truck power off and on after new controller has been installed; the target data
is automatically set to default value.
• Default target distance for haul road is 5500 mm (18 ft).
2. Check the NVRAM data with CGC calibration screen.
• If the data is not 5500 mm (18 ft), change the controller.

Fault Code 8B17: Analog input error

Fault code 8B17
Message Analog Input Error
Description All analog input data of drive controller was not changed.
Possible cause Drive controller busy
Remedy Cycle power off and on and restart truck.

930E-4AT 11
CEN40034-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40034-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

12 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Safety Control System – Fault Code List
Fault code list of safety controller (error) .............................................................................................................. 2
Fault code list of safety controller (warning) ......................................................................................................... 7

930E-4AT 1
CEN40035-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault code list of safety controller (error)

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Engine 4C01 Can not stop engine Engine stop function failure
4C02 Can not start engine Engine start function failure
4C08 Engine Stopped Unexpected engine stop
4C09 Safety stopped engine Safety controller stopped
4C0B Safety stopped engine by Safety stopped engine by
caution caution
Safety 4C06 NVRAM Check Sum Error NVRAM check sum error
4C0A NVRAM Data Cleared NVRAM all data cleared
4C07 Obstacle Buffer Overflow Too many obstacles are
Auto/Manual 4C10 A/M key switch position is Auto/Manual key switch
Key wrong position is wrong
4C11 A/M key line short circuit Auto/Manual key switch short
4C12 A/M key line cut Auto/Manual key switch
Controller 4C13 Low voltage of unswitched Low voltage of unswitched
Power Line power power line
4C14 Low voltage of switched power Low voltage of switched power Troubleshooting
line by fault code,
See section
4C15 Low voltage of Sol power Low voltage of sol power line CEN40036-01
Drive Control 4C1B Course out wrong position Drive controller software
System failure or brake failure
4C1C Truck is moving Drive controller software
failure or brake failure
4C1D Truck moves in wrong Drive controller sottware
direction failure or propel system failure
4C1E Truck does not stop at the end Drive controller software
point failure or brake failure
4C1F Emergency stop immediately Drive controller software
(Safe) failure or wiring 44LA
ODS Software 4C30 Obstacle Clipping Error Software exception
4C31 RBI CAN ID error Wrong CAN ID setting of RBI
Radar Power 4C44 Radar power line cut Wiring number 71RDR
4C64 Radar power line hot short Wiring number 71RDR short to
24V power
Auto Apply 4C6B Auto apply brake line hot short Wiring number 72AA short to
Brake 24V power

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40035-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Warning 4C91 (C1) Low Accumulator Warning of standard truck
Indicator Pressure system
4C92 (E1) Low Brake Pressure Warning of standard truck
4C93 (A2) Low Hydraulic Oil Level Warning of standard truck
4C94 (E3) Stop Engine Warning of standard truck
4C95 (A5) No Propel/Retard Warning of standard truck
4C98 (A6) No Propel Warning of standard truck
4C99 (A1) Brake Oil Temperature Warning of standard truck
High system
4C9A (B6) Propel System at Rest Warning of standard truck
4C9D (D5) Interface Module Failure Warning of standard truck
4C9E (E5) Battery Charge System Warning of standard truck
Failure system
Engine Signal 4CAC Engine Signal Caution Engine running signal or Troubleshooting
engine speed data from IM by fault code,
failure See section
Radar 4D00 Detected by Radar (Right) Obstacle detection CEN40036-01
4D30 Detected by Radar (Center) Obstacle detection
4D60 Detected by Radar (Left) Obstacle detection
4D90 Detected by Radar (Steer) Obstacle detection
Radar 4D01 No data from RBI (Right) Defective wiring or RBI (Right)
4D03 Radar (Right) no response Defective wiring or radar unit
4D06 RBI (Right) not ready Defective wiring or RBI (Right)
4D07 Radar (Right) is not scanning Radar internal failure
4D08 Radar (Right) is not radiating Radar internal failure
4D09 Radar (Right) detected Radar internal failure
communication error
4D0A Radar (Right) is overheat Radar internal failure
4D0B Radar (Right) detected voltage Radar internal failure
supply error
4D0C Radar (Right) detected internal Radar internal failure
4D0D Radar (Right) detected range Radar internal failure
performance error
4D0E Unknown Radar (Right) error Radar internal failure

930E-4AT 3
CEN40035-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Radar 4D31 No data from RBI (Center) Defective wiring or RBI (Right)
4D33 Radar (Center) no response Defective wiring or radar unit
4D36 RBI (center) not ready Defective wiring or RBI (Right)
4D37 Radar (Center) is not scanning Radar internal failure
4D38 Radar (Center) is not radiating Radar internal failure
4D39 Radar (Center) detected Radar internal failure
communication error
4D3A Radar (Center) is overheat Radar internal failure
4D3B Radar (Center) detected Radar internal failure
voltage supply error
4D3C Radar (Center) detected Radar internal failure
internal error
4D3D Radar (Center) detected range Radar internal failure
performance error
4D3E Unknown Radar (Center) error Radar internal failure
Radar 4D61 No data from RBI (Left) Defective wiring or RBI (Left)
Diagnosis 4D63 Radar (Left) no response Defective wiring or radar unit
4D66 RBI (Left) not ready Defective wiring or RBI (Left) Troubleshooting
by fault code,
4D67 Radar (Left) is not scanning Radar internal failure See section
4D68 Radar (Left) is not radiating Radar internal failure CEN40036-01
4D69 Radar (Left) detected Radar internal failure
communication error
4D6A Radar (Left) is overheat Radar internal failure
4D6B Radar (Left) detected voltage Radar internal failure
supply error
4D6C Radar (Left) detected internal Radar internal failure
4D6D Radar (Left) detected range Radar internal failure
performance error
4D6E Unknown Radar (Left) error Radar internal failure
Radar 4D91 No data from RBI (Steer) Defective wiring or RBI (Steer)
4D93 Radar (Steer) no response Defective wiring or radar unit
4D96 RBI (Steer) not ready Defective wiring or RBI (Steer)
4D97 Radar (Steer) is not scanning Radar internal failure
4D98 Radar (Steer) is not radiating Radar internal failure
4D99 Radar (Steer) detected Radar internal failure
communication error

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40035-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Radar 4D9A Radar (Steer) is overheated Radar internal failure
4D9B Radar (Steer) detected voltage Radar internal failure
supply error
4D9C Radar (Steer) detected internal Radar internal failure
4D9D Radar (Steer) detected range Radar internal failure
performance error
4D9E Unknown Radar (Steer) error Radar internal failure
Radar 4E00 Steered radar potentiometer Faulty wiring or defective
Steering Unit error potentiometer
4E02 Steered radar motor Stepping motor step out
synchronization failure
4E03 Steered radar motor control Faulty motor control wiring
line cut
4E04 Steered radar motor control Faulty motor control wiring
line short
ODS power 4E05 Safety reset ODS power Safety reset ODS power
Drive 4E20 Heartbeat cut (Drive) Lost heartbeat signal from
Controller disconnected heartbeat line or
defective drive controller. Troubleshooting
by fault code,
4E21 No position data from Drive via Lost CAN-B message
See section
CAN-B (CAN-B line disconnection or
defective drive controller)
4E22 Drive Controller not working Defective drive controller
4E24 Wrong truck type Wrong controller setting
4E25 Emergency brake request Drive controller requested to
activate auto apply brake
4E26 Drive controller E mode Drive controller detected some
4E27 Drive CAN-A failure CAN-bus failure
4E29 No heartbeat from Drive CAN- Drive controller failure or CAN-
A A line failure
4E2D Drive controller in wrong mode Defective drive controller
Interface 4E36 No IFM data coming Interface module failure or
Module CAN-B or monitor bus line
4E37 IFM not ready Interface module failure or
CAN-B or monitor bus line
4E3B No Interface Module Interface Module failure or
Broadcast Msg CAN-B or monitor bus line

930E-4AT 5
CEN40035-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Supervisory 4F00 Emergency stop order Supervisory system sent
System emergency stop to truck
4F20 CGC heartbeat stop CGC disconnected or reset
4F21 HUB heartbeat stop Hub disconnected or reset
4F22 CGC not ready CGC disconnected Troubleshooting
4F23 HUB not ready Hub disconnected by fault code,
See section
4F31 Obstacle mask still sending Too early to change to CEN40036-01
autonomous mode
4FF0 Safety refused error clear Safety controller refused auto
command restart command
Fire 4522 Fire Suppression System Fire suppression system
Suppression active active

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40035-01

Fault code list of safety controller (warning)

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Engine 8C01 Can not stop engine Engine stop circuit failure
Flight 8C03 Flight Recorder is not working Flight recorder failure
8C04 Check CF Card in Flight No CF card in flight recorder
8C05 Wrong Flight Recorder Circuit Power control circuit for Flight
Recorder has problem
Safety 8C06 NVRAM Check Sum Error NVRAM check sum error
8C0A NVRAM Data Cleared NVRAM all data cleared
Auto/Manual 8C11 A/M key line short circuit Auto/Manual key switch short
8C12 A/M key line cut Auto/Manual key switch
Controller 8C13 Low voltage of unswitched Low voltage of unswitched
Power Line power power line
8C14 Low voltage of switched power Low voltage of switched power
8C15 Low voltage of Sol power Low voltage of sol power line
Drive 8C1B Course out wrong position Drive controller software
Controller failure or brake failure Troubleshooting
System 8C1C Truck is moving Drive controller software by fault code,
failure or brake failure See section
8C1D Truck moves in wrong Drive controller software CEN40037-01
direction failure or propel system failure
8C1E Truck does not stop at the end Drive controller software
point failure or brake failure
8C1F Emergency stop immediately Drive controller software
(Safe) failure or wiring 44LA
ODS software 8C31 RBI CAN ID error Wrong CAN ID setting of RBI
Mode lamp 8C40 Red flash light control line cut Wiring number 43RA
(Red) disconnected
8C50 Red flash light control line Wiring number 43RA short to
short ground
8C60 Red flash light control line hot Wiring number 43RA short to
short 24V power line
Mode lamp 8C41 Green flash light control line Wiring number 43GA
(Green) cut disconnected
8C51 Green flash light control line Wiring number 43GA short to
short ground
8C61 Green flash light control line Wiring number 43GA short to
hot short 24V power line

930E-4AT 7
CEN40035-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Mode lamp 8C42 Amber flash light control line Wiring number 43YA
(Amber) cut disconnected
8C52 Amber flash light control line Wiring number 43YA short to
short ground
8C62 Amber flash light control line Wiring number 43YA short to
hot short 24V power
Engine Start 8C43 Engine start line cut Wiring number 21AT
8C63 Engine start line hot short Wiring number 21AT short to
24V power
Radar Power 8C44 Radar power control line cut Wiring number 71RDR
Control disconnection
8C64 Radar power control line hot Wiring number 71RDR short to
short 24V power
Headlight 8C45 Headlight control line cut Wiring number 41LA
Control disconnection
8C55 Headlight control line short Wiring number 41LA short to
8C65 Headlight control line hot short Wiring number 41LA short to Troubleshooting
24V power by fault code,
Horn Control 8C47 Horn control line cut Wiring number 11HA See section
disconnection CEN40037-01
8C57 Horn control line short Wiring number 11HA short to
8C67 Horn control line hot short Wiring number 11HA short to
24V power
Rest request 8C49 Rest Req line cut Wiring number 72RQA
8C59 Rest Req line short Wiring number 72RQA short to
8C69 Rest Req line hot short Wiring number 72RQA short to
24V power
Auto Apply 8C6B Auto apply brake line hot short Wiring number 72AA short to
Brake 24V power
Turn light (left) 8C4C Turn Left control line cut Wiring number 45LA
8C5C Turn Left control line short Wiring number 45LA short to
8C6C Turn Left control line hot short Wiring number 45LA short to
24V power

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40035-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Turn light 8C4D Turn Right control line cut Wiring number 45RA
(Right) disconnection
8C5D Turn Right control line short Wiring number 45RA short to
8C6D Turn Right control line hot Wiring number 45RA short to
short 24V power
Brake lock 8C4E Brake lock relay line cut Wiring number 52BLA is
8C5E Brake lock relay line short Wiring number 52BLA is short
to ground
8C6E Brake lock relay line hot short Wiring number 52BLA is short
to 24V power
Engine Stop 8C4F Engine stop line cut Wiring number 23FAC
8C6F Engine stop line hot short Wiring number 23FAC short to
24V power
Warning 8C91 (C1) Low Accumulator Warning of standard truck
Indicator Pressure system
8C92 (E1) Low Brake Pressure Warning of standard truck
8C93 (A2) Low Hydraulic Tank Level Warning of standard truck Troubleshooting
system by fault code,
8C94 (E3) Stop Engine Warning of standard truck See section
system CEN40037-01
8C95 (A5) No Propel/Retard Warning of standard truck
8C98 (A6) No Propel Warning of standard truck
8C99 (A1) Brake Oil Temperature Warning of standard truck
High system
8C9A (B6) Propel System at Rest Warning of standard truck
8C9C (C6) Propel System Not Warning of standard truck
Ready system
8C9D (D5) Interface Module Failure Warning of standard truck
8C9E (E5) Battery Charge System Warning of standard truck
Failure system
8CA0 (B2) Low Auto Lube Pressure Warning of standard truck
8CA1 (C2) Circuit Breaker Tripped Warning of standard truck
8CA2 (D2) Hydraulic Oil Filter Warning of standard truck

930E-4AT 9
CEN40035-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Warning 8CA3 (E2) Low Fuel Warning of standard truck
Indicator system
8CA5 (E4) Check Engine Warning of standard truck
8CA6 (B5) Propel System Caution Warning of standard truck
8CA7 (C5)Propel System Temp. Warning of standard truck
8CAA (D6) Reduced Propel System Warning of standard truck
8CAB (E6) Retard at Reduced Level Warning of standard truck
Engine Signal 8CAC Engine Signal Caution Engine running signal or
engine speed data from IM
Radar 8D00 Detected by Radar (Right) Obstacle detection
8D30 Detected by Radar (Center) Obstacle detection
8D60 Detected by Radar (Left) Obstacle detection
8D90 Detected by Radar (Steer) Obstacle detection
Radar 8D01 No data from RBI (Right) Defective wiring or RBI (Right)
8D03 Radar (Right) no response Defective wiring or radar unit by fault code,
8D06 RBI (Right) not ready Defective wiring or RBI (Right) See section
8D07 Radar (Right) is not scanning Radar internal failure
8D08 Radar (Right) is not radiating Radar internal failure
8D09 Radar (Right) detected Radar internal failure
communication error
8D0A Radar (Right) is overheat Radar internal failure
8D0B Radar (Right) detected voltage Radar internal failure
supply error
8D0C Radar (Right) detected internal Radar internal failure
8D0D Radar (Right) detected range Radar internal failure
performance error
8D0E Unknown Radar (Right) error Radar internal failure
Radar 8D31 No data from RBI (Center) Defective wiring or RBI
Diagnosis (Center)
(Center) 8D33 Radar (Center) no response Defective wiring or radar unit
8D36 RBI (Center) not ready Defective wiring or RBI
8D37 Radar (Center) is not scanning Radar internal failure
8D38 Radar (Center) is not radiating Radar internal failure

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40035-01

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Radar 8D39 Radar (Center) detected Radar internal failure Troubleshooting
Diagnosis communication error by fault code,
(Center) 8D3A Radar (Center) is overheat Radar internal failure See section
8D3B Radar (Center) detected Radar internal failure
voltage supply error
8D3C Radar (Center) detected Radar internal failure
internal error
8D3D Radar (Center) detected range Radar internal failure
performance error
8D3E Unknown Radar (Center) error Radar internal failure
Radar 8D61 No data from RBI (Left) Defective wiring or RBI (Left)
Diagnosis 8D63 Radar (Left) no response Defective wiring or radar unit
8D66 RBI (Left) not ready Defective wiring or RBI (Left)
8D67 Radar (Left) is not scanning Radar internal failure
8D68 Radar (Left) is not radiating Radar internal failure
8D69 Radar (Left) detected Radar internal failure
communication error
8D6A Radar (Left) is overheat Radar internal failure
8D6B Radar (Left) detected voltage Radar internal failure
supply error
8D6C Radar (Left) detected internal Radar internal failure
8D6D Radar (Left) detected range Radar internal failure
performance error
8D6E Unknown Radar (Left) error Radar internal failure
Radar 8D91 No data from RBI (Steer) Defective wiring or RBI (Steer)
Diagnosis 8D93 Radar (Steer) no response Defective wiring or radar unit
8D96 RBI (Steer) not ready Defective wiring or RBI (Steer)
8D97 Radar (Steer) is not scanning Radar internal failure
8D98 Radar (Steer) is not radiating Radar internal failure
8D99 Radar (Steer) detected Radar internal failure
communication error
8D9A Radar (Steer) is overheat Radar internal failure
8D9B Radar (Steer) detected voltage Radar internal failure
supply error
8D9C Radar (Steer) detected internal Radar internal failure
8D9D Radar (Steer) detected range Radar internal failure
performance error
8D9E Unknown Radar (Steer) error Radar internal failure

930E-4AT 11
CEN40035-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Message Main cause
code section
Radar 8E00 Steered radar potentiometer Faulty wiring or defective
Steering error potentiometer
Unit 8E03 Steered radar motor control Faulty wiring of motor control
line cut
8E04 Steered radar motor control Faulty wiring of motor control
line short
Drive 8E20 Heartbeat cut (Drive) Lost heartbeat signal from
Controller drive controller (Disconnected
heartbeat line or defective
drive controller)
8E21 CAN-B line cut (Drive) Lost CAN-B message (CAN-B
line disconnection or defective
drive controller)
8E22 Drive controller not working Defective drive controller
8E24 Wrong truck type (Drive) Wrong controller setting
8E27 Drive CAN-A failure CAN-bus failure
8E29 No heartbeat from Drive CAN- Drive controller failure or CAN-
A A line failure
8E2D Drive controller in wrong mode Defective drive controller
8E3C Brake indicator not working Drive controller software Troubleshooting
failure or brake indicator wiring by fault code,
disiconnection See section
Interface 8E36 No IFM data coming Interface module failure, CAN-
Module B, or monitor bus line failure
8E37 IFM not ready Interface module failure, CAN-
B, or bus line failure
8E3B No Interface Module Interface module failure, CAN-
Broadcast Msg B, or monitor bus line failure
Monitor Bus 8E38 MBI not working Failed wiring or defective MBI
interface controller
8E39 MBI not ready Failed wiring or defective MBI
Supervisory 8F20 CGC heartbeat stop CGC disconnected or reset
8F21 HUB heartbeat not ready Hub disconnected or reset
8F22 CGC not ready CGC disconnected
8F23 HUB not ready Hub disconnected
8F32 Mask buffer full Too many ODS/REG masks
are defined in Central system
Fire 8522 Fire suppression system Fire suppression system
Suppression active active
8523 Fire suppression system Fire suppression system
wiring problem wiring problem

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40035-01


930E-4AT 13
CEN40035-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40035-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

14 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Safety Control System – Error Message
Fault Code 4C01: Engine stop function failure ..................................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 4C02: Engine start function failure ..................................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 4C08: Engine stopped........................................................................................................................ 8
Fault Code 4C09: Safety stopped engine ............................................................................................................. 9
Fault Code 4C0B: Safety stopped engine by caution ........................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 4C06: NVRAM check sum error ....................................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 4C0A: NVRAM data cleared............................................................................................................. 10
Fault Code 4C07: Obstacle buffer overflow ........................................................................................................ 10
Fault Code 4C10: Auto/Manual key position is wrong .........................................................................................11
Fault Code 4C11: Auto/Manual key switch is short..............................................................................................11
Fault Code 4C12: Auto/manual key switch is cut................................................................................................ 12
Fault Code 4C13: Low voltage of unswitched power .......................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 4C14: Low voltage of switched power .............................................................................................. 13
Fault Code 4C15: Low voltage of sol power ....................................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 4C1B: Course out wrong position..................................................................................................... 14
Fault Code 4C1C: Truck is moving ..................................................................................................................... 14

930E-4AT 1
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4C1D: Truck moves in wrong direction............................................................................................. 14

Fault Code 4C1E: Truck does not stop at the end point ..................................................................................... 14
Fault Code 4C1F: Emergency stop immediately (Safe)...................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 4C30: ODS clipping error ................................................................................................................. 15
Fault Code 4C31: RBI CAN ID error ................................................................................................................... 15
Fault Code 4C44: Radar power line cut .............................................................................................................. 16
Fault Code 4C64: Radar power line hot short..................................................................................................... 16
Fault Code 4C6B: Auto apply brake line hot short .............................................................................................. 17
Fault Code 4C91 (C1): Low accumulator pressure............................................................................................. 18
Fault Code 4C92 (E1): Low brake pressure........................................................................................................ 18
Fault Code 4C93 (A2): Low hydraulic oil level ................................................................................................... 18
Fault Code 4C94 (E3): Stop engine .................................................................................................................... 18
Fault Code 4C95 (A5:) No propel/retard ............................................................................................................. 19
Fault Code 4C98 (A6): No propel........................................................................................................................ 19
Fault Code 4C99 (A1): Brake oil temp. high ....................................................................................................... 19
Fault Code 4C9A (B6): Propel system at rest ..................................................................................................... 19
Fault Code 4C9D (D5): Interface module failure................................................................................................. 20
Fault Code 4C9E (E5): Battery charge system failure ........................................................................................ 20
Fault Code 4CAC: Engine signal caution............................................................................................................ 21
Fault Code 4D00: Detected by radar (right) ........................................................................................................ 23
Fault Code 4D30: Detected by radar (center) ..................................................................................................... 23
Fault Code 4D60: Detected by radar (left) .......................................................................................................... 24
Fault Code 4D90: Detected by radar (steer) ....................................................................................................... 24
Fault Code 4D01: No data from RBI (right)......................................................................................................... 25
Fault Code 4D31: No data from RBI (center)...................................................................................................... 26
Fault Code 4D61: No data from RBI (left) ........................................................................................................... 28
Fault Code 4D91: No data from RBI (steer)........................................................................................................ 29
Fault Code 4D03: Radar (right) no response ...................................................................................................... 30
Fault Code 4D33: Radar (center) no response ................................................................................................... 31
Fault Code 4D63: Radar (left) no response ........................................................................................................ 32
Fault Code 4D93: Radar (steer) no response ..................................................................................................... 33
Fault Code 4D06: RBI (right) not ready............................................................................................................... 34
Fault Code 4D36: RBI (center) not ready............................................................................................................ 35
Fault Code 4D66: RBI (left) not ready................................................................................................................. 36
Fault Code 4D96: RBI (steer) not ready.............................................................................................................. 37
Fault Code 4D07: Radar (right) is not scanning.................................................................................................. 38
Fault Code 4D37: Radar (center) is not scanning............................................................................................... 38
Fault Code 4D67: Radar (left) is not scanning .................................................................................................... 38
Fault Code 4D97: Radar (steer) is not scanning................................................................................................. 38
Fault Code 4D08: Radar (right) is not radiating .................................................................................................. 39
Fault Code 4D38: Radar (center) is not radiating ............................................................................................... 39
Fault Code 4D68: Radar (left) is not radiating..................................................................................................... 39
Fault Code 4D98: Radar (steer) is not radiating ................................................................................................. 39
Fault Code 4D09: Radar (right) detected communication error .......................................................................... 40
Fault Code 4D39: Radar (center) detected communication error ....................................................................... 40
Fault Code 4D69: Radar (left) detected communication error ............................................................................ 41
Fault Code 4D99: Radar (steer) detected communication error ......................................................................... 41
Fault Code 4D0A: Radar (right) is overheated.................................................................................................... 41
Fault Code 4D3A: Radar (center) is overheated................................................................................................. 42
Fault Code 4D6A: Radar (left) is overheated ...................................................................................................... 42
Fault Code 4D9A: Radar (steer) is overheated................................................................................................... 42
Fault Code 4D0B: Radar (right) detected voltage supply error ........................................................................... 43
Fault Code 4D3B: Radar (center) detected voltage supply error ........................................................................ 43
Fault Code 4D6B: Radar (left) detected voltage supply error ............................................................................. 43

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4D9B: Radar (steer) detected voltage supply error .......................................................................... 44
Fault Code 4D0C: Radar (right) detected internal error...................................................................................... 44
Fault Code 4D3C: Radar (center) detected internal error................................................................................... 44
Fault Code 4D6C: Radar (left) detected internal error ........................................................................................ 44
Fault Code 4D9C: Radar (steer) detected internal error..................................................................................... 44
Fault Code 4D0D: Radar (right) detected range performance error ................................................................... 45
Fault Code 4D3D: Radar (center) detected range performance error ................................................................ 45
Fault Code 4D6D: Radar (left) detected range performance error ..................................................................... 45
Fault Code 4D9D: Radar (steer) detected range performance error .................................................................. 45
Fault Code 4D0E: Unknown radar (right) error ................................................................................................... 45
Fault Code 4D3E: Unknown radar (center) error ................................................................................................ 46
Fault Code 4D6E: Unknown radar (left) error ..................................................................................................... 46
Fault Code 4D9E: Unknown radar (steer) error .................................................................................................. 46
Fault Code 4E00: Steered radar motor unit potentiometer error......................................................................... 47
Fault Code 4E02: Steered radar motor synchronization failure .......................................................................... 49
Fault Code 4E03: Steered radar motor line cut................................................................................................... 49
Fault Code 4E04: Steered radar motor line short ............................................................................................... 50
Fault Code 4E05: Safety reset ODS power ........................................................................................................ 50
Fault Code 4E20: Heartbeat cut (Drive).............................................................................................................. 51
Fault Code 4E21: No position data from drive via CAN-B .................................................................................. 52
Fault Code 4E22: Drive not working ................................................................................................................... 54
Fault Code 4E24: Wrong truck type ................................................................................................................... 55
Fault Code 4E25: Emergency brake request ..................................................................................................... 55
Fault Code 4E26: Drive E mode ........................................................................................................................ 55
Fault Code 4E27: Drive CAN-A failure ............................................................................................................... 55
Fault Code 4E29: No heartbeat from drive CAN-A ............................................................................................. 56
Fault Code 4E2D: Drive controller in wrong mode ............................................................................................. 57
Fault Code 4E36: No IFM data coming............................................................................................................... 58
Fault Code 4E37: IFM not ready......................................................................................................................... 59
Fault Code 4E3B: No Interface Module Broadcast Msg .................................................................................... 60
Fault Code 4F00: Emergency stop ..................................................................................................................... 61
Fault Code 4F20: CGC Heartbeat stop............................................................................................................... 61
Fault Code 4F21: Hub Heartbeat stop ................................................................................................................ 61
Fault Code 4F22: CGC not ready ....................................................................................................................... 62
Fault Code 4F23: Hub not ready......................................................................................................................... 62
Fault Code 4F31: Obstacle mask still sending.................................................................................................... 62
Fault Code 4FF0: Safety refused error clear command...................................................................................... 62
Fault Code 4522: Fire suppression system active .............................................................................................. 63

930E-4AT 3
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Engine control
Fault Code 4C01: Engine stop function failure
Fault code 4C01
Message Can not stop engine
Description Parking brake is not ready for stopping engine.
Safety controller is trying to stop engine but engine is still running.


