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Taleb Salem Naser Saleh Alseiari


Executive Summary:
Quality Alloys, Inc. (QA) has made significant strides in establishing its online presence and
extending its reach to potential customers through its website and promotional activities. The
analysis of website visits, web analytics, and promotional efforts provides valuable insights into the
effectiveness of QA's marketing strategies. Here are the key findings and recommendations based
on the data and analyses:
1. Website Performance and Visitor Behavior:
 The QA website experienced a significant increase in visits during the promotion
period following the direct mail brochure distribution in December 2008.
 Google Analytics data provides valuable metrics such as the number of visitors,
time spent on the site, and pages viewed, allowing QA to understand visitor
behavior and engagement levels.
 Despite the absence of direct online ordering functionality, the website serves as a
platform for potential customers to submit requests for quotations, facilitating lead
generation and sales inquiries.
2. Impact of Promotional Activities:
 The direct mail brochure promotion in December 2008 resulted in a noticeable spike
in website visits, indicating the effectiveness of traditional promotions in driving
web traffic.
 Google AdWords program participation further enhanced QA's online visibility, as
sponsored links appeared alongside relevant Google search results, potentially
attracting more qualified leads.
3. Recommendations for Marketing Strategy Improvement:
 Continuously monitor website performance metrics and visitor behavior to identify
opportunities for website optimization and content improvement.
 Explore additional promotional channels and strategies, such as targeted online
advertising on industry-specific websites or participation in relevant trade shows
and events.
 Consider implementing a customer relationship management (CRM) system to track
and manage leads generated through the website and promotional activities,
enabling more effective follow-up and conversion strategies.
 Invest in ongoing digital marketing efforts, including search engine optimization
(SEO) and content marketing, to improve organic search visibility and attract more
qualified website traffic.
 Evaluate the possibility of collecting additional data, such as customer
demographics and purchasing behavior, to further refine marketing strategies and
target audience segments effectively.
In conclusion, QA has made significant progress in leveraging its online presence to reach potential
customers and drive sales inquiries. By continuing to refine its marketing strategies, optimize
website performance, and explore new promotional opportunities, QA can further enhance its
market reach and competitiveness in the industrial alloys distribution industry.

Analysis Section Responses:

1. How many people visit the website? How do they come to the website?
 The number of website visits varies over time, as depicted in Figure 1 of the case
study. Visitors may come to the website through various channels, including direct
visits, organic search, referrals from other websites, and paid search ads.
2. Is the website generating interest, and does this interest yield actual sales?
 The increase in website visits following the direct mail brochure promotion suggests
that the website is generating interest among potential customers. However, without
direct online ordering functionality, it's challenging to directly correlate website
visits to actual sales. The website serves as a platform for lead generation, with
potential customers submitting requests for quotations, which may eventually lead
to sales.
3. Do traditional promotions drive web traffic, and in turn drive incremental sales?
 Yes, traditional promotions, such as the direct mail brochure distribution in
December 2008, appear to drive web traffic, as evidenced by the spike in website
visits during the promotion period. Increased web traffic provides opportunities for
lead generation and potential sales inquiries, contributing to incremental sales over
4. How can visits to the website best be modeled?
 Visits to the website can be modeled using web analytics tools such as Google
Analytics. Key metrics to consider include the number of visits, sources of traffic
(e.g., direct, organic search, referrals), visitor demographics, behavior (e.g., pages
viewed, time spent on site), and conversion rates (e.g., requests for quotations).
5. Where and how should QA advertise?
 QA can advertise through various channels, including:
 Direct mail: Targeted mailings to potential customers, as demonstrated by
the direct mail brochure promotion.
 Online advertising: Participation in Google AdWords program for sponsored
search ads and exploring advertising opportunities on industry-specific
websites and portals.
 Trade shows and events: Participation in relevant industry events to
showcase products and services and network with potential customers.
 Content marketing: Creating informative content, such as blog posts or
whitepapers, to attract and engage target audiences online.

Quality of Data Analysis

The descriptive statistics reveal that the QA website saw 150 daily visits from the period of MAY
25, 2008–AUGUST 29, 2009. Therefore, it can be said that the company had over 54 thousand
visitors over the course of one year. The standard deviation of 98 shows that there is high
variability in the day to day visitors. A high std. deviation indicates that the number of daily visits
are scattered away from the average daily visits. The data with higher variability will make it
difficult for the QA Inc. to predict the future trend of daily visits. (Roberts, n.d.).Further favouring
high variability is at times the maximum number of visitors were as high as 627 per day, but there
were occasions when the daily visits went as low as just 37 per day. This signifies the fact that the
website has seen varying number of visitors over a year. The descriptive stats in exhibit 2 shows
the details of the data. After analysing the histogram, it is seen that the data for daily visitors
followed a non-normal distribution. The skewness of greater than zero reveals that the data is non
symmetrical which can also be seen in histogram in exhibit 2. With this, as the kurtosis of 5.26 is
greater than zero, it means that the data is leptokurtic distributed and has heavier tails.(McNeese,
2008 )The graph tells us that the QA website had 75 to 100 visits per day for around 100 days a
year. But the higher number of visits weren’t repeated at a rapid pace. The non-symmetric of data
might create problems for the firm as to predict for the future number of visits.
QA Inc. wants to come out from the traditional style of marketing and has developed their own
website to gather larger orders from old and newer customers. The data reveals that the company
has seen a high variability in number of website visits from May, 2008 to August 2009. The overall
average of 150 daily visits doesn’t give the clear picture as the data is non-symmetrical and website
saw daily visits of 75-100 visits per day in majority of days throughout the year. Though, at an odd
day the website also witnessed over 600 visitors.
It is recommended that the company must have data of more than a year to have a much clear
picture. Apart from this, the company must have the data of daily visits against the date. Like this it
would be possible for the firm that which particular day saw low daily visits and on which date
there were higher number of visitors. By doing this, they would know what they should do to boost
the number of visits. Furthermore, the company should use different strategies to attract greater
number of visitors per day. They could also enhance the company’s digital marketing department
so that more customers could flock to the website.
Exhibit 1


Mean 150.2835498

Standard Error 4.567258109

Median 122

Mode 91

Standard 98.16949192

Sample Variance 9637.249143

Kurtosis 5.861989632

Skewness 2.166972212

Range 627

Minimum 37
Maximum 664

Sum 69431

Count 462

Exhibit 2

Histogram of daily visits

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