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### Insurance Code of the Philippines Reviewer

- **Enactment:** Presidential Decree No. 612, signed on December 18, 1974, and subsequently amended to regulate
the business of insurance in the Philippines.

**1. Definitions and Scope:**

- **Insurance:** A contract whereby one undertakes to indemnify another against loss, damage, or liability arising from
an unknown or contingent event.
- **Insurer:** Any person or company engaged as principal in the business of insurance.
- **Policyholder:** The person or entity who has an insurance policy.

**2. Regulatory Framework:**

- **Insurance Commission:** The regulatory body overseeing the insurance industry in the Philippines.
- Issues licenses to insurers, brokers, and agents.
- Monitors financial solvency and compliance with regulations.
- Resolves disputes and complaints related to insurance.

**3. Types of Insurance:**

- **Life Insurance:** Provides financial protection to beneficiaries upon the death of the insured or after a specified
- **Non-Life Insurance (General Insurance):** Covers various risks such as fire, marine, motor vehicle, casualty, and
other non-life risks.
- **Reinsurance:** Insurance purchased by insurers to protect themselves against large losses.

**4. Insurance Contracts:**

- **Utmost Good Faith:** Both parties (insurer and insured) must disclose all relevant facts honestly and accurately.
- **Policy Provisions:** Must specify terms, conditions, rights, and obligations of both parties.
- **Premium Payments:** Insured must pay premiums to keep the policy in force.

**5. Regulation of Insurance Companies:**

- **Licensing:** Insurers, brokers, and agents must be licensed by the Insurance Commission.
- **Financial Requirements:** Insurers must maintain adequate financial reserves and meet solvency requirements.
- **Reporting and Disclosure:** Insurers must submit financial reports and disclose relevant information to

**6. Consumer Protection:**

- **Rights of Policyholders:** Includes the right to timely and fair claims settlement, access to policy information, and
protection against unfair practices.
- **Complaints and Grievances:** Insurance Commission handles complaints and disputes between insurers and

**7. Insurance Agents and Brokers:**

- **Roles:** Agents and brokers act as intermediaries between insurers and policyholders.
- **Licensing:** Must be licensed by the Insurance Commission to sell insurance products.
- **Duties:** Provide accurate information, advice on insurance products, and assist in claims processing.

**8. Penalties and Enforcement:**

- **Sanctions:** Imposes fines, penalties, and other disciplinary actions for violations of the Insurance Code.
- **Legal Proceedings:** Insurance Commission has authority to investigate, penalize, and enforce compliance with
insurance laws.

The Insurance Code of the Philippines provides a regulatory framework that ensures the stability, reliability, and fair
treatment within the insurance industry. It aims to protect the interests of policyholders, promote transparency, and
maintain the financial soundness of insurers. Understanding these key provisions is crucial for anyone involved in or
studying the insurance sector in the Philippines.

This comprehensive reviewer should equip you with the essential knowledge needed to tackle questions about the
Insurance Code of the Philippines in your exam. Good luck!

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