Safety outputs Engine stop signal

Did Engine stop? N

Timer count up

Is Timer above N
OK 30min ?

Warning 4C01

Possible cause 1. Engine stop circuit malfunction

• Wiring number (23FAC, 52P13, 23F, 23FA) failed.
• Fuse number FB1A-21 has blown.
• Relay number RB4A-K8 has malfunction.
• Wiring number (23FA) has hot short.
• Connector number CN2-19 has safety controller failure.
2. Parking brake failure

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Remedy Check wiring and connector.

To activate the engine stop function, try the following:
1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder, then start ATMonitor.
2. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
3. Click Enter Maintenance button on main window to enter maintenance mode.
4. Change Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position.
5. Click Stop (CN2-19 should be ON when Stop is clicked).

1. Click stop button to stop engine

Schematic Sheet 27, 40

930E-4AT 5
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4C02: Engine start function failure

Fault code 4C02
Message Can not start engine
Description Safety controller is trying to start engine but engine is not running.


Safety outputs Engine start signal

Did Engine start? N

Timer count up

Is Timer above N
OK 45sec.?

Warning 4C02


Possible cause Engine start circuit malfunction

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Remedy Check wiring and connector.

To activate the engine start function, try the following:
1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder, then start ATMonitor.
2. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
3. Click Enter Maintenance button on main window to enter maintenance mode.
4. Change Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position.
5. Click Start (CN2-9 should be ON when Start is clicked).

1. Click start button to start engine

Schematic Sheet 26, 40

930E-4AT 7
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4C08: Engine stopped

Fault code 4C08
Message Engine stopped
Description Engine speed slows to less than 50 rpm and engine running signal input CN2-02
(36AT) becomes OFF (open) for more than five seconds in autonomous mode.

Engine speed is more than 50 Y

rpm and engine running signal
(CN2-02) is ON in Auto mode?

Timer count up

Is timer above 5sec?

Exception 4C08

Possible cause 1. Engine stopped due to engine malfunction.

• Engine runs out of fuel.
• Engine has malfunction.
2. Engine stopped due to malfunction of engine stop circuit of AT system
• Wiring number (23F, 23FA) disconnection
• Wiring number 23FAC ground short
• Relay number RB4A-K8 failed.

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Remedy 1. Check if engine is still running. If engine is running, it was a false alarm caused
by engine running signal failure.
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
• Select Engine Control .
• Check CN2-02 engine running signal. When engine is running, it must be ON.
• Shake connector or wiring to check for a loose contact.
• Check continuity of the wiring related to engine running signal.

2. If engine is not running, check the following:

• Check fuel level.
• Check the wiring number (23F, 23FA) related to engine stop circuit.
• Check for any engine caution.
Schematic Sheet 27, 40

Fault Code 4C09: Safety stopped engine

Fault code 4C09
Message Safety stopped engine
Description Safety controller stopped engine because of engine stop command from central.
Possible cause

Fault Code 4C0B: Safety stopped engine by caution

Fault code 4C0B
Message Safety stopped engine by caution
Description Safety controller stopped engine because of (E3) stop engine caution.
Possible cause Engine failure
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.

930E-4AT 9
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Safety controller system

Fault Code 4C06: NVRAM check sum error
Fault code 4C06
Message NVRAM check sum error
Description Sum check error of stored data in NVRAM
Possible cause 1. Safety controller calibration is not completed.
2. Safety controller NVRAM is broken.
Remedy 1. Perform all safety controller calibration.
2. If same error occurs after calibration, replace safety controller.

Fault Code 4C0A: NVRAM data cleared

Fault code 4C0A
Message NVRAM data cleared
Description All safety controller parameters stored in NVRAM were cleared.
Possible cause Safety controller NVRAM is broken.
Remedy 1. Perform all safety controller calibration.
2. If same error occurs after calibration, replace safety controller.

Fault Code 4C07: Obstacle buffer overflow

Fault code 4C07
Message Obstacle Buffer Overflow
Description ODS detected more than ten targets at the same time.
Possible cause Software exception
Remedy If area is clear and there is no obstacle, restart truck.

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Auto/manual key
Fault Code 4C10: Auto/Manual key position is wrong
Fault code 4C10
Message Auto/Manual key position is wrong
Description Auto/Manual key switch position was changed from AUTO position to MANUAL
position while in autonomous mode.
Possible cause Truck observer changed Auto/Manual key switch position.
Remedy Check the Auto/Manual key switch position. If position is wrong, change to proper

Fault Code 4C11: Auto/Manual key switch is short

Fault code 4C11
Message Auto/Manual key switch is short
Description Auto/Manual key switch (72MAN) is short to ground in autonomous mode.
Possible cause Wiring number (72MAN) has short circuit to ground.
Remedy 1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Select Input , then check Auto/Manual key switch signal input.

1. AUTO position 2. MANUAL position

Correct status of Auto/Manual key switch

Condition Wiring Value
Auto/Manual key switch in AUTO 72AT ON (Ground)
position. 72MAN OFF (Open)
Auto/Manual key switch in 72AT OFF (Open)
MANUAL position. 72MAN ON (Ground)

3. Check the wiring number (72MAN), connector (CN2-3), and Auto/Manual key
Schematic Sheet 34, 41

930E-4AT 11
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4C12: Auto/manual key switch is cut

Fault code 4C12
Message Auto/Manual key switch is cut
Description Auto/Manual key switch (72AT) is disconnected while in autonomous mode.
Possible cause • Connector CN2-13 is loose.
• Wiring number (72AT) is disconnected.
• Auto/Manual key switch is broken.
Remedy 1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Select input, then check Auto/Manual key switch signal input.

1. AUTO position 2. MANUAL position

Correct status of Auto/Manual key switch

Condition Wiring Value
Auto/Manual key switch in AUTO 72AT ON (Ground)
position 72MAN OFF (Open)
Auto/Manual key switch in 72AT OFF (Open)
MANUAL position 72MAN ON (Ground)

3. Check the wiring number (72AT), connector (CN2-13) and Auto/Manual key
Schematic Sheet 34, 41

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Controller power line

Fault Code 4C13: Low voltage of unswitched power
Fault code 4C13
Message Low voltage of unswitched power
Description Unswitched power voltage (52P22) is lower than 18V.
Possible cause 1. Low battery voltage
2. Wiring problem
• Wiring number (52P22 or 11S) is disconnected.
• Fuse number FB2A-10 is blown.
• Both connectors CN3-01 and CN3-11 are loose.
Remedy 1. Check voltage at TB56-W (52P22).
2. Check wiring and connectors.
Schematic Sheet 39

Fault Code 4C14: Low voltage of switched power

Fault code 4C14
Message Low voltage of switched power
Description Switched power voltage (52P16D) is lower than 18V.
Possible cause 1. Low battery voltage
2. Wiring problem
• Wiring number (52P16D) is disconnected.
• Fuse number FB1A-24 is blown.
• Both connectors CN3-14 and CN3-24 are loose.
Remedy 1. Check voltage at TB56-N (52P16D).
2. Check wiring and connector.
Schematic Sheet 39

Fault Code 4C15: Low voltage of sol power

Fault code 4C15
Message Low voltage of Sol power
Description Solenoid power voltage (52P17) is lower than18V.
Possible cause 1. Low battery voltage
2. Wiring problem
• Wiring number (52P17) is disconnected.
• Fuse number FB1A-17 is blown.
• Connectors CN3-02, CN3-12, and CN3-22 are loose.
Remedy 1. Check voltage at TB56-P (52P17).
2. Check wiring and connectors.
Schematic Sheet 39

930E-4AT 13
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4C1B: Course out wrong position

Fault code 4C1B
Message Course out wrong position
Description Difference between AHT position and target position became large in auto mode.
Possible cause 1. Drive controller software failure
2. Brake not working properly
Remedy 1. Change to manual mode. Check brake system.
2. If brake is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

Fault Code 4C1C: Truck is moving

Fault code 4C1C
Message Truck is moving
Description Truck is moving when it must be stationary because of software failure or brake
Possible cause 1. Drive controller software failure
2. Brake not working properly
Remedy 1. Change to manual mode. Check brake system.
2. If brake is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

Fault Code 4C1D: Truck moves in wrong direction

Fault code 4C1D
Message Truck is moving
Description Truck is moving in opposite direction to target because of software failure or propel
system failure.
Possible cause 1. Drive controller software failure
2. Propel system not working properly
Remedy 1. Change to manual mode. Check propel system.
2. If propel is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

Fault Code 4C1E: Truck does not stop at the end point
Fault code 4C1E
Message Truck does not stop at the end point
Description Truck does not stop at the end point because of software failure or brake failure.
Possible cause 1. Drive controller software failure
2. Brake not working properly
Remedy 1. Change to manual mode. Check brake system.
2. If brake is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4C1F: Emergency stop immediately (Safe)

Fault code 4C1F
Message Emergency stop immediately (Safe)
Description Drive controller does not respond to emergency stop command from supervisory
system. Safety controller activates auto apply brake instead of drive controller.
Possible cause 1. Wiring 44LA disconnection
2. Drive controller software failure
Remedy 1. Change to manual mode. Check wiring 44LA.
2. If wiring is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

ODS software
Fault Code 4C30: ODS clipping error
Fault code 4C30
Message ODS clipping error
Description When truck is running, safety controller lost ODS detection area information, then
ODS function is disabled.
Possible cause Safety controller software exception
Remedy Restart truck.

Fault Code 4C31: RBI CAN ID error

Fault code 4C31
Message RBI CAN ID error
Description RBI has wrong CAN-ID (CAN-B) setting.
Possible cause RBI identifier setting is wrong.
Remedy 1. Check that each RBI identifier setting is correct. Refer to the following table.
There are three identifier pins (CN1-23, CN1-17, CN1-11) on RBI.
2. Turn the key switch OFF and ON to restart RBI.
3. Perform CAN communication checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
4. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”

Correct identifier settings

RB11 (right) RB12 (center) RB13 (left) RB14 (steer)

Schematic Sheet 42, 43

930E-4AT 15
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Radar power
Fault Code 4C44: Radar power line cut
Fault code 4C44
Message Radar power line cut
Description Radar power relay line (71RDR, 52P10) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN2-18 is loose.
• Wiring number (71RDR or 52P10) is disconnected.
• Relay number RB4A-K2 failed.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Check continuity of wiring number (71RDR, 52P10) and relay RB4A-K2.
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

Fault Code 4C64: Radar power line hot short

Fault code 4C64
Message Radar power line hot short
Description Wiring number 71RDR has short between safety controller and radar power relay.
Possible cause Wiring number (71RDR) short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position. Check the voltage of wir-
ing number (71RDR). It must be 0V when CN2-18 is connected.
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Auto apply brake

Fault Code 4C6B: Auto apply brake line hot short
Fault code 4C6B
Message Auto Apply Brake line hot short
Description Auto Apply Brake control line has short to 24V.

NOTE: Safety controller outputs 24V (ON) during operation except when system
checks Auto Apply Check before starting autonomous running.
Possible cause Wiring number 72AA short to 24V power line
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select Output .
4. Click Enter Maintenance button on main window to enter maintenance mode.
5. Click the “Apply” box of AutoApplyBrake so that safety controller outputs OFF.
6. Check the voltage of wiring number (72AA). When safety controller does not out-
put ON to
AutoApplyBrake, the voltage of 72AA must be 0V.

1. Click here to change ON/OFF

Apply: Output is OFF
Release: Output is ON

7. Perform Safety Auto Apply Brake checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 35, 40

930E-4AT 17
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Caution Indicator
Fault Code 4C91 (C1): Low accumulator pressure
Fault code 4C91
Message (C1) Low Accumulator Pressure
Description The nitrogen pre-charge within the accumulator is below 77 +/- 3 kg/cm2 (1100 +/- 45
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 4C92 (E1): Low brake pressure

Fault code 4C92
Message (E1) Low Brake Pressure
Description A malfunction is detected within the hydraulic brake circuit.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 4C93 (A2): Low hydraulic oil level

Fault code 4C93
Message (A2) Low Hydraulic Tank Level
Description Oil level in the hydraulic tank is below recommended level.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 4C94 (E3): Stop engine

Fault code 4C94
Message (E3) Stop Engine
Description A serious engine malfunction is detected in the engine control system.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4C95 (A5:) No propel/retard

Fault code 4C95
Message (A5) No Propel / Retard
Description Retarding and propulsion capability is eliminated.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 4C98 (A6): No propel

Fault code 4C98
Message (A6) No Propel
Description Propulsion capability has been eliminated.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 4C99 (A1): Brake oil temp. high

Fault code 4C99
Message (A1) Brake Oil Temp. High
Description Brake oil temperature is high.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 4C9A (B6): Propel system at rest

Fault code 4C9A
Message (B6) Propel System at rest
Description Rest switch is turned ON and the AC drive system is de-energized.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

930E-4AT 19
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4C9D (D5): Interface module failure

Fault code 4C9D
Message (D5) Interface Module Warning
Description Interface module detected a failure.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 4C9E (E5): Battery charge system failure

Fault code 4C9E
Message (E5) Battery Charge System Failure
Description Charging system has a problem, and system voltage is at or below 24V.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

20 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Input wiring
Fault Code 4CAC: Engine signal caution
Fault code 4CAC
Message Engine Signal Caution
Description While engine is stopping

Case Running Engine speed Judgment

no. signal data from IFM Description Threshold
less than
1 ON Warning (8CAC) 10 seconds
500 rpm
more than
2 ON Engine start 5 seconds
500 rpm
less than Engine is still
3 OFF -
500 rpm stopping
more than
4 OFF Warning (8CAC) 10 seconds
500 rpm

While engine is running

Case Running Engine speed Judgment

no. signal data from IFM Description Threshold
less than
5 ON Error (8CAC) 10 seconds
50 rpm
more than Engine is still
6 ON -
50 rpm running
less than
7 OFF Engine stop 5 seconds
50 rpm
more than
8 OFF Error (8CAC) 10 seconds
50 rpm

Running signal: Engine running signal input to CN2-02 (36AT).

Engine speed data from IFM: Engine speed data from interface module via monitor bus.
Possible cause 1. Interface module failure
• Connector (IM1-j, IM1-k) is disconnected.
• CAN wiring number (939YA, 939GA) has a failure.
• Engine has malfunction.
2. MBI controller failure
• Connector (CN2-23, CN2-33) is disconnected.
• CAN wiring number (939YA, 939GA) has a failure.
3. Engine running signal failure (false detection)
• Wiring number (36AT) is disconnected.
• Connector CN2-02 has loose contact.
• Relay number RB1A-K8 failed.

930E-4AT 21
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Remedy How to check engine running signal:

If engine is running, Engine Running Signal (CN2-2) is ON. Otherwise it is OFF.
1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Select Engine Control .
3. Check CN2-02 Engine Running Signal. When engine is running, it must be ON.

• If running signal is correct and no interface module data is coming (8E36) or interface
module is not ready (8E37) warning occurred at the same time, this is an interface mod-
ule failure or CAN communication failure. Check interface module, CAN wiring number
(939YA, 939GA, 939YB, 939GB), and MBI controller connector (CN2-22, CN2-23,
CN2-32, CN2-33).
• If running signal is not correct, this is a running signal failure. Check safety controller
connector (CN2-2), wiring number (36AT), and relay number RB1A-KB.
Schematic Sheet 30, 44, 45

22 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Radar Detection
Fault Code 4D00: Detected by radar (right)
Fault code 4D00
Message Detected by Radar (Right)
Description Right radar detected obstacles.
Possible cause 1. Detected objects in the path
• Obstacles (other machines, rocks, people, etc.)
• Ground clutter (road roughness, stones, windrow, etc.)
2. Detected objects out of the path
• Position measurement accuracy degraded
Remedy 1. If there is an obstacle in the path, remove obstacle.
2. If road condition is unsuitable, perform road maintenance.
3. If area is secure, restart truck from Equipped Manual Vehicle (EMV).
NOTE: If radar repeats obstacle detection without any obstacle on the road, it may be
caused by faulty radar calibration. In this case, calibrate the radar again. Only
Equipped Manual Vehicle (EMV) can restart truck. Central is not allowed to restart

Fault Code 4D30: Detected by radar (center)

Fault code 4D30
Message Detected by Radar (Center)
Description Center radar detected obstacles.
Possible cause 1. Detected objects in the path
• Obstacles (other machines, rocks, people, etc.)
• Ground clutter (road roughness, stones, windrow, etc.)
2. Detected objects out of the path
• Position measurement accuracy degraded
Remedy 1. If there is an obstacle in the path, remove obstacle.
2. If road condition is unsuitable, perform road maintenance.
3. If area is secure, restart truck from Equipped Manual Vehicle (EMV).
NOTE: If radar repeats obstacle detection without any obstacle on the road, it may be
caused by faulty radar calibration. In this case, calibrate the radar again.
Only Equipped Manual Vehicle (EMV) can restart truck. Central is not allowed to
restart truck.

930E-4AT 23
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D60: Detected by radar (left)

Fault code 4D60
Message Detected by Radar (Left)
Description Left radar detected obstacles.
Possible cause 1. Detected objects in the path
• Obstacles (other machines, rocks, people, etc.)
• Ground clutter (road roughness, stones, windrow, etc.)
2. Detected objects out of the path
• Position measurement accuracy degraded
Remedy 1. If there is an obstacle in the path, remove obstacle.
2. If road condition is unsuitable, perform road maintenance.
3. If area is secure, restart truck from Equipped Manual Vehicle (EMV).
NOTE: If radar repeats obstacle detection without any obstacle on the road, it may be
caused by faulty radar calibration. In this case, calibrate the radar again.
Only Equipped Manual Vehicle (EMV) can restart truck. Central is not allowed to
restart truck.

Fault Code 4D90: Detected by radar (steer)

Fault code 4D90
Message Detected by Radar (Steer)
Description Steered radar detected obstacles.
Possible cause 1. Detected objects in the path
• Obstacles (other machines, rocks, people, etc.)
• Ground clutter (road roughness, stones, windrow, etc.)
2. Detected objects out of the path
• Position measurement accuracy degraded
Remedy 1. If there is an obstacle in the path, remove obstacle.
2. If road condition is unsuitable, perform road maintenance.
3. If area is secure, restart truck from Equipped Manual Vehicle (EMV).
NOTE: If radar repeats obstacle detection without any obstacle on the road, it may be
caused by faulty radar calibration. In this case, calibrate the radar again. Only
Equipped Manual Vehicle (EMV) can restart truck. Central is not allowed to restart

24 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Obstacle Detection System (ODS)

Fault Code 4D01: No data from RBI (right)
Fault code 4D01
Message No Data from RBI (Right)
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI1 (right) for more than 250 ms.
NOTE: RBI1 is sending message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication between RBI1 and Safety controller failed.
1. CAN-B line between RBI1 and Safety controller failed.
• Wiring/connector is disconnected.
• CAN terminator is missing.
2. RBI1 power failure
• Wiring is disconnected.
• Connector is loose.
3. RBI1 identifier failure
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI1 counter is not updating. If it is updating, communication is

930E-4AT 25
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Remedy 5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R1) and connectors (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI1.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connectors (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI1.
• Check ground cable and connectors (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connectors (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
• Check RBI1 identifier CN1-23 (ground), CN1-17 (Open) and CN1-11 (Open).
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

Fault Code 4D31: No data from RBI (center)

Fault code 4D31
Message No Data from RBI (Center)
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI2 (center) for more than 250
NOTE: RBI2 is sending message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication between RBI2 and safety controller failed.
• CAN-B line between RBI2 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI2 power has a failure.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
• RBI2 identifier has a failure.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI2 counter is not updating. If it is updating, communication is

26 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01


5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R2) and connectors (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI2.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connectors (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI2.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connectors (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
• Check RBI2 identifier CN1-23 (Open), CN1-17 (Ground) and CN1-11 (Open).
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

930E-4AT 27
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D61: No data from RBI (left)

Fault code 4D61
Message No Data from RBI (Left)
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI3 (left) for more than 250 ms.
NOTE: RBI3 is sending message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication between RBI3 and safety controller failed.
• CAN-B line between RBI3 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI1 power has a failure.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
• RBI3 identifier has a failure.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI3 counter is not updating. If it is updating, communication is recov-

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R3) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI3.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI3.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
• Check RBI3 identifier CN1-23 (round), CN1-17 (Ground) and CN1-11 (Open).
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

28 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4D91: No data from RBI (steer)

Fault code 4D91
Message No Data from RBI (Steer)
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI4 (steer) for more than 250 ms.
NOTE: RBI4 is sending message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication between RBI4 and safety controller failed.
• CAN-B line between RBI4 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI4 power has a failure.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
• RBI4 identifier has a failure.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI4 counter is not updating. If it is updating, communication is recov-

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R1) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI4.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI4.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
• Check RBI4 identifier CN1-23 (Open), CN1-17 (Open) and CN1-11 (Ground).
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

930E-4AT 29
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D03: Radar (right) no response

Fault code 4D03
Message Radar (Right) No Response
Description No communication between RBI1 and radar (right)
Possible cause 1. Communication failure between RBI1 and radar (right)
• CAN-A line between RBI1 and radar (right) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (right) power failed.
- Wiring number (12VRDR/0RDR) at radar (right) is disconnected.
- Radar (right) connector is loose.
• Radar (right) hardware has a problem.
2. ODS power failure
- Relay RB4A-K2 failed.
- Wiring number (71RDR, 71RDP) is disconnected.
- Power unit hardware has a problem.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select ODS , then ODS window comes up.
4. Check if CH0 (right) “Scan Index” counter is not updating. If it is updating, com-
munication is recovered.

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (right).
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR1, 939YR1) and connector of radar (right)
and RBI1 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
Schematic Sheet 42

30 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4D33: Radar (center) no response

Fault code 4D33
Message Radar (Center) No Response
Description No communication between RBI2 and radar (center)
Possible cause 1. Communication failure between RBI2 and radar (center)
• CAN-A line between RBI2 and radar (center) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (center) power failed.
- Wiring number (12VRDR/0RDR) at radar (center) is disconnected.
- Radar (center) connector is loose.
• Radar (center) hardware has a problem.
2. ODS power failure
• Relay RB4A-K2 failed.
• Wiring number (71RDR, 71RDP) is disconnected.
• Power unit hardware has a problem.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select ODS , then ODS window comes up.
4. Check if CH1 (center) “Scan Index” counter is not updating. If it is updating, com-
munication is recovered.

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (center).
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR2, 939YR2) and connector of radar (center)
and RBI2 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
Schematic Sheet 42

930E-4AT 31
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D63: Radar (left) no response

Fault code 4D63
Message Radar (Left) No Response
Description No communication between RBI3 and radar (left)
Possible cause 1. Communication failure between RBI3 and radar (left)
• CAN-A line between RBI3 and radar (left) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (left) power failed.
- Wiring number (12VRDR/0RDR) at radar (left) is disconnected.
- Radar (left) connector is loose.
• Radar (left) hardware has a problem.
2. ODS power failure
• Relay RB4A-K2 failed.
• Wiring number (71RDR, 71RDP) is disconnected.
• Power unit hardware has a problem.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select ODS , then ODS window comes up.
4. Check if CH2 (left) “Scan Index” counter is not updating. If it is updating, commu-
nication is recovered.

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (left).
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR3, 939YR3) and connector of radar (left)
and RBI3 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
Schematic Sheet 42

32 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4D93: Radar (steer) no response

Fault code 4D93
Message Radar (Steer) No Response
Description No communication between RBI4 and radar (steer)
Possible cause 1. Communication between RBI4 and radar (steer) failed.
• CAN-A line between RBI4 and radar (steer) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (steer) power failed.
- Wiring number (12VRDR/0RDR) at radar (steer) is disconnected.
- Radar (steer) connector is loose.
• Radar (steer) hardware has a problem.
2. ODS power failure
• Relay RB4A-K2 failed.
• Wiring number (71RDR, 71RDP) is disconnected.
• Power unit hardware has a problem.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select ODS , then ODS window comes up.
4. Check if CH3 (steer) “Scan Index” counter is not updating. If it is updating, com-
munication is recovered.

