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Mohamed Abdulhabeeb Alshaikhmarzouq Abdulla


Augmented Reality (AR): Riding the Slope of Enlightenment

The Gartner Hype Cycle is a great place to start when it comes to assessing the state of the art in augmented
Augmented Reality (AR): Riding the Slope of Enlightenment

Introduction to AR:

An AR system uses the combination of digital information, such as 3D models or images, and real-world
elements to enhance the experience of people in the physical world. Unlike VR, which immerses users in a
digital space, AR lets users interact with the world around them. It can be used in various fields, such as
education, retail, healthcare, and gaming.

The Journey on the Gartner Hype Cycle:

The rapid emergence and evolution of AR has been accompanied by various hype cycles in the Gartner
Hype Cycle. The Innovation Trigger and the Peak of Inflated Expectations were some of the most prominent
events that occurred during this period.
The initial enthusiasm for AR resulted in many people expecting a lot from it, which can lead to various
failures and even a Trough of Disillusionment.

Learning from Disillusionment:

The phase known as the Trough of Disillusionment was a crucial period in the development of AR
technology. It resulted in the failure of several initial implementations and experiments, which caused a
decline in interest in the technology. This experience taught businesses and developers about the limitations
and challenges of AR.
Enlightenment and Crystallization:

The rise of AR is becoming more apparent as more industries explore how it can be used to improve their
operations. There are now more practical applications of AR that are being used by businesses, such as
enhancing employee productivity and training. Due to the advancements in software and hardware, AR is
becoming more accessible and user friendly.
Mainstream Adoption and Productivity:

Despite the lack of a "Plateau of Productivity," the mainstream adoption of AR is continuing to grow. As
more companies realize its potential to improve their operations, the criteria for assessing providers of AR
solutions are becoming more clear. As applications continue to develop, their relevance and broad market
applicability are becoming more apparent.
Future Outlook:

The rapid evolution of AR technology has created new opportunities for various industries. It can transform
how people interact with digital information and computers, and it can make our lives more productive and
enjoyable. Due to the advancements in software, hardware, and content production tools, AR is set to
become an indispensable part of our lives.

In conclusion

The evolution of augmented reality has spanned various phases of the Gartner Hype Cycle. From the initial
hype to the current enlightenment phase, it is poised to become a mainstream technology. As its technology
continues to evolve, it holds tremendous potential to transform how people work and interact with the
outside world.

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