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (steer).
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR4, 939YR4) and connector of radar (steer)
and RBI4 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
Schematic Sheet 42

930E-4AT 33
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D06: RBI (right) not ready

Fault code 4D06
Message RBI (Right) Not Ready
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI1 (right) after power is turned
NOTE: RBI1 is sending message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication between RBI1 and safety controller failed.
• CAN-B line between RBI1 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI1 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI1 counter is not updating. If it is updating, communication is

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R1) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI1.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI1.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

34 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4D36: RBI (center) not ready

Fault code 4D36
Message RBI (Center) Not Ready
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI2 (center) after power is turned
NOTE: RBI2 is sending message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI2 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI2 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI2 power failed.
- Wiring disconnection.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI2 counter is not updating. If it is updating, communication is

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R2) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI2.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI2.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

930E-4AT 35
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D66: RBI (left) not ready

Fault code 4D66
Message RBI (Left) Not Ready
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI3 (left) after power is turned ON.
NOTE: RBI3 is sending message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI3 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI3 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI3 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI3 counter is not updating. If it is updating, communication is

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R3) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI3.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI3.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

36 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4D96: RBI (steer) not ready

Fault code 4D96
Message RBI (Steer) Not Ready
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI4 (steer) after power is turned
NOTE: RBI4 is sending message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI4 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI4 and safety failed controller.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI4 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI4 counter is not updating. If it is updating, communication is

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R1) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI4.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI4.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

930E-4AT 37
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D07: Radar (right) is not scanning

Fault code 4D07
Message Radar (Right) is not scanning
Description The antenna scan of radar (right) is not operational.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D37: Radar (center) is not scanning

Fault code 4D37
Message Radar (Center) is not scanning
Description The antenna scan of radar (center) is not operational.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D67: Radar (left) is not scanning

Fault code 4D67
Message Radar (Left) is not scanning
Description The antenna scan of radar (left) is not operational.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D97: Radar (steer) is not scanning

Fault code 4D97
Message Radar (Steer) is not scanning
Description The antenna scan of radar (steer) is not operational.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

38 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4D08: Radar (right) is not radiating

Fault code 4D08
Message Radar (Right) is not radiating
Description The transceiver of radar (right) is not operational.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D38: Radar (center) is not radiating

Fault code 4D38
Message Radar (Center) is not radiating
Description The transceiver of radar (center) is not operational.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D68: Radar (left) is not radiating

Fault code 4D68
Message Radar (Left) is not radiating
Description The transceiver of radar (left) is not operational.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D98: Radar (steer) is not radiating

Fault code 4D98
Message Radar (Steer) is not radiating
Description The transceiver of radar (steer) is not operational
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

930E-4AT 39
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D09: Radar (right) detected communication error

Fault code 4D09
Message Radar (Right) detected communication error
Description Radar (right) has detected a communication error
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI1 and radar (right)
• CAN-A line between RBI1 and radar (right) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (right) hardware has a problem.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR1, 939YR1) and connector of radar (right)
and RBI1 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 4D39: Radar (center) detected communication error

Fault code 4D39
Message Radar (Center) detected communication error
Description Radar (center) has detected a communication error
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI2 and radar (center)
• CAN-A line between RBI2 and radar (center) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (center) hardware has a problem.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR2, 939YR2) and connector of radar (center)
and RBI2 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

40 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4D69: Radar (left) detected communication error

Fault code 4D69
Message Radar (Left) detected communication error
Description Radar (left) has detected a communication error
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI3 and radar (left)
• CAN-A line between RBI3 and radar (left) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (left) hardware has a problem.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR3, 939YR3) and connector of radar (left)
and RBI3 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 4D99: Radar (steer) detected communication error

Fault code 4D99
Message Radar (Steer) detected communication error
Description Radar (steer) has detected a communication error
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI4 and radar (steer)
• CAN-A line between RBI4 and radar (steer) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (steer) hardware has a problem.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR4, 939YR4) and connector of radar (steer)
and RBI4 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 4D0A: Radar (right) is overheated

Fault code 4D0A
Message Radar (Right) is overheated
Description Radar (right) has detected internal temperature conditions outside of operational limit
194 F (90 C)
Possible cause Ambient temperature is outside of –40 to 167 F (–40 to 75 C).
Remedy 1. Wait until internal temperature is below operational limits.
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.

930E-4AT 41
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D3A: Radar (center) is overheated

Fault code 4D3A
Message Radar (Center) is overheated
Description Radar (center) has detected internal temperature conditions outside of operational
limit 194 F (90 C)
Possible cause Ambient temperature is outside of –40 to 167 F (–40 to 75 C).
Remedy 1. Wait until internal temperature is below operational limits.
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D6A: Radar (left) is overheated

Fault code 4D6A
Message Radar (Left) is overheated
Description Radar (left) has detected internal temperature conditions outside of operational limit
194 F (90 C)
Possible cause Ambient temperature is outside of –40 to 167 F (–40 to 75 C).
Remedy 1. Wait until internal temperature is below operational limits.
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D9A: Radar (steer) is overheated

Fault code 4D9A
Message Radar (Steer) is overheated
Description Radar (steer) has detected internal temperature conditions outside of operational
limits 194 F (90 C)
Possible cause Ambient temperature is outside of –40 to 167 F (–40 to 75 C).
Remedy 1. Wait until internal temperature is below operational limits.
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.

42 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4D0B: Radar (right) detected voltage supply error

Fault code 4D0B
Message Radar (Right) detected voltage supply error
Description Radar (right) has detected supply voltage outside of operation limits (9V to 16V)
Possible cause ODS voltage is outside of 9V to 16V.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (right).
2. Check voltage of the radar power.
3. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 4D3B: Radar (center) detected voltage supply error

Fault code 4D3B
Message Radar (Center) detected voltage supply error
Description Radar (center) has detected supply voltage outside of operation limits (9V to 16V)
Possible cause ODS voltage is outside of 9V to 16V.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (center).
2. Check voltage of the radar power.
3. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 4D6B: Radar (left) detected voltage supply error

Fault code 4D6B
Message Radar (Left) detected voltage supply error
Description Radar (left) has detected supply voltage outside of operation limits (9V to 16V)
Possible cause ODS voltage is outside of 9V to 16V.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part
• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (left).
2. Check voltage of the radar power.
3. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

930E-4AT 43
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D9B: Radar (steer) detected voltage supply error

Fault code 4D9B
Message Radar (Steer) detected voltage supply error
Description Radar (steer) has detected supply voltage outside of operation limits (9V to 16V)
Possible cause ODS voltage is outside of 9V to 16V.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (steer).
2. Check voltage of the radar power.
3. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 4D0C: Radar (right) detected internal error

Fault code 4D0C
Message Radar (Right) detected internal error
Description Radar (right) has detected an internal error
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D3C: Radar (center) detected internal error

Fault code 4D3C
Message Radar (Center) detected internal error
Description Radar (center) has detected an internal error
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D6C: Radar (left) detected internal error

Fault code 4D6C
Message Radar (Left) detected internal error
Description Radar (left) has detected an internal error
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D9C: Radar (steer) detected internal error

Fault code 4D9C
Message Radar (Steer) detected internal error
Description Radar (right) has detected an internal error
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

44 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4D0D: Radar (right) detected range performance error

Fault code 4D0D
Message Radar (Right) detected range performance error
Description The range performance of radar (right) has degraded.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D3D: Radar (center) detected range performance error

Fault code 4D3D
Message Radar (Center) detected range performance error
Description The range performance of radar (center) has degraded.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D6D: Radar (left) detected range performance error

Fault code 4D6D
Message Radar (Left) detected range performance error
Description The range performance of radar (left) has degraded.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D9D: Radar (steer) detected range performance error

Fault code 4D9D
Message Radar (Steer) detected range performance error
Description The range performance of radar (steer) has degraded.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D0E: Unknown radar (right) error

Fault code 4D0E
Message Unknown radar (right) error
Description Software exception
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

930E-4AT 45
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4D3E: Unknown radar (center) error

Fault code 4D3E
Message Unknown radar (center) error
Description Software exception
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D6E: Unknown radar (left) error

Fault code 4D6E
Message Unknown radar (left) error
Description Software exception
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 4D9E: Unknown radar (steer) error

Fault code 4D9E
Message Unknown radar (steer) error
Description Software exception
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

46 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Radar steering mechanism

Fault Code 4E00: Steered radar motor unit potentiometer error
Fault code 4E00
Message Steered radar motor unit potentiometer error
Description Malfunction of steered motor potentiometer
• The voltage of motor potentiometer is lower than 0.1V.
• The voltage of motor potentiometer is higher than 4.9V.
NOTE: Motor potentiometer signal must be between 0.3V and 4.8V.
Possible cause 1. Defective potentiometer
2. Wiring/connector failure
• Power line 59R5 failed (disconnection or short circuit).
• Signal line 59R6 failed (disconnection or short circuit).
• Ground line 59R7 failed (disconnection or short circuit).
• Connector (CN1-07, CN1-21, CN1-22) is loose.
• Connector (CN1) is loose.
Remedy 1. Check the voltage of 59R5 (it must be 5V).
2. Check the voltage of 59R7 (it must be 0V).
3. Check the voltage of 59R6 (it must be about 2.5V when position is center).

See “How to check motor unit for steered radar” on page 48.
Schematic Sheet 42
See page 48.

930E-4AT 47
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

How to check motor unit for steered radar

1. Connect laptop to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Select ODS .
3. Move slider bar to turn steered radar.
4. Check “Reference Angle [deg],” “Potentio Angle [deg],” and “Potentio Meter [V]” are
changed according to slider position.


1. Reference angle 3. Slide this bar to turn steer radar

2. Potentiometer angle 4. Potentiometer voltage


48 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4E02: Steered radar motor synchronization failure

Fault code 4E02
Message Steered radar motor synchronization failure
Description Difference between angle by stepping motor counter and potentiometer is bigger than
50 step (about 8 ) for more than one second.


Difference between angle by stepping N

motor counter and the one by
potentiometer is bigger than 50step?

Timer count up

Is timer above 1sec? N

Exception 4E02


Possible cause 1. ODS steering motor turns too quick

2. Mechanical malfunction of motor unit
3. Steered unit was turned by external force
4. Wiring number (59R5, 59R6, or 59R7) problem
Remedy 1. Restart truck.
2. If fault repeats, check if there is a mechanical malfunction or wiring problem.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 4E03: Steered radar motor line cut

Fault code 4E03
Message Steered radar motor line cut
Description Wiring between MG1B and CN3 of safety controller (59R1, 59R2, 59R3, 59R4) is
Possible cause 1. Wiring number (59R1) is disconnected.
2. Wiring numbe (59R2) is disconnected.
3. Wiring number (59R3) is disconnected.
4. Wiring number (59R4) is disconnected.
Remedy Check wiring. See “How to check motor unit for steered radar” on page 48.
Schematic Sheet 42

930E-4AT 49
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4E04: Steered radar motor line short

Fault code 4E04
Message Steered radar motor line short
Description Wiring between MG1B and CN3 of safety controller (59R1, 59R2, 59R3, 59R4) is
Possible cause 1. Wiring number (59R1) has short to ground.
2. Wiring number (59R2) has short to ground.
3. Wiring number (59R3) has short to ground.
4. Wiring number (59R4) has short to ground.
Remedy Check wiring. See “How to check motor unit for steered radar” on page 48.
Schematic Sheet 42

ODS power control

Fault Code 4E05: Safety reset ODS power
Fault code 4E05
Message Safety controller reset ODS power
Description After safety controller detects some ODS malfunction, it cuts ODS power (relay
Possible cause 1. Radar is not responding (4Dx3)
2. Radar is not scanning (4Dx7)
3. Radar is not radiating (4Dx8)
4. Radar detected communication error (4Dx9)
5. Radar overheated (4DxA)
6. Radar detected voltage supply error (4DxB)
7. Radar detected internal error (4DxC)
8. Radar detected range performance error (4DxD)
9. Unknown radar error (4DxE)
Remedy See each troubleshooting section procedure
Schematic Sheet 43

50 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Drive controller
Fault Code 4E20: Heartbeat cut (Drive)
Fault code 4E21
Message Heartbeat cut (Drive)
Description Safety controller could not receive Heartbeat signal from drive controller in auto

Does Safety received N

Heatbeat signal from Timer count up

Clear timer Is timer above N

Exception 4E20


NOTE: Heartbeat signal from drive controller to safety controller is alternately turned
ON and OFF every 200 ms.
Possible cause 1. Drive lost power.
• Wiring number (52P19, 52P21, GND) is disconnected.
• Fuse number (FB2A-9, FB1A-19) is blown.
• Loose contact of CN3-1, CN3-11, CN3-24
2. Drive failed.
3. Heartbeat line has failed.
• Wiring number (90DH) is disconnected, GND short or hot short
• Loose contact of CN3-36 of drive controller or CN1-12 of safety controller
Remedy 1. Cycle engine OFF and turn key switch to ON.
2. Set A/M key position to Manual.
3. Check if LED (1) in drive window is flashing.
4. Check wiring 90DH and connector.

Schematic Sheet 39

930E-4AT 51
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4E21: No position data from drive via CAN-B

Fault code 4E21
Message No position data from drive via CAN-B
Description Safety controller could not receive position data from drive controller for one second.

Does Safety received N

Position data from Timer count up

Clear timer Is timer above N

Exception 4E21


NOTE: Drive controller sends position data every 100 ms.

Possible cause 1. Drive controller failure
• Hardware failed.
2. CAN-B communication failure
• Wiring is disconnected.
• Terminator failed.
• Contact is loose on drive controller (CN2-23, CN2-33) and safety controller
(CN2-23, CN2-33).

52 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Remedy 1. Check CAN-B communication.

• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

2. If “Safety (CAN-B)” and “Drive (CAN-B)” counter is not updating, CAN-B commu-
nication has stopped. Check CAN-B line.
Schematic Sheet 43

930E-4AT 53
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4E22: Drive not working

Fault code 4E22
Message Drive controller not working
Description Heartbeat is not sent from drive controller, and position data from drive controller


Has Position data from N

Drive stopped more
than 1sec?

N Has Heart beat from

Drive stopped more
than 0.75sec?

Exception 4E22

Possible cause 1. Drive controller lost power

• Wiring number (52P19, 52P21) is disconnected.
• Fuse FB1A-19, FB2A-9 is blown.
• Contact of CN1-08, CN1-18 is loose.
2. Drive controller failure
• Hardware failed.
• Connectors are not connected properly.
Remedy Check if all connectors are connected properly.
Schematic Sheet 39

54 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4E24: Wrong truck type

Fault code 4E24
Message Wrong Truck Type
Description Truck type for safety controller and drive controller are mismatched.
Possible cause Different software version was programmed.
Remedy Replace controller.

Fault Code 4E25: Emergency brake request

Fault code 4E25
Message Emergency brake request
Description Safety controller applied Auto Apply Brake according to request of drive controller.
Possible cause Drive controller detected some emergency status.
Remedy If area is secure, restart truck.

Fault Code 4E26: Drive E mode

Fault code 4E26
Message Drive E mode
Description Drive controller changed to “E” mode.
Possible cause Drive controller detected some error (see drive controller’s fault code).
Remedy Check error code reported by drive controller.

Fault Code 4E27: Drive CAN-A failure

Fault code 4E27
Message Drive CAN-A failure
Description Drive controller reported that CAN-A communication has a failure.
When drive controller has CAN-A communication failure, it cannot report the fault
code to central; safety controller reports the fault instead of drive controller.
Possible cause See drive controller fault code 4019.
Remedy See drive controller fault code 4019.
Schematic Sheet 44

930E-4AT 55
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4E29: No heartbeat from drive CAN-A

Fault code 4E29
Message CAN-A line cut (Drive)
Description Heartbeat from drive controller via CAN-A is not coming.


Has heartbeat from

Drive via CAN-A more
than 5sec? N

Exception 4E29

Possible cause 1. Drive controller failure

• Hardware failed.
2. CAN-A communication failure
• Wiring is disconnected.
• Terminator failed.
• Drive controller contact (CN2-22, CN2-32) is loose.
Remedy 1. Check CAN-A communication.
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

2. If “Safety (CAN-A)” and “Drive (CAN-A)” counters are not updating, CAN-A com-
munication has stopped. Check CAN-A line.
Schematic Sheet 44

56 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fault Code 4E2D: Drive controller in wrong mode

Fault code 4E2D
Message Drive controller in wrong mode
Description Mode in drive controller status massage is an unknown mode.
Possible cause Drive controller problem.
• Drive controller is broken.
Remedy Cycle power for AHT.
• If system is not fixed by cycling power, replace drive controller.

930E-4AT 57
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Interface module (IFM)

Fault Code 4E36: No IFM data coming
Fault code 4E36
Message No IFM data coming
Description Interface module real time data has stopped for more than eight seconds.
Possible cause 1. Interface module is not working.
• Interface module power line is disconnected.
• Interface module hardware failed.
2. MBI controller is not working.
• MBI controller power line is disconnected.
• MBI controller hardware failed.
3. CAN-B communication failed.
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-22 or CN2-32) is loose.
• Safety controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• CAN-B terminator is defective.
4. Monitor bus communication failure
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• Interface module contact (IM1-j or IM1-k) is loose.
• Monitor bus terminator is defective.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check the voltage of MBI controller power line.
• Check the voltage of interface module power line (see 930E-4AT shop man-
• Check continuity of CAN-B between MBI controller and safety controller.
• Check continuity of monitor bus between interface module and MBI controller.
• Check if the resistance of terminator is 120 ohm.
2. MBI controller communication check
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

58 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01


3. If “MBI” counter in Drive and Safety frames is not updating, MBI controller com-
munication via CAN-B has stopped. Check CAN-B line.
Schematic Sheet 30, 43

Fault Code 4E37: IFM not ready

Fault code 4E37
Message IFM not ready
Description Safety controller could not receive interface module real time data, after power is
turned ON.
Possible cause 1. Interface module not working
• Interface module power line is disconnected.
• Interface module hardware failed.
2. MBI controller not working
• MBI controller power line is disconnected.
• MBI controller hardware failed.
3. CAN-B communication failure
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-22 or CN2-32) is loose.
• Safety controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• CAN-B terminator is defective.
4. Monitor bus communication failure
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• Interface module contact (IM1-j or IM1-k) is loose.
• Monitor bus terminator is defective.

930E-4AT 59
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Remedy 1. Wiring check

• Check the voltage of MBI controller power line.
• Check the voltage of interface module power line (see 930E-4AT shop man-
• Check continuity of CAN-B between MBI controller and safety controller.
• Check continuity of monitor bus between interface module and MBI controller.
• Check if the resistance of terminator is 120 ohm.
2. MBI controller communication check
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

3. If “MBI” counters in Drive and Safety frames are not updating, MBI controller
communication via CAN-B has stopped. Check CAN-B line.
Schematic Sheet 30, 43

Fault Code 4E3B: No Interface Module Broadcast Msg

Fault code 4E3B
Message No Interface Module Broadcast Msg
Description Safety controller does not receive broadcast message from Interface Module.
Possible cause Interface Module is not working.
• Interface Module power line is disconnected.
• Interface Module hardware failed.
Remedy Wiring check
• Check voltage of MBI controller power line.
• Check voltage of Interface Module power line (see 930E-4AT shop manual).

60 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Supervisory system
Fault Code 4F00: Emergency stop
Fault code 4F00
Message Emergency Stop Order
Description Safety controller received emergency stop command from central controller.
Possible cause 1. Red emergency button was pressed.
2. Central supervisory system detects dangerous situation.
Remedy If area is secure, restart truck.

Fault Code 4F20: CGC Heartbeat stop

Fault code 4F20
Message CGC Heartbeat stop
Description Safety controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from CGC for ten seconds.
Possible cause 1. CGC software exception
2. CAN-A disconnection
• Safety controller connector (CN3-22 or CN3-32) is loose.
• CAN-A wiring is disconnected.
Remedy Restart truck.
Schematic Sheet 33, 44

Fault Code 4F21: Hub Heartbeat stop

Fault code 4F21
Message HUB Heartbeat stop
Description Safety controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from hub for ten seconds.
Possible cause 1. Hub software exception
2. CAN-A disconnection
• Safety controller connector (CN3-22 or CN3-32) is loose.
• CAN-A wiring is disconnected.
Remedy Restart truck.
Schematic Sheet 33, 44

930E-4AT 61
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 4F22: CGC not ready

Fault code 4F20
Message CGC not ready
Description Safety controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from CGC after power is turned
Possible cause 1. CGC software exception
2. CAN-A disconnection
• Safety controller connector (CN3-22 or CN3-32) is loose.
• CAN-A wiring is disconnected.
Remedy Restart truck.
Schematic Sheet 33, 44

Fault Code 4F23: Hub not ready

Fault code 4F23
Message HUB not ready
Description Safety controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from hub after power is turned ON.
Possible cause 1. Hub software exception
2. CAN-A disconnection
• Safety controller connector (CN3-22 or CN3-32) is loose.
• CAN-A wiring is disconnected.
Remedy Restart truck.
Schematic Sheet 33, 44

Fault Code 4F31: Obstacle mask still sending

Fault code 4F31
Message Obstacle mask still sending
Description Not finished receiving ODS mask from central.
Possible cause 1. Too early to change to autonomous mode
2. Communication problem
• Central system failed.
• MasterLink failed.
Remedy Check MasterLink network. If OK, restart truck.
If same fault repeats, try to restart central system.

Fault Code 4FF0: Safety refused error clear command

Fault code 4FF0
Message Safety refused error clear command
Description Safety controller refused error clear command.
Possible cause Safety controlller refused auto error clear command
Remedy Restart truck manually.

62 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40036-01

Fire suppression
Fault Code 4522: Fire suppression system active
Fault code 4522
Message Fire suppression system activate
Description Fire suppression system was activated.
Possible cause
What to do See 930E-4AT shop manual.

930E-4AT 63
CEN40036-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40036-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

64 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Safety Control System – Warning Message
Fault Code 8C01: Warning of engine stop circuit failure....................................................................................... 4
Fault Code 8C03: Flight recorder is not working................................................................................................... 6
Fault Code 8C04: Check CF card in flight recorder .............................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 8C05: Wrong Flight Recorder circuit .................................................................................................. 8
Fault Code 8C06: NVRAM check sum error ......................................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8C0A: NVRAM data cleared............................................................................................................... 9
Fault Code 8C11: Auto/manual key switch is short............................................................................................. 10
Fault Code 8C12: Auto/manual key switch is cut.................................................................................................11
Fault Code 8C13: Low voltage of unswitched power .......................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 8C14: Low voltage of switched power .............................................................................................. 12
Fault Code 8C15: Low voltage of sol power ....................................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 8C1B: Course out wrong position..................................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 8C1C: Truck is moving ..................................................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 8C1D: Truck moves in wrong direction............................................................................................. 13
Fault Code 8C1E: Truck does not stop at the end point ..................................................................................... 13
Fault Code 8C1F: Emergency stop immediately (Safe)...................................................................................... 14

930E-4AT 1
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8C31: RBI CAN ID error ................................................................................................................... 15

Fault Code 8C40, 8C50, 8C60: Warning of mode lamp (red) ............................................................................. 16
Fault Code 8C41, 8C51, 8C61: Warning of mode lamp (green) ........................................................................ 17
Fault Code 8C42, 8C52, 8C62: Warning of mode lamp (amber) ....................................................................... 18
Fault Code 8C43, 8C63: Warning of engine start line......................................................................................... 19
Fault Code 8C44, 8C64: Warning of radar power control line............................................................................. 21
Fault Code 8C45, 8C55, 8C65: Warning of headlight control line....................................................................... 22
Fault Code 8C47, 8C57, 8C67: Warning of horn control line ............................................................................. 24
Fault Code 8C49, 8C59, 8C69: Warning of rest req control line ........................................................................ 26
Fault Code 8C6B: Warning of auto apply brake control line .............................................................................. 28
Fault Code 8C4C, 8C5C, 8C6C: Warning of turn light (left) control line ............................................................. 29
Fault Code 8C4D, 8C5D, 8C6D: Warning of turn light (right) control line ........................................................... 31
Fault Code 8C4E, 8C5E, 8C6E: Brake lock relay line ........................................................................................ 32
Fault Code 8C4F, 8C6F: Warning of engine stop line ......................................................................................... 34
Fault Code 8C91 (C1:) Low accumulator pressure............................................................................................. 36
Fault Code 8C92 (E1:) Low brake pressure........................................................................................................ 36
Fault Code 8C93 (A2): Low hydraulic oil level ................................................................................................... 36
Fault Code 8C94 (E3): Stop engine .................................................................................................................... 36
Fault Code 8C95 (A5): No propel / retard ........................................................................................................... 37
Fault Code 8C98 (A6): No propel........................................................................................................................ 37
Fault Code 8C99 (A1): Brake oil temp. high ....................................................................................................... 37
Fault Code 8C9A (B6): Propel system at rest ..................................................................................................... 37
Fault Code 8C9C (C6): Propel system not ready ............................................................................................... 38
Fault Code 8C9D (D5): Interface module failure................................................................................................. 38
Fault Code 8C9E (E5): Battery charge system failure ........................................................................................ 38
Fault Code 8CA0 (B2): Low auto lube pressure ................................................................................................. 38
Fault Code 8CA1 (C2): Circuit breaker tripped ................................................................................................... 39
Fault Code 8CA2 (D2): Hydraulic oil filter ........................................................................................................... 39
Fault Code 8CA3 (E2): Low fuel ......................................................................................................................... 39
Fault Code 8CA5 (E4): Check engine................................................................................................................. 40
Fault Code 8CA6 (B5): Propel system caution ................................................................................................... 40
Fault Code 8CA7 (C5): Propel system temp....................................................................................................... 40
Fault Code 8CAA (D6): Reduced propel system ............................................................................................... 41
Fault Code 8CAB (E6): Retard at reduced level ................................................................................................ 41
Fault Code 8CAC: Engine signal caution............................................................................................................ 42
Fault Code 8D00: Detected by radar (right) ........................................................................................................ 44
Fault Code 8D30: Detected by radar (center) ..................................................................................................... 44
Fault Code 8D60: Detected by radar (left) .......................................................................................................... 45
Fault Code 8D90: Detected by radar (steer) ....................................................................................................... 45
Fault Code 8D01: No data from RBI (right)......................................................................................................... 46
Fault Code 8D31: No data from RBI (center)...................................................................................................... 48
Fault Code 8D61: No data from RBI (left) ........................................................................................................... 49
Fault Code 8D91: No data from RBI (steer)........................................................................................................ 50
Fault Code 8D03: Radar (right) no response ...................................................................................................... 52
Fault Code 8D33: Radar (center) no response ................................................................................................... 53
Fault Code 8D63: Radar (left) no response ........................................................................................................ 54
Fault Code 8D93: Radar (steer) no response ..................................................................................................... 55
Fault Code 8D06: RBI (right) not ready............................................................................................................... 56
Fault Code 8D36: RBI (center) not ready............................................................................................................ 57
Fault Code 8D66: RBI (left) not ready................................................................................................................. 58
Fault Code 8D96: RBI (steer) not ready.............................................................................................................. 59
Fault Code 8D07: Radar (right) is not scanning.................................................................................................. 60
Fault Code 8D37: Radar (center) is not scanning............................................................................................... 60
Fault Code 8D67: Radar (left) is not scanning .................................................................................................... 60

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D97: Radar (steer) is not scanning................................................................................................. 60

Fault Code 8D08: Radar (right) is not radiating .................................................................................................. 61
Fault Code 8D38: Radar (center) is not radiating ............................................................................................... 61
Fault Code 8D68: Radar (left) is not radiating .................................................................................................... 61
Fault Code 8D98: Radar (steer) is not radiating ................................................................................................. 61
Fault Code 8D09: Radar (right) detected communication error .......................................................................... 62
Fault Code 8D39: Radar (center) detected communication error ....................................................................... 62
Fault Code 8D69: Radar (left) detected communication error ............................................................................ 63
Fault Code 8D99: Radar (steer) detected communication error ......................................................................... 63
Fault Code 8D0A: Radar (right) is overheated.................................................................................................... 63
Fault Code 8D3A: Radar (center) is overheated................................................................................................. 64
Fault Code 8D6A: Radar (left) is overheated ...................................................................................................... 64
Fault Code 8D9A: Radar (steer) is overheated................................................................................................... 64
Fault Code 8D0B: Radar (right) detected voltage supply error ........................................................................... 64
Fault Code 8D3B: Radar (center) detected voltage supply error ........................................................................ 65
Fault Code 8D6B: Radar (left) detected voltage supply error ............................................................................. 65
Fault Code 8D9B: Radar (steer) detected voltage supply error .......................................................................... 65
Fault Code 8D0C: Radar (right) detected internal error...................................................................................... 65
Fault Code 8D3C: Radar (center) detected internal error................................................................................... 66
Fault Code 8D6C: Radar (left) detected internal error ........................................................................................ 66
Fault Code 8D9C: Radar (steer) detected internal error..................................................................................... 66
Fault Code 8D0D: Radar (right) detected range performance error ................................................................... 66
Fault Code 8D3D: Radar (center) detected range performance error ................................................................ 66
Fault Code 8D6D: Radar (left) detected range performance error ..................................................................... 67
Fault Code 8D9D: Radar (steer) detected range performance error .................................................................. 67
Fault Code 8D0E: Unknown radar (right) error ................................................................................................... 67
Fault Code 8D3E: Unknown radar (center) error ................................................................................................ 67
Fault Code 8D6E: Unknown radar (left) error ..................................................................................................... 67
Fault Code 8D9E: Unknown radar (steer) error .................................................................................................. 68
Fault Code 8E00: Steered radar motor unit potentiometer error......................................................................... 69
Fault Code 8E03: Steered radar motor line cut................................................................................................... 71
Fault Code 8E04: Steered radar motor line short ............................................................................................... 71
Fault Code 8E20: Drive Heartbeat cut ................................................................................................................ 72
Fault Code 8E21: No position data from drive via CAN-B .................................................................................. 73
Fault Code 8E22: Drive controller not working ................................................................................................... 75
Fault Code 8E24: Wrong truck type .................................................................................................................... 76
Fault Code 8E27: Drive CAN-A failure ............................................................................................................... 76
Fault Code 8E29: No Heartbeat from drive CAN-A ............................................................................................ 77
Fault Code 8E2D: Drive controller in wrong mode ............................................................................................. 78
Fault Code 8E3C: Brake indicator not working .................................................................................................. 78
Fault Code 8E2B: Wrong position install............................................................................................................. 79
Fault Code 8E2C: Identifier wiring cut ................................................................................................................ 79
Fault Code 8E36: No IFM data coming............................................................................................................... 80
Fault Code 8E37: IFM not ready......................................................................................................................... 82
Fault Code 8E3B: No Interface Module Broadcast Msg .................................................................................... 84
Fault Code 8E38: MBI is not working.................................................................................................................. 85
Fault Code 8E39: MBI not ready......................................................................................................................... 86
Fault Code 8F20: CGC Heartbeat stop............................................................................................................... 87
Fault Code 8F21: Hub Heartbeat stop ................................................................................................................ 87
Fault Code 8F22: CGC not ready ....................................................................................................................... 88
Fault Code 8F23: Hub not ready......................................................................................................................... 88
Fault Code 8F32: Mask buffer full ....................................................................................................................... 88
Fault Code 8522: Fire suppression system active .............................................................................................. 89
Fault Code 8523: Fire suppression system wiring problem ................................................................................ 89

930E-4AT 3
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Engine Control
Fault Code 8C01: Warning of engine stop circuit failure
Fault Code 8C01
Message Cannot stop engine
Description Parking brake is not ready for stopping engine.
Safety controller is trying to stop engine, but engine is still running.


Safety outputs Engine stop signal

Did Engine stop? N

Timer count up

Is Timer above N
OK 1min ?

Warning 8C01


Possible cause 1. Engine stop circuit malfunction

- Wiring number (23FAC, 52P13, 23F, 23FA) has failure.
- Fuse number FB1A-21 is blown.
- Relay number RB4A-K8 has malfunction.
- Wiring number 23FA has hot short.
- Safety controller connector (CN2-19) has failure.
2. Parking brake failure
Remedy Check wiring and connector.
To activate the engine stop function, try the following:
1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder then start ATMonitor.
2. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
3. Click “Enter Maintenance” button on main window to enter maintenance
4. Change Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position.
5. Click Stop (CN2-19 should be ON when clicking on Stop ).

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01


1. Click stop button to stop engine

Schematic Sheet 27, 40

930E-4AT 5
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Flight recorder
Fault Code 8C03: Flight recorder is not working
Fault code 8C03
Message Flight Recorder not working
Description MBI controller did not receive flight recorder heartbeat for more than five minutes.
Flight recorder did not receive data from MBI controller.


MBI received Flight Recorder Y


Timer count up

Is timer above 5min? N

Warning 8C03

Possible cause 1. MBI controller is not working.

2. RS232C cable between MBI controller and flight recorder failed.
3. Flight recorder is not working.
Remedy 1. Check if MBI controller is working.
2. Check RS232C cable (90RX, 90TX, 90GND).
3. Check flight recorder COM1 port.
4. Check MBI controller connector (CN2-4, CN2-14, CN2-34).
5. Check flight recorder heartbeat.
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01


6. If MBI controller and flight recorder counters are not updating, RS232C between
MBI controller and flight recorder, CAN-B between MBI controller and safety con-
troller communication have stopped.
Schematic Sheet 33, 39, 44

930E-4AT 7
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8C04: Check CF card in flight recorder

Fault code 8C04
Message Check CF Card in Flight Recorder
Description When flight recorder detects CF card failure, safety controller sends this fault code.
Possible cause 1. CF card is not in flight recorder.
2. CF card does not have enough free disk space.
3. CF card has some failure, such as a formatting error.
Remedy 1. Check if CF card is in flight recorder.
2. Check if CF card is inserted correctly in PC card slot of flight recorder.
3. Insert CF card into PC and check if data on CF card can be read from a PC.
4. IBack up data on CF card to the PC and format CF card by FAT32.
5. If problem is not fixed, use a different CF card.

Fault Code 8C05: Wrong Flight Recorder circuit

Fault code 8C05
Message Wrong Flight Recorder circuit
Description Flight recorder power control circuit is not working properly.
Possible cause Circuit failure
• Wiring 54FR1, 55FR1, 55RF2 disconnected
• Wiring 11 (power line) disconnected
• Fuse(FB2A-13) burn out
• Diode (AD25,AD45,AD50) failure
• Relay (RB6A-K6, RB5A-K4) malfunction
Remedy 1. Input voltage check
• Turn keyswitch ON.
• Check if the voltage of TB58-T and TB56-T is 24V.
• Check fuse FB2A-13.
2. Check wiring continuity
• Turn keyswitch OFF.
• Check wiring continuity of 54FR1, 55FR1, 55FR3 and 55RF2.
• Check diode AD50 and AD25.
Schematic --

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Safety controller system

Fault Code 8C06: NVRAM check sum error
Fault code 8C06
Message NVRAM check sum error
Description Sum check error of stored data in NVRAM
Possible cause 1. Safety controller calibration is not completed.
2. Safety controller NVRAM is broken.
Remedy 1. Perform all safety controller calibration.
2. If same fault occurs after calibration, replace safety controller.

Fault Code 8C0A: NVRAM data cleared

Fault code 8C0A
Message NVRAM data cleared
Description All safety controller parameters stored in NVRAM were cleared.
Possible cause Safety controller NVRAM is broken.
Remedy 1. Perform all safety controller calibration.
2. If same fault occurs after calibration, replace safety controller.

930E-4AT 9
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Auto/manual key
Fault Code 8C11: Auto/manual key switch is short
Fault code 8C11
Message Auto/Manual key switch is short
Description Auto/Manual key switch (72MAN) has short to ground while in manual mode.
Possible cause Wiring number (72MAN) has short circuit to ground.
Remedy 1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Select Input , then check Auto/Manual key switch signal input.

1. AUTO position 2. MANUAL position

Correct status of Auto/Manual key switch

Condition Wiring Value
Auto/Manual key switch in AUTO 72AT ON (Ground)
position 72MAN OFF (Open)
Auto/Manual key switch in 72AT OFF (Open)
MANUAL position 72MAN ON (Ground)

3. Check the wiring number (72MAN), connector(CN2-3), and Auto/Manual key

Schematic Sheet 34, 41

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8C12: Auto/manual key switch is cut

Fault code 8C12
Message Auto/Manual key switch is cut
Description Auto/Manual key (72AT) is disconnected in manual mode.
Possible cause 1. Connector CN2-13 is loose.
2. Wiring number (72AT) is disconnected.
3. Auto/Manual key is broken.
Remedy 1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Select Input then check Auto/Manual key switch signal input.

1. AUTO position 2. MANUAL position

Correct status of Auto/Manual key switch

Condition Wiring Value
Auto/Manual key switch in AUTO 72AT ON (Ground)
position 72MAN OFF (Open)
Auto/Manual key switch in 72AT OFF (Open)
MANUAL position 72MAN ON (Ground)

3. Check the wiring number (72AT), connector (CN2-13), and Auto/Manual key
Schematic Sheet 34, 41

930E-4AT 11
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Controller power line

Fault Code 8C13: Low voltage of unswitched power
Fault code 8C13
Message Low voltage of unswitched power
Description Unswitched power voltage (52P22) is lower than 18V.
Possible cause 1. Low battery voltage
2. Wiring problem
• Wiring number (52P22 or 11S) is disconnected.
• Fuse number FB2A-10 is blown.
• Connectors CN3-01 and C3-11 are loose.
Remedy 1. Check voltage at TB56-W (52P22).
2. Check wiring and connector.
Schematic Sheet 39

Fault Code 8C14: Low voltage of switched power

Fault code 8C14
Message Low voltage of switched power
Description Switched power voltage (52P16D) is lower than 18V.
Possible cause 1. Low battery voltage
2. Wiring problem
• Wiring number (52P16D) is disconnected.
• Fuse number FB1A-24 is blown.
• Connectors CN3-14 and CN3-24 are loose.
Remedy 1. Check voltage at TB56-N (52P16D).
2. Check wiring and connector.
Schematic Sheet 39

Fault Code 8C15: Low voltage of sol power

Fault code 8C15
Message Low voltage of Sol power
Description Solenoid power voltage (52P17) is lower than 18V.
Possible cause 1. Low battery voltage
2. Wiring problem
• Wiring number (52P17) is disconnected.
• Fuse number FB1A-17 is blown.
• Connectors CN3-02, CN3-12, and CN3-22 are loose.
Remedy 1. Check voltage at TB56-P (52P17).
2. Check wiring and connector.
Schematic Sheet 39

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Drive controller system

Fault Code 8C1B: Course out wrong position
Fault code 8C1B
Message Course out wrong position
Description Difference between AHT position and target position became large in auto mode.
Possible cause Drive controller software failure
Brake does not work propely
Remedy Change to manual mode. Check brake system.
If brake is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

Fault Code 8C1C: Truck is moving

Fault code 8C1C
Message Truck is moving
Description Truck is moving when it must be stationary.
Possible cause Drive controller software failure
Brake does not work propely
Remedy Change to manual mode. Check brake system.
If brake is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

Fault Code 8C1D: Truck moves in wrong direction

Fault code 8C1D
Message Truck moves in wrong direction
Description Truck is moving in opposite direction of target.
Possible cause Drive controller software failure
Propel system does not work propely
Remedy Change to manual mode. Check propel system.
If brake is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

Fault Code 8C1E: Truck does not stop at the end point
Fault code 8C1E
Message Truck does not stop at the end point
Description Truck does not stop at the end point.
Possible cause Drive controller software failure
Brake does not work propely
Remedy Change to manual mode. Check brake system.
If brake is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

930E-4AT 13
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8C1F: Emergency stop immediately (Safe)

Fault code 8C1F
Message Emergency stop immediately (Safe)
Description Drive controller does not response to emergency stop command from supervisory
system. Safety controller activates auto apply brake instead of drive controller.
Possible cause Wiring 44LA disconnection
Drive controller software failure
Remedy Change to manual mode. Check wiring 44LA.
If wiring is OK but same error happens again, replace drive controller.

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

ODS software
Fault Code 8C31: RBI CAN ID error
Fault code 8C31
Message RBI CAN ID error
Description RBI has wrong CAN-ID (CAN-B) setting.
Possible cause Wrong RBI identifier setting
Remedy 1. Check if each RBI identifier setting is correct. Refer to the following table.
There are three identifier pins (CN1-23, CN1-17, CN1-11) on RBI.
2. Turn the engine start switch OFF and ON to restart RBIs.
3. Perform CAN communication checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
4. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”

Correct identifier settings

RB11 (right) RB12 (center) RB13 (left) RB14 (steer)

Schematic Sheet 42, 43

930E-4AT 15
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Output wiring
Fault Code 8C40, 8C50, 8C60: Warning of mode lamp (red)
Fault code 8C40
Message Red Flash Light Control line cut
Description Red mode lamp control line (43RA, ground) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN3-06 is loose.
• Wiring number 43RA or ground is disconnected.
• Relay number RB4A-K5 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to red mode lamp.
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C50

Message Red Flash Light Control line short
Description Ground short of red mode lamp control line (43RA)
Possible cause Wiring number (43RA) has short to ground.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position.
2. Check if red lamp is flashing. (If it is not flashing when Auto/Manual key is in
AUTO position, wiring number (43RA) has a problem.)
3. Check the wiring number (43RA).
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C60

Message Red Flash Light Control line hot short
Description Hot short of red mode lamp control line (43RA)
Possible cause Wiring number (43RA) has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Ensure Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL position.
2. Check if red light is flashing. (If it is flashing when Auto/Manual key switch is in
MANUAL position, wiring number (43RA) has short circuit to 24V.)
3. Check the wiring number (43RA).
Schematic Sheet 40

Expected behavior of red mode lamp

Auto/Manual key Output of safety Voltage of 43RA
Mode lamp (red)
switch controller (CN3-6)
AUTO position ON 24V Light on
MANUAL position OFF ground (open) Light off

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8C41, 8C51, 8C61: Warning of mode lamp (green)

Fault code 8C41
Message Green Flash Light Control line cut
Description Green mode lamp control line (43GA, ground) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN3-28 is loose.
• Wiring number (43GA or ground) is disconnected.
• Relay number RB4A-K3 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to green mode lamp.
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C51

Message Green Flash Light Control line short
Description Ground short of green mode lamp control line (43GA)
Possible cause Wiring number (43GA) has short to ground.
Remedy 1. Ensure Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL position.
2. Check if green lamp is flashing. If it is not flashing when Auto/Manual key
switch is in MANUAL position, wiring has problem.
3. Check the wiring number (43GA).
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C61

Message Green Flash Light Control line hot short
Description Hot short of green mode lamp control line (43GA)
Possible cause Wiring number (43GA) has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Disconnect CN3 connector.
2. Check if green lamp is flashing. (If it is flashing when CN3 is disconnected,
wire number 43GA has short circuit to 24V.)
3. Check the wiring number (43GA).
Schematic Sheet 40

Expected behavior of green mode lamp

Auto/Manual key Output of safety Voltage of 43GA
Mode lamp (green)
switch controller (CN3-28)
AUTO position ON 24V Light on
MANUAL position ON 24V Light on

NOTE: Green mode lamp is always ON.

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CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8C42, 8C52, 8C62: Warning of mode lamp (amber)

Fault code 8C42
Message Amber Flash Light Control line cut
Description Amber mode lamp control line (43YA, ground) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN3-38 is loose.
• Wiring number (43YA or ground) is disconnected.
• Relay number RB4A-K4 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to amber mode lamp.
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C52

Message Amber Flash Light Control line short
Description Ground short of amber mode lamp control line (43YA)
Possible cause Wiring 43YA has short to ground.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position.
2. Check if amber lamp is flashing. If it is not flashing when Auto/Manual key switch
is in AUTO position, wiring has problem.
3. Check the wiring number (43YA).
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C62

Message Amber Flash Light Control line hot short
Description Hot short of amber mode lamp control line (43YA)
Possible cause Wiring number 43YA has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Ensure Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL position.
2. Check if amber lamp is flashing. (If it is flashing when Auto/Manual key switch is
in MANUAL position, wire number 43YA has short circuit to 24V.)
3. Check the wiring number (43YA).
Schematic Sheet 40

Expected behavior of amber mode lamp

Auto/Manual key Output of safety Voltage of 43YA
Mode lamp (amber)
switch controller (CN3-38)
AUTO position ON 24V Light on
MANUAL position OFF ground (open) Light off

18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8C43, 8C63: Warning of engine start line

Fault code 8C43
Message Engine start line cut
Description Engine start line (21AT, 52P13) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN3-37 is loose.
• Wiring number 21AT is disconnected.
• Relay number RB1A-K5 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to engine start circuit.
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C63

Message Engine start line hot short
Description Hot short of engine stop line (21AT)
Possible cause Wiring 21AT has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Disconnect CN3 and RB1A-K5.
2. Check wiring number 21AT.
Schematic Sheet 40

Expected behavior of engine start circuit

Output of safety controller Voltage of 21AT (CN3-37) Engine
ON Ground Start
OFF Open -

NOTE: Safety controller can start engine only when Auto/Manual key switch is in AUTO position.

930E-4AT 19
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

How to start the engine by using the laptop

1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder. Then start ATMonitor.
2. Change Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position.
3. Select Engine Control .
4. Click “Enter Maintenance” button on main window to enter maintenance mode.
5. Click START (CN2-9 should be ON when clicking on START ).

1. Click start button to start the engine

20 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8C44, 8C64: Warning of radar power control line

Fault code 8C44
Message Radar power line cut
Description Radar power relay line (71RDR, 52P10) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN2-18 is loose.
• Wiring number (71RDR or 52P10) is disconnected.
• Relay number RB4A-K2 has failure.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Check continuity of wiring numbers (71RDR, 52P10) and relay number
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

Fault code 8C64

Message Radar power line hot short
Description Hot short of 71RDR between safety controller and radar power relay
Possible cause Wiring number 71RDR has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Check the voltage of wiring number 71RDR. It should be 0V when CN2-18 is con-
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

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CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8C45, 8C55, 8C65: Warning of headlight control line

Fault code 8C45
Message Headlight Control line cut
Description Headlight control line (41LA, ground) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN3-16 is disconnected.
• Wiring number (41LA or ground) is disconnected.
• Relay number RB3A-K4 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to headlight.
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C55

Message Headlight Control line short
Description Ground short of headlight control line (41LA)
Possible cause Wiring number (41LA) has short to ground.
Remedy 1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Make sure headlight switch is OFF and Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL
3. Select Output , then click ON of headlight (CN3-16).
4. If headlight does not flash, wiring has problem.

1. Headlight control button

Schematic Sheet 40

22 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault code 8C65

Message Headlight Control line hot short
Description Hot short of headlight control line (41LA)
Possible cause Wiring number 41LA has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Make sure headlight switch is OFF and Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL
2. If headlight is flashing with switch off, 41LA has short circuit to 24V.
3. Check the wiring number (41LA).
Schematic Sheet 40

Expected behavior of headlight

Output of safety controller Voltage of 41LA(CN3-16) Headlight
ON 24V Light on
OFF ground (open) Light off

930E-4AT 23
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8C47, 8C57, 8C67: Warning of horn control line

Fault code 8C47
Message Horn Control line cut
Description Horn control line (11HA, 52P13) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN3-26 is loose.
• Wiring number(11HA or ground) is disconnected.
• Relay number RB4A-K7 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to horn.
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C57

Message Horn Control line short
Description Ground short of horn control line (11HA)
Possible cause Wiring number 11HA has short to ground.
Remedy 1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Make sure Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL position.
3. Select Output then click ON of Horn (CN3-26).
4. If horn is not beeping, wiring has problem.

1. Horn control button

Schematic Sheet 40

24 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault code 8C67

Message Horn Control line hot short
Description Hot short of horn control line (11HA)
Possible cause Wiring number (11HA) has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. If horn keeps beeping, 11HA has short to 24V.
2. Check the wiring number (11HA).
Schematic Sheet 40

Expected behavior of horn

Output of safety controller Voltage of 11HA(CN3-26) Horn
OFF ground (open) OFF

930E-4AT 25
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8C49, 8C59, 8C69: Warning of rest req control line
Fault code 8C49
Message Rest req line cut
Description Rest request control line (72RQA) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN3-7 is loose.
• Wiring number (72RQA) is disconnected.
• Relay number RB3A-K5 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to rest request.
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C59

Message Rest req line short
Description Ground short of rest request control line (72RQA)
Possible cause Wiring number 72RQA has short to ground.
Remedy 1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Make sure Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL position.
3. Select Output , then click ON of Rest Request (CN3-7).
4. If GE system does not go to rest mode, wiring has problem.

1. Rest request control button

Schematic Sheet 40

26 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault code 8C69

Message Rest req line hot short
Description Hot short of rest request control line (72RQA)
Possible cause Wiring number (72RQA) has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Disconnect CN3.
2. Check the voltage of 72RQA. If the voltage is 24V, 72RQA has short to 24V.
Schematic Sheet 40

Expected behavior of rest request

Output of safety controller Voltage of 72RQA(CN3-7) Rest req

930E-4AT 27
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8C6B: Warning of auto apply brake control line

Fault code 8C6B
Message Auto Apply Brake line hot short
Description Auto Apply Brake control line has short to 24V.
NOTE: Safety controller outputs 24V (ON) during operation except when system
checks Auto Apply before starting autonomous running.
Possible cause Wiring number (72AA) has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select Output .
4. Click “Enter Maintenance” button on main window to enter maintenance
5. Click the “Apply” box of AutoApplyBrake so that safety controller outputs OFF.
6. Check the voltage of wiring number (72AA). When safety controller does not out-
put ON to AutoApplyBrake, the voltage of 72AA must be 0V.

1. Click here to change ON/OFF

Apply: Output is OFF
Release: Output is ON

7. Perform Safety Auto Apply Brake checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 35, 40

28 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8C4C, 8C5C, 8C6C: Warning of turn light (left) control line
Fault code 8C4C
Message Turn Left control line cut
Description Turn light (left) control line (45LA, ground) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN3-27 is loose.
• Wiring number (45LA or ground) is disconnected.
• Relay number RB4A-K6 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to turn light (left).
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C5C

Message Turn Left control line short
Description Ground short of turn light (left) control line (45LA)
Possible cause Wiring number 45LA has short to ground.
Remedy 1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Make sure Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL position.
3. Select Output , then click ON of Left Turn (CN3-27).
4. If left turn is not flashing, wiring has problem.

1. Left turn control button

Schematic Sheet 40

930E-4AT 29
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault code 8C6C

Message Turn Left line hot short
Description Hot short of turn light (left) control line (45LA)
Possible cause Wiring number 45LA has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Make sure turn light (left) switch is OFF.
2. Check if turn light (left) is flashing. If it is flashing, 45LA has short circuit to 24V.
3. Check wiring number (45LA).
Schematic Sheet 40

Expected behavior of turn left light

Output of safety controller Voltage of 45LA(CN3-27) Turn left light

30 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8C4D, 8C5D, 8C6D: Warning of turn light (right) control line
Fault code 8C4D
Message Turn Right control line cut
Description Turn light (right) control line (45RA, ground) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN3-17 is loose.
• Wiring number (45RA or ground) is disconnected.
• Relay number RB4A-K1 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to turn light (right).
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C5D

Message Turn Right control line short
Description Ground short of turn light (right) control line (45RA)
Possible cause Wiring number (45RA) has short to ground.
Remedy 1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Make sure Auto/Manual key switch is in MANUAL position.
3. Select Output , then press ON of Right Turn (CN3-17).
4. If right turn is not flashing, wiring has problem.

1. Right turn control button

Schematic Sheet 40

930E-4AT 31
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault code 8C6D

Message Turn Right line hot short
Description Hot short of Turn light (right) control line (45RA)
Possible cause Wiring number 45RA has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Make sure turn light (right) switch is OFF.
2. Check if turn light (right) is flashing. If it is flashing, 45RA has short circuit to 24V.
3. Check the wiring number (45RA).
Schematic Sheet 40

Expected behavior of turn left light

Output of safety controller Voltage of 45RA (CN3-17) Turn right light

Fault Code 8C4E, 8C5E, 8C6E: Brake lock relay line

Fault code 8C4E
Message Brake lock relay line cut
Description Brake lock line (52BLA) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN2-9 is loose.
• Wiring number 52BLA is dis connected.
• Relay number RB2A-K5 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to brake lock.
Schematic Sheet 35, 40

Fault code 8C5E

Message Brake lock relay line short
Description Ground short of brake lock line (52BLA).
Possible cause Wiring number 52BLA has short to ground.
Remedy Check brake lock (CN2-9) indicator.
Schematic Sheet 35, 40

Fault code 8C6E

Message Brake lock relay line hot short
Description Hot short of brake lock line (52BLA).
Possible cause Wiring number (52BLA) has short to 24V power line.
Remedy Check brake lock (CN2-9) indicator.
Schematic Sheet 35, 40

32 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

How to check the brake lock indicator by using the laptop

1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder then start ATMonitor.
2. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
3. Select Output .
4. Check Brake lock (CN2-9) indicator by clicking ON/OFF..

1. Click ON/OFF button to check brake lock indicator

930E-4AT 33
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8C4F, 8C6F: Warning of engine stop line

Fault code 8C4F
Message Engine stop line cut
Description Engine stop line (23FAC, 52P13) is disconnected.
Possible cause Wiring problem
• Connector CN2-19 is loose.
• Wiring number (24FAC or 52P13) is disconnected.
• Relay number RB4A-K8 has malfunction.
Remedy Check the continuity of wiring related to engine stop circuit.
Schematic Sheet 40

Fault code 8C6F

Message Engine stop line hot short
Description Hot short of engine stop line (23FAC)
Possible cause Wiring number 23FAC has short to 24V power line.
Remedy 1. Disconnect CN2 and RB4A-K8.
2. Check wiring number (23FAC).
Schematic Sheet 40

Expected behavior of engine stop circuit

Output of safety controller Voltage of 23FAC (CN2-19) Engine
ON Ground Stop
OFF Open -

NOTE: Safety controller can stop engine only when Auto/Manual key switch is in AUTO position.

34 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

How to stop the engine by using the laptop

1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder then start ATMonitor.
2. Change Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position.
3. Select Engine Control .
4. Click “Enter Maintenance” button on main window to enter maintenance mode.
5. Click START (CN2-19 should be ON when clicking on START ).

1. Click stop button to stop the engine

930E-4AT 35
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Caution Indicator
Fault Code 8C91 (C1:) Low accumulator pressure
Fault code 8C91
Message (C1) Low Accumulator Pressure
Description The nitrogen pre-charge within the accumulator is below 77 +/- 3 kg/cm2 (1100 +/- 45
psi (in manual mode).
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8C92 (E1:) Low brake pressure

Fault code 8C92
Message (E1) Low Brake Pressure
Description A malfunction is detected within the hydraulic brake circuit (in manual mode).
Possible cause
RemedyRemedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8C93 (A2): Low hydraulic oil level

Fault code 8C93
Message (A2) Low Hydraulic Tank Level
Description Oil level in the hydraulic tank is below recommended level (in manual mode).
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8C94 (E3): Stop engine

Fault code 8C94
Message (E3) Stop Engine
Description A serious engine malfunction is detected in the engine control system (in manual
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

36 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8C95 (A5): No propel / retard

Fault code 8C95
Message (A5) No Propel / Retard
Description Retarding and propulsion capability is eliminated (in manual mode).
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8C98 (A6): No propel

Fault code 8C98
Message (A6) No Propel
Description Propulsion capability is eliminated (in manual mode).
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8C99 (A1): Brake oil temp. high

Fault code 8C99
Message (A1) Brake Oil Temp. High
Description Brake oil temperature is high (in manual mode).
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8C9A (B6): Propel system at rest

Fault code 8C9A
Message (B6) Propel System at rest
Description Rest switch is turned ON and the AC drive system is de-energized (in manual mode).
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

930E-4AT 37
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8C9C (C6): Propel system not ready

Fault code 8C9C
Message (C6) Propel System Not Ready
Description System is in the process of performing the self-diagnosis and setup functions at start-
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8C9D (D5): Interface module failure

Fault code 8C9D
Message (D5)Interface Module Warning
Description VHMS system detected a failure (in manual mode).
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8C9E (E5): Battery charge system failure

Fault code 8C9E
Message (E5) Battery Charge System Failure
Description Charging system has a problem and system voltage is at or below 24V (in manual
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8CA0 (B2): Low auto lube pressure

Fault code 8CA0
Message (B2) Low Auto Lube Pressure
Description Automatic lubrication system fails to reach 13,790 kPa (2,000 psi) within one minute
after lube timer initiates a grease cycle.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

38 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8CA1 (C2): Circuit breaker tripped

Fault code 8CA1
Message (C2) Circuit Breaker Tripped
Description A circuit breaker in the relay circuit control boards is tripped.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8CA2 (D2): Hydraulic oil filter

Fault code 8CA2
Message (D2) Hydraulic Oil Filter
Description There is a restriction in the high pressure filter assembly for either the steering or
hoist circuit.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8CA3 (E2): Low fuel

Fault code 8CA3
Message (E2) Low Fuel
Description Remaining fuel is approximately 95 L (25 gal).
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

930E-4AT 39
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8CA5 (E4): Check engine

Fault code 8CA5
Message (E4) Check Engine
Description The engine electronic control system detected a malfunction.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8CA6 (B5): Propel system caution

Fault code 8CA6
Message (B5) Propel System Caution
Description “No Propel” or “No Retard” event is about to occur.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8CA7 (C5): Propel system temp

Fault code 8CA7
Message (C5) Propel System Temp
Description The drive system temperature is above a certain level.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

40 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8CAA (D6): Reduced propel system

Fault code 8CAA
Message (D6) Reduced Propel System
Description AC drive system performance in propulsion is not available.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

Fault Code 8CAB (E6): Retard at reduced level

Fault code 8CAB
Message (E6) Retard at Reduced Level
Description Retarding effort is at a reduced level.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.
Schematic Sheet 41

930E-4AT 41
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Input wiring
Fault Code 8CAC: Engine signal caution
Fault code 8CAC
Message Engine Signal Caution
Description While engine is stopping:

Case Running Engine speed Judgment

no. signal data from IFM Description Threshold
less than
1 ON Warning (8CAC) 10 seconds
500 rpm
more than
2 ON Engine start 5 seconds
500 rpm
less than Engine is still
3 OFF -
500 rpm stopping
more than
4 OFF Warning (8CAC) 10 seconds
500 rpm

While engine is running:

Case Running Engine speed Judgment

no. signal data from IFM Description Threshold
Error (4CAC) in
less than autonomous mode
5 ON 10 seconds
50 rpm Warning (8CAC) in
manual mode
more than Engine is still
6 ON -
50 rpm running
less than
7 OFF Engine stop 5 seconds
50 rpm
Error (4CAC) in
more than autonomous mode
8 OFF 10 seconds
50 rpm Warning (8CAC) in
manual mode

Running signal: Engine running signal input to CN2-02 (36AT).

Engine speed data from IFM: Engine speed data from interface module via monitor bus.
Possible 1. Interface module failed.
cause • Connector (IM1-j, IM1-k) is disconnected.
• CAN wiring number (939YA, 939GA) has failed.
• Engine has malfunction.
2. MBI controller failed.
• Connector (CN2-23, CN2-33) is disconnected.
• CAN wiring number (939YA, 939GA) has failed.
3. Engine running signal has failure (false detection).
• Wiring number 36AT is disconnected.
• Contact CN2-02 is loose.
• Relay number RB1A-K8 has failed.

42 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Remedy How to check engine running signal

If engine is running, “Engine Running Signal (CN2-2)” is ON. Otherwise it is OFF.
1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
2. Select Engine Control .
3. Check CN2-02 Engine Running Signal. When engine is running, it must be ON.

• If running signal is correct and no interface module data is coming (8E36) or interface
module not ready (8E37) warning occurred at the same time, this is an interface module
failure or CAN communication failure. Check the interface module, CAN wiring numbers
(939YA, 939GA, 939YB, 939GB), and MBI controller connector (CN2-22, CN2-23, CN2-
32, CN2-33).
• If running signal is not correct, this is running signal failure. Check connector (CN2-2) of
safety controller wiring number (36AT) and RB1A-KB.
Schematic Sheet 30, 44, 45

930E-4AT 43
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Radar Detection
Fault Code 8D00: Detected by radar (right)
Fault code 8D00
Message Detected by Radar (Right)
Description Right radar detected object.
• Usually truck will stop immediately by radar detection error after this warning.
• Sometimes this is a false alarm. The cause of this warning is ground clutter or an
Possible cause 1. Detected objects in the path
• Obstacles (other machines, rocks, people, etc.)
• Ground clutter (road roughness, stones, windrow, etc.)
2. Detected objects out of the path
• Position measurement accuracy degraded
Remedy 1. If there is an obstacle in the path, remove obstacle.
2. If road condition is unsuitable, perform road maintenance.
NOTE: If radar repeats obstacle detection without any obstacle on the road, it may be
caused by faulty radar calibration. In this case, calibrate the radar again.

Fault Code 8D30: Detected by radar (center)

Fault code 8D30
Message Detected by Radar (Center)
Description Center radar detected object.
• Usually truck will stop immediately by radar detection error after this warning.
• Sometimes this is a false alarm. The cause of this warning is ground clutter or
an object.
Possible cause 1. Detected objects in the path
• Obstacles (other machines, rocks, people, etc.)
• Ground clutter (road roughness, stones, windrow, etc.)
2. Detected objects out of the path
• Position measurement accuracy degraded
Remedy 1. If there is an obstacle in the path, remove obstacle.
2. If road condition is unsuitable, perform road maintenance.
NOTE: If radar repeats obstacle detection without any obstacle on the road, it may be
caused by faulty radar calibration. In this case, calibrate the radar again.

44 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D60: Detected by radar (left)

Fault code 8D60
Message Detected by Radar (Left)
Description Left radar detected object.
• Usually truck will stop immediately by radar detection error after this warning.
• Sometimes this is false a alarm. The cause of this warning is ground clutter or an
Possible cause 1. Detected objects in the path
• Obstacles (other machines, rocks, people, etc.)
• Ground clutter (road roughness, stones, windrow, etc.).
2. Detected objects out of the path
• Position measurement accuracy degraded
Remedy 1. If there is an obstacle in the path, remove obstacle.
2. If road condition is unsuitable, perform road maintenance.
NOTE: If radar repeats obstacle detection without any obstacle on the road, it may be
caused by faulty radar calibration. In this case, calibrate the radar again.

Fault Code 8D90: Detected by radar (steer)

Fault code 8D90
Message Detected by Radar (Steer)
Description Steer radar detected object.
• Usually truck will stop immediately by radar detection error after this warning.
• Sometimes this is a false alarm. The cause of this warning is ground clutter or an
Possible cause 1. Detected objects in the path
• Obstacles (other machines, rocks, people, etc.)
• Ground clutter (road roughness, stones, windrow, etc.)
2. Detected objects out of the path
• Position measurement accuracy degraded.
Remedy 1. If there is an obstacle in the path, remove obstacle.
2. If road condition is unsuitable, perform road maintenance.
NOTE: If radar repeats obstacle detection without any obstacle on the road, it may be
caused by faulty radar calibration. In this case, calibrate the radar again.

930E-4AT 45
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Obstacle detection system (ODS)

Fault Code 8D01: No data from RBI (right)
Fault code 8D01
Message No Data from RBI (Right)
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI1 (right) for more than 250 ms in
manual mode.
NOTE: RBI1 sends a message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI1 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI1 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI1 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI1 counter is updating. If it is updating, communication is

46 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Remedy 5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R1) and connector (CN3-1,CN3-11) of RBI1.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI1.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

930E-4AT 47
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8D31: No data from RBI (center)

Fault code 8D31
Message No Data from RBI (Center)
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI2 (center) for more than 250 ms in
manual mode.
NOTE: RBI2 sends a message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI2 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI2 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI2 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window comes up.
4. Check if RBI2 counter is updating. If it is updating, communication is

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R2) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI2.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI2.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and CAN
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

48 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D61: No data from RBI (left)

Fault code 8D61
Message No Data from RBI (Left)
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI3 (left) for more than 250 ms in
manual mode.
NOTE: RBI3 sends a message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI3 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI3 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI3 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI3 counter is updating. If it is updating, communication is

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R3) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI3.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI3.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

930E-4AT 49
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8D91: No data from RBI (steer)

Fault code 8D91
Message No Data from RBI (Steer)
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI4 (steer) for more than 250 ms
in manual mode.
NOTE: RBI4 sends a message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI4 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI4 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI4 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI4 counter is updating. If it is updating, communication is

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R4) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI4.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector(CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI4.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

50 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D03: Radar (right) no response

Fault code 8D03
Message Radar (Right) No Response
Description No communication between RBI1 and radar (right) in manual mode
Possible cause 1. Communication failure between RBI1 and radar (right)
• CAN-A line between RBI1 and radar (right) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (right) power failed.
- Wiring number (12VRDR/0RDR) at radar (right) is disconnected.
- Radar (right) connector is loose.
• Radar (right) has hardware problem.
2. ODS power failed.
• Relay number RB4A-K2 failed.
• Wiring number (71RDR, 71RDP) is disconnected.
• Power unit has hardware problem.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select ODS , then ODS window comes up.
4. Check if CH0 (Right) “Scan Index” counter is updating. If it is updating, communi-
cation is recovered.

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (right).
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR1, 939YR1) and connector of radar (right)
and RBI1 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
Schematic Sheet 42

930E-4AT 51
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8D33: Radar (center) no response

Fault code 8D33
Message Radar (Center) No Response
Description No communication between RBI2 and radar (center) in manual mode
Possible cause 1. Communication failure between RBI2 and radar (center)
• CAN-A line between RBI2 and radar (center) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (center) power failed.
- Wiring number (12VRDR/0RDR) at radar (center) is disconnected.
- Radar (center) connector is loose.
• Radar (center) has hardware problem.
2. ODS power failed.
• Relay number RB4A-K2 failed.
• Wiring number (71RDR, 71RDP) is disconnected.
• Power unit has hardware problem.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select ODS , then ODS window comes up.
4. Check if CH1 (Center) “Scan Index” counter is updating. If it is updating, commu-
nication is recovered.

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (center).
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR2, 939YR2) and connector of radar (center)
and RBI2 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
Schematic Sheet 42

52 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D63: Radar (left) no response

Fault code 8D63
Message Radar (Left) No Response
Description No communication between RBI3 and radar (left) in manual mode
Possible cause 1. Communication failure between RBI3 and radar (left)
• CAN-A line between RBI3 and radar (left) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (left) power failed.
- Wiring number (12VRDR/0RDR) at radar (left) is disconnected.
- Radar (left) connector is loose.
• Radar (left) has hardware problem.
2. ODS power failed.
• Relay number RB4A-K2 failed.
• Wiring number (71RDR, 71RDP) is disconnected.
• Power unit has hardware problem.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select ODS , then ODS window comes up.
4. Check if CH2 (Left) “Scan Index” counter is updating. If it is updating, communi-
cation is recovered.

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (left).
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR3, 939YR3) and connector of radar (left)
and RBI3 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
Schematic Sheet 42

930E-4AT 53
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8D93: Radar (steer) no response

Fault code 8D93
Message Radar (Steer) No Response
Description No communication between RBI4 and radar (steer) in manual mode
Possible cause 1. Communication failure between RBI4 and radar (steer)
• CAN-A line between RBI4 and radar (steer) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (steer) power failed.
- Wiring number (12VRDR/0RDR) at radar (steer) is disconnected.
- Radar (steer) connector is loose.
• Radar (steer) has hardware problem.
2. ODS power failed.
• Relay number RB4A-K2 failed.
• Wiring number (71RDR, 71RDP) is disconnected.
• Power unit has hardware problem.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select ODS , then ODS window comes up.
4. Check if CH3 (steer) “Scan Index” counter is updating. If it is updating, communi-
cation is recovered.

5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (steer).
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR4, 939YR4) and connector of radar (steer)
and RBI4 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
Schematic Sheet 42

54 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D06: RBI (right) not ready

Fault code 8D06
Message RBI (Right) Not Ready
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI1 (right), after power is turned
ON in manual mode.
NOTE: RBI1 sends a message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI1 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI1 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI1 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI1 counter is updating. If it is updating, communication is

Remedy 5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R1) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI1.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI1.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

930E-4AT 55
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8D36: RBI (center) not ready

Fault code 8D36
Message RBI (Center) Not Ready
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI2 (center), after power is turned
ON in manual mode.
NOTE: RBI2 sends a message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI2 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI2 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI2 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI2 counter is updating. If it is updating, communication is

Remedy 5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R2) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI2.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI2.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

56 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D66: RBI (left) not ready

Fault code 8D66
Message RBI (Left) Not Ready
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI3 (left), after power is turned ON
in manual mode.
NOTE: RBI3 sends a message to safety controller every 100 ms
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI3 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI3 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI3 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI3 counter is updating. If it is updating, communication is recovered.

Remedy 5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R3) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI3.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI3.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

930E-4AT 57
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8D96: RBI (steer) not ready

Fault code 8D96
Message RBI (Steer) Not Ready
Description Safety controller could not receive message from RBI4 (steer), after power is turned
ON in manual mode.
NOTE: RBI4 sends a message to safety controller every 100 ms.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI4 and safety controller
• CAN-B line between RBI4 and safety controller failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• RBI4 power failed.
- Wiring is disconnected.
- Connector is loose.
Remedy 1. Change Auto/Manual key switch to MANUAL position.
2. Connect PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
3. Select CAN Communication Monitor , then CAN Communication window
comes up.
4. Check if RBI4 counter is updating. If it is updating, communication is recovered.

Remedy 5. Check the wiring related to the part.

• Check power cable (35R4) and connector (CN3-1, CN3-11) of RBI4.
• Check key signal cable (13A) and connector (CN3-14, CN3-24) of RBI4.
• Check ground cable and connector (CN3-31, CN3-32, CN3-33).
• Check CAN-B cable (939GB, 939YB) and connector (CN2-22, CN2-32) and
CAN terminator.
6. Perform ODS checkout, following “Check Out Manual.”
Schematic Sheet 42, 43

58 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D07: Radar (right) is not scanning

Fault code 8D07
Message Radar (Right) is not scanning
Description The antenna scan of radar (right) is not operational in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D37: Radar (center) is not scanning

Fault code 8D37
Message Radar (Center) is not scanning
Description The antenna scan of radar (center) is not operational in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D67: Radar (left) is not scanning

Fault code 8D67
Message Radar (Left) is not scanning
Description The antenna scan of radar (left) is not operational in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D97: Radar (steer) is not scanning

Fault code 8D97
Message Radar (Steer) is not scanning
Description The antenna scan of radar (steer) is not operational in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

930E-4AT 59
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8D08: Radar (right) is not radiating

Fault code 8D08
Message Radar (Right) is not radiating
Description The transceiver of radar (right) is not operational in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D38: Radar (center) is not radiating

Fault code 8D38
Message Radar (Center) is not radiating
Description The transceiver of radar (center) is not operational in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D68: Radar (left) is not radiating

Fault code 8D68
Message Radar (Left) is not radiating
Description The transceiver of radar (left) is not operational in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D98: Radar (steer) is not radiating

Fault code 8D98
Message Radar (Steer) is not radiating
Description The transceiver of radar (steer) is not operational in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

60 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D09: Radar (right) detected communication error

Fault code 8D09
Message Radar (Right) detected communication error.
Description Radar (right) has detected a communication error in manual mode.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI1 and radar (right)
• CAN-A line between RBI1 and radar (right) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (right) has hardware problem.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR1, 939YR1) and connector of radar (right)
and RBI1 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 8D39: Radar (center) detected communication error

Fault code 8D39
Message Radar (Center) detected communication error.
Description Radar (center) has detected a communication error in manual mode.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI2 and radar (center)
• CAN-A line between RBI2 and radar (center) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (center) has hardware has problem.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR2, 939YR2) and connector of radar (center)
and RBI2 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

930E-4AT 61
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8D69: Radar (left) detected communication error

Fault code 8D69
Message Radar (Left) detected communication error
Description Radar (left) has detected a communication error in manual mode.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI3 and radar (left)
• CAN-A line between RBI3 and radar (left) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (left) has hardware problem.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR3, 939YR3) and connector of radar (left)
and RBI3 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 8D99: Radar (steer) detected communication error

Fault code 8D99
Message Radar (Steer) detected communication error
Description Radar (steer) has detected a communication error in manual mode.
Possible cause Communication failure between RBI4 and radar (steer)
• CAN-A line between RBI4 and radar (steer) failed.
- Wiring/connector is disconnected.
- CAN terminator is missing.
• Radar (steer) has hardware problem.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check CAN wiring number (939GR4, 939YR4) and connector of radar (steer)
and RBI4 (CN2-23, CN2-33).
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 8D0A: Radar (right) is overheated

Fault code 8D0A
Message Radar (Right) is overheated
Description Radar (right) has detected internal temperature conditions outside of operational limit
of 90 C (194 F) in manual mode.
Possible cause Ambient temperature is outside of –40 to 75 C (–40 to 167 F).
Remedy 1. Wait until internal temperature is below operational limits.
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.

62 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D3A: Radar (center) is overheated

Fault code 8D3A
Message Radar (Center) is overheated
Description Radar (center) has detected internal temperature conditions outside of operational
limit of 90 C (194 F) in manual mode.
Possible cause Ambient temperature is outside of –40 to 75 C (–40 to 167 F).
Remedy 1. Wait until internal temperature is below operational limits.
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D6A: Radar (left) is overheated

Fault code 8D6A
Message Radar (Left) is overheated
Description Radar (left) has detected internal temperature conditions outside of operational limit
of 90 C (194 F) in manual mode.
Possible cause Ambient temperature is outside of –40 to 75 C (–40 to 167 F).
Remedy 1. Wait until internal temperature is below operational limits.
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D9A: Radar (steer) is overheated

Fault code 8D9A
Message Radar (Steer) is overheated
Description Radar (steer) has detected internal temperature conditions outside of operational limit
of 90 C (194 F) in manual mode.
Possible cause Ambient temperature is outside of –40 to 75 C (–40 to 167 F).
Remedy 1. Wait until internal temperature is below operational limits.
2. If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D0B: Radar (right) detected voltage supply error

Fault code 8D0B
Message Radar (Right) detected voltage supply error
Description Radar (right) has detected supply voltage outside of operational limits
(9V to 16V) in manual mode.
Possible cause ODS voltage is outside of 9V to 16V.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (right).
2. Check voltage of the radar power.
3. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

930E-4AT 63
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8D3B: Radar (center) detected voltage supply error

Fault code 8D3B
Message Radar (Center) detected voltage supply error
Description Radar (center) has detected supply voltage outside of operational limits (9V to 16V) in
manual mode.
Possible cause ODS voltage is outside of 9V to 16V.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (center).
2. Check voltage of the radar power.
3. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 8D6B: Radar (left) detected voltage supply error

Fault code 8D6B
Message Radar (Left) detected voltage supply error
Description Radar (left) has detected supply voltage outside of operational limits
(9V to 16V) in manual mode.
Possible cause ODS voltage is outside of 9V to 16V.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (left).
2. Check voltage of the radar power.
3. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 8D9B: Radar (steer) detected voltage supply error

Fault code 8D9B
Message Radar (Steer) detected voltage supply error
Description Radar (steer) has detected supply voltage outside of operational limits (9V to 16V) in
manual mode.
Possible cause ODS voltage is outside of 9V to 16V.
Remedy 1. Check the wiring related to the part.
• Check power cable (12VRDR, 0RDR) and connector of radar (steer).
2. Check voltage of the radar power.
3. If fault repeats, replace radar.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 8D0C: Radar (right) detected internal error

Fault code 8D0C
Message Radar (Right) detected internal error
Description Radar (right) has detected an internal error in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

64 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D3C: Radar (center) detected internal error

Fault code 8D3C
Message Radar (Center) detected internal error
Description Radar (center) has detected an internal error in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D6C: Radar (left) detected internal error

Fault code 8D6C
Message Radar (Left) detected internal error
Description Radar (left) has detected an internal error in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D9C: Radar (steer) detected internal error

Fault code 8D9C
Message Radar (Steer) detected internal error
Description Radar (steer) has detected an internal error in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D0D: Radar (right) detected range performance error

Fault code 8D0D
Message Radar (Right) detected range performance error
Description The range performance of radar (right) has degraded in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D3D: Radar (center) detected range performance error

Fault code 8D3D
Message Radar (Center) detected range performance error
Description The range performance of radar (center) has degraded in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

930E-4AT 65
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8D6D: Radar (left) detected range performance error

Fault code 8D6D
Message Radar (Left) detected range performance error
Description The range performance of radar (left) has degraded in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D9D: Radar (steer) detected range performance error

Fault code 8D9D
Message Radar (Steer) detected range performance error
Description The range performance of radar (steer) has degraded in manual mode.
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D0E: Unknown radar (right) error

Fault code 8D0E
Message Unknown Radar (Right) error
Description Software exception in manual mode
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D3E: Unknown radar (center) error

Fault code 8D3E
Message Unknown Radar (Center) error
Description Software exception in manual mode
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

Fault Code 8D6E: Unknown radar (left) error

Fault code 8D6E
Message Unknown Radar (Left) error
Description Software exception in manual mode
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

66 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8D9E: Unknown radar (steer) error

Fault code 8D9E
Message Unknown Radar (Steer) error
Description Software exception in manual mode
Possible cause
Remedy If fault repeats, replace radar.

930E-4AT 67
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Radar steering mechanism

Fault Code 8E00: Steered radar motor unit potentiometer error
Fault code 8E00
Message Steered radar motor unit potentiometer error
Description Malfunction of steered motor potentiometer in manual mode
• The voltage of motor potentiometer is lower than 0.1V.
• The voltage of motor potentiometer is higher than 4.9V.
NOTE: Motor potentiometer signal must be between 0.3V and 4.8V.
Possible cause 1. Defective potentiometer
2. Wiring/connector failure
• Power line 59R5 failed (disconnection or short circuit).
• Signal line 59R6 failed (disconnection or short circuit).
• Ground line 59R7 failed (disconnection or short circuit).
• Connector (CN1-07, CN1-21, CN1-22) is loose.
• Connector (CN1) is loose.
Remedy 1. Check the voltage of 59R5 (it must be 5V).
2. Check the voltage of 59R7 (it must be 0V).
3. Check the voltage of 59R6 (it must be about 2.5V when position is center).

See “How to check motor unit for steered radar” on page 70.
Schematic Sheet 42
See page 70.

68 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

How to check motor unit for steered radar

1. Connect laptop to flight recorder and start “ATMonitor.”
2. Select ODS .
3. Move slider bar to turn steered radar.
4. Check “Reference Angle [deg]”, “Potentio Angle [deg]”, and “Potentio Meter [v]” are
changed according to slider position.

1. Reference angle 3. Slide this bar to turn steer radar

2. Potentiometer angle 4. Potentiometer voltage



930E-4AT 69
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8E03: Steered radar motor line cut

Fault code 8E03
Message Steered radar motor line cut
Description Wiring between MG1B and CN3 of safety controller (59R1, 59R2, 59R3, 59R4) has
disconnection in manual mode.
Possible cause 1. Wiring (59R1) is disconnected.
2. Wiring (59R2) is disconnected.
3. Wiring (59R3) is disconnected.
4. Wiring (59R4) is disconnected.
Remedy Check wiring. See “How to check motor unit for steered radar” on page 70.
Schematic Sheet 42

Fault Code 8E04: Steered radar motor line short

Fault code 8E04
Message Steered radar motor line short
Description Wiring between MG1B and CN3 of safety controller (59R1, 59R2, 59R3, 59R4) has
disconnection in manual mode.
Possible cause 1. Wiring (59R1) has short to ground.
2. Wiring (59R2) has short to ground.
3. Wiring (59R3) has short to ground.
4. Wiring (59R4) has short to ground.
Remedy Check wiring. See “How to check motor unit for steered radar” on page 70.
Schematic Sheet 42

70 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Drive Controller
Fault Code 8E20: Drive Heartbeat cut
Fault code 8E20
Message Heartbeat cut (Drive)
Description Safety could not receive Heartbeat signal from drive for 0.75 second.


Does Safety received N

Heartbeat signal from Timer count up

Clear timer Is timer above N

Exception 8E20


NOTE: Heartbeat signal from drive to safety is alternately turned ON and OFF every
200 msec.
Possible cause 1. Drive lost power.
• Wiring number (52P19, 52P21, GND) is disconnected.
• Fuse number FB2A-9, FB1A-19 is blown.
• Loose contact of CN3-1, CN3-11, CN3-14, CN3-24.
2. Drive failed.
3. Heartbeat line has failed.
• Wiring number (90DH) is disconnected, GND short or hot short.
• Loose contact of CN3-36 of drive or CN1-12 of safety.
Remedy 1. Cycle engine OFF and turn key switch to ON.
2. Set A/M key position to “M.”

930E-4AT 71
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting


1. LD3 green
3. Check if LED in drive window is flashing.
4. Check wiring 90DH and connector.
Schematic Sheet 39

Fault Code 8E21: No position data from drive via CAN-B

Fault code 8E21
Message No position data from Drive via CAN-B
Description Safety controller could not receive position data from drive controller for one second
in manual mode.


Does Safety received N

Position data from Drive? Timer count up

Clear timer Is timer above N

Exception 8E21

NOTE: Drive controller sends position data every 100 ms.

72 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Possible cause 1. Drive controller failure

• Hardware failed.
2. CAN-B communication failure
• Wiring is disconnected.
• Terminator failed.
• Contact of drive controller (CN2-23, CN2-33) and safety controller (CN2-23,
CN2-33) is loose.
Remedy 1. Check CAN-B communication.
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start “ATMonitor.”
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

2. If “Safety (CAN-B)” and “Drive (CAN-B)” counters are not updating, CAN-B com-
munication has stopped. Check CAN-B line.
Schematic Sheet 43

930E-4AT 73
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8E22: Drive controller not working

Fault code 8E22
Message Drive controller not working
Description Heartbeat from drive controller is not coming, and position data from drive controller
stopped in manual mode.


Has Position data from N

Drive stopped more than

N Has Heart beat from

Drive stopped more than

Exception 8E22


Possible cause 1. Drive controller lost power.

- Wiring (52P19, 52P21) is disconnected.
- Fuse number FB1A-19, FB2A-9 is blown.
- Contact of CN1-08,18 is loose.
2. Drive controller failed.
- Hardware failed.
- Connectors are not connected properly.
Remedy Check if all connectors are connected properly.
Schematic Sheet 39

74 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8E24: Wrong truck type

Fault code 8E24
Message Wrong Truck Type
Description Truck type for safety controller and drive controller are mismatched.
Possible cause Different software version was programmed
Remedy Replace controller.

Fault Code 8E27: Drive CAN-A failure

Fault code 8E27
Message Drive CAN-A failure
Description Drive controller reported that CAN-A communication failed in manual mode. When
drive controller has CAN-A communication failure, it cannot report the fault code to
central. Safety controller reports the fault instead of drive controller.
Possible cause See drive controller fault code 4019
Remedy See drive controller fault code 4019.
Schematic Sheet 44

930E-4AT 75
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 8E29: No Heartbeat from drive CAN-A

Fault code 8E29
Message CAN-A line cut (Drive)
Description Heartbeat from drive controller via CAN-A is not coming in manual mode.


Has heartbeat from Drive

via CAN-A more than
5sec? N

Exception 8E29


Possible cause 1. Drive controller failure

• Hardware failed.
2. CAN-A communication failure
• Wiring is disconnected.
• Terminator failed.
• Contact of drive controller (CN2-22, CN2-32) is loose.
Remedy 1. Check CAN-A communication.
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start “ATMonitor.”
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

2. If “Safety (CAN-A)” and “Drive (CAN-A)” counters are not updating, CAN-A com-
munication has stopped. Check CAN-A line.
Schematic Sheet 44

76 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8E2D: Drive controller in wrong mode

Fault code 8E2D
Message Drive controller in wrong mode
Description Mode in drive controller status massage is unknown mode.
Possible cause Drive controller problem.
• Drive controller is broken.
Remedy Cycle power for AHT.
If system is not fixed by cycle power, replace drive controller.

Fault Code 8E3C: Brake indicator not working

Fault code 8E3C
Message Brake indicator not working
Description Service brake must be activated in S or E mode. But service brake apply indicator
input is not coming to safety controller in S or E mode.
Possible cause 1. Brake lamp indicator signal is not coming to safety controller.
• Wiring 44LA or 44L disconnection
• Brake indicator failure
2. Drive controller does not recognize AHT mode.
• A/M key failure
3. Drive cotnroller does not control service brake.
• Defective drive controller
Remedy Check wiring 44LA and 44L.
Schematic Sheet 41

930E-4AT 77
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Identifier wiring
Fault Code 8E2B: Wrong position install
Fault code 8E2B
Message Wrong position install
Description Safety controller is installed in wrong position.
Possible cause 1. Safety controller is installed to drive controller position.
2. Identifier line failed.
Remedy 1. Check if safety controller is installed in correct position.
2. Check if safety controller identifier setting is correct. Refer to the following table.
There are two identifier pins (CN1-06, CN2-28) on safety controller.

Drive controller Safety controller MBI controller


Schematic Sheet 39

Fault Code 8E2C: Identifier wiring cut

Fault code 8E2C
Message ID Wiring Cut
Description Safety controller is installed to wrong position.
Possible cause Identifier line failed.
Remedy 1. Check if safety controller is installed in correct position.
2. Check if safety controller identifier setting is correct. Refer to the following table.
There are two identifier pins (CN1-06, CN2-28) on safety controller.

Drive controller Safety controller MBI controller


Schematic Sheet 39

78 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Interface module (IFM)

Fault Code 8E36: No IFM data coming
Fault code 8E36
Message No IFM data coming
Description Interface module real time data has stopped for more than eight seconds in manual
Possible cause 1. Interface module is not working.
• Interface module power line is disconnected.
• Interface module hardware failed.
2. MBI controller is not working.
• MBI controller power line is disconnected.
• MBI controller hardware failed.
3. CAN-B communication failed.
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-22 or CN2-32) is loose.
• Safety controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• Defective CAN-B terminator
4. Monitor bus communication failed.
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• Interface module contact (IM1-j or IM1-k) is loose.
• Monitor bus terminator is defective.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check the voltage of MBI controller power line.
• Check the voltage of interface module power line (see 930E-4AT shop man-
• Check continuity of CAN-B between MBI controller and safety controller.
• Check continuity of monitor bus between interface module and MBI controller.
• Check if the resistance of terminator is 120 ohm.
2. MBI controller communication check
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start “ATMonitor.”
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

930E-4AT 79
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting


• If MBI counters in Drive and Safety frames are not updating, MBI controller
communication via CAN-B has stopped. Check CAN-B line.
Schematic Sheet 30, 43

80 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8E37: IFM not ready

Fault code 8E37
Message IFM not ready
Description Safety controller could not receive interface module real time data after power is
turned ON in manual mode.
Possible cause 1. Interface module is not working.
• Interface module power line is disconnected.
• Interface module hardware failed.
2. MBI controller is not working.
• MBI controller power line is disconnected.
• MBI controller hardware failed.
3. CAN-B communication failed.
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-22 or CN2-32) is loose.
• Safety controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• CAN-B terminator is defective.
4. Monitor bus communication failed.
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• Interface module contact (IM1-j or IM1-k) is loose.
• Monitor bus terminator is defective.

930E-4AT 81
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Remedy 1. Wiring check

• Check the voltage of MBI controller power line.
• Check the voltage of interface module power line (see 930E-4AT shop man-
• Check continuity of CAN-B between MBI controller and safety controller.
• Check continuity of monitor bus between interface module and MBI controller.
• Check if the resistance of terminator is 120 ohm.
2. MBI controller communication check.
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

• If MBI counters in Drive and Safety frames are not updating, MBI controller
communication via CAN-B has stopped. Check CAN-B line.
Schematic Sheet 30, 43

82 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8E3B: No Interface Module Broadcast Msg

Fault code 8E3B
Message No Interface Module Broadcast Msg
Description Safety controller does not receive broadcast message from Interface Module.
Possible cause 1. Interface Module is not working.
• Interface Module power line is disconnected.
• Interface Module hardware failed.
2. MBI controller is not working.
• MBI controller power line is disconnected.
• MBI controller hardware failed.
3. CAN-B communication failed.
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-22 or CN2-32) is loose.
• Safety controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• CAN-B terminator is defective.
4. Monitor bus communication failed.
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• Interface Module contact (IM1-j or IM1-k) is loose.
• Monitor bus terminator is defective.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check the voltage of MBI controller power line.
• Check the voltage of Interface Module power line (See 930E-4AT shop man-
• Check continuity of CAN-B between MBI controller and safety controller.
• Check continuity of monitor bus between Interface Module and MBI controller.
• Check if the resistance of terminator is 120 ohm.
2. MBI controller communication check
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

930E-4AT 83
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Monitor bus interface (MBI)

Fault Code 8E38: MBI is not working
Fault code 8E38
Message MBI is not working
Description MBI controller heartbeat has stopped for more than ten seconds.
Possible cause 1. MBIcontroller is not working.
• MBI controller power line is disconnected.
• MBI controller hardware failed.
2. CAN-B communication failed.
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-22 or CN2-32) is loose.
• Safety controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• CAN-B terminator is defective.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check the voltage of MBI controller power line.
• Check continuity of CAN-B between MBI controller and safety controller.
• Check if the resistance of terminator is 120 ohm.
2. MBI controller communication check
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

• If MBI counters in Drive and Safety frames are not updating, MBI controller
communication via CAN-B has stopped. Check CAN-B line.
Schematic Sheet 43, 44

84 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8E39: MBI not ready

Fault code 8E39
Message MBI not ready
Description Safety controller could not receive MBI controller heartbeat for more than one minute
after power is turned ON.
Possible cause 1. MBI controller is not working.
• MBI controller power line is disconnected.
• MBI controller hardware failed.
2. CAN-B communication failed.
• Wiring is disconnected.
• MBI controller contact (CN2-22 or CN2-32) is loose.
• Safety controller contact (CN2-23 or CN2-33) is loose.
• CAN-B terminator is defective.
Remedy 1. Wiring check
• Check the voltage of MBI controller power line.
• Check continuity of CAN-B between MBI controller and safety controller.
• Check if the resistance of terminator is 120 ohm.
2. MBI controller communication check
• Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.
• Select CAN Communication Monitor .

• If MBI counters in Drive and Safety frames are not updating, MBI controller
communication via CAN-B has stopped. Check CAN-B line.
Schematic Sheet 43, 44

930E-4AT 85
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Supervisory system
Fault Code 8F20: CGC Heartbeat stop
Fault code 8F20
Message CGC Heartbeat stop
Description Safety controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from CGC for two seconds.
Possible cause 1. CGC software exception
2. CAN-A disconnection
• Safety controller connector (CN3-22 or CN3-32) is loose.
• Wiring is disconnected at CAN-A.
Remedy Restart truck.
Schematic Sheet 33, 44

Fault Code 8F21: Hub Heartbeat stop

Fault code 8F21
Message HUB Heartbeat stop
Description Safety controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from hub for two seconds.
Possible cause 1. Hub software exception
2. CAN-A disconnection.
• Safety controller connector (CN3-22 or CN3-32) is loose.
• Wiring is disconnected at CAN-A.
Remedy Restart truck.
Schematic Sheet 33, 44

86 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Fault Code 8F22: CGC not ready

Fault code 8F20
Message CGC not ready
Description Safety controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from CGC after power is turned
ON in manual mode.
Possible cause 1. CGC software exception
2. CAN-A disconnection
• Safety controller connector (CN3-22 or CN3-32) is loose.
• Wiring is disconnected at CAN-A.
Remedy Restart truck.
Schematic Sheet 33, 44

Fault Code 8F23: Hub not ready

Fault code 8F23
Message HUB not ready
Description Safety controller could not receive heartbeat RPC from hub after power is turned ON
in manual mode.
Possible cause 1. Hub software exception
2. CAN-A idisconnection
• Safety controller connector (CN3-22 or CN3-32) is loose.
• Wiring is disconnected at CAN-A.
Remedy Restart truck.
Schematic Sheet 33, 44

Fault Code 8F32: Mask buffer full

Fault code 8F32
Message Mask buffer full
Description ODS/REG masks defined are too many to be handled by safety controller.
Possible cause -
Remedy Remove ODS/REG mask which is not used.

930E-4AT 87
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fire suppression
Fault Code 8522: Fire suppression system active
Fault code 8522
Message Fire suppression System activate
Description Fire suppression system is activated.
Possible cause
Remedy See 930E-4AT shop manual.

Fault Code 8523: Fire suppression system wiring problem

Fault code 8523
Message Fire Suppression System Wiring Problem
Description Fire suppression system wiring has problem.
Possible cause 1. Fire extinguisher NC wiring is disconnected.
• Wiring number (71FR, 52P13) is disconnected.
• Connector CN1-24 is disconnected.
• Relay number RB5A-K2 has malfunction.
2. Fire extinguisher NO wiring has short to 24V.
• Wiring number (71FR2) has short to 24V.
• Relay number RB5A-K2 has malfunction.

88 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40037-01

Remedy 1. Connect laptop PC to flight recorder and start ATMonitor.

2. Select Caution Lamp .
3. Check if input signal of CN1-18 and CN1-24 is as following table.

Fire suppression
Not active Active
Fire Ext. NO
Fire Ext. NC

Schematic Sheet 45

930E-4AT 89
CEN40037-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40037-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

90 930E-4AT



Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
Observer Controller – LED Display, Heart-
beat Caution, Batteries, Power Supply, A/M
Key Switch, Auto Apply Brake, Brake Lock,
Park Brake, Others
LED display........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Fault code list of observer controller ..................................................................................................................... 5
Fault Code 11, 12: Drive and safety controllers Heartbeat stop ........................................................................... 7
Fault Code 21: Heartbeat of drive controller is stopped........................................................................................ 8
Fault Code 31: Heartbeat of safety controller is stopped...................................................................................... 8
Fault Code 41: Batteries are not ready ................................................................................................................. 9
Fault Code 0x51: Truck power supply is low....................................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 0x52: Low power of key switch......................................................................................................... 10
Fault Code 0x53: Low power of VIS ....................................................................................................................11

930E-4AT 1
CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 0x54: Low power of power monitor................................................................................................... 11

Fault Code 0x55: VIS relay line is open .............................................................................................................. 12
Fault Code 0x56: VIS relay line has short to power ............................................................................................ 12
Fault Code 0x57: VIS relay line has short........................................................................................................... 12
Fault Code 0x58: Battery monitor line short........................................................................................................ 13
Fault Code 0x59: Battery monitor line is open .................................................................................................... 14
Fault Code 0x5A: Battery monitor line has short to power.................................................................................. 14
Fault Code 0x5B: Battery monitor line has short................................................................................................. 14
Fault Code 0x5C: Battery monitor relay does not work while in self-check ........................................................ 15
Fault Code 0x61: A/M key switch has short ........................................................................................................ 16
Fault Code 0x62: A/M key switch is cut .............................................................................................................. 16
Fault Code 0x63: A/M key switch is not connected to GND................................................................................ 16
Fault Code 0x71: Auto apply brake has problem while in self-check.................................................................. 17
Fault Code 0x72: Auto apply brake line is open.................................................................................................. 18
Fault Code 0x73: Auto apply brake line has short to power................................................................................ 18
Fault Code 0x74: Auto apply brake line has short .............................................................................................. 18
Fault Code 0x75: Auto apply brake relay solenoid is open ................................................................................. 19
Fault Code 0x76: Auto apply brake relay solenoid has short to power ............................................................... 19
Fault Code 0x77: Auto apply brake relay solenoid has short.............................................................................. 19
Fault Code 0x78: Auto apply brake relay HSW is open ...................................................................................... 20
Fault Code 0x79: Auto apply brake relay HSW has short to power .................................................................... 20
Fault Code 0x7A: Auto apply brake relay HSW has short .................................................................................. 20
Fault Code 0x81: Brake lock has problem while in self-check ............................................................................ 21
Fault Code 0x82: Brake lock line is open............................................................................................................ 22
Fault Code 0x83: Brake lock line has short to power.......................................................................................... 22
Fault Code 0x84: Brake lock line has short......................................................................................................... 22
Fault Code 0x85: Brake lock relay line is open ................................................................................................... 23
Fault Code 0x86: Brake lock relay line has short to power ................................................................................. 23
Fault Code 0x87: Brake lock relay line has short................................................................................................ 23
Fault Code 0x91: Park brake has problem while in self-check ........................................................................... 24
Fault Code 0x92: Park brake control line is open ............................................................................................... 25
Fault Code 0x93: Park brake control line has short to power ............................................................................. 25
Fault Code 0x94: Park brake control line has short ............................................................................................ 25
Fault Code 0xFF: Software exception................................................................................................................. 25

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

LED display
The LED displays the latest error code for three minutes after the key switch is turned ON.
During operation, the LED displays the truck operation mode and, if an error occurs, the error code is shown on
the LED.


1. LED

LED flashing type

After turning the key switch ON, the LED displays the latest error code for three minutes.
After three minutes, the LED displays each mode in turn (auto, manual, error).
NOTE: Manual mode is recommended while checking the lates error code.



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CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting







4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Fault code list of observer controller

Fault Reference
Fault part Description Main cause
code section
Heartbeat 0x11 Heartbeat of drive and safety A problem occurred for both
caution (0x12) controllers is stopped controllers
0x21 Heartbeat of drive controller is Drive controller had problem
0x31 Heartbeat of safety controller Safety controller had problem
is stopped
Batteries for 0x41 Batteries are not ready Batteries isolation switch is
observer OFF
Power 0x51 Truck power supply is low Low battery of main truck
supply battery
0x52 Key switch power is low Low power of key switch
power line
0x53 VIS power is low Low power of VIS power line
0x54 Power monitor has lost power Main power line is cut
0x55 VIS relay line is open VIS relay line problem by fault code,
0x56 VIS relay line has short to VIS relay line problem See Section
power CEN40038-01
0x57 VIS relay line has short VIS relay line problem
0x58 Battery monitor line has short Battery monitor line has short
to high
0x59 Battery monitor relay has open Battery monitor line problem
0x5A Battery monitor relay has short Battery monitor line problem
to power
0x5B Battery monitor relay has short Battery monitor line problem
0x5C Battery monitor relay does not Battery monitor line problem
work while in self-check
A/M key 0x61 A/M key switch has short Auto/Manual key line short to
switch ground
0x62 A/M key switch is cut Auto/Manual key line is cut
0x63 A/M key is not connected to Auto/Manual key line is cut

930E-4AT 5
CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Reference
Fault part Description Main cause
code section
Auto apply 0x71 Auto apply brake has problem Auto apply brake line problem
brake at self-check
0x72 Auto apply brake line is open Auto apply brake line problem
0x73 Auto apply brake line has short Auto apply brake line problem
to power
0x74 Auto apply brake line has short Auto apply brake line problem
0x75 Auto apply brake relay Auto apply brake solenoid line
solenoid is open problem
0x76 Auto apply brake relay Auto apply brake sol line
solenoid has short to power problem
0x77 Auto apply brake relay Auto apply brake sol line
solenoid has short problem
0x78 Auto apply brake relay HSW is Auto apply brake HSW line
open problem
0x79 Auto apply brake relay HSW Auto apply brake HSW line
has short to power problem
0x7A Auto apply brake relay HSW Auto apply brake HSW line
has short problem Troubleshooting
by fault code,
Brake lock 0x81 Brake lock has a problem at Brake lock line problem See Section
self-check CEN40038-01
0x82 Brake lock line is open Brake lock line problem
0x83 Brake lock line has short to Brake lock line problem
0x84 Brake lock line has short Brake lock line problem
0x85 Brake lock relay line is open Brake lock relay line problem
0x86 Brake lock relay line has short Brake lock relay line problem
to power
0x87 Brake lock relay line has short Brake lock relay line problem
Park brake 0x91 Park brake has problem at Parking brake line problem
0x92 Park brake control line is open Parking brake line problem
0x93 Park brake control line has Parking brake line problem
short to power
0x94 Park brake control line has Parking brake line problem
Others 0xFF Software exception Software problem

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Heartbeat caution
Fault Code 11, 12: Drive and safety controllers Heartbeat stop
Fault code 11 or 12
Description Heartbeat of both drive and safety controllers is stopped.
Possible cause 1. Both drive and safety controllers have a problem.
• Controller trouble
- Drive and safety controllers are faulty.
• Power supply problem
- Fuse on drive and safety controllers is blown.
- Main power for AHT is cut.
2. Both controllers have Heartbeat wiring cut.
• Heartbeat wiring number (50DH) from drive
• Heartbeat wiring number (50SH) from safety
Schematic Sheet 39

930E-4AT 7
CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 21: Heartbeat of drive controller is stopped

Fault code 21
Description Drive controller Heartbeat is stopped
Possible cause 1. Drive controller has problem.
• Controller trouble
- Drive controller is faulty.
• Power supply problem
- Fuse of drive controller is blown.
2. Heartbeat wiring is cut.
• Heartbeat wiring number (50DH) from drive
Schematic Sheet 39

Fault Code 31: Heartbeat of safety controller is stopped

Fault code 31
Description Safety controller Heartbeat is stopped.
Possible cause 1. Safety controller has problem.
• Controller trouble
- Safety controller is faulty.
• Power supply problem
- Fuse of safety controller is blown.
2. Heartbeat wiring is cut.
• Heartbeat wiring number (50SH) from safety
Schematic Sheet 39

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Batteries for observer controller

Fault Code 41: Batteries are not ready
Fault code 41
Description Batteries are not ready when Auto/Manual key is switched to AUTO from MANUAL.
Possible cause 1. Batteries isolation switch is OFF.
2. Blown fuse in battery box.
3. Batteries are disconnected.
4. Batteries do not have enough charge.
5. Relay number RB6AK1 is stuck in “NC.”
Schematic Sheet 50

930E-4AT 9
CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

Power supply
Fault Code 0x51: Truck power supply is low
Fault code 0x51
Description Truck main power to VB is less than 20V.
Possible cause 1. VB of controller does not have enough voltage.
• Both main truck batteries and backup batteries have low voltage.
2. Fuse number FS2A-14 and fuse in battery box are blown.
3. Wiring number (53P32, 52P30, 11BB1) has problem.
4. Diodes (AD37 and AD38) failed.
Schematic Sheet 50

Fault Code 0x52: Low power of key switch

Fault code 0x52
Description Key switch power is less than 20V.
Possible cause 1. Key switch power does not have enough voltage.
2. Fuse number (FS1A-14) is blown.
3. Wiring number (53P29, 52P29) has problem.
4. Diode (AD31) failed.
Schematic Sheet 50

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Fault Code 0x53: Low power of VIS

Fault code 0x53
Description VIS power to controller is less than 20V.
Possible cause 1. VIS of controller does not have enough voltage.
• Both main truck batteries and backup batteries have low voltage.
2. Relay number RB6AK2 has a problem.
3. Blown fuse number (FS2A-14) and blown fuse in batteries box.
4. Wiring number (73AA1, 73AA2, 53P32, 52P30, 11BB1) has problem.
5. Diodes (AD37 and AD38) failed.
Schematic Sheet 50

Fault Code 0x54: Low power of power monitor

Fault code 0x54
Description Main power supply of truck has a problem.
Possible cause 1. Main truck power supply does not have enough voltage.
2. Fuse number (FS2A-14) is blown.
3. Wiring number (53P30, 52P30) has problem.
4. Diode (AD32) failed.
Schematic Sheet 50

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CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 0x55: VIS relay line is open

Fault Code 0x56: VIS relay line has short to power
Fault Code 0x57: VIS relay line has short
Fault code 0x55
Description VIS relay line is open.

Fault code 0x56

Description VIS relay line has short to power.

Fault code 0x57

Description VIS relay line has short.

Possible cause 1. Wiring number (73AA2) has problem.

2. Relay number RB6AK2 has problem.
Schematic Sheet 50

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Fault Code 0x58: Battery monitor line short

Fault code 0x58
Description Battery monitor line has short to high.
Possible cause 1. Relay number RB6AK1 is stuck in “NO.”
2. Wiring number (73AA8) has short to power.
Schematic Sheet 50

930E-4AT 13
CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 0x59: Battery monitor line is open

Fault Code 0x5A: Battery monitor line has short to power
Fault Code 0x5B: Battery monitor line has short
Fault code 0x59
Description Battery monitor line is open.

Fault code 0x5A

Description Battery monitor line has short to power.

Fault code 0x5B

Description Battery monitor line has short.

Possible cause 1. Wiring number (73AA8) has problem.

2. Relay number RB6AK1 has problem.
3. Diode AD39 failed.
Schematic Sheet 50

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Fault Code 0x5C: Battery monitor relay does not work while in self-check
Fault code 0x5C
Description Battery monitor relay does not work while in self-check.
Possible cause 1. Relay number RB6AK1 has problem.
2. Wiring number (73AA8) has short to power.
Schematic Sheet 50

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CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

A/M key switch

Fault Code 0x61: A/M key switch has short
Fault Code 0x62: A/M key switch is cut
Fault Code 0x63: A/M key switch is not connected to GND
Fault code 0x61
Description Auto/Manual key switch wiring has short to ground.

Fault code 0x62

Description Auto/Manual key switch wiring is cut.

Fault code 0x63

Description Auto/Manual key switch is not connected to ground.

Possible cause 1. Wiring number (72AT, 72MAN) has problem.

2. Wiring number (73AT, 73MAN) has problem.
Schematic Sheet 50

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Auto apply brake

Fault Code 0x71: Auto apply brake has problem while in self-check
Fault code 0x71
Description Auto apply brake has problem while in self-check, which occurs when Auto/Manual key
is changed to AUTO.
Possible cause 1. Relay number (RB6AK8 or RB6AK3) has problem.
2. Wiring number (73AT) has problem.
3. Wiring number (73AA4, 73ABA, 52ABA) has problem.
4. Wiring number (73AA6, 74AA6) has problem.
5. Wiring number (73AA5) has problem.
6. Diodes (AD34 and AD40) failed.
7. Auto apply brake solenoid has problem.
• Check if coil resistance is 33.8 ohm.
Schematic Sheet 50

930E-4AT 17
CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 0x72: Auto apply brake line is open

Fault Code 0x73: Auto apply brake line has short to power
Fault Code 0x74: Auto apply brake line has short
Fault code 0x72
Description Auto apply brake line is open.

Fault code 0x73

Description Auto apply brake line has short to power.

Fault code 0x74

Description Auto apply brake line has short.

Possible cause 1. Wiring number (73AT) has problem.

2. Wiring number (73AA4, 73ABA, 52ABA) has problem.
3. Diode AD34 failed.
4. Auto apply brake solenoid has problem.
• Check if coil resistance is 33.8 ohm.
5. Relay number RB6AK3 is stuck in “NO”.
Schematic Sheet 50

18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Fault Code 0x75: Auto apply brake relay solenoid is open

Fault Code 0x76: Auto apply brake relay solenoid has short to power
Fault Code 0x77: Auto apply brake relay solenoid has short
Fault code 0x75
Description Auto apply brake relay solenoid is open.

Fault code 0x76

Description Auto apply brake relay solenoid has short to power.

Fault code 0x77

Description Auto apply brake relay solenoid has short.

Possible cause 1. Wiring number (73AA5) problem from RB6AK3 to ground.

2. Relay number RB6AK3 has a problem.
Schematic Sheet 50

930E-4AT 19
CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 0x78: Auto apply brake relay HSW is open

Fault Code 0x79: Auto apply brake relay HSW has short to power
Fault Code 0x7A: Auto apply brake relay HSW has short
Fault code 0x78
Description Auto apply brake relay HSW is open.

Fault code 0x79

Description Auto apply brake relay HSW has short to power.

Fault code 0x7A

Description Auto apply brake relay HSW has short.

Possible cause 1. Wiring number (73AA6, 73AT) has problem.

2. Relay number RB6AK8 has problem.
3. Diode AD40 failed.
Schematic Sheet 50

20 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Brake lock
Fault Code 0x81: Brake lock has problem while in self-check
Fault code 0x81
Description Brake lock has problem while in self-check, which occurs when Auto/Manual key is
changed to AUTO.
Possible cause 1. Relay number RB6AK7 has problem.
2. Wiring number (73AA3, 73B) has problem.
3. Wiring number (73AA7, 73AT) has problem.
4. Diodes (AD35 and AD41) failed.
5. Brake lock solenoid has problem.
• Check if coil resistance is 28.5 ohm.
Schematic Sheet 18

930E-4AT 21
CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

Fault Code 0x82: Brake lock line is open

Fault Code 0x83: Brake lock line has short to power
Fault Code 0x84: Brake lock line has short
Fault code 0x82
Description Brake lock line is open.

Fault code 0x83

Description Brake lock line has short to power.

Fault code 0x84

Description Brake lock line has short.

Possible cause 1. Wiring number (73AA3, 73B) has problem.

2. Relay number RB6AK7 has problem.
3. Diode AD35 failed.
Schematic Sheet 18

22 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Fault Code 0x85: Brake lock relay line is open

Fault Code 0x86: Brake lock relay line has short to power
Fault Code 0x87: Brake lock relay line has short
Fault code 0x85
Description Brake lock relay line is open.

Fault code 0x86

Description Brake lock relay line has short to power.

Fault code 0x87

Description Brake lock relay line has short.

Possible cause 1. Wiring number (73AA7, 73AT) has problem.

2. Relay number RB6AK7 has problem.
3. Diode AD41 failed.
Schematic Sheet 18

930E-4AT 23
CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

Park brake
Fault Code 0x91: Park brake has problem while in self-check
Fault code 0x91
Description Parking brake has problem while in self-check, which occurs when Auto/Manual key is
changed to AUTO.
Possible cause 1. Relay number RB6AK5 has problem.
2. Wiring number (73MAN, 71BC) has problem.
3. Wiring number (73BC) has problem.
4. Parking brake solenoid has problem.
• Check if coil resistance is 28.5 ohm.
Schematic Sheet 50

24 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40038-01

Fault Code 0x92: Park brake control line is open

Fault Code 0x93: Park brake control line has short to power
Fault Code 0x94: Park brake control line has short
Fault code 0x92
Description Parking brake control line is open.

Fault code 0x93

Description Parking brake control line has short to power.

Fault code 0x94

Description Parking brake control line has short.

Possible cause 1. Wiring number (73MAN, 71BC) has a problem.

2. Relay number RB6AK5 has problem.
Schematic Sheet 50

Fault Code 0xFF: Software exception
Fault code 0xFF
Description Software exception
Remedy Reset controller.
• Shut down the truck and restart.

930E-4AT 25
CEN40038-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40038-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

26 930E-4AT


Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
How to use the Monitor PC
About AT monitor .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Preparation ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
Main window ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
A/M Key / Others................................................................................................................................................. 10
Acceleration .........................................................................................................................................................11
Shift..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Steering............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Hoist.................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Brake................................................................................................................................................................... 19
All I/O status monitor........................................................................................................................................... 21
Navigation system monitor.................................................................................................................................. 27
Output (I/O control) ............................................................................................................................................. 33
Input (Auto/Manual key and other input)............................................................................................................. 35
Caution lamp (caution indicator) ......................................................................................................................... 36
Engine control ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
ODS .................................................................................................................................................................... 39
All I/O status monitor........................................................................................................................................... 40
CAN communication monitor .............................................................................................................................. 45

930E-4AT 1
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Observer controller check ................................................................................................................................... 47

Truck model setting ............................................................................................................................................. 49
Flight recorder ..................................................................................................................................................... 49

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

About AT monitor Preparation

This software monitors input data to the drive and Software setup
safety controllers and output data from the controller.
This software can control output signals of the drive Copy the AT monitor file (ATMonitor.exe) to your
and safety controllers as well. Be aware of the follow- monitor PC.
ing restrictions for controlling output signals.
1. Output signal can be controlled only when the
930E-4AT is in manual mode. When controlling
the output signal of the controller, the green and
yellow mode lights are flashing.
2. The 930E-4AT cannot be changed to autono-
mous mode from manual mode while the 930E- FIGURE 40-1. COPY THIS FILES
4AT monitor software is running. The software
needs to be shut down to change the 930E-4AT
to autonomous mode.
3. If the 930E-4AT monitor software is started
while the 930E-4AT is in autonomous mode or
suspend mode, the software can monitor input
and output signals, but cannot control the output
signal of the controller.

930E-4AT 3
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Connect PC to flight recorder

There are two ways to connect the monitor PC to the
AHS system.
Connecting to the flight recorder
1. Prepare serial cross cable and monitor PC so
that “serial com” is available. Connect serial
cross cable to flight recorder “COM2” port.
2. Connect serial cross cable to monitor PC.


4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Connecting to the MBI RS232C harness directly

If flight recorder is not available or a serial “cross”
cable is not available:
1. Prepare monitor PC so that “serial com” is avail-
able. If necessary, use extension serial cable.
2. Disconnect the MBI RS232C harness from flight
recorder “COM1” port.
3. Connect MBI RS232C harness to monitor PC


930E-4AT 5
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Start “Monitor Software” 3. The main window will appear.

1. Start “ATMonitor_Serial.exe.”
If the COM port is the correct setting, “CAN
• Click “ATMonitor_Serial.exe” to start
software. open success” will appear in window.

2. If COM PORT ERROR appears, click OK .


a. Select “Serial Com Port” from Menu bar. If “COM open fail” appears in the main window,
the COM port number is incorrect. Correct the
b. Select COM port number and click OK . COM port number.


4. Connection check
a. When CAN communication is successful, the
message “CAN comm ready” will be shown
in the window.
FIGURE 40-5. SELECT THE COM PORT b. If the message “CAN comm not ready”
appears, check the laptop, serial port, and
wiring harnesses.
c. Then close the main window and restart

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

5. I/O-control ready
a. The screens will not always work properly if
the software is already in a main screen
when the truck key switch is turned on. The
proper procedure is to enter a main screen
after the truck key switch has been turned
b. The Auto/Manual key switch must be in
MANUAL position (only green light flashing)
before activating the “Enter Maintenance”
button (1, Figure 40-8). The green and yellow
lights will flash after activating the “Enter
Maintenance” button. The Auto/Manual key
switch has to return to the MANUAL position
if all three lights are flashing anytime during
the test. The AT Monitor software should be
restarted to work properly.


1. Enter maintance button

930E-4AT 7
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Main window “Navigation System Monitor” window appears.

All monitor windows can be selected from the main
window. Safety controller
Drive controller • Output
Data log function Click OUTPUT .
“Output” window appears.
If you need to investigate the drive controller IO data,
• Input
you can log the drive IO Data.
Click INPUT .
1. Click the button to log the drive IO data. “Input” window appears.
2. To finish logging, click the button. The • Caution Lamp
Save dialog box will appear.
Click Caution Lamp .
3. Define the file name and save the files. “Caution Lamp” window appears.
4. Six files (xxx_Pin.csv, xxx_Gyro.csv, • Engine Control
xxx_Dout.csv, xxx_Din.csv, xxx_Aout.csv, Click Engine Control .
xxx_Ain.csv (*xxx is the defined name)) will be “Engine Control” window appears.
saved in the same directory as
ATMonitor_Serial.exe.** • ODS
Click ODS .
Do not click on any buttons before clicking “ODS” window appears.
the button. Data logging will fail. • Safety All I/O Status Monitor
Click Safety All IO Status Monitor .
Note: timestamp counts every 50 msec. “Safety ALL IO Status Monitor” window appears.
• Auto/Manual Key / Others
Click A/M Key / Others .
“A/M Key / Others” window appears.
• Acceleration
“ACCELERATION” window appears.
• Shift
Click SHIFT .
“SHIFT” window appears.
• Steering
“STEERING” window appears.
• Hoist
Click HOIST .
“HOIST” window appears.
• Brake
Click BRAKE .
“BRAKE” window appears.
• Drive ALL IO Status Monitor
Click Drive All IO Status Monitor .
“ALL IO Status Monitor” window appears.
• Navigation System Monitor
Click Navigation System Monitor .

8 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Common and other controllers

• CAN Communication Monitor
Click CAN Communication Monitor .
“CAN Communication Monitor” window appears.
• Truck Model Setting
Click Truck Model Setting .
“Truck Model Setting” window appears.
• Flight Recorder
Click Flight Recorder .
“Flight Recorder” window appears.
• Version Monitor
Click Version Monitor .
“CR710 Version Monitor” window appears.


930E-4AT 9
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

A/M Key / Others

This window shows the input of the Auto/Manual key
switch, identifier and heartbeat from safety and MBI
to drive controller. The red light shows that the
input signal to the controller is ON.
To close the “A/M Key / Others” window, click .


Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN2-13 A/M key (Auto) GND OPEN Signal is ON when Auto/Manual key switch is in
AUTO position.
CN2-3 A/M key (Manual) GND OPEN Signal is ON when Auto/Manual key is in MANUAL
CN1-6 Controller Identifier GND OPEN Signal must be always ON at drive.
CN1-12 Heartbeat from Safety 24V OPEN Signal is blinking.
CN1-18 Heartbeat from MBI 24V OPEN Signal is blinking.

10 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

This window shows input and output signal related to GE propel control.

To close the “ACCERERATION” window, click .

I/O status monitor

“INPUT Status” and “OUTPUT Status” show I/O signal and value.


Digital input to drive controller

The red light shows that the input to the drive controller is ON.
Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN3-30 Moving Forward (GE) GND OPEN Signal is ON when truck drives forward.
CN3-40 Moving Reverse (GE) GND OPEN Signal is ON when truck drives in reverse.
CN2-35 Retard Active GND OPEN Signal is OFF when retard brake activates.

Analog input to drive controller

Pin no. Name Unit of measure Comment
CN1-13 Accel Sig Monitor Volt Feedback signal from CN2-11
CN1-19 Retard Sig Monitor Volt Feedback signal from CN2-1

Digital output from controller

The green light shows that the output from the controller is ON.
Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN2-18 Shift Forward Request GND OPEN Forward request to GE
CN2-8 Shift Reverse Request GND OPEN Reverse request to GE

930E-4AT 11
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Analog output from controller

Pin no. Name Unit of measure Comment
CN2-11 Accel Signal Out Volt Acceleration signal to GE
CN2-1 Retard Signal Out Volt Retard signal to GE

I/O control

Click “Enter Maintenance” button on the main window in manual mode. Control the drive controller’s output
by changing the Auto/Manual key switch to the AUTO position.


NOTE: Change the Auto/Manual key switch to the AUTO position to control the output of the drive controller.
1. Control digital output
a. To move the truck forward, click Forward Traveling Test or Retard Brake Test .
b. To move the truck in reverse, click Reverse Traveling Test .
2. Control analog output
• Slide the bar to control the analog output of CN2-11 and CN2-1.
3. All output reset
• Click the RESET button to reset all output signals to the ready position.

12 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

This window shows input and output signals related to GE Propel control.

To close the “SHIFT” window, click .

I/O status monitor


Digital input to drive controller

The red light shows that the input to the drive controller is ON.

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN1-24 IM Input (PB SW) 24V OPEN Feedback signal of parking switch to interface
module. This signal comes from CN2-19 when
the Auto/Manual key switch is set to AUTO. It
comes from the shift lever when the Auto/
Manual key switch is set to MANUAL.
CN2-5 PB Switch Feedback 24V OPEN Signal is ON when the shift lever is in “Park.”
CN2-16 Forward Request Position 24V OPEN Feedback signal of forward request to GE.
This signal comes from CN2-18 when the Auto/
Manual key switch is set to AUTO. It comes
from the shifter when the Auto/Manual key
switch is set to MANUAL.
CN2-6 Reverse Request Position 24V OPEN Feedback signal of reverse request to GE.
This signal comes from CN2-8 when the Auto/
Manual key switch is set to AUTO. It comes
from the shift lever when the Auto/Manual key
switch is set to MANUAL.
CN3-10 Sys_run GND OPEN When the interface module is working, this
signal is always ON.
CN3-29 Park Brake Press. SW GND OPEN When the parking brake is applied, this signal is

930E-4AT 13
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Digital output from the drive controller

The green light shows that the output from the drive controller is ON.

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN2-18 Shift Forward Request GND OPEN Forward request to GE
CN2-8 Shift Reverse Request GND OPEN Reverse request to GE
CN2-19 Shift Park Request GND OPEN Parking request to IM
CN3-16 FNR 24V OPEN FNR signal to IM

I/O control

Click the “Enter Maintenance” button on the main window in manual mode. Control the drive controller’s out-
put by changing the Auto/Manual key switch to the AUTO position.


NOTE: Change the Auto/Manual key switch to the AUTO position to control the output of the drive controller.
1. Control digital output

14 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

This window shows input and output signals related to GE Propel control.

To close the “STEERING” window, click .

I/O status monitor

“INPUT Status” and “OUTPUT Status” show I/O signal and value.


Analog input to drive controller

Unit of
Pin no. Name Comment
CN1-9 S/T Potentio1 (Right) Volt The value of the right steering potentiometer
CN1-3 S/T Potentio2 (Left) Volt The value of the left steering potentiometer
CN1-8 S/T Pressure (Right) PSI or The value of the hydraulic steering pressure sensor
MPa (right)
CN1-2 S/T Pressure (Left) PSI or The value of the hydraulic steering pressure sensor
MPa (left)

Analog output from drive controller

Unit of
Pin no. Name Comment
CN3-5 S/T Valve Out (Right) mA The output value to the steering valve solenoid
CN3-15 S/T Valve Out (Left) mA The output value to the steering valve solenoid

930E-4AT 15
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

I/O control

Click the “Enter Maintenance” button on the main window in manual mode. Control the drive controller’s out-
put by changing the Auto/Manual key switch to the AUTO position.


NOTE: Change the Auto/Manual key switch to the AUTO position to control the output of the drive controller.
1. Control analog output
• Slide the bar to control the analog output of CN3-5 and CN3-15.
2. All output reset
• Click the RESET button to reset all output signals to the ready position.

16 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

This window shows input and output signals related to GE Propel control.

To close the “HOIST” window, click .

I/O status monitor

“INPUT Status” and “OUTPUT Status” show I/O signal and value.


Digital input to the drive controller

The red light shows that the input to the drive controller is ON.

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN2-36 Body Up SW 24V OPEN Signal is ON when the body is in the up position.
CN2-26 Hoist Limit SW 24V OPEN Signal is ON when the body is in the down
CN2-25 Hoist Sig (SolA) Monitor 24V OPEN Feedback signal to hoist valve solenoid A.
This signal comes from CN3-17 when the Auto/
Manual key switch is set to AUTO. It comes from
the hoist control switch when the Auto/Manual
key switch is set to MANUAL.
CN2-15 Hoist Sig (SolB) Monitor 24V OPEN Feedback signal to hoist valve solenoid B.
This signal comes from CN3-27 when the Auto/
Manual key switch is set to AUTO. It comes from
the hoist control switch when the Auto/Manual
key switch is set to MANUAL.

Analog input to the drive controller

Pin no. Name Unit of Value Comment
CN1-7 Hoist Control Pressure PSI or MPa Hydraulic pressure of the output of the hoist
valve down port

Digital output from drive controller

The green light shows that the output from the drive controller is ON.

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN3-17 Hoist (SolA) Out 24V OPEN Output to hoist valve solenoid A (body up)
CN3-27 Hoist (SolB) Out 24V OPEN Output to hoist valve solenoid B (body down)
CN3-7 Hoist Sig Cut 24V OPEN Signal to cut all signals of the hoist valve solenoid

930E-4AT 17
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

I/O control

Click the “Enter Maintenance” button on the main window in manual mode. Control the drive controller’s out-
put by changing the Auto/Manual key switch to the AUTO position.


NOTE: Change the Auto/Manual key switch to the AUTO position to control the output of the drive controller.
1. Control digital output
• Click ON or OFF to control the digital output of CN3-17, CN3-27, and CN3-7.
2. All output reset
• Click the RESET button to reset all output signals to the ready position.

18 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

This window shows input and output signals related to GE Propel control.

To close the “BRAKE” window, click .

I/O status monitor

“INPUT Status” and “OUTPUT Status” show I/O signal and value.


Digital input to the drive controller

The red light shows that the input to the drive controller is ON.

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN3-29 Park Brake Pressure SW GND OPEN Signal is ON when the park brake is active.
CN3-19 Brake Lock Switch GND OPEN Signal is ON when the brake lock switch in
the cab is pressed.
CN3-20 Auto Apply Brake Monitor GND OPEN Signal is ON when the Auto Apply Brake
signal is ON.

Analog input to the drive controller

Pin no. Name Unit of measure Comment
CN1-23 (FL) Brake Pressure PSI or MPa Hydraulic pressure of front left brake
CN1-11 (FR) Brake Pressure PSI or MPa Hydraulic pressure of front right brake
CN1-17 (RL) Brake Pressure PSI or MPa Hydraulic pressure of rear left brake
CN1-5 (RR) Brake Pressure PSI or MPa Hydraulic pressure of rear right brake

930E-4AT 19
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Digital output from the drive controller

The green light shows that the output from the drive controller is ON.

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN2-9 Brake Lock Sol GND OPEN Output to brake lock solenoid
CN3-37 Auto Apply Brake GND OPEN Output to Auto Apply Brake solenoid.
When output is ON, the Auto Apply Brake is

Analog output from drive controller

Pin no. Name Unit of measure Comment
CN3-35 Rear Brake mA Output to the hydraulic rear brake solenoid
CN3-25 Front Brake mA Output to the hydraulic front brake solenoid

I/O control

Click the “Enter Maintenance” button on the main window in manual mode. Control the drive controller’s out-
put by changing the Auto/Manual key switch to the AUTO position.


NOTE: Change Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position to control the output of the drive controller.
1. Control digital output
• Click ON or OFF to control the digital output of CN2-9 and CN3-37.
2. Control analog output
• Slide the bar to control the analog output of CN3-25 and CN3-35.
3. All output reset
• Click the RESET button to reset all output signals to the ready position.

20 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

All I/O status monitor

This window shows input and output signals related to GE Propel control.

To close the “All IO Status Monitor” window, click .

Digital Input
Red light shows that the input to the drive controller is ON.


Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN1-23 N/A
CN1-17 N/A
CN1-11 N/A
CN1-5 N/A
CN1-24 IM Input (PB SW) 24V OPEN Feedback signal of parking switch to the interface
module. This signal comes from CN2-19 when the
Auto/Manual key switch is set to AUTO. It comes
from the shift lever when the Auto/Manual key
switch is set to MANUAL.
CN1-18 Heartbeat from MBI 24V OPEN Signal is blinking.

CN1-12 Heartbeat from Safe 24V OPEN Signal is blinking.

CN1-6 Controller Identifier GND OPEN Signal must always be ON at the drive controller.

CN3-10 Sys_run GND OPEN Signal is ON when the interface module is active.

930E-4AT 21
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN3-20 Auto Apply Monitor GND OPEN Signal is ON when the Auto Apply Brake signal is
CN3-30 Moving F (from GE) GND OPEN Signal is ON when the truck drives forward.

CN3-40 Moving R (from GE) GND OPEN Signal is ON when the truck drives in reverse.

CN3-9 N/A
CN3-19 Brake Lock Switch GND OPEN Signal is ON when the brake lock switch in the cab
is clicked.
CN3-29 Park Brake Press. GND OPEN Signal is ON when the parking brake is active.
CN3-39 N/A
CN2-35 Retard Active 24V OPEN Signal is OFF when the retard brake activates.
CN2-25 Hoist Control 24V OPEN Feedback signal to hoist valve solenoid A.
(Sol A) Monitor This signal comes from CN3-17 when the Auto/
Manual key switch is set to AUTO. It comes from
the hoist control switch when the Auto/Manual key
switch is set to MANUAL.
CN2-15 Hoist Control 24V OPEN Feedback signal to hoist valve solenoid B.
(Sol B) Monitor This signal comes from CN3-27 when the Auto/
Manual key switch is set to AUTO. It comes from
the hoist control switch when the Auto/Manual key
switch is set to MANUAL.
CN2-5 PB Switch 24V OPEN Signal is ON when the shifter position is in “Park”
CN2-36 Body Up Switch 24V OPEN Signal is ON when body is in the down position.
CN2-26 Hoist Limit 24V OPEN Signal is ON when body is in the up position.
CN2-16 Forward Request 24V OPEN Feedback signal of forward request to GE.
Position This signal comes from CN1-14 when the Auto/
Manual key switch is set to AUTO. It comes from
the F-N-R lever when the Auto/Manual key switch
is set to MANUAL.
CN2-6 Reverse Request 24V OPEN Feedback signal of reverse request to GE.
Position This signal comes from CN1-13 when the Auto/
Manual key switch is set to AUTO. It comes from
the shift lever when the Auto/Manual key switch is
set to MANUAL.
CN2-37 N/A
CN2-27 N/A
CN2-17 N/A
CN2-7 N/A
CN2-13 M/A Key (Auto) GND OPEN Signal is ON when the Auto/Manual key switch is
set to AUTO.

22 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN2-3 M/A Key (Manual) GND OPEN Signal is ON when the Auto/Manual key switch is
set to MANUAL.
CN2-2 N/A
CN2-38 PPS GND OPEN PPS input from hub
CN2-28 Controller Identifier GND OPEN Signal must always be OFF at the drive controller.

Digital output
Red color shows that the output from the drive controller is ON.


Digital output signal

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN3-7 Hoist Control Cut 24V OPEN Signal to cut all signals of hoist valve solenoid
CN3-17 Hoist (SolA) OUT 24V OPEN Output to hoist valve solenoid A (body up)
CN3-27 Hoist (SolB) OUT 24V OPEN Output to hoist valve solenoid B (body down)
CN3-37 Auto Apply Brake 24V OPEN Output to Auto Apply Brake relay. When output is
ON, the Auto Apply Brake is released.
CN3-28 N/A
CN3-38 N/A
CN3-6 Override/rest req GND OPEN This signal is for the drive with body in up position.
CN3-16 FNR 24V OPEN F-N-R signal to the interface module
CN3-26 N/A
CN3-36 Heartbeat 24V OPEN Heartbeat signal to the safety controller
CN2-19 Shift Park Request GND OPEN Parking request to the interface module

930E-4AT 23
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN2-9 Brake Lock Sol GND OPEN Output to the brake lock solenoid
CN2-18 Shift Forward GND OPEN Reverse request to GE
CN2-8 Shift Reverse GND OPEN Forward request to GE
CN2-11 N/A
CN2-1 N/A

Digital output signal control

Clicking the “Enter Maintenance” button in main window in manual mode controls the drive controller’s out-
put by changing the Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO.
NOTE: Change the Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position to control the output of the drive controller.
1. Click ON or OFF to control the digital outputs.

24 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Analog and pulse input

Pin no. Name Unit of measure Comment
CN1-15 N/A
CN1-9 S/T Potentio1 (Right) Volt The value of the right steering potentiometer
CN1-3 S/T Potentio2 (Left) Volt The value of the left steering potentiometer
CN1-20 Pitch Volt Pitch sensor signal
CN1-14 Roll Volt Roll sensor signal
CN1-8 S/T Pressure (Right) Volt The value of the hydraulic S/T pressure sensor
CN1-2 S/T Pressure (Left) Volt The value of the hydraulic S/T pressure sensor (left)
CN1-19 Retard Sig Monitor Volt Feedback signal from CN2-1
CN1-13 Accel Sig Monitor Volt Feedback signal from CN2-11
CN1-7 Hoist Control Volt Hydraulic pressure of the output of the hoist valve
Pressure down port
CN1-1 REG Sensor Volt Target distance from the REG senor
CN1-11 (FR) Brake Pressure Volt Hydraulic pressure of front right brake
CN1-23 (FL) Brake Pressure Volt Hydraulic pressure of front left brake
CN1-5 (RR) Brake Pressure Volt Hydraulic pressure of rear right brake
CN1-17 (RL) Brake Pressure Volt Hydraulic pressure of rear left brake
CN2-37 Gear tooth (FR) Pulse count Front right gear tooth pulse count
CN2-27 Gear tooth (FL) Pulse count Front left gear tooth pulse count
CN2-17 Gear tooth (RR) Pulse count Rear right gear tooth pulse count
CN2-7 Gear tooth (RL) Pulse count Front left gear tooth pulse count

930E-4AT 25
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Analog output

Clicking the “Enter Maintenance” button in the main window in manual mode controls the drive controller’s
output by changing the Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO.


NOTE: Change the Auto/Manual key switch to the AUTO position to control the output of the drive controller.
1. Analog output signal monitor
Unit of
Pin no. Name Comment
CN2-11 Accel Signal Out Volt Acceleration signal to GE
CN2-1 Retard Signal Out Volt Retard signal to GE
CN3-5 S/T Valve OUT (Right) mA The output value to S/T valve solenoid
CN3-15 S/T Valve OUT (Left) mA The output value to S/T valve solenoid
CN3-25 Front Brake mA Output to the hydraulic front brake solenoid
CN3-35 Rear Brake mA Output to the hydraulic rear brake solenoid

2. Analog output signal control

• Slide the bar to control analog outputs.
3. All output reset
• Click the RESET button to reset all output signals to the ready position.

26 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Navigation system monitor

This window shows input and output signals related to GE Propel control.

To close the “Navigation System Monitor” window, click .

Truck position


Name Unit of measure Comment

X pos meter Truck position (X) with sensor fusion in X-Y coordinate
Y pos meter Truck position (Y) with sensor fusion in X-Y coordinate
Speed mm/sec Truck moving speed
Heading Angle deg Heading angle of truck
Pitch Angle deg Pitch angle of truck
Roll Angle deg Roll angle of truck

930E-4AT 27
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting



Name Unit of measure Comment

Angle deg The angle value of the output from the GYRO sensor
Angle Velocity deg/sec The angle velocity value of output from the GYRO sensor
Heading Angle deg Truck heading angle
Status --- GYRO system status code
Error --- GYRO system error code

28 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Tire pulse sensor


Left Right Difference (right-left)

[mm/sec] [mm/sec] [mm/sec]
Front Speed Left front tire speed Right front tire speed Speed difference between right
and left tires
Rear Speed Left rear tire speed Right rear tire speed Speed difference between right
and left tires

Left Right
[pulse count] [pulse count]
Front Speed Left front tire pulse sensor count Right front tire pulse sensor count
Rear Speed Left rear tire pulse sensor count Right rear tire pulse sensor count

930E-4AT 29
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Nav Ready


Navigation status bit

Name Comment
Accuracy (bit6) If this is red, the report is inaccurate.
Error (bit5) If this is red, there is a position measurement system error. There must be an error
Laser (bit4) If this is red, the REG laser system is not ready.
GPS (bit3) If this is red, the GPS system is not ready.
Fusion (bit2) If this is white, the sensor fusion is ready.
If this is red, the sensor fusion is not ready, it may need reset running.
GYRO (bit1) If this is white, the GYRO sensor is ready.
Teaching (bit0) If this is white, the truck position is highly accurate.
• Ready for full autonomous operation in auto mode
• Ready for course teaching
Nav Ready Total of navigation status bit

30 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01



Name Unit of measure Comment

GPS X pos mm Truck GPS antenna position (X) in X-Y coordinate
(GPS –X raw data in X-Y coordinate)
GPS Y pos mm Truck GPS antenna position (Y) in X-Y coordinate
(GPS –Y raw data in X-Y coordinate)
Quality --- Quality indicator of GPS system:
0: Fix not available or invalid
1: GPS SPS mode (single point mode)
4: RTK fixed mode
5: RTK float mode
Status --- GPS status:
0: GPS is not normal
1: GPS is normal
GST XY mm Estimated 1 sigma value of GPS position error
Number of Satellite --- Number of GPS/GLONASS satellites to be used for truck GPS
position measurement
Age of Data sec Delay time of differential correction data to be used for truck GPS
position measurement
PPS Interval sec PPS input timing interval
GPS Interval sec GPS input timing interval
Rx Counter --- When drive controller receives GPS data, counter is increasing.

930E-4AT 31
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting



Name RS232C A/D Comment

Distance mm mm Distance between REG sensor and target
RS232C: Distance data from RS232C
A/D: Distance data from analog input
Filtered Range: Filtered distance from RS232C
Reflection Power --- --- Reflection power information (min. 0 to max. 255)
(Depending on the target materials)
Laser Ready --- --- Laser status information:
0: Laser is invalid
1: Laser is valid
Laser Warning --- --- REG system information
(REG system warning code)

32 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Output (I/O control)

This window shows output signals from the safety controller.

To close the “I/O Control” window, click .

For “Auto Apply Brake,” clicking the “Enter Maintenance” button in main window in manual mode controls
the safety controller’s output by changing the Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO.

The green light shows that the output signal of the safety controller is ON.

Clicking ON or OFF changes the output of the safety controller.


930E-4AT 33
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN3-7 Rest Request 24V OPEN When signal is ON, rest request to GE.
Control this signal when the truck is in manual mode
and not moving.
CN3-17 Turn Light (Right) 24V OPEN When signal is ON, the right turn signal is ON.
CN3-27 Turn Light (Left) 24V OPEN When signal is ON, the left turn signal is ON.
CN3-37 N/A
CN3-28 Mode Lamp (Green) 24V OPEN When signal is ON, the mode lamp (green) is ON.
CN3-38 Mode Lamp (Amber) 24V OPEN When signal is ON, the mode lamp (amber) is ON.
CN3-6 Mode Lamp (Red) 24V OPEN When signal is ON, the mode lamp (red) is ON.
CN3-16 Head light 24V OPEN When signal is ON, headlight is ON.
CN3-26 Horn 24V OPEN When signal is ON, the horn relay is activated and
the truck sounds the horn.
CN3-36 Heartbeat to Drive 24V OPEN Heartbeat signal to safety controller
CN2-19 Engine Stop GND OPEN When signal is ON, the engine stop relay is
CN2-9 Engine Start GND OPEN When signal is ON, the engine stop relay is
CN2-18 Radar Power SW GND OPEN When signal is ON, the radar power relay is activated
and all radar power is cut.
CN2-8 Auto Apply Brake GND OPEN Output to Auto Apply Brake relay. When output is
ON, the Auto Apply Brake is released.

34 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Input (Auto/Manual key and other input)

This window shows inputs to the safety controller.

To close the “Auto/Manual Key and Other input” window, click .

The red light shows that the input signal to the safety controller is ON.


Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN1-12 Heartbeat from 24V OPEN Signal is blinking
CN2-13 A/M key (Auto) GND OPEN Signal is ON when the Auto/Manual key switch is set to
the AUTO position.
CN2-3 A/M key GND OPEN Signal is ON when the Auto/Manual key switch is set to
(Manual) the MANUAL position.
CN2-2 Engine Running GND OPEN Alternator signal
CN2-28 Identifier GND OPEN Signal must always be OFF at safety.

930E-4AT 35
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Caution lamp (caution indicator)

This window shows the caution signal to the safety controller from the caution panel in the cab.

To close the “Safety Caution Lamp,” window, click .

The red light shows that the input signal to the safety controller is ON.
NOTE: Refer to 930E-4AT shop manual for detailed information of cautions.


36 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

FIGURE 40-34.

Row/ Indicator Indicator color Row/ Indicator Indicator color

column description wire index column description wire index
A1* High brake oil temp. Red-24VIM/34TL D5 Interface module failure Red-24VIM/311MLI

B1* Low steering pressure Red-12F/33A E5 Battery charge system Red-24VIM/11BCF1

C1 Low accumulator press. Red-12F/33K
A6 No propel Red-12M/75NP1
D1 Not used
B6 Propulsion system at Amber-12M/72PR1
E1 Low brake pressure Red-12F/33L rest
A2* Low hydraulic oil level Red-12F4/34LL C6* Propulsion system not Amber-12MD/72NR1
B2* Low automatic Amber-12MD8/ ready
lubrication pressure 68LLP D6* Reduced propulsion Amber-12MD/72LP1
C2* Circuit breaker tripped Amber-12MD3/31CB system
D2* Hydraulic oil filter Amber-12MD/39 E6* Retard at reduced level Amber-12MD/76LR1
E2* Low fuel Amber-24VIM/38 *Brightness for these indicator lamps can be adjusted
A3* Park brake applied Amber-24VIM/52AL by using dimmer control.
B3* Service brake applied Amber-12MD/44L
C3* Body up Amber-12MD6/63L
D3* Dynamic retarding Amber-12MD/44DL
E3 Stop engine Amber-12M/31MT
A4* Starter failure Amber-21SL/24VIM
B4* Manual back-up lights Amber-24MD/47L
C4* 5 min. shutdown timer Amber-12MD/23L1
D4* Retard speed control Amber-12MD/31R
E4* Check engine Amber-12MD7/419
A5 No propel/no retard Red-12M/75-6P1
B5 Propulsion system Amber-12F/79WI
C5 Propulsion system Amber-12F/34TW1

930E-4AT 37
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Engine control
This window shows input and output.

The red light and green light show that the signal is ON.

To close the “Engine Control” window, click .


I/O monitor
Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN2-19 Stop Engine GND OPEN When the signal is ON, the engine stop relay
is activated.
CN2-2 Engine Running Signal GND OPEN Alternator signal

I/O control

When the STOP button is clicked, the safety controller outputs signal to CN2-19.

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN2-19 Engine Stop GND OPEN When the signal is ON, the engine stop relay
is activated.

38 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

To close the “ODS” window, click .


Motor control
Name Unit of value Comment
Reference Angle deg Reference motor angle (–90 to 90 degrees)
Potentio Angle deg Current motor angle (–90 to 90 degrees)
Potentio Meter V Potentiometer value (–5 to 5V)

Scan Index When the radar works properly, the index increases.
Target Number The number of targets the radar is detecting. If something is in front of the radar, it must
register a number.
Error1-Error5 This is for future development (not in use).

930E-4AT 39
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

All I/O status monitor

This window shows all the input and output signals.

To close the “All I/O Status Monitor” window, click .

For Auto Apply Brake, clicking the “Enter Maintenance” button in the main window in manual mode controls
the safety controller’s output by changing the Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO.

Digital output

The red light shows that the output from the safety controller is ON.


Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN3-7 Rest Request 24V OPEN When the signal is ON, rest request to GE.
Control this signal when the truck is in manual
mode and not moving.
CN3-17 Turn Light (Right) 24V OPEN When the signal is ON, the turn right signal is
CN3-27 Turn Light (Left) 24V OPEN When the signal is ON, the turn left signal is ON.
CN3-37 N/A
CN3-28 Mode Lamp (Green) 24V OPEN When the signal is ON, the mode lamp (green) is
CN3-38 Mode Lamp (Amber) 24V OPEN When the signal is ON, the mode lamp (amber)
is ON.
CN3-6 Mode Lamp (Red) 24V OPEN When the signal is ON, the mode lamp (red) is
CN3-16 Head light 24V OPEN When the signal is ON, the headlight is ON.

40 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN3-26 Horn 24V OPEN When the signal is ON, the horn relay is
activated and the truck sounds the horn.
CN3-36 Heartbeat to Drive 24V OPEN Heartbeat signal to safety controller
CN2-19 Engine Stop GND OPEN When the signal is ON, the engine stop relay is
CN2-9 Engine Start GND OPEN When the signal is ON, the engine stop relay is
CN2-18 Radar Power SW GND OPEN When the signal is ON, the radar power relay is
activated and all radar power is cut.
CN2-8 Auto Apply Brake GND OPEN Output to Auto Apply Brake relay. When output
is ON, the Auto Apply Brake is released.

930E-4AT 41
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

ClickDigital input

The red light shows that the input to the safety controller is ON.


Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN1-23 N/A
CN1-17 N/A
CN1-11 N/A
CN1-5 B1: Low Steering Press GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN1-24 Fire Extinguisher NC 24V OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN1-18 Fire Extinguisher NO 24V OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN1-12 Heartbeat from Drive 24V OPEN Signal is blinking.
CN1-6 Controller Identifier GND OPEN Signal must be always OFF at safety
CN3-10 B5: Propel Caution GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN3-20 A2: Low Hydraulic Tank GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN3-30 C2: Circuit Breaker GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN3-40 E2: Low Fuel GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN3-9 C4: 5min timer GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN3-19 A5: No Propel GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN3-29 C5: Propel Temp GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN3-39 D6: Reduced Propel GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-35 B6: Propel at rest GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-25 E1: Low Brake Pressure GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.

42 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment

CN2-15 B2: Low Auto Lube GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-5 D2: Hydraulic Oil Filter GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-36 E3: Stop Engine GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-26 E4: Check Engine GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-16 C1: Low Accumulator GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-6 A1: Cylinder Temp. High GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-37 E6: Retard at GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
Continuous level
CN2-27 D5: IM Warning GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-17 A6: No Propel GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-7 C6: Propel not ready GND OPEN See 930E-4AT shop manual for details.
CN2-13 Manual/Auto Key (Auto) GND OPEN Signal is ON when the Auto/Manual key
switch is set to AUTO position.
CN2-3 Manual/Auto Key GND OPEN Signal is ON when the Auto/Manual key
(Manual) switch is set to MANUAL position.
CN2-2 Engine Running Signal GND OPEN
CN2-38 E5: Battery Caution GND OPEN Signal is ON when the Auto/Manual key
switch is set to AUTO”position.
CN2-28 Controller Identifier GND OPEN Signal must be always ON at the safety

930E-4AT 43
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

FIGURE 40-39.

Row/ Indicator Indicator color Row/ Indicator Indicator color

column description wire index column description wire index
A1* High brake oil temp. Red-24VIM/34TL C5 Propulsion system Amber-12F/34TW1
B1* Low steering pressure Red-12F/33A
D5 Interface module failure Red-24VIM/311MLI
C1 Low accumulator press. Red-12F/33K
E5 Battery charge system Red-24VIM/11BCF1
D1 Not used failure
E1 Low brake pressure Red-12F/33L A6 No propel Red-12M/75NP1
A2* Low hydraulic oil level Red-12F4/34LL B6 Propulsion system at Amber-12M/72PR1
B2* Low automatic Amber-12MD8/ rest
lubrication pressure 68LLP C6* Propulsion system not Amber-12MD/72NR1
C2* Circuit breaker tripped Amber-12MD3/31CB ready
D2* Hydraulic oil filter Amber-12MD/39 D6* Reduced propulsion Amber-12MD/72LP1
E2* Low fuel Amber-24VIM/38 system

A3* Park brake applied Amber-24VIM/52AL E6* Retard at reduced level Amber-12MD/76LR1

B3* Service brake applied Amber-12MD/44L *Brightness for these indicator lamps can be adjusted
C3* Body up Amber-12MD6/63L by using dimmer control.
D3* Dynamic retarding Amber-12MD/44DL
E3 Stop engine Amber-12M/31MT
A4* Starter failure Amber-21SL/24VIM
B4* Manual back-up lights Amber-24MD/47L
C4* 5 min. shutdown timer Amber-12MD/23L1
D4* Retard speed control Amber-12MD/31R
E4* Check engine Amber-12MD7/419
A5 No propel/no retard Red-12M/75-6P1
B5 Propulsion system Amber-12F/79WI

44 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

CAN communication monitor

This window shows input and output signals related to the GE propel control.

To close the “CAN Communication Monitor” window, click .


Drive controller
Name Unit Comment
Hub Number or times Number of times the heartbeat data is sent from hub to drive
controller via CAN-bus after controller power is ON
CGC Number or times Number of times the heartbeat data is sent from CGC to drive
controller after controller power is ON
MBI Number or times Number of times pay load data is sent from MBI to drive
controller via CAN-bus after controller power is ON
Safety (CAN-A) Number or times Number of times heartbeat data is sent from safety to drive
controller via CAN-bus (CAN-A) after controller power is ON
Safety (CAN-B) Number or times Number of times heartbeat data is sent from safety to drive
controller via CAN-bus (CAN-B) after controller power is ON

930E-4AT 45
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Safety controller
Name Unit Comment
Hub Number or times Number of times heartbeat data is sent from hub to safety
controller via CAN-bus after controller power is ON
CGC Number or times Number of times heartbeat data is sent from CGC to safety
controller via CAN-bus after controller power is ON
MBI Number or times Number of times pay load data is sent from MBI to safety
controller via CAN-bus after controller power is ON
Drive (CAN-A) Number or times Number of times heartbeat data is sent from drive to safety
controller via CAN-bus (CAN-A) after controller power is ON
Drive (CAN-B) Number or times Number of times heartbeat data is sent from drive to safety
controller via CAN-bus (CAN-B) after controller power is ON
RBI 1 Number or times Number of times tracking data is sent from RBI 1 (right) to safety
controller via CAN-bus after controller power is ON
RBI 2 Number or times Number of times tracking data is sent from RBI 2 (center) to
safety controller via CAN-bus after controller power is ON
RBI 3 Number or times Number of times tracking data is sent from RBI 3 (left) to safety
controller via CAN-bus after controller power is ON
RBI 4 Number or times Number of times data is sent from RBI 4 (steer) to safety
controller via CAN-bus after controller power is ON

MBI controller
Name Unit Comment
Interface Module - Status of IM controller. "Ready" or "Not Ready".
Payload Meter - Status of PLMIII controller. "Ready" or "Not Ready".
VHMS - Status of VHMS controller. "Ready" or "Not Ready".
Flight Recorder - Status of Flight Recorder. "Ready" or "Not Ready".

46 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Observer controller check

This window shows the status of the input signal to the observer controller.

To close the “Observer Controller Check” window, click .


Brake Status (Drive)

Pin no. Name Unit Comment
CN1-23 Brake Pressure (FL) MPa (psi) Hydraulic pressure of Front Left Brake
CN1-11 Brake Pressure (FR) MPa (psi) Hydraulic pressure of Front Right Brake
CN1-17 Brake Pressure (RL) MPa (psi) Hydraulic pressure of Rear Left Brake
CN1-5 Brake Pressure (RR) MPa (psi) Hydraulic pressure of Rear Right Brake

The red light shows that the input to the drive controller is ON.
Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN3-19 Brake Lock Switch GND OPEN Signal is ON when parking brake is active.
CN3-20 Auto Apply Monitor GND OPEN Signal is ON when brake lock switch in cab is
CN3-29 Park Brake Press SW GND OPEN Signal is ON when auto apply brake signal is

930E-4AT 47
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

Brake Status (Safety)

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN1-11 <B3> Service Brake Applied GND OPEN Signal is ON when service brake is active.

HeartBeat IN (Drive)
Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN2-2 HB from Observer GND OPEN Signal is blinking.

Brake Control (Drive)

The green light shows that the output from the drive controller is ON.
Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN2-9 Brake Lock Sol GND OPEN Output to brake lock solenoid
CN3-37 Auto Apply Brake GND OPEN Output to auto apply brake solenoid. When
output is ON, auto apply brake is released.

Brake Control (Safety)

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN2-9 Brake Lock GND OPEN Output to brake lock solenoid
CN2-8 Auto Apply Brake GND OPEN Output to auto apply brake solenoid. When
output is ON, auto apply brake is released.

HeartBeat OUT (Drive)

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN3-36 Heartbeat 24V OPEN Heartbeat signal to drive controller

HeartBeat OUT (Safety)

Pin no. Name ON OFF Comment
CN3-36 Heartbeat 24V OPEN Heartbeat signal to safety controller

Shift Control

Clicking the “Enter Maintenance” button in main window in manual mode controls the drive controller’s out-
put by changing the Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO.
NOTE: Change the Auto/Manual key switch to AUTO position to control the output of the drive controller.
1. Slide the SHIFT COMMAND BAR to control the digital outputs.

48 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40039-01

Truck model setting Flight recorder

This window shows the truck model setting of the This window shows the setting of the flight recorder.
MBI, drive, and safety controllers. You can also see the status of a flight recorder circuit
To close the “Truck Model Setting” window, click .
To close the “Flight Recorder” window, click .
If you change a setting, refer to Section 30, Testing
and Adjusting - Flight Recorder, for more detail.




930E-4AT 49
CEN40039-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40039-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 03-11

50 930E-4AT


Autonomous Haulage System

Machine model Serial number

930E-4AT A30504 and up

40 Troubleshooting
AHT Inspection Manual
AHT system inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Emergency switch inspection and login to CGC inspection mode........................................................................ 3
Mode lamps inspection ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Headlights inspection ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Horn inspection ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Caution lamp inspection........................................................................................................................................ 6
ODS inspection ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

930E-4AT 1
CEN40040-01 40 Troubleshooting

AHT system inspection 2. Perform a standard truck inspection before

manual operation.
3. Drive truck manually and park the truck in the
AHT inspection area.

AHT system inspections should be done before

autonomous traveling.

Failure to do so may lead to a serious accident. Make sure of the following things:

Preparation • All personnel are clear of the truck.

1. Before starting the engine, perform standard • Truck must be parked with brake and
completely stopped on flat ground.
truck ground level inspection and AHT equip-
ment walk-around checking. • Truck tray is empty.
AHT equipment walk-around checking: • Auto/Manual key switch is in the MANUAL
position and the green mode light is on.
a. GPS antenna, MasterLink antenna
• Shift lever position is “P.”
b. Oil leakage of steering valve, brake valve,
and other hydraulic system
c. Steering potentiometers
d. ODS sensors
e. REG laser sensor head

If any abnormality is found, contact your

Komatsu distributor for repairs or assistance.

Do not carry out autonomous traveling without

repair or troubleshooting.

2 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40040-01

Emergency switch inspection and login to 4. Input PIN.

CGC inspection mode
1. When the truck is started, CGC checks if every
device is working. If everything is OK, the CGC Please Enter PIN
screen becomes the login screen.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

5. The Emergency Button Inspection screen
shows up.
• Click OK to proceed to inspection mode.
2. If Login screen shows up, click Log In.
Emergency Button Inspection

Press OK to test the emergency button


6. Push/Pull the Emergency button according to
3. Input operator ID by using the key pad. the message on CGC.

Please Enter Operator ID Push the Emergency Button down : OK

Pull the Emergency Button up : OK
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

FIGURE 40-6. PUSH/PULL 80763


930E-4AT 3
CEN40040-01 40 Troubleshooting

7. If the Emergency Button Inspection is OK , the Mode lamps inspection

main screen shows up. 1. Click Mode Lamps .

FIGURE 40-8.
FIGURE 40-11.
8. Click Inspection to proceed to AHT inspection.
2. Click Start .

FIGURE 40-9. FIGURE 40-12.

9. Confirm the Auto/Manual key switch is in MAN-
UAL position, parking brake and brake lock are 3. If all lamps flashed, click Pass .
ON, and the shift lever is in Neutral. • If not, click Fail .
• Then click OK .

FIGURE 40-13.
FIGURE 40-10.

4 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40040-01

Headlights inspection Horn inspection

1. Click Head Lamps . 1. Click Horn .

FIGURE 40-14. FIGURE 40-17.

2. Click Start . 2. Click Start .

FIGURE 40-15. FIGURE 40-18.

3. If headlights flashed, click Pass . 3. If horn sounded, click Pass .
• If not, click Fail . • If not, click Fail .

FIGURE 40-16.
FIGURE 40-19.

930E-4AT 5
CEN40040-01 40 Troubleshooting

Caution lamp inspection

1. Click Caution .

FIGURE 40-23.
FIGURE 40-20. 4. Wait until a message is displayed.
• If there is no failure with the caution lamps,
2. Click Start . the message “Success” will be displayed.


3. Click and hold “Lamp Test Switch” in cab. • Otherwise the message “Fail” and items that
have a failure will be displayed.

1. Lamp test switch

FIGURE 40-22.

6 930E-4AT
40 Troubleshooting CEN40040-01

ODS inspection 3. When each radar detects the reflector, the OK

1. Click ODS . message appears on the CGC and the head-
lights flash.
• When all radars detect the reflector, horn
sounds once. Then click OK .

FIGURE 40-26.

2. Click Start .
FIGURE 40-29.

• The distance [m] to the target is displayed on

CGC screen. If target is not detected, the dis-
tance value becomes – [m].



FIGURE 40-27.

• Please walk across the road at 30 m (98 ft)

ahead from the truck with corner reflector. 80834
FIGURE 40-30.


930E-4AT 7
CEN40040-01 40 Troubleshooting

930E-4AT Dump Truck

Form No. CEN40040-01

© 2011 KOMATSU
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 04-11

8 930E-4AT

Komatsu America Corp. Copyright 2011 Komatsu

2300 N.E. Adams Street Peoria, IL 61639 Phone: 309-672-7577 Fax: 309-672-7072 Printed in USA

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